How to open a cosmetics store: building a business on beauty. Business plan for selling mobile accessories on the “island” I want to open a clothing department

A clothing store is a promising type of business with a high markup on goods, profitability is ~20% with a payback period of 1.5 years. According to the MarketMasters agency, the turnover rate retail clothing in Russia increases by 3% annually. Moscow accounts for ~40% of all purchased clothing! In this article we will look at how to open a clothing store from scratch step by step with an example of a business plan with calculations.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening a clothing store

The main target audience of the clothing store: women of any age, men aged 18 to 40 and children. Let's consider key benefits and the disadvantages of starting a clothing store.

More than 50% of stores in Moscow are opened as franchises! For the clothes sold it is necessary

Types of store Peculiarities
Second hand Sale of used clothes from Europe. Attracts visitors with low prices. There is the possibility of a quick start, since large initial investments are not required. It is recommended to open in small cities with low purchasing power of the population. Markup on goods ~200%
Stock The store specializes in selling clothes from last season. The main factor in attracting visitors low prices. Markup on goods ~300%
Multi-brand Selling clothing from many different brands. It is more difficult to organize sales and staff training than in the first two cases. Targeting the middle class population. Markup on goods ~400%
Mono-brand Targeting one brand (often opened as a franchise) and a specific visitor. Markup on goods ~500%.
Boutique Sale of expensive exclusive clothing for wealthy buyers. Requires maximum costs to open. Markup on goods ~1000%.
Special shop Sale of specialized clothing: clothing for workers, for medical workers, for the military, for firefighters, for schoolchildren, for children. (cm. " ")

The sale of clothing refers to impulse goods, i.e. It is often purchased spontaneously, so to stimulate sales it is recommended to organize sales, promotions, savings cards with discounts, and bonuses for multiple purchases.

According to Gomkomstat, the leader in clothing turnover is Central federal district(~50%) and, in particular, Moscow (~40%). Retail turnover of clothing in St. Petersburg amounted to ~3%.

Basic production capacity are located in the Central region of the country (~40%), the Northwestern district accounts for ~19% and the Volga region ~18%. If clothing production is being considered, it is recommended to organize it in districts with maximum capacity.

Opening a clothing store: general concept

There are two ways to open a clothing store: purchase a franchise (ready-made solution), or open it yourself. Both methods are characterized by their disadvantages and advantages. If you decide to open a store yourself, then in order to quickly understand the basic business processes of the store, It is recommended to get a job as an administrator in one of the existing.

How to open a clothing store from scratch: registering a business

To register a clothing store with the tax authorities, an individual entrepreneur or LLC is created. The table below analyzes the main benefits as well as necessary list documents for each form of business. When registering under OKVED, select the main activity: 52.42 “Retail trade in clothing”, 52.42.1 – “Retail trade in men’s, women’s and children’s clothing”, 52.42.8 – “Retail trade in clothing accessories (gloves, ties, scarves, belts, suspenders and etc.)".

Form of business organization Benefits of use Documents for registration
IP ( individual entrepreneur) Used to open a small clothing store (50-80m²). Number of personnel 3-5 people
  • receipt of payment of state duty (800 rubles);
  • a certified statement from a notary in form No. P21001;
  • application for transition to UTII or simplified tax system (otherwise it will be OSNO by default);
  • a copy of all pages of the passport.
OOO ( limited liability company) Used to open large store clothing (>80m²), attracting additional financing, scaling, capital construction
  • application in form No. Р11001;
  • LLC charter;
  • decision to open an LLC or protocol if there are several founders (partners);
  • receipt of payment of state duty (RUB 4,000);
  • copies of the founders’ passports certified by a notary;
  • application for transition to UTII or simplified tax system.

In law authorized capital LLC cannot be less than 10,000 rubles!

The optimal choice of taxation system for a clothing store will be UTII(single tax on imputed income), to switch to this system there must be a municipal law on the possibility application of UTII(up to 100 personnel and the cost of fixed assets up to 100 million rubles). The interest rate is 15%. The advantage of this tax is that it is tied to the physical data of the store: area, number of employees, etc. This is beneficial when opening a large store.

If, when organizing a company, the simplified tax system is chosen, then It is recommended to choose tax accrual on income with an interest rate of 6%.

Finding suppliers for a clothing store

Main clothing suppliers: Türkiye, China, Europe, Russia. Goods from China and Turkey are attractive due to their low prices, which allows for a markup of 200-300%. For example, a women’s skirt on taobao costs ~$8 (500 rubles), but on the domestic market it can be sold for 1500 rubles.

To search for suppliers in China via the Internet, use,

Business plan for a clothing store: searching for premises

When creating a store, the key point is to find a location and premises. Location is a key success factor in offline business. It is necessary to locate the store in close proximity to customer traffic.

For a children's clothing department and a lingerie store, a room with an area of ​​12-20 m² is sufficient. This is enough to accommodate a warehouse, shop windows, fitting room and cash register. A fur shop or wedding dress salon will require ~25-70 m². The specificity of the goods here is such that it will be necessary to increase the sales area and warehouse space.

In megacities (Moscow, St. Petersburg) rent of 1 m² starts from 1,500 rubles. Renting a small department women's clothing(about 20 m²) will cost 30,000 rubles. In the periphery, rent starts from 1,000 rubles/m²; a similar store will require about 10,000 rubles.

The most expensive rental space is in shopping centers (shopping centers), since they are the places where the maximum traffic of people accumulates. The rental price in a shopping center for 1 m² reaches 20,000 rubles.

Master class: “How to open a clothing store from scratch”

Estimation of costs for commercial equipment

Let's evaluate the type necessary equipment and financial costs. When purchasing display cases and shelving, the concept of the store, the type of clothing (fur clothing and underwear require different equipment), and traffic are taken into account.

Let's consider a set of equipment for the store:

  • Cash register – 12,000-30,000 rubles. (price depends on modification). Additional costs: device registration and maintenance.
  • Shelving – refers to the main furniture of the trading floor; one rack costs 1,000-20,000 rubles. A store needs 4-10 shelves.
  • Showcases – will be needed for displaying accessories or expensive items. Prices start from 2000-3000 rubles. A showcase with an exclusive design and lighting can cost up to 22,000 rubles. For a boutique you need 2-6 showcases.
  • Shelves or brackets – from 600 rubles. for simple models.
  • Mannequins - from 1500 rubles, 10 mannequins per trading floor.
  • Hung - 2500-9000 rubles. (depending on size). Some stores use hangers almost as the only thing retail store equipment. The need for them is up to 15 pieces. Occasionally, hangers are supplied with hangers, but usually hangers are ordered separately. 100-150 pieces will be enough.
  • Mirrors are necessary in fitting rooms and the sales area. The cost of a floor mirror is about 3,000 rubles. You also need to purchase wall mirror panels (several pieces).

The cost of purchasing equipment will be ~100,000-500,000 rubles.

In some types retail stores additionally required: a counter for a cashier, banquettes in fitting booths, etiquette pistols. In wedding salons, a sewing machine is needed to fit a dress.

The most famous equipment suppliers: Tritix, Play, Uno, Style, Market, Joker, Primo. Most of them, in addition to selling ready-made solutions, offer the creation of individual trading systems to order.

Personnel costs

For an average store, the total number of staff will be 4-6 people. The team will have 2-3 sales consultants working in shifts. Hall employees simultaneously perform the duties of an administrator and/or cashier and room cleaner. To reduce costs for wages accountant, accounting is transferred to outsourcing companies. This allows you to reduce costs by ~25,000 rubles. per month!

The best criterion for employee salaries is the average wage level in the industry. Average level salaries for workers can be viewed on the website Typically, staff earnings are piecework-bonus (fixed salary + percentage of sales). The average salary of a salesperson/consultant is 14,000-25,000 rubles. It is necessary to instruct sellers in communicating with buyers. A smile and an attentive attitude increases sales.

The entrepreneur creates a wage fund (payroll), which takes into account the amount issued to the staff.

Approximate payroll calculation for the year:

4 sellers x 12,000 rub. = 48,000 rub./month.

48,000 rub. x 12 months = 576,000 rub. (payroll per year).

Additional expenses of the entrepreneur: payments in Pension Fund(PFR), Social Insurance Fund (FSS) and Compulsory Health Insurance Fund (MHIF). The interest rate of the Pension Fund is 22%, the Social Insurance Fund is 2.9%, the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund is 5.1%. As a result, the costs for social Security is 30%.

Revenue and net profit of the business

To calculate revenue for the year, the average revenue from 1 client (average bill) is calculated. The average bill of 800 rubles is a good indicator. It is planned that 10 customers will visit the store; the daily revenue will be ~8,000 rubles.

Annual revenue will be ~2,700,000 rubles. If the opening costs were about 1,400,000 rubles, then payback is achieved within 1.5 years. It may take 1-2 years to achieve stable profits, which is a good indicator.

Assessment of the attractiveness of a business by the magazine website

Business profitability

(3.5 out of 5)

Business attractiveness


Project payback

(3.0 out of 5)
Ease of starting a business

(3.5 out of 5)
The clothing store is promising business in large cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Yekaterinburg. Payback period initial costs is ~1.5-2 years. The business has seasonal sales (August-October, April-June), which will require additional staff and inventory. The key factors for business success are: location close to visitor traffic, and the possibility of mark-ups on goods of more than 300%.

Trade in children's things- a profitable business with a constant turnover. Children grow quickly and regularly need to replenish their wardrobe. Most parents try to dress up their little one in new clothes, so it is extremely profitable to provide the buyer with a product of this type. The main feature of the children's manufactured goods industry is the price level.

The correct choice of cost guide allows you to gain a foothold in a certain niche in the market, have a constant flow of buyers and successfully fight with competitors. So, the first thing you need to do when you decide to sell children's clothing is to determine what target audience you will provide the goods. There are 3 options:

  1. Cheap clothes.
  2. Clothes for the middle class.
  3. Luxury goods.

Each of these categories has its own buyers and can generate profit, since the incomes and interests of the population are different. Some people try to save money by choosing cheap clothes, others are financially secure and prefer to buy expensive things for their baby, without thinking that in six months or a year the child will outgrow them. Experts suggest that beginners take a closer look at the middle class. With this category of products there is the least risk of “burning out”. People with average incomes quite consistently buy new things for their children. good quality at an average price. In addition, according to statistics, they make such purchases more often than others.

You should familiarize yourself with children's fashion, make a list of the most popular products, and study the size chart. In clothing, not only height is important, but also fullness, since children are different. The store needs to provide variety not only in models, but also in sizes. This will allow you to have things for children with different physical characteristics, that is, to reach a larger number of interested buyers. Information about current products can be found in magazines, on Internet sites, and in retail outlets with similar products.

The assortment should be varied, including not only clothes, but also underwear.

Subsequently, you can add shoes, accessories, children's gadgets, and toys. When parents come to the store to buy a dress or shirt for their child, looking at the other products, they will definitely remember tights, panties or socks that need to be bribed. Seasonality also needs to be taken into account and part of the proceeds must be reserved for the purchase of new batches of goods, in accordance with seasonal demand.

Investment size

Step-by-step instruction

Your store should be located near a public transport stop and convenient parking for cars. The location near children's institutions will give additional benefit in the struggle for attendance, but these should not be entertainment establishments (circus, children's theater, Entertainment Center). People go to these places to have fun, and in most cases they pay for it. The money already spent there will stop parents from thinking about buying more clothes. They will think that they have already spent enough on their child today.

In case of separate buildings rented for a store, it is advisable to lay out flower beds, install benches, and place a large figurine cartoon character at the entrance, that is, create comfortable conditions and aesthetic appeal. Don't forget about a ramp or concrete driveway at the entrance, as many parents will be arriving with strollers.

If you decide to rent a boutique in mall , try to choose a shopping center that is already familiar to the buyer, otherwise there is a risk that this trade object will never be promoted and the buyer will not come. A shopping center that sells mainly clothes for adults and children is ideal. People will go there specifically to buy clothes. For a children's clothing store, the right location is of great importance, since these products, although very popular, do not belong to the category of essential goods.

It is very important to properly design the store façade. The sign and color scheme of the design should be bright enough and correspond to the theme of childhood. They are designed to form associations in adults associated with children, causing tenderness, responsibility, care, love - the feelings that they experience for their babies. Wherein interior design should be in calm colors so as not to distract buyers’ attention from the goods.


When opening a children's clothing store, you can act as an LLC or individual entrepreneur. We are talking about a store selling retail, that is, interacting with individuals. In this case, the design individual entrepreneurship more profitable, since you can switch to a simplified option for paying taxes. This will help reduce tax collection and reduce the amount of required documents. Having registered an individual entrepreneur, you need to think about the type of tax regime under which your company will operate. There are 3 types suitable for retail trade in children's clothing:

  • UTII - a single tax is perfect for a small area of ​​up to 30 square meters. meters, where no more than 2 sellers work. A cash register is not necessary; you can limit yourself to issuing sales receipts.
  • PSN - purchasing a patent will be appropriate for a store up to 50 square meters. meters. A cash register is not required now, just a cash register is enough, but by 2018, an online cash register may be required.
  • simplified tax system (6% of profit) - used for retail space large area with a large staff.

Acquiring will give an additional advantage in the eyes of buyers, that is, acceptance of payment bank cards. However, in this case, you will need a cash register that prints out the product range with the price, discount and cost of each product separately. Product certification is required. However, if you are not a manufacturer of goods, certificates must be required from suppliers. Availability of medical books from sellers is also necessary.

Opening checklist

Is it profitable to open

The markup on children's assortment is much higher than on adults: 100-200%. The demand for clothing for children is determined by the fact that children grow up quickly, and their wardrobe has to be updated. This contributes to a profitability of 15% of the store's turnover. This profit corresponds to the average level of profitability, so a business based on the sale of children's clothing can be called profitable and stable.

It is not customary to save money on children. Therefore, opening a children's clothing store can be quite successful business. The main thing is to approach the organization of such an enterprise wisely.

Although children need clothing in specific sizes and styles (especially for babies), there are not many specialty stores.

Often these are either expensive boutiques common in megacities, or market outlets more familiar to small towns, where the quality of goods leaves much to be desired.

Under these conditions, opening a clothing store with wide range products for children of all ages can be considered a highly profitable business that can satisfy users living in settlements of various sizes. Let's figure out how to open a children's clothing store from scratch, and what nuances to consider when creating such a business. And what does it take to open a children's clothing store?

Format is everything

Starting a business from scratch is not so bad.

Yes, it will have to be untwisted, and this is not easy work.

On the other hand, it is possible to choose the concept of the future enterprise. The right format is the key to success.

Funds are spent more rationally, space is more compact. As for the assortment and advertising, they are more thoughtful, which means they will certainly hit the mark. So, the format of a children's clothing store could be as follows:

  1. Classical. This implies the sale of products through a full-fledged trading place in specialized departments of hypermarkets or in individual stores in shopping centers.
  2. Online. It is quite possible to sell clothes for children via the Internet. Today it is popular and in demand.

Both cases have their pros and cons. For example, in the first option, buyers have the opportunity to look, feel and try on clothes for the baby.

When purchasing clothes through a store’s website, they will have only a visual idea of ​​the product, and will also be guided by the description provided by the seller. The photo does not always reflect the true appearance of the item, just as the stated characteristics may not correspond to reality.

It is worth being prepared for frequent product returns when selling online.

Choosing clothes for a child is quite difficult.

Children do not always meet age standards for height, weight and foot size.

At the same time, online sales are beneficial for both the seller and the buyer. The first saves on renting premises, and accordingly can set lower prices. The latter have the opportunity to purchase products at an affordable price almost around the clock, without leaving home.

Advertising and promotion

As for advertising, increased measures will be required to promote an online store. The real store is always in front of the eyes of customers passing by, so when they need children's products, it will be the first thing they remember.

It is convenient to promote a children's clothing store through specialized resources (thematic forums, groups in in social networks, blogs of successful mothers). Such advertising is quite economical and effective.

Where is the best place to locate a store?

Initially, you will not need a large area to open a store. 50 m2 will be enough.

It's better to start from a small point. This will allow us to study customer preferences and determine the most hot goods and “fill your hand.”

It makes sense to open a store in areas with high traffic, preferably for the audience for which the product is intended.

Not necessarily in the city center. Adults buy clothes for children, so locations near kindergartens, attractions, playgrounds, clinics, and development centers would be appropriate.

It is advantageous to locate the premises near similar stores that are popular with consumers.

This will increase the chances of attracting the attention of potential consumers. Going to their usual store, customers are highly likely to visit yours.

A high-quality level of service, a well-thought-out assortment and a loyal pricing policy will help convince a client to buy clothes for a child from you.

Naturally, it is worth taking into account the rental rate. It can vary several times. However, the location of the store in an expensive shopping center with a high rental rate does not guarantee a large turnover.

Children's clothing store in rented premises

The website is the face of the store. It is both a showcase and an office, so it should be interesting, convenient and as understandable as possible to the client. All necessary data must be visible (contacts, product order buttons, opening hours, sizes, colors, product availability, prices, advantages of purchasing on this particular resource, etc.).

It is better to order a website from professionals. Specialists will not only create a high-quality resource with advanced functionality that takes into account all the client’s wishes, but will also be able to advise which domain and hosting to purchase, which structure and color scheme of the site will be more advantageous.

Just creating a website for an online store is not enough. The resource must be optimized for search queries and periodically promoted. Specialists can handle this better. You can order subscription services.

Store decoration

It is advisable to decorate a children's clothing store in light or bright colors. Pictures with cartoon characters or fairy-tale heroes will also be appropriate. A good trick that both children and parents fall for is gifts for kids.

It will be enough to distribute balloons, hoops with “ears”, cardboard masks and other little things. Children's music will not be superfluous either. This background will help good mood from buyers.

Bright design for a children's clothing store

Old-timers in this niche advise placing a children's corner in the store. It can be equipped with a sofa, playpen, TV, drawing table, children's slide or toys. This will allow one of the parents to relax with the child while the other is busy choosing the baby’s wardrobe.

Legal registration

To operate a children's clothing store, you will need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, as well as obtain product certificates.

To do this, you need to submit documents to certain government agencies (tax office, Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, etc.). Registration will take up to 10 days.

Suppliers should be selected that are verified and have appropriate licenses for the products manufactured or sold. Certified products will comply high standards quality, and also have clothing size markings that comply with established standards.

Children's store assortment: embrace the immensity

The initial assortment should be formed according to the season from items of a full size range.

It is better if there are more than one set of them.

Based on what category of children you are targeting (infants, children preschool age, schoolchildren).

Choose the most popular colors (pink, blue, neutral). As you sell products, identify the items in greatest demand.

Depending on the width of the assortment, select personnel. He must be sociable, honest, attractive and polite. For a small store, 1-2 sellers and 1 cleaner will be enough.

If you have a summer house or Vacation home with a plot, you can try yourself as a businessman. On the plot you can grow products for subsequent sale. – everything about organizing a greenhouse farm, calculating investments and payback.

Check out the garage production business ideas. Successful examples from Europe.

Making and selling soft ice cream is simple and at the same time profitable business. In this topic, we will consider all the nuances of starting this business: from ice cream production technology to calculating payback.

Store opening costs

  • registration - about 1 thousand rubles;
  • receiving permitting documents– up to 10 thousand rubles;
  • rent (if required) – up to 70 thousand rubles;
  • repair and purchase of equipment, office equipment, Supplies– up to 250 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of goods - up to 300 thousand rubles;
  • staff salaries – up to 25 thousand rubles;
  • advertising campaign – up to 20 thousand;
  • other expenses - about 50 thousand rubles.

The total amount will be approximately 726 thousand rubles. However, in each individual case it may change (for example, if there is no need to make repairs).

Business payback

Is it profitable to open a children's clothing store? Profitability of opening children's store quite high.

With proper organization of a point in a pass-through location, it will be possible to return the invested funds in a year and a half.

At the same time, tangible profits will appear after six months of stable operation, when the brand becomes recognizable and an audience appears regular customers. The average markup on products is about 130%.

This business requires frequent updating of the assortment, therefore, constant investments. Don't forget about the seasonality of business. As a rule, sales fall during the off-season. Therefore, it is advisable to “dilute” the store’s assortment with toys, handbags, accessories, and other goods.

When opening a children's products store, focus on kids. After all, they are the ones who will ultimately make the decision to purchase this or that item. Put your soul into your store, and then parents and children will come to you again and again, feeling the atmosphere of attention and ease. And of course, you shouldn’t ignore the quality of the products. Little customers especially need comfortable beautiful things that are resistant to wear.

If you prefer production to other types of activities, but do not have large finances, then you can realize your idea by creating a small production. . Where to begin? What to produce? You will find the answer to these questions in the next article.

Read the topic about how to find remote earnings while on maternity leave. Useful tips for young mothers.

Video on the topic

One investor decided to retire in 15 years. Every month he invests 20 thousand rubles.

The goal of the experiment is to live on dividends in the amount of 50 thousand rubles per month. A public portfolio will allow you to follow movements and, if desired, join it. @dividendslife

Since the times of Ancient Rome, sausage has been a popular food product. She has not lost her popularity to this day. A large number of entrepreneurs want or a department selling sausages.

If you don’t know the intricacies, opening a store selling sausages may seem easy to a novice entrepreneur, but you still shouldn’t underestimate this business. At first, you may well encounter a lot of different problems.

Preparing for the opening

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Market research

Before actually opening a store, you need to study many different aspects. One of these is studying competitors, in other words, you should determine how the assortment of your sausage store will differ from the products of competitors. Try to determine the circle of your future potential buyers, answering the question why they should buy sausages from your store. Conducting a survey among residents of the area where you are going to locate your business can help you with this. outlet. During the survey, you can obtain information about customer preferences in price and brands.

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An important aspect when opening a sausage store is the range of sausage products. This largely determines how much profit your sausage shop will generate. It is worth noting that the purchase is too large quantity various types sausages will not bring the desired result. Select about 30 of the most popular products and start selling them. Compile the necessary statistics for yourself and then, based on the results of your store’s work, highlight the best-selling types of sausages and remove unpopular ones.

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Business plan

One of the most important points is the business plan for your store. First of all, it is necessary for defense before a state commission, but a business plan is also useful for the entrepreneur himself. It should be recalled that opening a sausage store is not easy; it is a matter that requires proper planning. A well-written business plan that includes all the necessary information will help you take your business to a new level. Of course, everything will depend on a variety of factors: prices, store location, competition, popularity, etc., but the cost per month of work store in a large city should be an amount equal to approximately 30,000 rubles.

Selling sausages is considered a fast-paying business, so monthly income can be as little as 60,000 rubles. up to 120,000 rub.

For all beginning businessmen, experts advise drawing up a business plan by multiplying all expense figures by two. A business plan drawn up in this way will help determine whether your finances are enough to open a sausage store. With such a calculation, some financial difficulties may arise, so think about the loan option in advance, and also do not forget about state aid entrepreneurs.

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The next thing you need to think about is the premises itself, where the sale of sausages will begin. Having already collected all the necessary data about your future business, you should think about renting premises. First, carefully consider the location of your store: it should be in the most optimal location with minimal competition, as many possible consumers as possible (in other words, in a crowded place and always in plain sight) and have an adequate rental price. Secondly, the premises themselves must meet sanitary standards and have enough space for your business. It should be noted in advance that in order to prepare all documents and certificates for trade, you will need to contact a lawyer in your region, since the list necessary documentation may vary.

As soon as the room is completely at your disposal, start arranging it. The main focus of a sausage shop can be good refrigeration equipment. Many sausage manufacturers offer their own branded equipment, so try to explore and use this option, it can help you save money. In addition to the equipment, it is worth thinking about the design of the room itself. When dealing with this issue, try to think about both your customers and your staff. A few appropriate decorations will help increase the prestige of your store, and having at least a couple of pots with plants will make your space more cozy and homey. By the way, for all this it makes sense to turn to experienced designers.

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Selection of suppliers

Finding suppliers usually does not take much time, but this only means that their choice must be taken carefully. When choosing suppliers, experienced entrepreneurs strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the company’s activities by approaching them and evaluating, as they say, with your eyes, not your ears. Pay special attention not only to price and product quality, but also to location. Also, do not forget about the company’s performance indicators and delivery schedule. The latter is especially important during the holidays, when the supplier will directly determine whether your store is able to serve all customers. The inability to provide such service can give the store a bad reputation. Think about whether you will cooperate with one supplier or several, this is also an important question. Long-term relationships with suppliers will save you not only money, but also your nerves.

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A lot will depend on the personnel in your business, so choose them no less carefully than choosing suppliers. Particular attention should be paid to the seller. Sellers are people who are in direct contact with customers, they are the face of your store, so they must first of all be able to easily and pleasantly communicate with customers and leave a pleasant impression. Everything else will come with experience, namely knowledge of all the features of the product being sold. It often happens that the buyer does not even know what product he needs and how much he is willing to fork out. In these matters you will need the help of an experienced seller.

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Opening and promotion

So, your store is open and your business plan is starting to work. Now you need to think about promoting it. You can’t, having started your own business, immediately let it take its course. To convince people to buy your product, you can offer them several types of advertising:

  • name of shop. Oddly enough, a suitable name is one of the main secrets of store advertising. It should be easy, memorable and indicative of the product you are selling;
  • signboard. If your store is located in a crowded place, then you should not save money on a high-quality sign. It should not only be catchy and bright, but also interesting and original. Of course, if your store is located in an alley, then a large sign is inappropriate here. In this case, more attention should be paid to the design of shop windows and windows;
  • stock. Your store should become “alive” and constantly attract new visitors! Carry out various promotions there, don’t be stingy with hiring students for temporary work and allow customers to try out your product by tasting it. Even if you have a small store, promotion should not bypass it. All promotions you run are a sign that you are interested in your customers. They appreciate it;
  • bags with logo. Simply print bags with your store's name and logo and provide them to customers for free. In this case, customers will no longer forget the name of your sausage store, and passers-by will have the opportunity to get to know it by seeing your logo on someone else’s package. The circulation of packages usually costs only 5,000-10,000 rubles. and provides the store with advertising for approximately 3-6 months;
  • distribution of leaflets. Allow me more people to learn about your existence - hire a promoter and engage him in distributing leaflets with your promotions. By the way, after admitting a person to similar work try to ensure the honesty of its implementation. A considerable number of people working in this field tend to deceive the employer, for example, by throwing most of the leaflets into the trash.

Building a sales department from scratch is a rather complex process that requires certain knowledge and skills. How to effectively build and organize a sales department so that it produces maximum results from scratch - read in this material.

How to organize sales? Is it possible to build a sales department on your own?

First, let's look at the ideal sales team as it should be:

Ways to create a sales department:

1. Hire good sales people and sales will come on their own, because people know how to sell, and they themselves will create the conditions for sales development.

2. Turn to professionals to build a full-fledged turnkey sales department. For example, come to us :)
We have built more than a dozen sales departments, we know all the pitfalls, and we can launch the department into full-fledged combat operation in 2-3 months. But it would be untrue to say that self-creation sales department is impossible.

3. Start building a sales department yourself. There are people who can handle it themselves. It is for those who decided to build a sales department on their own that this text was written. If difficulties arise or you want to do everything the first time and efficiently, our proposal to create a turnkey department is valid.
The main thing is to know that there are two main approaches to such a process as organizing the work of a sales department. Here you can find out what their differences, disadvantages and advantages are. Now we will focus on the actions that need to be taken to create a full-fledged sales department.

Algorithm for building a sales department:

Step #1: Identify Resources

First we must determine the resources we have. First of all, this is finance. For example, the costs of creating a sales department in Moscow from scratch will be:

One-time costs:

  • Organization of a manager’s workplace (RUB 15,000 - 40,000)
  • CRM system per employee (3,000 - 30,000 rubles)
  • Virtual PBX and telephone equipment, with the ability to record and record conversations per employee (2,000 - 5,000)

It is necessary to have a supply of resources for at least 3 months. This is the period during which the salesperson reaches payback. Therefore, you need to have a reserve to feed him without taking into account his income.

Monthly costs:

  • Rent based on 5 m2 per employee (RUB 4,500 – 45,000)
  • Salary (35,000 – 60,000 rub.)
  • Phone (1500 – 6000 rub.)

So, creating a sales department with one specialist, according to rough estimates, in Moscow costs 143,000 - 380,000 rubles. These are only the direct costs associated with the manager’s work, and for a new business the costs are much higher. You can, of course, expect that managers will sell a lot of things in the first month, but based on experience, I would not do this. Let it be a pleasant surprise if they sell out of everything they can ;). Therefore, when planning your financial resources, you need to clearly understand the cost of organizing one sales specialist.

Temporary resources. Building a sales department from scratch takes at least 4 working hours a day in the first or second month. At least 2 hours a day in the third month. If the owner/commercial director plans to create a sales department, then he must clearly allocate this time to debugging the system. If this time is difficult to allocate, then you need to hire a person who will be involved in building and organizing this mechanism - the head of the sales department.

Human resources. It is necessary to understand how many managers the company can afford from a financial point of view. And how many of them can the company itself digest when fulfilling sales plans? So that it doesn’t turn out that managers are selling, but the company cannot produce goods or provide services.

Step No. 2. Regulate sales processes

Usually this step is omitted. No, sales processes, of course, are formed in any case, but chaotically. The first specialist sells in one way, the second in another, one communicates with the purchasing department directly, the other through the first, the third generally believes that he knows about the capabilities of the purchasing department better than the purchasing itself. The areas of responsibility are not clear; it is impossible to summarize this zoo into single statistics. It is because of this that the idea appears that it is impossible to regulate the sales department. After some time, the processes themselves settle down, less successful sellers spy on working schemes from more successful ones, and, in the end, a more or less unified algorithm is developed. But for this to happen, significant time must pass, and the processes will remain more or less unified; when building a turnkey department, we do not allow this to happen.

Therefore, in order to manage unified system, and not isolated individuals, and it is necessary to first think through the basic documents of the sales department.

OSnewregulations required for most sales departments:

  • Rules for attracting new clients;
  • rules for preparing commercial proposals;
  • rules for interaction with the purchasing department, technical unit, accounting and logistics;
  • customer support rule.

The sales department regulations are not a document written just once and strictly fixed; they are a living description of real work. It must constantly change, because it is impossible to write it correctly once and for all. Until people start to act on it, it is generally difficult to imagine the effectiveness of its work, so it can only be a guideline. The regulations should not be more than 1 A4 page, ideally it should be a simple flowchart on half an A4 page. If it goes to the second page, then it won't work.

There is one simple way to check the functionality of the regulations. Give it to three or four participants in the process to read, and then remove it, and give these participants the opportunity to speak it out. If everyone has an understanding collaboration and the boundaries of responsibility, then he is a worker; if misunderstandings arise, he needs to be supplemented. The regulations should not contain large ramifications and hundreds of exceptions, it should work in 80% of cases, for the rest it should be possible for members of the sales department to negotiate.

Step No. 3. Determine personnel policy

First of all, you need to create a portrait of a sales manager. There are many ways to do this, but, first of all, you need to solve the most important question: will the bet be placed on young guys with bright eyes, or on professionals who have worked in the industry and know the market, who just need to be given the tools and do not need to be trained.

Most owners and managers, when building a department, are inclined to the second option. Which is understandable, because this does not require training, spending effort on developing a strategy and constantly wiping snot at the first stage. In addition, not everyone can teach, and a third-party guest trainer is not always results-oriented. He comes and conducts a cool, fun, driving training, and then leaves. And the manager is left to independently carry out the main work - organizing and translating knowledge about sales theory into skill. The exception, of course, is us :) We select employees who must show results, train them and provide further support until the sellers show stable skills effective sales. The second option can also be dangerous in that any sales manager has a certain expiration date, and if you take an experienced professional, you may well run into someone who is burnt out, and also highly paid.

Now let's move on to the size of the sales department. There is an approach that says that a sales department of less than 6 people is not a sales department. The approach is clear. We take 6 people, perhaps 1-2 of them will show real results and pay for the rest. I believe that you can start a sales department with 3 people. And this is just the beginning; then there may be only two left. One should be in reserve, so to speak, reinsurance against human factor. It is better to have at least two, so that there is a guideline, competition and there is no dependence on one person. Although with a limited budget it can be 1 person, the risks are simply higher.

As for creating a sales department with 10 or more employees at once, I think this is completely ineffective. I'll explain why. If there is no department, then there is still no understanding of where to go, where the clients are, how to convince them. This understanding will slowly emerge. Of course, 10 people will be able to cover more roads, but all this time the budget will be spent on their maintenance and organization. Therefore, I am a supporter of creating a sales department of 3-5 people, and then, after hitting all the initial bumps, replicating successful practices.

Step #4: Identify Management Tools

The key to a successful sales department is a control system. Control is necessary even for the most successful managers, but it should not be intrusive and self-justifying. I am categorically against any reports filled out in order to show my work to the manager. Any reports should be generated automatically and contain only the information that the sales specialist will still enter for his own convenience. This function works great CRM systems. The salesperson works with the client and does not generate reports for management. And management can create any report online in any aspect. You can learn more about automation of the sales department.

The motivation system is the heart of the management and organization of the sales department. It should motivate salespeople to achieve accomplishments, but in no case should you think that by hanging a big carrot, you have done enough for the manager to strive for it. It is then that the system by which the sales department is built is successful, when a specialist needs to create conditions under which he will be able to reach it, performing the actions for which he is trained.

Field support for managers is what determines the level of sales (key) skills of specialists. Not how many trainings they have completed, not how many books they have read, not how many objection handling methods they know, and not even the product knowledge test they successfully passed. This is exactly how sellers know how to use all this information in real sales. Therefore, if a decision is made to invite the coolest sales trainer, but the head of the department does not know how to organize field support, the training will in no way affect the level of sales.

Step No. 5. Go through everything yourself)