Tracing translation of official business style English. Open Library - an open library of educational information. Analysis of lexical transformations used in the translation of texts of official business style from English into Russian on mother

An important element of translating business texts is the lexical and semantic features of text translation formal business style. The language of business documents is a subtype of the official business style, along with the legal style (the language of laws, legislative and by-laws), and military documentation.

In conditions of intense economic and social development In the modern world, competent management of business correspondence is becoming increasingly important. Adequate translation of business correspondence is the key to the success of any business. Modern business practices and the growth of cross-cultural communications require that communications, letters, memoranda and other materials be clear and professionally written. In this regard, the need for adequate translation of texts of an official business nature is also obvious.

Considering current state in the theory and practice of translating texts in business style and the lack of a sufficient number of methodological and practical studies devoted to the problems of translating documents in business style, it seems necessary to conduct additional research on the use of certain lexical units in texts in official business style with a description of the main lexical and semantic transformations during their translation .

As part of additional research, it is necessary to determine in detail the types, purposes and main characteristics of business speech, identify the lexical and semantic features of the texts of business documents, explore the use of lexical transformations in the translation of business documents using examples, study the features of the translation of lexical units functioning in texts of official business style and conduct a comparative analysis of Russian and English business letters. The research should reflect the characteristics and goals of business speech, as well as the features of the vocabulary of business texts, as well as describe the main features of the translation of business documents, and show the use of lexical-semantic transformations with examples. In addition, it is necessary to characterize the translation features of lexical units most often found in the texts of business documents. Finally, it is undoubtedly necessary to conduct a comparative analysis of Russian and English business letters in order to identify their lexical features and compare nominative, communicative and compositional content. Examples of lexical units that most clearly represent the specifics of translation of texts in official business style can be bank analytical reports, annual reports joint stock companies, articles of international exchanges, publications rating agencies and so on.

Official business style is one of the functional styles of language that “serves” the sphere of official business relations. Business style is informative, logical, argumentative and standardization. Business style is characterized by the functions of expression of will, obligation and the function of transmitting information. The main task of the document compiler is to clearly reflect information that has legal force.

As for the vocabulary of the language of business documents, the main characteristic features are a high degree of terminology and cliché, uniformity of stylistic coloring of the vocabulary of business writing, unambiguous contextual use, a high degree of generality and abstraction of the main style-forming vocabulary, as well as emphasized logic and unemotional presentation of the material. Terms and procedural vocabulary constitute the supporting, style-forming vocabulary of the document language, accounting for 50 to 70% of all word usage in individual genres.

A neutral tone of presentation is the norm for business style. The personal, subjective element in business style should be kept to a minimum. Therefore, outside the scope of business speech are, for example, forms that have an emotionally expressive coloring (nouns and adjectives with suffixes of subjective assessment, interjections). The use of colloquial, colloquial, dialect, etc. words and phraseological units in a business style is unacceptable. Of course, this does not mean that the style of presentation in an official text should always be completely neutral. The document may express a request or gratitude, present a demand (often in a categorical form), etc. However, in any case, in a business style, first of all, means of logical, rather than emotionally expressive, assessment of situations and facts should be used.

The possibilities of lexical compatibility of words in business speech are limited, which must be taken into account when translating: an official letter is drawn up (not written) and sent (not sent), a reprimand is announced, a censure is issued, a salary is set, etc. Business speech is phraseologically is stable and filled with ready-made language formulas, stencils, stamps.

However, the language means used in business style are quite diverse: moreover, they are perfectly suited for transmitting very specific production, legal, financial and administrative information. Business speech has accumulated a huge number of terms, formulas, and figures of speech tested by many years of practice. In addition, the use of ready-made verbal formulas and structures that have become firmly established in business use allows you to avoid wasting time searching for definitions that characterize standard situations. Standardization (terminization) of business style significantly increases the information content of documents, significantly facilitates their perception and evaluation by specialists, which contributes to greater efficiency of document flow in general.

From the point of view of syntax, an extensive system of conjunctions and long sentences also lead to protection from possible misinterpretations of the relationships between independent sentences, that is, the syntax of official business texts is aimed at clarity and clarity of presentation.

The main requirements when translating business correspondence are accuracy, conciseness and clarity of presentation. During the translation process, it is necessary to follow the rules by which certain lexical units are transmitted, such as terms, proper names and abbreviations. When translating business texts, Russian and English language cliches may coincide in content, but differ in internal form, due to the fact that in modern Russian there are much fewer established rhetorical cliches than in English. Therefore, to reproduce the syntactic structures and lexical composition of the original as closely as possible, the technique of literal translation is often used. It is the differences in language clichés and the possibility of the appearance of literalisms in the Russian and English languages ​​that explain the relative equivalence in the translation of texts in official business style.

It should be noted that in order to achieve translation adequacy and overcome contextual inconsistencies in the process of translating business texts, it is necessary to use translation transformations. Having examined some types of lexical-semantic transformations, we can say that the most frequently used techniques are tracing, transcription (less often transliteration), which is caused by a large number of terms and proper names in business texts, as well as additions and specification - the use of these techniques is associated with greater compression in English compared with Russian and with differences in the semantics of the two languages. Lexical units of the Russian language are characterized by greater specificity than the corresponding lexical units of the English language. Along with these techniques, the technique of antonymic translation is often used. Generalization, on the contrary, is rarely used, since documents require extremely accurate translation.

A comparative and comparative analysis of Russian and English business letters shows that the communication plan in English business letters is less represented than in documents in Russian. When choosing lexical means, the English language is lexical-oriented business communication and neutral vocabulary, while everyday words and evaluative-expressive vocabulary penetrate into the Russian language of business letters. In the Russian language, as a rule, the stereotypical compositional structure of texts is violated, which must be taken into account when translating business correspondence.

Thus, it should be concluded that in order to competently translate business texts, the translator must have knowledge about the features of the official business style, be able to correctly select and use translation techniques necessary for translating certain lexical units, and have extensive background knowledge in that field of activity , in which the translated document will function.

2.1 Style of English official documents

In the English literary language, a speech style has emerged, which is called the style of business speech, or the style of business documents (official style). Like other speech styles, this style has certain communication goals, patterns and linguistic characteristics common to this style.

Business speech has several varieties. In area international relations the style of diplomatic documents is highlighted; in the field of trade and economics - the style of commercial correspondence; in the field of jurisprudence - the language of laws, codes, judicial procedural documents, government regulations, parliamentary decisions. The language of military documents: orders, regulations, reports, etc. is distinguished as a special type of business speech in modern English.

The main goal of business speech is to determine the conditions that will ensure normal cooperation between the two parties, i.e. The purpose of a business speech is to reach an agreement between two interested parties. This also applies to business correspondence between representatives of various firms, and to the establishment of the rights and duties of a soldier as recorded in the military regulations of the English army, and to the procedure of meetings. All these relations find one way or another expression in the form of an official document - a letter, note, agreement, pact, law, charter, etc.

This most general function of business speech largely predetermined their characteristic features of the language of this style. First of all, it develops specific terminology and phraseology. For example: I beg to inform you; I start to move; the above mentioned; hereinafter named; on behalf of; to constitute a basis; to draw consequences; discontinue; negotiable; to second the motion; provided that; provisional agenda draft resolution adjournments; private advisory, etc.

This kind of phraseological combinations and individual words - terms can be found in reports, charters, laws, notes, etc., and each area has its own specific terminology. For example, in business documents of a financial and economic nature, terms such as extra revenue; taxable capacities; liability to profit tax, etc. In diplomatic terminology: high contracting parties; to ratify an agreement; memorandum; pact; Chargé daffaires; protectorate; extraterritorial status; plenipotentiary, etc.

In legal documents one often encounters such terms and combinations as: The international court of justice; casting vote; judicial body; to deal with a case; summary procedure; a body of judges; to hear a case; as laid down in; on the proposal of the court; recommendation of ...

Accordingly, other areas of activity use their own specific terminology.

The language of business documents is characterized by traditional means of expression, which accelerates the process of forming phraseological units typical of this style. The traditional means of expression underlies another feature of the style of English official documents - the presence of a significant number of archaic words and expressions. In any business document you can find the use of words such as hereby; henceforth; aforesaid; beg to inform, etc.

The diplomatic language is characterized by the use of a certain number of Latin and French words and expressions, which have received a kind of terminological coloring in the language of diplomatic documents. The most common words and expressions are: persona grata; persona nongrata; pro tempore; the quorum; conditio sine qua non; status quo; mutatis mutandis, etc. Common to all varieties of business style is the presence of all kinds of abbreviations, abbreviations, compound words, etc. For example: M.P. (Member of Parliament); N. M. S. (His Majestys Steamship); gvt (government); pmt (Parliament); i. e. (id est=that is); G. C S. I. (Knight Grand Commander of the Star of India); U.N. (United Nations); D.A.S. (Department of Agriculture, Scotland); D.A.O. (Divisional Ammunition Officer).

This characteristic feature of business documents was noticed by Dickens, who used it satirically in the minutes of the meetings of the Pickwick Club.

There are especially many such abbreviations in military documents. Here, these abbreviations are not only intended to achieve brevity, but are also code.

In the style of business documents, words are used primarily in basic subject-logical meanings.

Another feature of the style of business speech is the absence of any figurative means: in the texts of business documents there are no metaphors, metonymy or other techniques for creating figurative speech.

Emotionally charged vocabulary appears in some documents. However, these emotional elements of language in the style of business speech lose their emotional function; they become conventional formulas of address, symbols of request, refusal, conclusion, etc.

There are different opinions on the use of passive voice in business writing. Some manuals for writing business letters advise using the passive voice form to add politeness, others say that the passive voice is not typical for business text. But, nowadays, passive voice in writing is less common than active voice. However, the following tendency is revealed: in sentences with a message function it occurs more often than in sentences with an influence function. This provides the basis for the assumption that in the modern language of business correspondence there are no restrictions on the use of one or another collateral. But, as researchers note, the choice of voice affects the overall communicative and pragmatic orientation of the statement. The use of passive voice is dictated by the need to comply with the principles of politeness, which leads to depersonalization of statements, and also indicates the presence of a certain distance between the speaker and the listener.

Commercial correspondence in modern English has developed its own particular features, of which the most characteristic are the formulas of address, conclusion and phraseological combinations opening the letter, for example: Dear Sir, Dear Sirs, Gentlemen, Yours very truly, We remain your obedient servants, Yours obediently, Yours faithfully, Yours respectfully, I am, dear sir, yours truly, etc.

Business letters are distinguished by their brevity, they rarely take up more than 8-10 lines, but they also show the general pattern that was mentioned above, namely, an extensive system of conjunctions that precisely determines the relationship between sentences.

The form of a business letter in modern English is subject to fairly strict compositional rules. A business letter consists of a header, which indicates the place from where the letter is being written, the dates; This is followed by the name of the addressee, then successively the address, the content of the letter itself, the polite form of the conclusion and, finally, the signature.

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Parakhina Ekaterina Sergeevna , Omsk Law Institute, Omsk

Head: Babalova G.G., professor of the department, Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor

Business correspondence is one of the most important means of communication through which communication is carried out between members of society. Thus, in business correspondence, the addressee and the addressee not only exchange information, but try to establish personal contact, inspire confidence in the partner, and demonstrate interest in establishing and maintaining relationships.

The main purpose of business speech is to determine the conditions that will ensure normal cooperation between the two parties, i.e. The purpose of a business speech is to reach an agreement between two interested parties. This applies to business correspondence between representatives of various companies, and to the exchange of notes between states, and to the establishment of the rights and obligations of a soldier, written down in the military regulations of the English army, and to the procedure of meetings. All these relations find one way or another expression in the form of an official document - a letter, note, agreement, pact, law, charter, etc. Even those documents that do not clarify the terms of the agreement, but express protest against the violation of these conditions, are associated with The main task of business speech is to reach an agreement between two or more interested persons or organizations.

The purpose of the work is an analysis of the features of translation of business correspondence.

In connection with this goal, it seems necessary to decide next tasks:

  • Identify difficulties that arise in the process of translating business correspondence.
  • Demonstrate examples of translation of business correspondence and the features of its translation.

Subject of study: Features of translation of business correspondence.

Object of study: business correspondence.

The translation process or translation in the narrow sense of the term refers to the actions of the translator to create the translation text (translation itself). The entire set of speech actions of a translator can be divided into actions using a foreign language and actions based on a TL. Using the FL, the translator understands the original text; using the TL, he creates the translation text. The stage of extracting information from the original is usually called "clarification of meaning." The translator must determine exactly what content he will convey in the translation. The second stage of the translation process - the choice of linguistic means when creating the translation text - represents the speech actions of the translator in the TL.

The different structure of languages ​​is the reason for the use of transformations in translation (English is an analytical language and Russian is a syntactic language). The following types of transformations exist:

Lexical transformations (adding; deleting; substituting).

Grammatical transformation (transcription; transliteration; tracing; specification; generalization; antonymic translation; explication; compensation for losses in translation; permutations (transpositions); semantic development; holistic transformation).

The functional style of official business literature (FSBL) includes the following genres: diplomatic texts (pact, agreement); legal texts(code, will, statement of claim); business correspondence (offer letter, fax letter, recommendation); business texts or business documentation (contract; bank documentation).

FSODL is characterized by the presence of a special stock of vocabulary and phraseology (official, clerical), the use of words in a direct, nominative meaning, the widespread use of cliches and cliches, nomenclature names, conditional abbreviations, complex conjunctions, denominative prepositions, constructions with verbal nouns, nominative sentences with enumeration, limited use of many types of one-part sentences, incomplete sentences, a tendency towards common sentences with extensive syntactic connections, an almost complete absence of expressive speech means, and a weak degree of individualization of style.

The purpose of business style is to establish the conditions, restrictions and forms of further cooperation between two or more people. Any document must provide complete clarity of the essence of the issue, express the main conditions that both contracting parties undertake to comply with. Language functions are only communicative and voluntary.

In addition to clichés, the official business style is characterized by terminology. In the process of term formation, two main trends are noted - the formation of abbreviations and the creation of terms and phrases (cash in hand, cash on delivery, on cash, prompt cash). Job titles - the head of the credit department, sales’ manager, production manager. Simple common sentences prevail - target or conditions. The length is not limited, gerunds, infinitives, and participial phrases are often found. Nominal attributive phrases dominate. There are many component nominative groups (to force down price), predicative units in the passive voice. Another feature is the use of the verb to be, although in the present tense in Russian it is usually omitted. But in official prose it is often translated with the verbs “to appear”, “to constitute”, “to enter”, “to appear”, “to be”, “to eat”, etc.: The terrestrial globe is a member of the solar system - The globe is included into the solar system. (4, p.43)

The variety of functional styles of the English language makes it possible to distinguish from such general concept like business English, not only legal English, but also contract English.

The main parts of a business letter are:

The header is in the upper middle part of the letter. It contains the company name and postal address, telephone, fax, and email numbers.

The date is after the header, either on the left or on the right, depending on the style of the letter. The date has the traditional form of recording - month, day, year (May 13,1999); European style - day, month, year (we write through (.), they write through a slash) 5/13/1999; The British version is characterized by a combination of letters and numbers 13th May 1999 or May 13th, 1999 (read with the). American: May 13, 1999 or May 13, 1999 (read without the). Diplomatic, military correspondence - more formal 13 May 1999

Internal address - on the left side of the letter, contains information about the person or company to which it is addressed: American corporations have names ending in Co. - company, Corp. - corporation, Inc. - incorporated, f.e. Brown&Co. In England state companies may include the abbreviations PLC (plc), and private limited companies - Limited (ltd).

Salutation - placed on the left side of the letter after the attention line. (British Formal - Dear Madam(s), Dear Mr.Brown, Dear Ms, Sir(s), Madam; American Formal - Sir(s): Madam(s): Dear Sir(s): Dear Madam(s): Dear Ms: Gentlemen).

The main part of the letter consists of 3 parts: introduction (introduction), the letter itself (contention part), conclusion (complimentary part). Introduction - indicate the purpose of the letter, only 2-3 lines (I should be grateful if you send me information about….). Letter - can consist of several paragraphs in which the goal is motivated in more detail and a description of goods and services is provided. Conclusion - thank you for your cooperation, make an appointment, express your desire to continue correspondence (I would be happy to meet you to discuss smt...Please call me at 000-000. I look forward to hearing from you).

The final form of politeness (FPV) - like a greeting, reflects the level of relationship between the sender and the recipient, therefore, in style, the greeting must correspond to the final form of politeness: strictly official: Respectfully, Respectfully yours; less formally: Yours truly, Yours very truly, Very truly yours; informal: Truly yours (only in Am.), Sincerely (yours), Cordially (yours); completely unofficially: Best wishes, Best regards. It always ends with (,), regardless of the British or American version.

The signature is placed between the final courtesy form and the sender's last name. Then the sender's name is written - from the point of view of etiquette, the first and last names must be written in full. Then the title or position through (,) after the name.

Additional parts of the letter are:

The attention line - a specific person, position or department is indicated - is used for the convenience of the employee who sorts the mail to whom specifically to send: to a person or division of the organization, for example: Attention: Mr. John Brown or Attention: Sales Manager.

The essence line of the letter - between the greeting and the main text - provides brief indications of the essence of the letter, for example: Subject: Computer Sales or Re: Computer Sales (regarding, regarding);

The link consists of 2 parts, the initials of the person dictating the letter and the initials of the typist (for convenience, you can quickly find the culprit in case of errors or typos). In Britain the link is usually located under the date, in the US it is in the lower left corner.

Copy - various spellings: cc - cc; CC - CC; Copies to.

This inscription can be supplemented with the initials, first name, last name and address of the recipient. If the sender does not want the recipient to know about the presence of copies of this letter, the inscription “confidential” is affixed, i.e. blind copy from blind: BCC - BCC: or bcc - bcc:

A postscript is added to inform the recipient of a particularly important point in the letter, but not of new additional information: PS. PS: PS- P.S. (P.S. If you order within 10 days, I am authorized to offer a ten percent discount).

In business letters (in English), a more polite form of communication is adopted: Please come to the main office building at 9˚ for an interview - If you will be able to come, we will invite you for an interview at 9 a.m.

The traditional means of expression underlies another feature of the style of English official documents, namely the presence of a significant number of archaic words and expressions. In any business document you can find the use of words such as hereby; henceforth; aforesaid; beg to inform, etc.

In English, the decision to fulfill obligations is expressed by the grammatical modal verb shall, to be to, less often should; lexically - undertake, be obliged, be bound: come into effect - come into force; be binding upon smb. - be binding on both parties;

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that official documentation requires increased attention when translated. Like a standard text in English, such documentation requires knowledge and ability to use various translation “tools” - translation transformations. On the other hand, texts written in an official business style require compliance with certain forms of writing a particular type of document, accepted in each country, polite forms of address and construction of sentences. The official business style is the most conservative style in any language, so deviating from the norms in writing or preparing documents will be perceived as impolite, and sometimes even an insult.

In the modern period of globalization, English has become the main language of science, technology, and business; it is this language that is used when communicating at the international level. Therefore, to achieve success in foreign business arenas, it is necessary to know not only general English, but also specialized English, in our case formal business English.

Since any text on foreign language is the subject of linguistics, then the translation of business documentation is also among the interests of translators. This is where businessmen and linguists come into contact. Some do not need to know the features and subtleties of document translation, while others do not need to know the subtleties and complexities of office work in order to work effectively in symbiosis. The translator must know how to correctly and adequately translate a business document from Russian into English and vice versa, so that through his fault there is no misunderstanding or incorrect perception of the information being translated between the business parties.


1. Galperin A.I. "Essays on the stylistics of the English language"/M.1958, p343

2. Galperin A.I. "Essays on the stylistics of the English language"/M.1958, p431

3. Galperin A.I. "Essays on the stylistics of the English language"/M.1958, p432

4. T.R. Levitskaya, A.M. Fiterman “Theory and practice of translation from English into Russian” / M. 1963, p. 43 5. Rosenthal D.E. "Dictionary of linguistic terms"

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Style of English official documents (Business speech)

In the English literary language, in the process of its development, another speech style has emerged, which is called the style of business speech, or the style of business documents (official style). Like other speech styles, socially recognized as independent systems, this style also has specific communication goals and has its own patterns and linguistic characteristics common to this style.
Business speech has several varieties. In the field of international relations, the style of diplomatic documents stands out; in the field of trade and economics - the style of commercial correspondence; in the field of jurisprudence - the language of laws, codes, judicial procedural documents, government regulations, parliamentary decisions. The language of military documents: orders, regulations, reports, etc. is distinguished as a special type of business speech in modern English.
The main purpose of business speech is to determine the conditions that will ensure normal cooperation between the two parties, i.e. The purpose of a business speech is to reach an agreement between two interested parties. This applies to business correspondence between representatives of various companies, and to the exchange of notes between states, and to the establishment of the rights and obligations of a soldier, written down in the military regulations of the English army, and to the procedure of meetings. All these relations find one or another expression in the form of an official document - a letter, note, agreement, pact, law, charter, etc. Even those documents that do not clarify the terms of the agreement, but express a protest against the violation of these conditions, are associated with fundamentally

The purpose of business speech is to reach an agreement between two or more interested persons or organizations.
This most general function of business speech largely predetermined their characteristic features of the language of this style. First of all, it, just like in the style of scientific prose, develops specific terminology and phraseology. For example: I beg to inform you; I start to move; the above mentioned; hereinafternamed; on behalf of; to constitute a basis; to draw consequences; discontinue; negotiable; to second the motion; provided that; provisional agenda draft resolution adjournments; private advisory, etc.
This kind of phraseological combinations and individual words - terms can be found in reports, charters, laws, notes, etc., and each area has its own specific terminology. For example, in business documents of a financial and economic nature, terms such as extra revenue; taxable capacities; liability to profit tax, etc. In diplomatic terminology: high contracting parties; to ratify an agreement; memorandum; pact; Charge d'affaires; protectorate; extraterritorial status; plenipotentiary, etc. Legal documents often contain such terms and combinations as: The international court of justice; casting vote; judicial body; to deal with a case; summary procedure; a body of judges; to hear a case; as laid down in; on the proposal of the court; recommendation of ...
Accordingly, other areas of activity use their own specific terminology.
The language of business documents is characterized by traditional means of expression, which accelerates the process of forming phraseological units typical of this style. The traditional means of expression underlies another feature of the style of English official documents, namely the presence of a significant number of archaic words and expressions. In any business document you can find the use of words such as hereby; henceforth; aforesaid; beg to inform, etc.1
1 See about this in the “Archaisms” section.
The diplomatic language is characterized by the use of a certain number of Latin and French words and expressions, which have received a kind of terminological coloring in the language of diplomatic documents. The most common words and expressions are: persona grata; persona nongrata; pro tempore; the quorum; conditio sine qua non; status quo; mutatis mutandis, etc.
Common to all varieties of business style is the presence of all kinds of abbreviations, abbreviations, compound words, etc. For example, M.P. (Member of Parliament); N. M. S. (His Majesty's Steamship); gvt (government); pmt (Parliament); i. e. (id est=that is); G. C S. I. (Knight Grand Commander of the Star of India); U. N. ( United Nations); D. A. S. (Department of Agriculture, Scotland); D. A. O. (Divisional Ammunition Officer).
This characteristic feature of business documents was noticed by Dickens, who used it satirically in the minutes of the meetings of the Pickwick Club.
There are especially many such abbreviations in military documents. Here, these abbreviations are not only intended to achieve brevity, but are also code.
In the style of business documents, words are used primarily in basic subject-logical meanings (except for those cases when derived subject-logical meanings are terminological in a given area of ​​communication).
In this regard, there is another feature of the style of business speech. This is the absence of any figurative means: in the texts of business documents there are no metaphors, metonymy or other techniques for creating figurative speech.
In contrast to the linguistic features of newspaper reports, which are also characterized by a lack of imagery, emotionally charged vocabulary appears in some documents. However, these emotional elements of language in the style of business speech lose their emotional function; they become conventional formulas of address, symbols of request, refusal, conclusion, etc.
Business letters have a fairly strict compositional form. Here are examples of such letters

BRISTOL. 21st January 1957.
Messrs. Morley & Baker present their compliments to Mr. Clifton and would feel much obliged if he would kindly furnish them, as soon as possible, with some information concerning the firm of Jausen Brothers, who have given Mr. Clifton's name as a reference.
Messrs. M. & B. beg to thank Mr. With beforehand for the information.
Yours truly G. Clifton, Esq.
Manchester, 19th Feb. 1957.
Mr. Jules Maurice
We beg to inform you that by order and for account of our mutual friend Mr. Julien, of Lille, we have taken the liberty of drawing upon you for Frs. 2,500 at three months" date to the order of Mr. Latour. We gladly take this opportunity of placing our services at your disposal, and shall be pleased if you frequently make use of them.
We have the honor to be,
Sir, Yours obediently
Sharp & Sons.
It must be assumed that the emotional side of utterances in the style of business documents, especially in formal petitions, requests for audiences and similar types of business correspondence, in the early stages of the development of literary English, retained its truly emotional meaning. Here is a sample business letter dated June 5, 1655:
Mr. G. Dury to Secretary Tharloe.
Right Honorable,
The Commissary of Sweden, Mr. Bormel, doth most humbly entreat your honor to be pleased to procure him his audience from his highnesse as soon as conveniently it may be. He desires, that the same be without much ceremony, and by way of private audience I humbly subscribe myself,
Your honor's most humble
and obedient servant June 5, 1655. G. Dury
Words and phrases such as most humbly, entreat (entreat), I humbly subscribe, most humble and obedient

Servant were too persistently repeated in letters of this kind. Their emotional meaning was gradually lost, and they turned into conventional formulas of address.
As for the syntactic features of business speech, the most common of them are long sentences, extended periods with an extremely branched system of conjunctions. Sometimes one sentence covers all the terms of the agreement that predetermine the relationship and that may arise as a result of the implementation of such a relationship. The complex syntax of business documents is historically understandable. Connections between sentences reflect, as is known, real connections between the concepts being expressed. This connection is especially clear in the presence of appropriate unions that determine the nature of the connection. The period was usually used when the connection between parts of the statement was interrupted. In this regard, it is not without interest to cite the business letter of King James II to Parliament dated June 26, 1604.-
"Having been informed, that within the space of these eight or ten days past, there hath been divers times speeches made in the Lower House of our Commons, for a Subsidy to be at this time granted unto us; we have thought it convenient, that ye should in our name, acquaint the house with the sincere truth of our meaning in that matter; to the end that they, being at a point in that question may with the greater expedition, conclude such special things, as are necessary to be done before the ending of this longsome session of parl...
But having now, with time, more narrowly examined both the custom in the like cases, at the first parliaments of our predecessors here, as likewise, that the last term"s payment of the old great Subsidy is not yet come, so as a double burden shall appear to be laid upon the people and yet our commodity never a hair the nearer; we have here upon concluded with ourself, to resort to our former determination and therefore it is our express will, that ye shall, in our name, signify to our said House of Commons, that we desire them, at this time, not to meddle any further with that question; assuring them in the word of a King, that we will be so far from taking it unkindly, their not offering it unto us at this first session of this our first parl, as by the contrary we will only interpret it to proceed from the care they have, that our people should not have any occasion of distaste of us offered unto them at this time, for the reasons above-mentioned; assuring ourself, that the said house will in their own time, be careful to see our state supplied, by such means, as may be most convenient for our weal, and least hurtful to our subjects; wherein we remit ourselves to their discreet considerations, in the due time.
James II."

This letter, which takes up about a page, contains only two sentences with a large number of participial phrases, infinitive phrases in order to..., subordinate clauses with introductory subordinating conjunctions that, as; with conjunctions like to the end that, as to, on the question of... etc.
This tradition of expressing a wide variety of terms in a single sentence is deeply rooted in diplomatic and legal documents. Thus, the preamble to the Charter of the United Nations reflects, in structural and linguistic terms, the tendency described above not to separate coherent segments of utterance with dots.
to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, and to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom, AND FOR THESE ENDS
to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbors, and
to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and
to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and to employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples,
Accordingly, our respective Governments, through representatives assembled in the City of San Francisco, who have exhibited their full powers found to be in good and due form, have agreed to the present Charter of the United Nations and do hereby establish an international organization to be known as the United Nations.
A description of the reasons that led the peoples of the United Nations to the decision to create the UN is presented in one sentence. This construction necessitates the use

Use of parallel structures. Each sentence starting with an infinitive phrase is designed as an independent paragraph. This syntactic structure, specific to business speech, found its satirical reflection in the following excerpt from The Pickwick Papers:
"May 12, 1827. Joseph Smiggers, Esq., P.V.P., M.P.C.* presiding. The following resolutions unanimously agreed to:
"That this Association has heard read, with feelings of unmingled satisfaction, and unqualified approval the paper communicated by Samuel Pickwick, Esq., G.C. M.P.C.,** entitled "Speculations on the Source of the Hampstead Ponds, with Some Observations on the Theory of Tittlebats"; and that this Association does hereby return its warmest thanks to the said Samuel Pickwick, Esq., G.C. M.P.C., for the same.
"That while this Association is deeply sensible of the advantages which must accrue to the cause of science, from the production to which they have just adverted, no less than from the unwearied researches of Samuel Pickwick, Esq., G.C. M.P C, Horsey, Highgate , Brixton, and Camberwell, they cannot but entertain a lively sense of the inestimable benefits which must inevitably result from carrying the speculations of that learned man into a wilder field, from extending his travels, and consequently enlarging his sphere of observation; to the advancement of knowledge, and the diffusion of learning.
"That, with the view just mentioned, this Association has taken into its serious consideration a proposal, emanating from the aforesaid Samuel Pickwick, Esq., G.C. M.P.C., and three other Pickwickians hereinafter named, for forming a new branch of United Pickwickians, under the title of the Corresponding Society of the Pickwick Club.
"That said proposal has received the sanction and approval of this Association.
The compositional structure of an utterance in the style of English business speech is subject to the principle of the greatest clarity in delineating one thought from another. This clarity finds its maximum expression in the numbering of individual parts of the utterance. The UN Charter, already quoted above, after the preamble, contains 19 chapters, each chapter has a common unifying title, for example, Chapter I is called PURPOSES AND PRINCIPLES. This chapter is divided into 2 articles. The first chapter is devoted to goals, the second to principles. Each article is divided into items.
* Perpetual Vice-President - Member of the Pickwick Club. **General Chairman - Member of the Pickwick Club.

The clauses of the articles are built according to the principle: one sentence - one point, i.e. As a rule, no division into independent sentences within a paragraph is made. This is apparently due to the need to protect oneself from possible misinterpretations of the relationships between independent sentences. Let us take as an example the first article of the UN Charter.
The Purposes of the United Nations are:
1. To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace;
2. To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples; and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace;
3. To achieve international cooperation on solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character, and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion; and
4. To be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations in the achievement of these common ends.
Here is another example in which you can trace the above-mentioned features of official documents:
United Nations Economic Distr.
and Social Council LIMITED
R/TAC/L. 89/Rev.2.
29 November 1955.
Review of the Program for 1956 Australia and Egypt: revised draft resolution. The Technical Assistance Committee.
Recalling that according to Economic and Social Council resolution 542 (XVIII) the preparation and review of the Expanded Program and all other necessary steps should be carried out in a way that TAC
ought to be in a position to approve the over-all program and authorize allocation to participating organizations by 30 November at the latest,
Considering that a realistic program such as the Expanded Program cannot be planned and formulated without prior knowledge of the financial resources available for its implementation, Considering that the TAC, with the assistance of such ad hoc subcommittees as it may find necessary to establish, will normally need about one week to carry out the task referred to in the resolution mentioned above, bearing in mind the necessary consultations with the representatives of the participating organizations,
1. Asks the Secretary-General to seek to arrange each year that the Pledging Conference should be convened as early as possible taking due account of all factors involved;
2. Decides that the Secretary-General should in future work on the assumption that in carrying out the functions of approving the program and authorizing allocations as required by Economic and Social Council resolution 542 (XVIII), the TAC will usually need to meet for one week;
3. Requests further the Secretary-General to transmit this resolution to all States Members and non-members of the United Nations which participate in the Expanded Programme.
55 - 29330.
Commercial correspondence in modern English has developed its own particular features, of which, perhaps, the most characteristic are the formulas of address, conclusion and phraseological combinations opening the letter, for example: Dear Sir, Dear Sirs, Gentlemen, Yours very truly, We remain your obedient servants, Yours obediently, Yours faithfully, Yours respectfully, I am, dear sir, yours truly, etc.
Business letters are distinguished by their brevity, they rarely take more than 8 - 10 lines, but they also show the general pattern that was mentioned above, namely, an extensive system of conjunctions that precisely determines the relationship between sentences.
The form of a business letter in modern English is subject to fairly strict compositional rules. A business letter consists of a header, which indicates the place from where the letter is being written, the dates; This is followed by the name of the addressee (inside address), then successively the address, the content of the letter itself, the polite form of the conclusion and, finally, the signature.

Business letters in the English literary language are so clearly defined in their characteristic stylistic features that they represent a rather closed system of interdependent linguistic means.
The cliches of a business letter are especially clearly outlined in comparison with live conversational speech. As an illustration, we can cite the following passage from Galsworthy’s novel “The White Monkey,” where the same idea is expressed first in ordinary colloquial language and then in the style of business speech:
"My three screws to young Val Dartie, because he"s the only Forsyte that knows a horse from a donkey." A throaty chuckle sounded ghastly in the ears of Soames. "What have you said?"
Soames read: "I hereby leave my three racehorses to my kinsman, Valerius Dartie, of Wansdon, Sussex, because he has special knowledge of horses."
The language of military documents also generally follows the general principles of the style of business documents.
Military documents include military service regulations, orders, instructions, etc. The most typical military document is an order. According to their content, orders are divided into general and special. They have a very strict form, deviation from which is a violation not only of stylistic norms, but also a violation of the established order of correspondence. Most characteristic feature military documents are all kinds of abbreviations that acquire the character of a conditional code. The most common words are given a special written representation in the style of military documents. For example, the word attacks, as can be seen from the document attached below, is depicted as atks, the word enemy is truncated to the initial letters - en, etc. In these documents, the units of message are especially carefully divided into separate paragraphs, highlighted with numbers or letters.
A characteristic feature of the syntax of military documents is, unlike other types of de-
fishing style, ellipticality. Here the modal verbs shall and will are often omitted, as are other members of the sentence.
Military documents are replete with special terminology relating both directly to military affairs and to various areas of technology used in the army. No norms of lively colloquial speech and, in particular, professionalisms, which are often referred to as “military slang” and which are very widely used in the live communication of soldiers among themselves, are not used in official documents. Thus, here too the gap that exists between the norms of literary and written speech and living spoken speech finds its expression.
The language of military regulations is much less specialized. This is explained by the content of the charter itself, which determines the nature of the relationship between military personnel, units and formations, as well as the duties and rights of army personnel, etc.
Like other types of business style, words in military documents are used primarily in their subject-logical meanings. An exception is the names of objects of military operations, which are often assigned different symbols. For example, in the sample military document below, words such as plum and apple or spruce, peach and cherry are not metaphors, i.e. do not carry figurative and figurative functions, but are only words that have conventional denomination meanings.
As for the syntactic organization of the utterance, in this respect the language of military orders differs from the language of diplomatic and business documents, respectively. In military orders, simple sentences with infinitive, gerundial and prepositional phrases are most often found. Complex sentences containing more than one subordinate clause are rare.
Here is a sample of an English military document in which all of the above characteristic features of vocabulary and syntax appear quite clearly.

AUTH: CC 102d Inf. Div. INTL: C I C
DATE: . . . Feb., 194. . . .
102d Inf. Div.
Copy no. 30. 18740A. . . Feb., 194. . .
SUBJECT: Letter of Instruction No. 55. MAPS: GS GS 4507; sheet 19; 1: 50000
1. a) En resistance to our adv continued to be moderate but arty fire continued heavy. The en is evidently taking his Res fr adj divisions as PWs were taken fr units of the 176th VG Div, 363 VG Div and 15th A Repl Bn, in addition to the 59th Inf Div PWs state that gardens, yards, driveway and some streets in ERKELENZ are heavily mnd.
1. b) 84th Inf Div on left atks 26 Feb 45 at hour to be announced; captures Obj 13 and continues atk to capture Obj 10 in conjunction with atk of 102d Inf Div on ERKELENZ; PROTECTS left flank of XIIIC.
c) 29th Inf Div (XIXC) atks 0800 26 Feb 45 and captures Obj H employing one Bn 330th Inf (83d Inf Div) through Z of 102d Inf Div fr vio of HOTTORF; continues atk to N.
d) 5th Armd Div atks H hour (102d Inf Div) employing CCB fr atk psn vio HOTTORF (F0268), passes through E portion of Z of 102d Inf Div; captures Objs PLUM & APPLE & assists 102d Inf Div in capture of CHERRY.
2. 102d Inf Div continues atk 26 Feb 45 to capture Objs SPRUCE, PEACH & CHERRY and prepares to take over Objs PLUM & APPLE after capture by CCB, 5th Armd Div.
LD - Present front lines Bds - Annex I, Opns Overlay Objs - Annex I, Opns Overlay H Hour - to be announced
3. a) 406th Inf - continue atk in asgd Z in conjunction with atk of CCB, 5th Armd Div through E portion of Z; captures Obj SPRUCE & portion Obj. CHERRY in Z, be prepared to assume responsibility for all of Obj CHERRY and continue atk to N on div order.
b) 407th Inf - continue atk in asgd Z; capture Obj PEACH & portion of Obj CHERRY in Z; maintain contact with 84th Inf Div on left; after capture of Obj APPLE be prepared assemble" in div res. on div order.
c) 405th Inf - remain in present location & protect rt flank of div; assemble in div res in area LOVENISH - KATZEN - KLEIN - BOV- SLAR after H. Hour; assist atk of elms of 29th Inf Div on Obj H by fire; be prepared to assume responsibility for defense of Objs PLUM & APPLE continue atk to N on div order.
d) Div Arty -

1) No change in organization for combat -
2) Details of arty spt will be arranged by inf rgtl comdrs through D/S gps.
e) 327th Engr C Bn -
1) Co A - D/S 406th Inf
2) Co C - D/S 407th Inf
3) Bn (-) - G/S,
f) Other elms of div. No change in missions.
This order clearly shows the relationship between the general features of the style of business documents and the particular features of a military document. Each feature, taken separately, does not belong only to military documents. Large quantity abbreviations, symbols, strict order of parts of messages, lack of imagery, etc. are common characteristic features of the style of business speech.
But some of these general features in the style of military documents appear more clearly. They are condensed, intensified. To such particular manifestations general patterns include: a) the nature of the use of abbreviations, b) numbering of parts of the statement, c) terminology, d) conventions (nominative meanings of commonly used words), etc.
This concludes our brief overview of the speech styles of modern English literary language.
The system of speech styles is constantly evolving. She is not closed. Some of the speech styles we have analyzed show a greater, others less, tendency towards strict isolation. The blurring of lines between individual styles in modern English is not as intense as in Russian. There are reasons for this, arising from the peculiarities of the development of literary languages ​​in England and the USSR. Speech styles in the English language show greater stability, greater resistance to the leveling tendency of the national literary language. Of course, these styles generally cannot completely dissolve in the literary language. This is prevented by the difference in goals and functions that are characteristic of each style. But the tendency to blur the sharp lines between speech styles is an undeniably progressive phenomenon.


In the field of science, office work and lawmaking, in the media and in politics, language is used in different ways. Each of the listed spheres of social life is assigned its own subtype of literary language, which has a number of distinctive features at all linguistic levels - lexical, morphological, syntactic and textual. These features form a speech system in which each element is connected with others. This subtype of literary language is called functional style.

A document is a text that controls the actions of people and has legal significance. Hence the increased requirement for accuracy, not allowing for misinterpretation, placed on the text of documents. Only written speech, prepared and edited, can meet this requirement. In oral speech, it is almost impossible to achieve such a degree of accuracy due to its lack of preparation, spontaneity, and variability. In addition to the requirement of denotative accuracy (denotation is an object or phenomenon of the reality around us, with which a given linguistic unit is correlated), the language of documents is subject to the requirement of communicative accuracy - an adequate reflection of reality, reflection of the author’s thoughts in a speech fragment (sentence, text).

The official business style is used in the legal field, where legal relations can be determined by the state (presidential decrees, government regulations), institutions (certificates, orders, gratitude, reprimands), as well as determine the relationship between states (treaties, notes, pacts) .

The purpose of this thesis is to study and analyze the linguistic features of the official business style, as well as the features of their translation.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are set:

1. determine the place of the language of business documents in the structure of functional styles of the English language;

2. consider the linguistic features of official documentary texts;

3. reflect the main difficulties and requirements for translating texts on official business topics.


1.1The concept of functional language style

I.V. Arnold describes functional style as “a subsystem of a language, each of which has its own specific features in lexicology, phraseology, syntactic constructions, and sometimes in phonetics” [Arnold I.V. 2002:264].

N.M. Razinkina understands functional style as “a certain set of texts, written and oral, characterized by a more or less specific target orientation and the presence of linguistic means (at various levels), for which special selection and specific processing are typical” [Razinkina N.M. 1989:174].

In modern linguistic science there is no consensus regarding the nomenclature of functional styles. At the same time, despite private disagreements, most researchers identify the following functional styles of the English language:

Everyday life (colloquial)

I’d like to have that job as dispatcher you’re got in the paper.

Journalistic (mass communication style)

A very successful exhibition of the Dutch Old Master Vermeer has closed at the Metropolitan Museum after an extra week and 438,000 visitors instead of 350,000 visitors expected by the Museum in an initially planned three-month run.

An exhibition of one of the old masters of the Dutch school, Vermeer, has closed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It was planned to last three months, and museum officials expected about 350,000 people to visit the exhibition. At the same time, the success of the exhibition forced the organizers to extend its duration by a week, and the number of visitors eventually reached 438,000.

Scientific (or scientific-technical) style

A close study of the neural networks has been made by our scientists for a number of years.

A thorough study of neural networks has been carried out by our scientists for a number of years.

Formal business style

The Agent is obliged to undertake all necessary actions in order to execute the search of the Lender as well as to do all sorts of legal and organizational deeds in order to sign the Contract-Loan. - the Lender’s claim and carrying out legally significant and organizational actions to sign the Contract - Loan


Friendship, peculiar boon of heaven,

The noble mind's delight and pride,

To men and angels only given,

To all the lower world denied.

Friendship is a special gift from heaven,

The joy and pride of noble minds,

The property of people and angels,

Inaccessible to low souls.

Functional style is not identical to the concept of the sphere of communication, because the same functional style can be used in both oral and written communication. Each of the styles is characterized by certain features at all levels: phonetic, lexical-phraseological, grammatical. These styles are divided into substyles, within which even more private closed language microsystems or subsystems are distinguished.

Functional styles do not form closed systems; there is wide interaction between styles, the influence of one on the other. The features that characterize a particular style (the predominant use of certain lexical means, syntactic structures, etc.) are repeated in other language styles, not to mention the fact that the vast majority of linguistic means are common to all styles (inter-style means of language) . In addition, it should be borne in mind that style is a historical category: not only the boundaries between styles are mobile, but also the boundaries of an individual style in the course of its development.

1.2 Structure of formal business style

Official business style is implemented in various documents - from government acts to business correspondence. The official business style serves the sphere of official, business relations, the field of law and public policy. The style is used in the formulation of regulations that regulate relations between people, institutions, and states. The main purpose of this type of communication is the need to determine the conditions binding on both parties, to convey a message or instruction.

Participants in this type of communication can be:

A) state and citizen, or citizen and citizen (legal documents);

B) the society and its members (charter or decree);

B) two or more enterprises or organizations (business correspondence or contracts);

D) two or more governments (pacts, treaties);

D) a person in authority (orders, regulations, authoritative statements);

E) council or presidium (acts, protocols), etc.

Official business documents differ in the degree of standardization and stability. There are three groups:

Marriage certificate

Certificate of maturity at birth

Birth certificate




Business letters

The style of official documents is heterogeneous, depending on the area

Usage is divided into substyles (genres):

style types of documents
1. diplomatic international treaties, agreements,
conventions, covenants, declarations,
conventions, ultimatums, verbal
notes, protocols, communiqués
2. legislative laws, decisions, regulations,
decrees, resolutions, instructions,
indictments, sentences,
definitions, court decisions,
cassation appeals, obligations,
3. actually officially
business style
charters, agreements, orders, regulations,
statements, powers of attorney, autobiography
fiia, resume, certificates, reports
notes, protocols, resolutions
4. language of military documents military-scientific and military-technical materials, acts of military administration

According to another classification [Levitskaya T.R., Fiterman A.M., 1963:43], the official business style is divided into two substyles - official documentary and everyday business. In the first, one can distinguish the language of diplomacy and the language of laws, and in the second, official correspondence and business papers.

Schematically, this can be represented as follows:


2.1 Common features formal business style

The style of official documents is distinguished by all researchers, although in the works of different linguists it is called differently: E.M. Isserlina is an official business style, while I.R. Galperin - the style of official documents, I.V. Arnold - business style.

According to most researchers, the primary, permanent features of the style of official documents include:

1. The proper nature of the presentation is voluntariness, which in texts is expressed semantically (choice of words) and grammatically (for example, through the active use of the infinitive): to take into consideration/account (take note), to introduce a motion (make a proposal), to recommend (recommend), to unfile (withdraw), to move an amendment (accept the amendment).

2. Formality and impersonality emphasize the business basis of relations between communicants, connect the freedom and spontaneity of communication, limiting speech to the framework of traditional forms. Templates and standards are characteristic features of the style of official documents, since the thematic range of business speech is strictly defined, the situations of its application are relatively few and of the same type.

3. Accuracy and detail of presentation. Stylistic devices based on the polysemy of words, often used in poetry and fiction, are not acceptable in the language of official documents, as they can lead to a double understanding of what is written.

I confirm that all items you ordered are in stock. We will deliver them within one week. There is no additional charge for delivery. - I confirm that all products you ordered are in stock. We will deliver them within a week. There is no additional charge for delivery.

4. Logic. The absence of a detailed form of reasoning, abstraction from the subjective presentation of information, associated with the desire for maximum accuracy and conciseness of information, determines the logical division of the text into compositional blocks (paragraphs, paragraphs).

A high degree of standardization covers all levels of the official business language - vocabulary, morphology, syntax and text level. As a result, a certain type of language emerges, characterized by conservatism, isolation, impermeability to foreign style intrusions, and to the manifestation of the author’s individual style. The impersonality of the presentation is expressed in the refusal to interpret, evaluate events, and emotional reactions.

2.2. Lexical features of official business style

1. Substantive (nominative) character and reliance on nominalized structures: The Asian economic crisis of 1997-1998 unleashed unprecedented policy and political changes in Asia. - The Asian economic crisis of 1997-1998 contributed to unprecedented policy measures and changes in Asian countries.

Nominalization goals:

The choice of a neutral summarizing noun allows the author to abstract from the subjective assessment of the content:

approach approach, analysis
analysis analysis
assessment assessment, opinion, judgment
comparison comparison
distinction difference
conclusion conclusion
mention mention, link
observation observation results
evaluation assessment, determination
response answer, reaction
suggestion proposal, recommendation

The group will meet again in September and we are looking forward to suggestions for the development of the field. - The group will meet again in September and we are looking for proposals for development in this area.

Individual summative nouns are used to give a positive assessment of the events/material being described.

acknowledgment confirmation, recognition
compliment compliment, praise
apology change, justification
eloquence eloquence
assurance assurance, assurance
affirmation statement, assurance
proof verification, confirmation
In the past 10 years there has been increased acknowledgment of the importance of doctors" communication with patients concerning the diagnosis of cancer.- Over the past 10 years, understanding of the importance of doctor-patient contact for cancer diagnosis has increased significantly.
- or, on the contrary, negative
accusation accusation
allegation statement, statement (unfounded)
complaint complaint
claim demand, complaint
criticism criticism
exaggeration exaggeration
misjudgment wrong, erroneous judgment
misinterpretation misinterpretation
digression retreat, deviation
fabrication fabrication
falsification falsification
indictment accusation
He made suspicion of corruption against the administration. -HeaccusedadministrationVcorruption.
- increases the semantic load of the sentence (lexical density).

2. Wide use of collective nouns (army, audience, board, cabinet, committee, corporation, council, department, majority, navy, senate) to give the vocabulary an impersonal, collective character:

The jury agrees that the state prosecutors did not provide enough evidence, so its verdict is not guilty. - The jury agreed that the state's prosecutors did not provide sufficient testimony, so their guilty verdict was invalid.

3. High degree of terminology, phraseological combinations and cliches. Such a stylistic feature of the official business style of speech as accuracy is manifested, first of all, in the use of special terminology. The use of phraseological combinations or cliches and cliches is also a characteristic feature of business documents: to commit a crime, to put responsibilities, to cause damage, etc. This kind of phraseological combinations and individual words - terms can be found in reports, charters, laws, notes, and each area has its own specific terminology.

Let's consider terminology, phraseological combinations and cliches typical for use in business documents, using specific examples:

invoice invoice
shipping date date of delivery
letter of recommendation letter of recommendation
upon expiry upon expiration
terms and conditions conditions
validity period validity
notwithstanding despite
terms of payment conditions of payment
legal entity entity
physical entity individual
on behalf of on behalf of
discontinue stop, suspend
high contracting parties high contracting parties
memorandum diplomatic note, memorandum
protectorate protectorate
extraterritorial status extraterritorial status
plenipotentiary authorized representative
the international court of justice International Court
summary procedure summary proceedings
committal for trial transfer of the case to court
to hear a case listen to the case
as laid down in as installed
on the proposal of the court according to the court

4. The presence of a significant number of archaic words and expressions: hereby (this, with this), henceforth (henceforth, henceforth), aforesaid (aforementioned, above-mentioned), beg to inform (I notify you, I inform you); archaisms and historicisms are often used in the texts of diplomatic documents, for example: assurance with respect - assurance of respect, etc.

5. The use of words in direct, concrete-logical, nominative meanings; emotionally charged and foreign-style vocabulary is unacceptable;

6. The use of typical verbal-nominal combinations: to render smb assistance - to provide assistance, to further expansion - to facilitate dissemination, and the functioning of attributive noun phrases such as: receiving order - writ of execution, disciplinary punishment - disciplinary action, detention imprisonment/trial - acquittal, preliminary investigation - preliminary investigation.

7. Replacing verb forms (to appoint, to decide, to advertise) with parallel “split” predicates (to make an appointment, to make decision, to make advertisement).

8. Standard figures of speech containing denominative prepositions:

Owing to, due to, regarding, concerning, in accordance with (as a result of, because of, relatively, regarding, in accordance with), etc., indicating the nature of the motivation for the actions: in connection with indication, in accordance with technical (financial, industrial) help procedure - in order to provide technical (material, production) assistance, etc.

9. The presence of all kinds of abbreviations, abbreviations, compound words, etc.: M. P. (Member of Parliament), N. M. S. (His Majesty's Steamship), gvt (government), pmt (Parliament) , i.e. (id est=that is), U.N. (United Nations), D.A.S. (Department of Agriculture, Scotland), D.A.O. (Divisional Ammunition Officer) Some of these abbreviations are well known, for example, $(dollar); Ltd (Limited) An interesting group is represented by acronyms that include the names of US presidents: FDR - Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and, accordingly, FDR-drive in New York; JFK - John Fitzgerald Kennedy and JFK Airport in New York. POTUS, VPOTUS and FLOTUS - President, respectively /Vice President/First Lady of the United States. Military documents are especially replete with abbreviations. Here they are used not only for the purpose of convenience, but also as elements of military code, which only the “initiated” are supposed to know: adv. (advance); atk. ( attack); obj. (object); A/T (anti-tank); ATAS (Air Transport Auxiliary Service).

10. Frequent use of Latinisms and borrowing of international word-formation models. For example, De facto (lat.) - de facto, in fact, in fact. De jure (lat.) - de jure, legally, by force of law. Par exception (French) - as an exception. Par example (French) - for example. Demarche (French) - demarche, diplomatic step. Et cetera/ Etc. (lat.) - and so on; etc. Thesis, 2014.

11. Absence of phrasal verbs: The company laid him off because he didn't work much vs His insufficient production conducted to his dismissal. -

The company fired him because... he worked little vs. His lack of productivity led to his dismissal.

2.2. Grammatical features of official business style

1. Use of the genitive case of nouns, sometimes in the form of “stringing” the genitive case in a chain of nouns

…the recovery of the blood of the umbilical cord is rejected by the person carrying out the recovery of the blood of the umbilical cord or refrains from the recovery at his/her own discretion. - ..the collection of cord blood was refused by the person carrying out this collection, including on the basis of his personal discretion

2. Depersonalization of texts and documents due to the use of the 3rd person, refusal of personal and demonstrative pronouns, use of impersonal sentences: It is expected that the proposal will be made in time. - The proposal is expected to be submitted on time.

The exception is various expressions of will (Wills) and a number of documents of a managerial substyle (for example, the use of 1st and 2nd persons in business correspondence): I am writing to apply for the position you advertised in the Dallas Morning News for an e-learning developer. As you’ll see in my resume, I have

The experience to fill this position. - I am writing regarding the vacancy of a development specialist distance learning, which you posted in the Dallas Morning News. As you will see in my resume, I have experience in this work.

3. Forms of the imperative mood, imperative character.

Amendments and additions to this Agreement must be made in writing. Amendments and additions to this agreement must be made in writing.

4. Using modal verbs If you need any help give us a call vs Should you require any assistance, please feel free to contact us ... - If you need help, call us

5. Widespread use of future tense forms: The preparation and storage shall be carried out at the company’s internal GMP laboratory. - Storage will be carried out by the company's internal GMP laboratory.

6. The present tense forms of the verb perform the function of a prescription: enterprises account - enterprises are responsible, employer/hirer is responsible for property - the employer is responsible for property, etc.

7. Widespread use of passive constructions, allowing you to focus on the actions themselves, the facts of their execution: The service was not performed correctly - The service was not performed properly. The material will be delivered. - The material will be delivered. It is hereby specifically agreed and understood that... - The parties agreed that...

Using the passive voice is also one of the ways to depersonalize the text.

8. Use of non-finite forms of the verb - Gerund, Participle, Infinitive: considering that; in order to achieve cooperation in solving the problems, and complex structures with them, such as Complex Object: We expect this to take place. - We expect this to happen. Complex Subject: This is expected to take place. - It is expected that this will happen.

2.3. Syntactic features of texts in official business style

The syntax of formal business style texts is characterized by:

1. Strictness and conservatism of the order of words in a sentence. Clear division of constructions, clear expression of syntactic connections.

2. A certain monotony of presentation is typical, manifested in the high repetition of individual phrases, as well as the use of very voluminous syntactic structures. The syntactic complexity of the text is a consequence of the desire to present the thesis with the necessary completeness, including an indication of cause-and-effect relationships and introducing the necessary clarifications and additions, as in the following examples. A synonym for syntactic complexity can be called the so-called “syntactic discontinuities”. For example, consider the following excerpt from the document:

« If the test in compliance with Section 2 (1) (6b), indicates that the preparation of umbilical cord blood evinces quality defects but that continued storage is nevertheless possible, Vita 34 will ask the legal representative in writing, if continued storage is desired in spite of the quality defects". - If the test according to Section 2 (1) (6b) reveals defects in the cord blood product, but its further storage is nevertheless possible, Vita 34 undertakes to inquire in writing from the legal representatives of the desire to continue storing the blood despite the defects.

This text is also an example of the use of conditional sentences due to the need for detailed presentation and special clauses.

3. An abundance of homogeneous members, various listings with numerical and letter designations: The legal representatives shall consent that findings/data collected during pregnancy/birth from the doctor/midwife/clinic are transferred to Vita 34. - The legal representatives of the child must give their consent to transfer of medical information (results obtained during pregnancy and childbirth) from the doctor/midwife/clinic to Vita 34.

2.4. Compositional features

An important role is played by the heading and paragraph division of texts, as well as the so-called details (permanent elements): the name of the document, indication of the addressee and author, statement of the essence of the matter, date and signature of the author, etc.

The use of such features of graphic design as changing the font, changing the font size, using italics, bold font, capital letters (capitalization), graphic symbols (footnotes, underlining, etc.), which serve to structure the text and perform delimiting, as well as representative function.

Let's consider the compositional features of official documents using the example of a business letter.

Structure of a business letter:

1. Header, including the company name and sender's address (letterhead)

2.Date of the letter (Date)

3.Recipient's address (Inside address)

4. Salutation

5.Indication of the content of the letter (Subject line)

6. Body of the letter, message)

7. Final formula of politeness (Complimentary close)

8.Signature of the sender

9.Indication of applications (Enclosures)

10.Notification of copies sent

11. Postscript, those additions to the finished letter (Postscript)

12.Notification of copies sent

It should be noted that a business letter does not necessarily have all the components listed above. For example, in the absence of attachments, there is no need for this section of the letter. Let's look at the features of some parts of the letter:


The printed header contains the name and address of the organization or company sending the letter, and a number of details, such as telegram address, telephone numbers, fax numbers. Under the name of the organization, the type of its activity is often indicated. If the letter is written by a physical person. face, then instead of the title in the upper right corner the address is written.

Date of the letter

The date the letter was sent is usually written in the left corner or after the recipient's address on the right under the heading. The date is indicated in one of the following ways:

Name and address of the letter recipient

The name and address of the organization or the name and address of the person to whom the letter is sent is written on the left side of the letter form at the margin line slightly below the date line. The name of the organization and the surname of the person are written on a separate line. When the letter is addressed individual- for a man, then the word Mr. is placed before his last name, for a married woman - Mrs., for an unmarried Miss, if her marital status is not known to us, Ms. is used. After the name of the organization or the addressee's surname, the house number and street name are written on a separate line, and then - also on a separate line - the name of the city: the house number always precedes the street name.

Opening address and final form of politeness Opening address and final form of politeness are generally accepted standard formulas that depend on the relationship between the author and the addressee of the letter.

Yours faithfully

In American English, greetings are followed by a colon, not a comma (Dear Ms Smith:). Also in AmE the expression yours faithfully is not used, it should be replaced - sincerely/yours truly

Main text of the letter

The text of the letter usually begins with a standard opening phrase:

In reply / with reference / referring to your letter of; in accordance with / com-pliance with / pursuance of your order No.; we greatly appreciate your letter of..

In the first sentence, the writer must refer to the previous letter or explain to the addressee where they learned about it (“I read an advertisement of your product in...”). The content of the letter should be stated clearly and concisely, sentences should not be too long, it is recommended to combine semantic and graphic design.

Indication of attachments (attachments) and copies

If any materials or documents are attached to the letter, then in the left corner of the letter, below the signature, the word Enclosure is written, often abbreviated as Enc. If there are two or more applications, their number is indicated: 3 Encs.

Cfi (copy for information): Roger Brighton CFO (chief financial officer)

Cc (copy): Rob Ricks

Pp (on behalf on) - if the letter is signed for another person


3.1. Competence of a translator of official business documents

Currently, due to the expansion of public international contacts, the internationalization of economic activity, the unification of office work systems, as well as the creation of new types of communications and the emergence electronic documents, the volume of business speech has increased significantly, and qualitatively new forms of business communication have emerged. This is expressed in an increase in the share of “business discourse”, updating and differentiation of the palette of its speech genres, as well as in the complication of communicative and linguistic tasks facing people carrying out business activities. business communication. Official business documents play a significant role in organizing the foreign policy activities of states, establishing international relations, and developing bilateral and multilateral relations. They reflect the realities of the modern multipolar and interdependent world.

Translation of official documents requires not only a high level of linguistic training from specialists. Professional competence translator in the field of professional communication is a much broader concept.

Official business documents have a number of stylistic, lexical-semantic and syntactic features, knowledge of which is an integral part of linguistic competence, and have the following stylistic characteristics: objectivity; generality; information content; logical organization of presentation; semantic clarity, certainty. The standard nature of the compositional and architectural structure of official documents leads to the standardization and repeatability of the syntactic means used in them. Thus, based on the linguistic characteristics of the texts, the linguistic competence of a translator of official business documentation will include the following components:

Knowledge of the stylistic features of the official business style and the ability to find appropriate lexical means for their implementation in the translation process;

Knowledge of special terminology in both foreign languages ​​and TL;

Mastery of speech clichés and cliches generally accepted in business communication;

Knowledge of abbreviations, symbols and designations generally accepted in world practice;

Knowledge of the features of the compositional and architectural structure of documents;

The ability to use appropriate grammatical structures, taking into account the standard syntactic design of a particular type of document.

3.2. General features of translation of official business texts

It should be noted that the translation of official business texts is entirely focused on conveying the content, i.e. is for informational purposes only. The main feature of the language of official documents is the precise and clear presentation of the material with an almost complete absence of emotional elements; they practically exclude the possibility of arbitrary interpretation of the essence of the issue. Therefore, the main requirements that a good business translation must meet are:

Accuracy (all provisions interpreted in the original must be stated in the translation);

Conciseness (all provisions of the original must be presented briefly and concisely);

Clarity (conciseness and conciseness should not distort the understanding of vocabulary);

Literature (the translation text must satisfy generally accepted norms of the literary language, without using syntactic structures of the original language).

All abbreviations found in the original text must be deciphered in accordance with generally accepted and special abbreviations. Abbreviations that cannot be deciphered remain in the original language.

Do not change and retain the original spelling:

Words and sentences not in the original language: for example, cito (Latin - quickly, urgently), de facto (Latin - de facto, in fact, in fact);

Abbreviated names of brands of products and devices;

Names of foreign printed publications.

The translation text usually translates:

Names of parts and departments of institutions and organizations;

Names of positions, titles, academic degrees, titles: international office manager - international office manager;

Proper names and titles in accordance with established practice (Kondrashov Nikolay - Kondrashov Nikolay).

In the translation text the following are replaced by Russian equivalents:

Special terms;

Geographical names: The English Channel - English Channel, Munich - Munich, Cologne - Cologne.

Typically, large documents are divided into:





Clauses, items, points, counts, paragraphs


Terms such as “clause, item, point, count, paragraph” often do not have a clear differentiation of meanings and when translating this document, it is only necessary to ensure that the same English term always corresponds to the same Russian version. Therefore, before starting to translate an official document, the translator must write out all the English terms from it to indicate the division of the text, choose Russian correspondences for them and strictly adhere to them when translating.

In addition, in the English text of official documents, alphabetic images of sections or paragraphs are often used - a), b), c), d), etc. When translating, you should preserve the letters of the English alphabet, because... this helps maintain accuracy and makes it easier to reference the relevant document when translating from Russian into English.

When working with official business documents, the translator bears great responsibility for the accuracy of the translation, since important political and economic decisions are often made on the basis of its translation, the authenticity of the texts of contracts and agreements is ensured, etc. This rule equally applies not only to the accurate transmission of the contents of the document, but also to the accurate transmission of certain points that at first glance may seem formal and of little importance. Thus, it is necessary to ensure that the translation contains a clear correspondence of the official names adopted in the Russian and English languages.

For example:

Commonwealth of Independent StatesCIS

Commonwealth of Independent States


Great Britain

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

3.3. Lexical difficulties in translating official business texts

As mentioned above, to implement translation you need knowledge of basic terms, abbreviations, clichéd expressions, stylistic features of the official business style and the ability to find appropriate lexical means for their implementation. In particular, this concerns the use of neologisms, i.e. words and phrases that have arisen to denote a new (previously unknown) subject. Neologisms can also include words and expressions that have not yet received recognition in the general literary language.

For example, in English only for last years a lot of neologisms were born with the element “in”, located in both pre- and post-positions (in-company - corporate, in-depth - thorough, comprehensive, in-house - for internal use, intracorporate, internal, in-service - in operation, mail-in - by mail, teach-in - debate, seminar, etc.).

Often correspondences have to be created during the translation process, and, as a rule, they can only partially coincide in meaning with the translated unit, as a result of which contextual substitutions are often used even in the presence of regular correspondences. Language units that do not have regular correspondence in the target language are called non-equivalent. When translating such lexical units, the following types of correspondences are most often used:

1) correspondences - borrowings that reproduce the form of a foreign word in TL: actuaries - actuaries, underwriters - underwriters, promoters - promoters, etc. Such correspondences are created using translation transcription or transliteration. In many cases, matches created in this way can stick and be used regularly when translating corresponding words. These are, for example, Russian correspondences to the English lexemes outsourcing, franchising, roll-over, etc.;

2) tracing-paper correspondences, reproducing the morphemic composition of a word or components of a stable foreign language phrase: career ladder, point of sale, numerical superiority. Many correspondences created by tracing are widely disseminated in translation practice and then widely used in non-translated materials in the TL.

3) analogue correspondences created by finding the closest in value PL unit for a non-equivalent FL unit: a battle of words (lit. battle of words) - verbal skirmish, to balloon prices (lit. inflate prices) - inflate prices

4) If it is impossible to create a match using the above methods, to translate a non-equivalent word, a description is used that reveals the meaning of the non-equivalent word using an expanded phrase: landslide - victory in elections by an overwhelming majority of votes; coroner - an investigator conducting an inquest in the event of a violent or sudden death.

Often, the use of transcription or tracing paper to translate a non-equivalent word is accompanied by a description of the meaning of this word in a special note or footnote. Having once explained the meaning of the unit being translated, the translator can subsequently use transcription or tracing paper without explanation.

Often when translating official business texts, the following types of lexical transformations are used:

Concretization: replacing a SL word or phrase with a broader meaning with a TL word or phrase with a narrower meaning.

To execute the issued commission in accordance with the Trustee's instructions and per the content of this commission. - Execute the instruction given to him in accordance with the instructions of the Trustee and according to the content of this instruction.

In this case, the word commission has a broader meaning -

Power of attorney, authority, instruction, order, commission.

Verbs of motion and verbs of speech are specified when translated into Russian: be, have, get, take, give, make, say, come, go and so on:

To pass the document necessary for the execution of the commission. - Submit the documents necessary to complete the assignment.

Lexical omission. When translating, words that are most often omitted are those that are semantically redundant in terms of their semantic content. In this case the Agent himself, owning the right to use his own discretion (literally: having the right to exercise one's own discretion (or choice)) executes payments. - In this case, the attorney independently, at his own discretion, carries out the calculations.

One example of redundancy is the use of so-called “paired synonyms”, characteristic of all styles of English writing. It is completely unusual for the Russian language, therefore, when translating in these cases, it is necessary to resort to omission (i.e., not repeating a synonym - replacing two words with one). In the event if due to some valid reasons the Hotel is forced to accommodate the guest in the other hotel, the latter should have the adequate and equivalent category.- In the event that for some valid reasons the hotel is forced to accommodate the stated guest in another hotel, then this hotel must have an equivalent category.

Despite the many techniques and methods of translation, it must be remembered that the actual translation process is a complex process in which, in addition to the translator’s own skill, a set of cultural knowledge, potential recipients towards whom the translator is guided, and the nature of the relationship between the contacting cultures, and many others play a role. factors influencing the quality and acceptability of translation.

3.4. Grammatical difficulties in translating official business texts

The search for translation correspondence and achievement of translation equivalence is associated with all sorts of translation techniques, among which attention should be paid to grammatical transformations, or transformations.

Grammatical transformations are, first of all, a restructuring of a sentence (a change in its structure) and all kinds of replacements - both syntactic and morphological. There are the following types of grammatical transformations: permutations (changes in the order of words and phrases in the structure of a sentence), grammatical substitutions (grammatical units are subject to them - forms of words, parts of speech, members of a sentence, types of syntactic connections, etc.), division of sentences, combination of sentences .

The changes were caused by a number of reasons. The main reason is the difference in sentence structure in English and Russian. An English sentence, as a rule, begins with a subject or subject group, followed by a predicate or predicate group, that is, the main thing - the center of the message (rheme) - comes first. Secondary information (topic) circumstances of place and circumstances of time are placed at the end. The word order of a Russian sentence is different: the secondary members of the sentence (adverbs of time and place) often come first, followed by the predicate and finally the subject. This must be taken into account when translating. This phenomenon is known as “communicative division of sentences”.

Future possible uses of cord blood cannot be fully determined at the current time. - At present, the future uses of umbilical cord blood cannot be fully determined.

Grammatical substitutions are a translation method in which a grammatical unit in the original is transformed into a TL unit with a different grammatical meaning. The therapeutic application of the blood of the umbilical cord preparation is not the subject of this Agreement. - The use of umbilical cord blood for therapeutic purposes is not the subject of this agreement.

Syntactic assimilation (literal translation) is a translation method in which the syntactic structure of the original is transformed into a similar structure of the TL. This type of “zero” transformation is used in cases where parallel syntactic structures exist in the FL and TL. Syntactic assimilation can lead to complete correspondence of the number of linguistic units and the order of their arrangement in the original and translation. At the same time, the use of syntactic assimilation is accompanied by some changes in structural components. When translating from English into Russian, for example, articles, linking verbs, and other auxiliary elements may be omitted, as well as changes in morphological forms and some lexical units. Syntactic similarity is most often encountered when translating official documentation, especially clearly manifested in documents that have legal force, where the information itself is important, and not the nature of its presentation.

The list and the cost of provided additional services are specified in the enclo-sure of this agreement. - The list and cost of providing additional services is determined in the annex to this agreement.

When comparing the grammatical categories and forms of the English and Russian languages, the following phenomena are usually discovered: 1) the absence of one or another category in one of the languages; 2) partial match; 3) complete coincidence. The need for grammatical transformations naturally arises only in the first and second cases. Consider, for example, the translation of the infinitive complex with the preposition for: Your proposal is reasonable enough for the board to consider it in a meeting. - Your proposal is rational enough for the council to consider it at its meeting. Due to the absence of such a grammatical structure as for+N+Infinitive in the Russian language, we omitted the preposition for, while the infinitive to consider took the form of a predicate subordinate clause of the goal “to consider”, and the noun the board in front of it took the form of the subject “ it was considered by the council...”

The grammatical discrepancies can also include the category of numbers: Manufacturers are more pessimistic about exports than at any time in the last 5 years. - Over the past 5 years, manufacturers have become less optimistic about exports. Or: Staff members in our company were disappointed that no extra money was paid for high productivity of their work. - Our company’s employees are disappointed because they did not receive additional money for the high productivity of their work. It is obvious that in Russian the noun “export” does not have a plural form, and the noun “money” does not have a singular form.

Difficulties in translating constructions containing the passive voice: This grammatical category is present in official documents when it is necessary to emphasize the fact of an action, as well as to give the text of the document a tone of neutrality and objectivity.

Each company driver will not be limited in the personal use he can make of the ve-hicle on his own time. - Each employee of the company will not be limited in using a car for personal purposes in their free time.

In this case, the passive verb is translated by the verb "to be" in the future tense and the passive participle form.

Sentences with a predicate verb in the passive voice may present difficulties in translation due to the inconsistency of the grammatical category of transitivity of the verb. Thus, an English transitive verb that requires the attachment of an object of action in Russian may correspond to an intransitive verb, for example to affect - to influence, to attend - to attend, to follow - to follow, to influence - to influence, to join - to join, to need - need, etc.

The results were affected by the presence of impurities. - The results were influenced by the presence of impurities. In this case, when translating the passive voice of English transitive verbs, which in Russian correspond to verbs that take a prepositional object, the preposition is placed before the word, which in the English sentence is the subject.

In addition, phraseological combinations used in the passive voice, for example, to make use of, to pay attention to, to take notice of, etc., cannot be translated into Russian with equivalent verbs without replacing the passive voice with an active one. If greater attention is not paid to this circumstance, we may soon reach a time when our company is in her last days. If we continue to not pay attention to this circumstance, then soon the last days will come for our company.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the translation of such infinitive constructions as Complex Subject and Complex Object.

The Complex Subject construction is a combination of a noun in the general case or a pronoun in the nominative case, performing the function of the subject in a sentence, with an infinitive. The director was proposed to provide the workers of the plant with new apartment houses. - The director was asked to provide the plant workers with new residential buildings. Examples of translation of verbs combined with a complex subject: is reported to, is believed to, is considered to, is thought to, is alleged to (believe, believe, report); is expected to (expect), is known to (known), etc.

Complex object (complex object) consists of a nominal part, which is expressed by a noun in the nominative case or a pronoun in the objective case, and a verbal part, which is expressed by the infinitive. We expect our staff to provide highly qualified services. - We expect our staff to provide the highest quality services.

In English, formal style is also characterized by inversion. Most often it is found in subordinate clauses of condition and comparison with a limited number of verbs of motion or is used to isolate adverbs, especially negative ones. In such sentences, the parts of the compound verbal predicate are in reverse order. The subject in simple sentences with inversion is necessarily expressed by a noun. Should we receive the payment on time, we would definitely meet the deadline of consignment delivery. - If we received payment on time, we would definitely deliver the goods on time.

Inversion makes the wording more precise, drawing attention to the main points of the document: Should you be unable to return the collection kit to us, or only in part, then you must pay EUR 195 to compensate us for the loss in value.- In case , if you are unable to return the cord blood collection kit to us or only partially return it, you are obligated to pay Vita 34 a fixed compensation of 195 euros.

The modal verb “shall” can have different meanings when translated:

A command, duty, or necessity to do something: The parties shall inform one another immediately of any change to address or name. - The parties are obliged to immediately inform each other about a change of residence or name.

If the verb “shall” is preceded by “not” or “no”, “shall” is used in the meaning of “may”: No person shall enter the building without first signing the roster. - No one can enter the building without first signing the list.

In the meaning of “will”, for example: The defendant shall then have a period of 30 days to object. - The accused will be given a 30-day period to appeal.

When using the verb “shall” with the 2nd and 3rd person singular, the present tense is often used when translating into Russian, and the connotation of obligation present in the English sentence is not conveyed.

Vita 34 shall assume the following emerging tasks... - Vita 34 shall assume the following obligations...


In the course of the work, the place of the language of business documents in the structure of functional styles of the English language was determined. The linguistic features of the official business style have been studied and analyzed, the following formal features of official documents have been identified:

1) message function (informative) and contact-establishing;

2) specificity, evidence, argumentation/validity, description of facts and connections between them;

3) formality, politeness, correctness, diplomacy;

4) standardization, stereotyping/uniformity, conservatism, restraint;

5) semantic and logical integrity, connectedness;

6) completeness of presentation, exhaustiveness, comprehensiveness;

The linguistic features of the tests in relation to vocabulary are considered: a system of standard cliches, set expressions and phrases (clichés), abbreviations, a high degree of terminology, professional idioms; characteristic contractions; lack of imagery and expressiveness; using words in their strict dictionary meaning. The following grammar features are highlighted: frequent use of the genitive case, 3rd person, refusal of personal and demonstrative pronouns (impersonality), imperative nature of documents, as well as syntactic and compositional features characteristic of business documents.

Rogotneva E.N. Documentary linguistics: a collection of educational and methodological materials

Materials / E.N. Rogotneva. - Tomsk: Tomsk Polytechnic University Publishing House, 2011. - 784 p.

14. Educational and methodological complex on the theory and practice of translation and educational language practice / Authors-comp. Babitskaya L.B., Khromova T.V. - Mn.: MITSO, 2004. P. 21-22.

15.Shevnin A.B. Official business style. Matrix of translation problems: tutorial. - Ekaterinburg, 2010.

16.KEVINWILSON, JENNIFERWAUSON. The AMA Handbook of Business Writing: The Ultimate Guide to Style, Grammar, Usage, Punctuation, Construction, and Formatting. American Management Association, 2010 New York

17.Secret agents: Teaching complex noun phrases & nomination to developing academic writers. Stephen Bolton, English Language Centre, City University of