How to build an aircraft at home. Do-it-yourself gyroplane: drawings, description. Homemade gyroplanes

Man never lost his desire to fly. Even today, when traveling by plane to the other end of the planet is a completely common thing, you want to assemble at least the simplest aircraft and if you don’t fly yourself, then at least fly in first person using a camera, for this they use unmanned vehicles. We will consider the most simple designs, diagrams and drawings and, perhaps, we will realize our old dream...

Requirements for ultra-light aircraft

Sometimes emotions and the desire to fly can overcome common sense, and the ability to design and correctly carry out calculations and plumbing work is not taken into account at all. This approach is fundamentally wrong, and therefore, several decades ago, the Ministry of Aviation prescribed general requirements for home-made ultra-light aircraft. We will not present the entire set of requirements, but will limit ourselves to only the most important ones.

  1. A homemade aircraft must be easy to control, easy to pilot during takeoff and landing, and the use of unconventional methods and systems for controlling the aircraft is strictly prohibited.
  2. If an engine fails, the aircraft must remain stable and ensure safe gliding and landing.
  3. The aircraft's run-up before take-off and lift-off from the ground is no more than 250 m, and the take-off speed is at least 1.5 m/s.
  4. The forces on the control handles are in the range of 15-50 kgf, depending on the maneuver being performed.
  5. The clamps of the aerodynamic steering planes must withstand an overload of at least 18 units.

Requirements for the design of an aircraft

Since an aircraft is a high-risk vehicle, when designing the aircraft structure, the use of materials, steels, cables, hardware components and assemblies of unknown origin is not allowed. If wood is used in the structure, it must be free of visible damage and knots, and those compartments and cavities in which moisture and condensation can accumulate must be equipped with drainage holes.

The simplest version of a motorized aircraft is a monoplane with a pulling motor propeller. The scheme is quite old, but time-tested. The only drawback of monoplanes is that in emergency conditions it is quite difficult to leave the cockpit; the monowing gets in the way. But the design of these devices is very simple:

  • the wing is made of wood according to a two-spar design;
  • welded steel frame, some use riveted aluminum frames;
  • combined or full linen cladding;
  • closed cabin with a door operating according to an automobile circuit;
  • simple pyramidal chassis.

The drawing above shows a Malysh monoplane with a 30-horsepower gasoline engine, take-off weight is 210 kg. The plane reaches a speed of 120 km/h and has a flight range of about 200 km with a ten-liter tank.

Construction of a braced high-wing aircraft

The drawing shows a single-engine high-plane Leningradets, built by a group of St. Petersburg aircraft modelers. The design of the device is also simple and unpretentious. The wing is made of pine plywood, the fuselage is welded from steel pipe, classic linen covering. Wheels for the landing gear are from agricultural machinery so that it is possible to carry out flights starting from unprepared soil. The engine is based on the design of the MT8 motorcycle engine with 32 horsepower, and the take-off weight of the device is 260 kg.

The device proved to be excellent in terms of controllability and ease of maneuvering and was successfully operated for ten years and took part in rallies and competitions.

All-wood aircraft PMK3

The all-wood PMK3 aircraft also showed excellent flight qualities. The plane had a peculiar shape of the nose, a grounded landing gear with small-diameter wheels, and the cabin had a car-type door. The aircraft had an all-wood fuselage covered with canvas and a single-spar wing made of pine plywood. The device is equipped with a water-cooled Vikhr3 outboard motor.

As you can see, with certain skills in design and engineering, you can not only make a working model of an airplane or a drone, but also a completely full-fledged simple aircraft with your own hands. Be creative and dare, have a good flight!

I already wrote in the article how the guys from Germany, using standard parts for radio-controlled models, made with their own hands a multicopter capable of lifting a person and lifted him into the air, that is, they made the world's first manned flight on an electric multicopter. This was in October last year. But they didn’t stop there, they didn’t start working on radio-controlled models, but went further and developed a concept for the development of their project, putting their ideas into it.

This is the official unveiling of the E-Volo 2012 promotional video. At the beginning of the video you can see the world's first manned flight of an aircraft vertical take-off and landing, with a purely electric drive. In the second part you will be able to see the concepts of research into the future of volocopters.

Pioneer Aviation.

After more than a year of development work on the volocopter VC1, the E-Volo team achieved its goal and on October 21, 2011, the world's first manned vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft with purely electric drive made its maiden flight.

What is Volocopter?

The E-Volo volocopter is a completely new, vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) manned aircraft that cannot be classified into any known category. The fact is that this model was conceived as a device with a purely electric drive, which distinguishes it from conventional aircraft.
With the help of its many propellers, the volocopter can take off and land vertically, like a helicopter. A significant advantage, in addition to the simple design, without complex mechanics, is redundancy rotors. This allows the volocopter to land safely even if some of the propellers or their drives fail.

How does volocopter work?

Control in flight is carried out using a joystick, by wire and, in principle, very easy. Unlike any other vertical take-off aircraft, the control operation is reminiscent of child's play. The machine takes off and lands vertically, and the pilot pays little or no attention to the flight path angle, minimum speed, cockpit position, pitch control and many other things that ordinary pilots do and about which aircraft are so demanding.
The propellers generate all the upward force, and by selectively changing the speed of rotation, they simultaneously replace the rudder by changing the direction of movement. In addition, unlike a helicopter, there is no need for mechanical control of the pitch of the rotor at all.
Automatic position control and direction control are carried out using several independent on-board computers that control the rotation speed of each propeller individually and the multicopter as a whole.
As an option, you can use another pusher propeller, which will significantly increase the horizontal flight speed.

Prospects for the development of Volocopter

Together with a network of renowned partners in the field scientific research and industry, Volo will be moving forward with the development of volocopter technology over the next year.
The goal of the cooperation is a two-seat volocopter that complies with safety standards, and is based on the concept of study and evolution of the VC 2P, with the following performance characteristics:

Speed ​​over 100 km/h
minimum flight altitude ceiling 6500 feet
take-off weight 450 kg
more than one hour of flight time

I understand that we can’t expect substantive comments from our public, but here’s how American enthusiasts of unusual aircraft comment on this idea:

  • Absolutely amazing! Can't wait to see the first production models. Volocopter - quadcopters are the future of aviation.
  • I need one, even if it's a bad one.
  • Lots of comments about "it's safe, it's not safe" but no one remembers that a guy named La Cierva developed a very good machine... about 80 years ago! Never heard of gyroscopes? Many people didn't (and didn't) know nowadays) that the main mistakes in piloting occur at low altitude. I believe that the gyroscope is the most necessary, but underestimated device of the aircraft. Look at beautiful video here on YouTube, which shows how a gyroscope helps aircraft land and take off. By using gyroscopes on such a Volocopter - quadcopter, you can achieve the highest piloting reliability.
  • It is theoretically the safest manned aircraft design ever made.
  • Conventional helicopters, as everyone knows, are thousands of parts connected into a complex kinematic chain. Even with a fixed plane, the blades are thousands of individual moving parts. This multicopter has 18 moving parts. That's all.
  • A high degree of redundancy means security. There is always the possibility of engine failure, in this case it is not scary.

What is your opinion?

You have decided to build an airplane. And immediately you are faced with the first problem - what should it be like? Single or double? Most often this depends on the power of the existing engine, availability necessary materials and tools, as well as the size of the “hangar” for building and storing the aircraft. And in most cases, the designer has to opt for a single-seat training aircraft.

According to statistics, this class of aircraft is the most widespread and popular among amateur designers. For such machines, a variety of designs, types of structures and engines are used. Equally common are biplanes, monoplanes with low and high wings, single and twin engines, with pulling and pushing propellers, etc.

The proposed series of articles contains an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the main aerodynamic designs of aircraft and their design solutions, which will allow readers to independently evaluate the strengths and weak sides various amateur designs, will help you choose the best one and the most suitable for construction.


One of the most common designs for an amateur single-seat aircraft is a braced monoplane with a high wing and a pulling propeller. It should be noted that this scheme appeared in the 1920s and has remained virtually unchanged throughout its existence, becoming one of the most studied, tested and constructively developed. The characteristic features of an aircraft of this type are a wooden two-spar wing, a welded steel truss fuselage, fabric covering, a pyramidal landing gear and a closed cockpit with a car-type door.

In the 1920s - 1930s, a variation of this scheme became widespread - a parasol type aircraft (from the French parasol - sun umbrella), which was a high-wing aircraft with a wing mounted on struts and struts above the fuselage. “Parasols” are still found in amateur aircraft construction today, but they are, as a rule, structurally complex, less aerodynamically advanced and less convenient to operate than classic high-wing aircraft. In addition, such devices (especially small sizes) access to the cabin is very difficult and, as a result, the difficulty of leaving it in an emergency.

Single-seat high-wing aircraft:

Engine - LK-2 with a power of 30 hp. designs by L. Komarov, wing area - 7.8 m2, wing profile - ClarkU, take-off weight - 220 kg (pilot - 85 kg, power plant - 32.2 kg, fuselage - 27 kg, landing gear with skis - 10.5 kg , horizontal tail - 5.75 kg, wing with struts - 33 kg), maximum speed— 130 km/h, flight range with a fuel supply of 10 l is 180-200 km

Engine - “Zundapp” with a power of 50 hp, wing area - 9.43 m2, take-off weight - 380 kg, empty weight - 260 kg, maximum speed -150 km/h, rate of climb at the ground - 2.6 m/s , flight duration -8 hours, stall speed - 70 km/h

The advantages of high-wing aircraft include the simplicity of piloting techniques, especially if the specific wing load does not exceed 30 - 40 kg/m2. High-wing aircraft are distinguished by good stability, excellent takeoff and landing characteristics, they allow rear alignment of up to 35-40% of the average aerodynamic chord (MAC). From the cockpit of such a device, the pilot is provided with optimal downward visibility. In short, for those who are building their first plane, and who are also planning to learn how to fly it on their own, there is no better scheme to come up with.

In our country, amateur aircraft designers have repeatedly turned to the braced high-wing aircraft design. Thus, at one time, a whole squadron of “parasol” aircraft appeared: “Baby” from Chelyabinsk, created by former pilot L. Komarov, “Leningradets” from St. Petersburg, built by a group of aircraft modelers led by V. Tatsiturnov, a high-wing aircraft designed by machine operator V. .Frolov from the village of Donino near Moscow.

We should tell you more about the last device. Having thoroughly studied the simplest design of a braced high-wing aircraft, the designer carefully planned his work. The wing was made of pine and plywood, the fuselage was welded from steel pipes and these elements of the aircraft were covered with fabric using classical aviation technology. I chose large wheels for the landing gear so that I could fly from unprepared ground areas. The power unit is based on a 32-horsepower MT-8 engine, equipped with a gearbox and a large-diameter propeller. Aircraft take-off weight - 270 kg, flight centering - 30% GR, specific wing load - 28 kg/m2, wingspan - 8000 mm, propeller thrust in place - 85 kgf, maximum speed - 130 km/h, landing - 50 km /h.

Test pilot V. Zabolotsky, who flew over this device, was delighted with its capabilities. According to the pilot, even a child can control it. The aircraft was operated by V. Frolov for more than ten years and participated in several SLA rallies.

The test pilots were no less delighted by the PMK-3 aircraft, created in the town of Zhukovsky near Moscow by a group of amateur aircraft designers under the leadership of N. Prokopets. The vehicle had a unique forward fuselage, a very low landing gear and was designed according to the design of a strut-braced high-wing aircraft with a closed cockpit; a door was provided on the left side of the fuselage. The wing is slightly beveled back to ensure the necessary alignment. The design of the aircraft is all wood, covered with canvas. The wing is single-spar, with pine flanges, a set of ribs and the wing forehead are covered with plywood.

Wing area - 10.4 m2, wing profile - R-W, take-off weight - 200 kg, fuel reserve - 13 l, flight balance - 27% MAR, static propeller thrust - 60 kgf, stall speed - 40 km/h, maximum speed - 100 km/h, flight range - 100 km

The fuselage is based on three spars, and therefore the fuselage had a triangular cross-section. The plumage and control system of the PMK-3 aircraft are designed like those of the famous training glider B. Oshkinis BRO-11 M. The basis of the power plant is a 30-horsepower liquid-cooled “Whirlwind” outboard motor; at the same time, the radiator protruded slightly from the right side of the fuselage.

An interesting type of amateur-built high-wing braced aircraft was Don Quixote, developed in Poland by J. Yanovsky. With the light hand of an enthusiast of amateur aircraft construction, the famous glider test pilot and journalist G.S. Malinovsky, who published the drawings of “Don Quixote” in the magazine “Modelist-Konstruktor”, this, in general, not entirely successful scheme became very widespread in our country - at SLA rallies there were sometimes more than four dozen similar devices. Professional aircraft designers, however, believe that amateur aviators were attracted to this scheme primarily by the unusual appearance of the aircraft, but it was precisely there that some “pitfalls” were hidden.

A characteristic feature of Don Quixote was the forward-facing cabin, which provided great review and comfortable seating for the pilot. However, on an extremely light aircraft weighing up to 300 kg, the alignment changed significantly in the case when, instead of an 80-kg pilot, a more slender one, weighing 60 kg, sat in the cockpit - the device suddenly turned from overly stable to completely unstable. This situation should have been avoided even when designing the car - it was only necessary to install the pilot’s seat at its center of gravity.

Airplanes with a pusher propeller, designed according to the Don Quixote airplane design:

Engine power - 25 hp, wing area - 7.5 m2, empty weight - 150 kg, take-off weight - 270 kg, maximum speed - 130 km/h, rate of climb at the ground - 2.5 m/s, ceiling - 3000 m, flight range - 250 km. Machine design - all wood

Engine power - 30 hp, wingspan -7 m, wing area - 7 m2, empty weight - 105 kg, take-off weight - 235 kg, maximum speed - 160 km/h, rate of climb - 3 m/s, flight duration - 3 hours

Construction - fiberglass, engine power - 35 hp, wingspan - 8 m, wing area - 8 m2, wing profile - Clark YH, take-off weight - 246 kg, empty weight - 143 kg, flight balance - 20% MAC, maximum speed - 130 km/h

Another feature of Don Quixote is the landing gear with a tail wheel. As is known, such a scheme, in principle, does not ensure the directional stability of a light aircraft when moving along the airfield. The fact is that the movements of the aircraft, with a decrease in its mass and moments of inertia, become fast, sharp, short-period, and the pilot has to focus all his attention on maintaining the direction of the takeoff or run.

The A-12 aircraft from the Aeroprakt club (Samara), which was one of the copies of Don Quixote, had exactly the same congenital defect as the firstborn of this galaxy, however, the designers, after testing the machine by professional pilots V. Makagonov and M Molchanyuk quickly found an error in the design. By replacing the tail wheel with a nose wheel on the A-12, they completely eliminated one of the main disadvantages of the Polish-design aircraft.

Another significant drawback of Don Quixote is the use of a pusher propeller, obscured in flight by the cockpit and wing. At the same time, the efficiency of the propeller dropped sharply, and the wing, not blown by the air flow from the propeller, did not provide the calculated lift. As a result, takeoff and landing speeds increased, which led to a longer takeoff and run, and also reduced the rate of climb. With a low thrust-to-weight ratio, the plane might not get off the ground at all. This is exactly what happened at one of the SLA rallies with the Elf plane, built according to the Don Quixote scheme by students and employees of the MAI.

Of course, building aircraft with a pushing propeller is not at all prohibited, but the need and feasibility of creating an aircraft with such a power plant in each specific case should be carefully assessed, since this will inevitably lead to losses in thrust and lift of the wing.

It should be noted that designers who creatively approached the use of a power plant with a pusher propeller managed to overcome the disadvantages of such a scheme and create very interesting options. In particular, several successful devices based on the “Don Quixote” scheme were built by P. Atyomov, a machine operator from the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk.

Wing area - 8 m2, take-off weight - 215 kg, maximum speed - 150 km/h, stall speed - 60 km/h, rate of climb at the ground - 1.5 m/s, operating load range - from +6 to -4

1 - metal wing sock; 2 - tubular wing spar; 3 - flap; 4 - tubular spars of the aileron and flap; 5 - aileron; 6 - engine control handle; 7 - entrance door of the pilot's cabin (right); 8 - engine; 9 - aileron control rod; 10 - strut in the plane of the wing; 11 - riveted duralumin fuselage beam; 12 - tubular spars; 13 - speed indicator; 14 - ignition switch; 15 - altimeter; 16 - variometer; 17 - slip indicator; 18 - cylinder head temperature indicator; 19 - flap control handle; 20 - dorsal parachute

A well-flying airplane with a pusher propeller was created by a team of amateur aircraft designers from the Samarsky “Polyot” club aircraft plant under the leadership of P. Apmurzin - this machine was called “Crystal”. Test pilot V. Gorbunov, who flew it, did not skimp on his high praise - according to his reviews, the car had good stability, was light and easy to control. The Samarians managed to ensure high efficiency of the flaps, which were deflected by 20° during takeoff and by 60° during landing. True, the rate of climb of this aircraft was only 1.5 m/s due to the shading of the pushing propeller by the wide cockpit. However, this parameter turned out to be quite sufficient for an amateur design - and this despite the fact that its take-off was somewhat difficult.

Attractive appearance"Crystal" is combined with excellent production execution of an all-metal monoplane. The airframe fuselage is a duralumin beam riveted from 1-mm D16T sheets. The beam's load-bearing set also included several walls and frames curved from sheet duralumin.

It should be noted that in amateur designs, instead of metal, it is quite possible to use plywood, pine bars, plastics and other available materials.

In the bend of the fuselage beam, in its forward part, there was a cabin, covered with a large transparent faceted canopy and a light fairing made of D16T sheet 0.5 mm thick.

The braced wing is an original single-spar design with a spar made of 90x1.5 mm duralumin pipe, which absorbs the loads from bending and torsion of the wing. A set of ribs made of 0.5 mm D16T, stamped into rubber, was secured to the spar with rivets. The wing strut is made of duralumin tube 50x1 and is ennobled with a fairing made of D16T. In principle, duralumin spars and struts can be replaced with wooden, box-section ones.

The wing was equipped with ailerons and flaps with a mechanical manual drive. Wing profile - R-III. The aileron and flap had spars made of duralumin pipes with a diameter of 30x1 mm. The wing forehead is made of 0.5 mm sheet D16T. The wing surfaces were covered with canvas.

The plumage is cantilever. The fin, stabilizer, rudder and elevator are also single-spar, with spars made of D16T pipes with a diameter of 50x1.5 mm. The plumage was covered with linen. The aileron control wiring had rigid rods and rockers, the wiring to the rudders was cable.

The landing gear is tricycle, with a steerable nose wheel. The landing gear on the aircraft was depreciated due to the elasticity of pneumatic wheels with dimensions of 255x110 mm.

The basis of the aircraft's power plant is a 35-horsepower two-cylinder engine RMZ-640 from the Buran snowmobile. The propeller is of wooden construction.

When comparing pulling and pushing propellers, you need to keep in mind that for devices with a low-power power plant, the first is more effective, which was once superbly demonstrated by the French aircraft designer, an employee of the Aerospatial company, Michel Colomban - the creator of the small and very elegant “Cri-Cri” aircraft. "(cricket).

It would not be superfluous to recall that the creation of small-sized aircraft with engines of minimal power has always attracted both amateurs and professionals. Thus, the designer of large aircraft O.K. Antonov, who had already built the flying giant An-22 “Antey” with a take-off weight of 225 tons, in his book “Ten Times First” spoke about his long-time dream - a small plane with a 16 hp engine. Unfortunately, Oleg Konstantinovich did not have time to create such a device...

Designing a compact aircraft is not as simple a task as it might seem at first glance. Many conceived it as an ultra-light vehicle with extremely low wing load. The result was ultra-light vehicles capable of flying only in the complete absence of wind.

Later, designers came up with the idea of ​​​​using wings of a small area and with a large specific load for such devices, which made it possible to significantly reduce the size of the machine and increase its aerodynamic quality.

Twin-engine low-wing aircraft:

B - plane "Pasya" by Edward Magransky (Poland) - good example creative development of the “Cri-Cri” scheme:

Power point- two KFM-107E engines with a total power of 50 hp, wing area - 3.5 m2, wing aspect ratio - 14.4, empty weight - 180 kg; take-off weight - 310 kg; maximum speed - 260 km/h; stall speed - 105 km/h; flight range - 1000 km

1 - receiving air pressure from the speed indicator; 2 - duralumin air propeller(maximum rotation speed - 1000 rpm); 3 - Rowena engine (cylinder displacement 137 cm3, power 8 hp, weight 6.5 kg); 4 - resonant exhaust pipe; 5 - membrane carburetor; 6 - fuel intakes - flexible hoses with weights at the ends (one per engine); 7 - gas sector (left side); 8 - handle for the trimmer effect mechanism (resetting the elevator spring loader); 9 - resettable part of the lantern; 10 - unsupported rocker in the rudder control cable wiring; 11 - hard wiring for stabilizer control; 12 - cable wiring of the rudder drive; 13 - all-moving horizontal tail; 14 - rudder rocker; 15 - keel spar; 16 - chassis with damping in compressed position; 17 - main landing gear spring; 18 - fuel tank drain pipe; 19 - aileron-flap hovering control handle (left side); 20 - fuel tank with a capacity of 32 l; 21 - cable wiring for controlling the nose landing gear; 22 - adjustable pedals; 23 - pedal loader (rubber shock absorber); 24-rubber shock absorber for the right landing gear; 25 - engine installation frame (steel V-shaped pipe); 26 - bow strut control rocker; 27 - wing spar; 28 - hovering aileron (deflection angles from -15° to +8°, ​​hovering - +30°; 29 - foam frame; 30 - wing skin; 31 - hanging aileron mounting bracket; 32 - foam ribs; 33 - stabilizer tip (balsa ); 34 - stabilizer spar; 35 - aileron toe (skin - duralumin, filler - foam)

Nowadays, airplane travel is no longer unusual. People fly them every day. However, this is not exactly what you want. To satisfy the desire to fly, it is best to design an ultra-light aircraft.

What are the requirements for ultralight aircraft?

When this area activity was just beginning to develop, many people made many mistakes in the design or neglected any important requirements, without which the flight would have been impossible. For this reason, many have never been able to launch their own device. However, several decades ago, the Ministry of Aviation released a collection of certain requirements for ultra-light aircraft. There are quite a few of them, but among them there are several of the most important.

  • Devices assembled with your own hands must be simple to operate, easy to control during landing and take-off. In addition, the use of any management methods other than traditional ones is strictly prohibited.
  • If a microlight aircraft's engine fails for any reason, it must be designed to glide and land smoothly.
  • The maximum permissible takeoff run of an aircraft before takeoff is no more than 250 meters. The minimum speed during acceleration must be at least 1.5 m/s.
  • The forces applied to the control stick should be in the range from 15 to 150 kgf, depending on the complexity of the maneuver being performed.
  • Clamps for steering planes must withstand a load of at least 18 units.


Besides general requirements requirements for ultralight aircraft, there are also certain conditions regarding the design of these devices.

The main requirement for this type of device is as follows. When constructing the apparatus, it is unacceptable to use steel, cables, hardware components and other materials of unknown origin. This is due to the fact that the unit itself belongs to the group of devices with an increased risk to human life. Another very important condition is that if you assemble an aircraft with your own hands using wood, then it must be without any visible flaws, knots, wormholes, etc. In addition, in those compartments where moisture may accumulate for any reason, drainage holes must be equipped.

Assembly nuances

It is highly not recommended to use bent pipes or rods. This is especially true for those units where forces may arise to compress or stretch the material. It is imperative that when assembling an aircraft with your own hands, you need to ensure that all threaded connections have a locking mechanism, and the movable type hinge joints must be equipped with a mechanical stopper. The use of growers or is prohibited. All cables used during assembly must be free of knots and damage to the cores. In addition, they must undergo mandatory treatment with anti-corrosion compounds.

High wing

The simplest version of the aircraft to manufacture is the high-wing one. This model is a monoplane with a pulling motor propeller. It is worth noting that the circuitry of this device is already quite old, but reliable and time-tested. Among the shortcomings of these aircraft, there is only one drawback - in an emergency, it is quite difficult to leave the cockpit due to the monowing. However, the design of these units is very simple, which is the most important feature when assembling an aircraft with your own hands.

  • The wing is constructed of wood using a two-spar design.
  • Frame material - welded steel. Riveted aluminum options can also be used.
  • As cladding, you can use completely linen materials, or combined types.
  • The cabin must be closed. It should be closed with a car-type door.
  • The usual pyramidal type of device is used as a chassis.

High wing braced model

The model of the single-engine high-wing aircraft "Leningradets" is one of the varieties of homemade aircraft, the design of which is also very simple. If you assemble an aircraft with your own hands, you need to know the following details. The wing can be made of pine plywood. The fuselage is welded from an ordinary steel pipe, and the usual fabric version is used as skin. Parts from rural equipment were chosen as wheels for the chassis. This is done so that you can start from an unprepared surface. The engine of the aircraft is based on the design of a motorcycle engine model MT8, which has 32 horsepower. The take-off weight of the device is 260 kg.

This aircraft demonstrates its best qualities in the field of control and ease of maneuvering.

DIY drone

(BPA) are also quite common nowadays. Here it is worth saying that the assembly of this unit, especially if it is assembled using the latest technology, will be quite expensive.

As the main material, you can choose one that has characteristics similar to foam plastic, but will not be deformed by the use of glue, and its strength indicators will be higher. You can also use fairly lightweight, but very rigid polyethylene foam. It is worth adding that to assemble this device you will have to master the skills of working with a soldering iron yourself.