How do customers become regulars? How to turn a new customer into a regular customer How to turn a customer into a regular customer

A successful specialist is the specialist to whom his old clients return. You can spend all day thinking about how to attract new clients, but if at the same time your old clients do not return to you, you are doomed to failure. How to get a client to come to you for a massage again?
There are many factors that influence clients, and we're not even talking about your professional skills. There are little tricks that will make your massage visit special. This article was written specifically for the website, if you are reading this material on another site, then it has been stolen, please go to


For example, a warm towel under the client's neck will certainly create a pleasant feeling. Always listen carefully to your customers, remember what they like and what they don’t. Support and encourage them. The client must feel loved.

Have you ever been to a top class restaurant? You are surrounded by so many pleasant little things: always polite staff, snow-white starched napkins, beautiful expensive dishes, live music, a pleasant aroma of perfume. All this makes you come to this restaurant again and again (provided, of course, that you liked the food). You can do the same for yours massage room. Sit down and think about how you can make each client feel special. Then he will definitely come back for a new portion of pleasure.

We conducted a survey among professional massage therapists and found out that:
more than 60% of their total number of clients are regular customers!


Despite all the pleasant little things, you remain main reason, according to which customers return. You meet them before the massage, conduct the session and see them off. Are you always friendly and welcoming? Is your communication with your client relaxed and friendly?
When a client goes for a massage, he usually knows what he wants, and your task is to give him exactly that. If the client prefers to remain silent during the massage, there is no need to force a conversation on him. If the client wants to know what you do, tell him about your techniques and how it will help him. You adapt to each client, because all people are unique and individual.
If you follow these simple rules, your clients will feel like you heard them and they got their money's worth. Massage therapists who don't adapt simply lose clients.


“I bought a heating pad, carefully wrapped two hand towels around it and put a pillowcase on top, it made a great warm cushion that everyone loves!”

"I treat every client who comes to me as if they were my only client for the day."

"I build friendships with all my clients. Sometimes they have life events that they want to tell me about. I always try to listen and help them."

“I never book clients in a row and leave a 15-minute break between massages so that no one waits in line!”

Skriptunova E., Tarelkina T.
"Atelier", No. 7, 2001.

“A woman in a chic fur coat walks into an expensive boutique, the seller immediately pays attention to her and warmly greets her: “Hello! What would you like to buy, can I help you with something?" The woman answers very embarrassedly: "The fact is that I was in such a hurry to see you that I left my wallet at home... (the seller moves away from her with an indifferent look)..., but I called my husband, he’s already carrying my wallet.” The seller turns to her with a smile and open arms: “Hello again!”

"And what is the moral?"
In light of our topic, there is a lot of it here, and very different:
- how to attract a client, or almost everything. But for some reason we don’t do it, or we do it artificially, or as in the joke. True, there are pleasant exceptions and there are more and more of them;
- It feels like something hasn’t been finalized in this boutique:
either in personnel selection (personal characteristics), or the system of moral and material incentives for employees does not work (service standards exist, but do not work), or the marketing strategy (in its formulation) is aimed at increasing sales volume, and not at winning customer loyalty (such relationship, no client deserves, especially target client- the “sacred cow” of any business);
- Yes, and the very first impression was that a fur coat arrived, not a person. Moreover, the fur coat is some kind of non-standard, without a wallet. And why is she needed here without a wallet? She’s walking around looking at something, God forbid she starts asking something, wasting your precious time and nerves on her... There’s a lot more that can be taken away from this anecdote, but let’s dwell for now on the above.

So, our topic is “How to make a client permanent?”, that is, this is a client who periodically buys something from us, and we would like to retain him, charm him, so that he comes to us more often and buys more. This means that we have done all the preliminary work to turn him from “just passing by on the way to work” to becoming a client. Or not?
There are five stages of turning just a person into a regular customer with whom you really want to be “friends forever”:
1. Potential buyers - people who may be interested in buying from you;
2. Visitors - people who have visited your company (shop/studio) at least once;
3. Buyers - those who purchased one or more products (used one or more services) of your company;
4. Customers - people who regularly buy your goods or use your services;
5. Adherents are those who tell everyone how wonderful your company is.

There is a wonderful book (see the list of references below), which describes in detail and with examples how to move a client from step to step, what is important to him, what he pays attention to, and of course, what he is caught by (i.e., what he wants, what is important to him, what he pays attention to). This will cover the basics of the basics and what you can start implementing right away (if you want).

Let's start from the very, very beginning: a group of people got together and decided if we should do something. They have two ways: do what they know how to do and then puzzle over who and how to sell it, or understand who our client is, what their needs are and build their work based on them.
For example, for an atelier, the basic need of any client is “the main thing is that the suit fits.” That is, it was tailored specifically for him and emphasized his individuality (to the extent possible), quality is implied a priori by the client (“this is individual tailoring, not stamping”). Accordingly, depending on the level of quality that we can offer and what client capabilities we focus on, we find our niche.

Now our task is to draw attention to ourselves potential buyers: Appearance and design - the face of your atelier/store is the display windows, treat them as “dumb sellers”. They create your image, image, even before the buyer comes to you. They tell him who you are and what you sell/offer. A lot has been written about advertising and it may be difficult to navigate the entire flow of information. The fact is that a lot of time has passed, and some of this information is outdated, and some is not suitable for your business. It is necessary to choose the most effective advertising that reflects and emphasizes the individuality of your company. As the simplest and most “working” litmus test, conduct 2-3 experiments: show your advertising sheet or booklet to someone who does not work for you and is not your relative or friend, cover up the name of your company. If a person says that this is an ordinary, standard, unremarkable advertisement or names your competitor as the author of the advertisement, then immediately throw it out and take on the development of YOUR ADVERTISING with renewed vigor.

They say that a person’s first impression of something or someone is formed in the first 8 seconds. What can you see in 8 seconds when you enter the studio? Catch it at the level of sensations - everything: the design of the room and the appearance of the employees, this goes without saying, as well as the attitude towards clients, the relationship between employees, the general atmosphere. How:
- Did they pay attention to him: they greeted him, smiled, called a tailor, or offered to wait a little, look at magazines, samples of material; or the receptionist is busy with paperwork, talking on the phone and not paying attention to the person, waiting for him to deign to come up.
- Interaction between employees: coherence of actions, addressing each other, relationships, respect, assistance in difficult situation etc. Would you say that this is not possible? At the level of sensations it is possible. If for some reason a person has to wait a long time, and the magazines and materials have run out (or are not interesting), he begins to observe how everything is arranged in your place, your entire kitchen - he has nothing else to do (then all of the above becomes conscious).
By the way, “the most valuable commodity of our time is time,” it can become an additional service to your core business, enhancing the company’s attractiveness to the client. Moreover, this saves not only your client’s time, but also yours. It also shows how much you value and respect your client and yourself too.
The appearance and image of employees plays a big role, both for the first impression (pleasant impression; compliance of the employee’s image with the image of the organization), and in its compliance with the content of the employee’s activities. If you want, for example, to sit in a chair with a hairdresser who has “the devil knows what” on his head, and not a hairstyle, you will probably have doubts about his professionalism.
Knowledge of the product/service - staff competence - going beyond the scope of responsibility. How often, as a client, have you heard in response to your question: “No, I don’t know,” “It’s not in my competence.” Do you remember how you felt? The client wants and has the right to information, and reliable information, otherwise you will not see him again. This factor is important when communicating with any of the above clients, but you will have to pass a special test of strength when communicating with a “Visitor”. He hasn’t bought anything yet, he’s just trying it on, evaluating everything and is very critical. Your knowledge, ability to communicate with clients and work with client objections can turn this skeptic into your “Buyer”. Everything depends on you. The issue of competence is also very important; if an employee does not know something, then his task is to transfer the client “from hand to hand” to an employee who has the necessary knowledge and authority or promise to find information by the next meeting and fulfill the promise. As you see each new client, remember: “You won’t get a second opportunity to make a first impression.”


He wants to be paid attention to, to smile, to be addressed personally and called by name (if there is information), to listen to him and answer his questions, to be respected, etc.

It is the need for recognition that is the key to the client’s heart. Now let's move on to potent remedies:
WORKING WITH CUSTOMER COMPLAINTS is an invaluable source of information on improving your work, the opportunity to make him feel special, acquiring new clients and supporters. As you know, it is easier and cheaper to satisfy an existing customer than to attract a new one. Clients whose problems remain unresolved will go straight to competitors, remembering you with an unkind word all the way. Statistics:
- 91% dissatisfied customers will never turn to the offending company again, and each of them will share the story of their troubles with at least nine other people;
"54-70% of complainants will use a company again if their complaints have been successfully resolved. If customers see problems resolved quickly, this figure rises to 95%. The key factor is the speed of resolution of the problem.

Complaint handling technology
1. Resist your first desire - to argue.
2. Let the person speak out (listen to the person, ask clarifying questions).
3. Understand how you can help by asking the question: “What can I do to help your problem?”
4. Provide solution options to choose from: either/or.
5. Thank the client for helping to correct the situation

Most clients want only justice and nothing more. They just want to get what they "paid for" in the shortest possible time. A caring attitude and a little respect go a long way toward calming angry feelings. However, there is a small percentage of greedy and unreasonable complainers. In this case, you must make a decision: either give in to customer demands, treating losses as an overhead of running a business, or suffer from their future ill will and damage to your reputation.

In order to manage customer expectations, you need to find out what your customers think about services at the present time; CONDUCTING SURVEYS AND RESEARCH will help you with this. It's not uncommon for an outsider to see flaws in something a company takes for granted. You will gain information about the needs of your customers, what you do well, why you are better than your competitors, and how they manage to cross your path.

"SPECIAL OFFERS" are strong: clubs of the most, the most; holidays, sales for the most beloved customers, special and exclusive offers, etc. This is typically used to convert "Clients" to "Adherents" and maintain relationships with them.

For all types of clients, the magic words are:
- For free
- Sale
- Present


1. M. Rafel, N. Rafel “How to win a client.” - St. Petersburg: Peter Press, 1996 (Series “Business without Secrets”).
2. Marilyn and Tom Ross, "Big Ideas for Small Service Businesses." - M.: "FAIR Agency", 1996.

How to make clients become regular customers?

The client is perhaps the most important and key link in the implementation of any business, because he is the final consumer of the results of the entire commercial process.

In conditions of market development and competition, considering the client as an object to whose needs the business is directed becomes extremely important. With the development of marketing and comprehensive client research, principles and approaches have been developed that make it possible to optimize many business processes in which the client is a direct participant.

One of the most important areas is attracting and retaining customers. That is, turning a one-time buyer of a product or service into a permanent follower.

This is true for any type of business, be it a car wash service, a small store, or a large engineering and construction company. Naturally, depending on the specifics commercial activities Approaches to working with clients also depend.

For business in the field retail goods or services, there are several main areas that should be considered as key in working with clients:
- price policy;
- service quality policy;
- policy of attracting and building customer loyalty.

A balanced approach in all areas can ensure the influx and maintenance of a high level of clientele.

From these three directions flow the points that the client focuses on and which can directly influence his choice towards one or another seller:
- general price level
- quality of service
- one-time discounts
- discounts, bonus programs
- accompanying services
- personal communication, maintaining contact with the client.

Price policy is extremely important when working with clients, and largely determines the level of commercial profit of a business. However, in conditions of growing competition, when price reduction becomes unprofitable, this direction fades into the background.

In most cases, prices for goods and services (especially when large quantities sellers) are established at a certain balanced level, below which none of the sellers will fall, due to the lack of the required profit, and above which no one will rise, due to the loss of customers.

Change in price level up or down among sellers is sometimes due to the development and use of other methods in working with clients.

With similar pricing approaches, other methods of attracting buyers begin to come to the fore. Quality of service is the most important indicator that can attract buyers, even despite some inflated prices.

Notice how much more pleasant it is to visit stores that have clean rooms, friendly, polite staff, a wide selection of quality products, small queues, and other attractive aspects. You want to return to such stores for shopping again and again.

One-time discounts, most often used in the form of promotions, are attractive not only to customers, but also to sellers, allowing them to get rid of unprofitable goods or, for example, goods that are approaching the end of their sales period. One-time discounts on new product create a flow of customers, which is a prerequisite for purchasing other goods.

Discounts, also known as cumulative discount systems, represent a way to attract a client when he receives, depending on the amount of previous purchases, an increasingly large and large discount on subsequent purchases. This popular system has existed for a long time and has proven itself very well both in the field of goods and services.

However, it is increasingly being replaced by a bonus system, when the client accumulates some points from previous purchases, which he can spend on purchasing goods from the same seller.

The fundamental difference between these systems is that with a discount system, by making a discount, the seller loses profit, but with a bonus system, the client returns to the seller again for the product.

Now it is more rational to use bonus programs as a tool for attracting consumers. Such programs have significant advantages compared to ordinary discounts.

Clients see a certain value in accumulating bonuses, which ensures results, which is called the retention effect.
For a person, knowing that he has some bonuses in your company, it will be quite difficult for him to refuse its services in order to turn to another. In addition, it is cheaper for a company to provide bonus points.

After all, obligations on them may be delayed or overdue, and bonuses ultimately are cheaper for the company than discounts.

Discount on a specific product costs a ruble in case of unrealized income, and a bonus ruble is much cheaper. Thus, the difference between these rubles remains in the company. Some bonuses remain unclaimed altogether, which is a plus for the company’s profitability.

It should be noted that discounts do not attract consumers to a specific brand, but only to low prices. Using its own currency - bonus points, the company has the opportunity to reward those best clients that it already has, and those that will be, and in the future build long-term relationships with them that bring mutual benefit.

Intermediate currency rewards consumer loyalty to a particular brand.

The use of related services has become a very common means of attracting customers, for example, configuration services and other warranty repairs in a consumer electronics store, tailoring services in a clothing store (where you can hem or fit an item you like), and others.

Experience shows that such services can instill confidence in the company among clients and elevate it above competitive companies in the eyes of the consumer.

You also need to attract clients through personal communication. Having contacts of the consumer, the company has the opportunity to convey to him its special offers, services, promotions, which allows him to attract the attention of the client. There are databases of phone numbers with which you can get contact information for your target group, and send people your suggestions.

But more literate marketing approach - this is entering the contact information of your clients into your own database, that is, creating a so-called client base. For example, when a person buys something from your company, you can invite him to fill out a form to receive a discount card or bonus (under certain conditions), and make one of the questions about contact information.

Thus, you will have the opportunity to send SMS messages to your customers and inform them about special offers, discounts, sales, or call them and communicate personally.

Also an effective means of attracting customers is the so-called spam - the distribution of advertising information about a company, its services, promotions, and so on through email boxes.

We see that the customer base can be formed in two ways - using open data sources, and using internal company data (for example, information from the sales department). If you use data from your customer base wisely, you can achieve significant growth in sales and profits.

Firstly, the database should be categorized, highlighting large customers, as well as those who carry out only one-time or unsystematic orders. Depending on the volume of customer purchases, we develop special conditions to work with them (product prices, installment plans, promotional events, delivery, and so on).

Then customer service managers call all buyers, making their own offer to each category, in accordance with the compiled script. This method works great for the overall development of the company and income growth.

Thus, it becomes clear that attracting consumers is a complex process that consists of several sets of special measures aimed at creating a sustainable mechanism for working with clients.

Only if all components of this mechanism are optimized will it be possible for the company to effectively interact with its clients. If the result is positive, it will be possible to achieve a significant increase in the profitability of the enterprise.

Where to get a loyal client? Educate yourself! Lined up marketing strategy, we pay attention to activities to attract new customers. And our reputation is created by proven and constant ones. Irina Revyakina, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Content Marketer, will tell you how to “tame” a client and make him permanent.

Today, the consumer can freely choose from a variety of products and buy what he likes on one website or in a large store shopping center, and also become interested in a similar offer from competitors and go to them. Business owners focus on finding sellers, organizing their work, paying salaries, holding meetings, but devote little time to the buyer, forgetting that the main task- keep his attention as long as possible. We’ll tell you in this article how to attract the attention of “new” customers and ensure the return of “old” ones.

What to do to make “old” clients return and “new” ones to come?

We invite you to familiarize yourself with 15 effective methods.

1. Cherish your customers. The feeling of care and attention from the seller is deposited in the buyer’s memory. Guess where he will come the next time he needs to buy the same product? Absolutely right! He will return to the same store and try to find this particular seller.

3. Learn to recognize customer needs. For example, an older woman comes to you and she has health problems. She talks about them and expects a more attentive attitude from the seller. Do not ignore this request, listen, give advice.

4. Sell the value of the purchase. Tell people why it is important to buy your product. What benefit awaits them? What's the benefit? Don't talk about the composition of the new joint cream, but tell them that it will help your legs feel light while walking.

5. Create needs when there are none. Sometimes a person does not know what he needs. In this case, your task is to form a desire. For example, you say that a citrus-scented shower gel will give you a feeling of vigor and lightness throughout the day. After such a message, people who lack energy and strength may think about making a purchase.

6. Put yourself in the client's shoes. Analyze what can make you buy: beautiful packaging, attentive attitude of the seller, bonuses, discounts? Apply discovery to your sales process.

7. Give the client more than he expects. For example, a woman bought shoes from you at a discount and is awaiting delivery of her purchase. And you, along with the shoes, give her a bouquet of flowers or a box of chocolates and wish Have a good day. Interested? Surprise your clients.

8. Say thank you. Gratitude and respectful attitude towards a person stimulate him to further purchases. Don't forget to look the buyer in the eyes and smile, and telephone conversation give compliments, use light and kind humor. For example, tell a customer: “With shoes like these, you will have a lot of fans!”

9. Ask to come to you again. Surely you often hear the phrase “Come to us again.” Knowing that you are welcome and welcome here builds your trust.

10. Conduct telephone surveys among customers after they have purchased a product or service from you. Call and ask what you liked and what you didn’t. This way you can find out the key problems of your customers and offer a profitable solution.

11. Remember customers. How nice it is to come to buy something where they remember you and already know what exactly you prefer. For example, in a cafe they recognize you at the entrance and offer you your favorite drink. Least good mood guaranteed to the client. And loyalty to the establishment increases.

12. Consider the client’s possible objections and concerns. Prepare answers to emerging doubts in advance to neutralize them. Provide arguments in favor of the acquisition, but also do not hide the obvious shortcomings that the client sees. In this case, a low price will work well.

13. Sell to loyal customers. A person who has bought from you several times is a satisfied customer who uses the product/service and needs it constantly. This is the type of “ideal” client for any seller.

14. Give emotions to your clients. The emotional component is the basis of sales. A person will not buy a product from a seller with a sour face and will not want to communicate with a manager who asks ambiguous questions over the phone. How will you react if, when you call, they tell you: “It turns out that for you 10 o’clock is only morning?!” Do not make such comments to the client, otherwise you risk losing his attention forever. The client should feel inspired after the purchase, and not think that the sales assistant is an rude person.

Imagine the situation: two lash stylists, each of whom makes wonderful eyelashes. Master 1 is professional and works quickly, you always leave satisfied with your eyelashes. Master 2 is also professional and works quickly, but in addition to this, she is also very friendly and charismatic. You can relax and sit comfortably there, while pleasant music plays in the background. The session always begins not only on time, but also with aromatherapy or even a scalp massage. The master always remembers what her client discussed with her and shows sincere interest in his life. You always leave her relaxed and incredibly satisfied. Which of these two girls will sign up with again? The beauty industry is very competitive, so finding a way to differentiate yourself from the rest of the industry is essential to growing your business. And impressing your customers with how much you care about them is a wonderful way to build trust.


Your clients can go anywhere for eyelash extensions, but they come to you! It is very important to show how much you appreciate them. A simple way to achieve this is to establish a personal relationship with everyone. Remember stories and ask questions, show interest and show that you care. Best friends It is not necessary to become (although this sometimes happens), but it is necessary to show that clients are not just walking wallets for you. Give them small gifts during the holidays. Offer free services on birthdays. Organize an event. Even a simple thank you card can go a long way.


Always try to book the client for the next session on the spot. Offer a convenient date and try to agree immediately. If a person is not ready to sign up again right away, do not forget about him. Send a text or email asking how your lashes are doing and reminding you to schedule your next session before your schedule gets jammed up.


These can be either simple coupons or a more complex savings system. Award points for repeat appointments on the spot, recommendations of new clients, or for every hundred rubles spent. Whatever you choose, the main goal of the program is to make clients feel special, to let them know that they are using your services for good conditions and receive rewards for it. Reward clients who comply with the terms of the program with free services or discounts on them. Always keep a close eye on the progress of your program. You cannot create a program and forget about its existence or prevent clients from using the promotional services that you offered.


It happens that you constantly see a client for many months, and then he seems to disappear from the face of the earth. It is always useful to call those people who have not visited you for a long time. Perhaps they have changed their place of residence, or perhaps they need an incentive to move back. We've all had clients who say they want a "break" from extensions. Don't forget about them! Let them know how much you miss them by offering a fifty percent discount on their next session.