Competitions with the participation of mothers. Funny competitions for Mother's Day for children and mothers in kindergarten and elementary school. Robot for mom

Mother's Day competitions
Mother's Day is a holiday for both mothers and their little children. And therefore Mother's Day should be spent fun and funny and in kindergarten and at school. And we offer you our competitions for Mother's Day. Competitions will help celebrate the holidays and make everyone laugh. There are competitions for both mothers and children, as well as for family performances.

1. Competition – Mom’s gentle hand
This is a competition for children. It can be carried out in teams, or for each child separately. The essence of the competition is for the child to guess his mother's hand. To do this, the child is blindfolded, and several mothers sit on chairs and stretch out their arms. The child touches each hand and determines where his mother is. If this competition is held in teams, then for each correctly guessed mother, the team receives one point.
2. Competition - Where is my child?
And the second competition is a competition for mothers. Mom is blindfolded and placed in the center of the hall. Several children, including her child, join hands and dance around their mother. And the mother touches their heads with her own hands and identifies her child. This competition can also be held in teams and for each mother separately.
3. Competition – Draw your mother’s day.
Creative competition for children. They need to draw how their mother spends her day. That is, on one sheet of paper, draw approximately the following: mother wakes up, has breakfast, goes to work or takes the child to kindergarten, comes home from work, reads, works with the child, goes to bed. And so on. Each child must depict all this himself. What is being assessed here is not the quality of the drawing, but more full description mother's day And it is advisable that the child then clearly explain what he drew and tell how his mother spends her day, based on her drawing.
4. Competition - Does the mother know her child outside the home?
Since there was a competition for children who had to tell and draw their mother’s day, why not hold the same competition for mothers?
The essence of the competition is for each mother to tell as much information as possible about her child. But only about when her child is away from home. For example, what desk he sits at, what class schedule he has on Friday or Wednesday, where he likes to hang out with his friends and what his friends’ names are, and so on. And the child must confirm or refute his mother’s words. Well, if the child still goes to kindergarten, then you can name the crib in which he sleeps, the name and patronymic of his teacher, and very complex and funny questions: how many steps to the second floor of the kindergarten, how many children are in your group, and so on .
5. Competition - mamaball.
Both mother and child take part in this competition. The mother stands at a distance of 2-5 meters from the child and makes something like a basketball hoop out of her hands. And the child throws inflated balloons into this ring. In this case, the mother can help the child by moving her ring in any direction, but without crossing the line so that the distance between them does not decrease. Whose family gets the most balls into the ring out of 10 wins.

Today is a holiday! Today is a holiday!
Holiday of grandmothers and mothers,
This is the kindest holiday,
Comes to us in the fall.
This is a holiday of obedience,
Congratulations and flowers,
Diligence, adoration -
A holiday of the best words!

And today we will conduct competitive game program“Come on mommies!” Several teams will take part in the game, which we will meet thanks to the first performance competition! Let's meet!

(The participating teams enter the stage and take their seats. Cheerful music plays. Participants prepare for the performance.)

Leading : Participants were asked homework Come up with a name for your team, an emblem, a motto and a short greeting. Our jury will rate the teams.

(The presenter introduces the jury.)

Leading : Now let's get to know our teams.

(The team presents its name, emblem - be it big poster or badges, and motto. Also, mother and child must come up with a representation of each other in the form of a poem, song or just a story. The originality of the idea and artistry are assessed from 1 to 5 points.)

Leading : Amazing! How talented our mothers are! And such mothers have no less talented children!

Who warms with love,
Everything in the world succeeds,
Even play a little?
Who will always console you,
And he washes and combs his hair,
Kisses on the cheek - smack?
That's what she's always like -
Your dear mother!

Leading : Don’t forget, kids, that you need to take care of your mothers and say words of gratitude to them more often! Now I’ll check how well you know polite words!

(The presenter conducts the game with the audience.)

Leading : Even a block of ice will melt
From a warm word...
("Thank you") .
Even the stump will turn green,
When the good one hears...
("day") .
If you can't eat anymore,
Let's tell mommy...
("Thank you") .
When people scold you for pranks, say sorry...
("Please") .

Leading : Well done! Now I am sure that your mothers are not deprived of attention and tenderness! And we move on to the next competition called “Connoisseurs”. As children, our mothers read fairy tales to us, and then they taught us to read. What are your favorite fairy tales and books? (asks the teams a question) Great! Now we will check how well you remember them.

(A competition is held in which teams are asked questions about the plot of fairy tales and books from childhood and school curriculum. About 10 questions need to be prepared. For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point.)

Leading : Amazing! It's nice that our children read so much! And we move on to the next competition. How many nights have you, mommies, spent at the cribs! As soon as they heard the child's voice, they jumped out of bed. And I think it won’t be difficult for you to recognize your child by his voice.

(Moms sit in a row with their backs to their children.)

Leading : Now your children will cry like they did when they were children. But don't worry, they will make fun of you. You need to guess your baby's cry.

(The presenter approaches each child in turn, who must cry into the microphone making “wa-wa” sounds. The mother who recognizes the child must raise her hand. The maximum number of points is equal to the number of participants. One mistake - minus one point.)

Leading : Dear mothers! I want to wish you that these are the last children's tears that you hear! And the next test will be our children!

(The chairs are not removed after the previous competition. Children sit in the seats of their mothers, only facing the hall.)

Leading : Now I will ask you riddles about mothers. Whoever guesses first raises their hand! Are you ready? Let's go.

Examples of riddles:

1. These balls are on a string
Would you like to try it on?
For all your tastes
In my mother's box...
(ysub - read from right to left)

2. Mom’s ears sparkle,
They play with the colors of the rainbow.
Drops and crumbs turn silver

3. Its edge is called fields,
The top is decorated all over with flowers.
Mystery headdress -
Our mother has...

4. Name the dishes:
The handle stuck to the circle.
Damn bake her - nonsense
This is...

5. He has water in his belly
Seething from the heat.
Like an angry boss
Boils quickly...

6. This food is for everyone
Mom will cook for lunch.
And the ladle is right there -
He will pour it into plates...

7. Dust will find and instantly swallow -
It brings cleanliness for us.
A long hose, like a trunk-nose,
The rug is being cleaned...

8. Irons dresses and shirts,
He will iron our pockets.
He's on the farm true friend -
His name is...

9. Here is the cap on the light bulb
Separates light and darkness.
Along the edges of its openwork -
This is wonderful...

10. Mom's striped animal
The saucer will beg for sour cream.
And after eating it a little,
Ours will purr...

(Each riddle solved is worth one point.)

Leading : Well done! It’s immediately obvious that mothers have helpers! And we only have one competition left! I ask the teams to take their places at the table.

(Participants are given newspapers, tape, paper clips, ribbons, bows and similar props.)

Leading : How often do our mothers ask the question “What to wear?” Now your children will help you with this! The task for the participants is to build an outfit for your mother from available materials! You can invite one assistant from the audience! You have 10 minutes to do everything! So, let's start!

(Cheerful music plays. The jury evaluates the outfit and artistry on a scale from 1 to 10 points.)

Leading : Amazing! I am delighted with our mothers' outfits. They are worthy of Paris Fashion Week! Thank you! Moms can take off their costumes. On this competitive program ended. Participants can take seats in the hall. While the jury is summing up the results, we have prepared a festive concert number for you.

(Prepare a dance, song or any other number.)

The jury announces the results of the competition. The team that scored more points and a certificate is awarded. All teams receive prizes. You can also give mothers the nominations “Mrs. Kindness”, “Mrs. Intelligence”, “Mrs. Beauty”, “Mrs. Charm”, “Mrs. Tenderness” and the like.

Leading : Our holiday has come to an end! But I want to wish you, dear mothers, that the holiday never ends in your life and in your soul! Let your faces get tired only from smiles, and your hands from bouquets of flowers. May your children be obedient and your husbands attentive! May your home always be decorated with comfort, prosperity, love, and happiness!

Target: show the value and importance of showing the best human feelings: respect and love for the mother.


Encourage students’ aspirations for self-expression and creativity;
- develop the ability to expressively read and read poetry by heart;
- develop the stage skills of the children;
- involving parents in joint activities with children

Hall decoration: The words “Happy Holidays!”

Equipment: 3 bananas, 3 sheets of paper, 3 briefcases, school supplies, 3 bags (scarves, phones, cosmetics, etc.), 4 task balls, 3 walnuts

Musical arrangement: computer, soundtracks of songs, music

Progress of the event


Presenter 1.- Hello! We are glad to welcome you in this hall! Today is the most wonderful holiday, the brightest and most joyful - Mother's Day!

Words are not enough, strength is not enough,
To convey all my love to You.
To express how beautiful you are
My dear, kind mother!

Presenter 2 On this most significant day,
Please accept my gratitude.
Mom, mom, dear mom,
I love you with all my soul!

It’s winter outside, it’s cold, but in this room it’s warm and cozy, because there are so many mothers here, so kind, caring and loving!

1. I love you, mom!
For what? I don't know.
Probably because
That I breathe and dream,
And I rejoice in the sun and the bright day,
This is why I love you, dear!
For the sky, for the wind, for the air around,
I love you, mom
You are my best friend!

Presenter 1: Today we have gathered to say to our mothers: thank you very much! Thanks for your hard work! Here's to sleepless nights at our children's beds! For your patience during our training!

Presenter 2: On behalf of all children we say: Low bow to you, our dear mothers!

2. November walks through the yards
In the rays of coolness and light.
Today is the holiday of our mothers
And we are pleased with this.

3. From the heart in simple words
Let's talk about mom, friends.
We love her like good friend
Because she and I have everything together,
Because when things get tough for us,
We can cry at our own shoulder.

4. We love her because sometimes
Eye wrinkles become more severe.
But it’s worth confessing your head -
Wrinkles will disappear, tears will disappear.

5. For always being straightforward and straightforward
We can trust her with our hearts.
And simply because she is our mother.
We love her dearly and dearly!

Presenter 1: Today we will play games
We will sing and dance for you.
It's a pleasure for us to be here,
Thank you, moms, for existing!

Presenter 2- Mom is the best, dearest and most beloved person in the world! Mom is the BEST in everything! Today we invite our mothers to play a little with their children. (Three mothers are invited to the stage along with their children).

1 competition “Translators”

Teacher: And now some memories. Dear mothers, you remember when your children were little. They were just learning to speak, their words turned out awkward, clumsy, funny. Those around them did not understand the children well, and you often had to act as translators. And it turned out something like this...

(3 boys are invited to take it into your mouth walnut. Take turns saying the tongue twister written in the note. Moms must “translate” what they understand.)

Teacher: Now let’s take a little rest and look at a little story that happens in some families. Or maybe this happens to you too?

Sketch “Three Mothers”.

Characters: Presenter, daughter Tanyusha, mother and grandmother.

There are 4 chairs at the table. Tanyusha is sitting on one with a doll.


Tanyusha in the evening
I came back from a walk
And she asked the doll...

1. Tanyusha:

How are you, daughter?
Again you got dirty
Hands and feet,
She probably played

With a dog and a cat?
Again you climbed
Under the table, fidget?
I sat there again
All day without lunch?
With these daughters
Just a disaster!
Soon you will be
Like a match, thin.
Go to lunch, spinner!

(Sits the doll next to the table.)

2. Presenter:

Tanya's mom
I came home from work
And Tanya asked...

1 Mom:

How is your daughter doing?
I started playing again
Probably in the garden?
I managed again
Forget about food?
“Have lunch!” -
Granny screamed 100 times
And you answered:
“Now, yes now”
With these daughters -
Just a disaster!

(Seats her daughter at the table.)

3. Presenter:

Grandma is here
Mom's mom came
And I asked my mother:


How is your daughter doing?
Probably in the hospital
For the whole day
Again for food
There wasn't a moment to spare
And in the evening I ate
Dry sandwich.
After all, you have so much
There are worries and troubles.
You can't sit
A whole day without lunch
I've already become a doctor,
And everyone is restless.
You, my dear, are so young...
With these daughters
Just a disaster!

(Mom sits down at the table, grandmother arranges the cups.)

4. Presenter:

Three mothers are sitting in the dining room.
Three mothers look at their daughters:
What to do with stubborn daughters?

All: Oh, how difficult it is to be mothers!

2nd competition “Pantomime”

Teacher: We invite 5 mothers. Guys, you have gradually grown up and have already begun to learn your first children's poems with your mothers. And when you confused the lines, your mothers tried to tell you. How did they do it?
So, the mother receives a note with the beginning of the poem and a pantomime hint showing the movements of the characters in the poem, and her child guesses and recites the poem to the end.


- “The bull is walking, swinging...”

- “They dropped Mishka on the floor...”

- “The mistress abandoned the bunny...”

- “Our Tanya is crying loudly...”

- “Teddy Bear..."

3rd competition “Guess the melody”

Teacher: Now there is a competition for mothers. Have you forgotten children's songs from cartoons yet? A fragment of a song plays for a few seconds, you need to guess the name of the song or cartoon. You can sing a little.

Presenter 1 Mother teaches us to be wise, gives advice, takes care of us, protects us. Let's play the game "Mom-moch-ka!" We will ask a question, and you will answer in unison: Only amicably and loudly!

1- Who came to me in the morning?

2- Who said: “It’s time to get up?”

1- Who managed to cook the porridge?

2- Who poured tea into the cup?

1- Who braided my hair?

2- Swept the whole house alone?

1- Who kissed me?

2- Who as a child loves laughter?

1- Who is the best in the world?


I'll build a robot like this for my mom,

So that he does all the work around the house:

And he washed and ironed, fried and cooked,

And I swept and washed the kitchen floors

So that he can sew up his torn pants,

At night he would read books to my brother and me,

And coming home from work, mom will be surprised:

No worries - you can go to bed.

A robot is a necessary thing, let it help us.

My brother Seryozhka is growing up quickly,

We'll gain strength - then we'll manage

Let's get started right away.

For now we are children. What kind of work do we have?

We still want to play with toys.

If we grow up, we will help, there will be a reward for us:

When mom sees it, she will be very happy!

4th competition “In the world of fairy tales”

Teacher: Now we will test the memory and observation skills of our mothers. You need to answer the questions:

1. Which fairy tale first shows the mechanism of family contracting? (“Turnip”)

2. How many times did the old man go to the sea in “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”? What did the net bring and what did the old man ask for? (The old man went to the sea six times: a net came with only mud, the first time he went - a net came with sea grass, a net came with one fish; the second time - he asked for a trough, the third time - a hut, the fourth - his wife wants to be a pillar noblewoman, the fifth - a free queen, for the sixth time - the mistress of the sea.)

3. Which fairy tale talks about bad work director, about his evil character and the plight of the actors? (A. Tolstoy. “The Adventures of Pinocchio, or the Golden Key.”)

4. How many times did Prince Guidon fly to the kingdom of Tsar Saltan and who did he turn into? (Three times: mosquito, fly, bumblebee.)

5. What were the names of the heroes of the fairy tale “Teremok”? (Mouse-norushka, Frog-frog, Bunny-jumping, Fox-sister, Wolf-clicking teeth, Bear.)

6. Which fairy tale talks about the deceit of a beautiful woman, the elimination of an even more beautiful rival, the grave consequences of these actions, and a means of resuscitation that, unfortunately, is not used in medicine? (A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Dead Princess.”)

7. In what fairy tale does a person, gray in all respects, carry out an insidious plan to kill two persons, one of whom was wearing a red headdress, but thanks to the timely intervention of the public, everything ends well? (C. Perrault, “Little Red Riding Hood.”)

8. In which fairy tale did an official grossly violate the principle “from each according to his ability, to each according to his work” and appropriated wages worker, why did he commit lynching, inflicting grievous bodily harm on the forehead of the official? (A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda.”)


The morning begins

Mom wakes up

And my mother's smile

The morning is filling up.

With warm palms

Mom will warm us up

With kind words

Let the sadness dissipate.

Why so often

Is “harmfulness” kicking at us?

“I don’t want to, I won’t!” -

It's called.

We know, mommy,

You're always right

But "I'm sorry, please" -

The words sound again.

Like the sun in the sky,

Like leaves in a garden,

Like living water

Mom is important to us!

5 Competition “Feed me”

Presenter 2 - Well done. (Three mothers are invited to the stage along with their children). Mothers want their children to always be healthy and well-fed. Now mothers will feed their children. And with your eyes closed (everyone is blindfolded).

Mothers and children feed each other bananas.

(children come out one at a time, each says two lines, sing a song)

If I sing about my mother,

The sun smiles at me

If I sing about my mother,

Flowers are smiling

If I sing about my mother,

The breeze flies through the window,

And funny dragonflies

They chirp to me from above.

And they nod their heads

There are roses in my front garden,

The birds sing along with the songs,

The cat sings it with me.

If I sing about my mother,

Everyone sings with me too,

Even the sky is bluer

Even my ball is blue!


6 Competition

Presenter 1 - (Three mothers are invited to the stage along with their children). You can’t get enough of bananas alone, so the children are invited choose products for making borscht, solyanka and pizza

(cards with the names of products are laid out on the table; things that are not related to the products are written on the backs of the cards.

cabbage, potatoes, beets, meat, onions, carrots, tomato, cucumber, mushrooms, sausage, ham, dough, cheese, mayonnaise, sour cream, olives, peas, pepper, salt, tomato, dough, spices, herbs;

smile, hat, orange peels, school pencil case, fish, spoon, pencil, apple, a lot of pepper, mittens, sugar, socks, gas. water, tea leaves, threads, candies, chocolate, crackers.

Presenter 2-Moms at this time will think about how they can justify the bad marks they received in one day in the Russian language, literature, mathematics, foreign language, and even ask to go for a walk.

In the meantime, we will play with the audience.

GAME WITH SPECTATORS (3 people) 3 sheets of paper

Tear mom's profile out of the paper.


Presenter 1- Let's sum it up. Children take turns naming the dish and the products from which it can be prepared.

Leading2 - Now mothers take turns justifying their failures.

Teacher. Dear mothers, please listen to how our children imagine the time when they themselves will become parents.

When I'm an adult

I will be very formidable.

And my children will say:

“Can’t we go for a walk?”

“What time is it? Ninth?

Perhaps it's a little late

Well, I'll tell you, guys,

Now go to bed!”

When I'm an adult

I will be very formidable.

And my children will say:

“Can’t we play?”

I’ll say: “Have you been playing all day?

Was the box broken?

Lost your reel?

Now go to bed.

Teacher. So, dear mothers, you are convinced that our children can be self-critical and strict.


Leading 1 - (Three mothers are invited to the stage along with their children). And now a task for mothers and children together. Imagine that you overslept and need to get ready very quickly. Moreover, the mother gets the child ready for work, and the child gets the mother ready for school. You are offered the necessary accessories, just do not get confused. You have 1 minute. (Each couple is offered a briefcase, bag, various items)


Leading2 - Everyone has gathered. Everything is fine. From early childhood, mothers teach us to have order and routine. This is what we will sing to you about.


Teacher Your mothers did not sleep many nights, worried about you, wanted you to be healthy, smart and kind. Their hands are constantly working to make you feel good and comfortable. Guys, we didn’t even notice how we ended up on the amazing planet of Caring Mothers. The sun always shines on it, kind, affectionate and cheerful mothers live on it. Now remember your mother’s hands. What are they?

1. In childhood they are like armor
They covered us from trouble.
Ointments were rubbed into me,
They took my hand affectionately.

2. Wash clothes quickly
They sewed shirts and trousers.
I remember how now
Kind mother's hands.

3. Once I brought a diary,
Chronicle of your own laziness.
Hands froze for a moment
They lay mournfully on their knees.
I'm ashamed that I upset
Kind mother's hands.

Teacher With mom, my little friend,
It's not good to do that.
Don't upset her hands
So as not to be ashamed later


They say - at mom's

Hands are not simple.

They say - at mom's

Hands are golden!

I look carefully

I bring it closer

I touch and stroke -

I don't see any gold.

Why do people

Our factory

They say - at mom's

Are your hands golden?

I won't argue

They know better -

After all, they work

With my mother.


Presenter 1 - And again we will play with you. (4 people with mothers are invited)

You have to jump on the ball so that it bursts, and there will be a surprise inside.

Tasks for moms: solve problems:

In mathematics:

Mryaka and Bryaka quarreled. Mryaka grunted to Bryak with a marfufa 7 times on anything, and Bryaka grunted to Bryak with the same marfufa on anything 9 times. The question is, how many times did they grab the poor little girl by the tail and fling her at anything? (2 times, 16 times).

When baby Kuzya was scratched by a cat, he screamed for 5 minutes, when he was bitten by a wasp, he screamed for 3 minutes more, but when his own mother attacked him and started washing him with soap, Kuzya screamed 2 times longer than after the wasp bite. Mom washed Kuzya for 9 minutes, how many minutes did the already washed Kuzya scream? (7 minutes).

-in Russian:

How do you understand the phrase “The glok kuzdra gored the bokren and curls the bokr”?

According to literature:

Tell the fairy tale “Turnip” in a modern way


Our mother left home on business,

And she told me to keep an eye on my little brother.

I caught my brother and began to babysit:

I read him a funny book.

It's funny how the goat ended up in the well...

Well, laugh, Andryushka! And he doesn't laugh

He tells me: “You’re reading wrong!”

Yes, I read with expression, eccentric!

He didn’t listen and cried a little,

And immediately a cat meowed in the corner.

She meows so subtly, so pitifully......

What's wrong with the cat? She's probably sick!

I started treating the cat with powders,

But the cat rushed off in big leaps!

I was running after the cat, I was exhausted, I was sweating...

And suddenly I heard the lock click,

Hooray! This is mom, come quickly!

Andryushka and the cat are already at the door.

And now my mother and I are sitting at the table,

And my mother read that same book -

I read how the goat ended up in the well...

Andryushka is shining, Andryushka is laughing!

And suddenly I remembered that the cat was sick.

But mom said: “She’s hungry!”

We filled the cat's bowl with fish,

And the cat purred: - Meow! Thank you!

I cleaned the bowl to the very bottom...

Indeed, the cat was hungry!

Then the three of us tidied up the toys,

And neither I nor Andryushka was bored.

Look how nice it is: no dust, no rubbish;

And the most important thing is nearby - MOTHER!


Leading2 - In the meantime, we will check how our children affectionately call their mothers. For this I need 5 guys. You will take turns calling the affectionate word (without repeating) that you call your mother, and so on until someone stops.

Leading1 - Well done! Let's check what our competitors did.

Our competitors did a great job, well done!

Teacher Accept the gift of dance.

Leading2 - Dear, our dear mothers! We are very glad that we have you - after all, you are the closest people to us. We sincerely congratulate you on your holiday. We wish you well, good luck and love! We love you very much!

Girls and boys!

Come with us

Let's say thank you to grandma

Let's say thank you to mom.

For songs and fairy tales,

For troubles and affections,

For delicious cheesecakes,

Here's to new toys!

Girls and boys!

Come with us

Let's say thank you to grandma

Let's say thank you to mom.

For books and counting rhymes,

For skis and jump ropes,

For sweet jam,

For your long patience.

In chorus Girls and boys!

Come with us

Let's say thank you to grandma

Let's say thank you to mom.

ALL CHILDREN (in chorus): Thank you!

Children give gifts with the inscription: “To my beloved mother for her kindness and tenderness, patience and reliability!” The guys also give postcards.

Postcard text:

Darling! Dear! Darling!
You are a fair wind to the ship.
I would only like to be next to you,
I don't need anything more
Because I love you!


1 Thank you all for your attention,
2. For enthusiasm, for ringing laughter,
1. For the fire of competition,
2. Ensuring success.

1. Now the moment of farewell has come.
2. Our speech will be brief:
1. We tell you:

CHORUS “Goodbye! See you happy next time!”

In conclusion, everyone performs a song to the tune of “The Bending of a Yellow Guitar...”

You hug the bend of the yellow guitar tenderly.
The string will pierce the tight height with a fragment of echo.
Today we celebrate Mother's Day with success.
It's great that we are all here today.

And we will remember our grandmothers - they are also mothers.
Let's not forget their warmth and affection.
And a year later again on a November day
We will meet again at the joint holiday.

We wish you health and happiness!
Good luck and patience! Mommy, smile!
And we firmly promise that we will not let you down.
It’s great that we are all here today!


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A thoughtful entertainment program for Mother's Day will help make the event fun and interesting. Thematic competitions and games will entertain everyone present, allow them to demonstrate their talents, show dexterity and ingenuity. Relay races and competitions will make the holiday dynamic and set a cheerful mood for the participants of the celebration.

    Several mothers are participating in the competition. Each participant receives a piece of paper and a pen. The presenter begins to name school subjects one by one. The task of each mother is to write the name, surname and patronymic of the teacher who teaches the named subject for her child. Participants are given 30 seconds for each subject.

    The winner is the mother who manages to write more teachers correctly.

    The competition is held at the school in the assembly hall. It involves 2 teams with the same number of children in each. Also, 2 mothers - commanders - are voluntarily selected from the audience.

    Teams stand in 2 lines in front of the starting line. At the other end of the assembly hall there are 2 boxes of food (they may contain cucumber, tomato, cheese, pepper, salt). The presenter hands each mother a list of products to “buy.” The boxes and lists are the same for each team.

    After the leader’s “start” signal, the captain of each group of participants tells the first player what he needs to bring from the box. After he brings the ordered product, the second competitor begins the relay race.

    The winner is the team that brings all the products on the list faster than their opponents.

    The competition is held at the school in the assembly hall at a matinee dedicated to Mother's Day. Several mothers participate. Their children act as judges of the competition.

    Each mother receives a piece of paper and a pen. The participants' task is to remember their children's weekly school schedule. 3 minutes are allotted for the competition. Children do not have the right to tell their mothers the lesson schedule.

    The mother who copes with the task best wins.

    Game "My mother is the most..."

    All children who want to play can play. They stand in a circle. Each player must tell as much as possible about their mother. In order of rotation, participants name one of its advantages. For example, the first player says: “My mother sews the best,” the second says “My mother cooks the most delicious breakfasts,” the third says “My mother is the kindest woman in the world.” You have 5 seconds to come up with a compliment. A child who does not have time to describe his mother in the allotted time leaves the game. Compliments cannot be repeated. The game continues until one participant remains. He becomes the winner.

    Children who want to show their strength in poetry are invited to participate in the competition. They are all given sheets of paper, pens and a set of rhymes to use in the poem. For example: stove - dream, affection - mask, kindness - beauty, day - shadow, mother - gamma. The more unusual the rhymes, the more interesting the poems will be. Too many of them should not be used, otherwise the participants will have a hard time. You need to discuss in advance whether these words can be inclined.

    After the allotted time (no more than 15 minutes), the children take turns reading out their odes. The winner is determined by the number of applause.

    Mothers and their children take part in the competition. Each mother-child pair is given props: an old T-shirt, pieces of fabric, ribbons, buttons, a needle, thread, beads and scissors.

    In the allotted time (no more than 10-15 minutes), the couple must decorate the T-shirt to their liking. The winner is the mother and child who cope with the task better than others and create the most beautiful thing.

    Mothers and children compete in the competition. Before the start of the competition, a line is drawn in the middle of the room, beyond which you cannot step. The mothers' team stands on one side, and the children's team stands on the other side of it.

    The presenter throws a balloon, which mothers and children must take turns hitting. At this time, cheerful music is playing. If the ball lands on the floor of one of the teams, then their opponents are awarded 1 point. From time to time, the host turns off the music and awards 1 point to the team whose side does not have a ball at that moment. The team with the largest number points.

    Game "Mom from Intelligence"

    Several mothers and their children participate in the game. Mothers are given sheets of paper on which they answer questions. At this time, children write the correct answers to the same questions on the sheets.

    Sample questions

    • What literary work is your child's class currently studying?
    • Write your lesson schedule for tomorrow.
    • What is the name of your son's (daughter's) favorite teacher?
    • What are your child's two favorite subjects in school?
    • What are the names of the head teacher and director of the school?
    • What desk does your son (daughter) sit at?
    • What does your child think is the best dish in the school cafeteria?

    For each complete correct answer, mom earns 1 point, for each half correct answer 0.5 points. The participant with the most points wins. The presenter announces that you can safely take her with you on reconnaissance, as she will obtain any information.

    Several mothers are participating in the competition. On the table are their children’s things, mixed together: textbooks, notebooks, pens, pencils, rulers, etc. Each mother is given a schedule of items according to which she must assemble the child’s portfolio. For example: chemistry, biology, mathematics, English, history. The mother who completes the task faster and more correctly than the others wins the competition.

Surprise competitions "Mother's Day" in elementary school

Event goals

1. Contribute to the development in every child of love and respect for his mother and her work.

2. Help strengthen friendship and mutual understanding between mother and child through joint play activities.

3. Develop students' creative abilities.


1. Creation of a “Bank of Ideas” by children.

2. Drawing up by the class teacher of a competition script based on the ideas proposed by the students.

3. Design of an exhibition of crafts made jointly by mothers and children.

4. Preparation of amateur performances by schoolchildren and the class teacher.

5. Making postcards and souvenirs for mothers during labor lessons.

6. Parents purchase everything necessary for tea drinking.

7. Determination of the composition of the jury.

Students of 1st, 3rd and 4th grades who study in the same multi-age study group, their mothers, class teacher and guests are participating.

On the table class teacher- tape recorder, disc with the phonogram of the song “Hello, Moms!” Sets of clothing have been prepared according to the number of competing pairs (hats, jackets, scarves, gloves), hair bands; plates with porridge, spoons; sheets of white paper, felt-tip pens; scraps of fabric, needles, scissors, threads, buttons; blindfolds; toys; cards with animal names.

The progress of the holiday

Class teacher. Today we have gathered to honor the greatest, kindest, wisest and most patient woman - a woman-mother.

Any trouble will fade away and disappear,

Like roaring thunder in spring,

If she is with you, if she is always near

She might be 33 or 73.

No matter how old she is, age has nothing to do with it -

In restlessness, business from dawn to dusk

The person who holds the house together.

Her husband is a general, an astronaut or a poet,

Can be a tractor driver, a driver, a doctor.

She is the most important of all, there is no doubt about that -

The person who holds the house together.

Very rarely, but still sometimes sick.

And then everything around is topsy-turvy, upside down.

Because she, because she

The person who holds the house together.

And no matter what spring comes,

We go to work or to kindergarten,

She always treats us like children,

The person who holds the house together.

The rapid age is taking us somewhere.

In the bustle, we sometimes forget that

That she is not a foundation, she is a person.

The person who holds the house together.

So that there is light in both the heart and the house,

Reciprocate her kindness with kindness.

May you always feel love and warmth

The person who holds the house together.

Dear mothers, children have prepared a surprise for you.

1st student

Hello, kindest ones,

Smart and beautiful

The most wonderful -

Our beloved mothers!

2nd student

Congratulations now

Happy holiday to this wonderful

And we believe that our evening will be for you

Pleasant and interesting.

3rd student

Believe me, we are very sad,

If we upset you.

Listen to you, always help

We all promise now.

4th student

Mommies! We love you very much,

We adore you.

For affection, love, for sleepless nights

We thank you

And we give you a song as a gift.

Students sing the song “Hello, Moms!” (lyrics by K. Ibryaev, music by Y. Chichkov).

Homeroom teacher. All our mothers are very busy people. How many worries and troubles they have! What are they doing?

The children answer.

Yes, our mothers both work and household lead and raise children. And very rarely you can spend the whole day with them without anything interfering or distracting you from each other.

And today you can not only chat, but also play with your mother. And today we will try to spend the day with mom. We invite each couple (mother and child) to create a team and take part in competitions. The competitions will be assessed by an independent jury. So let's begin.

First competition "Dress me". Each couple receives a set of clothes (hat, jacket, scarf, gloves). Mothers should get their baby dressed as quickly as possible.

After the competition, the girls perform a dance for their mothers.

Second competition “Mom-hairdresser”. Moms are given hair ties. The winner is the mother who manages to tie as many “tails” to her child as possible within a certain time.

Third competition "Breakfast". The teams receive bowls of porridge. A blindfolded mother must feed her child. The winner is the pair that completes the task more accurately and faster than the rest.

Children perform comic ditties as gifts for their mothers.


We are funny friends

We dance and sing.

And now we will tell you,

How my mothers and I live.

Our mothers sew and wash

And the food is delicious.

We must learn from them

Do everything perfectly.

And I'm trying to mommy

Never upset.

I love to sew, knit, cook

And get straight A's.

I'm proud of my mom

And she me too.

I try to be in everything

Looks like her.

My mother is cheerful -

And I'm having fun too.

Even if he scolds,

I'm not angry with her.

Our dear mothers,

Don't scold us for laziness.

We will learn lessons

A+ every day.

Class teacher. Our next competition is called "Artist's Workshop". While holding a felt-tip pen, the couple must draw a little man. Speed ​​and similarity are assessed.

The fourth competition "Cooks". Contestants must come up with names of dishes that begin with one letter (for example: jelly, compote, chicken, kulebyaka, loaf, etc.). The couple with the longest list will win.

Boys and girls sing the song “Pie for Mom.”

Class teacher. Do our teams know how to put on a patch or sew on a button? The next Atelier competition will show us this. Holding hands, the couple must thread the needle and sew on the button. Speed ​​and quality are assessed.

Fifth competition “Spring cleaning”. Blindfolded children must collect toys scattered on the floor. Mothers can give children clues where the toy is. The couple that collects the most toys wins.

Class teacher. Evening comes, and then night. Usually mothers tell their children fairy tales. And today we will do the opposite. I propose a competition called “Pantomime”.

Each team receives a card with the name of an animal (fox, cat, hare, cow, etc.). With the help of facial expressions and gestures, children must show the animal, and mothers must guess.

Our day with mom was friendly and fun. And for you, dear mothers, the children will read poetry.


Thank you all for your participation,

Thanks for the jokes and laughter,

May the holiday be like a drop of happiness

Will remain in everyone's heart.


And now mom will smile,

I stand there, very worried.

A gift like a drop of sunshine

I give it to my beloved mother.

Children give their mothers postcards and handmade souvenirs.

Summing up the results of competitions. All participating couples are awarded in the following categories:

- “The most dexterous”;

— “Skillful hands”;

- “The most careful”;

- “The most erudite”;

— “Best Artists”;

— “Best Actor”;

— “Best Spectator”;

- “The most resourceful”;

- “The most friendly”

- “The most fun.”

The class teacher invites mothers and children to place a flower in the vase whose name matches their mood after the competition (cheerful, sad, calm).

The competitions end with a tour of the “We Do It Yourself” crafts exhibition and a tea party.


Yarovaya L.N. etc. Extracurricular activities. 2nd grade. M., 2004.

Scenario of a competitive and entertainment program at school,

dedicated to Mother's Day

“You are the only one - the only one and dear!”

(The presenter comes on stage.)

1 presenter:

Good afternoon, dear friends! We are very pleased to see you all in this room! It’s especially nice to see moms here, because it was in your honor that we organized this event! Today we celebrate Mother's Day!

2 presenter:

Today is a holiday! Today is a holiday!
Holiday of grandmothers and mothers,
This is the kindest holiday,
Comes to us in the fall.
This is a holiday of obedience,
Congratulations and flowers,
Diligence, adoration -
A holiday of the best words!

1 presenter:

There is an eternal word in our world,

Short, but most heartfelt.

It's beautiful and kind

It is simple and convenient,

It is sincere, beloved,

Incomparable to anything in the world:


Song "Song about Mom"

Mom is the first word
The main word
In every destiny.
Mom gave life
Gave the world
Me and you.

It happens at night
Mom slowly
Will cry
How's your daughter doing?
How is her son?
Only in the morning
Mom will fall asleep.
Mom is the first word
The main word
In every destiny.
Mom gave life
Gave the world
Me and you.
Mom the earth and the sun,
Life gave
Me and you.

It happens
If it happens suddenly,
There is grief in your house,
Mom, the best
Reliable friend,
Will be with you
Always nearby.

Mom is the first word
The main word
In every destiny.
Mom gave life
Gave the world
Me and you.
Mom the earth and the sun,
Life gave
Me and you.

It happens
You will become more mature
And like a bird,
You will fly high.
Whoever you are, know
What are you to your mother?
As before,
Sweet baby.

Mom is the first word
The main word
In every destiny.
Mom gave life
Gave the world
Me and you.

2 presenter: The celebration of Mother's Day began in ancient Rome, when people praised the goddess of earth and fertility. In Christianity, this holiday is associated with honoring the Protection of the Mother of God.
Since 1998, Russia has celebrated Mother's Day, the Guardian of the Hearth, on the last Sunday in November. This is a kind of thanksgiving day, an expression of love and respect for mothers. They gave us life, affection and care, warmed us with love. . The words “mother” and “mother” are among the most ancient on Earth and sound almost the same in the languages ​​of different nations. This suggests that all people honor and love mothers. In many countries it is celebrated Mother's Day . People congratulate their mothers, come to visit them, give them gifts, and organize a holiday for them.

1 presenter

Mom - this means tenderness,

This is affection, kindness,
Mom is serenity

This is joy, beauty!

Mom is a bedtime story,

This is the morning dawn

Mom is a hint in difficult times,
This is wisdom and advice!
Mom is the green of summer,
This is snow, an autumn leaf,
Mom is a ray of light
Mom means LIFE!

2 presenter : To participate in competitions, we need to create 2 teams and select jury members.

1 presenter The task for the participants is to come up with name, motto your team and choose a captain.

2 presenter : While the teams are coming up with a name, listen to a song performed by third grade girls"Mom's Smile"

1 presenter : Now the team captains must introduce their team

2 presenter:

Our dear mother,

These gentle lines are for you!
The sweetest and most beautiful,
The kindest on this earth.

1 presenter Our first competition is called

"Mom's name."

To participate in the competition, children must come to the aid of mothers.

Assignment for children: list the qualities of her character using the letters of their mother’s name. For example, charming, loving, clear - Olya; delightful, intriguing, sociable, demanding, charming, determined, sparkling with humor, bright - Victoria

2 presenter: Now listen ditties performed by 2nd grade students

1) Our dear mothers,

We'll sing ditties for you!

Congratulations on your holiday

And we send you a big hello!

2) We are cheerful girlfriends.
We dance and sing
And now we will tell you,
How joyfully we live.

3) So that mom is surprised,
Dad made us lunch.
For some reason, even a cat
She turned away from the cutlets.

4) Dad polished the floor until it shined,
Prepared vinaigrette

And, I'll tell you a secret,

Did a lot of trouble:

5) He boiled milk,

He went far away.

I approached him again:

There's no milk in sight!

6) The soup and porridge were burnt,

He poured salt into the compote,

How our mother returned,

She had a lot of trouble.

7) Galya washed the floors,
Katya helped
It's just a pity, mom again
I washed everything.

8) Dad solved the problem for me,
Helped with math.
Then we decided with my mother,
Something he couldn't decide.

9) Smoky pan
Lena cleaned with sand,
Two hours in Lenu's trough
Mommy washed it later.

10) We sang to you as best we could,
We're just children,
We only know that our mothers...
The best in the world.

1 presenter.

All women are excellent housewives; they spend a lot of time in the kitchen. And our mothers are the best housewives in the world. In our next competition"Mistress"

You need to be blindfolded and determine by touch what is on the plate.

(On the saucer there is sugar, salt, millet, buckwheat, rice, pearl barley. Participants in the competition guess what kind of cereal is in front of them.)

2 presenter:

And so it endedanother competition.

While the jury is deliberating,
The dance celebration continues!

1 presenter. Watch the dance performed by 7th and 9th graders

2 presenter. Do you know that during the year mothers wash 18,000 knives, forks and spoons, 13,000 plates, 8,000 cups.

1 presenter. The total weight of the dishes that our mothers carry from the kitchen cabinet to the dining table and back reaches 5 tons per year.

2 presenter. During the year, our mothers walk more than 2,000 km for shopping.

1 presenter.

The next competition of our program

"Kitchen utensils"

The bag contains 5 items (mug, grater, teapot, grater, meat grinder). Participants in the competition must, without looking into the bag, determine what kind of dishes are there and write it down on a piece of paper.

2 presenter. Another competition has ended. The jury sums up the results, and we continue: listen to the song performed by third grade boys

"Don't be afraid mom"

1 presenter. The floor is given to our esteemed jury

2 presenter.

Do everything on the run, on the fly,
Sewing, ironing, cooking and cleaning the stove,
Wash, clean, teach homework -
Try to live at this pace!
1 presenter. Yes, you need to have a special talent!

After all, the whole house rests on mom!

2 presenter. Listen to a poem performed by 8th grade student Nikita Kulaev

"The Man Who Runs the House"

1 presenter. And here are mommy's hands

It's just a treasure

Being idle for mommy

Hands don't tell

2 presenter. A child cannot live without toys. And handmade toys are much more expensive for a child than store-bought ones. So our mothers will have to show their talent for needlework and make toys for their children from the materials that we offer them.

Competition "TOY"

Mothers must make a toy for their child from scrap materials in a limited time. Possible list of materials for the competition: colored paper, scraps, shells, matchboxes, balls, felt-tip pens, scissors, glue, stapler, cotton wool, thread, postcards, paper, etc.

1 presenter. While mothers are crafting,
The children will entertain us!
We present to your attention a skit performed by 5th graders

"Three Moms"


The role is played by an adult:


The roles are played by children:




(In the center of the hall or on the stage there is a table and three chairs. A doll sits on one of the chairs. There is a dish with four cheesecakes on the table).
Our children are so stubborn!
Everyone knows this themselves.
Mothers often tell them,
But they don't hear their mothers.
Tanyusha in the evening
I came back from a walk

And the doll asked:
Tanya enters, approaches the table and sits down on a chair, taking the doll in her arms.
Tanya .
How are you, daughter?
Have you crawled under the table again, fidget?
Did you sit all day without lunch again?
These daughters are just a disaster,

Go to lunch, spinner!
Cheesecake for lunch today!
Tanya's mom came home from work
And Tanya asked:
Mom comes in and sits on a chair near Tanya.
Mother .
How are you, daughter?
Playing again, probably in the garden?
Have you managed to forget about food again?
Granny screamed for dinner more than once,

And you answered: “Now and now.”
These daughters are just a disaster,
Soon you will be as thin as a matchstick.
Go have lunch, spinner!
Cheesecake for lunch today!
Here grandmother - mother's mother - came
And I asked my mother:
The grandmother enters with a wand, approaches the table and sits on the third chair.
How are you, daughter?
Probably in the hospital for a whole day
Again there was not a minute to eat,
And in the evening I ate a dry sandwich.
You can't sit all day without lunch.
She’s already become a doctor, but she’s still restless.
These daughters are just a disaster.
Soon you will be as thin as a matchstick.
Go to lunch, spinner!
Cheesecake for lunch today! (
Everyone eats cheesecakes.)
Leading .
Three mothers are sitting in the dining room,
Three mothers look at their daughters.
What to do with stubborn daughters?
All three. Oh, how difficult it is to be a mother!

2 presenter. Another competition is over.The jury is back at work.

1 presenter. We give mothers a song,

It rings and flows,

Let mom have fun

Let mom smile!

2 presenter.

Listen to the song performed by a 5th grade song"Mom's eyes" to the words of M. Plyatskovsky and music by E. Martynov,

The rain will fall to the ground like a tear,
And the road will beckon us into the distance in the morning.

They will look after us affectionately and sternly.

Everything in life can happen - both joy and thunder,
Fate does not favor us at times.
A mom's eyes, and mother's eyes
They always watch us with excitement.

In search of a dream, we change addresses,
Rare letters forgive us at home.
And my mother's eyes, and my mother's eyes
Out of habit, we are returned to childhood.

1 presenter. What did our jury decide?

The jury's word

2 presenter. Now we'll play a little

Competition "Venicobol".

Each team is given a broom, and each player is given a balloon. A basket is placed at a distance in front of each team. Victory is awarded to the team that gets the most balls into the basket faster.

1 presenter Listen to the song performed by 7th and 8th graders. "Mom and Daughter"

Where there is spring, there are flowers and gifts,
Good songs, familiar lines...
On a clear day, take a walk in the park
Mother and daughter are getting ready.
A ray of sunshine, thin in spring,
I forgot about the frosts and blizzards.
The girls in the class admire:
“You and mom are just like friends!”

Mom and daughter - they are so similar!
Mom and daughter are two drops of sunshine.
Childhood goes away, goes away - and yet
Love remains in the heart forever!

The daughter is sad, the daughter doesn’t know the answer,
My soul is heavy and anxious.
Mom will say with hope: “Dear!
It’s possible to return everything, to fix everything!”
Mom's voice, both gentle and strict,
It sounds in us through the winds and losses.
Mom and daughter walk along the road -
On the road of love and trust.


2 presenter Guys, did your mothers read fairy tales to you when you were a child? And now we’ll check if mothers have forgotten the fairy tales, because the children have grown up

1 presenter. Competition “Find out fairy tales”

3 crossover tales have been prepared. The moms' team captain pulls out a piece of paper at random and reads it expressively. Each team tries to understand what fairy tales are involved, and mothers write down the names. The whole team participates in guessing.

1. Once upon a time there lived with a woman and her grandfather Kolobok. One day he was lying on the window. And then the Mouse ran and waved its tail. The bun fell and broke. Seven kids came running and ate everything, leaving the crumbs behind. They ran home, and the crumbs were scattered along the path. Geese-swans flew in, began to peck at the crumbs and drink from the puddle. Then the learned cat says to them: “Don’t drink, otherwise you’ll become little goats!”

(answer : 7 fairy tales: “Kolobok”, “Ryaba Hen”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Hansel and Gretel”, “Swan Geese”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, “Ruslan and Lyudmila”)

2. Once upon a time there were three bears. And they had a bast hut, and there was also an ice hut. So Little Mouse and Frog Frog were running past, they saw huts and said: “Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest, and turn your front to us!” The hut stands there, not moving. They decided to enter, went to the door, and pulled the handle. They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out. Apparently, Sleeping Beauty is lying there and waiting for Emelya to kiss her.
( answer : 7 fairy tales: “Three Bears”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “Teremok”, “Baba Yaga”, “Turnip”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “At the Command of the Pike”)

3. In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a Frog Princess. So one day she sat on a gray wolf and went to look for the feather of Finist Yasna Falcon. The wolf is tired and wants to rest, but she says to him: “Don’t sit down, don’t eat the pie!” And the wolf got angry and said: “As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, scraps will fly through the back streets!” The Frog got scared, hit the ground and at midnight turned into a pumpkin. Chernomor saw her and dragged her to his castle.
answer : 7 fairy tales: "The Frog Princess", "Finist the Clear Falcon", "Ivan Tsarevich and Gray wolf", "Masha and the Bear", "Zayushina's Hut", "Cinderella", "Ruslan and Lyudmila")

2 presenter . Listen to the song performed by 9th grade “ Mother"

1 presenter. And another mobile one

competition "Relay"

The first team member runs to the chair, puts on an apron, ties a scarf on his head, runs around the chair, runs to the team, taking off the apron and scarf, passes it to the second participant, etc. until the last participant.The last participant in the relay runs to a chair on which cards with the names of products for porridge are laid out, takes a card with the desired ingredient, and puts it in the pan. (Cards with the names of the ingredients should be varied: water, peas, salt, sugar, semolina, carrots, etc., but the same for both teams.) The team that is the first to complete the relay correctly is awarded

2 presenter. Another competition has ended. The jury sums up the resultsand we are watching a skit performed by 9th grade students

1 presenter Love your mother, little children,
After all, it’s so difficult to live in the world without her,
Her attention and affection and care,
You will not be replaced by someone else.
Love your mom, young teenagers
She is your trunk, and you are her shoots,
She's the only one loving mother,
She will always understand you, her stubborn children.
2 presenter. And the children are adults, always love your mother,
Don’t skimp on her tender words,
The road to it is akin to the road to the Temple,
And when you enter the house, bow at her feet.

Love your mother, adults and children,
There is no one in the world more dear to her!

2 presenter To sum up the results of the competition, the jury speaks

1 presenter And now the awards ceremony

2 presenter Our holiday has come to an end! But I want to wish you, dear mothers, that the holiday never ends in your life and in your soul! Let your faces get tired only from smiles, and your hands from bouquets of flowers. May your children be obedient and your husbands attentive! May your home always be decorated with comfort, prosperity, love, and happiness!