How to invite you for an interview correctly. Ready-made and effective ad templates. What is important to include in a letter?

An invitation to an interview is the employer’s desire to meet the selected candidate in person. This means that the applicant's resume attracted the recruiter. The first communication and general impression of the candidate is created during a personal meeting.

An invitation to a meeting is an intermediate step between studying the applicant’s resume and a personal conversation. During the meeting, the professional skills and qualities of the candidate are revealed, as well as their correspondence with the resume (read more about how to conduct a job interview, and you will learn about what questions to ask the applicant). A recruiter can voice a proposal for a meeting in two ways:

  1. Through telephone conversations.
  2. By sending an email or SMS message.

Sites that specialize in collecting vacancies from direct employers and attracting applicants have specially designed templates with the function of automatically filling in employer data. The template contains contact numbers through which the applicant can independently contact authorized persons of the company.

This method simplifies the work of authorized persons, especially if we are talking about a company with a large flow of new vacancies. However, there is a small drawback, and it is that the electronic template may remain unread or completely ignored.

How to invite by phone?

How to negotiate over the phone correctly is a pressing question. During a telephone conversation, the employer can ask any questions of interest to the candidate in order to form an initial opinion about his knowledge.

By setting the date and time of the interview and agreeing on it over the phone with the successful candidate, you can easily control the entire procedure for finding employees and know for sure exactly how many people will come to the business conversation.

An example would be the following algorithm:

It is also advisable to thank the employer for their attention to your person and wish to find a worthy employee. At the same time, it is very important to comply business style communication. Notice of refusal should only be sent to work time and preferably on weekdays.

Why aren't they invited?

There can be many reasons for refusal:

  • If the candidate's skills and experience do not match the vacant position.
  • An incorrect resume (education is not fully indicated, literacy is missing, etc.).
  • Frequent job changes.

The reasons for refusal can be obtained from the responsible persons of the company. You can contact them by contact numbers. It is very important to always be polite and not be rude.

When recruiting personnel, HR department employees use a variety of methods that allow them to very accurately determine what kind of person a candidate is and whether he can be considered a potential employee. Read our materials about what a job seeker needs to know in order to.

To summarize, it can be noted that in any situation one must observe the rules of decency and business etiquette. It is important to show yourself only from the positive side, because you don’t know what and who awaits in the future.

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A telephone interview is the primary stage of selecting applicants for an open vacancy. We will tell you in this article how to properly invite for an interview by phone, prepare and conduct the interview.

From the article you will learn:

Why is the telephone interview format so popular?

Telephone interviews are used by employers as a preliminary stage in searching and hiring candidates. With minimal costs, except for time, they allow you to immediately weed out those applicants who clearly do not meet the requirements of the vacancy or corporate culture.

With candidates living in another locality or outside the city, conducting a telephone interview becomes a must if the company is not going to introduce them into unnecessary expenses and spoil its image. For positions that require remote work, this method of interviewing an applicant may be the only option.

The multi-stage candidate selection process can take up to three weeks. But already at the telephone interview stage, an experienced recruiter will be able to assess the critical thinking and interpersonal skills necessary for effective communication. By culling less qualified applicants, you narrow the pool of candidates while improving the quality of those remaining and saving time spent on .

Telephone interviews have another advantage. During a telephone conversation, the interviewer is not distracted by external factors and focuses on the meaning of what the interlocutor is saying. This allows you to form a deeper, more holistic portrait of the candidate and an objective one.

This is an interview that you need to prepare for in advance, whether you are the recruiter conducting the initial interview or the hiring manager making the final decision. You need to know not only how to properly invite someone for a telephone interview, but also how to correctly interpret his answers to your questions.

Vera Mukhina answers,

HR Director at ENKOR.

Typical picture: HR conducts a face-to-face interview with a candidate and realizes that this could not have been done. There is a formal circumstance due to which the applicant is clearly not suitable. Moreover, this circumstance could have been learned at the stage of telephone screening...

How to invite for an interview by phone?

Rules of business etiquette suggest that the candidate must be given time to prepare for the conversation with the recruiter. Therefore, there should be two phone calls from the company:

  1. You agree on a time when it will be convenient to answer your questions and specify whose call will be outgoing - yours or the applicant's.
  2. The interview itself is over the phone.

In both cases, one should remember and observe basic rules business communication accepted in the modern business environment. By following these rules you will create your first good impression about the company and increase its prestige.

How to invite for an interview by phone (example)

Good day, Sergey. My name is Natalya, I am the HR manager at Alfa company. We have received your resume for the position "" and are ready to conduct a preliminary interview by phone. Now would it be convenient for you to give me a couple of minutes and agree on a time for it?

When will it be convenient for you to answer my questions about your resume? Which is more convenient for you - will you call us yourself or wait for a call from us?

Fine. So, we agreed that you will call us on the 15th, Monday, at 10:00. I remind you that my name is Natalya, I will be waiting for a call from you at the appointed time. Thank you. Goodbye and have a nice day.

Note! An invitation to a telephone interview is an example when the applicant himself sets the time for the conversation - also a way to check his commitment and punctuality.

How to conduct a telephone interview?

The result of a competent telephone interview will be the right decision - whether this applicant is suitable for your company and whether he meets the requirements of the vacancy. To conduct an interview with good result, the recruiter must get an idea of ​​the interlocutor’s experience and skills. To do this, he must know when to ask questions and when to listen carefully to the answers.

If during the telephone interview it becomes clear that the applicant may be suitable, the recruiter’s task is to interest the interlocutor in this vacancy. Therefore, a good recruiter provides information about the company based on his motivations, goals and career aspirations. This means that at the beginning of the conversation you need to find out as much as possible about the interlocutor before telling him about the employer.

When inviting an applicant to an initial interview by telephone, the recruiter has the right to decide for himself how to conduct it. The advice that can be given to him is often similar to that received by candidates awaiting such an interview:

  1. Prepare in advance. Find out as much as possible about the interlocutor before the interview, use social media. Study the job description, prepare questions, the answers to which will show whether the interlocutor meets the established professional criteria.
  2. Ensure it is quiet and free from distractions. Do not announce the invitation to a telephone interview or the interview itself and do not conduct it “on the run”, in a noisy place, while traveling on public transport, etc. During the conversation, do not be distracted - do not answer calls, do not check email. A calm, continuous conversation will help you better concentrate, hear and understand each other.
  3. Don't talk too much or quickly. Observe general principles conducting an interview - ask questions, do not allow the interlocutor to be distracted by details during answers, listen to them carefully.
  4. Be prepared for unexpected questions. Just like the candidates themselves, they never know when a non-standard question will be asked. If you are prepared for such a situation, you will be able to answer any tricky question correctly.
  5. Tell the candidate about next steps. This must be done when completing a telephone interview. This will eliminate unnecessary calls and emails with questions from the applicant. Conclude by thanking them for their time and letting you know when you will call to report the results of your interview.

If the question arises about how to refuse an applicant after a telephone interview, do not use the phrase “You are not suitable for us,” even though it reflects the true state of affairs. Be clear about the reasons for the refusal, but remember that you may be required to justify it in writing if discrimination is suspected.

Telephone interview, example of a conversation between an employer and a rejected candidate

Unfortunately, we only had one vacancy. Based on the interview results, you took second place, so we cannot hire you now. But, if you don’t mind, we will leave your information in our database and, if a similar vacancy appears, we will contact you again.

Are you interested in re-evaluating the value of the first 15 seconds of a typical telephone conversation between a job seeker and an employer? In this case, we will draw your attention to a problem that is invisible at first glance: when making an outgoing call from an employer to a job seeker, the basic rules by which it is customary to talk on the phone in a modern business environment are often violated. As a result, in addition to spoiling the first impression of each other and lowering the prestige of the calling company, people sometimes even fail to agree on an interview.

The reason for the problem: despite the apparent simplicity of a telephone conversation, direct training in telephone conversations is mainly carried out for sales specialists and management personnel, i.e. for those whose success depends on business etiquette. But the budget for training HR employees is often cut. Of course, if an ordinary employee is invited to an interview, the HR manager’s disregard for certain conversation norms will go unnoticed by the applicant. However, during a dialogue with senior managers and managers, the HR employee runs the risk of showing himself to be a less educated person in matters of professional ethics.

To fill the identified gap, you can use the material proposed below. It will show which outgoing phone call structure most effectively emphasizes the HR professional’s professionalism (or lack thereof).

The manner in which we communicate over the phone when scheduling an interview is an important indicator of our professional level. Let's match!

Sample text of a competent telephone conversation about scheduling an interview:

“Good afternoon, Irina! (pause). My name is Olga - HR manager of company N. I am calling to arrange a time for an interview for the position " Regional Representative" Can you talk for 2 minutes now?”

“Irina, I propose to summarize: we meet with you tomorrow, March 24, at 15:00, at the address: Cosmos, 4, office 3. Let me remind you again, my name is Olga. All the best!".

Outgoing phone call plan

1. Greeting + introducing yourself

Say hello and address your interlocutor by name
Introduce yourself: not only your first name (last name), but the name of the company.

Meaning: from the first seconds it is necessary to get the interlocutor in the mood for a conversation and create an attractive image of the caller. Forget about the expression: “It bothers you”! - it is unlikely to evoke pleasant emotions. Neutral phrases are much better suited.

Example:“Good morning, Alexey! My name is Alena, HR manager at Pero.

2. Message of the purpose of the call

let the person understand why you are calling, since the applicant may receive many phone calls that are not necessarily related to the job search, and he may not immediately understand what you are talking about;

Give the person the opportunity to “switch” to a conversation with you, put aside current affairs.

Example:“We have received your resume for the position of head of the sales department. I’m calling to arrange a time for an interview in our office.”

3. The question of having time to talk

Surprisingly, this is the most often forgotten point! Although, who among us has not had the opportunity to pick up the phone at an inconvenient time: on the road, on the street, during an operational meeting or negotiations?

Meaning: remove all obstacles to continuing the conversation. Imagine, an applicant is at a meeting at his current job, and then you call to offer him another job, you understand...

At trainings people often object to this point: “If a person is uncomfortable talking, he will say so himself, so why ask him about it?”

Think about in what situation you look more respectable:

When they interrupt you and say: “Sorry, I don’t have time right now, call me back”
- or when you yourself manage the conversation and ask the question about the possibility of continuing the conversation?

Very important: you need to be interested not just in the availability of abstract time, but in specific minutes: “Anna, do you have 3 minutes to talk now?” This gives both you and the other person a clear direction.

Moreover, if a person refuses to talk, do not forget to find out exactly when it is best to call back.

4. Discussion of the main purpose of the call

5. Recap + farewell

Meaning: State the most important takeaways from the conversation to make sure you understand each other and set a favorable tone for the rest of the meeting. This point can also be called a check of understanding.

There are cases when interlocutors misheard the time of the interview, meeting place and other details. A short repetition important points helps to avoid these failures.

Maria Bolokhova - business coach, consultant in the field of human resources management

A few interview rules

Rule #1. The ability of the applicant at the beginning of the conversation to transfer the topic of conversation into a dialogue format, and not into a “question-answer” mode, plays a role: take the initiative, ask questions.

Rule #2. Talking about yourself matters within 30 seconds. At the same time, self-presentation should be interesting: have an emphasis at the beginning and end.

Golden rule: you cannot be late for a meeting with an employer; neat appearance.
However, the most important thing in an interview is your self-confidence. Smile!.. but don't overdo it.

There are only 6 types of interviews that can be used to one degree or another in companies:

1. Biographical interview (represents a series of questions, the purpose of which is to establish the reliability of the information specified in the resume and to obtain detailed information about the education, work experience and competencies of the applicant).

2. Case interview, or situational interview (represents a dialogue between a consultant and a candidate, during which the candidate tries to solve a specific business problem).

3. Projective interview (based on constructing questions in such a way that they invite the candidate to evaluate not himself, but people in general or some character).

4. Interview on competencies (questions are aimed at clarifying the qualities and abilities that will be required to perform job duties).

5. Conversation about nothing (questions are asked about vacations, family, pets and hobbies. Based on your answers, the recruiting manager can guess how you behave with colleagues, subordinates, identify the main character traits, etc.).

6. Stress interview (a stressful situation where they test your self-esteem and ability to talk about what doesn’t suit you.)

We offer remote and well-paid work via the Internet without sales. Working with us, you won’t have to sell or resell the product to anyone. There is also no need to buy boxes of goods for yourself. Everyone has free time one way or another, so why should it go to waste? By doing remote work on the Internet for several hours a day, earnings can average from 15,000 to 30,000 rubles, and over time even more. Our remote work via the Internet is completely legal and not illegal, you won’t have to engage in deception. No investment is required from you either.
I offer simple and profitable work from home without any investment. There will be no need to sell goods, just as there will be no need to buy up boxes of goods and then resell them. Working from home is today a serious and profitable type of business with a stable and independent income. You are your own boss and subordinate. Working from home with us, you will always depend only on yourself. Therefore, you will pay your own wages - this is much better than waiting for it from your employer, but he will never give you good money won't make money. Write to me by email, I will answer any questions.
For remote work Internet project administrator required

Availability of a PC with Internet access
Willingness to work hard and learn
Focus on results
Ability to self-organize in home-office mode
Experience in HR management is preferred

Customer needs analysis
Conducting negotiations via the Internet
Planning and reporting

Remote work (combination possible)
Work in a company that is firmly on its feet and confidently developing
Friendly team
Work experience does not matter (training is free)
Wide opportunities for career growth to department head
I invite active girls for cooperation. Possible combination with other work! The work is of an informational and advertising nature only. Recruitment and supervision of a customer base for an online store famous brand. Ideal for girls on maternity leave, housewives, and anyone who wants to earn money at home. We provide training for free. Help and support at all stages of work. Teamwork. Without any risks for you. Please do not disturb unscrupulous people. We will send you more detailed information by email.

Age over 20, ability to communicate with people.
Availability of a computer and a good Internet connection. Responsibility, communication skills

Work is carried out exclusively from home online.
The schedule is free.
We provide training before work (free)
Payments are official.
We offer remote work on the Internet without investment. There is no need to distribute the products at all. Therefore, you will not be required to sell goods to anyone or sell them. The additional income we offer on the Internet is an extremely well-paid and very stable type of additional income. Working for the state, you are unlikely to ever feel financial independence and complete sufficiency in cash. Our work suits absolutely everyone. If you are interested, write to me by email, I will definitely answer any questions you have.
A vacancy has opened for a HR manager in an internet project of a large international company. No work experience required. Online training via webinars is absolutely free! Career prospects. Possibility of combining with main job. It is enough to work from 2 to 4 hours a day. You need to have a computer and access to the Internet.
A large company requires an assistant information manager. Responsibilities: processing mail, editing letters, working with incoming correspondence. Conditions: work 3-4 hours a day, career growth, official employment, free training.
Requirements: age 18 years or older, willingness to learn, dedication.
Part time work at home! (Internet Consultant)
Due to the opening of new vacancies, online store consultants are required. The work does not include additional investments. There is no financial and financial responsibility. We work together and quickly, there is no time to waste, because we want to live with dignity today, and not in ten years. The work is interesting, but requires perseverance. More detailed information by email.

Conditions, work schedule:
Availability of a PC (tablet, laptop), internet, 3-4 hours of free time per day.
Training, help and support at all stages are guaranteed.
Training is free.
The salary is official, paid to a bank card.
Administrator. (works only on the Internet)
We are urgently recruiting employees! Work only on the Internet, without financial investments, no direct sales. The amount of income depends on your desire to work and earn money! Experience is not necessary, learning in the process. Your place of residence does not matter - the work is remote. The schedule is free.
We will send you more detailed information by email. mail.
Part-time job! At home on the Internet.
Due to the expansion of the Internet project, employees are required. Work without a boss and an alarm clock! Ideal for everyone who wants to really earn money without sales and additional investments, regardless of age. Experience and education don't matter. Opportunities for rapid career growth with a constant increase in income. We will send more complete information to your email. Responsibilities include: preparing information about the services provided by the Internet project and distributing it, searching for candidates for the position of consultants in the client network and managing them.

Requirements for the applicant:
Availability of a PC (laptop, tablet) with Internet access. People communication skills.

Conditions, work schedule:
Working hours are flexible (3-4 hours a day)
Free video training on the job
Internet administrator urgently required.
Due to the opening of new vacancies, employees are urgently needed to work on the Internet from home. The job is ideal for anyone who wants to earn money without sales or additional investments, regardless of age. Work from home, at any time convenient for you. You work according to a free schedule and have the opportunity to fully plan and regulate your working time without compromising other matters. We will send you more detailed information by email.

- assistance to the manager
- training
- work with clients

Requirements for the applicant:
- availability of PC, internet
- active life position
- learning ability
Conditions, work schedule
Official employment, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, length of service, social benefits. plastic bag.
Part-time work on the Internet! (Manager)
A successfully developing Internet project is recruiting additional employees! There are no investments, no financial and financial responsibility. We work together and quickly, there is no time to waste, because we want to live with dignity today, and not in ten years. The work is interesting, but requires perseverance. More detailed information by email.

Requirements for the applicant:
Availability of PC, internet
Learning ability, ability to work in a team

Conditions, work schedule:
Working hours are flexible (2-4 hours a day)
Help and support at all stages is guaranteed
Free training
Salary is official, paid to a bank card
Work from home. No sales. No investment.
Urgently!!! Need a partner to work from home.
The work is suitable for mothers on maternity leave, housewives, students, and all active, purposeful, ambitious people who want to earn money without sales and investments.

working with advertisements (editing old and posting new ready-made advertisements on various sites, groups, etc.).
Wage: 35,000 rub.

Conditions, work schedule:
Flexible work schedule
Free education
Applications should be sent by email
Salary: from 10,000 rubles. up to 40,000 rub. (per month)

Requirements for the applicant:
Availability of PC and Internet.
Age and gender do not matter.

Conditions, work schedule:
Free work schedule.
Training is free.
Work for beginners without investment!
A job for those who want to make money at home, but don’t know how. A specially created Internet project is perfect for housewives, mothers on maternity leave, students, pensioners, disabled people and anyone who wants to work without leaving home. The work is carried out only at home, only on a computer and takes 2-3 hours at any time of the day. The work is of an advertising and informational nature only; online tools for work can be obtained during free training, also for free. We are not in the sales business! We work without investment! We have a trial period; if something doesn’t suit you, you can leave the project at any time without spending a penny.
Registration does not oblige you to anything. Free!
Salary from 30,000 rubles. up to 40,000 rub. (per month)

Requirements for the applicant:
1. The desire to work without leaving home.
2. The desire to learn and earn money at the same time.
3. Availability of a computer and the Internet.

Conditions, work schedule:
1. At home on the Internet 2-3 hours a day.
2. Free schedule.
3. Prizes and gifts for good work.
We are recruiting employees to work on the Internet.
We invite employees to the online store to work remotely from home via the Internet. The work is not related to the sale of goods; there is also no need to make financial investments. The work is simple, but very profitable.
Remote work via the Internet.
We offer easy remote work on the Internet for young mothers at home. Also this work Suitable not only for mothers, but also for any active people, especially young people. The job is non-sales and not difficult, but brings an excellent monthly income. You will also not need any investment.
A trusted company offers remote work from home!
Due to expansion, the company is looking for employees!
The job will be in advertising. major brand, recruiting employees, sending offers on the Internet about cooperation!
Free training is provided for new employees.
We will consider candidates from students, housewives and mothers on maternity leave, as well as those who wish to have additional income!
More details by email and Skype.
Requires 5 PC operators with Internet access.
Due to the expansion of our staff, our company has opened an additional recruitment for the vacancy - operator, work from home, on a personal personal computer. This position can be either your main job or additional income in free time. Salary: from 25,000 rub. up to 45,000 rub. (per month). Write by mail!!!

Availability of a computer, laptop or tablet

Working with electronic documents

1. Free schedule: You independently choose the scope of the task that you can complete.
2. Weekends: plan on your own, based on the amount of work you choose.
3. Workplace: workplace is also planned independently.
4. Work remotely without leaving home.
Work from home without sales or investments!
Urgently! ! ! An employee is required to work from home. The job is ideal for mothers on maternity leave, housewives, students, and all active, purposeful people who want to earn money without selling or investing money. Responsibilities: working with advertisements (editing old and posting new ready-made advertisements on various sites, groups, etc.
Free training, support until results.
Salary 35,000. Send applications by mail! ! !

Requirements for the applicant:
Availability of a PC or tablet, internet and determination. Age doesn't matter.

Conditions, work schedule:
Free work schedule.
Salary: from 20,000 rub. up to 45,000 rub. (per month)
An online store manager is required to work with incoming orders.
The company provides free training, official salary, social benefits. plastic bag. Career. Possibility of combining with main job. Work from home, you choose your own working hours

Responsibilities: working with the client base, receiving and registering clients in the database, processing incoming applications.

Requirements: knowledge of the Internet at the level of an ordinary user, learning ability, activity, responsibility.

Conditions, work schedule: distant work, flexible schedule, busy 3-4 hours a day

Send applications by email! ! !
PC operator at home. Urgently!
Employees are required for the vacancy of a PC operator to create a base of loyal customers. Your responsibilities will include posting and processing advertisements, maintaining a database in Excel, consulting clients, interacting with the team, and the desire to grow and learn.
Salary: from 10,000 rubles. up to 80,000 rub. (per month)

Requirements for the applicant:
Availability of a PC and Internet access,
desire to learn and grow,
focus on results,
working with a team of like-minded people.

Conditions, work schedule:
work from home,
flexible work schedule,
possibility of combining with main work or study,
official employment.
Working on the Internet for mothers on maternity leave, housewives, students, pensioners.

A dynamically developing company is looking for active and motivated employees to work remotely on the Internet. Field of activity - information consulting (working with advertisements, mail, social networks, Skype) No sales. We are looking for people who want to make money on the Internet, but do not know “how”. They don’t pay you money for free, you have to work here! Salary: from 25,000 rub. up to 45,000 rub. (per month)

Requirements for the applicant:
It is advisable to devote 2-3 hours of time a day to work, you need a computer or laptop, stable internet, desire and readiness to learn (takes place online, completely free)

Conditions, work schedule:
free schedule,
official salary
transferred to your current account or bank card every 3 weeks or 17 times a year,
bonuses at each stage of growth.
Home operator required.

Your responsibilities:
1. Maintaining pages on social networks
2. Consulting clients
3. Training for beginners

Salary: from 10,000 rubles. up to 35,000 rub. (per month)

Requirements for the applicant:
1. availability of a computer and the Internet
2. Ability to learn
3. Leadership qualities

The work schedule is flexible. Joint business with Oriflame at home! Reboot. I invite you to New successful business project with Oriflame. You only need to work at home on your computer. No sales. No investment. Official income. Work experience and pension contributions are in progress. After registration, you get the opportunity to use quality products with a discount of 20%, participate in promotions, receive gifts and at the same time build your business and secure your future and the future of your children.

It’s very convenient for mothers on maternity leave or as a part-time job for everyone who wants it. We offer legitimate business. We guarantee support from more experienced managers at any time of the day. On initial stage, You will be offered free training. After which you can try your hand at our project without any obligations. If you are not satisfied with anything, you can always leave the project without harm to yourself. If you are interested in my offer, write to Earning money for motivated mothers on maternity leave at home.
We need active, purposeful mothers who are willing to work 2-3 hours a day. You choose the time yourself. The work is carried out entirely online from your computer.
Free education. Career growth. No running around or fuss. You don't have to part with your children. You can build your own business without leaving home. We need to work; freeloaders have nothing to do with us. We offer great opportunities. Everything is legal with us. The salary comes to the bank account. Official employment.

Sociability, competent speech, ability to attract and interest the client.
Understanding, identifying needs and the ability to take the initiative in a conversation.
Attentiveness, decency, activity.
Write by email or Skype. I will contact you.
WE ARE NEEDED FOR BRAND PROMOTION STAFF ON THE INTERNET! Free schedule. The income is high. Employment from 2 hours a day. Availability of a computer. Everything is official. Suitable for young mothers, housewives and simply for those who need MONEY.

- selection and adaptation of personnel;
- training;
- development of motivational schemes;
- analysis of employee performance.

What do we have to do:
1. Processing applications received by mail.
2. Sending correspondence via email (offers, promotions, etc. NOT SPAM).
3. Registration of interested people on the company website.
4. Reporting on the work done (created automatically).

Salary on average from 20,000 rubles. From you: learning ability, ability to communicate and work on the Internet with by email. Urgently! A manager is required to work remotely from home. What do we offer:
- Salary from 15,000 rubles (details discussed at interview).
- Unregulated working hours, flexible work schedule. Salary directly depends on the hours spent working.
- Possibility of combining with study or other work.
- Career growth that allows you to increase your income level.
- Full training within 1 week.
- Work in a young and friendly team.
- Candidates with or without experience are considered. At the initial stage there is 1 week of training, then you begin to work independently.

Primary requirements:
- Availability of 2-5 hours of time per day.
- Computer literacy: skills in using the Internet, email, knowledge of MS Word, Excel.
- Sociability, politeness, tact, friendliness.
- Result-oriented, initiative, ability to independently organize your work schedule.

We need decent, responsible and purposeful honest people. The main criterion for a candidate is the desire to earn good money at home via the Internet. The initial income is about $200-600 dollars per month, it all depends on the amount of time devoted to work. You will undergo a full training course, where you will be taught all aspects of working in our company. We are looking for young and motivated people over 20 years of age. We also consider vacancies for pensioners, students, and women on maternity leave. To start cooperating with us, write to us by email. After we receive your letter, we will send you a questionnaire, after filling it out, our recruitment manager will contact you and schedule an interview for you.
Advertising manager required for remote work.

Responsibilities: working with websites on the Internet, working on advertising websites, registering a website in catalogues, message boards, forums, social networks, etc. Flexible work schedule, but not less than 2 hours a day. Receive income on a card from any bank. Salary level from 20,000 rubles. once every 3 weeks. I will send the details to your email.

Letter No. 1

Dear Viktor Alekseevich,

I have reviewed your resume for the position of “Senior Manager” and have come to the conclusion that your education and work experience are ideal for this position. In order to discuss all the nuances and get to know you better, I invite you to an interview, which will take place on August 5, 2014 at 12:00 p.m.

If the specified date or time does not suit you, please contact our company secretary within today.


Petr Ivanovich

Letter No. 2

Dear Viktor Alekseevich,

I have carefully studied the resume you sent. Your qualifications and work experience meet the requirements of our company. But, unfortunately, the position for which you are applying has already been filled, but at the moment we have a vacancy for a distributor. If this work interests you, please contact me by phone 200-01-02.


Petr Ivanovich

Letter No. 3

Dear Viktor Alekseevich,

I have reviewed your resume and am interested in you as an employee of my company. I believe that your qualifications fully meet the requirements for the position of Sales Manager.

To get more detailed information Please contact our secretary and schedule an interview.
