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Treatment of diseases with herbs.

Folk recipes.

Symptoms - known for excessive deposition of fat in the tissue under the skin, omentums and other tissues of the human or animal body.

Causes obesity : overeating, consumption of fatty and high-calorie foods in large quantities, inactive lifestyle, endocrine diseases.

Manifestations obesity: body weight exceeding the norm, which is a danger to health. Obese people are more likely to have heart failure, hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, gout, liver disease and bladder disease.

Herbal treatment. Folk recipes :

Folk remedies for the treatment of obesity.

Recipe: Take in equal parts buckthorn brittle(bark), fennel(fruit), dandelion officinalis(roots), garden parsley(fruit), peppermint(leaves). Two tbsp. l. collection, pour 0.5 liters of water and boil for 30 minutes, then strain. Drink in the morning before meals.

Recipe: To reduce appetite and to prevent obesity, take 20-30 drops of extract corn silk 3 times a day before meals.

Recipe: Grass St. John's wort and common yarrow- mix in equal parts. Two tbsp. l. Boil this mixture for 15-20 minutes in 0.5 liters of water and pour into a cup. Take a glass in 3-4 doses. This helps normalize fat metabolism.

Recipe: Grass violets tricolor, grass yarrow, buckthorn bark, corn silk And caraway fruits- mix everything equally. Art. l. Finely chopped mixture is poured with 250 ml of boiling water, boiled for 15 minutes, left for 15 minutes and filtered. Take 200 ml 2 times a day before meals.

Recipe: Mix raw materials in the indicated proportions: celery is fragrant(root), common beans(pods) - four tbsp. l., hop cones– 3 tbsp. l., fruits parsnip wild - one tablespoon. For 0.8 liters of boiling water take 3 tbsp. l. collection Take 30 ml 6 times a day. Applicable in case of violation metabolism due to obesity and is good to take for diabetes.

Remedy: For obesity, drink 3 times a day cucumber pickle 100 ml each, adding 1 tbsp to the brine. l. 1 vinegar. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Recipe: Make a collection: yarrow(grass), buckthorn (bark) - 2 parts each, corn silk– 5 parts, juniper(fruits) – 1 part. Pour 2 tbsp into a thermos. l. collect 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 7 hours, strain. Take 3 times before meals to treat obesity.

Remedy: Take 2 tsp with meals. apple cider vinegar per 200 ml of water for a whole year. Apple vinegar Helps burn fat in the body and reduces its deposition.

Recipe: Mix in the following proportions: black elderberry(flowers), peppermint (leaf) – 20 g each, fennel(fruit), pharmaceutical camomile(color), small-leaved linden(color) – 15 g each. Pour 20 grams of the collection into 0.5 liters of boiling water and place in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool and strain. Squeeze out the raw materials and add boiled water to the original volume. Take 200 ml 3 times a day for obesity.

Recipe: Take one tbsp. l. dry fruits gooseberries ordinary pour 250 ml of hot water, boil for 10 minutes. Drink 60 ml with sugar 4 times a day before meals. Normalizes metabolism in obesity.
Recipe: root lovage officinalis and buckthorn bark - 3 parts each, dandelion root and root field steelhead– 1 part each. One tbsp. l. collection, pour 250 ml of water, boil for 30 minutes, leave for 20 minutes and filter. Take 230 ml 2-3 times a day for the treatment of obesity.

Recipe: 200 g wheat bran pour 1 liter of boiling water and boil for 15 minutes, then strain. Drink 150 ml 3-4 times a day before meals if you are obese.

Recipe: 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal pour 6 liters of chilled boiled water and leave for 1 hour. For 2 glasses of this infusion add 3 tbsp. l. cold boiled milk, 1 teaspoon Sahara, grated with a coarse grater apple and lemon juice (viburnum, cranberry). Take two glasses of infusion in the morning for obesity.

Recipe: Teaspoon of herb knotweed (knotweed) pour 300 ml of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Drink 70 ml 4 times a day before meals for obesity.

Recipe: 10 g corn silk pour 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 1.5 hours, then strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals for obesity. The infusion controls the feeling of fullness and reduces appetite.

Combine the raw materials in the following proportions: buckthorn bark - 60 g, dandelion root, parsley fruit, dill fruit, peppermint leaves– 20 g each. Two tablespoons of the collection are poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water, left for 30 minutes and filtered. Drink the entire infusion in the morning on an empty stomach during treatment.

To reduce appetite, drink an infusion of rhizomes valerian. 70 g of raw material is poured into 1 liter of cold water, left for 24 hours and filtered. If you are obese, drink a cup 30 minutes before meals.

Diet for obesity.

If you are obese, you need diets aimed at reducing the consumption of fats and carbohydrates and restoring normal metabolism. It is necessary to exclude from the diet fatty meat, fatty fish, butter, cheese, cream, chocolate, ice cream, as well as foods high in carbohydrates - white bread, cakes, potatoes. You can eat vegetable soups with cauliflower and white cabbage, carrots, green peas, zucchini, lettuce, pumpkin, celery (leaves), cucumbers, squash, asparagus, tomatoes, radishes, gooseberries, pineapples, grapefruits.

An excellent food for obese people is millet, since the carbohydrates contained in millet are completely absorbed in the body. It contains a lot of calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins B1, and B2.

It is good to eat fruits as a dietary food for obesity. melons.

In order to get rid of obesity at home, you need to regularly do gymnastics and follow a diet. Do not use any products that promise quick weight loss without special effort- it's wasted money and no use. Also try to lose weight gradually, as sudden weight loss will cause the skin to sag and become loose.

So, if you decide to defeat obesity, then devote enough time to sports and physical labor. Also, minimize your intake of foods that contain easily digestible carbohydrates and are high in calories. These include: jam, honey, sugar, sweet fruits and berries, potatoes, pasta, baked goods, confectionery, white bread. Also, if you are obese, you should give up alcohol and reduce the amount of water you drink.

Helpful tips for those who are obese:

  1. Be sure to eat the fruit with the peel on.
  2. Eat only boiled meat, fish and eggs (fried is strictly contraindicated).
  3. Replace white bread with crackers or bran bread, which you also consume in limited quantities.
  4. Replace black tea with green tea.
  5. Do not drink during or two hours after meals.
  6. Introduce sprouted rye, wheat and oat seeds into your diet. They are rich in vitamin B, the deficiency of which leads to deposits on internal organs fat and delayed water excretion.
  7. Replace whole milk with buttermilk.
  8. Drink 30 ml of hot water every morning - this helps cleanse the intestines and remove toxins.
  9. Drink as much tomato juice as possible, it removes toxins along with urine.
  10. Eat as much lettuce, beets and carrots as possible, which are rich in iodine.
  11. Train yourself to have a fasting day once a week:
  • apple day – 1.5 kg of apples;
  • milk day – 1 liter of milk (divided into five doses);
  • vegetable and fruit – raw, non-sweetened fruits (1.5 kg);
  • rice-apple - 900 g of apples and rice porridge (you need to eat it 3 times a day, and prepare it like this - a glass of milk and 25 g of rice). You can choose any option, and divide the amount of food into 4-5 meals.

12. Eat grapes (seedless) in unlimited quantities, but you cannot eat anything else. Follow this diet for 2-3 days, taking an enema daily.
13. Spend as much time as possible walking on the fresh air. When you get hungry after a walk, drink low-fat broth or milk and eat fruit.
14. don't sleep in daytime after meal.
15. Give an enema once a week with clean water.

An excellent additional remedy to all of the above will be folk remedies for the treatment of obesity:

  1. 1. Prepare a mixture: 15 g of mint leaves, 15 g of dandelion roots, 20 g of dill and parsley seeds, 50 g of buckthorn bark. Pour 500 ml of boiling water over 2 tbsp. l. mixture, let it brew for 30 minutes, strain. The entire infusion should be drunk in the morning.
  2. 2. Brew 1 tsp with a glass of boiling water. wormwood, let it brew for half an hour, strain. Take half an hour before meals 3 times a day, dosage – 1 tbsp. l.

Baths for obesity (it is advisable to take them after a sauna or bath):

1. Prepare a mixture of dry plants, taking everything in equal parts: string, horsetail, knotweed, chamomile grass, creeping wheatgrass rhizome, dandelion grass, burdock leaves and root, cinquefoil, nettle grass, as well as birch branches and leaves.

  • Mix 250-300g of the mixture with an equal amount of hay dust, pour 10 liters of cold water, then boil for 15 minutes, leave for 40-50 minutes, then strain and add to the bath;
  • Prepare 500-700g of the mixture as indicated above and add to the bath.

The duration of such baths for obesity is 10-15 minutes, and the temperature can be any.

2. Take equal parts of thyme, motherwort herb, horsetail herb, bird knotweed and chamomile, creeping wheatgrass root. Add an equal amount of hay dust to 250-300g and prepare the mixture in the same way as the mixture for the first bath.

Herbal tea for weight loss:

Prepare a mixture: 25g each of sandy immortelle herb, St. John's wort herb, chamomile flowers and white birch buds. The mixture must be mixed thoroughly and then crushed. Place 1 tbsp in a porcelain teapot. l. the resulting powder and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over it, let it brew for 12-15 minutes. If you are obese, drink a cup in the morning and evening, it is recommended to add a spoonful of honey. After you have drunk tea in the evening, you do not need to eat or drink until the morning.

Treatment of obesity with honey

Boil water, pour 100 ml and let cool to room temperature, then dissolve 1 tbsp in it. l. honey If you are obese, drink on an empty stomach in the morning, then do not eat for 2 hours, and also 2 hours before bed in the evening. The course of treating obesity with honey should be continued for 1 month, then take a break for 1-2 weeks and, if desired, repeat the course.

It is useful for obesity to eat 100-150g of red beets every day on an empty stomach. Beets have a balanced combination of calcium and sodium, which removes excess calcium from the body, preventing the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

In addition, beets contain quite a lot of iodine (in terms of its content, it ranks one of the first places among vegetables), magnesium (regulates vascular tone and prevents the formation of blood clots in blood vessels) and other microelements that counteract atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels. It is also important that beet fiber and pectin bind and remove cholesterol, which, in turn, prevents the development of “vascular rust” - atherosclerosis.

Among other things, the complex of beet microelements helps to normalize metabolism, which is beneficial both for atherosclerosis and obesity, and for their prevention. Vitamin and, relatively recently found in beets (previously it was believed that it was found only in cabbage), although contained in smaller quantities than in cabbage, is able to persist even after heat treatment.

This vitamin has been shown by research recent years, not only promotes the healing of stomach and duodenal ulcers, but also has anti-allergic properties and, like methionine, improves cholesterol metabolism, thereby providing an anti-sclerotic effect.

Watermelon and obesity

In 5-6 doses, eat 1.5-2 kg of watermelon during the day if you are obese. Watermelon fasting days are very effective for those who want to lose weight. They should be especially recommended when obesity is combined with urolithiasis (in the presence of urate and calcium oxalate stones and in diseases of the kidneys and bladder that occur without water retention in the body). Watermelon pulp is low in calories (about 38 kcal in 100 g), and it can be consumed for obesity in large quantities to simulate saturation.

Barley porridge, soups and excess weight

Include barley porridges and soups in the diet of overweight people. Studies have shown that these dishes contain a lot of fiber, which, while creating the illusion of satiety, is almost not absorbed by the body. In addition, it stimulates the movement of food through the intestines, absorbs excess cholesterol, harmful metabolic products and promotes their elimination.

An effective collection of herbs for obesity

Prepare the following mixture of medicinal plants:

Common chicory, root 20.0

Brittle buckthorn, bark 15.0

Curly parsley, fruits 15.0

Dandelion officinalis, leaves 15.0

Corn silk 15.0

Peppermint, herb 10.0

Common yarrow, grass 10.0

2 tbsp. spoons of dry crushed collection pour 0.5 liters of boiling water into a thermos in the evening, leave overnight, strain and drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day for obesity, half an hour before meals for 1.5-2 months.

A restorative and refreshing bath with herbs

Take nettle, chamomile, birch leaf, burdock root and string in equal proportions. Pour 500 g of dry crushed mixture into 5 liters of boiling water, cook over low heat for 5-7 minutes, leave for half an hour, strain and pour into the bath. It stimulates metabolic processes, improves well-being, helps reduce excess weight and restore strength, in addition, it can prevent the onset of respiratory disease, and increases the body's resistance to infection.

The bath taken to restore performance should be at a temperature of 35-37 A, and for the purpose of treating incipient colds- 38-39 A. Its duration is up to 10-15 minutes.

Tags: folk treatment of obesity, treatment of obesity with folk remedies.

Obesity is characterized by deposition large quantity lipids in body tissues. The cause of this disease is overeating and a sedentary lifestyle. If the body receives more calories than it burns, then fat reserves increase, and at the same time the person’s weight increases.

Obesity is quite dangerous, as it can lead to problems with the heart, blood vessels, hypertension, joint diseases, shortness of breath, and diabetes. Problems with the liver, kidneys and pancreas. Also, overweight people often suffer from depression and nervous disorders, and they are more susceptible to stress.

You need to fight obesity through diet and exercise. In order to speed up metabolism and reduce appetite, there are traditional medicine methods.

Herbal preparations

Cucumber pickle and apple cider vinegar for obesity

Add one tablespoon of natural apple cider vinegar to one hundred milliliters of cucumber brine. Take the product morning and evening. This drink is contraindicated for gastritis and ulcers.

Dissolve a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in one glass of water. The product should be drunk in the morning an hour before meals.

Flaxseed oil, bran, raspberry

In the morning, before meals, you need to drink two tablespoons of flaxseed oil. This will improve metabolism, accelerate weight loss and have a laxative effect.

Pour a liter of water, two hundred grams of wheat bran and boil over low heat for fifteen minutes. Strain the broth and drink one hundred milliliters four times a day, half an hour before meals. This will help reduce your appetite.

In order for your appetite to decrease, you need to take a glass of raspberries and fill it with hot water, which needs five hundred milliliters. After infusing for four hours, it should be divided into parts and taken thirty minutes before meals three times a day.

Corn silk, celery

Their decoction will reduce appetite. To prepare it, you need to fill a spoonful of corn silk with 200 ml of water and boil in a water bath for ten minutes. Take a spoon before meals.

Grind fresh celery root in a blender or squeeze the juice out of it in a meat grinder. This juice should be taken a tablespoon before meals; it will help reduce appetite and help the body burn extra calories more actively. To infuse, pour 250 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of celery roots and leave for an hour. Drink the infusion in four doses.

Sea kale, zucchini

Crushed kelp, which is sold in a pharmacy, is taken a teaspoon before meals two to three times a day, washed down with water. It will help cope with diseases of the thyroid gland and normalize hormonal levels, disturbances of which in some cases cause obesity.

Zucchini is recommended for those people who are obese. They are very rich in fiber, due to which a feeling of fullness quickly appears with a minimum calorie content of the product. Fiber also cleanses the intestines and enhances peristalsis.

Infusion of birch leaves

In order to successfully fight obesity, you must first reduce the amount of food you consume and also eliminate high-calorie foods and sweets from your diet. You also need to reduce the amount of flour products, fried and sugary drinks in your diet. Before using traditional methods, you should consult a doctor to rule out serious diseases; this should also be done if diet and self-treatment do not produce results.