How to become an excellent student in an hour. How to be an excellent student without much effort. Is it necessary to study excellently?

As you know, the quality of students’ knowledge is fixed by assessment and, starting from the first grade, a certain opinion is formed about each student and his abilities. The class begins to be divided into two-star students, three-year students, average students and excellent students.

Stereotypes are very difficult to “break”. However, even if things didn’t work out at first, it doesn’t mean that the child is inferior in mental abilities to his classmates. Some were not yet accustomed to the new environment and the demands of teachers, others did not feel interested in the learning process at school. There can be many reasons and they are all individual. Let's say that the child discovered what his problem was and he was overcome by the desire to become better, to prove to himself and others that he can achieve whatever he wants. Where to start? How to ensure that the certificate consists exclusively of the coveted “A” grades?

How to become an excellent student - self-organization

After a day of school, it can be difficult to force yourself to do homework. The temptation is great to go for a walk or just lie on the couch. But, to achieve success, you will have to overcome yourself and start by doing your homework. In preparation homework always start with the most difficult and “unloved” subject, pay maximum attention to it. Some people find it easy to study the exact sciences, while others are more “strong” in humanitarian subjects. But, in order to become an excellent student, you will have to master all subjects within the framework school curriculum, learn to perform established requirements, constantly improve your skills, expand your horizons.

How to become an excellent student - motivation

Constantly strive for your goal, understand why you need to achieve it and move towards it in small progressive steps every day. After all, if interest disappears and the desire ceases to be cherished, there is a high risk of failure.

How to become an excellent student - behavioral tactics

To begin with, make it a rule to approach the study of the material carefully and thoughtfully, prepare well for the next lesson, and if something doesn’t work out, contact the teacher for additional clarification. Thus, the student will show his interest and desire for knowledge. The teacher will definitely like this and the attitude towards such a student will be different. Become familiar with textbook chapters that have yet to be taught in class. Do not limit yourself to the required sections, study additional literature on the topic.

With further education at a secondary or higher educational institution, the mechanism for achieving a good result is the same, only under different conditions. If a student can overcome the path from a “failing student” to an “excellent student,” his example will be worthy of all respect and will serve as an incentive for other students.

Every person has within them the desire to be special. That is why films where the main roles are occupied by people with unusual abilities are so popular today. We, in turn, are trying to find our own business in which we have the opportunity to succeed. Some people prefer to develop in art, others start writing a book. And the point is not what you do. The main thing is to feel that you are in your element. So some children, going to school, understand how easy and simple it is for them to study. At such moments, they definitely have a desire to become excellent students.

The special path of an excellent student

When all children enter first grade, they do not yet know all their capabilities. They don't care much about it. But now they start assigning the first homework assignments, taking tests and independent work. This is where the selection begins. The guys who cope with the tasks and those who find it very difficult to learn something new immediately stand out.

Probably everyone remembers their first good mark. It's an amazing feeling. It makes us strive for more. And the more the teacher sets us as an example for other children, the more we want to prove him right. Considering the fact that all people are vain, we can say with confidence that the child will move further and further along this path. If he really has the ability to study, then he will be able to overcome all obstacles and become an excellent student.

The next stage of life is university. Most medalists, upon entering higher education, cease to show excellent results. It scares them a large number of new items. After several failures, the desire to continue to be an excellent student fades away. But the former blockheads are beginning to make progress. Why is that? The main reason is that by moving to a new place, a person loses his authority and needs to earn it again. Agree that it is much more difficult to earn it at a university than at school.

In general, the path of an excellent student, although difficult, is exciting. It may open up special perspectives for you. If you decide to take the first steps towards your goal, then pay attention to a few simple but very important tips.

Step by step: how to become an excellent student

  1. Put your studies first

The desire to become an excellent student is not enough. After all, the point is to perform all tasks better than anyone else. You have to work hard for this. You need to devote a lot of time to studying. Although it is much more profitable to start planning your time correctly. Try to do everything in advance. Don't leave the tough questions until last. It's best to write everything down in a notebook. This way you definitely won’t get lost in time.

Of course, being an excellent student does not mean knowing absolutely everything. There will definitely be questions that you will need to tinker with to resolve. Such work will only push you to a new stage in development. It has long been proven that a person will improve his skills only when new and complex buildings are placed in front of him.

You will also need to do all the tasks. Although, as practice shows, even excellent students find time to relax and go out for a couple of days. The main thing is not to abuse this. Consistency is the basis of an excellent student's work. Once you get a few bad grades, they will immediately lower your average score. And it will be much more difficult to correct the situation. This situation often causes people to give up their dreams of excelling in school. After all, it can be quite difficult to exert yourself day after day. Here again, a proper daily schedule will help you.

  1. Make friends with teachers

Any assessment is the subjective opinion of the teacher. He will definitely judge not only your answer, but also you as a person. If a perpetual poor student makes a mistake, the teacher will give you a bad grade and won’t think twice about it. But if a student with a good reputation starts talking nonsense, the teacher will begin to correct him and lead him with leading questions to the correct answer.

Never discuss teachers with your fellow students and friends. You will not become an excellent student until you learn to respect your elders. After all, in essence, teachers are your bosses at at this stage life. It doesn’t matter the character of a person, his manner of speech or just a boring subject - you are a student and must learn to tame your pride. Most proud people cannot achieve anything just because their rudeness alienates people from them.

Another important point- value the teacher’s opinion. If you are asked to write an essay or abstract, be sure to come back after the class and clarify the requirements and ask for advice. Don't forget that teachers are people just like us. They want to know that someone appreciates their work. This will not only help you write a high-quality paper, but will also make you stand out among other students in the eyes of the teacher.

When you are sitting in class, try to control yourself and not yawn. Of course, sometimes lectures are so boring that you want to put your head on your desk and fall asleep. And if they still go away in the morning, then this is generally sad. There are two ways out here. Or start delving into the material. It may become more interesting for you. Or just get distracted by something of your own. During all the classes, the teacher will look at you more than once. It is important that your facial expression communicates how important this information is to you.

  1. Don't be arrogant in your own eyes

Just because you are an excellent student does not mean that you know everything. It is impossible to study every subject perfectly. After all, every person has a wide range of interests. To be an excellent student means to be a person who performs all tasks efficiently, which are ultimately rated excellent. This is a very difficult job. You need to be able not only to quickly learn new things, but also to get along with students and teachers, and quickly navigate in unclear situations. It is no exaggeration to say that this is real art.

If you are a humanitarian and have absolutely no understanding of technical sciences, then try to find people who will help you understand the essence of these subjects. After all, what is important here is not a thorough study, but simply the work done correctly. Even a strong desire to get a diploma cannot make you a professional chemist or physicist. You need to go towards the ideal in the direction that you really like.

Try, in turn, to help others. There is no need to pretend to be a star. If you know how to correctly complete this or that task, help. No one is telling you to let them write it off. Just push the person in the right direction. Perhaps he will help you out in the future.


The desire to be an excellent student is absolutely normal. There is no need to be afraid of ridicule. A wise person will always choose knowledge. And making fun of your comrades is always much easier than straining yourself for several years in a row, completing more and more new tasks.

If you have discovered a special talent for learning or simply want to try to improve, start working. Even if the result is not as successful, you will still be more experienced and confident.

The most important thing is what you get in the end. Just imagine, for many years you have done your job well. This prepared you for further difficulties. Once you get a job, you will quickly solve all difficulties, since no difficulties will frighten you. And many bosses will fight for such a person. In the future, you have every chance to get important and honorable positions in any field. The main thing is not to stop on the path to success.

Either out of habit I can’t get excellent grades, or for some other reason. Everything is not the same at all. We will help you! And the question of how to become an excellent student can be answered very easily, but schoolchildren often encounter problems.

Excellent and good students - they know how to get the information they need as quickly as possible. short time from teachers. Imagine? They can use absolutely all things for their benefit. Including the help of their own classmates.

1. See the teacher as a person. Often we accept them as monsters who are completely incapable of feelings. You are taught not by robots, but by completely healthy mentally people, and requires that you fulfill their requirements. Once they give you a bad mark, you immediately start getting angry and saying all sorts of nasty things about them. This is quite natural, but within reasonable limits. Stop, that’s not how you should do or act at all. Look with your penetrating gaze at their inner world, take an interest in their personal life. You don't have to literally extort from them the things they did tonight. Interest about their condition will help.

2. Look for the reason in yourself. Schedule your day from seven in the morning to ten in the evening. Many girls do this and achieve amazing results. They spend twice as much time on homework as before. It is worth noting one very interesting thing. Each person evaluates his or her performance according to his or her own criteria. For one person, a couple of fours a day is terrible, but for another it is enough. Observe the excellent students in the class, ask what their thresholds and tasks are. Make your life easier.

3. Build strict boundaries around yourself. If you were not prepared for the lesson or wrote a poorly written paper, then deprive yourself of something really important. Such things could be: weaning off the TV, limited outings with friends. Having done just this, you don’t have to devote any time to jointly solving problems in class with everyone. It is enough that you yourself can solve all kinds of verification work.

4. Be active in class. It is very pleasant for a teacher to look at his future excellent students when many raise their hand. This is how the children’s eyes glow, which means that the children did not spend the day in vain and prepared carefully for their lessons. This is what the teacher thinks. There are many examples where, only due to this quality, such students were set as an example to everyone. Pride is so bursting on all sides of everyone.

5. Let them trust you. So you got a five rating. Walk around in a high mood, and suddenly they tell you that they didn’t do the work themselves. But in reality this is not so. Why is this happening? Have you ever copied from someone else’s notebook and noticed this wonderful thing? Yes, you can sink deeply and not rise in the eyes of teachers. And then you will no longer be able to dream and take action to find out how to become an excellent student.

A smart and pleasant solution comes to the rescue, in the form of various and banal questions from teachers. We approach the teacher and try to understand an incomprehensible topic in class. Why would that be? "Ivanov took hold of his head and began to study?" We need to help him. Everyone loves to help someone, it’s just that no one talks about it, they’re embarrassed, look.

6 . Now all bright minds are very concerned about education. They are introducing new standards, trying to find new approaches to excellent students and ordinary C students. We had a special office where a psychologist worked. If any problems arose, we immediately turned to such a person. He was so sensitive and smart that everyone ran to him in droves. If this is not possible, then you can simply resort to the help of your friends and relatives. earn money, and then you will become an excellent student.

7. School is not a place to fight over grades. This is, first of all, knowledge gained through work. You can come out of there as very smart as possible. And what’s more, all this is provided for free. Just think about this excellent student. For free.

Especially now you have to pay for everything with your own resources, money. Take care of them if you can do without them.
Approach any type of activity from this perspective: I need this, where there is no place for laziness. Your efforts will never be in vain. When you receive some benefit, you warm up even more and try to apply all your mind to completing tasks.

8. It's stupid to assume if you understand new topic, but didn’t consolidate it, then you still haven’t learned. You may still have a very long way to go. Three necessary properties, please do not forget them. Write, memorize, listen. And why then are we surprised that some have five? They simply use their own methods (we gave them) and calmly, without any nerves, win various Olympiads and competitions. Such students are always visible and ahead.

Friendship with smart children can only warm you up. After all, agree you want to be better than that the student himself, who only answers at the board confidently and without hesitation. Therefore, do not be afraid of your own competitors, thank chance for the fact that they exist.

The most remarkable thing is that you are a girl. It is much easier for her to ask about how to become an excellent student than for boys. It’s just that when they see a female person, they immediately soften and begin to give others the opportunity to realize themselves. Tune in to the wave where everything is allowed to you, including free, gratuitous help.

The curriculum is difficult not only at school, but also at university, so getting high grades is not easy. There are several effective tips on how to become an excellent student that will help you achieve good results and increase your knowledge.

Do you need to be an excellent student?

Many people ask this question both in high school and in higher education. This is due to what is known great amount examples of how people, even without education, reached heights. This is the main argument why you don’t need to study perfectly. It is worth considering that such examples are more the exception than the rule. Such people still have some kind of talent or innate talent, which became an impetus in life.

When figuring out whether it is worth studying with excellent marks, it is important to note that a person who strives for high grades thereby demonstrates important qualities: perseverance, determination, diligence, desire to be first and receive only the best. All this indicates that in other situations in life, such as building a career or developing a business, a person will have a desire to receive only the maximum.

What do you need to do to become an excellent student?

  1. In order to keep up with everything, but still have time to rest, it is recommended to create a clear routine for every day.
  2. Be sure to alternate between different types of activities, which is considered a form of rest for the brain. For example, first take time to solve problems, and then read a work of literature.
  3. When figuring out how to become an excellent student, it is worth pointing out that you need to study not for the sake of a grade, but for the sake of gaining knowledge and skills.
  4. You should study on your own, delving into the topic. If something is not clear, there is no need to leave gaps, but it is better to figure it out and contact the teacher.
  5. Get yourself a separate notebook where you write down rules and make diagrams that help you master the materials.
  6. Be sure to come up with some encouragement for yourself.

After analyzing the advice of psychologists and teachers, we can identify a number of effective recommendations that will be useful to all people.

  1. Always do your homework, but not for show, but in order to master the material.
  2. When figuring out how to start studying excellently, it is worth mentioning the need to be an active participant in the educational process. During the lesson, take part in the discussion, ask questions and clarify if something is not clear.
  3. To become an excellent student, you need to develop punctuality, attentiveness and responsibility. It is recommended to work on speech and improve other qualities.

Motivation - how to become an excellent student?

To complete tasks as successfully as possible, it is important to have good motivation. In this case, it is necessary to understand why “A’s” are needed in a certificate or diploma. Each person may have his own motive, so, for some, being the best is a life rule, and for others, it is a necessity in order to enter a university or university. When figuring out how to force yourself to study excellently, it is worth knowing that the skills, knowledge and abilities acquired in an educational institution will be useful in everyday life in different situations.

How to become an excellent student with the help of magic?

There are many rituals that help to better understand the material, attract good luck and contribute to the discovery of talents. The ritual to become an excellent student gives better results if performed on yourself, but parents can also use it. It is advisable that it be performed by female representatives. The first results can be obtained in about a month and a half.

  1. It is better to read conspiracies during the full moon or the waxing moon, so that the results grow along with the Earth’s satellite. Take three thick church candles.
  2. In the evening, light candles and place them on the table in front of you. Without taking your eyes off the flame, read the spell to become an excellent student seven times.
  3. Extinguish the flame and hide the candles in a secret place. The ritual must be performed once a week.

Prayers to become an excellent student

Students and their parents can contact for help To higher powers using different prayers. One of the best helpers for Orthodox believers is. According to legend, the saint did not study well as a child, but met an amazing old man who instilled in him the power of knowledge and from then on the boy began to study only with straight A's. For those who are interested in how to study excellently, there is a special prayer that should be read every day in front of the image of the saint.

In this article we will show you how to make an excellent student out of a child.

In the modern world there is a huge choice educational institutions. In order to receive prestigious higher education, first you need to finish school. It is there that we gain the first knowledge and skills that help us decide on a future profession. Before sending their child to study, every parent strives to choose an institution that meets his or her requirements.

A good school should interest the child in the learning process. Help the child realize his abilities and capabilities. Motivate students to achieve better results. Parents are also an integral part of a child's education process. By taking an active part in a child's life, they have the power to influence his or her performance at school.

Methods for achieving good academic results

In every school there are children who have a difficult time learning. With the appearance of any motivation, the child begins to strive to improve his performance. Let's consider methods for achieving good academic results.

  1. Daily regime. During the school year, school responsibilities make up the majority of every child's day. To cope with your course load and take an active part in school life, learn to manage your time. A properly designed daily routine increases learning productivity and helps you cope with important tasks. You can easily allocate time for activities, entertainment and sleep. If you follow the regime, your body will not be at risk of overwork. Basic moments:
  • Dream. Getting enough sleep will improve your efficiency and help you comprehend information in class more easily. To do this, it is advisable to go to bed at the same time. You need to sleep at least 8-9 hours.
  • Proper nutrition. Eat on time. A nutritious healthy diet will have a beneficial effect on the development of the body and improve mental abilities.
  • Time for homework. Don't leave your homework for the evening; try to complete it at the same time. The optimal time is right after school. This will help you not to forget important details.
  • Walks. Find time for daily walks. Disconnect from negative information and relieve accumulated stress.
  • Leisure. Don't spend a lot of time watching TV. Give preference to visiting clubs and sections. Play games to develop attention and memory.
  1. Striving for results. If you don't have the desire to study, set a goal for yourself. To get closer to her, motivate yourself. With the emergence of a specific task, you will have a need for information.

Types of motivation for achieving good results in studies

  • Cognitive motivation. Find useful and interesting information. Your new knowledge will attract attention to you.
  • Motivation for success. Strive to resolve all assigned tasks. Always complete started processes. You will receive satisfaction from what you could and did.
  • Motivation for leadership. Increase your self-esteem. Improve your abilities. Strive to stand out from other students.
  • Motivation for encouragement. Try to get the best grades so that you will be praised. Meet the teacher's expectations, fulfill the parents' expectations. Praise or rewards will give you confidence and make you want to learn.

What rules are important to follow to become an excellent student?

Priority of subjects studied

Spend more time studying important subjects. If you have a lot of homework, prioritize it. Do creative work in the company of friends or parents. If on one of the subjects you only need to skim a few pages, do not focus your attention on this.

What is important for all subjects:

  • Learn to write quickly and read well
  • Follow the teacher's requirements
  • Plan time to complete tasks

  1. Analysis of the information received. While gaining new knowledge and having your own point of view on this matter, do not hesitate to enter into discussions. Ask questions and actively participate in the learning process. The information received will be better remembered by you. Showed interest will be noted by the teacher.
  2. Use of Internet resources. Simplify your learning process using the Internet. Find and download the information you need for your essays and creative works. Use it e-books, solvers, translators.
  3. Participation in school events. Always take part in social life. You will become more sociable and friendly. Participating in school events will expand your circle of acquaintances. More friends - more opportunities. By establishing closer contact with your peers, you will be aware of all important events.
  4. We do everything on time. “ Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” Pack your briefcase in the evening - this will help you avoid the morning rush and unpleasant surprises at school. In your free time, prepare your clothes - this will save time in the morning and eliminate being late. Keep the room tidy - clean the desk, don’t throw things around.
  5. Responsibility. Don't miss school without good reasons. Always do your homework. Keep your promises and instructions. Take care of your health so that you don’t miss important activities due to illness.

Approximate daily routine for a schoolchild

Time Action
7.00 Climb. Charger. Morning toilet. Changing clothes
7.30 Breakfast
7.50-8.20 Road to school
8.30-13.00 School lessons
13.00-13.30 Way home
13.30-14.00 Dinner
14.00-15.00 Rest
15.00-17.00 Doing homework
17.00-19.00 Visiting clubs, walks
19.00-19.30 Dinner
19.30-20.00 Hygiene procedures
20.00-22.00 Rest, games
22.00-7.00 Dream

How can parents help their child become an excellent student?

Parents must make an effort to ensure that their child is motivated to succeed. Relearn with your child. The interest you show will arouse the child's desire for knowledge. If your child fails, avoid judging his assessments and actions. Establish a good relationship with the teacher, let him become an authority for the student.

Some tips for parents who want to help their child become an excellent student:

  • In your dialogue with your child, warm up his interest in the world around him. Explain what benefits the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities provide.
  • Reinforce your child's interests with actions. Help reveal your child’s abilities and develop his talent.
  • Participate in homework. Don't leave your child alone with their studies.
  • Be patient and do not express your dissatisfaction. A child has the right to make mistakes. Help him improve and avoid new ones.
  • Notice and praise all the efforts your child makes. Always stay on his side and, in case of failure, praise him for his desire to win.
  • Encourage him to take initiative. Help bring ideas to life.
  • Stay up to date with what's happening in the classroom. Check your child's grades every day. Over dinner, discuss how his day went.

Inventiveness is an essential quality of a teacher. To organize the learning process and unite his classmates, he uses a large number of professional skills. Each teacher has his own point of view on how to make a student a purposeful person.

Let's look at the most interesting tips teachers for children who want to become excellent students:

Advice from real excellent students to become an excellent student

If you want to become an example for the whole class and gain authority, start studying well. The first changes must happen in your head. Put all doubts aside.

Apply advice from real excellent students:

Throughout your life you will encounter new information. Don't be lazy to acquire new knowledge. Learn new skills and they will definitely find their way. All the efforts you put in will be rewarded.

Video: How to become an excellent student?