What equipment to install on Tiger P online. Porsche "Tiger": a victim of dirty competition. The history of the creation of the Porsche Tiger tank

Hello, tankers!

At the moment, there are seven nations and just under five hundred armored vehicles, each of which is unique in its own way. Some nations and tanks were added quite recently, while others have existed since the very start of the game. One of the very first was the branch of the legendary and indestructible “Mouse”, on the seventh level of which there is a very interesting tank Tiger (P), and today we will talk about it.

Historical reference

Two competing design bureaus, Porsche and Henschel, were simultaneously developing a version of a heavy tank. In the winter of 1942, production of prototypes began, called VK 4501 (P) (Porsche) and VK 4501 (H) (Henschel). Prototypes were demonstrated to Hitler on April 20, 1942 (on the Fuhrer’s birthday), and special demonstration firing was carried out. Both samples showed excellent results, and no decision was made to select a sample for mass production. Hitler insisted on parallel production of both types, the military leadership was inclined to Henschel's car, while the Fuhrer was closer to the Porsche version.

Tests continued in April - June, and in parallel, the Nibelungenwerke company began assembling the first production Porsche Tigers. But the plans collapsed on June 23, 1942, since at a meeting with Hitler it was decided to have only one type of heavy tank in mass production, which was the Henschel vehicle. The reason for this is considered to be problems with the electromechanical transmission of the Porsche tank, which requires a large amount of scarce copper, as well as the tank’s small power reserve and the need to launch mass production of engines for it. The conflict between Ferdinand Porsche, who lost the patronage of Reich Minister Fritz Todt, and the German Armament Administration also played a certain role. As a result, only 10 vehicles were built, of which only one was experimental. However, later on the basis of the tank PzKpfw VI "Tiger" (P) A heavy self-propelled artillery unit (SPG) was created, 90 units in total. At that time, it was the most powerful self-propelled gun in the world and the first combat vehicle whose armor thickness reached 200 mm.

Analysis of tank performance characteristics

A detailed overview of the performance characteristics is given below, but here we’ll talk about the main and most important characteristics.

Armor protection. As planned, you should have a strong and impenetrable tank in your hands, which is much stronger than an ordinary tiger. However, everything is relative, and it is stronger than the first “Tiger”, but the declared thickness of the armor plates here is only in two planes (straight and inclined VLD sheet). The trusted hull confidently copes with the shells of its classmates, but tanks of the eighth level, and even more so of the ninth, penetrate us quite easily. In addition, the “cheeks” of the tower are Tiger (P) Not only are they only 80 mm thick, but they are also located at an angle, which also makes it difficult to “tank” with a diamond, since aiming them won’t be difficult. Reserving the tower is also a controversial issue. The gun mantlet is a solid screen, but it is often penetrated, sometimes even by vehicles of a lower level. But this is not the most important thing, because the main problem of the tower is rightly considered to be the huge commander’s cupola. In other words, a heavy tank Tiger (P)- a strange object, it seems to have armor in its forehead, but it seems not.

Firepower. The tank is equipped with a very comfortable 8.8 cm Kw.K gun. 43 L/71, which has excellent penetration, good one-time damage 240 units and characteristic German accuracy.

Basic AP shells provide a penetration of 203 mm, which, as already mentioned, is an excellent indicator, meaning that you can often save on premium ammunition even against vehicles of a higher level. For especially strong eights and nines, which, alas, we also end up with, “gold” BP shells with a penetration of 237 mm are needed, which is also quite good. The last type of ammunition is land mines with a penetration of 44 mm and an alpha of 295 units.

The accuracy of the gun is 0.33 m per 100 m - a good indicator for a heavy weapon; the aiming time in stock is quite long: 2.7 s. The minimum aiming time with equipment, upgraded crew and consumables is 2.32 s. In stock condition, the gun is loaded in 8.22 s, with “full stuffing” in just 6.8 s.

The declination angles are mediocre: -6° down and 17° up, which will not allow easy shooting on hilly terrain.

Dynamics. It's all pretty sad here. With a weight of 62 tons, the 2x Porsche Typ 100/3 engine with 670 hp provides a specific power of 10.8 hp/t and acceleration of up to 35 km/h forward, as well as up to 12 km/h rear progress, which is quite mediocre. In addition, even in place the tank rotates sluggishly - 22.95°/s.

Detection. The basic visibility of 380 m is a good indicator at level VII, moreover, it can be easily improved with equipment and upgrading the crew to 439 m with “full stuffing”.

The camouflage is typical for Tier VII tanks, the tank is large and long, so it won’t be difficult to expose us, but otherwise this is still a tank, which tanks head-on and will always be “exposed.”

Leveling up. Tiger (P) examined after VK30.01(P) for 45,100 experience units. First of all, you should open the chassis to install heavier modules, then the gun and turret. The engine, which will improve the situation with the dynamics, as well as the radio, will be studied on other, including previous, tanks of the nation.

Selecting equipment, consumables and crew perks

Upgrading the crew. This perk setup will improve all the strengths of the car:

  • Commander:“Light Bulb”, “Brotherhood”, “Repair”, “Eagle Eye”
  • Gunner:“Repair”, “Brotherhood”, “Smooth turn of the tower”, “Sniper”
  • Mechanical drive:“Repair”, “Combat Brotherhood”, “Smooth Move”, “King of the Off-Road”
  • Radio operator:“Repair”, “Combat Brotherhood”, “Radio Interception”, “Inventor”
  • Charging:“Repair”, “Brotherhood”, “Non-contact ammo rack”, “Desperado”

Selection of equipment. I recommend the following set of equipment for this tank: “aiming drives” to improve aiming time, “ventilation” to increase the general parameters of the crew and a “rammer” to increase the rate of fire. This kit will enhance the advantages of the tank and increase the comfort of the game.

Choice of shells. The ammunition load of our tank holds 68 shells, I can say with confidence that this is enough for almost any battle, even at the bottom of the list. Each of you will decide on your own what ratio to arrange the ammunition in, I can only recommend the following set of shells:

Shell setup for playing in random (BB/BP/OF):

  • "Heavy tank at the top" - 50/15/3
  • "Heavy tank at the bottom of the list" - 40/25/3

Selection of equipment. The set of equipment is typical for any tank - repair kit, first aid kit And fire extinguisher.

Based on the above characteristics, as well as taking into account the strengths and weak sides our German, the style of play on it is radically different depending on what kind of battle we find ourselves in. The first, and most successful for you, scenario is “top”. When we're talking about about the fight at the top of the list, combat tactics boil down to the well-known expression: dominate, dominate and humiliate. As befits a heavy tank, we can safely crawl into the thick of battle and, holding back the enemy with our armor, distribute shells to everyone who wants them, making sure to turn the hull and go into cover while reloading. The armor will forgive some mistakes, and you will be able to break through the red hordes advancing on you almost by “shooting at the silhouette.”

But if we get the second option, and we find ourselves at the “bottom” of the list, then our heavy German friend immediately turns from a terrible destruction machine into a much less formidable, modest support tank. Here we will be easily penetrated by many, very many, almost everyone, even a high-level LT harmlessly inspecting the surroundings, and for this reason it is better to stay behind stronger comrades who always come to the rescue and kindly take all the damage into themselves, playing the role of support and giving out damage after discharging the enemy. Here you shouldn’t boast about 200 mm of frontal armor and certainly don’t crawl with all available speed into the first rows of the attack, unless of course you want to quickly change tanks or go eat.

By the way, at long distances, the battle can be conducted no less effectively; the Tiger’s gun, like any German, is accurate and allows you to target the enemy’s vulnerable points. And thanks to good penetration, the crew of almost any enemy tank will appreciate the power of your ammunition, both armor-piercing and sub-caliber. Everything here is extremely simple, we find a bush that you really like, preferably a larger one, we make ourselves comfortable, and voila, you are a tank destroyer, big, scary and clumsy, but still.

But in any case, you should always monitor the situation around you and remain vigilant. Engaging in battle with enemy forces that are superior to you in the absence of an advantageous position is prohibited, because our tank, as we remember, is clumsy, large and slow. You can’t fight off the annoying LT - it’ll simply spin around, or go into desperate flight - there’s no speed or dynamics. Based on this, it should be understood that the choice of direction must be made carefully; a maneuver to change the flank will often be impossible.


  • accurate and fast-firing top gun;
  • good review;
  • large margin of safety;
  • decent armor penetration;


  • poor driving performance;
  • low turret rotation speed;
  • angular shape of the tank (less likely to ricochet);
  • low one-time damage of the top gun compared to other nations;

As a result we have the following: Tiger (P) a machine worthy of its development branch, perfectly demonstrating its gameplay features, and little by little introducing the essence of armor into the gameplay. The tank is quite interesting, versatile, and very dependent on the level of battle, but, like most vehicles of its level, it is passable. It won’t cause you much trouble, and won’t make you regret choosing this particular branch of research; besides, it can be easily handled by both a beginner and, even more so, an experienced player. The main thing is to approach the choice of positions wisely, evaluate your abilities, and not forget about the advantages and disadvantages of the machine.

Good luck on the battlefields!

13-12-2016, 11:23

Good day and welcome to the site! Friends, now we will talk about real German quality, which is seriously tested in our game. We will talk about a German heavy tank of the seventh level and this Tiger (P) guide.

This vehicle is pumped along a branch that ends with the legendary, super-heavy German Maus tank, and therefore, Tiger (P) performance characteristics should also be famous for their armor. This statement is partly true, but is it really so serious?

TTX Tiger (P)

To begin with, everyone who decided to roll out this heavy weapon into battle should know that on our side there is an increased margin of safety characteristic of German technology and, importantly, a good basic overview at 380 meters.

If we consider Tiger (P) characteristics armor, according to the plan, we should really have a strong tank in our hands, and it really is much stronger than an ordinary tiger. However, everything is relative and the declared 210 mm thickness of the armor plates is only in two planes, marked in red. If we tighten the hull, we can really confidently hold off our classmates, but many tanks of the eighth level, and even more so of the nine, penetrate us quite easily. Moreover, the cheeks Tiger (P) World of Tanks, marked in orange, are generally only 80 mm thick and stick out very strongly.

If we talk about the security of the tower, there is again some confusion. The gun mantlet is a solid screen, but it is also quite often sewn, and sometimes even by machines of a lower level. But most big problem The tower is deservedly considered a huge commander's cupola. In other words, heavy tank Tiger (P) it seems to have armor in its forehead, but it seems not.

There is also something to be said about lateral projection. Our sides are 80 millimeters thick, which allows this vehicle to confidently tank when the hull is positioned in a diamond shape. But be careful, if you tighten it too much, the reduction will go down, and there is a vulnerable ammunition rack in the left front part of the hull.

It is also worth noting that Tiger (P) tank big, tall and long, hiding such a barn can sometimes be very difficult, and artillery likes to target us.

The mobility of our cord receives special attention. It would be wrong to call it super-slow, however, its top speed is mediocre, due to its heavy weight, the dynamics sags greatly, and its maneuverability is Tiger (P) WoT weak, so let’s remember about the art again.


Well, if in plan general characteristics The car is not very good, most likely it will have a decent gun. This is partly true; German weapons are always famous for their accuracy and more.

Tiger (P) gun Compared to the trunks of its classmates, it does not stand out as a large alpha strike, but our rate of fire is normal, so the reward is approximately 2000 units of damage per minute without a rammer and perks.

Our gun really stands out for its penetration parameters, in fact, heavy tank Tiger (P) World of Tanks can fight with dignity even against nines, without using gold. But if you want more comfort, it is better to carry 10-20 sub-calibers with you.

Among the parameters of shooting comfort, I would especially like to note the pleasant dispersion and excellent final accuracy. It just comes down to Tiger (P) WoT not as fast as we would like, and the gun bends down only 6 degrees, which is also not the ultimate dream.

Advantages and disadvantages

In order for you to play with a tank more confidently, you know what qualities you can count on, and what aspects it is better not to show to the enemy, you need to highlight the main advantages and disadvantages Tiger (P) WoT, which is what we will do now.
Large margin of safety;
Good frontal armor in combat is at the top of the list;
Not a bad review;
High accuracy of the gun;
Not bad damage per minute;
Excellent penetration parameters.
Barn dimensions;
Armor is weak when fighting at the bottom of the list;
Poor mobility;
Little Alphastrike;
Mediocre comfortable UVN.

Equipment for Tiger (P)

Of course, it is very important to equip your combat vehicle before going into battle. additional modules, in a sense, it can even affect the outcome of the battle. Thus, on heavy tank Tiger (P) It is better to install the following equipment:
1. – will make us an even more formidable enemy, because thanks to this module the rate of fire and DPM will increase quite well.
2. – as mentioned earlier, this tank does not have the best aiming speed; by improving it, you will be able to deal damage more effectively.
3. – we already have a good overview, and by making it even better, we will gain an advantage over our classmates and will be able to keep up with higher-level technology.

As often happens, there is a good alternative to the third point -. Yes, we will lose vision range, but we will gain even more firepower, which also makes sense.

Crew training

The correct choice of skills for tankers sitting inside the vehicle is an even more important and responsible point. For Tiger (P) perks it is worth choosing in such a way as to increase the survivability of our tank, after all, it is heavy, to increase its general parameters, and it would also not be superfluous to make the weapon even more comfortable:
Commander - , , , .
Gunner – , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Radio operator - , , , .
Loader – , , , .

Equipment for Tiger (P)

Of course, it’s also impossible to go into battle without consumables, especially considering the fact that we have a heavy tank in our hands, designed to hold back the enemy’s onslaught, so at a minimum, we definitely need to buy one. But even more confidence, and, if necessary, reliability, can only be obtained if you carry Tiger (P) equipment from , , . By the way, the latter can be replaced with , it won’t be any worse.

Tactics for playing Tiger (P)

Considering everything said above, the strengths and weaknesses of our German, the style of playing him is fundamentally different depending on what kind of battle we find ourselves in.

When it comes to the fight at the top of the list, on Tiger (P) tactics Combat is all about dominance. We, as befits a heavy tank, can safely crawl to the front line and hold back the enemy with our armor, making sure to turn the hull, dance and go into cover while reloading.

If we talk about the battle at the bottom of the list, German heavy tank Tiger (P) WoT becomes much less formidable. Here a lot of people will easily penetrate us and for this reason it is better to stay behind the backs of stronger allies, playing the role of support.

You can fight no less effectively at long distances, the gun has Tiger (P) World of Tanks Accurate, thanks to good penetration, it is capable of defeating the enemy if you target vulnerable points or infect gold.

But in any case, you should always monitor the situation around you. You cannot engage in battle with superior enemy forces in a position that is unfavorable for you; the enemies can simply spin you around. Remember also that Tiger (P) tank has poor mobility, so you need to choose the direction carefully, but you should especially be afraid of artillery.

6700 Length with gun forward, mm 9340 Case width, mm 3140 Height, mm 2800 Ground clearance, mm 480 Booking Body forehead, mm/deg. 200 / 35° Hull side, mm/deg. 60 / 0° Hull feed, mm/deg. 82 / 0° Bottom, mm 20 / 90° Housing roof, mm 20 / 90° Turret front, mm/deg. 100 / 8° Gun mask, mm/deg. 100-110 / 0° Tower side, mm/deg. 82 / 0° Tower feed, mm/deg. 80 / 0° Tower roof, mm 25 / 81-90° Cabin roof, mm/deg. 40 Armament Caliber and brand of gun 88 mm KwK 36 L/56 Gun type rifled Barrel length, calibers 56 Gun ammunition 70 Angles VN, degrees. −9…+18° Angles GN, degrees. 360° (electric drive) Sights telescopic TZF 9b Machine guns 2 × 7.92 mm MG-34 Mobility engine's type 2 x Porsche 101/1 V-10 air-cooled engines Engine power, l. With. 2×320 Highway speed, km/h 35 Speed ​​over rough terrain, km/h 20 Highway range, km 105 Cruising range over rough terrain, km 48 Specific power, l. s./t 10,3 Suspension type torsion bar Specific ground pressure, kg/cm² 1,21

Panzerkampfwagen VI "Tiger P", "Porsche Type 101", "Tiger Porsche"- German heavy tank from the Second World War, the prototype of which was the VK4501 (P) tank of Dr. Ferdinand Porsche.

One of the items on the agenda was the report of the head of the weapons department on the progress design work on tanks VK4501 (P) and VK3601 (H), models of which were presented here for display. It follows from this that the tanks were already at the development stage at the time of the meeting.

One way or another, a promising vehicle for its time under the designation VK4501 (P) did not go into production; only five vehicles were manufactured, but 90 chassis for the Tiger (P) tanks were ordered even before the official comparative tests of the prototypes, which, in in turn, does not exclude the version that F. Porsche was confident in the victory of his brainchild and prepared in advance for its serial production. Subsequently, all chassis were used for the production of self-propelled guns.


The chassis of the vehicle consisted of six double rollers on board, arranged in pairs on three bogies, with rubber inside the wheel, which greatly contributed to the greater wear resistance of the rubber band. Subsequently, rollers with similar tires began to be used on Tigers and Panthers. The torsion bars were located in the trolley, and not inside the hull like the vast majority of tanks of that time. The drive wheel was located at the rear, as opposed to the traditional front wheel of German tanks, which made the tank more squat.

The tank was equipped with two V10 air-cooled engines, which powered two generators, which, in turn, powered two traction electric motors that drove the drive wheels.

Combat use

Due to the fact that the tanks used air-cooled engines, it was decided to use them in the African theater of operations. However, due to the unsatisfactory maneuverability of the tank, this idea was abandoned, after which all five built vehicles were transferred to the plant in Döllersheim (German). Döllersheim) for training .

To date, only one Porsche Tiger is known for certain, which took part in battles on the Eastern Front in 1944, in the Galicia region, where it arrived at the location of the 653rd heavy tank destroyer battalion as a command tank with tail number “003” .

Self-propelled gun "Ferdinand"

On the existing chassis of the PzKpfw VI "Tiger" (P) tank, a heavy self-propelled artillery mount (SPG) of the tank destroyer class was created, 90 units in total. At that time, it was the most powerful self-propelled gun in the world and the first combat vehicle whose armor thickness reached 200 mm.

BREM "Tiger" from Porsche

In September 1943, three Porsche Tigers were converted into an armored recovery vehicle (ARV) at the Nibelungenwerke plant. Nothing is known about the participation of these vehicles in combat operations. Apparently, all three copies never left the factory.

In popular culture and souvenir industry

  • PzKpfw VI Tiger P is presented in the MMO game World of Tanks, at level 7 of the German heavy tank branch, along with the Henschel tank.



  • Chamberlain P., Doyle H. Encyclopedia of German tanks of the Second World War. - M.: Astrel, 2003. - 272 p.
  • Svirin M. Heavy assault gun "Ferdinand". - M.: Eksprint, 2003. - 48 p.


  • Svirin M. N. Heavy assault gun "Ferdinand".

F. Porsche began designing the tank in May 1941. The prototype, designated VK45.01(P), began testing on April 20, 1942 (Hitler's birthday). The prototype outperformed its competitor VK36.01(H). But due to the expensive electronic transmission, it was not adopted for service. As a result, about 5 cars were built.


In the game, Tiger (P) poses a greater threat at the seventh levels. Why? Let's figure it out.


The main trump card of the tank is his frontal armor body, which is equal to 200 mm, which allows you to remove shells not only from classmates, but even from tanks of levels 8-9. Compared to its competitor, whose frontal armor is 100mm, this is an excellent indicator.

If you look at the armor towers, then it’s strong there too. The mask itself is 100mm and there is more behind it. Odnoklassniki do not penetrate even with golden shells. The sides and rear of the turret are only 80mm. The turret has a commander's cupola, which is very vulnerable compared to the one on the Tiger I.

With armor sides And stern the same situation. There is also 80mm, which is not very good, because... the tiger's ammo rack is located under the turret (there are situations when a level 5 artillery piece coming into your side or stern can cause a lot of “harm”).

Ride quality

Tiger (P) in the top configuration has a 2x Porsche Typ 100/3 engine with a power of 670 hp. which allows it to accelerate to 35 km/h, this is of course lower than Tiger I, but at level seven this is a good indicator. The stock Tiger (P) is equipped with two more engines: 2x Porsche Typ 100/1 Ausf. A (550 hp) - stock, 2x Porsche Typ 100/1 (600 hp) - pre-top. With stock engines, the comfort of playing on a tiger may not yet appear, but in the top configuration the tiger is no longer the same (you want to play on it more and more).

Weaponry (penetration and damage are indicated on bb)

You are offered four guns: 1-stock 75 mm Kw.K. 42 L/70 (with penetration 150mm and damage 135HP), 2 high-explosive 105 mm Kw.K. L/28 (penetration 64mm and damage 350HP, very large spread), 3-pre-top 8.8 cm Kw.K. 36 L/56 (penetration is less than the stock 135mm, but the damage is decent 220HP), 4-top 8.8 cm Kw.K. 43 L/71 (with excellent penetration of 203mm, which easily penetrates Tier 8 tanks, and average damage of 240HP). Separately, we can also say that the top gun allows you to target hatches and commander’s cupolas without special labor, and the mixing time is only 2.3s. The only disadvantage is the low rate of fire (the average is only 1582 HP) - this is a very low indicator for a heavy tank of the seventh level, like its competitor Tiger I. With the same gun it is 2150 HP.

Combat tactics

All the capabilities of the tiger are manifested in urban conditions. Strong frontal armor and good mobility allow you to reach desired point on the map. The precision gun allows you to shoot on the move. But it’s pointless to go on board because The armor of the sides is weak and there is an ammunition rack under the turret, then you can very quickly end the battle for yourself.

Correctly, when you just expose the front part, even level 9 tanks can ricochet at you and hit you in the hull.

Which modules are better to install?

The tank is very good without modules, but some can be installed at your discretion:
1-reinforced aiming drives (can be replaced with a rammer)
3-camouflage net (useful when fighting against 9th levels)

Crew Perks

The following perks are suitable for the crew:
1-commander(light bulb, military brotherhood, repair and expert).
2-gunner(camouflage, military brotherhood, smooth rotation of the tower, sniper).
3-driver mechanic(king of off-road, brotherhood of arms, smooth ride, master of ramming).
4-radio operator(radio interception, military brotherhood, repeater, with all his might).
5-loaders(intuition, military brotherhood, non-contact ammunition, desperate).


Perhaps some will ask the question: “Is it worth installing a top tower?” I answer: “I don’t see the point.” Because. it does not speed up reloading, and the only advantage is +10 meters visibility. And the top gun is also installed on the turret.
In the end, I would like to say that Tiger (P) is very powerful at its level, surpassing its classmates in many ways.
This ends my guide, good luck on the battlefields!

Prepared by: DenzelVasington1

13-12-2016, 11:23

Good day and welcome to the site! Friends, now we will talk about real German quality, which is seriously tested in our game. We will talk about a German heavy tank of the seventh level and this Tiger (P) guide.

This vehicle is pumped along a branch that ends with the legendary, super-heavy German Maus tank, and therefore, Tiger (P) performance characteristics should also be famous for their armor. This statement is partly true, but is it really so serious?

TTX Tiger (P)

To begin with, everyone who decided to roll out this heavy weapon into battle should know that on our side there is an increased margin of safety characteristic of German technology and, importantly, a good basic visibility of 380 meters.

If we consider Tiger (P) characteristics armor, according to the plan, we should really have a strong tank in our hands, and it really is much stronger than an ordinary tiger. However, everything is relative and the declared 210 mm thickness of the armor plates is only in two planes, marked in red. If we tighten the hull, we can really confidently hold off our classmates, but many tanks of the eighth level, and even more so of the nine, penetrate us quite easily. Moreover, the cheeks Tiger (P) World of Tanks, marked in orange, are generally only 80 mm thick and stick out very strongly.

If we talk about the security of the tower, there is again some confusion. The gun mantlet is a solid screen, but it is also quite often sewn, and sometimes even by machines of a lower level. But the biggest problem of the tower is deservedly considered to be the huge commander’s cupola. In other words, heavy tank Tiger (P) it seems to have armor in its forehead, but it seems not.

There is also something to be said about lateral projection. Our sides are 80 millimeters thick, which allows this vehicle to confidently tank when the hull is positioned in a diamond shape. But be careful, if you tighten it too much, the reduction will go down, and there is a vulnerable ammunition rack in the left front part of the hull.

It is also worth noting that Tiger (P) tank big, tall and long, hiding such a barn can sometimes be very difficult, and artillery likes to target us.

The mobility of our cord receives special attention. It would be wrong to call it super-slow, however, its top speed is mediocre, due to its heavy weight, the dynamics sags greatly, and its maneuverability is Tiger (P) WoT weak, so let’s remember about the art again.


Well, if the car is not very good in terms of general characteristics, most likely it will have a decent gun. This is partly true; German weapons are always famous for their accuracy and more.

Tiger (P) gun Compared to the trunks of its classmates, it does not stand out as a large alpha strike, but our rate of fire is normal, so the reward is approximately 2000 units of damage per minute without a rammer and perks.

Our gun really stands out for its penetration parameters, in fact, heavy tank Tiger (P) World of Tanks can fight with dignity even against nines, without using gold. But if you want more comfort, it is better to carry 10-20 sub-calibers with you.

Among the parameters of shooting comfort, I would especially like to note the pleasant dispersion and excellent final accuracy. It just comes down to Tiger (P) WoT not as fast as we would like, and the gun bends down only 6 degrees, which is also not the ultimate dream.

Advantages and disadvantages

In order for you to play with a tank more confidently, you know what qualities you can count on, and what aspects it is better not to show to the enemy, you need to highlight the main advantages and disadvantages Tiger (P) WoT, which is what we will do now.
Large margin of safety;
Good frontal armor in combat is at the top of the list;
Not a bad review;
High accuracy of the gun;
Not bad damage per minute;
Excellent penetration parameters.
Barn dimensions;
Armor is weak when fighting at the bottom of the list;
Poor mobility;
Little Alphastrike;
Mediocre comfortable UVN.

Equipment for Tiger (P)

Of course, it is very important to equip your combat vehicle with additional modules before going into battle; in a sense, this can even affect the outcome of the battle. Thus, on heavy tank Tiger (P) It is better to install the following equipment:
1. – will make us an even more formidable enemy, because thanks to this module the rate of fire and DPM will increase quite well.
2. – as mentioned earlier, this tank does not have the best aiming speed; by improving it, you will be able to deal damage more effectively.
3. – we already have a good overview, and by making it even better, we will gain an advantage over our classmates and will be able to keep up with higher-level technology.

As often happens, there is a good alternative to the third point -. Yes, we will lose vision range, but we will gain even more firepower, which also makes sense.

Crew training

The correct choice of skills for tankers sitting inside the vehicle is an even more important and responsible point. For Tiger (P) perks it is worth choosing in such a way as to increase the survivability of our tank, after all, it is heavy, to increase its general parameters, and it would also not be superfluous to make the weapon even more comfortable:
Commander - , , , .
Gunner – , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Radio operator - , , , .
Loader – , , , .

Equipment for Tiger (P)

Of course, it’s also impossible to go into battle without consumables, especially considering the fact that we have a heavy tank in our hands, designed to hold back the enemy’s onslaught, so at a minimum, we definitely need to buy one. But even more confidence, and, if necessary, reliability, can only be obtained if you carry Tiger (P) equipment from , , . By the way, the latter can be replaced with , it won’t be any worse.

Tactics for playing Tiger (P)

Considering everything said above, the strengths and weaknesses of our German, the style of playing him is fundamentally different depending on what kind of battle we find ourselves in.

When it comes to the fight at the top of the list, on Tiger (P) tactics Combat is all about dominance. We, as befits a heavy tank, can safely crawl to the front line and hold back the enemy with our armor, making sure to turn the hull, dance and go into cover while reloading.

If we talk about the battle at the bottom of the list, German heavy tank Tiger (P) WoT becomes much less formidable. Here a lot of people will easily penetrate us and for this reason it is better to stay behind the backs of stronger allies, playing the role of support.

You can fight no less effectively at long distances, the gun has Tiger (P) World of Tanks Accurate, thanks to good penetration, it is capable of defeating the enemy if you target vulnerable points or infect gold.

But in any case, you should always monitor the situation around you. You cannot engage in battle with superior enemy forces in a position that is unfavorable for you; the enemies can simply spin you around. Remember also that Tiger (P) tank has poor mobility, so you need to choose the direction carefully, but you should especially be afraid of artillery.