What qualities can be developed in... Development of personal qualities. So what is ambition?

All human qualities It is customary to conditionally divide them into positive and negative. Moreover, such a division exists both in the public consciousness and in science.

But is it possible to divide personality into “black” and “white”?

Positive qualities are those that meet the criteria of morality and ethics.

But how compatible are high ideals and ideas about beauty, kindness, peacefulness with real life in a modern, sometimes very cruel society?

Do you need to develop positive qualities in yourself? Or is it more beneficial to pay attention to the “dark side” of your human essence?

What do you absolutely need to develop in yourself to become a happy person?

Many people don’t even think about taking the path of personal development. And a good half of those who do think about it decide to develop not positive, butnegativepersonality qualities.

Why? Because it is much more difficult for a soft, sympathetic, forgiving person to live in the modern world?

For example, reliability has long been perceived not as a positive quality, but as a trait that interferes with being happy, associated with weakness of character.

People prefer to develop in themselves those qualities that provide powerful “armor” -protectionpersonalities from everyone and everything:

  • secrecy,
  • unscrupulousness,
  • composure,
  • suspicion,
  • mistrust,
  • selfishness,
  • hypocrisy,
  • the ability to not pay attention to the feelings of others (the ability to “go over their heads”) and others.

Where does all this come from? Fromfearlife and lack of understanding of its benefits!

You can be protectedNotgrowing “needles” like a porcupine!Humanity– not weakness or spinelessness.

It is important to understand that conditionally negative qualities are not always cultivated by a person consciously. It’s rare that someone decides, for example, “I’ll be greedy!”, but, nevertheless, develops greed and stinginess at the same time.

If a man Not moves in the direction of developing his personality, he will certainly degrade.

Refusal to assess personality traits

There are personality traits thatimpossiblemeasured by the criteria of good and evil.

If we move away from ideas about morality and morality and come to the understanding that there are no absolutely bad and absolutely good qualities(but only relatively good and bad), we can single out those that meet one single criterion.

This criterion is personalhappinessperson, who is at the same timegoodand for those around you.

You need to develop in yourself not qualities that someone else (or yourself) conditionally define as good or bad, but those that will lead to a successful and happy life.

The list of such qualities is endless and will vary for each person. The choice (which qualities to develop) is influenced by many things:

  • traits already developed in personality,
  • What specific goal does the development of new qualities contribute to?
  • what kind of environment does a person live in?
  • his gender, age, profession,
  • material wealth and much more.

Are there qualities that everyone without exception needs to develop? Eat!

Awareness, self-worth, creativity

Even though everyone is different, human nature is the same. Have always been askedquestions:

  • Who am I?
  • What is the meaning of my existence?
  • How to be happy?

Who am I? – question about awareness.It is awareness that is the first quality that every person must develop in himself and which few people develop.

The scientific definition of mindfulness is that it is the ability of the mind to introspect its own activities.

The meaning of these words is little understood by a person who is not immersed in the very depths of the science of psychology. But also in simple words mindfulness is hard to describe!

- This:

  • the ability to live here and now,
  • the ability not to deceive oneself with illusions about oneself, to be honest with oneself,
  • observe yourself and be attentive to your real self,
  • do not dive into the past or future, but enjoy life in this very moment.

Question about the meaning of lifealso rests on awareness, but, in reasoning on this philosophical topic, it is impossible not to come to such a personality quality asself-worth.

Self-love, self-respect, self-confidence - it's all about self-worth. This is the second arch important quality.

Self-worth makes life meaningful even without answering the question “What is the meaning of life?”

How to be happy?Just be it! To be is to create your being, to create it the way you want it to be.

Hence the third, undoubtedly important personality quality - creativity - the ability to create something new, your own, unique.

Creationin the broadest sense of the word, creativity as the ability to create your life, destiny, yourself is a quality and skill that you need to develop in yourself in order to be happy.

The best human qualities

By starting with the development of awareness, you can come to love yourself, and from self-love you can begin to create a better, happier life.

Who does not know, does not understand, is not aware of himself (his body, thoughts, feelings, spirit - all components of the “I”):

  • lost in conjecture - “Why am I living?”
  • does not know how to set clear, specific, personal, thoughtful and deeply felt goals that invariably lead to a happy life!

Having taken the path of personality development, you can simultaneously develop (and they will develop easily and quickly) other, very important human qualities that are too difficult to squeeze into the “good-bad” framework.

These are like thisexcellent qualities How:

  • determination,
  • determination,
  • perseverance,
  • discipline,
  • hard work,
  • loyalty,
  • flexibility,
  • Adoption,
  • responsibility,
  • optimism,
  • tranquility,
  • goodwill,
  • curiosity,
  • openness and many others!

Deserves special attentionLoveas a property, trait and orientation of the individual towards happy unity with another person, people, the world.

Love as the ability to love Another, not in words, but in deeds, without judgment and is certainly very important. This love is awarenessunitywith everyone around.

Cultivate love in yourself as a quality of a beautiful soul - become the best version of yourself, your true and present self every day!

What do you primarily develop in your personality?

You've come up with a great idea for a business. You've even written a detailed, well-thought-out business plan. It looks like you are simply destined for success! But wait, it’s possible that in addition to a flawless business plan and starting capital you'll have to stock up on a few more things. Before you conquer new heights, you need to understand that in order to bring a good idea to life, the most important thing is the people who will be involved in its implementation. In other words, the success of your business largely depends on yourself.

So what sets natural entrepreneurs apart from the rest of humanity? These are the qualities that determine your success in business:

Determination: Even a small team needs someone to take on the role of leader. Business owners need to be able to show that they can take responsibility for difficult decisions. Taking advice and being willing to listen to others' opinions is important, but ultimately the decision will be yours.

Creativity: In the world of business, dreamers are not naive. They are able to come up with new things and think outside the box, finding a solution where ordinary people would not look for it. The ability to intuitively recognize a potentially successful idea is as important in business as anything else: good idea and a non-standard approach, beautifully packaged and presented correctly - this is the key to success.

Courage: even to start planning the creation own business, you already need to be a little adventurous. If you are not willing to take risks, many opportunities for growth and development of your company will pass you by. But don't confuse courage with recklessness. The owner of the company must think through everything down to the smallest detail and be able to calculate risks.

Love for business: If your eyes don’t light up when you think about what you’re doing, don’t expect to be able to light up other people with your idea. Running a business is a matter associated with a lot of difficulties, and the only thing that will not let you give up and forget about ultimate goal, is your own enthusiasm.

Resourcefulness: As a rule, nothing in life happens exactly according to plan. Therefore, the ability to quickly react and make decisions in unforeseen situations is vital for doing business. Don't think you can predict everything, and be prepared to improvise when necessary.

Honesty: Be honest with your clients, partners, employees and everyone you work with, and most importantly, be honest with yourself. Don't set goals and deadlines you can't meet, and don't sell a product you don't have. The best marketing and branding strategy is to find what your company really has to offer and then deliver it in the best possible way.

Sociability: It is not at all necessary to be a professional speaker or become best friend everyone you meet, but you must be able to communicate with people. While running your business, you will have to meet with a huge amount people, and, of course, it is better that they consider you a professional and a person who is easy to contact.

Dedication: You can’t do things halfway. You must be willing to devote most of your time and effort to daily responsibilities. Try to distribute your time so that there is enough for both work and personal life, and monitor the completion of the tasks that you set for yourself for the day, week or month.

The ability to predict: If you have your own business, you can no longer afford to live one day at a time. At a minimum, on a subconscious level, you must plan and prepare everything in advance. As a chess player, you need to think several moves ahead.

Flexibility: After you have already discussed and prepared everything, you will have to take a critical look at the work done and show healthy pragmatism. Sticking to an initial plan that doesn't fit your current situation is unlikely to benefit your business. In communicating with clients, contractors, potential partners, etc. flexibility is valued much more than stubbornness and the desire to prove one’s right.

We are tired of repeating that you don’t owe anyone anything. But once again think about the fact that, perhaps, taking on obligations is not so bad? Imagine that you have obligations not only to your loved ones, but also to yourself and, more importantly, to the whole world. You can renounce these obligations, but then no one will shed tears at your funeral, then your life will lose meaning, or its meaning will be so narrow that it can easily fit through the keyhole of a dusty box. It seems to us that you don’t want this - you want to become the person who will not regret the days you have lived. Such people are very rare in a society where “no one owes anyone anything,” but such people are People with capital letters. We admire them, the planet rests on them, thanks to them humanity has still retained its dignity. How to become such a person? Nobody knows it, but BroDude decided to take charge and write some tips to help you become a better person.

Learn to read books

Looking at words, letters, and sentences is not the same thing as reading, even if you look at the words sequentially and turn the pages. Real reading may not be fast, but it should be meaningful. Therefore, we are convinced that a meaningfully read book by some popular Michel Houellebecq is better than a superficially read Dostoevsky and Tolstoy. Learn to turn on your brain when you read something, otherwise you are just masturbating without the opportunity to cum. Don’t be afraid to make notes with a pencil on the pages or write down the message of the text in a notebook or on your phone - isolate important thoughts and drive them into your head, learn to remember and understand what you read. Reading is harder than it seems, but true reading is never useless.

Take care of your body

Your body should always be in good shape, but you should not become a narcissistic cretin who only thinks about “you need to pump up, you need to, you need to pump up.” Physical education is created to ensure that your body functions at full capacity, but not to make you a monster or become the center of your life. Don't be that guy who gets turned on by his reflection in the mirror. Your body is a tool that will help you interact more effectively with the world around you, so try to exercise regularly, but don't give it your all.

Start a social project

We think you're old enough to work. And you do this - you go to the office every weekday, develop your skills, try to get a promotion and get yourself a bonus so that you can go on vacation to India or China. You're great for caring so much about your own gain, but is a person's worth determined by his selfish motives? We think that value is determined by the contribution to society that one makes voluntarily, without thinking about material gain.

This is called civic engagement, and it can be anything. You can start collecting money for the restoration of an imperial monument, you can open a shelter for the homeless, or start monitoring corruption in local authorities. If you are passionate about nature and want to keep the planet green, then create a citizen committee that will deal with park areas in the city. If you want to preserve the historical heritage of the region, then become the founder of a historical society that will fight for this very heritage. There are many people who do this, but now they are still not enough to make the country a better place. Stop waiting for the government to change - you can tolerate it next years one hundred. Instead, find a problem that you can solve and take on it - do something useful not only for yourself, but also for society. It may not deserve it, but that shouldn't stop you.

See the world from different perspectives

Many men pride themselves on having a rigid and unchanging stance on everything throughout their lives. They think that it is a big plus when a person does not change his views. But we have a different opinion - views must change, this indicates the development of worldview. If your views do not change, it only means that you are standing in one place. This prevents you from seeing the world in full colors.

If you notice a conservation of thought in yourself, then it’s time to expand your consciousness by going beyond the boundaries of your ideology. Start looking at the world from different angles, combining incompatible things. For example, if you have a problem in front of you, then look at it from the position of an evolutionist scientist, and then try to try on the mask of a Christian or a person completely far from religion. When you look at the world through the eyes of different ideologies, a large variety of solutions opens up before you. It's always convenient when we're talking about about ethical issues or serious life choices. In addition, you will learn to understand people of opposing views - this is a useful quality in a world that is like a melting pot.

Learn to negotiate

Many of us are introverts, but this does not make us people who will do anything to protect ourselves from society. We understand that the people around us can make us stronger, better and more successful. But if you don’t learn to interact with them, negotiate, find common ground, then it will be difficult for you to do anything at all on this planet. You cannot survive in this world alone - you need to be able to create horizontal connections around yourself, this is how you can become an influential person.

A person who knows lawyers, police officers, judges, security guards, officials, prosecutors and business owners can do much more than a person who only has childhood friends. Communicate, create a horizontal connection, the center of which will be you yourself - if you do everything correctly, then you will automatically begin to improve both socially and personally.

Everyone wants to become at least a little happier, but few people understand that happiness in this world depends on having good character traits.

This is easy to understand if we analyze the causes of happiness, and as a result of the analysis it turns out that the source of greatest happiness is a good relationship. A person is an integral part of society (with rare exceptions, of course), because every day we have to encounter other people, communicate, and jointly solve issues and problems.

Having good qualities, we thereby make better life other people, for which, in gratitude, they make ours better own life, adding to our happiness in one way or another.

This may be easier to understand when applied to other people. Imagine two people: one is very good, the other is very bad. Which one do you want to do business with? Who are you ready to communicate and be friends with more? Which of them are you ready to help with something if he asks? Of course you will choose good man, and your feelings towards him will be sincere. This way, you will automatically be a source of happiness for him. And he is for you too, because there is an exchange.

Based on this, we can conclude: BEING A GOOD PERSON IS PROFITABLE! Because by showing good qualities of character, we attract into our lives good people and we become happier.

What character qualities do you need to develop in yourself?

There are 26 qualities that are worth developing in yourself, they are described in detail by Torsunov in lectures, their explanations can also be found in text form on the Internet. These are the 26 qualities of a holy person.

gentleness (kindness)
calm (peace)
compassion for everyone
lack of anger
asceticism - performing austerities
lack of desire to find faults in others
purity of consciousness
selflessness, lack of greed
absence of envy
study of scriptures
development of spiritual knowledge
making sacrifices
modesty - lack of desire for honors

We can start by developing several qualities that we understand and are acceptable to at this stage spiritual growth.

How to develop good qualities in yourself?

The secret is simple: you need to communicate with those who possess these qualities. With the kind of person you hang out with, you will gain those character traits. This happens automatically, by itself, without any special effort, and even without our desire.

Communicating with kind person, we are “charged” (or infected) with kindness, and then for some time we radiate kindness towards others, which, of course, does not pass without a trace, because there is a law “what you emit is what you receive.”

You need to try to notice good qualities in people, note them mentally, concentrate on them, instead of concentrating on bad qualities.

We get more into our lives than what we focus our attention on. Parents know that if a child is constantly scolded for his bad character traits, they only become stronger. And vice versa: if you praise good qualities and encourage them in every possible way (within reasonable limits), they appear more and more. Both the children become happier and the parents - everyone wins.

By communicating with people, we can express our admiration for their good qualities, thereby adopting them - and these qualities will develop in ourselves.

When discussing people, it is better to discuss their good qualities, good deeds, and not what we are used to discussing.

Therefore, let's remember the secret: “What we feed with our attention is what we receive.”

As we gradually develop good character traits, we become happier because we bring more positivity into our lives, which “pushes out” the negativity.

Various ones can also help a lot - they will eliminate the accumulated negativity and misunderstanding of life or its individual aspects.

How to ruin everything

The development of good qualities in oneself can be spoiled by communicating with bad people, discussing them with others, fixating on someone’s bad qualities, watching TV programs that carry negativity and concentrate the viewer’s attention on the bad things that exist in our world.

We need to filter what comes into our field of vision, into our mind, into our consciousness, because what enters it then “sprouts” in our lives. And it grows solely due to the fact that we pay attention to it.

Knowing this, we can make our lives happier - one day at a time.

This principle of acquiring good qualities is well known and practiced in Hinduism and other religions: spiritual practice involves hearing (from spiritual masters) about the pastimes, qualities and activities of God, and those who listen to these narrations obtain spiritual benefit.

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Many people believe that personality traits are something we have at birth. Some were already born with a sense of humor, while others were simply lucky to grow up to be a charismatic person. Therefore, we often don’t even think about taking the path of developing our own personality. Of course, some things come easier and easier to us, but some things we have to constantly work on and train. However, in reality, there is no positive personality trait that you could not develop in yourself to become even more attractive and successful.

We are in website We have collected exactly those character traits that you can develop in yourself for a successful and happy life.

Self confidence

Confident people always have an advantage over doubters, because it is strong personalities who inspire others and control the course of events. According to research, confident people earn more and move up the career ladder faster.

Exercise: Feeling focused and in control of your body gives you stability, both physically and emotionally. Stop seeing other people's reactions to your actions as rules that you need to conform to. Don't look for outside approval. A confident person manages his own life, taking responsibility for his actions.

The ability to say “no”

All you need to work effectively is focus. Turn off instant messengers, turn off the sound on your phone, don’t listen to music if it distracts you. Be completely immersed in the task that needs to be done. Just as appetite comes while eating, inspiration comes while working. When you are constantly twitching, it is difficult for your brain to readjust itself. And what is difficult for the brain, we consider unpleasant. Therefore, motivation decreases.

In addition, you need to establish a daily routine: sleep and eat enough so that it does not interfere with work.

Ability to read other people

Many people are sure that the ability to read minds is in the category of superpowers and for this you need to be a psychic, but this is not at all the case. It is enough to just listen to what they say and not think more. Do not think for a person, do not conduct mental dialogues with him.

For example, you communicate with a person for some time. And then it suddenly disappears, and you wonder: how did this happen? After all, everything was fine. And then it turns out that nothing was normal. You wanted to meet, and he fed you “breakfast”, fervently promising to see you next time. No matter how valid the reasons may be, those who want to meet will always find time. Empty promises are nothing more than politeness.

Did a person confess his feelings to you and for you it came like a bolt from the blue? Because before that, you didn’t pay attention to the fact that he singled you out from everyone else, often wrote, asked how you were doing, and showed initiative.

To guess the motives of other people, to understand the reasons for their behavior, it is enough to simply pay attention to what they say and what they do, where they look and to whom they smile. Compare these things and draw conclusions. Of course, you don’t need to do this all your free time.

Ability to attract people

Some people are so charming that it seems like absolutely everyone likes them. These people have charisma - a quality that any person can develop.

When communicating, try to establish eye contact: look at your interlocutor with a relaxed and calm gaze, smile. Charismatic people know how to listen to their interlocutor and be on the same wavelength with him. Therefore, do not rush to post information about yourself, it is better to ask him questions. Don't suppress your emotions if you were told something offensive - show that you don't like it. But not with a boring lecture, but with an end to the conversation. Go to the bar or the toilet, or simply change the subject.

Respond to frankness with frankness, if you wish. After all, the person has opened up to you, open up to you too.

The ability to control your body's reactions

Simpler reactions like irritation, rudeness or raising your voice can even be stopped by simply pulling yourself together in time.