How to undo cropping in Photoshop. Basic techniques for cropping a photo in Photoshop. Create an even square from any photo in seconds

Cropping is one of the most basic edits you'll ever make to a program. Bad framing (or lack thereof) can ruin an image, while good framing can make it ten times better by cutting out unnecessary or distracting material.

There is a reason why professional photos look so good. In addition to the fact that they are shot on high-quality cameras and retouched after processing, they are also very high-quality compositionally.

Cropping means eliminating distracting elements of an image by cutting off unwanted areas around the edges. It highlights the object and draws the viewer's eye to it.

Let's learn a few basic principles.

Once you understand the rule of thirds, a compositional principle used by photography and videography professionals, you'll find it in almost every image you see. Its meaning is dividing each frame into nine equal parts using an imaginary tic-tac-toe board.

Please note that the main parts of the wolf's body are located strictly in their own square: ears, eyes, jaw. Majority digital cameras allow you to display such a grid on the camera display, helping you create a frame. To figure out how to turn it on, you may have to delve deeper into the camera menu or read the instruction manual.

Along with applying the rule of thirds, pros often crop images in unexpected ways. This is another way to add visual interest to your photo to grab the viewer's attention.

This is especially important when you are dealing with very small images, such as in a thumbnail gallery or on a website where several images are vying for attention. In such small images you cannot see much detail (or none at all); and if there are people in the photo, you can immediately give up trying to identify them. Here are some tips for creating really attractive tiny images:

  • Instead of zooming out from the original, focus on one element of the image. Often it is not necessary to include the entire subject for people to understand what it is.
  • Sharpen again after resizing. Even if you sharpened the original (increased the focus digitally), go ahead and sharpen it again after resizing using the Unsharp Mask filter.
  • To add flair to your miniature, give it a y or .

Now that you've got a few basic principles down, you're ready to explore the many cropping techniques that Photoshop provides, starting with the most common ones.

Cropping and hiding

Usually Photoshop removes the outer edges. They disappear forever. But if you're cropping a file that has multiple layers or a single-layer file with an unpinned background layer, you can leave the cropped footage in place, making it easier to put it back if you change your mind.

To do this, go to the options panel and select the radio button Cropped Area to position Hide. The program will hide the clipped area outside the document window instead of removing it. This way, even if you don't see it on the screen, it will still be part of your file.

If you need to return the cropped area, select the menu command Image - Show all to resize the canvas and display everything beyond the edge of the document (in this case, cropped portions). If you want to return only part of the clipped area, press the V key to select and drag the image back into view.


Modes Delete And Hide become available after you draw a frame, and they are only active when the file does not contain a docked background layer or when you are trimming a multi-layered file (the rest of the time they are grayed out).

Framing with perspective

If you shot an image at an angle and then find that you need to straighten it, you can crop the image and change its perspective at the same time.


The program will not allow you to crop an image with perspective when you set the switch to Hide. In this case, set the switch Clipped to position Delete and then check the boxPerspective.

To frame with perspective, first draw a frame around the subject you want to straighten (it doesn't have to be aligned exactly with the subject, but you do want to capture the whole subject).

Next, check the box in the Options Bar, and then drag the corner handles so that the frame lines are parallel to or overlay the angled image lines. If done properly, the cropped image will look straight and beautiful. However, be careful: this tool distorts images, and as a result, living creatures may look as if you photographed their reflection in a distorted mirror.

Crop to a specific size

Sometimes you need to crop precisely, such as when you crop a photo to fit into a 4x6 frame. In this case, you can use the options to enter values ​​for the width, height, and resolution of the final image to limit the crop to a specific size.


As with most dialog boxes and panels, any changes you make in the Options Bar are saved until you change them again. So the next time you crop your image to a certain size, don't forget to click the Delete/Clear to clear the size fields. Then your cropping frames will not be limited by the last used size values.

To enter custom sizes, enter values ​​in the fields Width And Height. Alternatively, you can select from the list of typical sizes provided in the drop-down list. If you plan to print the final result, you will also need to enter the resolution; if not, you can leave this field blank.


When entering custom dimensions, be sure to specify units of measurement such as pixels or inches. Otherwise, Photoshop will assume that you mean the unit of measurement specified in the settings, and this may not be exactly what you need.

Now that you've drawn a frame, it's constrained by the proportions (ratio between width and height) of the dimensions you entered. Once you accept the crop, the area inside the frame will perfectly fit the dimensions you entered.

Crop using selection tools

You can also crop the image within the selected area. This technique is useful if you have created a selection and then need to crop the image to approximately the same size. This method works best for this (although other selection tools work too). Once created, select the menu command Image - Crop.

If you notice an error in the text, select it and press Ctrl + Enter. Thank you!

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Good day, dear readers. Today I will tell you how to crop a photo in Photoshop. We will look at not only the usual functions, but also touch on some very interesting techniques that you will definitely need in your work. So, without further ado, let's get started right away.

The easy way. What to do when you need to remove some elements

If you make it smaller, the margins that will be cropped will not be as bright as the area selected for cropping.

If you make the photo larger, additional fields appear. Sometimes they are displayed with a checker(), and sometimes they are filled with color, as in my case. In the end they will still be transparent. You can fill it with your own color if necessary.

Press Enter from the keyboard and you're done. The picture is cropped.

Create an even square from any photo in seconds

There is nothing easier than turning a rectangular photo into a square one. Select the frame again.

Hold down Shift on the keyboard and at the same time draw a shape in the picture using the mouse. Naturally, we hold down its left button to do this. In fact, we act as usual, just hold down Shift.

Release the mouse button and get this result. If you need to increase or decrease the square, drag these selected things, remembering to hold Shift. You can also move the photo itself, tugging on the soft edges to adjust the area you want to crop.

Ready. Press Enter.

Make a photo round in 5 minutes

You can also cut a photo in a circle using shift. How exactly? The first step is to make a duplicate layer. We find the option in the layers menu.

Now select the ellipse.

If you can’t find it, then maybe you just have another tool and it’s hiding it. Press each button for a couple of seconds and release. An additional menu will appear.

It's best to remove the fill right away so you can see what you're cutting out. But be sure to leave the outline.

Start drawing an ellipse and hold down shift, then it will turn into an even figure. You can remove the selection after you have drawn.

Select movement.

We move the circle so that the area we need is in the center. Then we will cut it out from the overall picture.

Hold Ctrl and click on the center of the layer thumbnail, as shown in my screenshot. The miracle does not work anywhere else.

Select selection – inverse.

Del on the keyboard. Do you see how the background has changed to checkered? This means that part of the picture has become transparent.

Remove the “eye” icons from the other two layers, leaving only the one you need visible, with transparency.

This is the result you should get.

To deselect, hold down Ctrl and D at the same time.

Using the frame you can cut off the excess.

You already know how to do this. Don't be put off by the color black if you get it. The situation will change as soon as you click on Enter.

If you are going to use a photo on your website or anywhere else, to leave transparent background you need to choose PNG. In any other case (jpeg, etc.) the transparent color will be replaced with white.

If you use png, then the picture can be superimposed on any background.

Save it as a jpeg and you will most likely not be pleased with the result.

By the way, if you liked this lesson, you can learn how to cut various shapes in other ways. It's already on the blog.

Cut to size. Correlation and correct approach to working with websites

First, let's understand the ratios. Let's say you need to make a photo from a picture for a website. Some photos will be 2 x 4 cm, others 20 x 40. You can do without Photoshop, the engine itself can adjust pictures to a certain size, you just need to upload a large image to the database. This must be done, because otherwise the database will store 12,000 identical images of different sizes. This will negatively affect the attitude of search engines towards the portal.

I have already written about all this, so if this is your case, pay attention to this article on my blog.

So, open the photo and select a frame. We choose, for example, 4 x 5. You can put 3x4 - it doesn’t matter. It all depends on your desire and design.

Now, we determine the desired area that we will cut to size. You see, in cm it is much larger.

Pressed enter and cut it out. Ready.

Cut the picture to size. For example, for a passport

Now you can deal with cm. Select “Width x height x pixels”.

Without paying attention to the centimeter indicators, you can reduce it or increase it; the program will then cut everything to the size you need. When finished, click Enter.

Ready. The photo has become smaller.


When it comes to websites, pixels are the most important. This is especially true for the design of home pages and so on. Select any of the proposed options from the list.

Replace the indicators with the required values.

Naturally, the frame can be rotated as desired.

After pressing Enter, everything will fall into place.

If you like working in Photoshop, but you don’t yet have all the information, I recommend you Zinaida Lukyanova’s courses, there is a lot of useful information here - , quite quickly you can learn everything you need to work well in this program. This will give you serious benefits, you will no longer have to waste time searching for articles related to this program.

Even if you, like me, have Photoshop CC, then video will still suit you “ From A to Z » for version CS 5. The differences in the basic structures are small.

You can also find free lessons on YouTube or torrents, but in this case you will not have a clear picture and knowledge of the program. You will snatch information about one thing or another.

You decide. With this, I say goodbye to you, if this article was useful to you, subscribe to my blog and learn more useful information that will definitely be useful to you. See you again and good luck in your endeavors.

Good day to you, dear visitors of my blog. Has it ever happened to you that you were taking a photo, and then BAM... and some alien element entered the frame, such as a man, woman or child running past, and even looked into the frame as if it was supposed to be so. I personally have had such cases more than once. I was still thinking: “What a scoundrel! Where did you come from here?

It also happens that the photo turns out crooked and then you have to cleverly squeeze out to make the photo straighter. But I'll show you how to make this process easier. You will learn how to crop any image in Photoshop. The Frame tool will help us with this.

With the help of the frame we can:

  • Straighten a crooked (tilted) image
  • Trim unwanted objects
  • Cut out only the desired fragment from the image (ideal for avatars)
  • And much more.

So, are you ready? Well then, let's see how to use this tool.

Trimming unnecessary objects

Well, let's start with trimming. In the photo you can see how some guy got into the frame from the side, although it was clearly not planned to put him here. This is where framing will help us, i.e. frame (Pan Crop).

By the way, in this photo you can crop not only from the left side, but also from the upper left corner. To do this, point at the upper left corner of the photo until a double diagonal arrow appears. And again, holding down the left mouse button, drag down and to the left until the unnecessary space is covered with darkness. With this you will not only trim this oddball, but also the top piece (if necessary).

In general, the point is that from which side you need to cut the object, pull from that side. The tool is simply wonderful for such things.

Aligning a Photo

As I said above, we can not only crop unnecessary objects, but also straighten crooked photographs. Let's look at an example. Let's say we have a photograph that is tilted.

The only drawback with this method is that a small part of the photo is cropped. Those. To achieve evenness, the photo needs to be trimmed a little around the edges. Something like this. But as a rule, this can be sacrificed. For example, in our case, certainly. Well, did everything work out with this method? Very well.

Cutting out a fragment

Another good area for using this tool is cutting out a fragment of an image. For example, I constantly use this feature to create avatars for contacts, mail, forums, etc. A very useful thing.

Let's say you have a photo with a lot of unwanted objects and you want to cut out only yourself for your avatar.

Like this. It seems like I explained everything clearly, but if you have any questions or misunderstandings, don’t hesitate to ask.

Also, if you noticed, when cropping the photograph (image) is divided into 9 parts, i.e. it is divided by 3 vertical and 3 horizontal lines. This effect is called "Rule of Thirds". This rule implies a conditional division of the image by three horizontal and three vertical lines. And it is believed that attention is best focused not in the center, but at the intersection of these lines.

Many photographers and artists use these rules. So if you want to follow this rule of thirds, then you can move the image so that the key object is at the intersection of the lines.

Aspect Ratio Cropping

Well, let me tell you about a little trick. By default, cropping is free-floating. Those. it all depends on how you move the mouse up and down and left and right. The result is an arbitrary aspect ratio.

But you can set this ratio yourself. To do this, in frame mode, go to the tool properties. There you will see 2 cells with arrows between them. This is where you can set the ratio. For example, if you write 2 in the left cell and 1 in the right cell, then the process will occur evenly and the horizontal cropping will always be twice as large as the vertical one.

You can also set the ratio from the list of templates. To do this, simply open the drop-down list in the properties of the Frame tool. If you choose 1:1, then your selection will be even and square, if 16:9, then as you understand, everything will be cropped in this ratio. I hope you get the point? I think yes.

You can learn more about the frame tool, as well as all other tools, in this excellent video course. With its help, any beginner can master Photoshop in 1-2 weeks, if you spend an hour a day. The lessons are simply great, they look great. Overall, I highly recommend it.

Well, this concludes our lesson for today and I really hope that you liked it. Don’t forget to subscribe to updates on my blog articles, then you will be the first to know about everything interesting. See you in the next lessons. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

Cropping is cutting off parts of an image for the purpose of focusing or improving composition. Tool Crop Photoshop is a very simple and at the same time very interesting tool to use. In this tutorial we will look at the functions and settings of the tool Crop.

Tool Crop can be activated by clicking on the tool icon in Toolbars or using a hotkey WITH(Latin). The tool has much more capabilities than it seems at first glance. Let's look at the tool settings.

Tool settings panel.

let's consider Tool settings panel, provided that we have not yet worked with the image using this tool.

1 . The first setting element is called Tool Preset Picker. Click the arrow button to open a menu of available settings. Already saved samples are placed in the window that opens, each in a separate line. Select one of them, and the tool will acquire the specified parameters. You can also create a sample with your own settings and save it. (We won't go into detail about the first element; it's rather useful professional photographers. But we will pay special attention to the next six settings elements).

2 and 4. Here you can ask Width And Height the resulting image after cropping. For example, you want to get an image measuring 9 x 12 cm. In the field Width indicate the value 12 cm, and in the field Height- 9 cm. By creating a crop frame on the image, the width and height of the tool frame will maintain the specified proportions. The frame can be moved around the image and resized using the corner handles. By placing the frame in the desired location and cutting out the image, you will receive a cropped image measuring 9 x 12 cm.

3. By clicking on this button you can swap the parameter values Width And Height.

5 . Resolution Images. Resolution image shows how many pixels there are in one inch of the image. If you are working with a photograph, for example 300 pixels/inch, then it is better to write this number in the field Resolution.

6. When you press the button Front Image in the fields WidthHeight And Resolution The values ​​of the open image will be automatically written. After applying cropping, your image will be cropped at the same size and resolution.

7. By pressing the button Clear, You will delete all data entered in the fields WidthHeight And Resolution. Remember to clear the settings when cropping future images.

Now let's consider Tool settings panel, provided that the tool is selected and the tool frame is already located on the image Crop.

1 . Cropped Area. After selecting an area to crop, you don't have to cut it out; instead, you can simply hide the cropped areas. This feature is not available for the background layer. To convert the background layer to a normal one, in the palette Layers Double-click on it and in the dialog box that appears, click OK. Now position the tool frame Crop in the image and Tool settings panels select option Hide. Click Enter to apply cropping, and the cropped area will be hidden, but it will still exist. Using a tool Move You can move hidden areas of the image. This technique is useful when you want to experiment with different composition options for an image without cut-out areas. To remove cropped areas, select the option Delete.

2. Check the box Screen (Shield Color) so that the area outside the frame is darkened. This will allow you to see the cropping area better.

3 . Color. Click on the color swatch if you want to change the color of the darkened area.

4 . Opacity. Changes the opacity of a darkened area.

5 . After checking the box Perspective(the function is available when the option is selected Delete) frame manipulators acquire greater independence. Now, by moving each of them, you can change the shape of the frame. Where it leads? After cropping, the image continues to be rectangular, but is distorted by the shape of the frame. This feature is used to change perspective. For example, when shooting wide angle lens distortion is possible, especially noticeable in urban landscapes. To correct it, change the shape of the frame so that its sides are parallel to the distorted contours. After cropping, the image will be distorted so that the sides become parallel. Due to this, the image will be straightened.

Working with the tool frame.

You can change the size of the cropping frame using the markers located on it. Moving the cursor to the markers, it will take the form of a bidirectional arrow, showing the directions for adjusting the frame (1 and 2). The frame can also be rotated, and the arrow will take on a semicircular shape (4). Rotation is performed around the central point (3). You can change the coordinates of the rotation axis by moving the center point to the desired location.

To end cropping, press Enter or double-click inside the crop frame. To cancel the cropping operation, press Esc.

In conclusion, I advise you to watch the lesson Crop an image, where specific example shows how to use the tool Crop, and the lesson Image Alignment, which explains how to straighten a skewed image before surgery Cropping.

You may be used to taking the crop tool, selecting a part and the images, and pressing Enter. You will be surprised, but there are many other uses for this tool. In this article, Helen Bradley describes the five "most big secrets» cropping photos in Photoshop.

1 Rotate your crop

As you move the crop selection around your image you can also rotate the selection over any of the catches. It is interesting to know that double clicking on the selected area applies cropping. Holding down the Shift button sets the rotation increments to 15 degrees, and with the Alt button you can set the point around which the rotation occurs.

2 Correct perspective when cropping a photo

At the same time as cropping the photo, you can correct the perspective. To do this, you need to check the "Perspective" checkbox in the tool's properties panel. Now you can arbitrarily drag the corners of the image. Using the tool, you will again get a rectangular image. It is interesting to know that using the Shift key you will be able to drag only one of the lines while the second one will be fixed. With the Alt key you can edit the cropping area in normal mode with the “Perspective” checkbox turned on.

3 Cropping, but not quite

Areas cropped during cropping can simply be hidden. To do this, you need to create a copy of the layer, select the crop area and set the "Hide" option in the toolbar. When cropping, part of the image will be hidden but still accessible.

Now you can select the move tool and move the image within the crop area. This is useful if you want to crop an image with fixed size parameters and want to experiment with the part of it that remains visible.

4 creating and using crop presets

When you click the crop tool button in the properties panel, you can select different presets from a drop-down list. You can change the preset's orientation from portrait to landscape by rotating it 90 degrees.

You can also create your own presets that you need only. To do this, you need to set the cropping parameters, and then select “New set of parameters for tool” in the preset drop-down menu. Enter the name of your set and click "yes". Your set will appear in the list of presets and you can use it in the future.

Don't forget that in addition to the linear dimensions of the image, you can set different pixel densities when cropping. If you leave the field empty, the density will not be attracted.

5 In the image and likeness

If you want to crop several images to the same size in the same way as the first one, select a sample image and click the “Image” button in the properties panel. The cropping parameters will be set to the parameters of this image. Now you can crop the rest of the pictures to the same size with the same proportions.


If cropping is not working properly, press Esc to exit the tool and press the Clear button to reset the settings.

The next time you crop an image, remember that this tool offers many interesting options for working with it.