Chinese beer. Characteristics and best brands of Chinese beer Addresses of the Beer Council in China

So, Chinese beer. Even the phrase itself sounds somehow strange. It seems that such a rapidly developing Asian country simply cannot produce the low-alcohol drink of Europeans. But this opinion is deceptive.

Chinese beer really exists, and what’s more, this drink is very popular in its homeland. It has surpassed even the famous national vodka “Matoi” in the popularity ratings. And if you remember that China’s population is about 1.4 billion people, it is not at all surprising that it is in this country that the most foamy drink is drunk.

But China's brewers don't just make their profits from high volumes of consumption. The quality of the drink is really high. Because the company’s specialists were not lazy and very carefully studied the work of the world’s leading breweries, adjusted it to their market and received an original and unconventional product.

A little history

Of course, if you start delving into history, some facts will emerge, for example, that beer is not such a new drink for the Middle Kingdom. If we rely on archaeological excavations, it turns out that foamy alcohol was brewed here long before our era. It turns out that Chinese beer is a fairly ancient drink that was drunk back in the seventh millennium BC.

But this information does not coincide with the official version. After all, everyone has long been accustomed to considering Mesopotamia the birthplace of beer. The first foamy drink appeared among the Sumerians. But you shouldn’t delve into such ancient events. The main thing we managed to find out is that Chinese beer is a fairly ancient drink (as are many other things). Of course, the foamy alcohol that was produced before our era has practically nothing in common with lager, ale, porter or stout. These drinks came to the Celestial Empire relatively recently.

Market expansion

Despite the fact that Chinese brewers already have the largest global market at their disposal, they are increasingly looking to other countries. Exports of the foamy drink from the Middle Kingdom are increasing every year. It is unlikely that anyone will be surprised if in a few years Chinese beer will cease to be considered exotic, and bottles of this drink will be on the shelves of all grocery supermarkets.

Of course, it’s worth studying the most popular brands of Chinese foam now, but more on that later.

Features of the drink

The beer that represents the current generation appeared in China only in the 19th century. Its production was carried out exclusively by foreigners, immigrants from Russia, Poland, the Czech Republic and Germany. Gradually, over time, breweries began to become the property of local businessmen.

That’s when the drink began to acquire distinctive national characteristics:

  1. Chinese beer is low in strength. None of the manufacturers make hard liquor. Most often, the strongest beer has 4 degrees. But the majority of foamy drinks have a strength of no more than 2-3 degrees. All experts from Europe unanimously decided that the drink was drunk as lemonade. To get drunk on it, you need to try very hard. It is worth noting that Asian peoples are genetically predisposed to rapid intoxication and a predisposition to alcoholism. So for them, a “low degree” is not only acceptable, but even recommended.
  2. Chinese alcohol has a specific sweetish taste. This is easy to explain, because along with classic ingredients, rice malt is added to Chinese beer. And some varieties of the foamy drink include sorghum, bitter melon and seaweed.
  3. Chinese beer doesn't foam well. The cap settles within a maximum of 15 seconds. Again, rice malt and other additional ingredients are to blame.
  4. It is not always possible to find reliable information on the label. For some reason, the Chinese allow themselves to interpret the basic parameters in their own way. So, let's say, the density of beer may be much lower than stated on the label.

Is it possible to compare

Chinese beer is extremely popular in its homeland. Annual consumption is more than 52 billion liters. And this, for a moment, is 25% of the global volume. But, as mentioned above, this does not prevent the best companies from conquering the international market. This beer sells best in Asian countries.

Of course, for the taste of our or a European consumer accustomed to lager or stout, Chinese beer will be at least specific. But these drinks, in fact, cannot be compared. At least according to the classic characteristics. But if you accept the foamy drink from the Middle Kingdom as a separate type of alcohol and do not require a bright aroma rich in malt from it, then it is likely that you will like this alcohol.

Popular brands

Chinese has occupied a leading position for quite a long time. Now his level in the ranking has dropped a little. It began to be produced back in 1903 in the city of Qingdao. The company’s assortment includes a lot of items, as the manufacturer tries to cover the widest range of consumers. The line starts with a non-alcoholic drink and ends with a stout. "Tsingtao" in China differs from other types by its characteristic sourness and light aroma of burnt malt.

Chinese beer "Harbin" is exported more often than other brands. Its production was opened back in 1900, but until the mid-50s the brewery changed hands - from Poles to Czechs, from Czechs to Japanese and vice versa. The company still can’t find a place for itself in the ratings. Experts consider some varieties to be completely tasteless. But those positions that have a higher strength will leave a trace of a floral aftertaste and soft aroma in the memory for a long time.

How to drink beer from China

The foamy Chinese drink goes well with local cuisine. Spicy dishes are especially suitable. But our traditional beer snacks in the form of croutons, chicken wings, croutons, chips, squid rings and various sausages are best hidden away.

The Chinese also cool their drink well before serving - so that it is almost ice-cold. But, unlike us, they serve beer in small glasses (150 ml).

The flagship of the company's local brands, the world's best-selling beer since 2007 - it's all about it, about the Chinese beer in the premium market segment, Snow. On the one hand, it is blasphemy, of course, pure and simple. But on the other hand, the water is still clean! Perhaps, thanks to precisely this circumstance - the close associative ties with the crystal and pristine purity of the water from which “Snow Beer” was created, the producers managed to achieve such dizzying successes. After all, mass “snow” associations are, of course, not a coincidence, but the result of careful processing of our consciousness: everything associated with the Snow Beer brand is topped with snow-covered mountain peaks: labels on bottles, drawings on cans, emblems on climbers’ suits, pictures on the websites there are silhouettes of snow-capped mountains everywhere. And, of course, when you open the bottle, volens nolens, you tune in to this purity and freshness. But this is precisely what we are increasingly sorely lacking in the conditions of modern ecology, even in provincial towns!

And here, of course, we must pay tribute to the manufacturers: it is not known in what exact ways, but they managed to ensure that the results do not disappoint you. No, of course, if you purchased Snow beer warm and did not cool it sufficiently before drinking, then no associations or efforts of the manufacturers will save it; the “snowy” name will not make it colder. But still, the increased level of carbonation will play the role of an icy tingling sensation, and the dense, white foam will be ready to complement the video sequence. Well, you will soon be reminded that this is not a soft drink, but a beer, by the gentle bitterness that balances the harshness and saturates the taste. The aromatic accent of the Czech Saaz Late is not long in coming - a new hybrid variety that has an identical composition of aromatic resins and oils to the legendary Žatec hops, but is significantly higher yielding and, therefore, less expensive.

It is, in fact, these components - low price and fairly high consumer characteristics - that appealed to those for whom they were intended, beer lovers in small towns located at a decent distance from Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai. For example, by the beginning of 2012, Snow beer achieved mass popularity in central China, namely in such provinces famous for traditionalism as Xinzheng And Shangqiu. This is definitely a success.

But, although in some sources the name of the most popular Chinese beer 雪花啤酒 is translated with a certain amount of poetry as “Snowflake”, success did not fall out of the sky for the brewery: Snow Beer Co, Ltd (China) was founded in 1994. It was then that the Chinese authorities announced a competition for a new, “folk” beer product, whose mission and purpose was to “wipe the nose” of all the “snickering” veterans of brewing who had lost all “beer semblance”. Won the competition, as you already guessed, “beer, rich in foam as white as snow, with a fresh and aromatic taste like cherry blossoms, called “Snow Beer”. Its creators won the tender, thanks to which they built the first three breweries.

And by 2002, Snow Beer had become a national brand, universally recognized and revered for its fresh, cool taste and innovative personality, a universal favorite, and especially the favorite beer brand of modern Chinese youth.

In September 2007, the State Administration of Industry and Trademark of China registered Snow Beer as a trademark under the "Chinese Famous Trademark" category.

From 2005 to 2010, for six consecutive years, Snow Beer was re-elected as the Chinese beer industry's first single-product sales winner. And if in 2006 the value of the Snow Beer brand was 11,185 million yuan, then after five years of development, in 2011, the value of “Snowflake” increased by more than 350 billion, reaching 46,368 million yuan, taking 29th place in the list of the most valuable brands of China. In addition, Snow Beer has become, according to analytical agencies, the fastest growing company in China, and the producer of the most valuable type of beer.

Headquartered in Beijing, China, Snow Beer's current shareholders include China Resources Enterprise, Limited, and the world's second largest beer group, SABMiller. Snow Beer Resources includes nearly 80 breweries operating in China, producing Snow Beer and over 30 other regional brands. In total, the brand holds a 21% share of the Chinese beer market. In 2011, sales reached 1024 million kiloliters.

Do you like bright, intoxicating assemblages? Are you interested in drinks whose taste characteristics can provide exquisite pleasure and ease of consumption?

We bring to your attention Chinese beer, alcohol, whose tasting characteristics have no analogues on the market today. This is a unique type of intoxicating drink, the analogues of which you will not find in any German, Czech or English collections.

These drinks create an extraordinary charisma that guarantees pleasure from every moment of tasting, regardless of which brand you prefer.

Did you know? According to official data, the strength of Chinese beer often does not exceed 3-4%.

Getting acquainted with the variety of products that surround the consumer today, you will definitely come across beer brands that have received numerous praises from experienced tasters from different parts of the world.

And this is not surprising, because each representative of the line has a unique recipe, charismatic presentation and an unforgettable taste component. The blends are based on the European production principle, which was modified by experienced Chinese brewers by introducing the traditions of the East.


The visual appearance of alcohol can be very diverse, from soft golden straw to sophisticated dark and green.


In terms of aromatic characteristics, the assemblages delight with the color of fruit colors, combined with various seasonings and spices.


The unifying gastronomic feature for all representatives of the Chinese flavor is the expressive taste of rice malt. Also in many variations of drinks you will find undertones of seaweed, melon and other ingredients.

How to purchase an original assemblage

Whatever alcohol you purchase today, be it , ABV or the Chinese products we are reviewing, be careful.

The counterfeit market today is oversaturated with fakes, which means that every consumer needs to know the basic differences between a beer drink and beer, as well as a quality product from a counterfeit.

Otherwise, if you choose alcohol carelessly, you risk ruining your first acquaintance with exquisite assemblages. To prevent this from happening, in the process of selecting a Chinese assemblage, try to take into account the following nuances:

  • Point of sale.

Buy branded alcohol only in specialized alcohol markets. Ask sellers for certificates and other permitting documentation. Be skeptical of stalls, grocery stores and other places of sale where foreign alcohol a priori cannot be presented due to its high cost.

  • Liquid structure.

Whatever Chinese brand you prefer, the consistency of the product should be perfectly clean. Sediment, cloudiness and other growths are examples of the use of low quality ingredients that do not match the characteristics of genuine products.

  • Decor.

Avoid containers with obvious manufacturing defects. A bottle of a branded Chinese drink will never have glass chips, glue drips, dents, uneven seams and other unpleasant moments.

Did you know? The first Chinese beer was a kind of mash made from honey, rice, grapes and hawthorn.

How to serve

The overall impressions you get from tasting the Chinese blend directly depend on how responsibly you approach serving this drink.

According to established Eastern traditions, the product should be bottled in small glasses with a volume of 150 ml. In this case, it is not necessary to pour the product at an angle. It does not emit high foam, which is why it does not cause spillage problems.

As for the temperature, it must be extremely low. The optimal temperature is 5-7 degrees. If you disregard these standards, keep in mind that overheated drinks will disappoint with a strong chaotic aroma.

What products does it combine with?

Having received the necessary knowledge on how to pour beer correctly, proceed to choosing a gastronomic accompaniment. In particular, in the case of Chinese intoxication, it must be quite extravagant.

These assemblages are best combined with oriental spicy dishes. It is better to put the usual chips, snacks, squid, dried salted fish, crackers and sausages aside.

Other uses

Every modern connoisseur of intoxicating drinks knows how to drink beer correctly, but at the same time, not everyone, during the tasting process, thinks about how to diversify their acquaintance with this or that assemblage. And it’s quite easy to do.

You just need to familiarize yourself with several recipes for popular mixes. The most interesting intoxicating cocktails include Cranes, Diesel, Devil's, Three Comrades and Beer Dragon.

Did you know? To ask for a glass of beer in China, you have to say "Pi Jiao."

What types of this drink are there?

Today, many companies are engaged in the production of beer in China, but not all of them are widely known to consumers outside the Middle Kingdom.

In the same case, if you do not want to make a mistake with the choice of aromatic assemblages, we recommend paying attention to the following products:

  • Chinese beer Tsingtao Stout. One of the most popular representatives of the eastern segment. It has an attractive matte black color and a distinctive aroma based on notes of toasted malt, chocolate and vanilla. The taste is manifested by a magnificent combination of caramel trails and bread crust.
  • Yanjing. An elegant assemblage with a hoppy aroma, in the notes of which seaweed shows itself perfectly. The taste is distinguished by its colorful soft nature.
  • Snow. An assemblage with a recognizable taste, where the dominant note is given to the balance between malt and rice notes. The aroma is distinguished by freshness and versatility of hop overflows.
  • Harbin. It is considered one of the most exported types of Chinese beer. Delights the consumer with an attractive hop aroma and floral taste.

Historical reference

Residents of China claim that brewing originated in their country more than 9,000 years ago, but numerous finds made by archaeologists in the region imply an earlier age of 7,000 years.

Moreover, at that time, local craftsmen made alcohol not from wheat, but from many other ingredients. In particular, the first assemblage of malt, brewer's yeast and hops was made in the Middle Kingdom only in the 19th century.

Moreover, initially it was produced in the country by craftsmen from Russia, Poland, the Czech Republic and Germany. Later, towards the beginning of the 20th century, most of these enterprises came under the control of local residents, and at the same time the manufactured products acquired their own unique national characteristics.

Intoxicating with a refined nature

Representatives of the Celestial Empire bark with their genuine charisma, which is why they are easy to recognize among all the diversity that pleases the global alcohol industry.

Visit a specialized alcohol market today and choose for yourself an original assemblage whose taste and aroma characteristics will satisfy your every request.

It is not possible to bring yourself to a state of severe alcoholic intoxication with the help of local beer. We tried - it didn't work. Alcohol disappears from the body faster than you can consume it. Mild intoxication is the maximum effect that was achieved after 8 liters of Chinese Budweiser.

And that's what's amazing! On the Internet they write completely different figures for the ethanol content in Chinese beer. The same Wikipedia sites indicate figures from 4 to 5 percent, but in reality such beer simply does not exist in China. 2.5% is the maximum we have personally seen.

The most popular type of beer in China is Tsingtao (or Qingdao, or Tsingtao). In order to try it, you don’t need to go to China, as it is readily sold in WOK cafes in Moscow and other Russian cities. Its green label is clearly recognizable (pictured left).

Of course, everyone has their own taste, but in our opinion it is not very tasty. When you drink it, it seems that this beer is diluted with water. In any case, it's worth a try just out of curiosity.

Chinese rice vodka

Prices for these drinks vary greatly. Yanhe vodka in a beautiful blue package costs from 50 USD. Other varieties can cost $15, it all depends on the manufacturer.

The first thing that distinguishes Baijiu is its strong smell. After opening the bottle, it can be felt at a distance of 3 meters. Europeans are very unfamiliar with this smell and find it terrible. The Chinese like him. It is believed that the intensity of the smell determines the quality of the drink - the stronger the smell, the better.

The taste of this is quite a decent drink, no worse than high-quality Russian vodka. Just pinch your nose so you don't smell it and drink. The strength of Baijiu can vary depending on the brand - from 40 to 60 degrees.

Rice is the most popular raw material for the production of Baijiu, but this alcoholic drink does not necessarily have to be produced from it. Baijiu is made from all types of cereals that are available.

Ultra-cheap alcohol in China

We found it completely by accident. The first time this happened was in a small store not far from. On the liquor shelf were several bottles with shockingly low numbers on the price tag. One 0.5 liter bottle cost 4 (0.6 USD), and the second 6 yuan (0.9 USD). The Chinese government imposes excise taxes on alcohol producers in the same way as in other countries. Such prices are insanely cheap even for China.

China and beer. It would seem that what could be in common between a rapidly developing Asian country and a low-alcohol foamy drink popular in Western countries. It turns out that there is a lot.

Chinese beer is not a joke or a fiction. This drink is incredibly popular in the Middle Kingdom. Moreover, even the famous national team cannot compare with it in this indicator.

Is it any wonder that a country with a population of 1 billion 350 million inhabitants is the world leader in the total amount of beer consumed.

However, Chinese brewers take not only quantity, but also quality. They carefully studied the world's leading brewing experience, digested it, and finally created a product that was original and remarkable from all points of view.

Features of national brewing

Some attentive scientists may reproach me for ignorance of some facts from the glorious history of the Celestial Empire. Indeed, according to archaeological research data, we can conclude that beer was brewed in this country long before our era. To be precise, some Chinese historians claim that the first experiments in brewing in their country date back to no less than the 7th millennium BC.

However, this position is at odds with the officially recognized version. According to her, this is Mesopotamia. And the first brewers were the ancient Sumerians. However, is it right for us to delve into such antiquity? Let's agree that traditional Chinese beer is a fairly ancient drink.

Just understand that that ancient foamy drink has little in common with modern lagers, ales, porters and stouts. This culture came to the Celestial Empire from Europe.

Chinese brewers are incredibly lucky. They have the largest domestic market in the world. However, this circumstance has not stopped them from recently increasingly looking beyond the borders of their densely populated country. Every year, exports begin to take up more and more space in their balance sheets. I think the hour is not far when beer from China will cease to be exotic for us and will fill the shelves of domestic supermarkets.

In this regard, it is worth taking a closer look at the most popular brewing brands in the Middle Kingdom. First of all, I am talking about Tsingtao and Yanjing.

Tsingtao is the undisputed industry leader

In every country there is a leading brewing brand that enjoys the popular love of the masses and is a reference point for other competitors. The most famous and best-selling Chinese beer is definitely Tsingtao (Qingdao). According to data from various statistical sources, about 15% of the entire domestic beer market is occupied by various brands of this brand.

Tsingtao Brewery is an excellent example of the influence of European tradition on local brewing. The thing is that this brewery was founded by German emigrants in the town of Qingdao, Shandong province at the very beginning of the last century, namely in 1903. Of course, they brought with them the necessary knowledge and technologies, which quickly took root on Asian soil.

Tsingtao technologists claim that their beer owes its magnificent and original taste primarily to the unique water that is used for its production. Therefore, it is believed that even with the strictest adherence to the existing recipe, it is simply impossible to brew the same drink in any other place. In addition to amazing water from local springs, the drink contains malt, brewer's yeast, rice, as well as Canadian, Australian and French barley malt.

In its work, the Tsingtao brewing company focuses on the largest possible audience of beer drink lovers. This is manifested in the fact that they brew almost all existing types of beer. Their product line includes lagers, stouts, pilsners and other varieties.

To discuss the specific organoleptic characteristics of a beer brand, it is necessary to consider a specific brand. For example, the American Tsingtao lager has a pale golden color. Its rich aroma consists of herbal, malt and grain undertones. The taste of the beer is refreshing, clean and sweet. It is formed by hop and malt notes. There is a dry aftertaste.

Yanjing – always second

Chinese beer Yanjing is one of the main competitors of Tsingtao brand products. Interestingly, these two low-alcohol drinks simply cannot be confused by taste. Agree, it’s always nice when a specific brand of beer has its own unique “face”.

Yanjing Brewery was founded in the Chinese capital Beijing in 1980. Today it is one of the largest Asian breweries. It employs approximately 20 thousand workers. About 3 million tons of foamy drink are brewed at this plant every year. The main product is a brand of bottom-fermented light beer or lager.

A feature of Yanjing beer can be considered its relatively low ethyl alcohol content. The highest value of this indicator is 4.5%. Also, the hop component is practically not felt in the aroma and taste of this low-alcohol foamy drink.

Yanjing brand beer has a rather original composition. In addition to the classic water, malt, yeast and hops, it includes the grain crops rice and sorghum. If the first has a fairly wide worldwide practice of application, then the second is the know-how of this brewing company.

In addition, in some Yanjing brewing brands, the company’s technologists completely gave free rein to their imagination. For example, they add melon and special algae to beer.