Competitive program for high school students. Valentine's Day at school. Scenario for high school students Sketch “Creation of Love”

Scenario of the competition program for Valentine's Day

The song "Valentines" is playing

The presenters leave:(an excerpt of the melody “I will never forget you” from “Juno and Avos” sounds + presentation)

Presenter: Good evening, dear friends! Today we have a wonderful holiday - Valentine's Day. Perhaps this is the most romantic day of the year. Everyone expects something romantic, tender, exciting and, of course, creative on this day.

Leading: In America and Europe, this holiday has long been celebrated on February 14th. And the origin of the holiday is connected with a romantic story:

Presenter: In the 3rd century AD, the priest Valentin lived in the Roman city of Ternia. Emperor Claudius commanded the legionary troops. To preserve the military spirit, Emperor Claudius issued a decree prohibiting legionnaires from marrying.

Leading : The young priest Valentin, not fearing the imperial wrath, continued to secretly marry legionnaires in love.

Presenter: Having learned about the “illegal marriages,” the emperor ordered the priest to be imprisoned and then executed.

Leading : In prison, Valentin fell in love with the jailer's blind daughter and healed her. On the night before his execution, he sent the girl a farewell note full of love and tenderness with in a short phrase"from Valentin" Hence the “Valentine” cards; and the holiday itself - February 14 - is the date of the execution of the priest, who was not forgotten and was chosen as the patron saint of all lovers.

Presenter: Saint Valentine protects from harm those who are close friends and love, helps all lovers

Leading: Valentine's Day - one of the most favorite holidays of young people.

Presenter : We dedicate this evening to the eternal theme - love!

Leading: That's right, because everyone in this room is in love.

Presenter: You're exaggerating something, I don't believe it.

Leading: If you want, I’ll prove it to you, that those here are in love.

Presenter: I want it!

Leading: Look, children love their parents, parents love their children, do you agree? (address to the audience)

Some people love their unique cat, some love an interesting book, and many love movies, Coca-Cola, and fried potatoes.

(To the audience): Who likes to eat - raise your right hand, who likes to sleep - raise your left hand, who likes to eat chocolate and watch TV - stomp your feet.

Here you see !

Presenter: But today's holiday implies a different kind of love - sublime!

Presenter: So we’ll try to talk about the sources of the greatest feeling, let’s start our game “Love comes in different forms”

Presenter :What do you think, in your opinion, is an ideal couple? When he and she understand each other without words? When they walk hand in hand down the street and everyone looks at them with envy? Everyone has their own idea of ​​ideal happiness for two. Maybe every couple considers themselves ideal... But today we will choose the most ideal of all the couples present. This requires a little courage and true love!

Leading : Among those feelings that we all know about, the most beautiful of all is love.

Having fallen in love, we become kinder and suffer.

And we believe, getting burned, again and again.

Open into it without any pretense,

But as always, it all starts with getting to know each other:

Musical accompaniment)

Charming, attractive and charming girls are invited to the stage.


Meet no less charming young men - this

Each pair is asked questions and a point is awarded for each correct answer.

1. Which dirty little girl married the prince? (Cinderella).

2. With the help of which eastern vessel did the peasant’s son marry the Shah’s daughter? (Aladdin's magic lamp),

3. Which bride had a mouse as a matchmaker? (Thumbelina).

4. What is the name of the girl who, with the help of love, melted her friend’s icy heart? (Gerda)

5. In what fairy tale did the prince wake up the princess with his kiss? (Sleeping Beauty).

6. Which flower is a symbol of love? (rose)

7. What is the name of the winged arrow of love? (Amur)

8. Say the name of Pierrot’s beloved. (Malvina)

9. What do all newlyweds in Russia listen to? ("Wedding March" by Mendelssohn)

10. What piece was most often performed by young men in love, standing under the windows of their chosen ones? (Serenade)

11. What feature films have the word “love” in their titles? (“Love and Doves”, “The Tale of First Love”, “Once More About Love”, etc.)

12. What period of life is associated with first love? (Youth)

Excerpt from the song " The most, dearest person” gr. "Tootsie"

Leading: Words of love never get old. And now... Let's confess our love to each other in different languages!

Everyone repeats after the leader:

In English: ay love yu (I love you).

In German: Ich liebe dich.

In French: Je tem (Je t"aim).

And finally, in Russian: I love you!

Presenter : Yes, how nice it is to hear so many words about love... But what’s even nicer is not words, but actions for the sake of your loved ones. Remember the times of noble knights. All their exploits were performed exclusively in the name of the lady of their heart. Where are the real knights now? Are there any men left who are able to prove their love not only in words, but also in deeds?

Leading: A girl should always be beautiful, and even more so on Valentine's Day. Therefore, our competition participants go to the salon, where the masters will be able to professionally paint their lips, only these masters are men, whose hands are wearing mittens. The winner is the couple whose ladies have perfect lips. (music-005)

Presenter: (Game with girls))Everyone knows that in ancient times every lady had her own knight. You have to name the name of the man associated with the lady, whom the host will name.

  • Juliet - (Romeo)
  • Tatyana Larina - (Eugene Onegin)
  • Natasha Rostova - (Andrey Bolkonsky)
  • Bonnie Clyde
  • Margarita-Master
  • Eve-Adam
  • Angeligna Jolie-Brett Peete
  • Pugacheva-Galkin
  • Desdemona-Othello
  • Lyudmila-Ruslan
  • Isolde-Tristan
  • Rose-Jack

Leading: The next competition is “Understand me without words.”

The young men draw cards with an invitation to the theater, cinema, concert, library, restaurant, disco, hunting, ski trip, circus, or watch an action film. (musical accompaniment).

Presenter : After reading the task, the young man must show without words, only with gestures and facial expressions, where he is inviting her. The girl answers as she understood the young man

(The presenter reads out the task after each invitation)

Leading: In life, it often happens that Cupid hits the wrong heart with his shot. But unrequited love is also happiness, because it helps a person discover many wonderful qualities in himself.

A song is playing.

Playing with the audience. 4 young men are invited to the stage and choose girls from the audience. To the music, they must present a flower, holding it in their teeth, to their other half (“Michael Jackson’s Moonwalk,” “Lezginka,” “Kolyan’s Dance,” “Quadrille”)


In the heart of love then only to be,
When they let her in.
- How to treat broken ones?
- This is why they are revived!

Presenter : The “Bring the Heart to Life” competition involves couples having to draw a heart, but they need to do it with their left hand.

Leading: Couples stand sideways in front of each other, draw a face to the heart with only their left hand, doing this as quickly as possible. (musical accompaniment)

Presenter: Love can be different: happy, mutual and unrequited. But true love always elevates a person, makes him better. A person cannot live without love, love protects us from birth to the last day. We love our homeland, friends, neighbors, loved ones.

Leading : Let this feeling accompany each of us throughout life!

Leading: And we sum up the results of our competition…….

Ved .On this special, wonderful day,
When all hearts are open to love,
Our efforts, believe me, are not in vain,
To discover talents to the fullest.
He who loves will not lose his heart:
Love calls, leads and inspires

Leading: And now our program is coming to an end, it’s time to say goodbye. It's very sad to leave. But may Love never part with you - the most beautiful, inspiring and, of course, mutual! Love and be loved!

In addition to cards, roses are given on Valentine's Day, as they are believed to symbolize love, heart candies and other items with images of hearts, kissing birds and, of course, the rightly recognized symbol of Valentine's Day - the little winged angel Cupid.


Explanatory note

Game "First Date" for a festive class hour dedicated to the holiday of March 8 or Valentine's Day. Recommended for students in grades 8 - 11.

Purpose of the game:

Create a festive mood with fun competitions.


Promote a healthy lifestyle;

Foster a sense of teamwork.


Beans or peas;

Three scarves;

Computer or tape recorder to play music;

Chalk and board:


Cards with the names of boys and girls in the class.

(Phonogram 1)

1. In order to play the “First Date” game, you need to recruit 3 teams of 2 people (a boy and a girl). Who will play will be decided by lot: in one hat are the names of all the boys who are present here; in the other - the names of all the girls. An independent expert (a junior school student) draws out 3 male names and 3 female ones. Whose names have been announced are invited to the presenter. The boys are invited to make an airplane each and give them to the presenter.

2. And now pairs will be formed. Each of the girls receives an airplane and will try to get it to her chosen one. But she will compete in tandem with whoever the nose of the plane points at.

3. Pairs for the game take their places near the board, the rest are invited to act as a jury. (For each competing team, there are several jury members to count points).

4. First competition “How well do you know your classmate”

Boys sit on chairs with their backs to the board, girls sit at the board behind their playing partner. First, the girls answer the question, they write the answer on the board. After they put down the chalk, the boys answer verbally. For each matching answer, the team receives one point.

Give her date of birth.

What time does she wake up if she has to go to school?

-...and if it’s not necessary?

Her favorite toothpaste.

Her pet (favorite).

Her favorite movie.

Favorite actor.

Her mother's middle name.

5. And now the boys looked carefully at their girls. The girls blindfolded their playing partners.

Second competition “Shoe Cinderella”. I take off each girl’s shoe; the boys must find the right shoe by touch and put it on their partner. (Phonogram 2)

6. Third competition “The Princess and the Pea”. I ask the participants to move to the back of the class. Now the girls will lift their right heel and I will put a few peas (or beans) there. With the help of their gentlemen, the participants return to their place... How many peas are in a shoe? (Phonogram 3)

7. Fourth competition “Depict a couple”. The jury guesses. Each team receives a task card. In the allotted time, they must, without words, depict what is written on the card. (puppy and kitten; bull and red scarf; cockroach and chalk “Mashenka”). While the couples are thinking and the jury is summing up the interim results, lyrical music is playing. (Phonogram 4)

8. Fifth competition “Complete the poem”. Each team receives a piece of paper on which A. Barto’s poems are written; you need to complete the missing parts of the text. Meanwhile, the jury is cutting sandwiches. (Phonogram 4)

9. Sixth competition “Who can get dressed faster”. All boys participate. We divide into 2 teams. In turn, everyone runs up, puts on a scarf, jacket, hat, and bag. He claps his hands, takes everything off and comes back. All members of the winning team will receive 2 points, the losers will receive 1. (Phonogram 5)

10. Seventh competition “Dance”. Each pair receives an orange. Supporting it with your foreheads, you must move to the rhythm of the music. (Phonogram 6)

11. Let's summarize. Certificates are awarded. (Phonogram 7)


School years should be remembered not only for academic everyday life, but for fun events. Therefore, the guys will be pleased if you plan to organize a holiday for them. And for everything to go well, a script for high school students is a must on Valentine's Day.

Decorating a school classroom for Valentine's Day

Decorate your office educational institution- not only a creative task for the soul, but also a great responsibility. God forbid that something falls off, crumbles, or looks clumsy or vulgar. Therefore, when entrusting this “special task” to students, at least sometimes look at how things are going. Although the guys are quite old, they may not have much experience in terms of design and it wouldn’t hurt you to carefully give them a little advice or share your ideas. So, what can you do to create a beautiful decoration?

Garland of hearts

We make hearts from colored paper or colored cardboard. The colors can be whatever your heart desires, but the classic options are red (and all shades), white, gold and, oddly enough, blue. Glue the hearts onto a thick thread and - voila - the garland is ready! This cute banner can be used to decorate a school board, walls, or ceiling.

Valentine box

Undoubtedly, one of the necessary attributes of Valentine's Day is a mailbox, with which you can anonymously send a message to your school crush. Decorating such a box is a whole object for your creative imagination.

Stylized hearts on the windows

Large hearts and cupids made of papier-mâché or colored corrugated paper and cardboard will look very impressive. And this, by the way, is another reason to spend time doing a joint activity for the whole class.

School table decoration for February 14

Of course, the festive table will also be the center of attention. Balloons - both in the shape of hearts and just the usual version of round balloons. They can be tied to the backs of chairs or along the edges and center of the table. It is better to lay a tablecloth or oilcloth that is inexpensive (after the event, you will most likely have to throw it away) and of a neutral color - white, gray or beige. The dishes, like the tablecloth, should be disposable - plastic or paper, with characteristic patterns and designs for Valentine's Day. The ideal table decoration will be fresh flowers, which with their aroma will remind you of the imminent approach of spring.

A little about gifts and rewards for February 14

Another important point that should be taken into account when organizing school holiday– these are souvenirs and gifts. Teenagers, by their nature, are impressionable and easily wounded creatures, although they look like adults. Therefore, if contests, quizzes or competitions are planned at your event, then make sure that everyone without exception receives gifts, even small ones. Gifts can include any sweets, themed keychains, pens, toys and all sorts of nice little things (candles, lanterns, magnets, etc.).

The main thing is to present these gifts beautifully and originally. Bright packaging and funny inscriptions are perfect for their design. For example, a pen “for love letters”, a magnet in the shape of a heart or an angel, or chocolates in a themed package. Also, of course, one should not deprive attention of class teacher present at the holiday. If the teacher is a woman, you can present her with a small, beautifully decorated bouquet of fresh flowers and a Valentine card. If the teacher is a man, then a postcard with a cool signature and good wishes from the whole class it will be very helpful.

Don’t forget to prepare a scenario for the event in advance so that there are no incidents at the holiday that can significantly spoil the children’s mood. And then the school party dedicated to February 14th will go off with a bang.

Valentine's Day. Interesting scenario for high school students

The program is designed for the participation of high school students. It contains competitions and games that will interest all students without exception. It is best to hold the event in the assembly hall. And be sure to provide prizes for victories and participation in competitions.


Hello friends! Happy Valentine's Day to those present! Well, let's start our program?

Game "On the same wavelength"

Every guy who wants can take part in the game. Cards with gifts are prepared in advance. Examples:

  • fruits;
  • dinner in a restaurant;
  • movie tickets.

This is later given to girls. The lot is drawn and a random card is drawn. Next, you will need to explain with gestures what kind of gift awaits the lady of your heart. It is prohibited to make any sound. After the girl guesses correctly, she receives her gift.


You are so great! Both guys are artistic and girls are smart. But don’t relax, this was just a warm-up! And now the task is more difficult!

Competition "Sweet Minutes"

This competition is open to couples only. The competition is divided into three stages. To play the game you will need:

  • tangerines;
  • sweets in wrappers;
  • water in glasses.

First, the couples are given the first task - they need to peel and eat tangerines. However, this is not done in a standard way. A girl and a guy each place a tangerine in one hand. Cover the partner’s hand with the other hand and peel the fruit in this way.

After this, it’s time for the second task. Take regular candy. It needs to be unwrapped and eaten. You cannot use your hands.

At the end, participants take a glass of water and drink it at speed. It is prohibited to touch with hands.

The winner is the couple who was able to complete each stage the fastest. After this, the presenter announces that the players should dance.


Friends! Ahead of us creative competition! Who's ready to show off their talent? I ask everyone to raise their hand!

Competition “Make a Valentine”

Several people are selected. They are given a white and colored paper, magazines and newspapers, scissors, glue stick, pens, markers. At the leader’s command, they must begin making a heart (Valentine) for their significant other. A certain time is allotted to complete the task. The winner is chosen by the audience by applauding for each valentine they make and is shown to them. And he receives a legitimate prize.


Do you know who Cupid is? That's right - this is the god of love! He flies over people and chooses couples who are destined for each other! Then he strikes their heart with an arrow of love and brings the couples together! Admit it, have you ever dreamed of taking on the role of such a god?! Well, one of you will have this opportunity today!

Game "Clever Cupid"

From the total number of those present at the holiday, one is chosen to play the role of Cupid. He turns his back to everyone. A couple quietly approaches him from behind and hands him a note with the question written: “Couple or not?” It is very important, therefore, to hand “Cupid” a piece of paper with a question so that he does not see who is doing it. The task is to determine whether these two are a pair of lovers, or whether two of different couples approached him. He must give an appropriate answer. The winner will be the participant in the role of Cupid who gives the most correct answers.


Do you agree that we have a very cute little Cupid? But let’s not stop there, because new tasks lie ahead! Is there anyone else who wants to earn a prize?

Competition "Statue of Love"

2-3 guys and the same number of girls take part. They leave the room and enter one by one. Among the remaining students, a couple more are chosen. The one who entered the room first is told that the couple are sitters, and this person is an artist. His task is to depict a love statue.

He places the girl and the guy the way the sculpture will look in the future. After completing the composition, the artist is told that he must now take his place in the statue. Next, another participant is called. They tell him that the love statue didn’t work out and needs to be redone. This process occurs until the last person.


Our program is coming to an end! But that is not all! We still have a prize waiting for its winner! I suggest you take another test!

Game "Love Songs"

Players in this competition will be required to know various songs. Mostly these will be compositions about love. You need to prepare the appropriate songs in advance. Participants stand in one row, after which the melody is turned on. If someone recognizes her, then he should raise his valentine up. The melody stops at this moment. The player takes the microphone and asks to turn on the music. The participant is required to sing the guessed song. If he fails to do this, then the points are not counted.

The hall is festively decorated.

At the entrance, guests are greeted by a young man and a girl, who congratulate them on the holiday and hand each person a heartfelt scarlet with a number (they will be used in the “Pigeon Mail” and the “Holiday Lottery”).

Dance music plays in the lobby, inviting guests to dance. At this time, “correspondents” go around those present asking them to answer one question: “What is love?” (responses are written down).

Trumpets sound and they invite you into the hall.

The presenters take the stage.

1 presenter (girl):

How pure, transparent, gentle

The air in our hall

The prom queen is here

Beautiful love!

Let the boys and girls

In one charm

Saint Valentine's

They will glorify again today!

2 presenter (boy):

Let it be a miracle, let it be a moment,

Let the spark ignite.

Let jokes and fun

Reign here and now

And let friends, girlfriends

Luck will smile

And let the fire of love

Suddenly it will flare up at this hour!

1st speaker: Good evening! We are pleased to welcome you to our festive hall.

2 ved: Please accept our heartiest congratulations

Happy Valentine's Day!

1 ved: Today is an amazing holiday, the holiday of all lovers!

2 ved: On this holiday, you can openly declare your love or present a gift to your beloved, but certainly in the form of a scarlet loving heart!

Both: Happy Valentine's Day!

(they throw heart-shaped balloons into the hall)

The song “We wish you happiness” by S. Namin is performed

(or another option at the discretion of the organizers)

1st speaker: Ah, I hear how many loving hearts are beating in this hall to the rhythm of a song about happiness.

2nd lead: Are you sure that everyone in the room is just lovers!

1 ved: I believe that love rules the world and everyone, of course, is in love.

2 ved: Something’s hard to believe!

1st lead: I will prove it. Raise your hands those who like... to sleep, to be lazy! Who loves chocolate, ice cream, cake? And who loves the television series "Daddy's Daughters"

"My Fair Nanny"? Who likes to daydream while lying on the couch? Clap! And who loves a classmate or classmate? Stomp together!

You see how many loving hearts there are here!

2 ved: For everyone who loves. This artists' exit

A song or skit is performed, humoresque (at the discretion of the organizers)

1st leader: And now boys and girls with a wonderful name are invited to the stage - Valentin and Valentina!

2 ved: Today you have a great opportunity to address those present with a poetic word or song. You can simply greet those present in the hall.

1st lead: Allow me to give these memorable gifts to Valentine and Valentina on Valentine's Day.

2 ved: Today he sings for you....

1st ved: After such a speech, I want to speak only in poetry on an idle day

The literary competition begins.

“Tatyana” from A. Pushkin’s poem “Eugene Onegin” appears on stage in the appropriate outfit.

Tatyana: I’m writing to you... (reads Tatyana’s letter to Onegin)

Tatiana leaves.

Onegin comes out: No, I need to see you every minute... (says Onegin’s words)

2nd lead: I am sure that you easily recognized the characters and the author of these lines about love. So, which poem did you see the scenes from? (answers from the audience). This immortal work was written by ....?

Well done!

Posters with poetic lines from great poets are brought onto the stage or immediately used in stage decoration. 1 presenter reads and asks to name the authors.

Love is not a cock's game...

(Rasul Gamzatov)

Love is madness from intoxication...

(William Shakespeare)

I remember a wonderful moment...

(A. Pushkin)

2 ved: It’s wonderful that many lines about love are so familiar to you!

1 ved: Do you like poems about love? What lines would you like to read now?

2 ved; These ones:

Know how to cherish love!

Over the years it will be doubly valuable.

Love doesn't sigh on the bench

And not moonlit walks!

1st speaker: I also love these lines from the poet Reshetov.

But what is love?

Could you answer?

2 ved: No, I probably couldn’t?

1st speaker: And here is how the winners of this competition answered in our Press Center (at the entrance to the holiday).

The presenter reads the winners' answers

Presenters or representatives of the Press Center present memorable souvenirs to the winners of the “What is Love?” competition.

Representatives of the Press Center remind those present that today the “Pigeon Post” is working at the festival, because The dove is a symbol of peace, purity and love correspondence. (or the presenters will say).

1 ved; Pigeon mail will help you fall in love

Or explain your love with a couple of lines!

The recipient's number on the heart is lit

And the mailbox is on the steps.

2 ved; Doves - postmen will deliver letters to you.

And they will make the hearts of lovers worry!

1st speaker: I thank the representatives of the press for their active participation in our holiday and propose to lead them into the hall to loud applause.

2 ved: And for the winners of the competition “What is love?” this song plays (at the request of the organizers)

Lesson 1: Do you know what flowers are usually given on Valentine's Day? That's right, beautiful tulips.

But I don't know why?

2 ved: Yes, because, according to Persian legend, beautiful tulips grew from the tears of lovers and became unfading symbols of love. What would you choose for yourself as a gift: a box of chocolates or flowers?

1st ved: Of course the color, because chocolate spoils the figure.

2 ved: How does it spoil?

1 ved: According to Americans, eating 113.4 grams of chocolate, you get 616 kilos of calories, which you need to “work off” by kissing for 6 hours and 11 minutes.

Episode 2: Kiss continuously for 6 hours and 11 minutes! I think this test is difficult even for ardently loving hearts.

1st lead: For this, everyone present is given a wonderful opportunity to send many air kisses to the participants of the “Prom Queen” competition.

The girls show off their outfits.

Episode 2: While the jury of boys is deciding which of the girls is worthy of the crown of “Prom Queen,” this song (or some other musical number) is played for all those in love with beauty.

1st ved: A word to the distinguished jury

(The crown is presented to the queen and she is invited to open the ball)

Queen: I command you to start the ball!

Beautiful music - sound!

Lesson 1: On Valentine's Day

We are opening a wonderful ball!

2 ved: To all loved ones and lovers

We invite you to dance!

The sound is “Waltz” by E. Doga from the film “My Affectionate and Gentle Beast.”

Disco during breaks - rides, games, burime: "love - carrots, flowers and you."

In conclusion - a win-win lottery.

Prizes are presented by the Prom Queen or the best dancing couple.

The hall is decorated with valentines, heart-shaped balloons, and pictures corresponding to the holiday.

Cupid comes onto the stage and aims his slingshot at the audience. At this moment, Aphrodite appears and grabs Cupid by the ear.

Aphrodite. I told you, don’t shoot without my command! Hello, dear viewers! I am Aphrodite - the goddess of love, and this is Cupid - my assistant. You all know that today is an unusual holiday - the holiday of all lovers. Do you know why it is called Valentine's Day? Let's watch the skit “Love Cannot Be Canceled.”

Sketch “Love cannot be canceled”

Characters: Herald, Warrior, Girl, Valentine, Valentina.

Herald. Everyone, everyone, everyone! Listen and don't say you didn't hear! The law states: soldiers of the Roman Empire are prohibited from marrying, and church ministers are prohibited from consecrating such marriages. Violators of the law face the death penalty.

The herald leaves. Music is playing. The Girl and the Warrior come out.

Young woman.

Oh, how wonderful this evening is,

I am glad to see you again!

But, my friend, you are truly sad!

What happened to your easy disposition?


Today I heard the decree.

And I don’t dare marry you...

Young woman.

Can't be! No, I do not believe!

No one will marry us? (Crying)


Wait... Priest Valentin

The lovers will be secretly married!

Young woman.

Then hurry to him! Let's run!

Nobody will know about this!

The girl and the Warrior leave. Alarm/sleep music sounds.

Ha ha ha! Nobody! No matter how it is!

Valentine will have an enemy!

The Herald comes out. Reads the decree.

Herald. Priest Valentin violated imperial law. For this he was sentenced to death.

The herald leaves. Valentin comes out in chains and Valentina.


Oh, Valentin, how terrible everything is!

As if in a nightmare.

Now you're still in prison.

Please, eat a little...


Why does someone who is born need food?

Is the road ordered differently?


Do not say that! May be,

They are ordered to forgive, not to execute...


Alas! This decree will not be changed.

But I am not sad before death.

And you, friend, don’t be sad,

You better sing my song to me.


I sometimes indulged in dreams.

And the grass bowed at my feet.

Earthly life was given to me by God,

But the soul, like a bird, rushes into the sky.

Only two wings are missing

Otherwise it would have flown away long ago.

Where the foliage quietly whispers,

I sometimes indulged in dreams.

But you will no longer be in my dreams.

What, tell me, is left for me now?


Why am I here? For the fact that everyone

Did I marry the lovers secretly?!

But really, is this a sin?

God united their destinies.

Yes... How unfair the law is...

How can you cancel love?

After all, you can’t drive away feelings.

I want you to hear me!

Love it! Sanctify marriages!

Let these stupid laws

You are never intimidated.

And a person who wants to help

Will always be found!

The executioner comes out and takes Valentin away. Valentina leaves behind them, crying.

Aphrodite. It's always nice to hear declarations of love. To tell about your feelings, you have to look for the right words, gestures, looks...

Amur. The main thing is that the declaration of love is received positively.

Aphrodite. Do you remember how it was... Maybe so?

Scene “Confession of a cat”

One morning at the window

The cat was explaining to the cat.

I put my paw to my heart,

The shaggy tail fluffed up.

I won't hide it from you.

I love you like sour cream.

Your lips are very sweet

They keep me awake at night.

And your nose is ideal,

I would lick it.

Aphrodite. Or maybe so?..

Young man.

My soul, I salute you!

Finding you in the middle of winter,

I'm in a great mood

When you are next to me!

And even if there are frosts and snowstorms outside -

When spring rings like a drop in the soul

And love stings your chest so sweetly!

Now through the blizzards, cold and bad weather

I want to catch the fast train "Happiness"

I’m destined to catch it with you!

And in sweet anticipation of the answer

I’m ready to say: “I truly love you!”

The whole world and the whole huge planet

I will lie down at your feet a hundred times!

Sketch “Formula of Love”

Eugene. Hello, the center of my attention! Since the perpendicular of your gaze fell on the plane of my heart, I cannot find a radius to describe the circle of the feelings that excite me.

I foresee everything: you will be insulted

An explanation for the sad mystery.

What bitter contempt

Your proud look will portray!

What I want? For what purpose

Will I open my soul to you?

What evil fun

Perhaps I'm giving a reason?

By chance I met you at the lyceum,

Noticing a spark of tenderness in you,

I didn't dare believe her

I didn’t give in to my dear habit;

Your hateful freedom

I didn't want to lose.

Stranger to everyone, not bound by anything,

I thought: freedom and peace -

Substitute for happiness. My God!

How wrong I was, how I was punished!

Now I'm studying for straight A's,

I count sums and rows,

But what can the convergence of a series

When you don't dare notice me

You. We go through a lot of theorems,

We sit in front of the computer,

We solve different problems

And about love, alas, we are silent.

But why is there no theorem?

How to prove your love

How to approach you

And say everything without further ado.

Or maybe I should confess in numbers,

How I'm burning with love

And in integrals

Should I present it to you?

I'm nothing without you! ABOUT! I am wrong!

After all, on the axis, among other numbers

He still got the job.

And all real numbers

Divided into two categories.

Although none of them is included

(He himself compiled the numbers class),

Oh my God! What am I talking about now?..


Enough! Get up!

It has long been known that mathematics is

Queen of all sciences.

Planes can't fly without it

The ships don't sail

Without it you can't plow an acre of land,

You can’t buy bread, you can’t count a ruble,

You won’t know what’s why, and once you know, you won’t understand.

Still, she will not measure our love with you.

Voice behind the scenes. Krivaya, who broke Eugene’s heart into pieces, did not know that pieces of the burning flame would burn forever in the hearts of people. And every particle will someday unite to prove the formula for measuring sweet and pure love.

Aphrodite. For a long time, scientists and poets have been trying to give an accurate answer to the eternal question, what is love... Let's take you to a lesson in love.

Sketch “Love Lesson”

The bell rings. The teacher enters the class.

Psyche Apollonovna. Hello, young creatures. Let's start with homework. Cupid, tell me how you accomplished it? Helped you fall in love?

Cupid is silent.

Nymph. Psyche Apollonovna! Do you know what he did? He made the gray-haired old man fall in love with the girl!

Amur. It was funny how the grandfather blushed and drank valerian!

Nymph. And he fell in love with another maiden with an actor! Unhappy! After all, unrequited love is so hard, it hurts the heart so much...

Psyche Apollonovna. Ah, Cupid! How are you not ashamed? If Zeus finds out, you'll be thrown out of school in an instant!

Amur(laughing). I will cure without his participation. To fly, Aphrodite gave me wings.

Psyche Apollonovna. You, Cupid, will lose both your bow and your love arrows, since you don’t know how to choose your goals. You shoot indiscriminately...

Amur. I don’t get it, what’s there to understand here? Shoot yourself at anyone, and people will decide all matters of the heart.

Psyche Apollonovna. Oh, you're wrong. Love is not that simple. And very diverse. Muse...

Muse. There is spiritual love - agape. It is entirely woven from self-denial, generosity, and forgiveness. A girl is ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of her loved one.

Psyche Apollonovna. That's right, this is love-adoration. She is strong, but difficult for those who love.

Amur. Eros is when there is a fire in the soul.

Psyche Apollonovna. Eros is love-passion. It appears suddenly, but fades away over time. And it depends only on those who love whether eros will turn into another love or become dust.

Nymph. Pragma - love-peace. Those who love have the ability to forgive, reconcile, and give in. And most importantly, it does not weaken.

Psyche Apolloovna. Yes, you're right, but there are other options for love.

Muse. Storge - love-friendship. Love is affection without confusion and recklessness, peaceful and enchanting, strong and durable.

Psyche Apollonovna. I must warn you that there is also a love-game - ludus. Ludus is a game of chance where the stakes are pure hearts. Confessions, vows that turn into nothing in the morning.

Muse. I propose to cancel this love.

Psyche Apollonovna. Unfortunately this is not possible. Love cannot be canceled or prohibited. But there is another dangerous love.

Amur. This is an obsession, a mania. I said - love is a disease. Its symptoms: confusion, heat of the heart, loss of sleep and appetite, pain of the soul. But what is the danger here?

Psyche Apollonovna. It is dangerous because it gives rise to hatred-love, persecution, jealousy, threats and blackmail. And for the one in whose heart this feeling has settled, it is dangerous because it can lead to madness.

The bell rings.

Psyche Apollonovna. All wounds will heal, because time is the best healer. And we will continue the conversation at our next meeting.

Aphrodite. No matter what kind of love we experience, only real love ends in a wedding.

Amur. Weddings are also different. For example, a wedding in Arabic.

Mulla comes out.

Mullah. Abdullah-ah-ah!

Abdullah appears.

Abdullah. I'm here!

Mullah. Do you agree to take Fatima as your wife?

Girls in capes come out one at a time.

Mulla. Zulfey? Zukhra? Zainab? And little Gulchetai?

A tall guy comes out, with a cape like the girls.

Abdullah. I don't take the last one!

Mulla. Late. Everything has already been paid for!

The girls surround the groom. They leave.

Amur. Programmers' wedding.

The bride, groom and man with a laptop come out.

Man. Users, exchange mice and computer passwords. I pronounce you husband and wife. Game over.

Aphrodite. Our dear viewers. Love is the sweetest...

Amur. Bitter...

Aphrodite. Exciting...

Amur. Exhausting...

Aphrodite. Light...

Amur. Eternal...

Aphrodite. Cheerful...

Amur. Sad...

Aphrodite. But a wonderful thing...

Amur. Which takes your whole life.

Aphrodite. May you be lucky in love!

All participants go on stage and sing the song “Tango of Love”.