To whom is the story of Vitaly Bianca dedicated to the first hunt. Children's stories online

Information for parents: First hunt - short story Soviet writer Vitaly Bianki. He will tell children from 2 to 5 years old about the Puppy, who went out into the forest for the first time to hunt birds and animals. But nothing worked out for him. Because every bird, every bug and animal knows how to defend itself. Only each in his own way. How exactly - the author described in this instructive tale.

Read the fairy tale The first hunt

The puppy is tired of chasing chickens around the yard.

“I’ll go,” he thinks, “to hunt for wild animals and birds.”

He slipped into the gateway and ran across the meadow.

Wild animals, birds and insects saw it and each thought to himself.

The bittern thinks: “I’ll deceive him!”

The hoopoe thinks: “I’ll surprise him!”

The spinner thinks: “I’ll scare him!”

The lizard thinks: “I’ll get away from him!”

Caterpillars, butterflies, grasshoppers think: “We will hide from him!”

“And I’ll drive him away!” - thinks the Bombardier Beetle.

“We all know how to stand up for ourselves, each in our own way!” - they think to themselves.

And the Puppy has already run to the lake and sees: a bittern standing by the reeds on one leg, knee-deep in water.

“I’ll catch her now!” - the Puppy thinks and is completely ready to jump on her back.

And Bittern glanced at him and quickly stepped into the reeds.

The wind runs across the lake, the reeds sway. The reeds sway

back and forth,

back and forth.

The puppy has yellow and brown stripes swaying in front of his eyes

back and forth,

back and forth.

And the Bittern stands in the reeds, stretched out - thin, thin, and all painted with yellow and brown stripes.

Standing, swaying

back and forth,

back and forth.

The puppy's eyes bulged, looked and looked - the bittern was not visible in the reeds.

“Well,” he thinks, “Bittern deceived me. I shouldn’t jump into empty reeds!

I’ll go catch another bird.”

He ran out onto the hill and looked: Hoopoe was sitting on the ground, playing with his crest, and then he would unfold it, then he would fold it.

“Now I’ll jump on him from the hill!” - thinks the Puppy.

And the Hoopoe fell to the ground, spread its wings, spread its tail, and raised its beak up.

The Puppy looks: there is no bird, but a motley rag lies on the ground, and a crooked needle sticks out of it.

The Puppy was surprised: “Where did the Hoopoe go?

Did I really mistake this colorful rag for him? I’ll go quickly and catch the little bird.”

He ran up to the tree and saw: a small bird, Vertishika, sitting on a branch.

He rushed towards her, and Vertishika dashed into the hollow.

“Yeah! - thinks the Puppy. - Gotcha!

He rose to his hind legs, looked into the hollow, and in the black hollow a black snake wriggled and hissed terribly.

The Puppy recoiled, raised its fur on end, and ran away.

And Vertishika hisses after him from the hollow, twists her head, and a strip of black feathers snakes along her back.

“Ugh! How scared! I barely carried my legs away. I won't hunt birds anymore.

I’d better go catch the Lizard.”

The lizard was sitting on a stone, closed its eyes, basking in the sun.

A puppy quietly crept up to her - jump! - and grabbed him by the tail.

And the Lizard dodged, left its tail in its teeth, and went under the stone itself.

The Puppy's tail wriggles in his teeth.

The Puppy snorted, threw his tail - and followed her. Yes where there! The lizard has been sitting under a stone for a long time, growing a new tail.

“Well,” the Puppy thinks, “if the Lizard got away from me, then at least I’ll catch some insects.”

I looked around, and there were beetles running on the ground, grasshoppers jumping in the grass, caterpillars crawling along the branches, butterflies flying in the air.

The Puppy rushed to catch them, and suddenly it became like a mysterious picture: everyone was there, but no one was visible. Everyone hid.

Green grasshoppers are hiding in the green grass.

The caterpillars on the branches stretched out and froze: you couldn’t tell them apart from the twigs.

The butterflies sat on the trees, folded their wings - you couldn’t tell where the bark was, where the leaves were, where the butterflies were.

One tiny Bombardier Beetle walks along the ground, not hiding anywhere.

The Puppy caught up with him and wanted to grab him, but the Bombardier Beetle stopped and fired at him with a flying caustic stream - it hit him right in the nose!

The Puppy squealed, tucked his tail, turned - across the meadow, and into the gateway.

He's huddled in a kennel and is afraid to stick his nose out.

And the animals, birds and insects all went back to their business.

Bianchi Vitaly

First hunt

Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi

First hunt

The puppy is tired of chasing chickens around the yard.

“I’ll go,” he thinks, “to hunt for wild animals and birds.”

He slipped into the gateway and ran across the meadow.

Wild animals, birds and insects saw it and each thought to himself.

The bittern thinks: “I’ll deceive him!”

The hoopoe thinks: “I’ll surprise him!”

Whirlwind thinks: “I’ll scare him!”

The lizard thinks: “I’ll get away from him!”

Caterpillars, butterflies, grasshoppers think: “We will hide from him!”

“And I’ll burn him out!” - thinks the Bombardier Beetle.

“We all know how to stand up for ourselves, each in our own way!” - they think to themselves. And the Puppy has already run to the lake and sees: a bittern standing by the reeds on one leg, knee-deep in water.

“I’ll catch her now!” - the Puppy thinks and is completely ready to jump on her back.

And the bittern glanced at him and stepped into the reeds.

The wind runs across the lake, the reeds sway. The reeds sway

back and forth, back and forth. In front of the Puppy's eyes, yellow and brown stripes are swaying back and forth, back and forth.

And the Bittern stands in the reeds, stretched out - thin, thin, and all painted with yellow and brown stripes. Standing, rocking back and forth, back and forth.

The puppy's eyes bulged, looked, looked, but did not see the bittern in the reeds. “Well, he thinks,” Bittern deceived me. I shouldn’t jump into empty reeds! I’ll go and catch another bird.” He ran out onto the hill and looked: Hoopoe was sitting on the ground, playing with his crest, and then he would unfold it, then he would fold it. “Now I’ll jump on him from the hill!” thinks Puppy.

And the Hoopoe fell to the ground, spread its wings, spread its tail, and raised its beak up.

The Puppy looks: there is no bird, but a motley rag lies on the ground and a crooked needle sticks out of it. The puppy was surprised: “Where did the Hoopoe go? Did I really mistake this motley rag for him? I’ll go quickly and catch the little bird.” He ran up to the tree and saw: a small bird, Vertishika, sitting on a branch.

He rushed towards her, and Vertishika dashed into the hollow. “Aha!” thinks the Puppy. Gotcha!” He rose to his hind legs, looked into the hollow, and in the black hollow a black snake wriggled and hissed terribly. The Puppy recoiled, raised its fur on end, and ran away.

And Whirlwind hisses after him from the hollow, twists her head, and a strip of black feathers snakes along her back.

“Ugh! I scared you so much! I almost lost my legs. I won’t hunt birds anymore. I’d better go and catch a lizard.”

The lizard was sitting on a stone, closed its eyes, basking in the sun. The Puppy quietly crept up to her - jump! - and grabbed him by the tail. And the Lizard dodged, left its tail in its teeth, and went under the stone itself! The Puppy's tail wriggles in his teeth. The Puppy snorted, threw his tail - and followed her. Yes where there! The lizard has been sitting under a stone for a long time, growing a new tail.

“Uh,” thinks the Puppy, “if the Lizard got away from me, then I’ll at least catch some insects.” I looked around, and there were beetles running on the ground, grasshoppers jumping in the grass, caterpillars crawling along the branches, butterflies flying through the air.

The Puppy rushed to catch them, and suddenly it became all around, like in a mysterious picture, everyone was there, but no one was visible - everyone was hiding. Green grasshoppers are hiding in the green grass.

The caterpillars on the branches stretched out and froze - you couldn’t tell them apart from the twigs. The butterflies sat on the trees, folded their wings - you couldn’t tell where the bark was, where the leaves were, where the butterflies were. One tiny Bombardier Beetle walks along the ground, not hiding anywhere. The Puppy caught up with him and wanted to grab him, but the Bombardier Beetle stopped, and when a flying, caustic stream shot at him, it hit him right in the nose!

The Puppy squealed, tucked his tail, turned - across the meadow, and into the gateway. He's huddled in show jumping and is afraid to stick his nose out. And the animals, birds and insects all went back to their business.

The puppy is tired of chasing chickens around the yard.

“I’ll go,” he thinks, “to hunt for wild animals and birds.”

He slipped into the gateway and ran across the meadow.

Wild animals, birds and insects saw it and each thought to himself.

The bittern thinks: “I’ll deceive him!”

The hoopoe thinks: “I’ll surprise him!”

The spinner thinks: “I’ll scare him!”

The lizard thinks: “I’ll get away from him!”

Caterpillars, butterflies, grasshoppers think: “We will hide from him!”

“And I’ll drive him away!” - thinks the Bombardier Beetle.

“We all know how to stand up for ourselves, each in our own way!” - they think to themselves.

And the Puppy has already run to the lake and sees: a bittern standing by the reeds on one leg, knee-deep in water.

“I’ll catch her now!” - the Puppy thinks and is completely ready to jump on her back.

And Bittern glanced at him and quickly stepped into the reeds.

The wind runs across the lake, the reeds sway. The reeds sway

back and forth,

back and forth.

The puppy has yellow and brown stripes swaying in front of his eyes

back and forth,

back and forth.

And the Bittern stands in the reeds, stretched out - thin, thin, and all painted with yellow and brown stripes.

Standing, swaying

back and forth,

back and forth.

The puppy's eyes bulged, looked and looked - the bittern was not visible in the reeds.

“Well,” he thinks, “Bittern deceived me. I shouldn’t jump into empty reeds! I’ll go catch another bird.”

He ran out onto the hill and looked: Hoopoe was sitting on the ground, playing with his crest, and then he would unfold it, then he would fold it.

“Now I’ll jump on him from the hill!” - thinks the Puppy.

And the Hoopoe fell to the ground, spread its wings, spread its tail, and raised its beak up.

The Puppy looks: there is no bird, but a motley rag lies on the ground, and a crooked needle sticks out of it.

The Puppy was surprised: “Where did the Hoopoe go?

Did I really mistake this colorful rag for him? I’ll go quickly and catch the little bird.”

He ran up to the tree and saw: a small bird, Vertishika, sitting on a branch.

He rushed towards her, and Vertishika dashed into the hollow.

“Yeah! - thinks the Puppy. - Gotcha!

He rose to his hind legs, looked into the hollow, and in the black hollow a black snake wriggled and hissed terribly.

The Puppy recoiled, raised its fur on end, and ran away.

And Vertishika hisses after him from the hollow, twists her head, and a strip of black feathers snakes along her back.

“Ugh! How scared! I barely carried my legs away. I won't hunt birds anymore. I’d better go catch the Lizard.”

The lizard was sitting on a stone, closed its eyes, basking in the sun.

A puppy quietly crept up to her - jump! - and grabbed him by the tail.

And the Lizard dodged, left its tail in its teeth, and went under the stone itself.

The Puppy's tail wriggles in his teeth.

The Puppy snorted, threw his tail - and followed her. Yes where there! The lizard has been sitting under a stone for a long time, growing a new tail.

“Well,” the Puppy thinks, “if the Lizard got away from me, then at least I’ll catch some insects.”

I looked around, and there were beetles running on the ground, grasshoppers jumping in the grass, caterpillars crawling along the branches, butterflies flying in the air.

The Puppy rushed to catch them, and suddenly it became like a mysterious picture: everyone was there, but no one was visible. Everyone hid.

Green grasshoppers are hiding in the green grass.

The caterpillars on the branches stretched out and froze: you couldn’t tell them apart from the twigs.

The butterflies sat on the trees, folded their wings - you couldn’t tell where the bark was, where the leaves were, where the butterflies were.

One tiny Bombardier Beetle walks along the ground, not hiding anywhere.

The Puppy caught up with him and wanted to grab him, but the Bombardier Beetle stopped and fired at him with a flying caustic stream - it hit him right in the nose!

The Puppy squealed, tucked his tail, turned - across the meadow, and into the gateway.

He's huddled in a kennel and is afraid to stick his nose out.

And the animals, birds and insects all went back to their business.

First hunt

The puppy is tired of chasing chickens around the yard.

“I’ll go,” he thinks, “to hunt for wild animals and birds.”

He slipped into the gateway and ran across the meadow.

Wild animals, birds and insects saw it and each thought to himself.

The bittern thinks: “I’ll deceive him!”

The hoopoe thinks: “I’ll surprise him!”

The spinner thinks: “I’ll scare him!”

The lizard thinks: “I’ll get away from him!”

Caterpillars, butterflies, grasshoppers think: “We will hide from him!”

“And I’ll drive him away!” - thinks the Bombardier Beetle.

“We all know how to stand up for ourselves, each in our own way!” - they think to themselves.

And the Puppy has already run to the lake and sees: a bittern standing by the reeds on one leg, knee-deep in water.

“I’ll catch her now!” - the Puppy thinks, and is completely ready to jump on her back.

And Bittern glanced at him and stepped into the reeds.

The wind runs across the lake, the reeds sway. The reeds sway

back and forth,

back and forth.

The puppy has yellow and brown stripes swaying in front of his eyes

back and forth,

back and forth.

And the Bittern stands in the reeds, stretched out - thin, thin, and all painted with yellow and brown stripes. Standing, swaying

back and forth,

back and forth.

The puppy's eyes bulged, looked, looked, but did not see the Bittern in the reeds.

“Well,” he thinks, “Bittern deceived me. I shouldn’t jump into empty reeds! I’ll go catch another bird.”

He ran out onto the hill and looked: Hoopoe was sitting on the ground, playing with his crest, and then he would unfold it, then he would fold it.

“Now I’ll jump on him from the hill!” - thinks the Puppy.

And the Hoopoe fell to the ground, spread its wings, spread its tail, and raised its beak up.

The Puppy looks: there is no bird, but a motley rag lies on the ground, and a crooked needle sticks out of it.

The Puppy was surprised: where did the Hoopoe go? “Did I really mistake this motley rag for him? I’ll go quickly and catch the little bird.”

He ran up to the tree and saw: a small bird, Vertishika, sitting on a branch.

He rushed towards her, and Vertishika dashed into the hollow.

“Yeah! - thinks the Puppy. - Gotcha!

He rose to his hind legs, looked into the hollow, and in the black hollow the snake wriggled and hissed terribly.

The Puppy recoiled, raised its fur on end, and ran away.

And Whirlwind hisses after him from the hollow, twists her head, and a stripe of black feathers wriggles along her back.

“Ugh! How scared! I barely carried my legs away. I won't hunt birds anymore. I’d better go catch the Lizard.”

The lizard was sitting on a stone, closed its eyes, basking in the sun.

A puppy quietly crept up to her - jump! - and grabbed him by the tail.

And the Lizard dodged, left its tail in its teeth, and went under the stone itself!

The Puppy's tail wriggles in his teeth,

The Puppy snorted, threw his tail - and followed her. Yes where there! The lizard has been sitting under a stone for a long time, growing a new tail.

“Well,” the Puppy thinks, “if the Lizard got away from me, then at least I’ll catch some insects.”

I looked around, and there were beetles running on the ground, grasshoppers jumping in the grass, caterpillars crawling along the branches, butterflies flying through the air.

The Puppy rushed to catch them, and suddenly it became all around, like in a mysterious picture: everyone was here, but no one was visible - everyone was hiding.

Green grasshoppers are hiding in the green grass.

The caterpillars on the branches stretched out and froze: you couldn’t tell them apart from the twigs.

The butterflies sat on the trees, folded their wings - you couldn’t tell where the bark was, where the leaves were, where the butterflies were.

One tiny Bombardier Beetle walks along the ground, not hiding anywhere.

The Puppy caught up with him and wanted to grab him, but the Bombardier Beetle stopped, and when a flying, caustic stream shot at him, it hit him right in the nose.

The Puppy squealed, tucked his tail, turned - across the meadow, and into the gateway.

He's huddled in a kennel and is afraid to stick his nose out.

And the animals, birds and insects all went back to their business.

Vitaly Bianki stories

First hunt

Artist B. Prokazov

The main character of Vitaly Bianki's fairy tale “The First Hunt” is a little Puppy. Usually he chased chickens around the yard, but one day he decided to hunt wild birds and animals. The puppy ran out of the yard and went across the meadow to the lake.

On the shore of the lake a bittern stood on one leg. Just as the Puppy wanted to attack her, the Bittern stepped into the reeds and disappeared from sight. The coloring of the bittern is such that in the reeds this bird is almost invisible.

Then the Puppy decided to hunt the Hoopoe. And he cheated, fell to the ground, spread his wings, and raised his beak up. The puppy also lost sight of him, because the Hoopoe began to look like a motley rag with a needle sticking out of it.

The Whirlwind Bird defended itself from the warlike Puppy by pretending to be a snake. When she, hiding in a hollow, hissed at the Puppy, like a real snake, he was very frightened and changed his mind about hunting birds.

The Puppy began to hunt the Lizard. He caught it by the tail, but the Lizard left the tail in the Puppy’s teeth, and hid under a stone. Then the puppy noticed numerous insects. He began to chase after them, when suddenly they all disappeared somewhere. The grasshoppers merged with the grass, the caterpillars became like twigs, and the butterflies folded their wings and could not be distinguished from tree bark.

Only the Bombardier Beetle did not hide. When the puppy tried to catch it, the beetle released a caustic stream at him. This unsettled the puppy so much that he decided to stop hunting and ran back into the yard.

That's how it is summary fairy tales.

The main idea of ​​the fairy tale “The First Hunt” is that all living things in nature know how to defend themselves. Some have learned to hide well, like the Bittern and the Hoopoe, while others imitate danger, like the Whirlwind. And some species are able to actively defend themselves, such as the Bombardier Beetle.

The fairy tale teaches not to be overly self-confident. The puppy decided that hunting wild animals and birds was an easy task. But he was mistaken, the hunt was unsuccessful, and the Puppy returned to the yard not only without prey, but also quite frightened.

In the fairy tale, I liked the bird Whirlwind, which scared the Puppy by pretending to be a snake.

What proverbs fit the fairy tale “The First Hunt”?

The first damn thing is lumpy.
Slurping not salty.
It's good in the forest, but better at home.
They don’t go to someone else’s monastery with their own charter.