Catalog of franchises in the field of services for the population and business. Profitable franchises: how to understand that the choice has been made correctly (45) Profitable service sector franchise

/ franchise of Services

Franchise Services

Starting a business on your own is invariably associated with considerable investment and great risk; this can be avoided by starting to work under a franchise or, in particular, under a service franchise. A franchise of services is your guarantee of success. With it, you are provided with a productive business scenario, in which all the details are taken into account and the start-up and development processes are honed.

Service franchises

Select investments:

Franchise Growth point

Franchise children's center and kindergarten "Growth Point" makes it possible to open own business in the field of children's education with the total support of the franchisor. In just six months, they will help you become profitable and start earning income.

The demand for quality children's education is always high, so your services will always be in demand. Join a strong brand with an excellent reputation and reviews.

Investments from 2,000,000 rub.

Payback from 30 months

Franchise School BENOIT

The franchise of the BENOIS School children's center provides the opportunity to open a private kindergarten, quests, family cafe or continuing education center.

"BENOIS School" is a recognizable brand with a good reputation. You receive original programs and teaching methods, a system distance learning, detailed instructions on starting a business, as well as training and certification of your teachers at the Flagship School.

It is possible to rebrand an existing educational institution.

Investments from 1,500,000 rub.

Payback from 12 months

CENTURY 21 franchise

The CENTURY 21 real estate agency franchise is your chance to start a business with the help and support of a world-famous company.

A franchisor with over 40 years of experience in the real estate industry will provide assistance and support at all stages of the opening and further operation of your real estate agency. Will provide access to a closed database of network objects, access to regional and global markets.

Monthly income from the real estate agency franchise “CENTURY 21” from RUB 1,000,000.

Attention: the franchise is sold only in Russia.

Investments from 3,000,000 rub.

Payback from 10 months

Franchise Personal solution

The “Personal Solution” franchise for rental services for movers and handymen offers its partners a highly profitable business within 28 days after the launch of the project. And the support of the company’s specialists and training according to the proprietary “Shuttle” program will make doing business clear and easy.

Also, the advantages of the “Personal Solution” outsourcing services franchise include the absence of the need to rent an expensive office, purchase equipment and broth. As well as a unique accounting system work force HRM 4.0.

Investments from 378,000 rub.

Payback from 4 months

Franchise Assistance

The franchise of legal services “Assistance” is a wide range legal services for physical and legal entities. The parent company has won more than 90% of court cases.

You receive a business model protected from risks, assistance in searching and selecting employees, ready-made scripts for communicating with clients, a modern CRM system, a guaranteed flow of clients and much more.

Franchisor guarantees return lump sum in the event that the business brings in less than 1 million rubles. net profit for the first year of operation.

Investments from 450,000 rub.

Payback from 8 months

Franchise NeoJoule

The NeoJoule sports studio franchise provides an opportunity to open a family sports club without investing in expensive equipment.

The franchisor helps with accounting and legal issues, teaches business specifics and provides marketing support. The experience of opening sports studios confirms the receipt of profit from the 5th month of operation.

The NeoJoule franchise is well suited for beginning entrepreneurs, including those without experience in the sports field.

Investments from 1,000,000 rub.

Payback from 14 months

NICE Hostel Franchise

The NICE Hostel franchise gives you the right to open an inexpensive European-style hotel in your region. A special feature of the hostel is that you can rent not only a private room, but also a bed in a shared room.

Buying a NICE Hostel franchise means getting a ready-made business concept with a guarantee of occupancy of your hostel and comprehensive support from hotel business professionals.

To open a business under the NICE Hostel franchise Management Company provides a loan.

Investments from 800,000 rub.

Payback from 5 months

Health Pantry Franchise

The franchise is temporarily not sold in Kazakhstan.

The business franchise of the orthopedic goods store “Kladovaya Zdorovya” unites into a network of more than 100 franchise stores throughout Russia.

With the “Health Pantry” business franchise, you can open your own orthopedic store under a well-known brand and an assortment of more than 3 thousand items of goods.

And with the support of the company’s experienced specialists, you can quickly recoup your investment in the Health Pantry franchise.

Investments from 1,000,000 rub.

Payback from 6 months

Franchise Professor Nicolas Science Show

Start earning 180 - 360 thousand rubles. with the children's show franchise "Professor Nicolas' Science Show"! The network is a recognized market leader and occupies 60% of the entire science show niche.

Working as a franchise, you can earn not only from fun experiences during the holidays, but also receive additional income by developing an online store of branded products from Professor Nicolas at a high markup.

Full support from the founding franchisor, the most famous brand in Russia, minimum investment, quick payback and many other benefits you will receive from Professor Nicolas’ franchise.

Investments from 200,000 rub.

Payback from 6 months

Franchise Futlandia

The franchise of the children's football club "Futlandia" is an opportunity to become an owner profitable business in just 30 days. Low investments, profit from the second month of the club’s operation, the operating methodology is approved by the Russian Football Union.

Open your own children's football club "Futlandia" in Moscow and the Moscow region. You will receive a personal curator who will help at all stages of work, effective marketing tools and materials, constant methodological support from trainers, as well as your own website to attract clients.

Investments from 450,000 rub.

Payback from 2 months

Franchise SHAROBOT

The SHAROBOT franchise is a new franchise for a children's robotics and programming center in the growing and developing niche of children's additional education.

Classes are held using the most popular construction set - LEGO.

A successful business model helps to receive a stable income of 200 thousand rubles. monthly even during the summer holidays.

To make it easy for partners to enter the business, the franchisor provides internships, daily and later weekly meetings, regular consultations and partner conventions every six months.

Investments from 550,000 rub.

Payback from 8 months

Hi Loft Franchise

The Hi Loft mini-hotel franchise is a chain of mini-hotels with a non-trivial setting and innovative design, developed individually for each hotel. All mini-hotels operate according to the international standards of the Hosteling International association.

The franchisee partner has the opportunity to receive additional profit, because In addition to standard services included in the price of stay, mini-hotels opened under the Hi Loft franchise provide additional paid services.

The franchisor offers its partners 4 formats of cooperation to choose from. Quick start-up of a business from 35 days, with guaranteed profitability and attracting investors, a specially developed IT system for remote monitoring of business development and staff work, online training, full PR support, investment in a second hotel and much more. etc.

Investments from 900,000 rub.

Payback from 6 months

SmartFox Franchise

The franchise of the English children's development center "SmartFox" is an opportunity to open your own bilingual development center for children from 6 months. up to 14 years old.

You receive a unique method for the careful development of children, based on scientific approach which guarantees the all-round development of the child. 8 directions (English, music, creativity, etc.) and 26 programs. It is possible to purchase programs in stages.

The franchisor provides a roadmap for opening a children's center, trains the partner and teachers, provides methodological support and much more.

Investments from 345,000 rub.

Payback from 7 months

Franchise Legorod

Franchise of the children's educational playroom "Legorod" with profit from the first month of operation!

The company will help in selecting a profitable site for the future game room and preparation for the start of work. Will provide comprehensive support 24/7 before and after opening.

It will also provide a federal marketing campaign. Brand recognition and popularity of LEGO constructors will provide you with a constant flow of visitors.

Investments from 1,500,000 rub.

Payback from 12 months

Franchise WantResult

The WantResult franchise is modern format a business that is based on patented technology, with which you can increase the number of online sales several times.

You don't have to have an office to work hired personnel. Any commercial website is your potential client.

The company provides all the necessary training materials, as well as a personal manager who will help you set up your business and create a constant flow of clients. You work according to our proven instructions and successfully earn money, like all our partners. If not, we will refund your money. Financial success is guaranteed.

Investments from 250,000 rub.

Payback from 2 months

Franchise UDS

Franchise mobile application“UDS Game” loyalty systems are a profitable partnership business in the popular and in-demand field of IT technologies.

The UDS Game franchise does not require high investments, brings high stable income, you can return your investment within a day after launching the business. You can choose one of 4 formats and start earning money right away.

The franchisor will provide training and provide a personal supervisor and 24-hour support on all issues that arise.

Investments from 85,000 rub.

Payback from 1 month

Franchise Englishwoman

The English language club franchise “Englishwoman” provides an opportunity to start your own business in the field of education with minimal investment.

Starting a business in just 30 days, payback in 3 months with a minimum income of 100,000 rubles. make the English language club franchise “Englishwoman” a promising direction for business development.

The franchisor provides support on all issues of starting a business and provides the author’s training methodology English language with exciting meetings with native speakers for adults and children from 7 years old.

Investments from 259,000 rub.

Payback from 3 months

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A period of crisis is a difficult time for business, but this does not mean that it is “dead”. The sphere of providing services to the population is always in demand, but not everyone can survive in a highly competitive environment. the main task entrepreneur - to invest money wisely, that is, with minimal risks and quick payback. Is it possible? Yes – and a service franchise will help you with this.

Franchising schemes and their application in difficult economic conditions

A service franchise allows you to open your own business under someone else’s (already known, promoted) name in the shortest possible time and with comprehensive technical, marketing support. Despite the fact that it costs more than starting a business from scratch, this scheme is the surest solution for starting your own business in times of crisis. Why?

Firstly, franchises for the provision of services allow you to open an already open and, importantly, completely successful business. That is, an entrepreneur has the opportunity to take into account all the details, nuances and risks, study the market, choose the “right” segment and start even in the absence of brilliant people or even just unique ideas, as well as deep knowledge in marketing, management and business development.

Secondly, business franchises, a service sector that offers more and more every year, can be standard or anti-crisis. What are we talking about? Franchisors, taking into account the current situation, are developing special anti-crisis business plans, according to which it will not be at all difficult to survive during the crisis.

Thirdly, restaurants, coffee shops and establishments providing other services to the population do not stand idle even in the most troubled times. The main thing is to choose a more or less free segment in which you will not have many competitors.

What franchisees need to know

A franchise allows you to provide services to the population under a contract. That is, the franchisor and franchisee sign an agreement, the provisions of which they undertake to comply with. You cannot violate the contract (sanctions for violations depend on the specific conditions of the franchisor). If you lose money, you won't get it back. Therefore, a franchise catalog of services that you can choose from is not in itself a guarantee of success and requires compliance with a number of conditions. But if you do everything correctly, you can be sure that you will not only open, but also quickly grow, attract clients and start earning income.

Important! A franchise of services for business or the public may have a different payback period. It is listed in the catalogue. When choosing, we recommend taking this parameter into account.

If you decide to buy a franchise, you will provide services to the public on the franchisor’s terms. He expands his presence in the market, and you start with minimal risks. This model is a kind of compromise, therefore it has certain advantages and disadvantages. Weigh the pros and cons of choosing this scheme, and then make a decision. But experts agree that if you decide to open your own business providing services to the public during a crisis, then the safest way to do this is by purchasing a franchise.

Modern Russian market services are far from perfect. The country's population still rarely uses the services of domestic workers, real estate agencies, dry cleaners, etc. The credo of our time: “Cheap and cheerful!”

That is why, when choosing a franchise service, it is necessary to rely on the existing priorities and needs of society. For example, nowadays a healthy lifestyle is becoming increasingly popular. Moreover, while men remain conservative and committed to gyms, girls prefer visiting middle-class fitness clubs. At making the right choice you can get by relatively small investments, especially since in small towns there is practically no competition in this area of ​​business.

Basic options for franchises providing services to the public for beginning businessmen

Continuing to consider the criterion of the needs of society, it should be noted that when choosing a franchise in the service sector, you can choose an almost win-win option: a car gas station. The population will always need fuel, however, competition in this business area is incredibly high. Thus, when choosing this area, you should purchase a well-known brand.

Given the relatively low cost of franchising the service, the payback for a business in this area occurs on average within a period of two to five years. For example, you can receive a stable income in just 2 years.

The real estate business is virtually uncompetitive. However, due to this fact, basically all organizations operate as independent businesses and do not resort to it. It should be remembered that low competition is not a guarantee of success. If you have no experience in running a real estate business, it is better to enlist the support of a franchisor.

There is also a completely opposite situation. It's about about those business categories in which there is a chance to survive only by purchasing a franchise. This is the case. The fact is that people, as a rule, trust only already well-known tourist operators and are unlikely to go to newcomers. The same applies to businesses in the provision of communication services to the public. Today you should pay attention to the franchises of communication salons and.

Some service areas require licensing in accordance with Russian legislation. For this reason, many franchisors (for example, owners or), in addition to having the necessary premises, experience, number of personnel, etc., make a requirement such as obtaining a license.

Building your own business in the field of services to the public through a franchise is profitable and convenient. His undeniable advantages is low cost and virtual absence of competition. But you need to take a competent approach to choosing a franchise, correctly assessing your capabilities and the needs of society.

You have opened a franchise section in the field of providing services to the public and B2B. In the project descriptions there are franchising conditions, financial indicators business, payback calculation and partner reviews.

Here you can find franchise offers from companies providing various services: household, entertainment, accounting, legal, children's, educational, transport, construction, marketing. You will also find franchises of staffing, real estate agencies, photography studios and business services companies.

Use the Altera Invest catalog to select and buy a suitable franchise. In the section you will find offers in a wide price range: from 104’900 to 1’140’000 ₽. Depending on the investment, the business will pay for itself in 2 to 24 months.

What are the benefits of buying a franchise in the service sector?

Franchising allows you to start a business based on experience successful company. Use sales methods that work and are profitable.

Benefits of franchising:

  • You are getting franchisee book - a ready-made guide to opening and running a business. It describes in detail all the actions that will help you avoid mistakes and build effective business processes.
  • The franchisor always supports the franchisee. Consults on emerging issues.
  • He helps with starting a business, paperwork and training.

Franchising services: how to choose an offer and not make a mistake

To buy a suitable franchise in the service sector, contact Altera Invest. Franchise curators will select an offer that is suitable in terms of price and management experience. We will organize negotiations with the franchisor and provide legal support when drawing up a commercial concession agreement.