What birds can be kept in one cage. What you should know when buying a canary. Which songbird to choose

Most often, parrots are acquired at the request of children. A small bright bird should delight with its conversations on the orders of the owner and decorate the refrigerator without creating problems. Those who are so inclined should not have smart and wayward birds. The intelligence of a parrot is at the level of a child 3–5 years old, depending on the breed, and it should be treated the same. Which parrot is best to have in an apartment for children to communicate with, and which birds are best for entertaining older people.

The question of which parrot is better to have should continue. When planning to bring a bird into your home, ask what is needed to keep it and what sacrifices you should be willing to make. Paradoxically, a parrot needs to be given much more attention than a cat. It is necessary to allocate a place for the cage near the wall, where there is no draft, good lighting, but the sun's rays do not fall on the bird. The parrot is used to living in the tropics, where the air is always warm and humid. If you do not create a suitable microclimate for it, the bird will get sick and will not live long.

Create the necessary conditions for your feathered friend

The money paid for a parrot in a store or at a bird market is only part of the upcoming costs. You will have to buy:

  • a cage with swings and perches;
  • toys to replace chewed ones;
  • several types of special feeds regularly;
  • sepia and vitamin-mineral complexes;
  • products for washing, cleaning, disinfection.

And additionally spend money on veterinarian services. The smallest species of parrots needs a width of more than 45 cm and a height of 60 cm. For two, one and a half times more. The cage cannot be placed:

  • where there is a draft;
  • on the window and balcony;
  • in the hallway and nursery;
  • in the kitchen;
  • near the TV.

If there is a suitable place for the parrot, then you can decide to purchase the bird. But first, the cage is put in place, and the brought feathered pet is launched into it.

Determine if there is a comfortable place in the house for the cage

The parrot demands attention. You need to work with them for at least 15 minutes a day. Besides that, communicate. Otherwise, he will become bored and depressed or uncontrollable.

In its homeland, the parrot eats many seeds from various plants, fruits, nuts, flowers and leaves. It should be varied. A few minutes in a draft is enough and the bird gets sick. All parrots hide from the sun's rays in the foliage of trees and bushes. In the sun, the pichuga will instantly overheat.

Parrots are afraid of sharp sounds, the screams of small children, loud TV, flashes of light frighten them. The parrot becomes attached to a person and if he is often absent, he gets bored and may die.

Having a parrot in your apartment is wonderful. An intelligent bird, having become attached to a person, is very devoted, repeating words and sounds after him. From communicating with a parrot, its owner receives:

  • always in a good mood;
  • an attentive interlocutor;
  • surprises every day.

The feathered pet will happily greet the person, talk and sing songs to him. Parrots feel the mood and state of a person and try to cheer him up.

There are many disadvantages to communicating with a bird, but when a unique chirper appears in the house, they seem petty:

  • clean the cage every day and tidy up around it;
  • Birds do not control some processes, and you will have to constantly scrub furniture from stains;
  • parrots are very curious and try everything with their beaks, they can chew wires and flowers, wallpaper;
  • Accustomed to starting the day with sunrise, the feathered pet will wake everyone up early in the morning with loud cries.

One of the disadvantages is that the bird will wake you up in the morning

You need to work with a parrot every day and at the same time be in good mood and speak in an even, calm voice.

What kind of parrot is better to have for a child in an apartment? In order for the bird to get used to it faster, you need to take a very young chick, 4-8 weeks old. A budgie is suitable for a preschooler over 5 years old. He is able to master a dozen words, will joyfully welcome the appearance of a child, and talk to him. The bird's sincerity and dependence on humans will teach him responsibility and care. In addition, wavy animals respond more readily to a high-pitched voice and repeat after it.

The budgerigar's beak is small. He is not capable of causing injury to the child, even if they quarrel. Unlike large representatives of the species, budgies do not take revenge for an insult, but begin to feel sad. It is unpretentious in food and almost does not scatter garbage around the cage.

Corella is suitable as a first parrot for teenagers. The curious and cheerful parrot remembers up to 200 words and reads poetry. Intellectually equal to a 4-5 year old child. Corella is easy to train and quickly bonds with children. You can teach him some tricks and play with him.

The parrot will good friend your child

If you want to have parrots at home, but don’t have time to communicate with them for a long time, pick up a pair of lovebirds. Bright, colorful birds will decorate the room as exotic decor. Alone, the lovebird will be bored in an empty apartment. Together they will jump funny, have fun, preen each other's feathers and speak in their bird language or sing. Lovebirds speak poorly and are reluctant to learn. But in the company of their own kind, they are cheerful and cool. They are not afraid of people. They have a hard beak and can seriously injure a person. If you don't have time to train your parrot, then this is the best option.

If you suffer from loneliness and want communication, get yourself an Amazon. The bird is relatively expensive, but can live 60 years or more. Large individuals are sociable, like grandmothers on a bench. They are easy to learn and know many words and phrases. The Amazon is very attached to its owner and is not afraid of strangers and animals. Constantly tells something, even if the owner is not listening to him or there are strangers in the room. Often answers meaningfully.

A large green parrot, he willingly sits on your hand and shoulder, and can walk around the table while working. This is the most friendly and sociable breed. Having a strong beak, he uses it only in extreme cases, when defending himself. Despite his sociability, keeping Amazon as a first parrot in the house is not an option for teenagers. It is not suitable for younger children.

For a home where silence is sometimes requested, Quakers are ideal. Smart birds from South Africa, easy to train, know a lot of words and know how to remain silent when not spoken to. People, animals and birds are treated as friends. They often live peacefully with cats and pester them with conversations.

Parrots can make friends with cats

Of the large parrots, Cockatoos are suitable for schoolchildren. The cheerful bird is able to entertain itself, hum simple melodies and dance. Remembers and pronounces 300 or more words meaningfully. He understands well when people turn to him. He simply adores people. Friendly with animals. He tries to hide from guests.

Children easily teach the Cockatoo various tricks and games. He can bring an object, play ball and perform other actions.

Cockatoos should not be left alone for long periods of time. With loud, heartbreaking cries, he demands attention for so long until he gets it. He also demands to remind him to feed him.

The largest parrot, Jaco, can only be kept by self-confident people with a strong character. Otherwise, the bird will refuse to obey and will do whatever it sees fit. Accustomed to hiding in treetops, Jaco loves to sit under the ceiling. Therefore, his cage must be placed higher or he needs to install perches there.

Jaco is completely unsuitable for communicating with children. He will try to gain the upper hand and command over them. It can use its beak. Birds live up to 90 years. Conservatives by nature. They do not tolerate any changes well, starting from the food ration to changing the environment.

It’s spring, everything around is filled with birdsong: blackbirds give concerts in the evenings, nightingales take their watch at night, starlings sing during the day. Previously, songbirds in Russia were often kept indoors. And even now, many would not refuse to have a small feathered singer as a pet. How to make the right choice?


The first place is firmly held by canaries - singing birds, which began to be imported from the Canary Islands and Tenerife back in the 15th century. Initially, they were only green, but as a result of selection, yellow and orange appeared.

Canaries are valued for their excellent singing, but those who want to keep them should take into account: the voice of these birds is quite loud, and they can sometimes sing for days on end (only the males).

Domestic canary species can sing throughout the year, but they still have their own singing season. It begins, as a rule, at the end of November, by the beginning of winter the birds' voice gains strength, and they usually demonstrate their best singing from February and throughout the spring. By summer, canaries take a well-deserved vacation and give their vocal cords a chance to rest. Experts attribute this to the fact that during this period the birds are molting, and all the forces of their body are aimed at shedding the old plumage and replacing it with a new one - there is no time for songs.


IN pre-revolutionary Russia a cage with a siskin was a common attribute of a schoolboy’s room, a craftsman’s workshop, and a roadside inn. And now the siskin is perhaps the first bird that can be recommended for keeping to a novice zoo lover. Despite its modest appearance, the siskin captivates at the first meeting with its grace and liveliness. In a matter of days he stops being shy of people, gets used to flying out of the cage and comes back. Of all the household, he usually singles out the one who looks after him. And it is to this person that he will make all “requests” for a treat or a bath, raising the feathers on his head, jumping on a perch and greeting his person with a perky song. Its singing includes many different trills, which may resemble the sounds of other birds, in particular tits. The siskin can sing up to 10 months a year.


The goldfinch's repertoire can consist of more than 20 variants of melodies, and the sounds it makes while singing can be either pleasant and melodic or harsh and rude. Goldfinches can only compete with canaries in their singing abilities. By the way, like them, goldfinches become silent during molting and do not sing. However, if only males sing in canaries, then in goldfinches both males and females sing, and females sometimes do it more skillfully.

If you did not purchase a goldfinch at a pet store, but caught it in the wild or sold it to you wild, you will be disappointed: wild birds remain wild, and rarely delight their owners with their singing.


The chaffinch's singing is melodious, beautiful and cheerful - it is often confused with the song of the nightingale. A typical chaffinch song is a rolling trill ending with a “stroke” - a specific loud short sound. The finch tolerates captivity quite well, but never becomes such a tame bird as the siskin. In finches, only males sing. It is quite easy to distinguish a male from a female: males have a reddish breast, and their head and neck are decorated with bluish plumage in the warm season; females have a discreet brownish-green color.


The zebra finch is one of the most popular ornamental birds today. It is often also presented as a songbird, but finches have a rather specific voice, and not everyone will like their song: finches make sounds that resemble buzzing, grumbling, whistling, chirping, and sometimes hissing. Moreover, they sing especially loudly and actively early in the morning. However, thanks to their variegated coloring, finches look very impressive and exotic; they are quite active and funny. Despite their apparent friendliness, finches do not accept human hands; they prefer to live side by side with their own kind - big company or in pairs. Therefore, finches are perfect for constantly busy and working people as a pet.

When there is no time to walk the dog and look after the cat, people usually buy a more unpretentious pet. If wet and silent fish are not your thing, you can get a superhero pet. What else can you call a feathered comrade who can fly, sing, and sometimes speaks to the point?

The popular game Angry Birds and the cartoon Rio reminded children who they should really ask their parents to have. Don't you need to ask anymore? Well, great, every serious adult can afford a parrot, or a canary, or a crow at worst. We will tell you about the pros and cons different types poultry.


A simple and inexpensive option for beginners. Lives for about 15 years. The bright singers from the Canary Islands have no competitors in the art of vocals, except, perhaps, nightingales (but these birds are very gentle, and it is very difficult to tame them). When buying canaries, you need to remember that only males sing. Although the females try their hand at singing, they are not very good at it. It is quite difficult to distinguish between males and females, so you should purchase a bird only after you personally hear its voice. The opinion about the pros and cons of a canary is very subjective: if you are happy to hear year-round trills from morning until evening, then the bird will be happy, because they fall silent only during the molting period, once or twice a year.

The color of canaries varies: there are white, yellow, fawn, gray, variegated, green, orange, and red birds. A picky buyer can easily match the bird to both the color of the eyes and the color of the wallpaper in the living room. True, many canary fans believe that the green (natural) color of the birds adds to their stamina.


The bird is unusually smart. Can not only remember words and expressions, but also conduct a meaningful dialogue. Research has shown that Grays are able to associate words with the objects they represent, as well as perceive the concepts of shape, color and serial number. Be prepared for the unexpected: Grays reproduce not only speech, but also the sounds of a working vacuum cleaner, coughing or laughter.

The downside is that the time that needs to be devoted to the bird is directly proportional to its intelligence. Therefore, you will have to constantly entertain your parrot with games and communication. Otherwise, they may scream obnoxiously, attracting attention to themselves. Having found no use for their inquisitive mind, birds are prone to neuroses, leading to self-plucking and illness. At the same time, their life expectancy can only be envied: 60-98 years.

The macaw is the largest, most expensive, most jealous and, perhaps, the most beautiful of the parrots. It reaches a length of 95 cm and is brightly colored in green, red, blue and yellow tones. This royal appearance requires an appropriately sized cage, enclosure or separate room. Moreover, if it is a cage, then it is better not to place it next to furniture: among other things, these birds also have the strongest beaks on earth, and therefore can literally tear your cabinet apart. The same applies to fingers unsuccessfully stuck into the enclosure of an irritated bird. Macaws live on average from 30 to 60 years.

If you have never kept birds before, we do not recommend that you immediately purchase large parrots. It will be difficult for a beginner to tame such a serious bird, but you can easily ruin its character forever. But if you really want to, then it’s better to immediately contact a professional trainer.


Beautiful small birds that happily make friends with children, adults, and even pets. An inexhaustible source of family jokes related to phrases spoken at the wrong time. They willingly strive to carry out commands. If kept well, they can reproduce in captivity, causing you and your children to delight in alternate hatching of eggs in a special house. They live 10-15 years, although some specimens live longer.

The main color of the plumage is protective green, matching the color of the vegetation, but others are also found: blue (from pale blue to purple), white, yellow, variegated.

A budgie can remember up to 150 words. This is a playful and non-offensive bird, easy to care for and maintain.


One of the most extravagant household inhabitants, despite all the oddities, has a lot of advantages:

Has an intelligence comparable only to primates. Patient. If waiting before making a decision can achieve more than any action, the raven will wait. He knows how to attract attention with gestures and demonstration of objects.

An adult bird can only be tamed if it was picked up and nursed by you after being injured. In other cases, you can only find contact with young individuals. Having matured, the birds do not recognize anyone except the owner who raised them from chick age.

In captivity, a raven can live longer than a human, so you “will have something to leave for your descendants.” Just think whether the descendants will be happy from such a unique inheritance.

Omnivorous. Eats the same thing as you. In special cases, it can feed you from its reserves.

Doesn't scream in the morning, but doesn't sing either.

The only negative is that it requires a lot of space, and your family members may not like such a neighborhood.

Birds living next to humans are pranksters, dandies, intellectuals, restless interlocutors and simply funny loudmouths. Each of them is a personality. By making such a friend, you gain a lot of emotions and memories.

Tatyana Zaidal

Parrots have long been a common bird for home keeping. However, we should not forget that there is great amount species of birds that delight with their bright appearance and melodic songs. Few people notice that our “native” representatives of the avian fauna can become wonderful feathered pets. And if a real Belarusian exotic has settled in your house, then, first of all, this is an indicator that the person caring for him is an extraordinary and responsible person.

Which songbird should you choose?

What birds do you think can be seen or heard outside your window every day? Most often these are passerine birds. Let's look at several representatives of this order, unpretentious and suitable for keeping at home. Most often, siskins, bullfinches, redpolls, finches, buntings, goldfinches and greenfinches are kept in cages. These are not all types of birds that can be tamed.

Before getting such a pet, you should study a lot of literature and understand that these birds require special attention. You can’t just catch a bird from the wild and put it in a cage. Most likely, she will simply die. You need to act wisely and patiently. It is rare to find wild songbirds on sale from private birdwatchers, but if you are lucky, you should pay attention to granivorous birds, since insectivorous birds are quite difficult to keep precisely because of their diet.

The first bird that can be recommended for keeping to a novice zoo lover is siskin. Once you meet him, you will forever remain attached to this wonderful little birdie. Despite its modest appearance, the siskin at the first meeting captivates with its grace and liveliness. And with a longer acquaintance, the siskin amazes with its gullibility and agreeableness. In a matter of days he stops being shy of people, gets used to flying out of the cage and comes back.


Of all the household, he usually singles out the one who looks after him. And it is to this person that he will make all “requests” for a treat or a bath, raising the feathers on his head, jumping on the perch as close to his person as possible. And having settled into the house, siskins have no desire for freedom at all and can live up to 10 - 12 years.

Taming the siskin lies through the love of delicacies. Some prefer sunflower seeds, others hemp, others pine nuts. The song of the siskin is a quiet, melodic chirping, which distinguishes it favorably, for example, from parrots with their sharp and loud voice. Surrounded by other singers, the siskin enriches its song with borrowed knees. A captured male siskin begins to sing in the cage during the first or second week and sings diligently all year, excluding periods of molting. Female siskins usually do not sing, but some do sing.


In addition to siskins, the black-headed one is quite easy to keep goldfinch with its bright, truly dandy coloring, the red-breasted bullfinch with its melodic whistle and creaking, elegant finch, which is not inferior in color to parrots.

How to keep songbirds at home?

Songbirds can be kept in cages, cages and aviaries, it all depends on the number of pets. They need to be placed at a distance of 40 - 50 cm from the floor and above.

When changing food and water daily, do not make sudden movements. You need to approach cages and enclosures carefully, talking to the birds in a low voice. Only with such treatment do they quickly get used to the person.

It is also necessary to avoid drafts and sudden changes in temperature. A sharp noise, the unexpected appearance of a stranger near the cage, a sudden switching on or off of the light greatly frightens the birds and can cause their death.

It is not recommended to populate cages and aviaries with a large number of birds, as this leads to rapid contamination, which can lead to an outbreak of diseases. New birds should be introduced into the premises in the morning, so that during the day they become familiar with the conditions of detention and can easily spend the night. Otherwise, without having time to adapt, they will behave restlessly, hit the bars, and may get injured. It is necessary to select birds for joint keeping taking into account their size and behavioral characteristics.

The diet of granivorous birds usually consists of a mixture of seeds of various plants. However, you cannot limit yourself to grain only; millet must be present in the feed. various types, canary seed, oatmeal, oats, rapeseed, rapeseed, flaxseed, lettuce seeds, seeds of coniferous trees, hemp, sunflower, chumise, burdock, quinoa, meadow grass, as well as cultivated cereals - wheat and rye, corn. In addition to the listed components, the diet must contain green food, berries, vegetables and fruits, buds of various trees and shrubs. Sometimes the diet should include food of animal origin - ant pupae, boiled eggs, mealworms, dry gammarus. The composition of feed mixtures is determined by species and individual characteristics birds, and the ratio of components should be changed taking into account palatability.

Unfortunately, there is practically no food for pets in pet stores. wild birds, then you can take food for finches and canaries as a basis, and prepare the remaining components yourself. The diet must include a mineral mixture, chalk and sepia. As you can see, feeding indoor birds is an everyday and far from simple task.

The only disadvantage of keeping songbirds is their rather liquid droppings; this should be taken into account when cleaning and choosing bedding for the bottom of the cage.

With proper care, your feathered pet will delight you with its singing, mobility and longevity.

Have you decided to have a bird at home? Well, good morning!

The most important thing is to decide which feathered friend will become your pet. To do this, it is important to understand what you want from your bird, and also to accept that the bird will require your attention and care.

Especially for you, we have compiled a top list of birds that are most often kept in an apartment.


The canary is rightfully considered one of the most popular domestic birds. This unpretentious yellow beauty with a clear voice is suitable even for those who have never had birds in their home.

For more than 5 centuries, the canary has been considered a domestic bird. She is famous, first of all, for her trills. Agree, waking up to the chirping and shimmer of a canary is much more pleasant than to a boring alarm clock. However, it is important to remember that only canaries sing. If you want to enjoy the sound of a bird, buy a boy.

Canaries are quite easy to care for. They do not need a spacious cage; universal bird food is suitable. Daily care is only necessary for the canary's bathtub. These birds love to swim; they constantly need clean water for their procedures.


Are you familiar with finches? These are exotic birds with bright colors. Great singers. So that your bird does not feel lonely, it is worth getting several finches at once. To care for your pet, you will need a cage measuring 20x40x60 cm and an ultraviolet lamp. Birds must spend at least 45 minutes under its healing light.

Avoid drafts and carry out general cleaning in the bird’s cage at least once every 2 days. Finches feed well on ready-made grain mixtures; the most important thing is not to forget to add fresh fruits and vitamins to the diet.


As is known, it occurs in nature a large number of species of parrots. You can choose for yourself either a small budgie or an impressive macaw. Of course, most parrot owners expect their feathered pet to talk. But for this you need to be patient and work with your winged friend every day.


These birds are characterized by increased curiosity. They quickly become attached to a person and chat a lot and with pleasure with their owner. It should be noted that budgies master language very well and even understand individual phrases.

Most often, parrots have a bright green, blue or yellow color.

Buy birds from experienced breeders. Since budgies are very popular, at the bird market you may be given a weak or sick bird.

If we talk about the peculiarities of keeping, budgies need a bright place. At the same time, a window sill is not a suitable option, because parrots, like other pichugas, are very afraid of drafts.

The cage should be quite spacious. Minimum dimensions of the house for budgies 25x40x40 cm. The cage must be cleaned daily. You also need to periodically treat the birds’ home with a special disinfectant or chamomile decoction.

Take care of the bird's leisure time. It is advisable to place a swing, a mirror, perches in the cage, as well as a bath for water treatments and a sippy cup with clean water.

Ready-made grain mixtures for parrots, which can be purchased at our pet store, fruits and vegetables, herbs and mineral supplements are the basis for a proper diet for budgies.

In the second part of our article you will learn about birds such as grays, lovebirds, cockatoos and cockatiels. Read and choose a feathered friend to your liking.