How to become an employee of the company. How I worked as a recruitment manager in a recruitment agency. Don't be afraid to ask questions

Job responsibilities:
Traveling to sites as part of a team,
carrying out installation work stretch ceilings. Requirements:
. Strictly - Russian citizenship!
. Having a car is MANDATORY - competitive advantage!
. Having your own tool!
. General construction and repair skills are welcome!
. Those who know how and love to work with their hands!
. Punctuality and lack of laziness are important qualities in work!
. At least 1 year of experience in installing suspended ceilings.
. Experience in installing fabric ceilings is a competitive advantage!
. Experience in installing complex and designer ceilings is a competitive advantage!
. Driving license category B
We offer:
. Guaranteed earnings all year round and a large amount of work (including off-season!)
. Piece wages ( average earnings 80,000 rubles, the record of one of the installers is 196,000 rubles per month).
. Training in the installation of fabric and complex ceilings, advanced training at complex facilities.
. Partial kitting with tools from the Company is possible!
. Compensation for the use of personal vehicles.
. Official registration according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation! INTERNSHIP IS A MANDATORY CONDITION WHEN HIRING A JOB AT TESTING SITES!
Do you want to work in a team of professionals, develop and have a real chance to earn money?
Are you ready to take responsibility for your work results? Join us!
Interviews are held daily on weekdays from 09.00-16.00 at the Company's office!


Job responsibilities:
Brief consultation with clients on the assortment;
Attracting customers to the store.
Mobility and activity;
Ability to quickly establish contact with people. We are looking for people who want to work on a permanent basis.
We offer: Work with flexible hours! You choose the mode yourself.
Minimum work per week - 3 days (1 day on weekdays + 2 days off is possible), maximum - 7 days per week; Average wage 1000-1500 rub. per day (rate per hour + bonuses); Weekly payment of wages;
Working in tandem with a manager-consultant;
Available career inside the company.
Part-time On employer premises
Address:(10 min walk from the metro) Part-time work On the employer’s premises

We thought about it how to become an indispensable employee of the company? Is this as necessary for you as it might seem at first glance? We will try to answer these and other questions in this article.

Non-replaceable units

The main rule for subordinates of any company is: do not become irreplaceable. In fact, an irreplaceable employee is a headache for the company and especially for management.

Since sooner or later such an employee begins to set his own conditions, such as: increasing wages or creating individual conditions work, bonus package, employers strive to get rid of such people, and the sooner the better.

And if an organization nevertheless takes upon itself the responsibility to hire such people, it carries certain risks. And big ones when such people leave the enterprise.

Far-sighted employers try to find a replacement for such an employee at any hint of such a departure. It is assumed that new employee will find himself without the same requirements as the employee who is leaving (plans to leave). It’s very bad for the company and for the boss himself when irreplaceable employee does his work for him.

Will the next one do such work, and what losses will the enterprise suffer when he leaves? Will the law on non-disclosure of confidential information apply even if it goes to competitors?

It is clear that such questions are very sensitive and important. Hence the conclusion: is he really needed, this employee who considers himself indispensable?

Is it profitable to be indispensable?

The principle of any enterprise, as a sustainable system, is that each unit is equally important for the enterprise, and any employee must be replaceable.

Become an indispensable employee Can. You can, for example, know certain information with the help of which you can manage a certain part of your employees. At a minimum, when analyzing the database, you can capture the part that carries more income. It is clear that when one leaves, another can be found to take his place. But only people (or potential clients) get used to working with one person... And if you take on the functionality of a boss, send him on vacation to “rest a little,” and during this time perform his duties well. Of course, everything depends on the boss himself and on the activities of the enterprise, but it may happen that, having rested and coming to work, the boss realizes that he simply cannot do without this employee, since both time and information have been lost.

Many people begin to feel like “stars” and go to their bosses for bonuses or promotions, or a raise in salary. If the boss is experienced, then such an irreplaceable employee may ultimately receive a refusal. So you should go to your boss with such demands only when there is somewhere to leave the organization.

Of course, there are cases when a compromise is found between a boss and a subordinate. It can arise when either there are significant arguments for what is required, or simply the boss also sets his own conditions in response to the fulfillment of the subordinate’s conditions.

It may also happen that an irreplaceable employee is a person hired for a newly opened new position in the absence of healthy competition in the enterprise. Such an employee must properly stand out from the rest. Then everyone will feel competition and strive for self-development.

It is better to be not indispensable, but valuable and effective

Anyone can truly become an indispensable employee. It is necessary to constantly improve one’s personal and professional growth, to strive for comprehensive development related to the field in which one works. When he becomes a professional in his field, it will be very difficult indeed to find a replacement for him.

The effectiveness of an employee is determined, first of all, by the fact that he works in his place, he is comfortable and interested, he is ready to constantly increase the level of knowledge, skills and abilities. The main thing is to be willing to take responsibility for your actions. If there is a right to make a mistake, then it must be voiced, and why this happened must be proven. This even applies to managers of large companies. After all, in fact, the manager is the most irreplaceable person. And he must prove his indispensability to his subordinates by his actions.

Irreplaceable employee- one who is ready to grow professionally. If there is no desire to learn or improve the level of one’s skills, such an employee can quickly find a replacement. It turns out that rather than becoming an indispensable employee for the company, it is better to become valuable and effective.

Define yourself correctly

To become an indispensable employee, you need to fit into the system of the organization in which you work. If it is customary to work intensively, then you should work intensively and vice versa. If you are used to being responsible, working well, and the organization needs people who work “anyhow,” you will find yourself unnecessary for such an enterprise.

When you go for an interview, try to find out whether the system of this organization suits you. Do the requirements for employees of this organization correspond to your principles? Of course, you can be flexible and adapt to the organization’s system, but if it doesn’t suit you, you will soon realize after employment that you will not be able to work in such conditions.

So, irreplaceable employee- the one who is effective and valuable as a unit of the company, the one who cannot be replaced due to the fact that he knows what others do not, due to the degree of professionalism, character or outlook on life and work. Irreplaceable employees are characterized by high dedication, full integration into the team, manifestation of responsibility for all their actions and acceptance of his authority by employees.

If you are planning become an indispensable employee, set yourself the goal of working for this company. It makes no sense for a company to waste a lot of effort, time and money on an employee who plans to stay for a short time.

Even if you are an expert in your field, it is far from a fact that you will succeed in your career. Perhaps you only have the role of the most experienced employee in the team. No new positions or salaries. Read the article to find out what else you need to succeed in your career.

Today there is great amount professions in which you can achieve great success by developing professional skills and gaining experience. But at the same time, we must not forget about work ethics - an important component when building a career.

With the advent of new technologies, people became ignorant, which, of course, led to unpleasant consequences. No matter how far we have progressed today professionally, if we don’t value our work, then they won’t value us. Jenny Merran in her article talks about the main qualities that every employee who is committed to successful career.

Be punctual

Punctuality today is one of the most important qualities, to which we were taught as children. Unfortunately, most of us have never learned not to be late and ignore the importance of every minute. Any manager would like to have a punctual, experienced and honest subordinate for whom commitment to work is everything. Time is money, and every minute you waste ultimately results in lost profits for your company. A loyal employee will never allow this to happen.

Avoid absenteeism when you're not feeling well

"I have a headache. I think I’ll take today off.” If you have ever done this, try to remember the real reasons for not going to work. Surely you just wanted to take a break from work, and the headache served as some reason. In any case, you are unaware of the personal and professional harm you could cause by suddenly not reporting to work. An ideal employee, regardless of his well-being, will try to do everything in his power so that his absence does not affect the work of the company. Even more, he would rather make an appointment with a doctor after hours.

Don't leave work early without a good reason

It is important to think about the global goals and objectives that you set for yourself. You didn’t come to this company to sit from morning to evening and receive a salary twice a month - you want to climb the ladder. career ladder? There's no point in working where you don't like it. If you love what you do, you will never leave early “just because.” Only people who are dissatisfied with their work, who work for a salary and not for progress, take advantage of the opportunity to take additional breaks at work or leave early. The ideal employee concentrates on their tasks, keeping them on their toes all day long.

Never point fingers at others

One of the main signs that you are an ideal employee is the ability to listen to everyone's opinions without trying to jump straight to conclusions and take action. You cannot undermine the authority of your colleagues - by doing so you undermine the authority of the entire company. In addition, you should not place blame on your colleagues - by doing this, you create an atmosphere in which employees feel awkward and discouraged. You need to give yourself and others some time to think about the decision, draw conclusions, and take action. Always remember one thing: no one likes " private clubs like-minded people” at work, as well as overly aggressive people. A great employee shouldn't become like that.

Be hardworking

Basically, there are two types of workers - those who sit in a chair all day and get to work only when given a task, and those who are constantly researching new techniques and coming up with different ideas that can be useful for the development of the company. You don't necessarily need to become a workaholic, you just need to love working. You should try to do everything possible for the company to develop - “what goes around comes around.”

Lead others

As an ideal employee, you should begin to take responsibility for the activities of the team and for the implementation of the project. Participate in planning the development strategy, be a strong leader for your team: guide them, be responsible for the results of their activities. Be a source of inspiration to them, not disappointment.

Develop excellent human qualities

Financial and human resources are in the main risk zone when it is impossible to obtain feedback from colleagues and management. Employers are always on the lookout for employees who can express themselves well, both verbally and in writing. This quality comes with experience, especially when you put yourself in positions of authority.

If you develop all these qualities in yourself, you will not only rise in quality new level, but you will also be successful in any company, wherever you work.

Hidden threat

The golden rule sounds unusual at first glance: you should not strive to be indispensable for the company. Theoretically, this is possible, but in reality all employers try to avoid or get rid of such people. “Irreplaceable employees are a real disaster for the owner and his business, because as soon as such an employee appears, he immediately has the opportunity to manipulate and set some conditions (increasing wages, creating individual working conditions, a special schedule, etc. )", - speaks Chief Operating Officer companies "VKT" Evgeniy Krivosheev. In this case, the organization bears great risks, and its owner will think a hundred times whether to continue working with such a person.

Managers are afraid to raise irreplaceable people, insuring themselves against potential losses. As soon as they feel that at some stage there is a danger of key specialists leaving, which will inevitably lead to problems, they immediately look for replacements. The most far-sighted and experienced employers always have a well-prepared rear - personnel reserve, and if an employee who considers himself irreplaceable leaves, another will immediately take his place, who can replace his predecessor without damaging the company’s activities.

It is important that an employee does not seize a certain field of influence without allowing competitors into it.

There are situations when a lot of closed-type functions are concentrated in the hands of one employee: for example, a brand manager who is involved in supplies knows clients, suppliers and products very well, and when he leaves, he takes with him all contacts and other internal information. Naturally, the company suffers the departure of such a person very painfully: there may be serious consequences, including the loss of market positions. Therefore, we have to deal with this by breaking down the functionality so that there are no closed loops and everyone does their part of the work: one communicates with suppliers, the other only with clients, etc.

Sometimes there is an unspoken conspiracy between a subordinate and his manager: the first proposes, and the second agrees. “When a subordinate does the work for his boss, this is bad for any company,” comments a business coach Svetlana Bulgakova. “The organization is interested in the employee being an independent unit, not being personally dependent on another.” It is important that an employee does not seize a certain field of influence without allowing competitors into it. The essence of any sustainable social system is precisely that each unit is important, but it must be replaceable, and it is possible to react mobilely and flexibly to changes in the internal or external environment.

Benefits and Side Effects

Of course, in some cases there is a chance to become that irreplaceable employee. For example, you can be the only bearer of a password, after typing which the control system stops working. Although this is rare: management cannot fail to understand that the holder of exclusive information becomes the master of the situation, and sooner or later this will negatively affect the interests of the company. You can close the maximum number of contacts on yourself, taking responsibility in such a way that there are no more competitors in this field. Another path to indispensability is to become necessary to your boss, take over his functionality, and at this time give him the opportunity to rest. “After some time, he will understand that he is so unaccustomed to working and has missed out on so much time and information that he simply cannot cope without you,” confirms Svetlana Bulgakova.

However, some, realizing the uniqueness and peculiarity of their position, after some time begin to feel like “stars” and beg for various bonuses. Thus, the director of one of the divisions of a large construction company Igor decided to go all-in. He came to the management with a request to increase his salary, to which the owner reasonably remarked: “If I double your salary, as you ask, your colleagues - the same directors of other divisions - will want the same. I value and respect you as a true professional, but I can’t do anything.” Igor was surprised, being confident in the success of his plan: “Then I realized that you can only take risks if you have somewhere to go. Otherwise, you go to work with your tail between your legs.” Our hero did not like this feeling, he began to look for himself new job- and found, for more favorable conditions. That's when he boldly quit.

“But we met our chef Victor halfway,” the restaurant owner shares his experience “Merchant” Elena Borisycheva.“This man is not just a pro, but a real talent.” There are only a few of these in our business.” Victor asked the management to start the working day at 12 am (since he is a night owl), to have floating weekends, as well as three vacations of two weeks each. In response, the management put forward its own conditions: if necessary (banquets, meeting VIP guests), the chef will stay until 24:00. Thus a consensus was reached.

The problem with indispensability may also lie in the lack of competition between employees. A similar situation once arose at one automobile plant. To resolve it, a new position was opened - deputy head of the workshop, to which young, energetic, ambitious guys were appointed. They were designed to create internal competition so that managers also strive for self-development and do not feel in a privileged position.
How to measure effectiveness?

The ideal option, which will suit both the company and the employee, is to strive to become not indispensable, but effective and valuable.

Most experts believe that there are no irreplaceable professional and personal qualities, but at the same time they play with terms and formulations. “Any employee can be replaced, taught, and molded to suit you,” says the company’s HR and Innovation Director. “Balchug” Gennady Samoilenko. — To become effective and valuable to your employer, you need to constantly improve your personal qualities and professional characteristics. When each person is in his place, is a link in one chain, a highly effective team is obtained. But if a link in this chain is removed, it will really be difficult to find a replacement for it.”

An effective employee is, first of all, a person in the right place - where it is comfortable and interesting to work, where he performs his duties as well as possible, efficiently, quickly, as required by internal instructions. But all the rules that are written to help obtain the most profitable result in the shortest possible time apply mainly to line personnel. For a manager, first of all, you need a large amount of professional and personal knowledge, work experience, the ability to learn from colleagues in the market (including competitors), and the ability to make quick decisions. And what is most important is to be responsible for them. “I realized a long time ago how you can become a leader—be a manager, but only if you are ready to take responsibility for your decisions. We are not robots and we may make mistakes. If you made a mistake or did not properly convey information to the performers, be so kind as to be responsible for it,” says the director and owner of the network "Farmer" Sergei Karpinsky.

“If a person has no desire to grow professionally, then there is no point in “pushing” him. If there is a desire, but not enough knowledge, it can be given,” says Evgeniy Krivosheev. — If you have both desire and knowledge, but something doesn’t work out, you need to identify the cause, at what stage the failures occur, and eliminate it. If all the conditions are there, but the employee is unable to be productive, then the reason must be sought deeper.” But will the employer do this?

It turns out that the ideal option, which will suit both the company and the employee, is to strive to become not indispensable, but effective and valuable. The more such people there are, the better, because they produce results. “That is, a person’s effectiveness can be assessed only by the result. If it exists and can be digitized, seen, touched, depending on the field of activity, then the employee is effective,” agrees Evgeniy Krivosheev. Moreover, this result should satisfy the manager in terms of speed of execution, quality, and volume of tasks completed.

“If a cashier has completed his internal training well training center, learned the service dialogue, he always has a smile on his face when servicing, so in a week or two they will definitely notice him. Even a buyer can tell the shift administrator that the cashier provides excellent service, always smiles, follows all the work algorithms, and is ready to help if necessary,” Evgeniy Krivosheev gives an example.

Choose your path

No matter how good an employee you are, the reality is that your positive qualities must be positive in the context that the organization requires. You can be responsible, follow all instructions as well and efficiently as possible, but if the system is used to working carelessly, you will not be needed and will turn out to be that extra link that will interfere with everyone. To be effective and valuable in the system means to meet its requirements.

“When you come for an interview, find out as much information as possible not about the formal working conditions, but scan the system to see whether it suits you or not in principle,” advises Svetlana Bulgakova. For example, a real situation is when an interview is scheduled for 10 am, and the HR manager arrives at 10:30 and does not even apologize or makes a reservation: “Don’t blame us - it’s always like this with us.” The one who reads between the lines and adapts to the situation is also effective. But at the same time you need to understand to what level are you ready to be flexible? Is it worth betraying your own inner principles for the sake of work?

The one who reads between the lines and adapts to the situation is also effective. But at the same time you need to understand to what level are you ready to be flexible?

To summarize, we can say with confidence that it is always very difficult to say goodbye to a valuable, effective employee of a company. To become like this, you need to take maximum responsibility, show initiative and carry out not only the tasks set by management, but also come up with new ideas for business. But this depends on the person himself: how much he integrated into the team and understood the business system, how many tasks he took on, how often he came to the “front stage”. Personal qualities should include high dedication and the desire to be as useful as possible both for the company as a whole and for each of the colleagues. You should learn to take on more complex tasks step by step.

Another important quality is reliability. Some employees are ready to demonstrate maximum initiative, but management doesn't feel like they'll stay for long. Then there is a suspicion that they will then transfer the accumulated experience to another company. “The company will not invest, invest, or entrust complex tasks to a person in whom there is no confidence. There is a risk that you are developing this employee for a competitor,” explains Gennady Samoilenko. “That’s why it is so important to be able to fit in, join the corporate culture, and share the same ideals. This allows us to better understand each other and move towards the same goal. Many companies select employees to align with their internal and external values. People who look at the world in a similar way, despite the fact that they are all individuals, find a common language much easier than people from different corporate cultures, with different views on life, things, situations.”

Choose a path and follow it without betraying your principles. If you feel “crowded”, you can take a risk and go free swimming or change your employer. When you are effective (read: effective), courageous and constantly developing both personally and professionally, finding a new job will not be so difficult.

Today there are a huge number of professions in which you can achieve great success by developing professional skills and gaining experience. But at the same time, we must not forget about work ethics - an important component when building a career.

With the advent of new technologies, people became ignorant, which, of course, led to unpleasant consequences. No matter how much we have progressed professionally today, if we don't value our work, then we won't be valued either. Jenny Merran in her article talks about the main qualities that every employee who is committed to a successful career should have.

Be punctual

Punctuality today is one of the most important qualities that we were taught as children. Unfortunately, most of us have never learned not to be late and ignore the importance of every minute. Any manager would like to have a punctual, experienced and honest subordinate for whom commitment to work is everything. Time is money, and every minute you waste ultimately results in lost profits for your company. A loyal employee will never allow this to happen.

Avoid absenteeism when you're not feeling well

"I have a headache. I think I’ll take today off.” If you have ever done this, try to remember the real reasons for not going to work. Surely you just wanted to take a break from work, and the headache served as some reason. In any case, you are unaware of the personal and professional harm you could cause by suddenly not reporting to work. An ideal employee, regardless of his well-being, will try to do everything in his power so that his absence does not affect the work of the company. Even more, he would rather make an appointment with a doctor after hours.

Don't leave work early without a good reason

It is important to think about the global goals and objectives that you set for yourself. You didn’t come to this company to sit from morning to evening and receive a salary twice a month - you want to climb the career ladder, right? There's no point in working where you don't like it. If you love what you do, you will never leave early “just because.” Only people who are dissatisfied with their work, who work for a salary and not for progress, take advantage of the opportunity to take additional breaks at work or leave early. The ideal employee concentrates on their tasks, keeping them on their toes all day long.

Never point fingers at others

One of the main signs that you are an ideal employee is the ability to listen to everyone's opinions without trying to jump straight to conclusions and take action. You cannot undermine the authority of your colleagues - by doing so you undermine the authority of the entire company. In addition, you should not place blame on your colleagues - by doing this, you create an atmosphere in which employees feel awkward and discouraged. You need to give yourself and others some time to think about the decision, draw conclusions, and take action. Always remember one thing: no one likes “closed clubs of like-minded people” at work, or overly aggressive people. A great employee shouldn't become like that.

Be hardworking

Basically, there are two types of workers - those who sit in a chair all day and get to work only when given a task, and those who are constantly researching new techniques and coming up with different ideas that can be useful for the development of the company. You don't necessarily need to become a workaholic, you just need to love working. You should try to do everything possible for the company to develop - “what goes around comes around.”

Lead others

As an ideal employee, you should begin to take responsibility for the activities of the team and for the implementation of the project. Participate in planning the development strategy, be a strong leader for your team: guide them, be responsible for the results of their activities. Be a source of inspiration to them, not disappointment.

Develop excellent human qualities

Financial and human resources are at the main risk when it is impossible to obtain feedback from colleagues and management. Employers are always on the lookout for employees who can express themselves well, both verbally and in writing. This quality comes with experience, especially when you put yourself in positions of authority.

If you develop all these qualities in yourself, you will not only rise to a qualitatively new level, but will also be successful in any company, no matter where you work.

Based on materials from

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