DIY feeder for wet mash. How to make a chicken feeder: drawings, dimensions, examples from wood, plastic bottles and pipes. Necessary materials for an automatic feeder

Reading time ≈ 15 minutes

Every summer resident should know that a homemade chicken feeder will be useful on the farm, and its production will not break the bank. Photos and original ideas We will present it to you below, and the chickens will be satisfied with the product. After all, they give a lot important product Our diet includes eggs. And their meat is also famous for its taste. And self-raised birds have not only tasty, but also healthy meat. Such a bird is unpretentious, but still, you will have to work hard on arranging a chicken coop for breeding it.

Homemade chicken feeder

In order for chickens to produce a lot of eggs, you need to follow some rules for keeping them. For example, they are very fussy birds, so place them in a quiet and calm place. Plus, proper nutrition is important. And to make it convenient and comfortable for them to eat, they need a chicken feeder. Of course, buying such an item is not difficult. But such a purchase is not always possible due to the high cost of the product. And the one made personally will best suit your requirements. There can be many options. But let's talk about the most accessible and popular ones.

Experts distinguish three types of structures:

  1. tray feeder - consist of flat containers that have small sides. They are needed to prevent birds from scattering food. This option is best used for feeding small chickens;
  2. groove feeder – a turntable is also attached to the tray. It can be replaced with a restrictive grille, which is easy to remove. Also, the tray itself can be divided into several compartments. This separation is convenient when feeding different types of feed. Often these types of products are taken outside the cage. So they are quite easy to maintain;
  3. bunker feeder - used for feeding dry food. This design consists of a bunker, which contains enough feed or grain to provide a complete ration for a certain time (for example, a day) and a tray. The feed enters the tray evenly, depending on how the food is eaten. When used this way, the food will always be clean and dry, because the hopper itself is securely closed.

Feeding chickens

Preparatory work

For manufacturing, you can take various materials, including those that are easy to find in every yard. All available materials will do - boxes, wooden boards, pipes and even plastic bottles. But farmers will always be faced with the question of how to mix feed? After all, using several for separate feeds will take up a lot of free space. But everything is much simpler, as it seems. This secret will be revealed a little later.

Location of the feeder on the street

The structure must cope with the main function - delivering grain. For full functionality, it is necessary to properly prepare before construction itself. The first step is to outline the parameters of the future design. The choice of location is also important. This is important for both indoor and outdoor feeders. The main criterion is freedom of approach and access to food for each bird. It is important that the chickens do not crowd or disturb during feeding. Therefore, when calculating parameters, take into account the number of animals.

When choosing an option for construction, do not forget about the correct diet. The fact is that chickens should receive both dry and wet food (mash). The best option For dry food there is a bunker feeder. It is most often made in a cylindrical shape, and the replenishment of grain occurs automatically. But for wet types of food it is better to choose trough or tray feeders.

Of course, the construction of a chute and a bunker have different technologies and the use of materials will be different. But thanks to today's tools, the process has become much easier. So even a beginner in this matter can easily build a simple feeder on his own. The main thing is to adhere to the given recommendations. Let's consider the main options that are easy to implement and most popular among farmers. detailed instructions included with each type.

Important! When creating a structure for feeding chickens, you need to follow this principle: create maximum stability and the feed should not spill out of it. Failure to comply with this rule will result in wasted food and lack of sanitation standards.

Option 1. Feeder made from cutting boards

To make it work unusual feeder for chickens, created with your own hands, look at the photo. And this and other original ideas will help you create your own unique version. For equipment of this type of grain supply, you need to take the following materials and tools:

  1. cutting board;
  2. small plastic cup;
  3. funnel;
  4. transparent rubber hose;
  5. electric drill.

We make the feeder as follows.

  • You need to take a plastic funnel and trace its outer contour on the board itself in the center.
  • Use an electric drill to make a lot of holes in the marked circle. But you don’t need too much so that the feed comes in a little at a time.
  • The diameter of the hose must match the spout of the funnel. They need to be connected to each other. To make the connection as strong and reliable as possible, you can take suitable fastening elements (clamp).
  • You need to make a hole closer to the bottom of the plastic container. It must be the right size for the hose so that it can fit in and hold firmly.
  • The free end of the rubber hose must be threaded into the hole made in the cup. If the joint is not tight enough, use sealant. Just apply it to the edges of the hole and the hose, or rather its outer part.
  • After everything has dried, you need to attach the bell of the funnel to the board itself. Here also use sealant along the contour.
  • The funnel should lie exactly along the contour made. Hold it until the sealant is completely dry.
  • One end of the hose must be connected to a plastic cup, and the other to the spout of the funnel. It should be on the bottom side of the board. The feeder is ready!

Important: The feed will be supplied from the watering can through the hose into the cup itself. Pay special attention to the stability of such a feeder, because birds will sit on the board and can turn it over.

Cutting board feeder

Option 2. Design based on plastic bottles

Many people store water in case of outages or for other household needs. Storage most often occurs in accessible plastic containers. We can say that such containers already exist in every home. It is plastic bottles that can be used as a basis for creating a bird feeder.

Finished product for feeding

Creating such an option for feeding chickens involves the use of two containers and is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • You need to cut the bottle into two parts. After this, make holes at the bottom, see the photo for exactly how to do this. The size of such holes should be made slightly larger than the chicken's head. This way they can easily stick it in and eat it.
  • In the second container, you need to cut out the bottom and place it with the neck down so that it fits inside the cut made earlier. The result should be a small gap of a few centimeters between the bottom itself and the inserted neck.
  • Grain is poured inside. It needs to be covered with something on top. The feeder is ready for use.

Bottle cut in half

The only caveat is that if it rains or there are other unfavorable conditions outside, the feeder must be moved indoors. But if you use it indoors, then this type will be very successful.

Such a chicken feeder can also be built with your own hands, but from ordinary plastic bottles. So the whole structure will have smaller dimensions, as in the photo. But there are other original ideas for feathered babies.

Chicken feeder

Option 3. Wooden feeder with drawings

The option presented below is very convenient, since you do not need to constantly monitor the amount of feed and add it. This is one of the varieties of bunker feeder. See below for how to make such a feeder. The process is not complicated. The main thing is to follow the recommendations and sequence of work.

For construction wooden feeder you will need the following building materials and equipment:

  1. high-strength plywood (pieces can be used) or wooden sheet;
  2. drills and electric drill;
  3. hand saw or electric jigsaw;
  4. loops (pair);
  5. sandpaper;
  6. screwdriver;
  7. tape measure and marker.

Drawing of a wooden version

  1. After you have decided on the drawing, you need to transfer the necessary markings of future parts onto the tree. In our case, the element parameters are as follows:
  2. bottom – 290 x 170 mm;
  3. side walls (2 pcs.) – height 400 mm, while the width of the upper edge is 240 mm, and the bottom – 290 mm;
  4. front wall (rectangle - 2 pcs.) - 280 x 290 mm and 700 x 290 mm;
  5. rear wall – 400 x 290 mm;
  6. cover – 260 x 290 mm.
  • It is necessary to cut out the parts according to the drawn markings.
  • Using an electric drill, make holes to secure with fasteners.
  • The entire surface must be sanded. This way you will make the feeder not only smooth, but also safe for the birds themselves.
  • Using screws, you need to assemble the entire structure together. To make the fastenings secure, you can use a screwdriver. When assembling, you need to position the walls and attach them at an angle of 15 degrees.
  • Using the hinges, install the cover to the side walls.

Wooden feeder

  • After this, the feeder should be treated with a special agent with an antiseptic effect.

It is worth refraining from using paint and varnish materials because it may repel birds.

Important: The entire structure has impressive dimensions, but at the same time very comfortable. With such a feeder, the grain will always be dry and clean. We can say that this option is an automatic feeder, because dry food will be supplied gradually. The disadvantages include high labor costs. But the result will please you.

Option 4. Hopper-type feeder made from a plastic bucket

Such a feeder also belongs to the category of automatic ones, because you hardly have to interfere with the process of feeding your farm. It's quite easy to make, so don't pay a lot of money at the store, but try to do it yourself.

Hopper feeder

Consumables for construction:

  1. plastic bucket;
  2. animal bowl divided into sections.

Sectional bowl

  • Initially, you need to make holes in the bottom of the bucket for the feed to enter.
  • Using self-tapping screws, you need to attach the bucket to the bowl.
  • Fill the bucket with dry food to the top and close the lid.

Finished feeder from a plastic bucket

The undeniable advantage of this option is its versatility and simplicity. This feeder can be installed anywhere. You can even hang it up. The grain will come as it is eaten. This way, the excess won't spill out of the feeder, keeping your yard or coop clean. The supply of feed is ensured by the pressure generated by its own weight.

Hopper feeder for small chicks

Option 5. Pipe feeders (PVC)

This type of product is quite simple to manufacture. And the cost of such construction is minimal. PVC pipes They are very common and their price is low, so everyone can afford it. But, despite their simplicity, there are several design options for such feeders. Which one should you choose? Assess your actual conditions for keeping birds and their numbers.

Method 1. With the creation of cutouts.

For such a product you will need:

  1. PVC pipes (2 pcs.) 400 and 600 mm long;
  2. plug (2 pcs.);
  3. elbow for connection.

Plastic pipe construction with cutouts

A long pipe will have horizontal arrangement. Its function is to directly feed the birds. The short plastic pipe will be installed in a vertical position. It will feed feed into a horizontal pipe.

First you need to make holes in the long pipe. Often one large hole is made so that the chickens have full access to feed.

  • Take a pipe 600 mm long and mark the holes. Each has a diameter of 70 mm. Maintain a distance of 7 cm between them. After this, you need to make holes in accordance with the markings. If the farm is large, then you can place holes on both sides of the pipe. This way, more birds can approach at one time. Also, the holes may not be round, but oval.
  • The plug must be placed on one end of the pipe.
  • On the reverse side you need to insert the pipe into the connecting elbow. And after that another pipe is inserted into the elbow.

Feeder inside the chicken coop

The feeder needs to be secured in the house so that it does not tip over. It is better to place fasteners in several places.
You need to install another plug on top after filling the feed. This will prevent debris and dirt from getting into the grain. This design allows backfilling to be done every couple of days.

Method 2. Using a tee.

In this case, you need to stock up on the following materials:

  1. plastic pipe (3 pcs.) 700, 200 and 100 mm long;
  2. plugs (2 pcs.);
  3. tee at 45 degrees.

PVC feeder with tee

  • Place a plug on a 200 mm pipe. This pipe will be the bottom of the entire structure.
  • Place a tee on the other side of the same pipe. The side knee should face up.
  • The 100 mm pipe must be inserted into the third elbow of the installed tee.
  • The longest pipe is installed in the free elbow of the tee.

The feeder is assembled according to the drawing

Drawing of a feeder with a tee

As with the option described above, you need to constantly cover the top of the feeder to ensure cleanliness of food for the chickens.

Feeding chickens takes a lot of time, but this responsibility cannot be neglected. To simplify work in the chicken coop, different types of feeders were invented. Hopper feeders for chickens have a lot of positive qualities, they are really convenient and easy to use. The article will describe the characteristics of these feeders, their advantages, possible disadvantages, and also provide recommendations on how to make them with my own hands.

What is a bunker feeder?

The bunker feeder for feeding birds is a structure consisting of two parts.

  1. The bunker is the first element - a container into which grain is poured and where it is stored.
  2. The tray is the second element - a container into which the grain is poured and from which the chickens eat.

There is a hole in the top of the bunker into which food is poured; it is always closed with a lid of any type so that the birds do not try to climb inside.

These feeders are made from different materials, they can be of different shapes, types, types. They are sold everywhere, but you can build such a feeder yourself, which will be discussed below.

Advantages of bunker feeders

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Hopper feeders for chickens have many positive qualities.

  • Purity. Due to the fact that the grain is in a separate, closed container, it is always clean and does not get dirty.
  • The breeder can add bird food much less frequently once every 1-3 days. Some people even provide food for the birds a week in advance; this is very convenient if, for example, you need to be away for a long time and there is no one to look after the birds.
  • The variety of shapes and sizes of structures allows you to choose the appropriate option in each individual case.
  • It is not difficult to remove such feeders if you make them removable and not stationary.

Are there any disadvantages?

The main problem with a bunker feeder is the unlimited supply of feed. On the one hand, this makes life easier for the breeder, but on the other hand, it can lead to obesity in the bird. This is exactly what breeders fear and it is for this reason that they rarely purchase a bunker design for adult individuals. Indeed, a bird can overeat, especially if it is prone to obesity, so it is necessary to purchase such a feeder either for chickens or for breeds that are not prone to overeating.

It is also important to note that if the coop is damp, all the feed can be blocked and begin to rot right in the bunker. Such food is very harmful, so you need to wash such a dish regularly, check for odor inside and place it only in dry rooms.

Another problem associated with the regular presence of food in the chicken coop is mice and rats. They will enjoy unlimited access to food no less than chickens, so it is necessary to poison rodents from time to time.

How to choose a feeder in a store?

A lot of bunker types of chicken feeders are sold in stores. But how to choose a good design in each individual case?

How to make a bunker feeder with your own hands?

The popularity of bunker-type feeders for chickens has led to a rush on them from inventors. There are so many designs you can assemble with your own hands that you can’t see on the Internet! So, if you don’t have the money to buy such a thing, you can make it yourself from anything!

  • The first option is a wide pipe (sewer), bent on one side at an angle of 90 degrees. You just need to attach it to the wall (5-6 pipes are placed nearby) with the curved side down. The food is poured from above and pours down, and due to the fact that the pipe is curved, it does not fall down, but remains in the pipe and the birds simply eat it.
  • In an old plastic bucket, holes are made in the bottom area. Then take a not very deep container (for a tray) and place a bucket in it so that the holes made are at the bottom. Now you can use the design for its intended purpose. Grain is poured inside, the bucket is closed on top with a lid, and feed is poured into the tray as the chickens peck at it.
  • Hopper feeders for chickens can also be made from wood or chipboard. It’s true that making such a feeder is much more difficult, but the design will be more reliable. Essentially, you need to build a box where the grain will be poured, make a hole at the bottom and attach a feeder (tray) made by yourself from the same wood to it. After that you can try it out.
  • The simplest and most affordable design is made from plastic bottles: the bottom is cut off, placed in a bowl, several holes are made in the bottle so that the grain can spill out - that’s all. But such a feeder is unreliable and can easily fall apart, so it is used only for feeding chickens.

If desired, you can use other materials and manufacturing methods, the main thing is to comply main function feeders - supplying food as you eat what is in the tray.

Any household requires investment: physical and financial. When raising chickens, the main concern is feeding the birds. The factory products offered are not cheap, but are easy to use. It is not difficult to make a chicken feeder with your own hands, and you can use various materials for this.

A well-designed feeder saves the time and effort of the poultry owner, which is especially important when keeping a large flock. A properly made container for drinking and feed helps improve the productivity of chickens, and you can also take care of the health of birds, since various pathogens can enter the animals’ bodies through contaminated food and water.

What kind of chicken feeder is there?

A container for feeding birds can be made from any material and given almost any shape and size. But the convenience of feeding poultry depends on the feed supply process, since it is more convenient to pour food to the chickens once a day than to run to the poultry house several times a day (Figure 1).

According to the method of serving food, containers for dry and wet food are divided into the following types:

  1. Tray: They are excellent for feeding chickens, as the containers are made with sides that prevent the feed from spilling.
  2. Grooved models with additional stops: the inside of the container is equipped with dividing partitions that will serve as compartments for different types feed Such models can be made both floor-mounted and wall-mounted.
  3. Bunker: This type of feeder is intended for dry feed and grain. They are intended to be refilled infrequently with food that will remain dry and clean and can be dispensed.

Figure 1. Types of containers (from left to right): tray, trough and hopper

Homemade automatic feeders only look complex in design. In fact, it is quite possible to make such containers for chickens with your own hands, if you know how to do it correctly. We will cover all the necessary nuances in the following sections.

Requirements for structures

There are few requirements for chicken feeders, which are mainly aimed at economical use of feed and ease of use (Figure 2).

The main requirements for feed containers are the following:

  1. Rational use of feed: the entire structure must be such that chickens cannot climb into it and scatter food or spoil it with their waste products. This effect can be achieved using various elements of the feeder (sides, turntables, jumpers, meshes), which will protect the bulk of the grain inside the container.
  2. Ease of daily use: The structure must be freely cleaned and filled with food. In addition, it should be comfortable for birds, for example, it should be installed at the optimal height relative to the floor level.
  3. Optimal feeder sizes and feed volume: The volume of the container should be enough for at least one daily feeding of the birds, and the dimensions of the structure are selected so that all the livestock in the poultry house have free access to food.
  4. Feasibility of use: Each type of structure made from a specific material should be used for a specific type of food. For example, it is better to use metal feeders for dry grain mixtures, since upon contact with certain liquids, the metal can begin to produce components harmful to the health of birds.
  5. Safety: the strength and stability of the structure also plays an important role. The material for the feeder must be durable and not deform during use, and also be non-toxic for birds. The structure must be stable upon contact and not tip over or fall on its side. You can use wooden, polypropylene or metal models. The main thing is that they do not have sharp corners or parts that could damage the bird.

Figure 2. All containers must be functional and absolutely safe for birds

Making a feeder with your own hands is quite simple. To do this, it is enough to decide on its type (floor-mounted, suspended, bunker, etc.), select a suitable diagram or drawing for manufacturing, and also prepare tools and materials for the work.

Types of materials used

Structures for bird feed can be made from various materials. When choosing material for a feeder, you need to consider what type of food it is intended for (Figure 3).

Note: In fact, the container can be made from any available material: from scraps of plywood, wood, sewer or plastic pipes.

The differences in materials are:

  1. Wooden: the most common type of design, which is intended for pouring dry food. The wood is best suited for grain, feed and mineral supplements.
  2. Plastic: Feeders made from this material are ideal for wet food, which is then easier to wash in a container. Also suitable steel structures, but ferrous metal is susceptible to corrosion when exposed to moisture, and stainless steel is not a cheap material.
  3. Metal: The use of metal would be appropriate when making grass bunkers. In this case, a V-shaped container is made with a blank back wall made of tin, and the front part is covered with rods or mesh.

Figure 3. The feeder can be made from any available materials: wood, metal or plastic

Simple models can also be made from scraps of PVC pipes, especially since this material is very convenient and practical to use.

Feeder options

There are a wide variety of chicken feeders on the market for agricultural implements, but you can save money and make a similar one with your own hands.

You can use almost all materials that are at hand (boxes, boards, pipes, plastic bottles, etc.). The main condition for the manufacture of structures for chicken feed is safety for the health of the birds. Next we will consider possible options feeders that can be installed on paddocks and in cages.

Bunker made from pieces of wood

The bunker feeder option for chickens is suitable for those who do not have the opportunity to frequently add feed to the container. The operating principle of this model is based on dosed distribution of food to the birds as they eat the previous portion. It is not difficult to make such a container with your own hands (Figure 4).

The beginning of the manufacturing process of such a structure is at the stage of preparing the necessary materials and equipment:

  • Wood or a piece of strong, thick plywood.
  • Electric drill, set of drills.
  • Saw.
  • Sandpaper.
  • A couple of loops.
  • Pencil.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Roulette.

Making a bunker feeder from wood begins with drawing up a working drawing.

After which the dimensions from the diagram are transferred to the wood and all the elements of the required dimensions are drawn:

  • Bottom 29x17 cm.
  • Two side walls are 40 cm high, with an upper edge of 24 and a lower edge of 29 centimeters.
  • Top cover 26x29 cm.
  • Two rectangles for the front wall 70x29 and 28x29 cm.
  • Back wall 40x29cm.

All elements of a wooden feeder for laying hens can be assembled in the following sequence:

  1. After cutting out all the parts of the bunker feeder, we make holes for the screws in the required places using an electric drill.
  2. We sand all surfaces to make them smooth and safe for birds.
  3. We assemble all the elements into a single structure and fasten them with screws. If you need to achieve maximum density, then you can use a clamp. It is also worth fixing the front and back walls at an angle of 15 degrees.
  4. Using hinges, we mount the cover to the rear parts of the side walls.

Figure 4. Drawing and photo for making a bunker model

At the final stage, you need to treat the product with an antiseptic. It is prohibited to use varnishes and paints on the surfaces of the feeder, as they can be toxic to chickens.

In the form of a trough

A trough-shaped feeder is the simplest option, which is suitable for owners of a large number of birds who have a canopy for walking in case of precipitation (Figure 5).

Note: To create such a design you will need a hammer, thick boards or plywood, screws and nails, a saw, a pencil, a ruler and a tape measure.

Making a chicken feeder in the form of a trough with your own hands begins with preparing the necessary elements according to a drawing drawn up in advance.

  1. Bottom - 15x100 cm;
  2. Two side walls - 8x100 cm;
  3. One beam - 2x3100 cm;
  4. Small end walls 15 cm wide and a height corresponding to the long side walls and the thickness of the bottom.

Figure 5. A simple trough model can be easily made from scrap materials

The assembly of the feeder parts should be carried out after cutting out all the necessary structural elements. All elements can be connected to each other using self-tapping screws or nails. It is recommended not to leave gaps, as food may spill out through them. The bottom of the feeder should be heavy and thick enough to prevent birds from knocking over the trough inside the cage or on the run.


IN this type Feeders most often contain dry food, but you can also fill it with various mash. Due to the presence of a second tier, this option is suitable for a small poultry house, as it saves free space (Figure 6).

To manufacture the structure, the following materials and tools are required:

  • Wooden bars.
  • Boards.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • Loops.
  • Saw.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Pencil.
  • Roulette.

Figure 6. Two-tier model helps save space in the poultry house

Making a two-tier wooden chicken feeder begins with preparing the necessary parts. The main element in this design will be the lower tier with a height of 25 cm and a width of 26 centimeters. The length of the container will depend on the number of birds. Next, you should make special grooves into which the damper will be inserted.

The second tier of the device will be a small volume trough with a side height of 10 cm. The second tier must be installed on the ends of the first, and then attached with hinges.

Detailed instructions for making a feeder from plastic pipes are given in the video.

A bunker feeder consists of a closed hopper into which food is poured and a tray from which the chickens peck this food.

There are quite a lot of descriptions and drawings for self-made in the country.

The most common feeders due to their low cost and ease of manufacture are:

  • Feeder from water pipes (read about how to make a feeder for chickens with your own hands from sewer, polypropylene, plastic pipes).
  • Plastic and plywood feeder.
  • Bucket.



  1. Hopper feeders are designed for dry food only. A complete diet for chickens includes wet mash, fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits that are not able to feed themselves from the hopper.
  2. The need for regular cleaning and disinfection.

Prices in stores

You can buy a feeder in specialized stores for amateur gardeners and farming industrial production. If you take a cheap Chinese feeder, then it’s just throwing money away. A high-quality automatic one may not be affordable for everyone (you can find out more about how to make an automatic chicken feeder with your own hands).

Feeders for 10-20 kg cost 1100-1300 rubles in stores. Prices for automatic feeders for 70 kg reach up to 10,000 rubles.

Making a bunker feeder with your own hands is not difficult. special labor. The materials will only cost a few hundred rubles. Some materials are probably lying underfoot: boards, plastic buckets, barrels, bottles and pipes.

We talked more about how to make a chicken feeder from a 5-liter plastic bottle in.

Where to start: we make it ourselves

From pipes

Before starting work, you should decide what kind of feeder you want to make and for how many birds. The easiest to make is a pipe feeder. There are two types of pipe feeder:

  • With holes or slits.
  • With a tee.

With holes and slots

Necessary materials and tools. To make a feeder with holes or slots, the following materials are needed:

  1. 2 PVC pipes 60-150 cm with a diameter of 110-150 mm.
  2. “Elbow” connecting pipes at right angles.
  3. 2 plugs corresponding to the diameter of the pipes.

One pipe serves as a filling hopper. The longer it is, the more food will fit into it. The second pipe serves as a tray from which the chickens peck the grains. A longer pipe allows you to make more holes or slits in it so more chickens can feed at the same time.

With tee

For a feeder with a tee you will need:

  1. 3 PVC pipes 10, 20 and 80-150 cm long with a diameter of 110-150 mm.
  2. Tee with an angle of 45 degrees for pipes of the selected diameter.
  3. 2 plugs.
  4. Accessories for attaching the pipe to the wall.

Tools you will need to make the tray:

  1. Grinder or hacksaw for cutting pipes.
  2. Electric drill with wood drill and bit with a diameter of 70 mm.
  3. Jigsaw.
  4. File.
  5. Marker, pencil, long ruler.

Cost of materials:

  1. PVC pipe D=110 mm – 160 RUR/m.
  2. Tee D = 11 mm - 245 rub.
  3. Cap - 55 rub.
  4. Knee-50 rub.
  5. Clamps for fastening to the wall for 40-50 rubles.

How to make a version with slots yourself?

The feeder is shaped like the Latin letter L. The vertical pipe serves as a hopper for loading feed. The horizontal pipe will be the feeding area.

  1. On a pipe 80 cm long, mark the centers of the holes.
  2. We draw holes D=70 mm. Leave the distance between the edges of the holes 70 mm. The holes can be in two rows or in a checkerboard pattern.
  3. Using an electric drill with a circular bit D = 70 mm, we make holes in the pipe.
  4. We process the holes with a file so that the chickens do not cut themselves on the burrs.
  5. We put a plug on one side of the pipe, and an elbow on the other side.
  6. We thread a vertical pipe into the elbow.
  7. We attach the structure to the wall.

How to make a structure with a tee?

  1. We put a plug on a pipe 20 cm long. This will be the lowest part of the structure.
  2. On the other side, we put on the tee so that the outlet faces up.
  3. We put a short pipe of 10 cm on the tee outlet.
  4. We insert the remaining 150 cm pipe into the upper hole of the tee.
  5. We attach the structure to the wall.

You can also watch an overview of the design with a tee and learn how to make it in this video:

From the bucket

Required materials:

  • Plastic bucket with lid.
  • Menazhnitsa is a special bowl for feeding animals, divided into sections. The diameter of the bowl should be 12-15 cm larger than the diameter of the bottom of the bucket.
  • Instead of a menagerie, you can use the bottom of a bucket or barrel of the appropriate diameter.
  • Self-tapping screws.


  • A bowl costs 100-120 rubles.
  • Bucket with lid 60-70 rub.
  • Screws 5 rub.

Manufacturing algorithm:

  1. In the wall of the bucket, at the point of contact with the bottom, we cut out horseshoe-shaped holes according to the number of sectors in the bowl. Feed will spill out of these holes.
  2. We attach the bottom of the bucket to the bowl with screws.
  3. After filling the feed, the bucket is covered with a lid.
  4. If the structure turns out to be small and light, it can be hung at a height of 15-20 cm from the floor to avoid tipping over.

You can also see one of the options for making a bunker feeder from a bucket:

Made of wood

Creating a bunker feeder from wood requires more serious preparation. Before starting work, you need to make a drawing. We select sizes based on the number of chickens on the farm. All dimensions from paper are transferred to wood.

Necessary materials:

  • Wooden boards for the bottom and lid.
  • Plywood sheets for the side walls.
  • Door hinges.
  • Nails or screws.


  • Saw.
  • Drills and drill bits.
  • Screwdriver or screwdriver.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Roulette.
  • Pencil.

The standard feeder is made with dimensions 40x30x30 cm:

  1. We cut out the bottom 29x17 cm and the lid 26x29 cm from the board.
  2. We cut out the side walls from plywood with a height of 40 cm and a length of the top edge of 24 cm and the bottom of 29 cm.
  3. We make 2 parts from plywood for the front wall 28x29 cm and 70x29 cm.
  4. We make the back wall 40x29.
  5. We clean all wooden parts with sandpaper so that there are no burrs left anywhere.
  6. Using a drill, we make holes in the places where the structure is fastened with screws.

Build process:

  1. We screw the sides to the bottom with screws.
  2. We fix the front and back walls. They should have a slope of 15 degrees.
  3. The top cover is fixed using door hinges to the rear walls of the side panels.
  4. We form a tray from the scraps of boards in the front part so that the grain does not spill out.
  5. All parts are treated with an antiseptic. You cannot coat the feeder with varnish or paint.

You can also see one of the options for making a bunker feeder made of wood:

From a barrel

The manufacture and review of a bunker feeder from a barrel can be seen in this video:

The importance of proper feeding

Hopper feeders do not completely solve feeding problems - the food has fallen asleep and is free. For greens, vegetables and fruits, tray-type water bowls and water bowls are required, the filling of which must be regularly monitored. For proper nutrition and development, chickens must receive minerals and vitamins in addition to the necessary proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

For high-quality daily feeding, you can use waste from the kitchen, garden and vegetable garden: potatoes, bread, leaves and tops of vegetables, protein feed, dairy products, vegetable cakes and meal. Chickens are fed 3-4 times a day.

In the morning and evening they give grain and dry food. During the day, wet mash and greens. An amateur poultry farmer does not need to purchase expensive additives and feed. Everything you need is already on the farm to properly feed your poultry.

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Raising chickens has always been profitable, be it big farming or a small personal yard. But success requires many components. For example, experienced poultry farmers know that the biggest cost in breeding poultry accounts for feeding.

The simplest and cheap option Organizing the feeding of birds is to use an ordinary bowl as a feeder. But this option is also the worst, since its use leads to large losses - chickens usually climb into the bowl and scatter the food.

The bunker feeder has many advantages

Meanwhile, there is a method that ensures not only the safety of food and cleanliness in the chicken coop, but also the opportunity for people not to be distracted too often by feeding their pets. This is a DIY chicken feeder hopper. Its use is very practical and, in the absence of any significant disadvantages, has a number of significant advantages in comparison with other types of feeders, which will be discussed below.

Advantages of using a bunker feeder:

  • The design of such a device does not allow chickens to get into the feed with their paws, scatter it and spoil it with their droppings.
  • A properly designed bunker product provides each individual with free access to food.
  • The grain contained in the bunker is reliably protected from atmospheric moisture.
  • This device is spacious and very practical to use, allowing the poultry farmer to pour feed into the container no more than once a day. This is especially important when keeping broilers, which must constantly eat.
  • The design of a bunker feeder and the process of its manufacture are so simple that almost anyone can make it.

Fits in the bunker feeder a large number of stern.

Features of the design of the bunker feeder and the requirements for it

The fundamental basis of such a feeder, regardless of the material of manufacture and its modification, consists of two parts - a bunker and a tray from which the birds pick up food. You should always remember that such a device is used only for supplying dry food.

The operating principle of this design is very simple. Feed is poured into the bunker, a small part of which is distributed onto the tray. As the broilers eat food, the vacated space is automatically (“self-filled”) filled with new portions of grain from the bunker. The rest of the contents of the tank, closed from the penetration of dust and moisture from the air, remain clean and dry for a long time, which has a positive effect on the quality of the product.

When designing a product of this kind, it is necessary to take into account the requirements imposed by the practice of raising healthy productive poultry stock.

They boil down to the following points:

The bunker feeder should be easy to maintain.
  1. The design can be quite arbitrary, but in any case it should contribute to optimal consumption of feed.
  2. This device must be placed in the poultry house in this way and equipped with such additional elements (various sides, protective nets, turntables, etc.) so that the chicken family cannot get into it and thereby spoil the contents.
  3. The design must provide for easy access to all parts of the device (to remove food debris, repairs), simple and quick sanitary maintenance (cleaning, washing).
  4. The body should be designed to be lightweight and mobile, with easy replaceability of certain structural elements.
  5. The optimal size of the bunker feeder should always be calculated based on the size of the chicken flock. Recommended compartment size for one bird: 10 cm for adults, 5 cm for chickens. For a circular type device, the size of such compartments can be 3 cm.
  6. The product must be absolutely stable on the floor, made of high-quality materials.

Attention. There should be enough space near the tray for the entire livestock. Otherwise, weak individuals will simply be pushed out, and they will lag far behind the rest in growth.

Materials and tools most often used in the production of a homemade feeder:

  • wood (plywood) sheets or panels;
  • various plastic profiles (sheets, gutters, finished pipes, etc.);
  • galvanized iron sheets;
  • mounting loops of various configurations;
  • saws (wood and metal);
  • scissors;
  • electric drill with drills;
  • screwdriver;
  • set of fastening elements;
  • pencil, ruler, measuring tape.

A bunker feeder can be made from a bucket, wood or metal.

How to make a chicken feeder with your own hands

A feeder for a chicken flock can be bought in a specialized store; fortunately, modern industry today offers a very wide and varied variety of shapes and technical equipment range of such products.

But poultry can quite successfully feed from homemade devices, which are often much cheaper than their factory counterparts and their design better corresponds to one or another individual characteristics places where birds feed.

After installation of the feeder is completed, it can be painted to facilitate regular maintenance.

Poultry farmers use a variety of devices and make them from wood, galvanized iron, and all kinds of plastic accessories. Let's look further at some of the most commonly used homemade designs.

From a plastic bottle

For this option, virtually any large-volume plastic bottle (with the exception of petroleum product containers) with dense walls, any flat element for the tray (for example, a lid from a plastic bucket, an old container, etc.) and a small plastic bottle are suitable (the emphasis will be made from it).

A bunker feeder can be made from a plastic bottle.

A small bottle is cut into three parts. For a stop that will hold a large bottle, take the middle part. It is attached to the hopper bottle so that the neck of a large bottle is located in the center of the ring-shaped stop.

Several holes with a diameter of approximately 2-3 cm are drilled in the wall of the stop around the circumference. Through them, feed will flow in bulk from the hopper to the tray.

The resulting structure is turned upside down with the bottom of a large bottle and secured in the center of the tray. In this case, such a gap should form between the plane of the tray and the edge of the neck of the bunker bottle that will allow the grain to move freely from the upper chamber to the surface of the lower tray.

A hole with a door is cut out in the upper part of the hopper (in the bottom or in the side wall of an inverted bottle), through which feed is periodically poured.

From a plastic bucket

To make this model, take a fairly large plastic bucket (with a lid and handle) and a plastic container with compartments for seedlings, which will serve as a tray. When selecting a menage, you should make sure that its diameter is 13-15 cm larger than the diameter of the hopper bucket.

Several holes are drilled in the bottom of the bucket through which the dry food will pour into the compartments of the litter box. Both elements are fastened with self-tapping screws into one durable feeder. The food that is poured into the hopper must be covered with a lid on top.

Advice. A bunker-type feeder, made by yourself, is either installed on the floor of the chicken coop or suspended at a height of 15-20 cm from the floor.

Made of wood (plywood)

The proposed option is ideal if the owner of a rural farmstead has a relatively small number of chickens and available wood materials, but there is no opportunity to frequently add feed to the feeder.

The photo shows a drawing of a bunker feeder for chickens.

First, a working drawing is made. The resulting pattern is then transferred to the wood.

Along the lines of the completed “cutting”, in compliance with the specified dimensions, carefully cut out two sidewalls of the future product, the bottom of the hopper feeder, two rectangular parts of the front wall, a rectangular lid and a rear rectangular wall.

Using an electric drill, drill the necessary holes for the screws. All surfaces of the structural elements obtained in this way should be carefully “sanded” with sandpaper. Smooth walls are necessary for the safety of feathered pets.

The cut out elements are assembled into a common structure and securely fastened with screws. It is necessary to ensure that when installing the structure, the front and rear panels are secured at an angle of 15 degrees.

Using small furniture hinges screwed to the upper rear ends of the side panels, the lid of the hopper feeder is secured. Upon completion of assembly, the entire body, at the request of the manufacturer, can be coated with an antiseptic.

Reference. To ensure maximum density of the walls, you can use special clamps.

A wooden bunker feeder is hung from the wall of the chicken coop.

Of course, the models presented here are only a small part of the designs known today among poultry farmers. Each person involved in breeding poultry, due to his creativity, ingenuity and the availability of auxiliary building materials, sometimes in the form of completely unexpected objects, is able to make a quite decent, functional and somewhat unique feeder.

At the same time, he is free not only to independently choose the best sizes for himself and appearance a much-needed product, but will certainly save a lot on the process itself. And this, in turn, will have a positive impact on the work of the entire farm.

We offer video instructions for viewing on how to make a spacious bunker feeder for chickens.