What equipment is needed for a cheese factory? Cheese production as a business - creating your own mini workshop. Coagulation of milk, obtaining a homogeneous mass

A business idea for producing hard cheese at home consistently brings profit and does not require large investments. This fact is due to many factors, which are all described in this article. The main ones:

  1. Available equipment for home business.
  2. The ability to produce a wide range of cheese varieties at home using the same equipment.
  3. There will always be a demand for all types of cheeses.
  4. Even a beginner in business can establish a sales market.
  5. The profitability of some varieties can exceed 200%!

Anyone can learn how to make cottage cheese or hard cheese at home. Over time, experience will develop and the home cheese maker will be able to produce elite varieties of this most beneficial dairy product.

Cheese production as a business: mini-workshop

Mini-cheese production as a business has several advantages economic justification. In general, the estimated profitability of production is not difficult to calculate. If you buy milk in rural areas from the population for $0.25 per 1 liter. With a yield of 10% from 100 liters, we get 10 kg of hard cheese, the price of which starts at $8 per 1 kg. And that: 8$*10kg = 80$ income - (0.25$*100l.) = 55$ dirty profit. Making cheese at home is especially profitable in rural areas. Where there are minimal (or no) transport costs for milk delivery. Let's look at the profitability of the business and the cheese production line in numbers:

  1. The yield of the finished product during cheese making depends on its type: 10% hard cheeses; 15% semi-solid; 20% cottage cheese and soft cheese varieties. But with a steam bath approach and the use of a container for receiving milk, the yield can be significantly increased (this will be described below).
  2. The cheese needs 1.5-4 hours to cook. This technology feature has a positive effect on productivity home production. After all, it’s realistic to complete 3-4 brews per day.
  3. The same equipment can be used to produce any type of cheese product, with the exception of some aesthetic varieties.
  4. You need a room for storing cheeses with good ventilation and the ability to maintain a temperature from +4 to +12 degrees. Areas of 10-15 square meters. will be quite enough.
  5. The main thing you can’t do without is a cheese maker. Its price starts from $500 for 10 liters of brew. The most popular cheesemakers in small businesses use 25 liter cheesemakers that cost $4,000. The country producing the best cheese makers is Italy. We recommend paying attention to the inexpensive Italian manufacturer Sfoggia. Although you can purchase a budget option from the domestic manufacturer “Minicheese,” which offers 60-liter cheese makers at a price of $3,250.

Production home line can be gradually equipped with additional equipment to increase the profitability and productivity of the line.

Equipment for making cheese at home

The cheese line is in no way limited to home conditions. It can only consist of basic equipment. But over time, it is advisable to acquire auxiliary equipment. A mini cheese production plant can be assembled from the following equipment:

  1. Cheese cooker with a 1.5 kW heating element (quite acceptable for domestic use). It must be able to connect to running water. To accurately control temperature conditions, the cheese maker is equipped with a special thermostat with a software control unit.
  2. Milk sterilizer.
  3. Colander for straining grain-like mass.
  4. Forms made of food-grade plastic.
  5. Cylindrical weights weighing 5 kg for pressing semi-hard cheeses. Or a press for the production of hard cheeses.
  6. The pickling container is a container made of food grade stainless steel (not magnetic).
  7. Forming table and shelving made of neutral wood (eg linden).

Auxiliary equipment allows you to increase the productivity of the cheese complex. This includes:

  1. Milk cooler.
  2. Food grade plastic container for draining semi-annual product.
  3. Special container for collecting whey.

That's all! It is important to note that equipment of this type of production does not require special operating conditions and careful maintenance. There is no need for additional costs for preventative or repair work. The cheese maker and related devices will last a long time, reliably and with high quality. I bought it once and forgot about the operating costs.

Homemade cheese production technology

Home conditions allow you to produce many types of cheeses. The production technology of each type is different, despite the fact that it works on the same equipment. Let's look at basic production technology with the right approach to increasing productivity and profits in the cheese business. The entire production cycle consists of several stages:

  1. Sterilization of fresh milk.
  2. Preparation. All milk is divided 50% to 50%: the first part is immediately sent to the cheesemaker and pasteurized at a temperature of +68 degrees, after which it is immediately cooled to +38 Celsius. The second part is cooled in a cooler to a temperature of +4 degrees.
  3. Boiling. Rennet is added to the cooled part. A little about the intricacies of cheese making technology. Rennet is obtained from the stomachs of calves that have eaten only milk. This enzyme is produced in the calf by the glands of the abomasum (4th section of the stomach). The enzyme helps calves digest milk. And during cheese making it promotes ideal milk coagulation. Rennet is sold in powder form. It should be added to milk very carefully: 1 gram of enzyme per 100 liters. After folding, the enzyme itself does not remain in the protein, but goes into the whey. When everything is ready, the milk is poured into the cheese maker for gradual maturation until completely curdled. The set temperature for milk coagulation directly depends on two important criteria: cheese varieties (hard cheeses require higher temperatures and shorter cooking times); percentage of fat content in milk.
  4. Mainly range temperature regime when cooking it is within 28-36 degrees. Below the optimum enzyme action (that is, below the calf’s body temperature of +38.5 degrees)! This allows you to avoid rapid compaction of the condensed mass and start the process of accumulation of lactic acid microflora for 1.5-4 hours (depending on temperature).
  5. Formation of cheese grain. When the milk has curdled and the cheese mass has separated from the whey, it should be broken into pieces of certain fractions. Here again there are technological nuances. If semi-hard cheese is produced, which has a short ripening period, the fractions of the cheese grain are the size of Walnut. For hard cheeses, you need to grind the mixture to the size of a hazelnut. For elite varieties, the fraction can be crushed to the size of a corn grain. Next, the cheese grain is sent to press molds. If we are making semi-hard cheese, then we should press it using 5 kg weights. In both the first and second cases, pressing occurs with regular turning of the cheese head. After the cheese has compacted, it should be placed in a container with brine (water and kitchen salt). After aging in brine, the cheese heads are sent to wooden racks for maturation. The room for ripening the product must have good ventilation and a temperature of +4 to +12 degrees (depending on what variety you are producing).

Helpful advice!!! The whey should not be thrown away after cooking. Or you can send it back to the cheese factory, add 2 liters of milk, a little apple cider vinegar and warm everything up to a temperature of +92 degrees. As a result, we get beautiful and appetizing cottage cheese, which is already ready to bring in the first profit!

Varieties of the healthiest dairy product

Cheese in any form of any variety will always be in demand. The cheese factory is a stable business. Conventionally, all cheeses can be divided into two main categories:

  1. Rennet. The production technology is based on the use of rennet enzymes. This includes types of cheeses: hard (Swiss, Dutch, Russian); semi-solid (Roquefort, Latvian); soft (Slavic, amateur).
  2. Fermented milk. According to the technology, milk coagulation occurs through fermentation with special starter cultures. Examples of fermented milk cheeses: brine cheeses (Sulguni, feta cheese, Imeretian, Adyghe, mozzarella); all types of cottage cheese (brunost, mozzarella, homemade).

It is worth noting that there are also mixed cheeses such as Faeta.

Each category and type can be further divided into subcategories and subspecies. Over time, you will become an expert in the cheese industry and know more about cheese than anyone else. It is important to note that in this business idea, the range of products produced can be made incredibly wide using the same equipment. Produce, sell and earn money!

Cheese contains essential microelements in an easily digestible form.

Cheese is a tasty and healthy, high-calorie protein product with great nutritional value. People have been making cheese at home for many centuries. various types. Cheeses contain many useful substances necessary for the human body in an easily digestible form:

  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • amino acids;
  • peptides;
  • salts Ca, R.

Therefore, in the diet of every person, cheeses have forever won their place among the main food products. Cheese is used in almost all dishes and culinary recipes that are prepared in restaurants. The level of demand for cheese has reached 40 kg. per year per person and continues to grow. When organizing home cheese production, only a lazy person will not be able to establish a sales market. From one raw material - milk, you can get many types of cheese products. In the functioning of this type of business, different cheeses have their own purpose and advantage. Let's look at three types of cheeses that bring three types of profit to a home business:

  1. Hard cheeses are not demanding special conditions storage and have at a high price. They can be stored for months (and some varieties for years) in a ventilated room with a temperature of +12 degrees.
  2. Cottage cheese refers to perishable products, but has the advantage of fast cooking. And ready for sale the next day after preparation. Naturally, you can extend its shelf life using a refrigerator.
  3. Semi-hard cheeses are balanced advantages and features of the previous two types. Semi-hard varieties cook faster than hard ones and are preserved better than cottage cheese. They are also expanding the range, which allows them to increase the percentage of sales and increase profits from sales of finished products.

These advantages in different types of products allow businesses to flexibly respond to any market conditions. You can simultaneously build short-term and medium-term home business development strategies. The right basement filled with hard cheese is a whole bank of deposits that brings a stable profit. It is important to note that for production wide range different types production requires one main product as a raw material - milk. Moreover, the equipment used is the same (with the exception of some varieties - Parmesan, etc.). The only difference is the recipes and cooking technologies.

Cheese production as a business has great prospects and paths to constant development. In addition, the domestic cheese business in Russia is experiencing significant growth. When opening the production of hard cheese, you need to strictly follow the technology and purchase. But mini production will become increasingly profitable due to the constant demand for the finished product.

The cheese business requires the following documents:

  • the right to purchase or lease land for the construction of a workshop;
  • registration of a mini-workshop;
  • signing contracts;
  • obtaining licenses and certificates for finished products.

For the legal form, use or. Both of these options can significantly reduce the amount of taxation. For large-scale production, a more suitable option is LLC.

Cheese as a product requires certification. You need to fill out a declaration: the cheese must comply with OKP code 92 2511. To obtain a declaration, submit the following documents:

  • application;
  • the applicant's constituent documents;
  • Contract;
  • health certificate;
  • brand label layout;
  • veterinary certificate.

What types of cheese are there, and what is it made from?

The cheese business plan includes the production of different varieties, namely:

  • hard cheeses (Russian, Swiss, Dutch);
  • semi-hard cheeses (Roquefort, Latvian, spicy);
  • soft (Slavic, amateur);
  • pickle (Suluguni, Adyghe, feta cheese).

Each type of cheese requires a special production method and equipment. Therefore, immediately decide what kind of cheese you will make.

The composition of raw materials affects the quality of the final product. There are some rules that you must follow under any circumstances:

  • milk can only be taken from large farmers, who must have certificates confirming the quality of their products;
  • active acidity level - from 6.8;
  • exclusion of antibiotics;
  • fat content - about 3.5.

Main raw materials: milk, cream, skim milk, food grade pepsin, starter cultures (bacterial, biological), enzyme preparations, salt, paraffin wax compounds.

All raw materials must comply.

How cheeses are made

Factory setup

Yours will be located on an area of ​​350 square meters. m. and will include:

  • production workshop;
  • territory for fermentation;
  • salting area;
  • room for refrigeration chambers (preferably 2 pieces).

The premises must meet the requirements. Make sure there is an access road for trucks.

Workshop equipment:

  • boilers for making cheese;
  • buffer tank for grounds;
  • press.

Equipment for sourdough:

  • starter;
  • unit for automatic dosing of starter;
  • milk supply equipment;
  • heater;
  • steam sterilizer.

The salting room requires:

  • pumps that control the supply of brine;
  • pools for salting cheese;
  • containers for finished products.

What equipment is needed for a mini plant?

Cheese production technology

This is a complex biochemical process that consists of several stages:

1. Preparing milk

Milk should have sufficient protein. This will help increase the amount of finished product with low consumption of raw materials. First, the milk is purified, then cooled to 7-8 C. These processes require special filters and plate coolers.

2. Coagulation of milk, obtaining a homogeneous mass

Milk coagulation lasts 12-24 hours. At the same time, it gains acidity. Raw and pasteurized milk require the same amount of aging. Add a starter of lactic acid bacteria to pasteurized milk. The milk is cooled to curdling temperature. Then normalization occurs on cream separators. Pasteurization occurs in pasteurization-cooling units (temperature 74 – 76 °C). The process takes 20 seconds.

Heat treatment of raw materials kills vegetative forms of microorganisms. Preparations for folding are underway. Coagulation occurs at a temperature of 32°C and takes 30 minutes. The acidity should be around 21 degrees Turner.

3. Salting cheese, product formation

After drying the cheese grain, 70% of the whey is removed and the process of salting the hard cheese begins. Salted brine is introduced into the grain. Mixing lasts 30 minutes. After which the formation stage begins.

Using a pump, the grain is removed to the whey separator and enters the molds. Self-pressing begins (1 hour) with regular turning. Next, a special press is used (4 hours), which increases the active acidity.

4. Drying(10 days) and coating with a paraffin-polymer alloy.

Sales of products

This point needs to be worked out further initial stage cheese as an enterprise. Start sales from the nearest regions and gradually move on to large-scale sales. Depending on the success of the enterprise, you can expand the range of products from hard species cheeses before releasing cottage cheese, sour cream, glazed cheese curds.

Sales of hard cheeses are in the lead at an average price. Expensive products account for only 10% of sales.

The main buyers are supermarkets. Set up sales directly to cafes and restaurants without the intermediary of stores.

When you take a leading position in the domestic market, you can think about exporting your products.

Financial indicators of production

Even if you open a mini-factory, the investment in the business will be significant. You will need about 30 million rubles.

Raw material costs(5,000 kg/1 month):

For 1 kg. 9 liters of hard cheese are needed. milk.

Staff salaries:

Main costs:

Expense itemCost, rub
Workshop setup5 000 000
Rent (for 1 month)5 000
Production Line1 200 000
Delivery and installation of equipment900 000
Purchase of raw materials (for 1 month)457 000
Taxes130 000
Utilities (for 1 month)10 000
Salaries (for 1 month)167 000

Business profitability

Output per month – 5,000 kg.

Average cost – 250 rubles.

Revenue per year – 15,000,000 rubles.

Business profitability – 21%.

Payback – 4 years

Other dairy business ideas

1. . To open you will need initial capital in the amount of 4.2 million rubles. Payback can be achieved within 18 months. The constant demand for cottage cheese contributes to the rapid development of business, and not only in the Russian market.

2. . We will tell you how to open your own dairy production plant. Just keep in mind that purchasing and setting up equipment will cost you 10 million rubles.

3. . Fermented milk products never lose their customers. In particular, this is due to the usefulness of the products. Because starting capital about 8 million rubles. you can safely open a factory.

Dear readers, today I will present you with an unusual article. In our country, cheese enjoys well-deserved popularity and love among all segments of the population. This is a story that recently arrived in our inbox. What is he talking about? In short, it’s about how a man left a good position for cheese, and what he ultimately got out of it.

Half a kingdom for cheese, or how I opened a mini-cheese factory

Hello! Let me introduce myself - Andrey. I'm just over 30, until recently I worked commercial director one large trading company in Moscow, did not deny himself anything and lived happily ever after. But the moment came when I was fed up with everything. Here another crisis has arrived...

In general, I'm tired. There was a desire to quit my job, home, car and rush for six months somewhere to Bali or Goa, or somewhere else, where there is sea and warmth, no work and no headaches. Fortunately, my finances allowed me to do this, and my friends, who settled in warm regions, invited to their place. And I had almost made up my mind, I was even going to sell the car.

But then something clicked inside. “Hey, wake up! Why do you need it? You hang out on sandy beaches for six months, and then? Back to Moscow, to the glass office and back to work, which you are now running away from?” But it's true! Six months of happiness and carefree, and then... No, I don’t want that. But what to do? “Andrey, turn on your brain,” the inner adviser whispers to me. - Why don't you put the money to work? To your business." This is where it dawned on me - I need to open a business, work for myself and for my own pleasure, then I will be happy.

But I faced a difficult choice. One acquaintance, having learned about my plans, immediately offered to become a co-owner of a new nightclub, another to become a restaurateur, a third advocated investing in a newfangled Internet project, and so on. In a word, there were more than enough offers, but I felt that all this was not for me.

And then one day, when I was buying my favorite Italian cheese, I had an epiphany. I'll be in the cheese business! All is decided. And I won’t just sell cheese made by someone else, I will produce this product myself, which I have adored since childhood.

My business story

From that moment my business story began. First of all, I bought some land adjacent to a plot of land with a house acquired a year ago in a village not far from Moscow. The next step was selecting equipment for my mini-cheese factory and searching for a technologist.

Here the choice turned out to be quite difficult. But, after talking on the relevant forums on the Internet, as well as visiting several farms with cheese factories in Italy, looking at the equipment produced by large and small companies (Pietrobiasi, Marican, Sfoggi) - thanks to the friends who organized the excursions - I settled on the equipment of the small Italian company Sfoggi. Over the half-century of its existence, it has learned to produce universal and inexpensive equipment for milk processing. Especially cheese factories where you can make hard and soft cheeses, cottage cheese, and pasteurize milk. The equipment of this company captivated me with its ideal combination manual labor and automation technological process, modern technologies.

It is also important for me that the cost of equipment should not be exorbitant, and the equipment should be reliable, durable, and well-proven. Another important factor is the after-sales service of the equipment by the supplier (I chose the Impulse Group company as the latter).

After analyzing everything, I settled, in my opinion, on the best option. Although it is possible that my choice will seem strange to someone, but, as they say, there are no comrades according to taste.

So, I'll continue. It took me a little more than fifty thousand euros for everything. And this is a significant part of my savings. At that moment, I was still working at the same place, so I didn’t feel particularly strapped for money, but I wanted to launch my mini-dairy quickly, so that I could quit as soon as possible and plunge headlong into my favorite business.

Equipment installed

And now this day has come. The equipment is installed and ready to work, a technologist and a couple of service personnel have been hired, and an agreement on daily supplies of 1,800 liters of milk has been reached with a neighboring farm. In a word - everything is ready to go. Accordingly, I left the company where I worked for many years, got into the car and rushed to the village to start production.

Now I’ll tell you a little about how my mini-cheese factory works and about the magical process of turning ordinary milk into wonderful cheese. But I won’t reveal all the secrets, don’t blame me.

First of all, we divide all the milk received into two parts. 600 liters are immediately sent to the cheese cooker, and 1200 go to a special container, where they are cooled to plus four degrees Celsius. Milk entering the cheese cooker is first pasteurized at a temperature of 65-72 degrees, and then cooled to 38 degrees.

We add enzyme and rennet to the cooled milk, mixing everything thoroughly. Soon the milk curdles, turning into a cheese mass. She breaks into pieces. If we are going to make a quick-ripening soft cheese from the mass, then the pieces should be large, about the size of a walnut. If we're talking about about ordinary cheese, conventionally of the “Russian” type, then smaller pieces are needed, close in size to hazelnuts.

Then the broken mass is distributed automatically into molds placed on a special heated tray. In this case, the whey in which the cheese mass floats flows into a special container.

Here comes the first pause in the production process. After all, the future cheese in the molds should be compacted. This can be done using a special press, or it can be done in a multifunctional bath, where the cheese mass flows from the cheese factory, filling the molds. When all the forms are filled, the bath lid is closed and the heating is turned on. Due to high humidity and temperature, self-pressing of the cheese wheels occurs, which after a couple of hours can be placed in a saline solution for salting.

Remember the whey that drained when molding the cheese mass? So, I don’t pour it down the drain, but put it into business, earning extra money from this seemingly waste product. Ask how? It's simple, we make dietary cottage cheese out of it. To do this, the whey is pumped back into the cheese maker, mixed with two liters of milk and a small amount of apple cider vinegar. All this is heated to 92 degrees, and, voila, we get the freshest and most delicious cottage cheese.

And here the mini-cheese factory brings me my first money. This, as you probably already guessed, is the sale of cottage cheese. Interestingly, I didn’t have to look for long to find consumers for this by-product. Firstly, a confectionery shop in a neighboring town buys it in large quantities. Secondly, I supply environmentally friendly and natural cottage cheese, which is stored for just a couple of days, to a Moscow eco-products store, where it sells with a bang. And this alone brings good income.

Experts note that cheese is one of the most popular products today. The demand for it is steadily growing, and there are not so many small farms on the market. Therefore, a mini-factory for the production of cheese can be a highly profitable enterprise.

First step

To start any business, cheese making in particular, you need to clearly define your development strategy. To do this you need to create detailed business plan cheese production. This will help you avoid unnecessary expenses in the future.

Your business plan should cover the following questions:

  • Registration and other documentation.
  • Determining the range and market needs.
  • Equipment selection.
  • Selection of raw material suppliers.
  • Personnel selection.
  • Formation of financial calculations.
  • Sales and advertising.

Registration and other documentation

First of all, you need to officially register your company. Since the production is small, you can register as individual entrepreneur. But anyway manufacturing enterprises stop at organizational form LLC, since legal entities They cooperate more willingly and trust more. For taxation, a simplified system is used, when 6% of revenue or 15% of net income is paid.

To open a mini-workshop, you will have to obtain a number of permits. Therefore, it is better to leave this issue in the hands of a competent lawyer.

Market research

While everyone is getting ready Required documents, you need to study the market, its needs, your potential clients. Analyze the work of competitors, the range of their products, what is the average price in the market. Determine the level of solvency of the population of the sales region. This will help you form your pricing policy and product range.

The most popular are hard cheeses, but the technology for their preparation requires considerable time. Unlike cream and tea cheeses, the production of hard cheeses requires their pre-ripening. At the same time, the production of hard cheeses in the premium segment will require at least a year for ripening. Cheese factories of this level are usually opened by experienced producers.

It is also important to decide on the assortment because the equipment for cheese production also depends on the type of cheese.

Cheeses come in the following varieties:

  • rennet;
  • solid;
  • soft;
  • pickle;
  • fermented milk;
  • whey;
  • smoked
  • with Penicillium mold.


A mini-workshop for the production of cheese with a capacity of approximately 100 kg per day should be located in a room of 20 sq. m. For rent you need to find approximately 30-50 thousand rubles. But as a rule, any farm can allocate such an area on its territory. The equipment for the production of cheese is quite compact, approximately 70 cm in diameter and 90 cm in height.

It is important that the room has cold and hot water supply, sewerage, ventilation, and heating. In general, a cheese factory should meet the typical requirements for food production facilities. These include:

  • daylight;
  • metal or plastic furniture;
  • the walls are tiled;
  • fire safety equipment.

Equipment for cheese production

During the preparation of cheeses, the equipment allows you to automate the coagulation of milk, the formation of cheese grains, the molding of the mass, its pressing and salting. Refrigeration chambers are purchased separately for storage and maturation.

It is necessary to determine in advance what the production technology will be, because any changes in it require changes in manufacturing process and may require the purchase of new equipment for the workshop.

Basic and auxiliary equipment is purchased for the cheese factory. The main one includes a capacity of 50 liters. made of stainless steel. Auxiliary:

  • racks;
  • milk filters;
  • coolers;
  • maturation chambers;
  • press tables;
  • cheese molds;
  • several brine pools, etc.

Usually a ready-made production line of various capacities is offered. For example, in a mini-workshop of a small farm you can install a 120 liter line that will process 500 liters of milk per day.

You need to approach the choice of equipment carefully and not skimp on it, because quality depends on it, and, accordingly, the demand for your product and the success of your business. Most often, cheese factories are equipped with Italian equipment. They not only have an optimal price-quality ratio, but also versatility, use high technology. Such a line will cost approximately 50 thousand euros. In any case, it is important that the equipment supplier provides further maintenance.

The domestic line will cost less – from 150 thousand rubles. with a capacity of 70-1000 liters of milk per day. At a minimum you can use it to make:

  • 5 kg of sour cream (fat content 20%);
  • 13 kg soft cheese;
  • 7 kg of hard cheese;
  • 100 liters of drinking products.

Selecting raw materials

The technology for making cheese allows the use of cow, goat, sheep and other types of milk. You can get it in several ways:

  • purchase from private farms;
  • purchasing in farms;
  • maintaining your own herd.

The first option is the most risky, since it is difficult to monitor the quality of the milk supplied. But this is the cheapest way. Village residents will gladly take advantage of the opportunity to earn extra money from milk, especially if you organize its transportation.

It is more reliable to purchase milk for the cheese factory from farms that are forced to sell its surplus to factories. low prices. But best option- this is your own flock. Then the milk is obtained at cost, and you yourself can monitor its quality.

The technology for making cheese is special in that it does not involve production waste. Everything can be used for sale. You can sell not only hard, soft, and rennet cheeses, but also the whey that remains after cooking.

Cooking technology

For production, typical technology for the production of hard and soft cheeses is used. It includes the following processes:

  • preparing milk for curdling by adding special substances and heating;
  • formation and ripening of cheese;
  • packaging and sales.

Manufacturing technology implies that the mini-workshop will be divided into production zones, warehouse and dispatch facilities.

Cooking suluguni

As an example, we will talk about a simplified technology for the production of Suluguni cheese. This is one of the most popular pickled Georgian cheese varieties. Classic suluguni is prepared from cow's milk or buffalo milk. A combination of two types of milk in different proportions is also acceptable.

To prepare suluguni, fermentation enzymes and several rennet enzymes are added to the raw material. At the same time, the dishes should not be enameled, otherwise you won’t be able to make suluguni. Then, at a temperature of 30-35 o C, the mixture is boiled for half an hour. Every 10 minutes it must be stirred carefully and very slowly until a clot forms. Suluguni is prepared with one boil. During the cooking process, the curd is periodically carefully turned over so that it is thoroughly cooked on all sides. At the end of cooking, the whey is pumped out, and the suluguni is pressed so that part of the whey remains in it. The cheese ripens under pressure for 2-5 hours, and it must be turned over periodically. Ripe suluguni is cut into pieces and sent for chipping. This process takes place in brine baths. The time for salting suluguni depends on the size of the pieces.

Preparation of processed cheese

An integral part of production is processed cheese, which is prepared from leftover raw materials. To do this, the raw materials are cleaned, filtered, ground and mixed in a tank. There, with constant stirring under the influence of high temperature, melting occurs with the addition of melting salts. This cheese is packaged hot and then placed in cooling chambers.

Preparation of soft cheeses

Soft cheeses are the easiest to prepare. In this case, it is important to curd the milk, strain and press the cheese into portions for sale. The main advantage of soft varieties is their short production time. Such cheeses are prepared without ripening in a couple of days, within a week, or using long-term ripening technology (up to 45 days). They must be implemented within two weeks. Moreover, the best taste qualities appear in the first week.

Production of elite varieties

As a rule, it requires long periods of time for the product to mature. For example, to make Brie cheese, after fermentation, the raw materials are kept for 18 hours, and after adding mold, they are kept for about two more months. Mozzarella is one of the elite varieties, but it is prepared relatively quickly and without the use of various additives. It takes no more than two days to make it. She saves everything beneficial features, rich in calcium content.

Elite varieties also include goat cheese, Feta cheese, and semi-hard cheeses. The latter are prepared using hard cheese technology. But they form independently, without the use of a mechanical press.


A mini-cheese factory will need few staff. The line will require 1-3 people to operate it, depending on its productivity. It is also difficult to open a mini-production without the help of a technologist. He knows all the intricacies of making the product and will help you develop your own varieties of cheese.

The work will require the services of a manager for the supply of raw materials and sales of finished products. These functions can be taken over by the owner of a mini-production. In general, the success of a business largely depends on personnel. It is not surprising that in Italy, the Mecca of cheese making, most of these types of enterprises are small family farming complexes. They maintain a herd of 100 heads, a workshop for making cheeses and a small shop for selling them.

Sales options

It doesn’t matter what type of cheese you decide to specialize in: soft, hard or rennet, first of all, you need to decide on your sales channels. Ideally, if there is a more or less large city nearby. Then the product can be sold in several ways:

  • supply to catering establishments;
  • into small retail chains inside the city;
  • wholesale deliveries to retail stores;
  • sales to wholesale resellers;
  • trade from a mobile store on the road;
  • sales in markets;
  • sale through a small company store.

Through your store you can sell not only suluguni, hard, rennet and soft cheeses, but also excess milk and whey. This will increase the profitability of your production. It’s a good idea to arrange supplies to various shops eco-products. You can sell elite cheese varieties to restaurants and cafes or even prepare it to order.

The only thing that needs to be clearly understood is that cheese production will not give quick results. The production line alone costs a lot of money, which will not pay off in one year. Not to mention that the production cycle of some types of cheese takes more than one month.

Production calculations

Opening production will require the following capital costs (thousand rubles):

  • production line with delivery and installation – 300;
  • renovation of premises – 200;
  • employee training – 30;
  • registration and other expenses – 100.

In total you will need approximately 630 thousand rubles.

In addition to these funds, the following will be spent on production every month (thousand rubles):

  • advertising – 20;
  • utility costs – 30;
  • salary for 4 people – 80;
  • rent – ​​30;
  • other expenses – 50.

In total, you will need to shell out about 210 thousand rubles every month.

In a month, with 22 days of work and a productivity of 100 kg of product per day, 2200 kg of hard and soft cheeses can be produced. On average, their selling price will be about 200 rubles/kg. If you subtract the costs of raw materials, then the monthly revenue will be 286 thousand rubles. From this amount must be subtracted fixed costs, the amount of tax, and then the profit will be about 64 thousand rubles. per month. This means that if you sell all the prepared products, you can achieve payback in just 10 months.

You can download a detailed business plan for opening a cheese factory at

* The calculations use average data for Russia


The goal of the project is to organize a mini-cheese factory with a productivity of 20-24 kg/day. Products: high quality hard cheeses at a premium price category. Location: Rostov-on-Don. The project is characterized by low investment costs and has high investment attractiveness (Table 1).

Despite the general decline in the solvency of the population against the backdrop of the economic crisis, the premium segment in almost any industry is highly stable and shows minimal rates of decline. This also applies to food products. The high demand for the company's products is due to the food embargo imposed on Western food suppliers, including elite types of cheese. Trade retail is experiencing an acute shortage of premium segment goods; the existing proposal has an unreasonably high price.

Table 1. Project performance indicators

Investments are aimed at the acquisition of equipment for production, the purchase of the first batch of raw materials, as well as the formation of a working capital fund until the project reaches payback.


Milk and dairy products are among the most consumed food products both in the world and in Russia. Milk and dairy products are commonly understood as liquid whole milk and fermented milk products, cream, cheeses and cottage cheese, butter, dry milk (skimmed and whole), dry milk fat, whey, condensed milk products, milk protein concentrates, ice cream. Among fermented milk products, the most popular are kefir, yogurt, acidophilus, yogurt (including Greek), tan, ayran, and kumis. Buttermilk, fermented baked milk, Varenets, sour cream.

Experts suggest that in the next ten years the consumption of milk and dairy products in the world will increase by 35-40%. Their consumption in Russia has been declining in recent years. In 2014, according to Rosstat, it amounted to 244 kg per person per year, which is almost 100 kg less than the consumption rate recommended by the Ministry of Health (320-340 kg). According to the results of a study conducted by the Dairy Products Market Index company, the majority of Russians note an insufficient range of dairy products in stores.

In 2016, there was an increase in demand for dairy products. According to the National Union of Milk Producers, in the first quarter of 2016, the consumption of whole milk powder increased by more than 30%, cheeses and cheese products - by 5.8%, whole milk products and skim milk - by 3%, butter - by 2% .

Table 2. Consumption of main dairy products per capita in Russia in 2010-2015*, kg

* Data for 2015 are estimates due to the lack of official market statistics

In the first half of 2015, Russian enterprises produced 1.4% more whole milk (5,873 thousand tons) than in the same period in 2014. The growth leaders were the Central and Volga federal districts. Overall, 6 regions produce 95% of the total volume of whole milk.

Figure 1. Shares of regions in the total volume of whole milk production

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The volume of production of fermented milk products (without cottage cheese and sour cream) in the first half of 2015 decreased slightly - by about 2%. A total of 1,273 thousand tons were produced. More than half of the volume was produced by 10 regions.

Figure 2. Shares of regions in the total production of fermented milk products (without cottage cheese and sour cream)

The production volumes of cottage cheese (+9.7% compared to 2014) and sour cream (+5.6% compared to 2014) increased. The leaders in the production of cottage cheese are the Central and Volga Federal Districts - they each own 25% of the market. The most dynamic region in development is the Crimean Federal District, which increased production volume by 56% over the year. The leaders in sour cream production are also the Central and Volga Federal Districts with market shares of 21% and 20%, respectively.

Prices for dairy products have recently shown a steady upward trend. Experts consider this a delayed effect from the increase in raw milk prices in 2013-2014. However, the decline in demand significantly restrains this growth. In April 2016, the retail price of drinking milk increased by 0.3% and amounted to 35 rubles/kg, which, however, is 1.3% cheaper than in April 2015. The price of butter in April 2016 decreased by 0.7% (261.2 rubles/kg), while the annual cost increase was 4.6%. Experts attribute the decrease in prices in April to the growing volume of imports. The cost of hard cheeses increased to 308.8 rubles/kg (+2.2%), the annual increase in price was 4.2%.

The growth in demand for dairy products in Russia is primarily due to imported products. In particular, in the first quarter of 2016, 30% more cheeses and cheese-like products were imported than in the same period in 2015. Among the reasons for this growth, experts cite a decrease in world prices for cheeses, as well as a slight strengthening of the ruble against the dollar. The main increase was shown by: the Republic of Belarus – by 41%, Serbia – by 87%, Armenia – by 2 times. The main importer of cheeses, cottage cheese and other dairy products is Belarus, whose share in total imports is 85%.

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According to analysts, increasing import volumes leads to increased consumption and curbs price increases. Thus, in the first quarter of 2016, cheese consumption increased by 8.1%. On the other hand, this reduces the competitiveness and profitability of domestic producers. To increase competitiveness, Russian enterprises will be forced to reduce production costs, which, according to experts, may lead to an increase in the share of counterfeits.

Figure 3. Structure of imports of cheeses and cottage cheese (in in physical terms) to Russia in 2015

The volume of exports of dairy products in the first quarter of 2016 also increased, exceeding last year’s figure by 29% (176 thousand tons). At the same time, in in value terms export volumes increased by only 5.9%, indicating a decline in export prices. In the structure of exports, the share of whole milk products increased - up to 12%, cheeses and cottage cheese - up to 23%, butter - up to 7%. The share of ice cream, condensed and powdered milk, and cream has decreased. The main consumers of Russian dairy products are Kazakhstan and other CIS countries. At the same time, Kazakhstan’s share in the export structure is decreasing, and Ukraine’s share is increasing due to the supply of humanitarian aid.

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In 2016, the Ministry of Industry and Trade created a department for the development of the market for socially significant goods, which at the first stage will deal only with the markets for dairy and meat products, cereals, sunflower and butter, as well as a number of other products, the prices of which can be regulated by the state.

To increase the competitiveness of products of Russian manufacturers - both for domestic and foreign markets - the introduction of innovative solutions in the areas of production technology and organizational management is required.

Figure 4. Dynamics of the main financial indicators industry according to section OKVED 15.5 for 2007-2015, thousand rubles.

IN last years– until 2015 – demand on the Russian dairy market was declining. At the beginning of 2016, there was some increase in demand, however, primarily due to imported products. The competitiveness of Russian products is at a fairly low level. To increase it, it is necessary to master new technologies, as well as effective management. Governmental support industry is sporadic, which also negatively affects its condition.

In order to implement the project, a new enterprise is being organized on rented space in Rostov-on-Don. Rostov-on-Don is the largest city in the South of Russia, the administrative center of the South federal district and Rostov region; the largest economic, industrial, cultural and historical center. The population of the city is 1.1 million people, the urban agglomeration is 2.14 million people.

The project is focused on target audience With high level income, sales of goods - wholesale deliveries to retail non-chain grocery stores in the city located in elite residential areas. The production capacity of the cheese factory is 20-24 kg of finished products per day.


Cheese is one of the most popular dairy products both in Russia and throughout the world. It contains all the nutrients and vitamins found in milk, but in concentrated form. The calcium contained in cheese is most easily absorbed by the human body from this product. Cheese is rich in fats, in combination with which the body receives fat-soluble vitamins necessary for normal human life. Fats also contain fatty acids that the body cannot produce on its own. The fat content of cheeses ranges from 20 to 50 percent.

In addition, cheese contains about 25% protein, 2.5-3.5% organic salts, vitamins A and B. All this makes cheese one of the most valuable and healthy foods. Cheese is part of medical nutrition and all kinds of diets.

Despite the similar production technology, today experts identify from 500 to 5000 varieties of cheese, depending on the classification criteria.

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First of all, cheeses are classified according to the method of production - into rennet (using rennet) and fermented milk (using lactic acid bacteria). In Russia, the rennet production method is mostly used. Rennet cheeses can be classified into hard, soft and processed.

The project involves the production of hard cheese. This term applies to cheeses with a moisture content of no more than 45% and having a relatively dense consistency that allows the cheese to be sliced. Hard varieties account for about 41% of total cheese consumption. The project is aimed at a high price category and produces only one type of cheese – Swiss.

Swiss cheese is a type of hard cheese belonging to the group of rennets with a high second heating temperature. It has a strong, even rind (film) that fits tightly to the surface with traces of the fabric used in the cheese making process. The surface may become slightly damp. The consistency is plastic and uniform throughout the entire thickness of the cheese; as a rule, there are large, up to 4 cm, round or oval cavities (eyes), formed as a result of the release of carbon dioxide by bacteria. Eyes may be missing in certain areas of the cheese. The cheese has a moderately pronounced spicy sweet taste and pronounced aroma. Color ranges from white to faint yellow.

Swiss cheese is made from raw and pasteurized milk. Rennet, a starter culture of lactic acid bacillus and propionic acid bacteria are added to the normalized milk mixture.


The target audience is men and women (mostly) aged from 25 to 55 years, mostly families, with an average high level of income (from 40,000 rubles per month). As a result, retail non-chain food stores located in elite residential areas of the city are used as a distribution channel. Considering the low productivity of the mini-cheese factory (up to 24 kg/day), it is required to attract no more than five stores to cooperate.

Loading expected production capacity at 100%, which corresponds to the planned sales volumes. Considering the small production volumes, sales organization at high quality products does not cause difficulties. The approximate actual market size is 3.3 million kg per month. The demand for the company's products has weak seasonality, but in terms of sales it can be neglected due to low production volumes. The planned sales volume is shown in Table. 3.

Table 3. Planned sales volumes






Swiss cheese, 1 kg


The planned retail price of 1 kg of cheese produced within the framework of the project under consideration is 550 – 600 rubles. Prices for similar products in retail networks today they amount to 700 – 750 rubles/kg. Thus, the project’s products are highly competitive in both price and quality.


Production is organized on rented space on the territory industrial complex. total area production premises– 30 m2, of which 15 m2 is allocated directly for equipment placement, the remaining area is allocated for storage of raw materials and finished products. For service production line two people required.

Equipment supplier – Russian manufacturer food equipment; supplies mini-cheese factories on a turnkey basis, which includes equipment installation, commissioning and personnel training. Delivery and installation time is 15 calendar days.

Raw materials for production are purchased from a Russian wholesale trading company specializing in raw materials for the production of dairy products. The supplier was selected based on a detailed analysis of the quality and cost of the products offered.

The ripening period for cheese according to the project technology is at least 20 calendar days. Thus, the production plan is approximately three weeks ahead of the sales plan. Sales are not planned in the first month of the project.

Delivery of goods to clients is carried out in the personal car of the project initiator.


The project initiator has higher education and many years of experience in the field food production. He performs all organizational and leadership functions in the project. Secondary functions are performed by the son of the project initiator. Accounting has been outsourced.

The project team consists of two people who perform all the functionality: management and administration, sales organization, production line maintenance, etc. Production with such small volumes is profitable only if the project initiator is self-employed and costs are minimal.


The financial plan is designed for a five-year period and takes into account all income and expenses of the project. Revenue from operating activities is considered as income. Investment costs amount to 671,387 rubles. Own funds initiator – 400,000 rubles. Flaw Money it is planned to cover it by attracting a bank loan at 18% per annum for a period of 36 months. Loan repayment is carried out in annuity payments, loan holidays are three months.

Table 4. Investment costs


AMOUNT, rub.


Equipment set

Intangible assets

Working capital

Working capital

Product purchase


RUB 671,387

Own funds:

400,000.00 RUR

Required borrowings:

RUB 271,387



Duration, months:

Variable costs per unit of production include the cost of raw materials, electricity costs and delivery of products to the company’s customers (Table 5). Fixed costs include expenses for renting premises, advertising and depreciation charges (Table 6). The amount of depreciation charges is calculated using the linear method based on the period beneficial use equipment in five years. A detailed financial plan is given in Appendix. 1.

Table 5. Variable costs





Swiss cheese, 1 kg

Table 6. Fixed costs


Assessment of the effectiveness and investment attractiveness of the project is carried out based on the analysis financial plan, simple and integral performance indicators (Table 1). To account for changes in the value of money over time, the discounted cash flow method is used. Discount rate – 5%.

First year revenue - 3.0 million rubles; net profit (after taxes) – 805.5 thousand rubles. Revenue in subsequent years annually is 3.6 million rubles, net profit is 1.0 million rubles. Net present value (NPV) – 776.8 thousand rubles. Internal rate of return (IRR) – 10.2%. Profitability index (PI) – 1.16. All these indicators indicate the effectiveness of the project. With relatively low profitability indicators, the project is advisable as a means of ensuring self-employment for the project initiator and has a small expenditure component.


The main risks associated with the implementation of the project include, first of all, production problems: low product quality, equipment failure. To neutralize these risks, regular monitoring of product quality should be provided, as well as monitoring of the condition of equipment and its regular routine maintenance.

Since the market capacity and the level of demand exceed the enterprise’s supply by several orders of magnitude, threats from competitors and existing players can be ignored.

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