What are the professions in the food industry? What are the industrial professions? What skills should he have?

Technologist food production - specialist responsible for the quality of products food products at all stages: from receipt of raw materials to packaging of finished products. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in work and farming (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

High-quality food is the key to the health of the country's population. Therefore, the profession of food production technologist will always be in demand and its importance is only increasing, especially in modern conditions. The country's food industry has been given an extremely important task - to increase the amount of processed agricultural products to 70-80%. And this is only possible if effective, competitive new technologies emerge and are developed, the development of which is also carried out by food production technologists.

Food products are presented a huge amount products. Accordingly, their production technologies are also different.

Training of specialists takes place in the following areas:

  • meat and dairy industry technology;
  • technology of bread, confectionery and pasta;
  • fermentation and winemaking technology;
  • canning production technology.
  • As a rule, technologists choose their specialization during the training period.

But no matter what direction the technologist works, his main task is to prevent disruption of the production cycle. The slightest deviation from the technology and recipe for producing the product will lead to the failure of the entire batch. Only by constantly monitoring all components of production can product quality be ensured. So, for example, if suppliers brought the wrong type of meat for the production of sausages, find out the reason for this and demand delivery of meat required quality the technologist is obliged. Monitoring the air temperature in production workshops producing dairy products or wine is also the responsibility of the technologist. The serviceability of the equipment, timely delivery of the required number of packages - all this is controlled by the technologist.

Features of the profession

Functional responsibilities of a food production technologist:

  • quality control of raw materials and manufactured products;
  • monitoring compliance and ensuring the correctness of existing production technology;
  • checking the quality of the finished product;
  • control over the correct packaging, labeling and storage conditions of products;
  • optimization of production technology;
  • monitoring the correct operation of equipment;
  • analysis of problematic production situations;
  • development of recipes and production technology for new products;
  • development of technological documentation;
  • calculation of consumption rates of necessary raw materials, time consumption;
  • calculation of the cost of manufactured products;
  • drawing up orders for raw materials and necessary equipment;
  • preparation of documentation for product certification;
  • execution control sanitary rules in production.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • Constant demand in the labor market;
  • stable work;
  • enough high pay labor in large companies.


  • responsibility for shortcomings in the work of other services;
  • intense work rhythm;
  • overtime work;
  • Some industries have a shift schedule.

Place of work

Food production: meat and dairy plants, milk processing plants, confectionery factories, bakeries and pasta factories, canning factories, as well as production plants mineral waters, low-alcohol drinks, wines, strong alcoholic drinks. Technologists are also in demand at factories for the production of food acids, baker's and alcohol yeast in laboratories of various industries.

Salary as of 02/20/2020

Russia 30000—100000 ₽

Moscow 40000—140000 ₽

Important qualities

  • responsibility;
  • patience;
  • stress resistance;
  • ability to quickly make decisions in emergency situations;
  • accuracy;
  • good memory.

Where to study to become a food production technologist

Technologists can get vocational training in two directions:

  • in universities of food specialization in the departments of “technology of bread, confectionery and pasta”, “technology of meat and dairy industry”, “technology of fermentation production and winemaking”, “technology of food products”, “technology of canning production”;
  • in chemical-technological universities - in the universal specialization “food biotechnology” or “biotechnology”.

Higher education:



  • Food College No. 33 – Technology of bread, pasta and confectionery
  • Moscow Technological College of Nutrition of the Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanova
  • Moscow educational complex named after. Victor Talalikhin
  • First Moscow educational complex
  • Moscow College of Management, hotel business And information technologies"Tsaritsyno"


Salary as of 02/20/2020

Russia 30000—100000 ₽

Moscow 40000—140000 ₽

Salary depends on the company where the technologist works, work experience and qualifications.

Career steps and prospects

Young specialists initially occupy the position of junior technologist. Career possible in the following sequence: technologist, senior shift technologist, chief technologist, director of operations.

Portrait of a modern food production technologist:

Food production technologists are usually women with higher education— 69% of the total; men, respectively, 31%. The percentage of young people under the age of 30 is 63%. Food production process engineers are most in demand in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Kazan and Volgograd.

Every profession is needed, every profession is important. Choosing a professional field is quite a difficult task. This is not taught in school. The main thing is to focus on your abilities, and you can learn anything.

Types of industrial production

There are currently three main types of industry. These include the following:

  • light industry;
  • heavy;
  • chemical.

Depending on the type of production, industrial occupations have significant differences.

Light industry

This branch of production includes enterprises for the production and processing of such raw materials:

  • flax;
  • cotton;
  • jute;
  • silks;
  • wool and much more.

Organizations that produce fabrics and other consumer goods also belong to the light industry. That is, these are all enterprises that produce consumer goods.

The main occupations of this type of industry will be the following:

  • fashion designer;
  • seamstress;
  • cutter;
  • tailor;
  • sewing equipment operator.

While the first four professions are closely related, the last one is considered the most difficult. It implies the ability to understand any sewing equipment and troubleshoot problems in a timely manner.

Note. This point is especially important in the serial production of a large enterprise. Otherwise, there may be failures in the creation and sale of products.

Heavy industry and professions

This type of production is particularly complex. Heavy industry includes mining and manufacturing industries. Basically, all work in production is related to metal. It could be the following:

  • welding;
  • straightening;
  • milling
  • grinding and much more.

Depending on this, the professions of this type of industry will be:

  • welder;
  • milling machine operator;
  • waster;
  • blast furnace operator;
  • miner;
  • turner;
  • fitter and others.

Typically, men work in this field. Although you can meet women too. The weaker half of society gives preference to such professions as welder and milling machine.

Chemical industry

This area of ​​production is considered the most interesting and difficult. To choose industrial professions of this type, knowledge is required not only in chemistry, but also in mathematics, physics and other exact sciences. All this is taught at school, as well as in higher education.

The chemical industry offers quite complex professions. Examples:

  • chemist;
  • laboratory assistant;
  • chemical technologist.

By choosing the latest classification of professions, you can study in the following areas:

  • pharmacist;
  • food technologist;
  • technologist for the production of detergents and others.

These professions are no less important in human life. It will take a long time to study.

general information

Each educational institution annually recruits future students who, after qualified training, will become specialists in various industries. As a rule, the choice of an industry profession, the list of which is constantly growing, can be made in advance. To do this, you need to correctly assess your capabilities and abilities.

Municipal educational institution Snezhnenskaya secondary school

Public lesson technology grade 11

Teacher: Velichko G.L.

Subject : “Professional activities in light and Food Industry»

Lesson Objectives : 1 Identify the food and light industries

2. get to know the professions and professional qualities of food and light industry workers;

Tasks : Training tasks .

Ensure the acquisition of knowledge: about the sectors and professions of the light and food industries,

Developmental tasks :

ability to compare, work with text, analyze and draw conclusions.

Educational tasks :

to cultivate in schoolchildren organization, the ability to concentrate attention, the desire to use time rationally, and to develop the experience of equal cooperation between teacher and student; the ability to evaluate one's activities.

help students with career guidance;

Lesson type: modular

Teaching methods: group and individual work, discussion, illustrative method.

Equipment : Computer, projector, technological maps lesson, multimedia presentation.

During the classes:


Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with professions in the field of trade, Catering and light industry. These professions are part of the public service sector. To serve means to serve people. This is a service to the good people, a service every day, where a specialist (salesman or waiter, cashier or cook, fashion designer or seamstress) deals with meeting the urgent needs of people, with the diversity of human moods, tastes, characters, and personalities. We must learn about the professions of the food and light industry, as well as what qualities we need to develop in ourselves when choosing a profession from this area? What is the content of the work of these workers?

1 slide. The topic of our lesson is “Professional activities in the light and food industries.”

Today in the lesson I invite you to learn for yourself, working with the text of the textbook, about the professions of the light and food industries and professional qualities its workers. To do this, we will divide ourselves into two groups. 1st row - work according to professional activity light industry, and 2-row food industry. Guide to independent work there will be technological maps for you, which I will distribute to you now. These maps contain educational elements - the stages of your activity (1 column), for each stage there are goals and the approximate time required to complete the tasks. Methods for checking the correctness of completed tasks, as well as at the end of mastering each element, you give yourself points; the last column describes the evaluation criteria. If you have any difficulties, you can contact me for help. I will put extra points for your oral answers and completed assignments in the margins of your notebooks.

3 slide.

A group of industries that provide the population with fabrics, clothing, shoes and other consumer goods are united into a separate industry - light industry.

At the stage of primary processing of raw materials, light industry has close contact with agriculture, and the raw material base for light industry is the chemical industry - the production of artificial and synthetic materials (artificial silk and leather, chemical fiber, synthetic rubber).

4 slide .

Light industry is a complex industry that includes more than twenty sub-industries that can be combined into three main groups: textile, clothing, leather, (fur, shoe).

5 slide .

6 slide.

As you might have guessed, today in the lesson we are talking about professions related to the “man - technology” and “person - person” types. An indispensable condition for successful labor activity All specialists of the “person-to-person” type are professional communication, the need to establish contact with other people. If an employee does not have patience and restraint, and is inattentive to people, then in this case we can talk about the employee’s professional unsuitability for professions of this type. Moreover, in our time, people’s demands on the culture of service, on the level of qualifications of workers, their ability to correctly perceive and evaluate the mental state of the buyer, client, his mood, and motives of behavior have increased significantly.

Being in sight all the time, working quickly and accurately, while remaining friendly and condescending - this may not be within the capabilities of everyone. But it is precisely this everyday and difficult work for the benefit of other people that lies the meaning of the activities of trade and public catering workers.

Slide 7

8 slide

Slide 9

The food industry includes industries that provide the population with food. It includes the dairy, meat, oil and fat, pasta, confectionery, wine and brewing industries.

More than any other industry, the food industry is linked to agriculture, from which it receives its raw materials. Intersectoral connections with mechanical engineering and energy are important

10 slide

Product processing Agriculture includes bakery, pasta, dairy, confectionery production, production of meat products, fish processing, etc.

Industries are divided into two groups

11 slide

First industry group:

Butter factory






12 slide

Second group industry:





Slide 13

Food industry professions

Slide 14

What professions exist?

in light and food industries

Seamstress pastry chef

Embroiderer baker

Knitter head of equipment

Textile worker biotechnologist

Weaver tester

Stove spinner

Cutter packer



Fashion designer

From time immemorial, a counter separated the goods from the buyer. This order seemed eternal and unshakable. Now the buyer moves freely around the store, tries it on, prices the product and only pays for all his purchases at the exit. The seller in this store does not stand still: he advises the buyer, assists him, lays out the goods, packs them, and performs the work of a cashier. Contact with the buyer does not last long, but during this time he must “give” the buyer the maximum useful information about the product in a friendly, unobtrusive manner.

Changes and technical equipment trading enterprises. Computers now help and facilitate the collection of information about goods received and sold.

Mechanical scales are being replaced by electronic ones. A cash register connected to a computer “reads” the cost of an item using a barcode and notes information about the item sold on the receipt.

Enterprises engaged in trading activities, are divided into several groups: 1. Consumer goods stores, 2. Department stores, 3. Specialty stores, 4. Shopping malls, 5. Warehouses - stores, 6. Stores selling from catalogues, 7. Online stores.

Practical work.

a) Test yourself as a commercial agent. Try to sell some item, advertise it so that the buyer cannot refuse. Choose the best commercial agent.

b) ROLE PLAY “Seller - buyer”.

The seller’s task is to calmly and kindly respond to the hot-tempered “buyer.”

Working with crosswords, by group

15. slide

Let's check what we learned in our lessons. We will answer your questions.

What industry is called "light industry"?

What are the three main groups of light industry?

What type of professions are light industry professions?

What kind of production does the food industry include that provides the population with food?

Name two groups in the food industry?

To master light industry professions, what school subjects should you pay more attention to? Explain why?

must know? And explain why?

. Lesson summary.

D.Z. For the next lesson, prepare a presentation about professions in the food and light industry that interest you

Each profession makes its own demands on the person who decides to master it. Workers in the sphere of trade and public catering, solving some of our life problems, must be attentive and benevolent, have patience and endurance, and strive to bring joy to people.

Now, having become acquainted with the content of the work of some professions, you will be able to better understand yourself and answer the question: “Can I choose this or that profession?”

“Enterprise management” - Analysis of the current state of the management system at enterprises. Today's economic realities. Building a business process model. Development organizational structure. Support of the quality management system. Control system elements. Formation of regulatory documents. Building a business process model.

“Enterprise restructuring” - Typology of transformative measures. Restructuring is a change in structure. Modern definitions. Enterprises faced the need for restructuring for various reasons: Approaches to defining the concept of enterprise restructuring. Fundamentals of enterprise restructuring. The concept of “enterprise restructuring” existed back in Soviet times.

“Production function” - Q5. 3.1.3 Minimizing costs. Figure 3.2 Labor capital ratio and MRTS. ?. C.L*. Marginal products of labor and capital: As defined by MRTS: Applied Economics. Q4.

“Pellet production” - Biofuel quality. What do granules provide to consumers? Don't count on old waste "stocks" in the landfill. Small and medium boiler houses. Construction of a plant for the production of fuel pellets. Quality of raw materials. Municipal and private boiler houses. Bioenergy: Boilers 20-50 kW.

“Production Management” - Basic functions of management. Comprehensive audit of all or individual aspects of the company's activities. Economic methods aimed at creating a favorable climate in the team. Exchange information with other people. Economic methods do not operate automatically; it is difficult to determine the strength of their influence on the result.

“Industry of the world” - Oil production (million tons per year). New industries. What are the causes of the crisis? 26% light. oil prices increased 10-15 times. Oil industry. This diagram shows ten countries that are the world leaders. industrial production. Gas industry. Name the main exporters and importers of oil.

There are 6 presentations in total