Which departments to open? How to open a children's clothing store from scratch: a proven way to create a successful business. Personnel costs

  • Selecting a room
  • Step-by-step plan for organizing a store
  • How much can you earn selling bed linen?
  • What equipment to choose for a bed linen boutique
  • What documents are needed to organize a business?
  • Do you need permits to open a bed linen boutique?
  • Bed linen sales technology

How much money do you need to open a bed linen store?

Many aspiring entrepreneurs can open a department selling bed linen. Bed linen is in constant demand among consumers and is one of the most popular gifts. The advantage of trading BCP (bed linen) is that, compared to clothing, you do not need to purchase many different sizes for each client. This results in a low entry ticket to the business - to open a small department selling bed linen, it is enough to invest about 300 thousand rubles in the product.

According to experts, only in the crisis years of 20014-2015 in the textile industry there was a decline in production, by about 15% compared to pre-crisis indicators. And in 2017, the turnover of the bed linen market returned to its previous level and in subsequent years there was an increase of 10-12%.

More than 60% of the market for bed linen sets is occupied by domestic manufacturers, these are such giants of the textile industry as the Ivanovo Textile Association (ITO), the Volga Textile Company, the Nordtex Corporation, and the Russian Textile Alliance. The rest of the market (40%) is occupied by manufacturers from China, Turkey, France, Italy and Spain.

The bed linen market is divided into several segments:

  • Low, bed linen sets up to 2000 rubles;
  • Medium, sets from 2000 to 3500 rubles;
  • Premium or elite, sets over 3,500 rubles.

The first, budget segment includes Russian-made kits, mainly from small garment factories. Large Russian and foreign manufacturers (Turkey, Italy) operate in the medium and premium segments. At the same time, more than 90% of all underwear is purchased in the low and middle segment, since such underwear is practically not inferior in quality to more expensive sets and is quite comfortable. When purchasing luxury underwear, the consumer pays more for the brand than for quality. Therefore, in order to please every customer, the assortment of the outlet should include both cheap and expensive bedding sets.

Among the materials, bed linen sets made of cotton, linen and silk are in greatest demand among consumers. At the same time, cotton comes in first place, followed by linen, and the top three is occupied by cotton wool. The markup on goods at retail is at least 50%.

Selecting a room

When opening a department selling bed linen, you must rent at least 15 m2 of retail space. In principle, you can open on 10 m2, but the assortment of the outlet and the entrepreneur’s revenue will suffer. In addition, you will need to rent a warehouse and utility room. The rental price for 15 m2 in a walkable location, depending on the region, will cost from 30 thousand rubles/month. Therefore, when opening a retail outlet, in addition to the cost of goods, it is necessary to include a double rental deposit.

As for geographical location boutique then the best options, as usual, are large shopping centers, manufactured goods markets and departments in residential areas of the city.

What OKVED code should I indicate when registering a bed linen store?

To open a store or boutique selling bed linen, just register individual entrepreneurship . OKVED code - 52.41.1 “Retail trade of textile products.”

Which taxation system to choose to open a store?

As tax systems a special regime is used - a single tax on imputed income (UTII). The amount of tax will depend on the area of ​​the sales department and the k2 coefficient established in your region. If you plan to hire sellers, then you need to register with extra-budgetary funds (PFR and FSS) as an employer.

After opening a boutique, you must notify the local branch of Rospotrebnadzor about the start of your activities. According to businessmen who have been working with textiles for many years, SES representatives like to visit such points. In textiles, Soviet GOSTs still apply, and almost every inspection ends in a fine. This happens because the assortment of the outlet includes products from small factories that do not bother with GOST standards. Good that scheduled checks take place no more than once every 3 years.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs, when opening a boutique, begin working with wholesale organizations. But in conditions of fierce competition, when price differences have a significant impact on demand, the ideal option is to work directly with manufacturers. For example, it wouldn’t hurt to visit the Ivanovo region, which has been called the “textile region” since Soviet times. There are many textile factories in the region that produce high-quality fabric, and as a result of high competition, manufacturers are forced to sell products at a lower price. And this, undoubtedly, only benefits trade enterprises.

Trade in children's things- a profitable business with a constant turnover. Children grow quickly and regularly need to replenish their wardrobe. Most parents try to dress up their little one in new clothes, so it is extremely profitable to provide the buyer with a product of this type. The main feature of the children's manufactured goods industry is the price level.

The correct choice of cost guide allows you to gain a foothold in a certain niche in the market, have a constant flow of buyers and successfully fight with competitors. So, the first thing you need to do when you decide to sell children's clothing is to determine what target audience you will provide the goods. There are 3 options:

  1. Cheap clothes.
  2. Clothes for the middle class.
  3. Luxury goods.

Each of these categories has its own buyers and can generate profit, since the incomes and interests of the population are different. Some people try to save money by choosing cheap clothes, others are financially secure and prefer to buy expensive things for their baby, without thinking that in six months or a year the child will outgrow them. Experts suggest that beginners take a closer look at the middle class. With this category of products there is the least risk of “burning out”. People with average incomes quite consistently buy new things for their children. good quality at an average price. In addition, according to statistics, they make such purchases more often than others.

You should familiarize yourself with children's fashion, make a list of the most popular products, and study the size chart. In clothing, not only height is important, but also fullness, since children are different. The store needs to provide variety not only in models, but also in sizes. This will allow you to have things for children with different physical characteristics, that is, to reach a larger number of interested buyers. Information about current products can be found in magazines, on Internet sites, and in retail outlets with similar products.

The assortment should be varied, including not only clothes, but also underwear.

Subsequently, you can add shoes, accessories, children's gadgets, and toys. When parents come to the store to buy a dress or shirt for their child, looking at the other products, they will definitely remember tights, panties or socks that need to be bribed. Seasonality also needs to be taken into account and part of the proceeds must be reserved for the purchase of new batches of goods, in accordance with seasonal demand.

Investment size

Step-by-step instruction

Your store should be located near a public transport stop and convenient parking for cars. The location near children's institutions will give additional benefit in the struggle for attendance, but these should not be entertainment establishments (circus, children's theater, Entertainment Center). People go to these places to have fun, and in most cases they pay for it. The money already spent there will stop parents from thinking about buying more clothes. They will think that they have already spent enough on their child today.

In case of separate buildings rented for a store, it is advisable to lay out flower beds, install benches, and place a large figurine cartoon character at the entrance, that is, create comfortable conditions and aesthetic appeal. Don't forget about a ramp or concrete driveway at the entrance, as many parents will be arriving with strollers.

If you decide to rent a boutique in a shopping center, try to choose a shopping center that is already familiar to the buyer, otherwise there is a risk that this trade object will never be promoted and the buyer will not come. A shopping center that sells mainly clothes for adults and children is ideal. People will go there specifically to buy clothes. For a children's clothing store, the right location is of great importance, since these products, although very popular, do not belong to the category of essential goods.

It is very important to properly design the store façade. The sign and color scheme of the design should be bright enough and correspond to the theme of childhood. They are designed to form associations in adults associated with children, causing tenderness, responsibility, care, love - the feelings that they experience for their babies. Wherein interior design should be in calm colors so as not to distract buyers’ attention from the goods.


When opening a children's clothing store, you can act as an LLC or individual entrepreneur. We are talking about a store selling retail, that is, interacting with individuals. In this case, registration of individual entrepreneurship is more profitable, since you can switch to a simplified version of paying taxes. This will help reduce tax collection and reduce the amount of required documents. Having registered an individual entrepreneur, you need to think about the type of tax regime under which your company will operate. There are 3 types suitable for retail trade in children's clothing:

  • UTII - a single tax is perfect for a small area of ​​up to 30 square meters. meters, where no more than 2 sellers work. A cash register is not necessary; you can limit yourself to issuing sales receipts.
  • PSN - purchasing a patent will be appropriate for a store up to 50 square meters. meters. A cash register is not required now, just a cash register is enough, but by 2018, an online cash register may be required.
  • STS (6% of profit) - used for large retail spaces with a large staff.

Acquiring will give an additional advantage in the eyes of buyers, that is, acceptance of payment bank cards. However, in this case, you will need a cash register that prints out the product range with the price, discount and cost of each product separately. Product certification is required. However, if you are not a manufacturer of goods, certificates must be required from suppliers. Availability of medical books from sellers is also necessary.

Opening checklist

Is it profitable to open

The markup on children's assortment is much higher than on adults: 100-200%. The demand for clothing for children is determined by the fact that children grow up quickly, and their wardrobe has to be updated. This contributes to a profitability of 15% of the store's turnover. This profit corresponds to the average level of profitability, so a business based on the sale of children's clothing can be called profitable and stable.


Hello! Today we’ll talk about how to open a store. We will consider opening any store, not specific example by type of product sold.

Open your own store- one of the most common options from which novice businessmen choose. A store can generate a stable income and requires virtually no intervention, time or effort. However, many are scared off by not knowing exactly how you can open your own store, how much it will cost and when it will pay off. We tried to answer these and many other questions in this article.

What documents are needed to open a store?

Let's figure out together how to open your own store from scratch. The procedure for preparing for the opening of a store begins with registration as individual entrepreneur or limited liability companies. Each option has its own advantages, but most often beginners prefer individual entrepreneurs, since in this case there will be fewer problems with reporting, as well as lower taxes. And the sanctions for individual entrepreneurs are much lower than for LLCs.
Unfortunately, such benefits and simplifications result in the fact that the entrepreneur is liable for all obligations with his own property, and the founder of the LLC risks only his share in the total amount authorized capital. Among other advantages is greater anonymity, because not everyone knows who the founders of the LLC are. You should also pay attention to the fact that when working with alcohol, registration as an individual entrepreneur is not suitable.

You should make your choice in advance, since the exact package of documents you will need to collect depends on your legal status.

LLC registration

To register an LLC, you will need to collect the following documents:

  • in 2 copies;
  • for the sole founder - the decision to create an LLC, for co-founders - the agreement and minutes of the meeting;
  • photocopies of the passport of the director and founders;
  • a document confirming payment of the state duty in the amount of 4,000 rubles (you will need to open a temporary account);
  • if necessary – .

If none of the founders of the LLC is the owner of the premises by legal address, then a letter of guarantee will be required.

On average, the registration process takes about 5 days and as a result, the entrepreneur will receive the following documents:

  • charter with a registration mark;
  • registration certificate;
  • certificate of assignment of a TIN and registration with the Federal Tax Service;

Individual entrepreneur registration

To register an individual entrepreneur, you will need a shorter list of papers:

  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • signed and certified by a notary;
  • photocopy of passport;
  • photocopy of TIN certificate;
  • if necessary, an application for transition to the simplified tax system.

An important point: those who deal with the entire process themselves do not require notarization of the signature on the application, which will save on the services of lawyers.

The registration period is also 5 days; upon completion, the entrepreneur will receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and a certificate of state registration as an individual entrepreneur. All documents with information from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for registration of LLCs and individual entrepreneurs are sent to extra-budgetary funds every day. The same information is sent to statistical authorities.

Notification of completion of registration and a letter from Rosstat can be received either in person at the institution or by mail.


Thanks to latest changes According to the legislation, aspiring entrepreneurs no longer need to submit a huge pile of papers to various authorities. Instead, to open a store, it will only be necessary to notify one specific authority.

For individual entrepreneurs and LLCs opening trade according to OKVED 52.1, 52.21-52.24, 52.27, 52.33 and 52.62, this body is Rospotrebnadzor. The same applies to those who plan to engage in wholesale supplies of food or non-food consumer goods.

The notification must be submitted in the form specified in the relevant Rules. It can be delivered either personally, or by mail, or at in electronic format, certified electronic signature. In the latter case, the government services portal is used. Upon completion of the process, you can open the store for the first customers.

Which store is profitable to open?

Almost all retail outlets are in demand among buyers. However, some of them generate more income than others, and initial investment pay for themselves faster. Next, we will look at various ideas for opening a store, and estimate how much money you need to open your own store. It is also worth understanding which store is profitable to open during a crisis.

Flower shop

Open flower shop It is always profitable, but you need to choose the right place and delve into the flower business so as not to incur losses due to damage to the goods. You need to know how to sell flowers!

Produse store

A reliable and popular option, especially attractive to those new to the business. The demand for products will never subside, which guarantees a constant income if the outlet is located in a good location. However, it requires special equipment, including quite expensive refrigerators. The volume of required investments will be about 600 thousand rubles, and the payback period will be about a year.

Household goods

Such products are also consistently in demand. To open a store you will need certificates for varnishes, paints, etc. It is most profitable to open household goods stores in small towns and villages. Payback period is 1-1.5 years.

Children's store: toys, clothes, shoes

This product will always be in demand, because no one will save on clothes and shoes for activities.

Also, many parents simply cannot refuse their child when he asks for a new toy. The furnishings in such a store should be appropriate - the shelves are slightly lower so that children can reach all the goods, and the interior is best decorated in bright rainbow colors.

Furniture store

In times of crisis, it is worth paying attention first of all to more available solutions, and not for luxury furniture. It is also worth paying attention to domestic manufacturers. The quality of their products is not inferior to numerous foreign competitors, but at the same time they are much more affordable.

Hardware store

People always build – in times of crisis and beyond. A variety of construction and finishing materials are in stable demand. The profitability of the business, according to experts, is about 20%.

Auto parts store

Ask any car owner and he will tell you that there is always a shortage of spare parts in stores and you have to wait a long time for them after ordering delivery from another city or country. Auto parts stores will always be relevant. The main thing in this direction is to find your niche.

If you live in the province, think about which store to open in small town. All of the above options are certainly suitable. You can also consider, for example, opening a pet supply store, a car accessories store, a fabric store, etc.

Selecting commercial equipment for a store

No real store can do without the appropriate equipment. The choice of specific models should be made based on the assortment of the retail outlet. Particular attention should be paid to refrigeration equipment - it is this that takes up the most space, and prices can cause a serious blow to the budget.

The selection of display cases is made based on turnover and assortment. For example, for refrigerated display cases you should choose models with deep narrow layout, and temperature regime for them must be maintained within the range from -6 to 0 degrees Celsius for fish and meat and from 0 to +8 degrees for cheese, sausages and confectionery.

After refrigeration equipment It’s worth moving on to choosing racks that will become the main element for displaying goods. Today on sale you can find models with sections with lengths from 600 to 1250 mm. The price varies depending on the length. For bakery products, the display cases are additionally equipped with wooden baskets, and the confectionery sections are equipped with limiters that do not allow the goods to spill.

Particular attention when choosing commercial equipment You should pay attention to the following points: stability, functionality. Quality, durability and design. Before purchasing a specific model, you should pay attention to analogues, compare their parameters and only then opt for a specific option.

Choosing a room to open a store

A significant role in the question of how to open your own store is played by the competent choice of premises for it. There are a number of requirements and aspects that you should pay attention to when choosing.

  1. Product type. Selected species goods are required to be sold in certain places. For example, a grocery store or simple household goods should not be located in large shopping centers - preference should be given to more accessible premises. An excellent option would be a building on a busy street in a residential area.
  2. Availability and Visibility. Remember: even the most high traffic does not guarantee a large number of visitors and buyers. The retail outlet should be located in such a way that there are as many target customers on the street as possible. You also need to take into account the location of the sign - it should be visible to everyone passing by. Remember: than better store visible, the less advertising it requires. It is very important that there are sufficient parking spaces nearby. Experts believe that the best option would be 5-8 places for every 100 square meters of retail space.
  3. Competitors. The presence of neighboring firms can play both a positive and negative role. Here it is important to take into account their clientele: a hypermarket and an expensive boutique will not bring each other new clients, but a beauty salon may well contribute to the growth of the client base.
  4. Price. One of the most important factors. It is worth noting that here we're talking about not just about the cost of rent. Any premises require periodic repairs from the owner. In addition, this amount should also include marketing costs when the store is located away from the main flow of visitors. Don't forget about monthly payments: public utilities and others. In some cases, additional redevelopment may be required, which entails considerable costs.
  5. Personal preferences. If you yourself plan to work in your own store, when choosing a premises it would be useful to take into account your own preferences - the distance of the place from home and the like.

It is very important not to rush when choosing a location for a store. Try to explore the area in advance, look at potential clients and competitors. In some cases, you should not be afraid to postpone the opening date for this purpose, because the wrong choice will result in a whole host of problems.

Choosing a supplier for the store

Just as a seller fights for every client, so suppliers fight for their customers. At its core, a supplier is the same store, but a wholesale one. You should choose your supplier especially carefully. Particular attention should be paid to the following criteria:

  • Reliability. Of course, reliability is the most important criterion. It includes how obligatory the supplier is in terms of fulfilling the order, how honest he is during payments, and how timely he makes deliveries.
  • Price. It is completely logical that everyone wants to purchase goods as cheaply as possible. Under equal conditions, preference should be given to the supplier with the lowest prices.
  • Range. Another very important criterion is that the wider the product line is displayed, the more interest it can attract.
  • Brand recognition. Everyone knows that trading is inextricably linked with psychology. To quickly gain a reputation, you should work with the most famous and popular brands. In addition, there are much fewer problems with working with them - returning or replacing a product under warranty is much easier.
  • Additional nuances. Important details include discounts, bonuses, deferred payments, issuance of goods for sale, and other similar ones. They will allow you to get additional profit, so you definitely shouldn’t neglect them.

Don't limit yourself to working with just one supplier. The best option is to purchase from 2-3 wholesalers at once. This way, if problems arise with one, the others can close the gap.

It is also necessary to take into account such a nuance as logistics. To do this, you should find out in advance how the delivery network is built, which transport companies operate in the supplier’s city and your own. The best option Delivery will be by rail.

Finally, communication with suppliers is most often carried out through Email. All you have to do is select the items you are interested in, and the supplier will issue an invoice in response. After payment selected transport company will deliver the goods.

Search for personnel for the store

Every employer can take two paths when searching for employees. He can try to find high-quality professionals who will immediately show the highest results, or he can hire promising talented people who have yet to learn the art of trading. As always, there are pros and cons in both cases.

In the first case, the employer will face the problem of a shortage of such specialists. In addition, they will also require appropriate wages, which not everyone can afford. And each such employee has experience and a number of unique attitudes, so first you will need to rebuild them to new conditions. Among the advantages, it should be noted that it will be possible to save on training, and employees will be able to work on the day of hiring.

Talented newcomers will become clay in the hands of a master. With proper guidance, they can become professionals of the highest class, but there is a chance of getting nothing but problems instead. But the salary of such an employee may be lower. At a minimum, at the stage of gaining experience, training and internship. Such people can be raised in a team as successful and dedicated employees who fully correspond to the specifics of the job.

Unfortunately, talent is not always revealed, and loyalty to the company may not come. Training a new employee invariably involves costs, including attending courses and training. And you just need to learn the range of products - find out their features, advantages and disadvantages. When hiring a talented newcomer, you should pay attention not only and not so much to his presentation and communication skills, but also to his intelligence, because in a short time he will need to remember a lot of characteristics of various products.

The picture that emerges is that high-quality specialists are a better option if you can afford them. Otherwise, you will have to make do with promising newcomers.

Who is responsible for recruiting employees? In all more or less large companies, this role is assigned to the HR department. The search for new specialists is most often carried out in the following ways:

  • Relatives and friends. As practice shows, this option is common, but often one of the worst. No matter how close an acquaintance is, this does not mean that he will be a good employee and seller. Unlike people on the street, it is more difficult to objectively assess a relative’s skills. Very often we subconsciously smooth out obvious shortcomings and biasedly encourage our relatives.
  • Posting advertisements in stores and on the street. One of the least expensive, but at the same time effective ways, which is why it is attractive. Those who contact the ad found in trading floor, you can immediately send it to the HR department, which will save a lot of time. Unfortunately, this turns into too much traffic - the manager’s office is very close, so simply curious people can enter it, hoping for luck.
  • Advertisements in print publications and on the Internet. There are two main paths here. You can study the existing offer or submit your own ad. In the first case, you will have to spend a lot of effort and time to study applicants and consider their candidacies. As a result, even finding one employee can take several days. Your own advertisement has a number of advantages - if you compose it correctly, then unsuitable candidates can be eliminated immediately. You don’t have to call those interested - they will come to your HR department themselves.
  • Working with recruitment agencies. The main advantage of this option is that all the work of studying the resume, searching and interviewing is transferred to a third party. As a result, only those people who fully match the given profile will be sent to your company. The disadvantages of the approach are obvious: the work of a recruitment agency requires its own payment, sometimes quite a lot. And despite all the precautions, acquiring a “pig in a poke” is quite possible. You can avoid risks if the contract with the recruitment agency mentions the payment of a fee only upon the employee’s enrollment upon completion of the probationary period.
  • Talent hunt or Headhunting. This method personnel search is one of the most current developments. It involves luring high-quality specialists from other companies. The main advantage of this approach is the opportunity to observe employees in action and evaluate their skills and abilities. The main disadvantage is the high costs, because you will need to make a fairly lucrative offer that he cannot refuse. And once an employee has been lured away, you can always lure him back again: you can hardly expect any kind of unconditional loyalty from such a person.

The methods mentioned above are equally suitable for finding experienced specialists and promising newcomers. The only exception is headhunting. Experts recommend that when looking for a professional, contact recruitment agency, since the chance of finding a truly experienced employee increases many times over. You can also look for newcomers using other, less expensive means. Experts believe that the optimal team will be one that combines experienced specialists and young beginners. This will make the store more efficient and reduce wage costs.

Finally, when hiring, you should not focus only on your diploma and resume. It is also worth paying attention to the applicant’s charm and appearance. Remember that sellers will become the face of your company and this face should be beautiful and cheerful.

Store business plan - tasks and goals

An important point in the question of how to open your own store is drawing up a business plan. Despite the opinion of some entrepreneurs, it is simply impossible to do without drawing it up.

Drawing up a business plan must satisfy the following goals:

  • It should help a potential investor understand whether the project is worth investing in.
  • The information in it should be decisive for the bank if a loan is required.
  • The plan becomes the source of all information about the project. This information will be useful not only to the founders, but also to outside observers.

Accordingly, the business plan should solve the following tasks:

  • Determining the circle of persons responsible for implementing the plan.
  • Revealing target markets, determining the store’s position in the market.
  • Setting short- and long-term goals, forming tactics for achieving them and development strategies.
  • Evaluating profitability and possible costs.

It is important to remember that a well-drafted business plan is the key to the prosperity of the store. In no case should you ignore this point, since a business plan is necessary not only for large companies, but even for the most modest shops.

Choosing a form of taxation

The issue of choosing a form of taxation plays an important role when opening a store. Not only the tax burden, but also the volume of penalties for various offenses depends on this. It’s worth saying right away that there is no universal answer here, everything is strictly individual. However, there is an algorithm that will help you make your choice:

  1. Prepare general characteristics companies: where will the store be located, will there be any customers legal entities, what is the value of the assets and the planned annual revenue.
  2. Make an analysis of all forms of taxation and select taxes common to all.
  3. Select your preferred option.

The choice of taxation form should be made based on your net profit, and not on the amount of tax burden. In some cases, it makes sense to choose a system with high taxes, which will allow you to save money in the future or achieve a certain goal - occupying a certain market segment or similar.

General taxation system or OSNO

Applicable to individual entrepreneurs and LLCs. This is the default option - if there have been no statements about switching to a different form, then OSNO is used. Requirements include maintaining accounting, maintaining a ledger of expenses and income.

OSNO taxes for LLC:

  • The main tax is corporate income tax in the amount of 20% of profit.
  • Value added tax VAT – 0, 10 or 18%.
  • Corporate property tax of up to 2.2%.
  • Insurance premiums for employees – 34%.

OSNO taxes for individual entrepreneurs%

  • Personal income tax in the amount of 13% of income.
  • VAT – 0, 10 or 18%.
  • Insurance premiums.

The main disadvantage of OSNO is the complexity of the calculations - only experienced accountants can cope with them.

Simplified taxation system simplified tax system

LLCs under the simplified tax system do not pay taxes on property, profits and VAT. Individual entrepreneurs are exempt from VAT, personal income tax and property used in their activities. The simplified tax system is not available to everyone.

Requirements of the simplified tax system for LLC:

  • Less than 100 employees.
  • Income less than 60 million rubles per year.
  • Lack of representative offices and branches.
  • Income for the last 9 months is less than 45 million rubles.

There are no restrictions for individual entrepreneurs.

Tax rates of the simplified tax system: 15% for taxes on income minus expenses and 6% on income. The latter option is preferable for stores with low expenses. Most often, entrepreneurs choose the first option with a simplified tax system of 15%. However, you should not consider this option the best - before making a choice, it is better to analyze both options.

Single tax on imputed income or UTII

It is a single tax on imputed income, that is, a fixed tax for a specific type of activity. This tax does not depend on income; it is paid even if there is no income. Payment is made every quarter.

Conditions for switching to UTII:

  • Suitable activity.
  • Less than 100 employees.
  • Must be permitted in the territory where the activity is carried out.
  • For LLC - share third party organization should be no more than 25%.

The transition to UTII is not possible for individual entrepreneurs on a patent basis, and for those who pay agricultural tax.

Patent system or PSN

Currently, there are 47 types of activities that fall under the patent tax system. You can find them in section 346.43 of the tax code. The rate for individual entrepreneurs is 6% of the possible annual income. To transfer, the company must have no more than 15 employees, and annual income must not exceed 60 million rubles. The validity period of a patent ranges from a month to a year.

The main advantage of PSN is the absence of reporting, the need for a cash register and a fixed tax amount. This option is optimal for entrepreneurs whose activities are seasonal in nature and are of little use for stores.

How much does it cost to open a store?

Many people are wondering how much it will cost to open own store? Which store to open with minimal investment? It is simply impossible to answer this question with any certainty; there are too many factors at play. What exactly are you planning to sell? In which city will the store be opened, and in what area? Because of this variety, prices vary very, very widely. More often than not, something definite can be said already at the business planning stage, and then a new, even more interesting question arises: where to find start-up capital to open a store?

Experienced entrepreneurs begin searching for funds after registering a business. In this case, it turns out that detailed business plan, in which you can see the entire project indicating the amount for its implementation. It is possible that the required amount could have been found much in advance and now there are no problems with the issue of payment.

Otherwise, you can refer to the following sources:

  • Investors. After you have ready business plan, you can try to find an investor for the project. Unfortunately, this path is one of the most difficult - not everyone will be ready to invest their own money in your business.
  • Banks. A bank loan is also a common method of solving the problem. However, you should not think of it as a panacea - it often falls on the shoulders of a beginning entrepreneur like a yoke, significantly slowing down the development of the business.
  • Friends and relatives. You can always try to involve friends or relatives in the matter. Moreover, we are talking here not only and not so much about a loan, but about a full partnership. After you develop, you can simply buy out the share.

Attracting first clients

After opening a store, the question of attracting the first customers arises. Currently, marketers have come up with many recipes for success, but the simplest and at the same time effective are:

  • Distribution of leaflets. The main thing here is a bright, attractive design that would make a person not only take the leaflet, but also become interested in its content. It should also contain important information regarding the products you offer, as well as address, contact numbers, etc. You can distribute leaflets not only on the streets, but also scatter them through mailboxes and place them on tables in supermarkets.
  • Posting advertisements. The method is as simple as it is effective, but not without its drawbacks. Not many people look at notice boards (unless they are located at public transport stops). In addition, such a method can spoil the reputation in the future - “advertising on poles” is perceived negatively by many.
  • Display advertising. Perhaps the most optimal method to date. You can place an ad in newspapers, on television, but, above all, it is worth advertising on the World Wide Web. The last option is especially good because it will not require much investment, and the audience reach will be simply huge. In addition, you can choose literally any convenient format for your advertising.
  • Recommend to friends. You can tell your acquaintances, friends, relatives, relatives of friends, etc. about your product. This option will be the most in a simple way advertise your product without spending any money at all. At the same time, it is also distinguished by its effectiveness, because we all trust our own surroundings much more than even the most beautiful advertising leaflets. The effect of “word of mouth” should not be discounted. Even experts admit that it is one of the most effective methods advertising.

Finally, it’s worth giving a few tips that may be useful to novice entrepreneurs thinking about how to open their own store.

Instead of developing completely your own trademark, entrepreneurs prefer to work as a franchise. This phenomenon is called franchising and is a special type of relationship between entities in which the franchisor transfers the rights to conduct business without limiting either the basic principles or business model of the franchisee.

This approach has its pros and cons.


  1. Saving money;
  2. Product certification;
  3. Ready soil for business (no need to develop a strategy, concept, etc.);
  4. More acceptable lending conditions;
  5. Reduced advertising costs (you won’t have to promote your brand again);
  6. Centralized marketing strategy;
  7. Support from the copyright holder in terms of procurement, supply, design and staff training.


  1. Difficult conditions for both sides due to shortcomings legislative framework RF.
  2. The contract is concluded for a period of 5 years. Termination is subject to penalties.
  3. Expenses in the form of monthly royalty payments.
  4. Constant control by the copyright holder of the brand and some restrictions.
  5. Franchising does not eliminate the need to go through numerous bureaucratic procedures, including registering an LLC or individual entrepreneur.

You can find franchises of many stores in ours.


As you can see from the above, if not everyone, then many can open a store today. You need to know where to start to open your own store. The main thing in this matter is careful planning and understanding of the store’s operating processes. Of course, not a single business at the beginning is complete without a lot of troubles, but if you follow the tips given above, within a year or two your own retail outlet will begin to generate a stable income. We hope that we were able to help you, and now you can easily answer the question of how to open your own store!

It is not customary to save money on children. Therefore, opening a children's clothing store can become a very successful business. The main thing is to approach the organization of such an enterprise wisely.

Although children need clothing in specific sizes and styles (especially for babies), there are not many specialty stores.

Often these are either expensive boutiques common in megacities, or market outlets more familiar to small towns, where the quality of goods leaves much to be desired.

Under these conditions, opening a clothing store with wide range products for children of all ages can be considered a highly profitable business that can satisfy users living in settlements of various sizes. Let's figure out how to open a children's clothing store from scratch, and what nuances to consider when creating such a business. And what does it take to open a children's clothing store?

Format is everything

Starting a business from scratch is not so bad.

Yes, it will have to be untwisted, and this is not easy work.

On the other hand, it is possible to choose the concept of the future enterprise. The right format is the key to success.

Funds are spent more rationally, space is more compact. As for the assortment and advertising, they are more thoughtful, which means they will certainly hit the mark. So, the format of a children's clothing store could be as follows:

  1. Classical. This implies the sale of products through a full-fledged trading place in specialized departments of hypermarkets or in individual stores in shopping centers.
  2. Online. It is quite possible to sell clothes for children via the Internet. Today it is popular and in demand.

Both cases have their pros and cons. For example, in the first option, buyers have the opportunity to look, feel and try on clothes for the baby.

When purchasing clothes through a store’s website, they will have only a visual idea of ​​the product, and will also be guided by the description provided by the seller. The photo does not always reflect the true appearance of the item, just as the stated characteristics may not correspond to reality.

It is worth being prepared for frequent product returns when selling online.

Choosing clothes for a child is quite difficult.

Children do not always meet age standards for height, weight and foot size.

At the same time, online sales are beneficial for both the seller and the buyer. The first saves on renting premises, and accordingly can set lower prices. The latter have the opportunity to purchase products at an affordable price almost around the clock, without leaving home.

Advertising and promotion

As for advertising, increased measures will be required to promote an online store. The real store is always in front of the eyes of customers passing by, so when they need children's products, it will be the first thing they remember.

It is convenient to promote a children's clothing store through specialized resources (thematic forums, groups in in social networks, blogs of successful mothers). Such advertising is quite economical and effective.

Where is the best place to locate a store?

Initially, you will not need a large area to open a store. 50 m2 will be enough.

It's better to start from a small point. This will allow us to study customer preferences and determine the most hot goods and “fill your hand.”

It makes sense to open a store in areas with high traffic, preferably for the audience for which the product is intended.

Not necessarily in the city center. Adults buy clothes for children, so locations near kindergartens, attractions, playgrounds, clinics, and development centers would be appropriate.

It is advantageous to locate the premises near similar stores that are popular with consumers.

This will increase the chances of attracting the attention of potential consumers. Going to their usual store, customers are highly likely to visit yours.

A high-quality level of service, a well-thought-out assortment and a loyal pricing policy will help convince a client to buy clothes for a child from you.

Naturally, it is worth taking into account the rental rate. It can vary several times. However, the location of the store in an expensive shopping center with a high rental rate does not guarantee a large turnover.

Children's clothing store in rented premises

The website is the face of the store. It is both a showcase and an office, so it should be interesting, convenient and as understandable as possible to the client. All necessary data must be visible (contacts, product order buttons, opening hours, sizes, colors, product availability, prices, advantages of purchasing on this particular resource, etc.).

It is better to order a website from professionals. Specialists will not only create a high-quality resource with advanced functionality that takes into account all the client’s wishes, but will also be able to advise which domain and hosting to purchase, which structure and color scheme of the site will be more advantageous.

Just creating a website for an online store is not enough. The resource must be optimized for search queries and periodically promoted. Specialists can handle this better. You can order subscription services.

Store decoration

It is advisable to decorate a children's clothing store in light or bright colors. Pictures with cartoon characters or fairy-tale heroes will also be appropriate. A good trick that both children and parents fall for is gifts for kids.

It will be enough to distribute balloons, hoops with “ears”, cardboard masks and other little things. Children's music will not be superfluous either. This background will help good mood from buyers.

Bright design for a children's clothing store

Old-timers in this niche advise placing a children's corner in the store. It can be equipped with a sofa, playpen, TV, drawing table, children's slide or toys. This will allow one of the parents to relax with the child while the other is busy choosing the baby’s wardrobe.

Legal registration

To operate a children's clothing store, you will need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, as well as obtain product certificates.

To do this, you need to submit documents to certain government agencies (tax office, Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, etc.). Registration will take up to 10 days.

Suppliers should be selected that are verified and have appropriate licenses for the products manufactured or sold. Certified products will comply high standards quality, and also have clothing size markings that comply with established standards.

Children's store assortment: embrace the immensity

The initial assortment should be formed according to the season from items of a full size range.

It is better if there are more than one set of them.

Based on what category of children you are targeting (infants, children preschool age, schoolchildren).

Choose the most popular colors (pink, blue, neutral). As you sell products, identify the items in greatest demand.

Depending on the width of the assortment, select personnel. He must be sociable, honest, attractive and polite. For a small store, 1-2 sellers and 1 cleaner will be enough.

If you have a summer house or Vacation home with a plot, you can try yourself as a businessman. On the plot you can grow products for subsequent sale. – everything about organizing a greenhouse farm, calculating investments and payback.

Check out the garage production business ideas. Successful examples from Europe.

Making and selling soft ice cream is simple and at the same time profitable business. In this topic, we will consider all the nuances of starting this business: from ice cream production technology to calculating payback.

Store opening costs

  • registration - about 1 thousand rubles;
  • receiving permitting documents– up to 10 thousand rubles;
  • rent (if required) – up to 70 thousand rubles;
  • repair and purchase of equipment, office equipment, Supplies– up to 250 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of goods - up to 300 thousand rubles;
  • staff salaries – up to 25 thousand rubles;
  • advertising campaign – up to 20 thousand;
  • other expenses - about 50 thousand rubles.

The total amount will be approximately 726 thousand rubles. However, in each individual case it may change (for example, if there is no need to make repairs).

Business payback

Is it profitable to open a children's clothing store? Profitability of opening children's store quite high.

With proper organization of a point in a pass-through location, it will be possible to return the invested funds in a year and a half.

At the same time, tangible profits will appear after six months of stable operation, when the brand becomes recognizable and an audience appears regular customers. The average markup on products is about 130%.

This business requires frequent updating of the assortment, therefore, constant investments. Don't forget about the seasonality of business. As a rule, sales fall during the off-season. Therefore, it is advisable to “dilute” the store’s assortment with toys, handbags, accessories, and other goods.

When opening a children's products store, focus on kids. After all, they are the ones who will ultimately make the decision to purchase this or that item. Put your soul into your store, and then parents and children will come to you again and again, feeling the atmosphere of attention and ease. And of course, you shouldn’t ignore the quality of the products. Little customers especially need comfortable beautiful things that are resistant to wear.

If you prefer production to other types of activities, but do not have large finances, then you can realize your idea by creating a small production. . Where to begin? What to produce? You will find the answer to these questions in the next article.

Read the topic about how to find remote earnings while on maternity leave. Useful tips for young mothers.

Video on the topic

One investor decided to retire in 15 years. Every month he invests 20 thousand rubles.

The goal of the experiment is to live on dividends in the amount of 50 thousand rubles per month. A public portfolio will allow you to follow movements and, if desired, join it. @dividendslife

You can open a business selling accessories for phones and tablets with an amount of 150 - 200 thousand rubles. The bulk of the funds - about 70% - goes to creating an assortment of goods, 20% - to purchase commercial equipment and 10% - to other expenses. This is a simple business that any aspiring entrepreneur can open. The whole difficulty in starting a business lies in finding profitable suppliers of goods who will offer the lowest price. wholesale price. Although the average bill of such stores often does not exceed 600 rubles, this does not interfere point of sale get a profit. Accessories stores receive their main income from high trade markups, which reach 500% for individual items.

Such a business is attractive because a small store can be opened on just 4-6 sq.m. This could be a place under an escalator in a shopping center (where there is maximum traffic) or a department in the format of a shopping island. It is advisable to open in high-traffic areas with a rich audience. In this regard, large shopping centers are some of the best places, despite the high rent (from 5,000 rubles per sq. m.). The clientele in large shopping centers is the richest.

The assortment of the store's accessories for phones and tablets includes such products as: covers, cases, decor for phones, cables and chargers, protective films, headphones and headsets, accessories for iPhone and iPad, styluses and gloves, car accessories for phones, gadgets for smartphones and tablets, batteries, bags for tablets. At the same time, the majority of sales come from goods Apple, according to market participants. The products of this company should be kept in maximum quantities:

In some cases, you shouldn’t limit yourself to just accessories. You can add the most popular models of phones and tablets to the range: iPhone, iPad, Mac Book. Optional in large quantities, possible positions 5-10. It has been noticed more than once that when adding phones, sales of accessories for them increase several times.

When opening a store, great importance is attached to finding profitable suppliers. Accessories are inexpensive goods, and the main income comes from high trade margins. If it is not possible to purchase goods at low prices, then it’s not worth starting a business. Even a markup of 100% is considered low. Most often, goods are sold with a markup of 200%. This is the only way to make money in this business.

Almost every shopping center has three or four salons cellular communications, which also have a good range of accessories, even at a greatly inflated cost. But salons have their advantages: a well-promoted brand, bright design, a large assortment gadgets, huge investments, high traffic. Accessories are not their main source of income, but they sell well, since almost every purchase of a phone or tablet also means the purchase of a case or handbag for it.

Market players share some information that good wholesale suppliers of accessories can be found in Novosibirsk: their quality is good and their range is varied. As a last resort, you can always turn to Chinese trading platforms (alibaba and aliexpress). There are always plenty of cheap little things there. This is what most small online stores that sell accessories do.

To register a business, no licenses or additional permits are needed: it is enough to register an individual business with the local tax service, which will take only 5 days from the date of filing the documents. When filling out an application, you usually indicate OKVED code 52.4 “Other retail in specialized stores" The taxation system most often chosen is UTII - a single tax on imputed income. This is the most optimal tax regime for small stores. Your tax is always a flat fee (paid quarterly). UTII exempts an entrepreneur from paying income tax, property tax and VAT. But the most important thing is that “imputation” allows you not to use cash registers when making payments to customers.