Concierge opening. New business ideas. Unusual wishes and orders

Concierge service is a good opportunity for clients to entrust the performance of various tasks to bank employees. Premium card holders can count on fast 24/7 information support and assistance in obtaining goods and services. The article discusses the features of this proposal in various organizations.

Concierge service: what is it?

Typically, concierge service at a bank is offered to premium card holders. Sometimes a list of cards is established that allow you to use this program.

As part of the offer, it is possible to get round-the-clock access to various information (restaurants, transport, hotels, resorts, entertainment venues, etc.). For example, you can find out where necessary organization what is her price policy, menu, list of services provided, how to get to your destination, contact numbers, etc. It also implies the ability to book a service or purchase a ticket.

Some banks provide a separate cost for concierge service, others include all costs in the service price bank card. This service is activated automatically when you issue a card. If you do not want to use the concierge service, check with your bank about the possibility of disabling it. But if the product is provided for free, there is no point in refusing the concierge service.

To order a specific service, you need to call " hotline", indicated on the official website of the financial institution.

Basic services within the concierge service

By connecting to the concierge service, you can:

  • receive comprehensive information in any area of ​​life;
  • book a product (service);
  • pay for goods (services);
  • order delivery of the purchased item to the desired address.

This service covers various areas of activity.

1. Travel:

  • Timetable various types transport, selection of connecting flights, reservation and purchase of tickets;
  • organizing car rental, informing about the classes of cars offered for rental;
  • medical support abroad;
  • data on hotels, booking hotel rooms in a specified price range, in the desired area (worldwide);
  • list of documents for obtaining a visa, passport, etc.;
  • information about organizations Catering, table reservations;
  • information about events of various types (sports, cultural, entertainment, recreational), purchasing tickets;
  • selection of tourist excursions (at the right time, on a specific date, at a certain price);
  • data on movie schedules in cinemas;
  • information for organizing celebrations and events (entertainment programs, selection of premises, presenters, etc.).

Courier services:

  • gift delivery;
  • buying food;
  • purchasing medicines.

3. Current issues:

  • health, beauty;
  • search for a tutor;
  • organization of sports activities;
  • location orientation;
  • urgent Care;
  • ordering goods on the Internet;
  • searching for the necessary agencies and specialists;
  • taxi ordering;
  • vehicle evacuation;
  • pet care;
  • recruitment of service personnel;
  • information about various goods and services.

4. Solving business problems:

  • assistance in organizing work;
  • search for contacts;
  • organization of seminars.

Features of top banks within the concierge service

Each bank sets its own terms of service, list of services provided and their cost. Therefore, the basic capabilities can be supplemented with individual offers.

Sberbank's concierge service offers:

  • information about traffic jams;
  • searching for optimal parking (including free parking);
  • translation services;
  • data on currency quotes and stock indices.

At Raiffeisen Bank, the concierge service does not imply charging an additional commission. The cost of the product is included in the tariff for using the card. Here you can get the following services:

  • selection of agencies;
  • preparation of the necessary thematic literature.

At VTB, the concierge service offers the following additional services:

  • written translation of documentation;
  • individual trip coordination;
  • assistance in connection with the loss of documents;
  • carrying out road repairs;
  • organizing cleaning of premises;
  • call an electrician, plumber, plumber.

Gazprombank offers its clients a choice of several cards, for which the concierge service is provided free of charge. The main features are complemented by:

  • list of required vaccinations for travel abroad;
  • assistance in renting office equipment;
  • consultations about the rules business ethics in a specific region;
  • data on currency quotes and stock indices;
  • assistance in recovering lost documents;
  • transmitting urgent messages to relatives in the event of an emergency;
  • auto repair on the road;
  • calling a household handyman to the specified address;
  • description of the features of the country to which you are planning a trip (traffic, cultural features, weather forecast, etc.).

Otkritie Bank offers the following additional service:

  • translation services;
  • trip coordination, weather tracking;
  • repair of vehicles on the road;
  • assistance in everyday life (cleaning, plumbing and plumbing work, etc.).

Alfa-Bank offers concierge services to legal entities and entrepreneurs. The first month the service is provided free of charge, then its cost is 1,500 rubles per month. The number of requests to the bank is not limited. As part of the basic concierge service, the bank offers to receive.

While still studying for her master's degree at MGIMO, Yulia Lukoyanova decided to go work in a concierge service. Starting as a night concierge, the girl gradually mastered the intricacies of working with important guests, gained experience and made connections with the right people. A year ago, she opened her own concierge service, which, among other things, began to help expats get comfortable in Moscow. Now Capital Concierge serves about 150 individuals and two dozen corporate clients.

Yulia Lukoyanova director
and founder
Capital Concierge

How it all began

I was inspired by the idea of ​​business while still in graduate school. Since childhood, I have had a craving for luxury and everything exclusive, which shocked my parents. One day I found an article in one of the glossy magazines about a concierge service in England, written on behalf of its founder. After reading the article, I realized that this is exactly what I want to do, and I wrote a letter to the company.

After the interview, I was accepted into the Moscow branch as a night concierge. It was wildly romantic and complex. When I first started work, I received a request to urgently find a box of exclusive wine, which was brought to Moscow only on order, and within half an hour to deliver it to Vacation home client. Of course, we couldn’t find the required wine, but we offered an alternative - the client was satisfied.


At some point, I realized that I had the strength and a great desire to do something of my own, and I founded my own concierge service. The technical director of our company and the financial director with whom we started together new business, knew me from my previous place of work. The market for concierge services is very narrow, and everyone who works here has overlapped in one way or another.

Currently, our office employs seven people. I looked for them through ads on HeadHunter. When selecting personnel, the first thing that is important to me is English. We place great demands on it, since we provide services all over the world. During a conversation with a candidate, it is important for me to understand the person’s life position, how honest and customer-oriented he is. Knowledge of key services, goods and services, brands and the city of Moscow itself is important. Mostly Muscovites work for us, and almost all employees speak two foreign languages.

Start-up capital

Friends and relatives helped raise 3 million in starting capital. I didn’t call or convince anyone, I just shared the idea with people close to me, they supported me - morally, financially and with contacts.

The money went to rent an office in the very center of Moscow - clients care where we are located. In addition, we had to spend money on the technical part. The telephone is our main work tool. We operate on a call center principle: we accept all requests by phone and email. We didn’t skimp on this, because we understood that the better the system we built, the better our company would work.

The website is also a big expense item, because concierge service is an image business. The brighter you make something, the more likely you are to hook a client. Therefore, we have been working on the website for more than six months; it should be launched soon.


The first clients appeared through personal contacts. My investor friends helped me a lot. Thanks to them, we attracted two very large corporate clients. I cannot disclose their names, but I will say that we have three large contracts. We also serve about 20 small companies: we work with real estate agencies, private educational and medical institutions, expat communities. We do not have a strict club system - we work with each corporate client in a way that is convenient for him. We currently have about 150 private individuals. There is already a subscription system in place here - for a year, three or six months.

Concierge services came to Russia around the early 2000s, and then there was a wow effect. Accordingly, people's reaction was not entirely adequate: clients called and asked to do something to check how far we could go. Behind last years The client's portrait has changed a lot. But still, the client often cannot understand what he needs, does not fully describe the problem, and the manager’s task is to get to the bottom of the matter and offer what is needed.

One day the client asked to transport his dog's corpse with whom on a trip trouble happened

WITH corporate clients not easy either. They mainly need event organization. We also accept individual orders from top managers, but they, as a rule, have their own staff of assistants, so people turn to us if they have only exclusive desires, for example, organizing a turnkey individual trip to Africa. To do this you need to know the region and the right people there, develop a route and program, organize rental of cars and real estate.

Strange orders

Orders are very different. For example, we were recently approached by a client who really wanted to watch a TV series released several years ago in Canada, Good Dog. It was never shown on TV, and it’s generally unclear how the client found out about it. We found only the first season, but the client insisted that there was a second season. We scoured the Internet, and it turned out that the second season was renamed and was not even completed. We found both seasons, but they were impossible to download. Our technician recorded video literally from the screen. As a result, we delivered the disc to the client - he was pleasantly surprised.

Another person, who is not yet our client, called and said: “I have global problem, my wife cannot have children from me, and we really want a child.” Our first question was whether he knew where he was calling - it turned out he knew perfectly well. Since our first visit is free, we made him a selection of various treatment options and indicated the amounts. But he hasn't appeared again yet.

Recently we had to transport a girl from Russia to Ukraine. She called and said she was in a terrible line to cross. Kerch Strait where our government transports military equipment. The girl asked for help to speed up the process. We contacted the boss checkpoint, and he contributed.

Another time we were asked by a client to transport the body of his pet. He was traveling with his dog, and on the way it got into trouble. The client returned to Moscow, but we later transported the dog’s body so that he could bury it in peace at home.

So far we have had no outstanding demands. We immediately refuse to fulfill orders that are contrary to the law. For example, ordering drugs, although now there are much fewer such orders than before.

Here is a real example from my previous company. At night a girl called, already very cheerful. She demanded that a prostitute be called to her home, otherwise “her husband will come and we’ll all be fucked.” We very tactfully explained to her that we don’t do such things, but we can tell her an anecdote so she doesn’t get bored, or recommend a movie.

Working with expats

Expats are exactly the people who need help most. We have prepared an individual package of services taking into account the interests of a person who came from another country: what he needs in the first month, in six months, in a year. We formed it so that at all stages a foreigner would feel comfortable and would not feel the gap between Russia and the West.

Expats pay a lot of attention to detail and want to know everything: why this and not that, and did we check it accurately? Some of them use our service to save money. First of all, such clients want to know how much it costs - milk, coffee, tea - and how much their cost differs from the prices at home. That's why comparative analysis prices is our first item on the list of services for expats. Foreigners want to be accompanied in furniture, food, and clothing stores. In Russia, not all Internet resources are available; sites are in English, so we also help with online translation. There are also more complex services: recruiting personnel or placing children in private schools.


The company's revenue this year should amount to almost 45 million rubles. Gross profit is approximately 14.5 million rubles.

We have an annual subscription for 85 thousand rubles. It includes information services, searching for specialists, making an appointment with them, booking tables in establishments and taxis, delivering flowers, gifts, food and alcohol. The client pays for these services himself - the subscription only covers our labor costs, this is a kind of insurance in case he refuses the order.

Additional services may be subject to a separate service fee on our part, but this has almost no effect on the price for the client. We cooperate with regular suppliers - our prices are lower than for people on the street.

On one-time orders Without a subscription, the maximum service fee is 10% of the cost of goods or services. The higher the price, the lower our percentage. It may be absent altogether if the supplier gives a commission.

We also accommodate clients halfway if they ask us to help their friends. We do this to earn the loyalty of current clients and potential clients.


We are interested in corporate cooperation and various shapes partnerships. There is an idea in the future to gather 20–30 people and create Closed club with powerful personal assistants. But this must be done for clients and for absolutely different money.

At the same time, we expect a reduction in orders from expats: today, not every foreigner wants to go to work in Russia.

Photos: Semyon Kats

I was recently connected to a concierge service. So far I haven’t used it, because there seemed to be no need, but when I started telling my friends about it, there was not a single one who knew what it was. Everyone asked the same question: “What is this?”
We already know firsthand what a cleaning service is. This is when, instead of keeping a cleaner in the office, professional cleaners come there with equipment and clean the room.
Slightly fewer people know what a catering service is. This is when office employees do not bring food from home, do not heat it in the microwave and do not run to a nearby grocery or fast food, but at lunchtime a car comes to them with a hot lunch and feeds all the company employees. This is beneficial both for employees who receive nutritious meals and for company management, who do not need to think about how to provide food for employees or bother organizing their own kitchen.
And now we come to what concierge services are. They can be completely different, both for individuals and for organizations. Today we will touch upon individuals.
I won’t lie, I’ve already heard about one concierge service, to which clients of one large bank are connected for free when opening an account there. But to become a client of this concierge service, you need to deposit at least 2 million rubles into the bank. =)
It is clear that not everyone has that kind of money, so I perceived the concierge service as something elitist, inaccessible to ordinary people.
But it turned out that there are much more affordable concierge services.
So, what is a concierge service? To put it very primitively, this is something between a very super developed 09 and a personal assistant secretary.
That is, the concierge service will tell you everything: where the necessary medicine is, when some organization is open, they will make an appointment for you, buy tickets for you, order pizza for you and much more.

Well, in order not to guess, I will now simply reprint a list of what one of these concierge services IQ Service does, what they tell people:
film review and showtimes,
score of sports competitions,
ordering food,
weather forecast,
presence of traffic jams on your way,
booking plane tickets and much more.

Example: You have arrived in an unfamiliar city and want to have a meal in some good, but not expensive restaurant, no more than 10 minutes walk, with Italian cuisine, where there would also be free seats and a smoking room. And also, so that in an hour a taxi will arrive at the restaurant and take you to the station. Where you would already have tickets booked for the nearest train, in a compartment car, on the bottom bunk.
That's how many conditions we'll set! =)
Now you don’t have to surf the Internet from your mobile phone, you don’t have to ask passers-by, you don’t have to download your local friends (if they even exist there). There is no need to rush around, thinking about what to grab onto and how to make it in time. Just call the concierge service, and they will immediately tell you where you need to go, call a taxi, book tickets (of course, if they are available, and if there are no tickets for the desired train, they will offer an alternative). And there can be a lot of such examples!

I’ll write a few examples of very real requests made by people through this service:

A car tire was punctured near 18 Ivan Franko Street. You need to find the nearest tire shop.
The nearest tire service is located 800 meters along Ivan Franko Street. The address, telephone number and cost of tire fitting were provided - 900 rubles.

The client urgently needs to get from Moscow to Nyagan. There are no direct flights for the required date. The client reported the option he found with a transfer. Asks if there is a better option.
A more profitable route with 1 change was selected. The savings for the client amounted to more than 18,000 rubles. Tickets were booked and delivered.

A client wants to go on vacation to Thailand for 1 week. Asks you to choose the cheapest option.
With the help of our partner, we found an option for a trip to Thailand to the Pattaya resort at the Fortuna 3* hotel, breakfast, 7 nights for $399. Booking and purchase arranged.

That's what a concierge service is. Now know and don't say you didn't hear!
By the way, on the site that I gave for a sample there is now a promotion - you can connect this service for free for one week, so each of you can now try it.

Concierge service in residential buildings- a new and very popular service in Moscow and the Moscow region, especially among owners of luxury housing.
The times when the word concierge meant the grandmother of the watchman are gone.
It is now a professional service that provides high level service and safety for residents.
If you pay attention, the concierge service and security service in apartment building similar functionality.

Both services provide:
– access mode;
general order in a residential building;
– observance of silence;
– fire safety;
– prompt interaction with all services of the HOA or management company;
- interaction courier services(reception and transmission of shipments for residents)
– identification and elimination of consequences of violations of regimes established by the Customer;
– all possible assistance to residents for a comfortable stay.

Despite many similarities with the security service, the work of a concierge requires special training, skills and knowledge.
Friendly, sociable, tactful and patient people can successfully cope with the responsibilities in this profession.
After all, they, more often than any other service, interact with residents and guests.
They carry out a variety of assignments, while strictly adhering to the rule - not to disclose confidential information that becomes known to them in the process of work.
The comfort and safety of residents, as well as their guests, depend on the quality of this service.

Verbal portrait of a new employee of the concierge service:

Floor– man/woman (by agreement);

Age– 25-45 years;

Citizenship– RF

Qualification– presence of a private security guard ID card of level 4 and above. Availability of medical certificates in form 002 and 003;

Appearance– Slavic appearance and name (without exceptions), fit, slightly overweight is allowed, but so as not to look promiscuous, “lean”, intelligent in appearance, neat, possible, with a neat beard or mustache, no redness on the face, no tattoos, piercings on visible open places face, hands, neck, absence of skin blemishes, scars on the face, presence of posture, without glasses (normal vision);

Height– 175 cm and above;

Speech– able to maintain a conversation, extensive vocabulary, confident speech delivery, understanding of the meaning of words used, manner of speech, clear diction and understandable speech, without defects, knowledge in English at a basic level;

Psychotype– responsible, sociable, trainable, patient, good team member, reliable, attentive to details. Without radical political views, without stardom

Appearance – introduction of uniformity of shape and color of clothing. The appearance of our employees complies with accepted special and business standards. Branded uniforms are in neat condition, clean and ironed. Shoes are of the established type, clean and in good condition.

Badge– horizontal aluminum badge with the LCD or private security company logo (by agreement), with the designation of the position (CONCIERGE), the employee’s full name on a removable insert. (Produced at our expense);

Education– training and advanced training of concierge service employees is carried out at our expense, at least 2 times a year. The training program is carried out taking into account quality standards service in residential complexes.

We protect and serve

Private Security Company (PSC) "SHIELD"
– Introduces trained employees to luxury residential properties who will raise service and safety for residents and their guests to another level.
When organizing the work of the concierge service, full interaction with the security service and other services is ensured.
We guarantee fulfillment of the Customer's requirements and attention to detail.
To make it easier to calculate the cost of services, use a special calculator.

Briefly about us

We have been working since 2005.
We have extensive experience in providing concierge and security services for residential properties.
With feedback about our work, you can.
View information about our license, as well as familiarize yourself with sample agreements and instructions.

The highest assessment of our work will be the recommendation you give to your partners and friends.

Stages of service provision:


Call us or leave a request. Our specialist will contact you and we will arrange a meeting to get acquainted and discuss the details.


At the meeting we will discuss the terms of reference, the number of posts, the operating mode of the facility, the operating mode of the private security company and the cost of services. We will also agree on the contract and instructions.


We will prepare an agreed executive documentation- Technical specifications, agreement, instructions and we will conclude an agreement.

The idea of ​​creating her own concierge service had been tormenting her since she was studying for a master’s degree. In order to learn the intricacies of this business, Yulia got a job as a manager in one of the capital’s concierge services, where she acquired her first skills in interacting with a VIP audience.

Concierge is a person whose responsibilities are to satisfy the requests and desires of customers, as well as to ensure comfortable conditions for their accommodation. A concierge can work at a residential building or hotel.

A year later, the girl launched her own service, which, along with other services, helps expats adapt to the realities of Moscow life. Capital Concierge, the name of Lukoyanova’s company, serves over 160 private clients and more than twenty corporate clients.

Starting a Concierge Business

Julia began to feel the desire to start her own business in her youth, watching the ups and downs of famous entrepreneurs. As she admits, the craving for exclusivity and luxury haunted her from early childhood, and sometimes took forms that shocked her parents. Being an avid reader of business literature, one day she discovered an article in a London tabloid about the founder of a concierge service from England. The entrepreneur very colorfully described the advantages of this niche, opportunities and prospects - Yulia was simply amazed and realized that she wanted to engage in such a service.

This is how she describes starting her own business.

The next step was to submit a resume to one of the Moscow concierge agencies, where I was hired to work on the night shift. Despite the need for quick response and extremely delicate treatment of dear (in every sense) clients, which was very difficult for me at first, the occupation seemed incredibly romantic and prestigious. One evening an Italian approached us and asked us to find a box of very expensive dry wine, which was brought to Moscow on a special order. We traveled all over the city, but never found the brand he requested. We had to offer an alternative, after which, nevertheless, the guest of the capital was satisfied.


The time came when I realized that I had mastered the necessary basics and was ready to launch own business. Previous work allowed me to acquire extremely important connections and acquaintances: the concierge services market in Russia is represented by a very narrow, specific segment, therefore, sooner or later, people in it collide with each other. I invited former colleagues who knew my ambition well and gladly accepted my offer to fill the position of financial and technical directors.

We recruited the rest of the team through the HeadHunter recruiting service. Severe demands are placed on the company's personnel, primarily with regard to communication skills, stress resistance, politeness and tact. Since our service is focused on providing services around the world, employees must have a sufficient level of spoken and written knowledge of common international languages. Great importance is attached to a person’s position in life, his aspirations to carry out assignments, the ability to work on tasks in a team format, and the ability to find a language with other colleagues.

There are special people on staff who analyze exclusive products and offers in Moscow in order to be able to quickly satisfy even the most sophisticated whims of sophisticated clients.

Initial Investment

There is a famous saying in the US that relates to starting a business. She says that to start your own business you need to resort to the three “Fs” - “Family, Friends and Fools”. In my case, the issue was resolved thanks to my relatives and closest friends. I simply turned to them, told them about the advantages of the business that I wanted to create and, thus, received the first investors by collecting start-up capital in the amount of 3 million rubles. Moreover, the support consisted not only of finances, but also of connections and guidance.

Based on the specifics of the service, the first item in the expense items was the rental of real estate in the center of the capital. We focus on wealthy people, so it is necessary to emphasize the level and, at a minimum, the client should be able to easily find us. A decent amount of money was spent on technical support. The essence of our business is constant telephone negotiations and contacts through email or social publics. In general, the work is organized according to the principle of a call center, where requests are received or clarified. Recently connected CRM system for dynamic interaction with suppliers and clients, document flow is carried out through cloud services.

Our presence on the World Wide Web is ensured through a website where basic information on services is posted, as well as price lists and contacts for visiting or communication. The level of services is aimed at the Luxury segment, and this requires an elegant approach to page design designed to “hook” the target audience. It is planned that in half a year the main work will be completed and the site will appear online.

Unusual wishes and orders.

Rich people are by nature very eccentric and eccentric, as we have directly seen in the course of our work.

For example, there was a situation when a client approached and asked to find for him a Canadian series that had never been shown in cinemas. A search in Yandex and Google produced extremely modest results and it seemed that I would have to admit my own powerlessness. After several hours of searching, our administrator managed to find the desired film, but it was impossible to download it: it meant watching it only online. I was close to despair until another colleague brought a device for high-quality recording of streaming video from the screen. As a result, we filmed all two seasons and delivered them to the client, who, to our surprise, was as happy as a child.

One day a man called us and said that he and his wife had a problem that did not allow them to have children. Our colleagues asked if he knew where he was going. In response, he said that he knew and was waiting for help. Then our manager had to wander around the Internet for several hours, collecting medical information about methods of treating infertility. It is unknown whether this helped the client, but we completed the task.

Another client was remembered for his unprecedented love for animals. He had a habit of traveling everywhere with his Chow Chow dog, which was of advanced age. During one of the flights, the dog died and the client asked to organize an air transfer of her body to her homeland for funeral while he was on a business trip in Moscow.

They even rescued a girl who was traveling from Russia to Ukraine and got stuck on the Kerch Bridge. At that time, military equipment was being delivered through the crossing, and civilian transport was forced to stand in a huge queue. We managed to establish contacts with the management of the control point and persuade the boss to make an exception for our client. There was a tearful story about fatal coincidences, but there was no other choice - anti-advertising, unfortunately. works faster than advertising.

With some pride I can state that up to today Our agency has no outstanding orders. Maintaining such a balance is difficult, but it is possible if you refuse customers service when the order is directly related to a violation of the law. This means that we do not supply drugs, do not find explosives and do not provide sexual services. This approach allows the company to constantly remain within the legal framework and avoid problems with regulatory authorities.

Of course, we cannot do without excesses. One night we were contacted by a client whose communication style was questioned about her adequacy. There was a demand to immediately find a prostitute for them, and if not fulfilled, the husband would come and start a real pogrom in our office. The managers, who had seen a lot in their lifetime, were not at a loss and began to calm the furious client. After a few anecdotes and recommendations about new movies that appeared online, everything fell into place.

Expat Services

Expat (English expat, abbreviated from expatriate, comes from the Latin ex patria “outside the homeland”) - a slang name for foreign specialists, less often a self-name.

A foreign specialist arriving in Russia, in particular in the capital, requires considerable effort to adapt to local living conditions. The urban, crazy rhythm of Moscow can literally unsettle a person and significantly worsen the level of performance. In such cases, our service is more than ever available, by the way, and helps to a certain extent to erase the gap between Russia and the West. Our company conducted a special study of the basic needs of travelers from different countries, on the basis of which a special package of services was formed.

Among our clients there are those who use our services to save money. It happens that they ask for information about the cost of coffee or milk, various food products, and are asked to draw a parallel with pricing policy in their home country. Given this trend, we were one of the first to introduce a comparative price analysis service, which is becoming popular among expats.

Foreign guests of the capital, whether it is a tourist trip or business purposes, prefer to be accompanied in supermarkets, helped in choosing clothes or furniture, and some require the services of an interpreter to communicate with partners. We also provided family placement services in central regions and on placing children in private kindergartens, which is not so easy to do in Moscow.

Financial question. Profit.

Over the past year, our company's revenue rose to 43 million rubles, of which net profit amounted to about 15 million rubles.

The business model of the service is based on a subscription costing 85 thousand rubles (annual subscription). It includes wide range services, such as providing information and consulting services, booking tables in cafes and restaurants, searching for specialists in beauty salons and recording appointments, delivering gifts, flowers, food and drinks, delivering a taxi to your home, etc.

For the provision of exclusive, non-standard services, their cost, of course, can increase - it all depends on the imagination and material well-being of the customer. On the other hand, during our work we have managed to establish partnerships with service providers who periodically give us significant discounts and provide us with up-to-date information. Such coordinated interaction allows our company to always be one step ahead of its few competitors.

To order our services, the client does not have to buy a subscription. In such situations, the cost of our services is, on average, 10% of the purchase price, and the higher their cost, the lower our percentage. The client may not be burdened with paying our bills at all if the supplier of the goods ordered by him provides the intermediaries with a sufficient commission.

The company has developed a special loyalty program for our target audience. When a client contacts us, we can even provide all possible assistance to his friends or acquaintances for free. Practice has proven that this approach works excellently and increases both the flow of our clients and the average bill for each of them.


In the future we plan to implement interesting formats of interaction with private and corporate clients. To do this, we are developing the concept of a closed VIP community or club, where each client will have a personal qualified assistant and a special atmosphere of communication, extending not only to the performance of business tasks, but also to leisure activities. Time and the constantly changing financial situation in the country will tell how realistic this is.