Commercial proposals in the service sector template. Sample commercial proposal for the provision of accounting outsourcing services. Cold offer

Commercial offer- this is a presentation of a service (product) for the purpose of its implementation. The successful provision of services directly depends on a well-written and sent business proposal. To create the right commercial proposal that will cause an explosion of sales, use one of the successful samples of this document.

Commercial proposal: author's creative work

The commercial proposal (CP) should ideally contribute to an explosion of sales. First of all, choose a competent author. The finished commercial proposal is assessed by the company's leading specialists. They leave their comments on the last page of the proposal. The author may have to modify the document, taking into account all the customer’s comments.

Let us list the stages of drawing up a commercial proposal for the provision of services.

  1. Preparatory work (collection of information about the service and potential customers, selection of the author).
  2. Decor.
  3. Coordination.
  4. Making possible amendments.

The selling commercial proposal is prepared by employees of the organization's marketing department. If there is no such department, then the preparation of the document will be entrusted to the leading specialist of the company. It is possible that the employee has no experience in writing sales texts. Don’t despair: a creative approach coupled with a desire to sell a service will help you write a decent business letter.

If the situation with a creative approach in the company is at zero, then you are in advertising company. For money, of course, they will make you a wonderful commercial offer. But you will miss the chance to independently launch a project to sell enterprise services.

How to compose correctly

A sample drafting plan looks like this:

  1. Introduction. The main idea is why a business letter was sent to the customer.
  2. Main part. Offer the terms of the deal, describe all the benefits of cooperation with you.
  3. Application (if necessary). All additional information that explains the content of the offer is reflected here. A link in the text of the proposal to the availability of the application is required. The application itself indicates its affiliation with a specific commercial offer.

Think about how you can interest the client in your service. Answer the question for yourself: “Why should the customer read this commercial proposal?” Try to cover the situation as a whole, and not one-sidedly.

Information about the service for the customer

  • Briefly provide information about the selling company itself.
  • Attach assortment list and prices.
  • Describe the services.
  • List the terms and conditions of the service.
  • Duration of service provision and warranty obligations.
  • Wishes for further cooperation.
  • If possible, attach additional visual material about the service provided.

Document execution without errors

It is worth focusing on GOST R 6.30–97 (current in 2017). It lists 29 details that a selling company can use in a commercial proposal.

Do not clutter the text with unnecessary details. This will only tire the potential customer. It is unlikely that he will want to read your proposal to the end.

Correct form of CP

The choice of form depends on specific situations. In some cases, it may be wiser to first notify the customer verbally (via telephone or during a business meeting). Personal contact will give you an incomparable advantage in describing the characteristics of your services. Demonstration of videos, visual samples, photos, and special publications is welcome. In addition, by the customer’s behavior you can immediately see how interested you are in your service.

Even if they don’t order anything from you, this will be invaluable experience for correcting your commercial proposal.

The second version of the form is written. Sending method: regular mail, e-mail, fax. The two forms (written and oral) can be used in parallel and separately. In any case, it is worth calculating in advance the option of notifying the customer about your service. Collective work in this case will play the role of “brainstorming”, which will make it possible to foresee as much as possible. possible options developments of events.


Approach the issue of the structure of your commercial proposal with the utmost seriousness.

  1. Post useful information about the service you offer.
  2. Interest the customer when reading the information.
  3. Encourage the counterparty to place an order for the service.

Table: how to format the structural elements of a sales letter

Name of structural elementDescription and design option
Intrigue (some kind of mystery)The whole secret is in the title. If you intrigue the client, there is a chance that the letter will be read to the end. Condition - the title must be beneficial to the client.
Example: “Dear Pyotr Petrovich! Today you can save 40% on communication fees.”
Approach to the client's problemAttention! The “I-approach” is abolished. Face the client's problem. Show how you will cope with the customer's difficulties.
Example: “Dear Ivan Nikolaevich! Your profit will increase up to 60% in 15 days of using our service for...”
Option to solve the client's problemThe approach to the client is equal. Never belittle your company personally or solicit orders.
Briefly and clearly tell the customer how you will deal with their problem.
Example: “We will responsibly carry out all office improvement work.”
Benefit for the customerVery important block in the text. Don't skip it and don't fill it with information about your service.
Example: “We are guaranteed to reduce your coolant costs.”
Your arguments about benefitsThere are plenty of enticing approaches. Choose the one that suits the topic and your personal benefit.
Example: “In winter - 25% discount”, “-50% savings in the first month of use.”
Price DescriptionThe customer must clearly understand how the price for the service is formed. Omissions and undeveloped options will play a cruel joke - the customer will not take your company seriously.
Sales secret: place a description of one service in one commercial offer. As a last resort, for the benefit of the customer, you can
add a related service or product.
Example: “When you order two air conditioners, you get free refills for a year.”
Arguments in favor of your pricesOnly specific example benefits. Mathematical calculations will only work in your favor.
Example: “1 thousand rubles saved per hour of work.”
Contacts + call to actionExample: “Call us and we will answer all your questions.” Be sure to provide real contact information (phone, email, fax, etc.). The more contact options, the better.

This is the classic form of arrangement of sentence blocks. They can be swapped and partially removed from the text. The main thing on your part is to put yourself in the client’s shoes and understand what the problem is and how to help solve it. Then the question of the correct structure of the text will disappear by itself.

As you write a sales text for your service, try to mention the benefits for the client at least three times. It would be appropriate to do this in a block about some intrigue in your offer and about the benefits for the client.

How to avoid mistakes when filling out the application form

So, you have sent a commercial proposal and are expecting a flurry of calls to order a service. After some time you realize: something went wrong. Let's look at typical mistakes when writing a sales proposal.

Samples of commercial proposals for the provision of services

Sample commercial proposal for the provision of computer services.

Sample commercial proposal for rental of special equipment.

Sample commercial proposal for the development of designer products.

How to correctly draw up a commercial proposal for the provision of cargo transportation services.

Sample commercial proposal for the provision of roof snow removal services.

We write to a foreign partner

Let's start by choosing a writing language. If you are fluent in the language of the recipient’s country, then it would be logical to use it. If there are difficulties in writing text in the native language of the recipient of the letter, then it is better to use English. You will decide for yourself: you will write the proposal using your company’s efforts or contact a specialist in high-quality translation. There is one thing - the first impression. Try not to spoil it right away with a distorted presentation style. Therefore, it is not worth saving on a commercial offer.

Rules for writing text

Choose a presentation style (for example, business).

Use short to medium-length sentences without complex phrases.

Proper division into paragraphs will facilitate visual perception of the text and set a certain rhythm.

Positioning the text of the letter along the left edge of the page.

Letter header. In the top left corner, the sender's data is indicated in the following order: first name, last name, given name, office or apartment, house, street, city, zip code, country.

Destination. The name, company, and company address on a new line are indicated.

Enter the departure date in the format date/month/year (for European countries) or month/date/year (for the USA). To avoid confusion, you can write the date in a more expanded form: October 10, 2016. Please note that in Russian the date is written with a dot (10/10/2016), while in English the date is written with a slash (10/10/2016).

Manner of addressing a foreign partner. Please note that after the address there is a comma, in no case an exclamation point.

Structure of the main text. When you first contact, you should introduce yourself. Subsequent letters begin with an expression of gratitude.

Please indicate the purpose for which you are applying.

If the letter is accompanied by an attachment, this should be indicated.

Sample business letter on English language is given below.

Method of sending CP

It’s worth thinking about how to send the letter before composing it. The shipping option is affected by the following conditions:

  • availability of confidential information. In this case, priority goes to regular mail;
  • letter volume. One or two pages can be sent by regular mail or fax. It is more advisable to send a volume of up to 15 sheets by e-mail.

It is better to agree on the sending option with the recipient of the offer. Perhaps some method of receipt is not available for him. Do everything for the convenience of the customer.

Attention! Do you want to know how not to make a mistake when choosing a supplier of goods (services)? Study our recommendations listed in the article ““.

Actions after sending a letter

The conditions of modern reality indicate that you should not wait for a customer’s call. The entire initiative to promote the service rests with the seller. You should gently and unobtrusively lead the client to a purchase. The first step - sending a business proposal - is done. Next, we recommend doing this:

  • Check with the client (for example, by phone) whether the commercial proposal has been received and whether everything is clear and legibly written. In the same call, agree on the next call. As a rule, it will take 1–5 days.

    Don’t forget about the 30 seconds during which you have to “hook” the client. Therefore, we carry on the conversation only on the merits. A good conversation starter is: “I can help you increase sales of your products.” This is a universal goal for businesses. Therefore, there is a chance that the customer will listen to you carefully and ask questions.

  • Call back after 3-5 days and ask what questions the client has after reading the offer. Check to see if cooperation is possible. If the client does not have any questions, they can be modeled to the service seller. For example, ask a question and answer it yourself: “Our customers were interested in what are the benefits of cooperation with our company?” In a detailed answer to your own question, you will give an additional presentation of the service.
  • If the customer is not ready to conclude a deal at the moment, agree on when you can call him back to inform him about new promotions of your company. You can send an additional commercial offer after some time. If you send offers via email, then you can update information about your services systematically (2-3 times a month).

When selling services, you should focus not only on personal profit. Only mutually beneficial interest will allow your company to reach a decent level of sales. A successful commercial proposal works on the principle of a hook, from which it is very difficult for the client to break free.

In order to more successfully promote your offers on the market of goods or services, an individual entrepreneur or legal entity recommended, the form and sample of which can be downloaded in Word format from the links below. The more competently (both linguistically and commercially) the document is drawn up, the more reason the company has to hope for further successful development of cooperation: potential counterparties are more likely to be attracted not by dry numbers, but by skillful presentation of the material.

Commercial offers can be divided into two categories: “cold”, sent to potential clients who have not previously expressed a desire to cooperate with the sender, and “hot” - their addressees are companies or individual entrepreneurs who already have an idea about the organization offering services or goods. In the first case, it is more logical to use mass mailings (probably one of the recipients of the letter will respond to the offer); in the second - address ones.

Like, a commercial proposal does not have a single form established by the legislator; Each company can create its own template - or use the one below, suitable for editing in Word.

Commercial Proposal - Word Template

Download a commercial proposal form that can be filled out at any text editor, including MS Word, can be found at the link above. Unlike, this document does not necessarily (although it is highly desirable) must be certified by the signature of the head and the seal of the organization. Moreover, it makes sense to abandon this step if you plan to send non-paper ones (to real mailing address), and electronic documents.

Commercial proposal - sample

You can download a simple sample commercial proposal in Word format from the link above. After familiarizing yourself with it, the compiler will be able to independently, using his input data, create a unique document that will definitely attract the attention of the recipient.

A commercial proposal, the main purpose of which is to offer services to potential clients, must not only be correctly formatted, but also the text content should maximally encourage the client to make a call or send you an email.

Of course, the number of responses will depend on what you write. However, the way you present information will be one of the decisive factors when a client chooses your company.

Purpose of the proposal

The main purpose of the commercial contract for the provision of services will be to show the client that your company is much better than its competitors. There are factors that strongly or weakly motivate clients.

One of the biggest motivators is price. Of course, a lower price should not mean more poor quality the service provided. If you can afford to make the price lower than your competitors, you need to do it. It is also necessary to focus on this. For example, if the client has not yet received an offer for this service, he may not know that your price is lower.

In your commercial proposal, you can make a comparative table of prices for the service, which will indicate the prices of competitors for a similar service and your price. Accordingly, yours should be the lowest.

Key points that need to be conveyed to the client

Thus, having decided on the price, you must not forget about the additional quality characteristics of your service, which will undoubtedly influence the client’s choice.

These characteristics include:

    Speed ​​of order fulfillment;

    Quality of work;

    Convenience of mutual settlements with clients;

    Possibility of receiving discounts.

However, when drawing up a commercial proposal for the provision of services, you need to know the specifics of the business in order to place the right emphasis. Services can be very diverse: construction, legal, transport, security, medical and many others, so the texts will be completely different.

How to hook a client

The client's interest is very important, because if a person is not interested, most likely he will not even read the proposal.

You can interest the client different ways:

    Unique design of a commercial offer;

    Presentation of the commercial proposal in person;

    Sending an offer by mail.

For example, by sending an offer by mail or handing it in person, you can make a commercial offer with additional useful information for the client, so that it is kept on his desk, and if necessary, he can immediately call you using the contacts that are in front of him.

Additional information may be:

    Accounting services - production calendar;

    Legal services - telephone for free consultation;

    Medical services - website addresses for making an appointment with a doctor online and telephone numbers of clinics;

    Car service services - map of the nearest car services.

Thus, by spending a little time and analyzing what your clients need, you can significantly increase interest in the services offered, and literally force the client to call you.

Examples of commercial proposals for the provision of services:

KP for cargo transportation
CP for the provision of special equipment services

One of the elements modern business is to introduce potential customers to the company’s products or services through a commercial offer. Much depends on the correctness of its preparation; this appeal forms the first impression of the company and influences the decision-making process. possible cooperation. Therefore, a business owner must pay the utmost attention to preparing a commercial proposal.

Types of commercial offers

Commercial offers in the business environment have become commonplace. They are sent for a variety of reasons and due to various circumstances. These factors make it possible to identify certain types of proposals, which differ significantly in the principles of their preparation:

  • Cold – sent to a client who may be interested in the product or service offered. This principle is used to carry out the majority of mailings by e-mail and a significant number of targeted mailings - direct mail.
  • Hot – an offer aimed at customers who have shown interest in a product or service. For example, during the exhibition they visited the company’s stand and asked to send them an offer.
  • Individual – a commercial offer addressed to a specific client. This proposal takes into account specific needs specific client. For example, such a proposal is sent in response to a request for the possibility of supplying specific product or provision of a specific service.

In practice, an entrepreneur has to deal with each of these types of proposals, regardless of whether he is implementing his own, in Russia or in another region.

Basic rules for drawing up a commercial proposal

Any commercial offer must emphasize the specifics of the goods or services offered and at the same time indicate the characteristics of the company that makes the offer. But there is a certain set of rules that all entrepreneurs must take into account when drawing up a high-quality commercial proposal. There are five such rules in total:

  1. a bright headline that should not only hook the reader, but also give him certain information.
  2. offer – direct offer of a product or service. It should be formulated in the first paragraph of the proposal and contain not only information about the product or service, but also emphasize the benefits of purchasing it, as well as their focus on solving a specific client problem.
  3. working with objections - a good commercial proposal should anticipate possible customer concerns and answer their possible questions. You can use statistical data and reviews from real customers as additional arguments in favor of the offer.
  4. limitation - the offer must be valid for a certain period of time, which excludes the client’s ability to stretch out the process of making a decision on the transaction. You can eliminate the time limit from individual commercial offers, but in some cases, even there it can look organic and show its effectiveness.
  5. call for specific action– a commercial offer should not only offer a product or service, but also encourage the client to take an action aimed at the transaction process, for example, call the operator, subscribe, etc.

Compliance with these rules makes it possible to create a selling commercial offer for any business: from an oil refining complex. But you always need to understand the specifics of your offer and take it into account in your offer to clients.

Example of a commercial proposal for the sale of goods

A commercial offer aimed at selling a product must contain information that is sufficient for the consumer to evaluate the benefits of purchasing it. You should not overload the offer with unnecessary information, for example, about the dimensions of the package, the ingredients included in the product, etc.

Experts advise making a separate offer for each product. You should not include information, for example, about snowmobiles and motor boats. The only exceptions are products offered in an assortment. For example, a juice manufacturer can make one offer for their product, indicating that there are different flavors, packaging, etc.

In the offer of a product, it is necessary to indicate its cost, since the absence of such a reference significantly reduces interest potential buyers, some of whom are simply too lazy to call and find out the price of the product.

The time limit is of great importance here, which encourages the client to quickly make a purchase. It would be good to link a time limit with a price, for example, “only until December 1, 2016, we are reducing the price of scooters to 2,000 rubles.”

If possible, a commercial offer for a product should contain its image - visualization allows you to better understand what exactly is being offered and make a purchasing decision.

How to make a commercial proposal for the supply of goods?

A commercial offer for the supply of goods is characterized by two features: an indication of certain characteristics of a particular product and emphasizing the advantages of the supplier of this product. For example, “our company supplies Chinese green tea directly from the plantations.”

In some cases, the offer may contain more information about the supplier than about the product; this is most typical for large wholesale companies. For example, “our company cooperates with metallurgical plants in Russia, Ukraine, and Poland. We offer our customers high-quality rolled metal products at an affordable price, we carry out free shipping to the regions, etc.”

In the proposal for the supply of goods, customers should draw attention to the advantages of cooperation. Experts advise not to include a detailed proposal for all product items, it is enough to indicate some of them that will allow you to “hook” the client. The proposal may indicate that a detailed price list can be sent upon request. As an option, the price is an addition to the offer.

If the offer to supply goods is of an individual nature, then it must contain all the information necessary for the client, including about specific goods and their cost.

How to correctly draw up a commercial proposal for the provision of services?

A commercial offer for services is practically no different from an offer for a product. Here it is also necessary to provide information to the potential client about the benefits he receives from purchasing the service. In this case, the specifics of the service should be taken into account and emphasized in the proposal. For example, confidentiality is often important for medical services, so the commercial proposal can indicate that all clients receiving medical services are guaranteed the protection of their personal data.

When providing most services, the professionalism of the performers is of great importance, which must also be noted in the proposal. For example, “for those who have decided, we offer the help of an experienced lawyer who will collect all the necessary permitting documents and will provide legal support for business at all its stages.”

How to write a commercial proposal for construction - sample

Commercial offer for construction work must necessarily indicate a solution to the client’s problem, but at the same time emphasize high quality work performed by a specific company. In such a commercial proposal, it is effective to use information about finished objects and customer reviews. For example, "our construction company over five years of work, she built more than a hundred objects for various purposes, for example, the Domiki residential complex, the Bankovsky business center and many others.”

In some cases, it makes sense to include photographs of completed objects in your proposal or talk in more detail about construction technology. For example: “We build structures from arched structures. This technology involves the use of ready-made structures made in the form of metal arches. Its advantage is the speed of construction, so expanding warehouse space will not take much time.”

Commercial proposals for construction for a specific client are characterized by greater certainty. Such a proposal should describe in as much detail as possible the cost of the work, options for solving specific client issues, resources planned for use, and deadlines for completing the work.

Example of a commercial proposal for cooperation

This category of commercial offers is no less widespread than offers to purchase a product or service. Such proposals are aimed at forming partnerships, for example, building an agent or dealer network. With the help of such an offer, information about the sale of a ready-made business can be advertised or communicated.

In the proposal for cooperation, it is necessary to indicate information about the company; it is advisable to make sure that the potential partner has the opportunity to verify its authenticity. For example, indicate the real office address, INN or OGRN of the company.

The essence of the proposal must be stated in as much detail as possible so that the partner understands what is being proposed. At the same time, you should not describe in detail the entire scheme of cooperation; the amount of information should be such that someone who is truly interested understands the essence of the proposal and continues communication, and does not waste his time on topics that are obviously uninteresting to him.

It is important to indicate all the benefits for a potential partner from accepting an offer of cooperation. Moreover, it would not be superfluous to explain why the company is making such an offer and indicate some of its benefits from this cooperation. Such information emphasizes the transparency of relations and is additional guarantee that partnerships will be built on fair terms. For example, “our company provides it to a partner, but on the condition that the partner will purchase all the necessary raw materials and Consumables for work with us in a monthly volume of no less than 500,000 rubles.”

A commercial proposal for cooperation should orient the addressee towards cooperation based on benefits, and this is precisely what should be emphasized throughout the text: from beginning to end.

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Any commercial proposal must be drawn up competently and effectively. Every business owner (regardless of its size) must have certain skills in preparing effective business proposals. Without a good offer successful business it is almost impossible to build. Even in simple communication with clients, you need to be able to convey to them information that will allow you to complete a transaction. A commercial proposal is not only a beautifully designed text on paper, but also the entire process of interaction with others. Any conversation with a neighbor down the street can be the beginning of a deal, which will include the usual paper offers and telephone conversations, so a real entrepreneur must be able to make a commercial offer that is interesting to the client in any situation.

In contact with

A commercial proposal is an ideal tool for working with old partners; such an offer is also used to find new partners. From our article you will learn in detail about the specifics of commercial proposals: rules for drawing up, mistakes that can be made, you will receive useful information, as well as examples of proposals and templates.

What is a commercial offer?

Often a company thinking about expanding its customer and partner base chooses commercial proposals as its main tool. Conventionally, commercial offers can be divided into 2 types:

  • Personalized, sent to a specific addressee and containing a personal message inside. The main advantage of such offers is that the client involuntarily begins to feel involved in your company; he is pleased that he will individually receive an offer with a special discount or bonuses. Of course, he doesn’t need to know that several dozen other people received a similar letter.
  • Non-personalized, which is also called cold. It contains anonymized information and is not directed to to the only person, but is designed for a wide range of consumers. This proposal also has its disadvantages: firstly, the lack of personal appeal generalizes the information, reducing the degree of interest of the client. Secondly, the offer can be read by a person who will not make the purchasing decision (secretary, middle manager, relative, etc.).

Any type of commercial proposal will help you achieve the following goals:

  • Will attract the attention of a potential client/partner.
  • Will arouse interest and desire to purchase the product.
  • It will help the buyer decide to make a purchase or order a specific service.

Taking these decisions into account, a commercial proposal is developed, but the principle of its “work” is similar to that of a conventional advertising campaign. Naturally, the textual content of a commercial proposal is 50% of success; if you create a personalized proposal, then you need to pay great attention to the paper and even the envelope in which it will be sealed. Usually, in order to attract the client’s attention, the proposal is supplemented with the company logo or an emphasis is placed on corporate colors.

Structure: compose a sentence sequentially

The standard structure of such a proposal consists of 5 main parts. Let's look at them with examples.

Title and subtitle of the CP

  • Headline, which uses an enticing phrase and, if possible, a corporate logo.
  • Subtitle, which defines the service or product offered.

Which is correct?

Example No. 1

  • Title: How to reduce the cost of a click in Yandex Direct while maintaining a CTR of 40-50%?
  • Subtitle: The IT company will reduce the cost per click by half in 10 days, increasing CTR by at least 10%.

Example No. 2

  • Headline: The Minutka courier service will deliver your order from the cafe so quickly that the dishes will not have time to cool down!
  • Subtitle: Services for delivering hot lunches for employees directly to the office.

Example No. 3

  • Title: Express Italian courses: we will refund you 100% of your payment if your employees do not speak Italian in 3 months!
  • Subtitle: Special service for preparing personnel for the arrival of foreign colleagues, foreign business trips, and maintaining documentation.

Example No. 4

  • Title: What to do if the contractor missed the deadline, and there is no time left for interior finishing of the apartment?
  • Subtitle: Company "Repair M": we carry out Finishing work in a short time and give a 10% discount.

How wrong?

  • Headline: LLC "Wall": let's build it as if it were for ourselves.
  • Subtitle: The Stena LLC company has been engaged in construction work for more than 10 years.

Information and benefits block

  • A block that attracts attention and provides advertising information about a product/service.
  • The benefits that a partner or client will receive from cooperation with your company.


The courier service “Minutka” has been on the market for these services since 2010. They leave only positive reviews about our work, we have more than 500 clients, but this is not the limit. Our service cooperates with the companies Technotrade LLC, Autoservice 100 and others. We are the best delivery service in our segment:

  • Large car park.
  • We cooperate with big amount cafes and restaurants.
  • We provide discounts to regular customers.

The cost of our services depends on the number of your employees, the distance of the cafe from your office and other factors. To find out more, contact us by phone or email!

There is no “pepper” in KP, there is no intrigue and that very “candy” that attracts customers. You definitely need to use more numbers, tempting phrases and offers that will make a person read the letter to the end and call you.

Which is correct?

The Minutka courier service offers to organize meals for your company’s employees. Hot lunches in the office mean not only saving material resources, but also increasing the efficiency of your team. Why waste time looking for a cafe, because Courier service“Minutka” will bring hot dishes from any restaurant or cafe in Nizhny Novgorod within 30 minutes.

5 reasons why you should contact a courier service in a minute:

  • Our services are used by more than 15 organizations in Nizhny Novgorod.
  • We work 744 hours a month, accepting orders day and night.
  • We cooperate with more than 25 food outlets of different price categories.
  • The service has its own fleet of vehicles and the latest equipment, allowing you to accept and deliver orders within 30 minutes - 1 hour.
  • If you find food delivery cheaper, we will give you a personal 20% discount.

Feedback: Our company does not have its own canteen, so we have been cooperating with the Minutka courier service for more than 3 years, we are satisfied with the quality of their work and the speed of delivery. We are often given discounts and sent an extended list of cafes and restaurants with which the courier service cooperates. Our employees are satisfied, we express our deep gratitude to the Minutka service for delicious lunches and prompt delivery!

Sincerely, Director of Recruitment of the Company " Newest technologies» Anna Kovalenko!

Shall we cooperate?

Here are your available contacts, address and phone number, you can add a service logo.

What is the purpose of the proposal?

All advertising tools have one goal - to sell, to sell profitably. And it doesn’t matter what tools you use, because a cheap calendar or an expensive proposal on laminated paper should attract the client and arouse his interest. Therefore, all the efforts of the person making the commercial proposal should be concentrated on competently presenting the benefits of the purchase, which even the client who is “not in the know” will see.

If your potential client reads the commercial proposal to the end, then this is a success for the company, which can bring profit and new customers.

Tips to help you write a business proposal

To create a “selling” commercial offer, you need to take into account several tips that make the offer more interesting for a potential buyer:

  • More specificity and clarity. Avoid vague phrases and vague sentences; you need to place on 1 sheet specific information about the product or service that will clearly reveal its advantages.
  • When drafting, do not make logical, semantic or technical errors that will immediately scare off clients.
  • Provide only truthful information. If the client does not receive the promised bonus or product, then he will have a worse impression of the company.
  • Be sure to indicate special offers that you can guarantee to the client.
  • Stick to structure and fill your business proposal with confident phrases. Your confidence will be transferred to the client, encouraging him to place an order.

Rules for drawing up a commercial proposal: determine the goal, audience and other parameters

Before drawing up a commercial proposal, it is necessary to analyze the target audience for which the document is intended. You must realistically assess the desires and capabilities of your potential audience in order to create a good proposal.

Check after compilation

After drawing up a commercial proposal, it is worth conducting a short test by quickly skimming the finished letter. Does it solve the client's problem? Is there any pattern in it? Is everything listed? You can carry out several such checks; believe me, all the “verbal” chaff will be eliminated, and only useful and effective information will remain on paper.

There are several tools you can use to check your offer:

  • Ask your coworker or friend to read the proposal. Let your friend evaluate the commercial proposal and say whether he would make a call to your company or not. What is important here is perception, understanding of the topic (even if the person is completely unfamiliar with your product), and the desire to call.
  • Read the text, discarding all epithets. For example, the phrase “our best hairdryer in the whole world” sounds simpler and easier without superlatives, no longer looking like a schoolchild’s essay.

This is how you simply proofread a commercial proposal, ridding it of worn-out cliches and truly ridiculous phrases. Then give it to the printing house or designer, and you will receive the CP ready for sending. But what to do next with ready-made offers? Let's find out together!

Examples of ready-made commercial proposals: photos

If you don't have someone on staff with experience sending out such proposals, you'll probably have to hire one. Fan mailing by email or delivery by courier is a subtle science that requires certain skills. But the situation will be facilitated by using your own or purchased client base with potential buyers.

Prestigious companies have a client base that has been formed over the years, so there shouldn’t be any problems, but a young, developing business hasn’t yet large quantity clients. What to do? You can buy, but they may slip you a dummy with “dead souls” (non-existent email addresses, for example) or sell a database with a non-target audience. For example, a car dealership will give its base to a cosmetics store, what's the point?

Let's sum it up

Writing and sending commercial proposals is difficult, really difficult, if you want to get real results. For such an “action” to bring benefits, be sure to contact professionals or friends who have been involved in drawing up commercial proposals at least once in their lives.