Short riddles about professions. Riddles about professions. Riddles about people in construction professions

Yulia Stafeonova
Riddles about professions

So that the people in the kindergarten are well-fed,

He will arrive at work before everyone else.

He has a lot of dishes

(Frying pans, pots, kettles).

He cooks delicious dishes in them

(Porridge, soup, casseroles and manna cakes).

We feel great!

Thanks for this…


Let's go out to the kindergarten for a walk,

We're clean again!

Not a speck, not a piece of paper,

Not a leaf in sight!

Why is the yard clean?

Who was sweeping here?

(Street cleaner)

Every day she comes

The belly and neck are looking at us.

Vaccinations are sometimes given

So that the children don't get sick.

And suddenly my stomach ached, or my head ached,

He will come to our aid immediately,

In a white robe...


Children come to kindergarten to grow up as friends,

So that they know everything in the world, and can do everything in the world.

Who will help the children here draw, sculpt, and play?

Who will feed you and put you to sleep quietly in your crib?

With whom will we glue gifts for mothers and join in a round dance?

Who will replace the children's mother until the mother comes?


If suddenly there was a fire,

He will arrive right here!

He will save everyone and put out the fire!

Children, what is his name?


Every day he gets behind the wheel,

Travels along the roads.

Delivers goods everywhere

And he works in a taxi.

He will deliver a doctor to your home,

He will bring food to the garden.

Knows the rules of the road

His friend is a traffic light.

Everyone knows without a doubt

This guy is...


We will go today with mom

To the store.

Where to buy: fabrics, threads and braid

Two needles, fringe.

My mommy sews.

Guess who she is?


They cure us of all diseases

They will never refuse!

There is no more useful profession!

Who is this?

(The doctors)

Publications on the topic:

Children about professions. One of the main tasks preschool education– formation of a positive attitude towards work and primary ideas.

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Summary of an integrated lesson in the middle group “About professions” topic: “About professions” goal: to expand and clarify children’s ideas about the work of people of different professions, to train children to determine the name of the profession.

Summary of educational activities on the formation of ideas about professions (senior group) Educator: Durseneva N. Yu, Primorsko-Akhtarsk. Objectives: To instill in children respect for people of different professions; Expand and specify.

Summary of educational activities on professions “Dunno visiting children”, self-analysis Summary of the educational activity “Dunno visiting children” Junior Teacher: guys, look who came to visit us, who is it (children’s answers) Of course.

Summary of a lesson to expand knowledge about professions for children in the senior group “All work is good” Abstract directly educational activities senior group Topic: “All work is good” Goal: expanding children’s knowledge about professions.

"Excursion to the bakery." Lesson on developing ideas about professions Target. To form ideas about the work of people of different professions related to bread production, to cultivate respect for their work. Tell.

Riddles can become part of any event, for example, a competition, quiz, or class hour. In addition, they help develop intelligence and simply lift your spirits. This kind of entertainment will be interesting not only for kids, but also for teenagers. For example, for high school students you can prepare riddles about professions. This will be a great addition to

Simple options

First, you can offer the children a few easy riddles to warm up, which will not cause any difficulties, but will attract the attention of schoolchildren to the quiz. These could be comic short options:

He can sell, exchange, buy and rent out housing. (Realtor)

Renews your face and body with the help of devices and creams. (Cosmetologist)

He brings us menus and serves us food. (Waiter)

He controls his body well and knows how to move brightly. (Dancer)

He knows how to make everyone happy, make everyone smile and laugh. (Clown)

Everyone is glad to see him when there is a waterfall in the kitchen (Plumber)

If he waves a stick, music will play. (Conductor)

With a fiery needle, a tailor sews a steel suit for the ship. (Welder)

Point the glass eye, click once, and we remember you! (Photographer)

He knows everything about the artists and announces them from the stage. (Entertainer)

He certainly knows a lot about sports, because he mentors athletes. (Trainer)

I am happy to defend everyone in court, our skillful... (Lawyer)

Complex riddles about professions for high school students

Later you can complicate the task somewhat. It's worth adding longer options. It is necessary to prepare riddles about professions for high school students, the answers to which may have some difficulties for the children, so that they have to think about it.

About working in rural areas. Many teenagers who grew up in the city are new to life outside of it. Therefore, there may be some problems with guessing professions that are typical for suburban areas. The guys will have to think, remember works of art, films, stories:

His work on the land in the village:

He sows, plows, raises cows.

He buys seeds always and everywhere.

Ready to grow a good harvest!


He studied science.

It’s as if he has tamed the earth.

He knows when to plant

Sowing is like harvesting.

He knows everything in his native land,

And it’s called... (Agronomist)

He doesn't just walk through the forest,

And he protects trees and animals.

He fills the feeders in winter,

For forest animals to survive.


He studied at the institute for a long time,

He studied plants and soil.

Now he understands well personally,

How to grow the biggest harvest.


At night, at noon, at dawn,

She carries out her service in secret.

The Burenki have known her for a long time,

Greeted with mutters of joy,

And for her hard work,

All the milk is given to her.


About creative professions. It’s interesting to remember people whose life path is directly related to art:

He waves his wand smoothly,

Because he is the leader of the orchestra.

He hears and knows every instrument.

In the orchestra, he is like the president of the country.


His task is to stage a performance,

So that every actor plays the role correctly.

He is called upon to rule everyone on stage.

For everyone who is on it, he is like a king.


He is both a wolf and Santa Claus,

And makes the kids laugh until they cry,

Last time I was a teacher,

Well, tomorrow - the driver,

He must know a lot

Because he... (Artist)

Are saucers flying?

The plates are flying!

And who among you knows

And who can guess

Who makes these saucers fly?


He doesn't play a role in the play

He's watching the actor

Someone will hardly forget the role,

Will suggest the right words.


About construction professions. Boys school age already know what construction is, have heard about the technology, materials that are used in the process. It will be interesting to remember the correct names of some specialties that are essential in construction:

He sits in a cabin high above the ground,

He commands with a long iron hand.

At a construction site, his work is visible to everyone:

He lifts tons of cement.

(Crane Operator)

He works with a brush and paint,

But he doesn’t paint canvases at all.

At a height in a cradle and helmet,

He will paint all the walls.


We build a house from bricks,

So that the sun laughs in him,

To be higher, to be wider,

There were rooms in the apartment.


How to build a good house,

Strengthen the doorway?

He knows exactly the law

How to build a balcony!


Here on the edge with caution,

He paints iron with paint,

He has a bucket in his hands,

He himself is colorfully painted.


It is useful to find interesting information about each profession that is a clue that will allow teenagers to broaden their horizons.

Choosing the one and only one from the sea of ​​professions can be very difficult. It seems that you are interested in everything: historical excavations and space flights, scientific innovations, etc. And how much you love to fly in the clouds is difficult to describe!

I suggest you unwind a little and guess some children's riddles about professions. Perhaps one of them will inspire you to make a grand discovery in your chosen industry =)

Traffic rules
He knows without a doubt.
He instantly starts the engine,
The car is speeding... DRIVER.

Dark night, clear day
He fights fire.
In a helmet, like a glorious warrior,
A FIREMAN is rushing to the fire.

Teaches us politeness
Reads the story aloud.
Not a teacher, not a writer.
This is the nanny... TEACHER.

He puts the bricks in a row,
Builds a kindergarten for the children
Not a miner or a driver,
The house will be built for us... THE BUILDER.

In reality, not in a dream
He flies on high.
Flying a plane in the sky.
Who is he, tell me? PILOT.

Who is sailing on the ship
To an uncharted land?
He is cheerful and kind.
What is his name?.. SAILOR.

You are probably familiar with him.
He knows about all the laws.
Not a judge, not a journalist.
He gives advice to everyone... LAWYER.

Stands at his post
He keeps order.
Strict, brave officer.
Who is he? POLICEMAN.

The cows have known her for a long time,
Always greeted with a moo
And for her hard work
All the milk is given to her. MILKMAID.

He is away from all his relatives
Drives ships to sea.
Seen a lot of countries
Our brave... CAPTAIN.

So that an ambulance rushes across the bridge,
He is repairing at the bottom of the support.
All day long over and over again
A DIVER dives deep into the depths.

Who will prescribe vitamins?
Who can cure a sore throat?
Don't cry during vaccinations -
The DOCTOR knows how to be treated.

He is on duty in the snow and heat,
Protects our peace.
A man who is faithful to his oath,
It's called... MILITARY.

Performs stunts in films
Dives from a height to the bottom
Trained actor.
Fast, brave... STUNCHER.

In this clean, bright room,
Always with a feeling of joy
The old walks and the little walks,
So I'll go there too.
If I'm too overgrown,
I will sit down in the chair boldly,
I need a haircut
The master will do it skillfully. HAIRDRESSER.

I hope you liked my riddles for children. You will find it on the Pustunchik website.

Even on the set of a movie,
Even on stage here in the theater,
We are obedient to the director
Because we...

I work in the theater.
I'm just an aunt during intermission.
And on the stage is the queen,
Either granny or fox.
Knows Kolya and Larisa,
That in the theater I...

My dad is off track
He walks along the rocks,
He has crampon boots
There is a lot of luggage -
Ice ax and alpenstock,
And a safety skein.

This is a special kingdom:
Only medicines live in it,
Past cotton wool, iodine, syringes
Mom walks like a queen.
(Pharmacist, pharmacist, pharmacist)

Last time I was a teacher,
The day after tomorrow - driver.
He must know a lot
Because he ….

Mom heals all animals -
Cat, dog and llama.
Is your friend sick? They're calling quickly
They call mom.
Mom knows all the pills
For a hedgehog and a bird in a cage.

We get up very early
After all, our concern is
Take everyone
in the morning to work.

His work is in depth,
At the very bottom.
Its work in the dark
And silence.
But who is he?
answer the question,
Not an astronaut
and walks among the stars?

In scuba gear, mask, fins
One who swims beautifully.
He is such a hero
In the silence of the sea depths.
(Diver, submariner.)

Walks along the seabed,
Disturbing the depth.
He will find everything under the silt,
The bottom of the ship will be welded,
If there is a leak, trouble has struck -
Water is no problem either.

Kindness, warmth of soul
Mommy doesn't feel sorry.
The kids are waiting for mommy -
Vasya, Masha, Galka,
Pasha, Senya and Marat -

The whole kindergarten is waiting for her!

You teach letters to add, count,
Grow flowers and catch butterflies,
Look at everything and remember everything,
And everything is dear, love your homeland.

The pebbles are in a box
Each one has been familiar to me for a long time.
Dad walked along a mountain path,
He beat them off with a hammer.
And keeps it in the collection
Marble, coal and granite.

My mother, a craftswoman, has it
Mascara, blush, powder, glue.
And mom changes her face
Performers of roles.
From the beauty Babka-Yozhka
Need to do? No problem!
Mom will wise up a little
And the crooked nose will fit.
(make-up artist)

He is in a snow-white robe
Treats all patients in the ward.
If suddenly something bad happens,
Then he will come rushing in an ambulance.
Dad knows medicine
All medicines and vaccines.
(Doctor, doctor)

Who sits at the patient's bedside? -
And he tells everyone how to get treatment.
Who is sick - he will offer to take drops,
Those who are healthy will be allowed to take a walk.

Who is the most useful in days of illness?
And cures us of all diseases?

This worker is amazing!
Accompanies trains.
(Railroad worker)

The ship is sailing in the yellow sea.
Who leads the ship on the sea?
(Combine operator)

Oh, what a workshop mom has!
Fragrant, sweet!
Mom sugar and nut
Sprinkles into chocolates.
Here there is order, cleanliness,
Not work - beauty!

Here is a brave dad in a spacesuit,
He goes into the rocket.
Hats off to him
People all over the planet.
This is not news at all for him.
What is weightlessness!
(Cosmonaut, astronaut)

He is not a pilot, not a pilot,
He's not flying a plane,
And a huge rocket
Children, who, tell me, is this?


At work all day long
He commands with his hand.
That hand raises
A hundred pounds under the clouds.
(Crane Operator)

Here on the edge with caution
He paints iron with paint,
He has a bucket in his hand,
He himself is colorfully painted.

The composition is ready, the buzzer sounds,
The train went east.
Sleepers and pillars flash,
Birches, spruces and oaks.
And my dad leads the train,
Not tired at all in a day.
My dad is a hero!
Walks in uniform, with a holster!
In the middle of the night
Is there a theft or a fight somewhere?
Call immediately on “02”,
Call my dad!

My friend went to serve in the navy,
He is now sailing on a ship.
And, even though the wave goes uphill,
A hero stands on deck.
He's wearing a naval uniform
He is not afraid of the storm.
(Sailor, sailor)

Who walks in the parade
Ribbons curl behind your back,
Ribbons curl, and in the squad
There are no girls.

Mom needs it for work
Place notes on the music stand.
Just ask mom
And he will play: “Mi, salt, si!”
I will tell the guys proudly:
"Mom knows all the chords!"

Mom can put cans,
Apply to abrasions and wounds.
Mom gives injections
To all the children of our school.
Mom with affection, kind words
Helps you become healthy!

He pours grain into the mill.
Call him quickly.
(Flour grinder)

His car is all armored
It's like a turtle.
After all, in war it’s like in war,
There should be no fear here!
Gun barrel in front:
Dangerous! Enemy, don't come near!

He lifts to the skies
Your steel bird.
He sees mountains and forests,
Air borders.
Why is he flying high?
To protect your country!
(Military pilot, pilot)

He protects the rye field,
And a grove and an oak grove.
Protects boundaries
A distant outpost.
And the duty of a military man is:
Keep yours and mine in peace.
(Border Guard)

The boy's dream came true -
He came to serve in the company.
Now he shoots: “Tra-ta-ta!”
From a cannon, mortar.
Recently a boy served
But he is the best shooter.

A young soldier was wounded
On the field early in the morning.
And he took him to the medical battalion
And treated the wounds.
Extracted from the body of a daredevil
Dangerous fragments.
His hand was firm:
"Live long, brother!"
(Military doctor)

In this dark blue uniform
He defends the country
And in a huge submarine
Sinks to the bottom.
Protecting the ocean
I have been to the ports of a dozen countries.

The squad is in a hurry when called,
Ready to find the shell
And in the wheat field,
Both in transport and at school.
The squad member is very brave -
He managed to defuse three mines.

Strong durable parachute
Opened up behind him,
And in a few minutes
He sank to the ground.
He will pass through both the forest and the ford,
But he will find an enemy.

From the age of 4-5, children begin to show an active interest in the activities of adults. They begin to be interested in the professions of their parents and people around them. Games appear: to the store, to the kindergarten, to the hospital, etc. Children begin to try on this or that profession, showing observation and first preferences. To develop interest in different professions, it is useful to use riddles.

Traditional techniques

Top best riddles about professions for children of any age

Mom needs it for work

Place notes on the music stand.

Just ask mom -

And he will play: “Mi, salt, si!”

I will tell the guys proudly:

“Mom knows all the chords!”


Mom can put cans,

Apply to abrasions and wounds.

Mom gives injections

To all the children of our school.

Mom with affection and kind words

Helps you become healthy!


Mom - golden hands -

Sews shirts, dresses, trousers,

Dad, me, sister Sveta -

Everyone is dressed to the nines!


Kindness, warmth, soul

Mommy doesn't feel sorry.

The kids are waiting for mommy -

Vasya, Masha, Galka,

Pasha, Senya and Marat -

The whole kindergarten is waiting for her!


Mom will make soup

For kids from different groups,

Deftly molds cutlets

And he will cut the vinaigrettes.

And with such a skillful mother

I am always the most well-fed!

At school I'm the most learned -

I was very lucky with my mother.

Children learn from her

Everything is out there in class.

They will become better and smarter,

Fairer and kinder.


Mom is more important than everyone, believe me!

Mom walks around with a thick bag.

He will bring a letter in an envelope,

Parcel and telegram.

People are really waiting for their mother,

Respect mom's work!


The cooks and Valera are in a quarrel,

He's arguing about tastes again.

He loves debates very much

So it will be...


The deputy is friends with Marina.

The one who always dances around,

After all, beautiful Marina

Dreams of becoming


The ballerina is friends with Dasha.

Dasha spoon feeds porridge

Capricious doll Katya -

Growing up...


The teacher goes to school

Together with a cheerful boy.

Yang juggles a ball

So it will be...

(Circus performer)

Yan the circus performer knows Ivan,

Distrustful and strange.

He's watching Uncle Drone

And dreams of becoming...


The spy has a brother.

Kolya is too curious,

He is passionate about science

So it will grow...

Fashion designers love Gosha,

Because he's good.

He composed a sonnet for them,

So it will grow...

The poet has a brother - Stepashka,

He taught the bug all year

Jump from a glass into a ladle.

Stepa - young...


Trainer with friend Dima

We spent the whole day looking for the mine.

Dima jar under the fence,

I buried it to become...


The sapper has an older brother,

He is always happy to help everyone.

Cat remover from tree,

Leva is the future...


Our rescuer walks in pairs

With a kind girl Tamara.

She treats animals with a decoction,

Wants to be …


At Tom's veterinarian

The mice have all left the house.

He will find them by interviewing everyone,

Tim, local...


Our detective on the couch

I found Anya's hairpin.

Anya learns the role of Alice,

To become big...


For actresses - applause

And flowers and compliments.

He shouted to Anechka: “Motor!”

Slava - cinema...


The director abandoned the theater

He and Danka were vacuuming the floor.

The world around us is expensive

Danka. Will he...

The ecologist has a neighbor

I put together a stool myself,

And also a house for birds.

So it will become...


There was a carpenter at a birthday party

At Volodya's on Sunday.

Vovka's dad is a machine gun

Gave it to grow...

All the soldiers walk in formation.

Orders distributed to heroes

And sent him back into battle

Roma is brave...


The general resigned

After all, he sold his shoulder straps

Tolya, little sly -

Growing up...


Seller in winter to Oleg

Sold three drifts of snow.

Fortresses Oleg the sculptor –

He is hereditary...


Everyone needs the work of a builder,

Everyone needs a delicious dinner,

Doctor to treat everyone

And a teacher to teach.

You need a pilot to fly...

Well, who do you want to become?

Seryozha coughs loudly.

He seems to have bronchitis.

They call the clinic

And they say to Seryozha:

Don't be afraid and don't cry -

A good one is coming to see you...

He drove around the Earth

And ships, and ships,

He saw many countries

My acquaintance…


He is not a pilot, not a pilot,

He's not flying a plane,

And a huge rocket

Children, who, tell me, is this?


The trains are noisy

And sometimes they honk

To us beeps or whistles,

And they are led...


Who herds sheep and goats

Where the meadow is overgrown with grass.

We get up very early

After all, our concern is

Drive everyone to work in the morning.


That athlete will become -

We can all follow an example.

But he had to do a lot

Sweat within the walls of the gym.

Tell me who is so delicious

Prepares cabbage soup,

Smelly cutlets,

Salads, vinaigrettes,

All breakfasts, lunches?

This worker is amazing!

Accompanies trains.

(Railroad worker)

Drives out onto the road

He is usually early

Putting your foot on the pedal

And turning the steering wheel with my hand.

At night, at noon, at dawn

He carries out his service in secret,

On the path, on the shore,

Blocking the enemy's path.

(Border Guard)

Who is the most useful in days of illness?

And cures us of all diseases?

In the sea of ​​books it is endless

A real captain.

Find any book

Helps us quickly!


Lunch in kindergarten

The cook takes samples from the dishes.

But my mother is not around,

Who sets the table there?

(Nanny, assistant teacher.)

Love nature, respect the elderly.


Andryusha has an older brother -

Excellent bearing of the soldiers.

He is serving, but at the same time

Armed with water and a hook.

He is on duty in the cold and in the heat.

Tell me, who is he?


Didactic orientation

Any riddle makes children think, compare, analyze. She reveals those in a playful way key points, which you don’t immediately pay attention to.

So, in riddles about a clown there is always an emphasis on the joy and laughter that he brings to others. The clown is associated with the circus, holidays, friends, and birthdays. The external attributes of a clown are not forgotten either: a bright painted face, a cheerful laugh, a funny costume, balloons and a funny wig. It is not a problem for children to come up with riddles about their pet, without which the holidays are unthinkable. Riddles about a clown can prepare for his appearance, create a joyful and relaxed atmosphere of anticipation, and help introduce children.

Interesting riddles about the professions of a doctor, cook, driver, fireman. These professions are familiar to children; children can easily guess them in general. But it’s interesting in class and during role playing games expand ideas about specializations. And then the children, by solving riddles and using the answers to them, learn about a surgeon, a dentist, a pediatrician, an ophthalmologist and many others. Likewise, riddles about a cook - pastry chef, cook - baker will lift the veil of a complex system for preparing your favorite delicious dishes.

About the army

Boys are always interested in military topics. Military professions attract children with their manifestations of strength, responsibility, courage, independence and, of course, their adventure side. Among the most interesting riddles about a sailor, about a pilot, about a tanker, about an artilleryman, about a paratrooper, about a border guard, about a sapper and a paratrooper. Gradually, riddles with answers form in children ideas not only about military professions, but also about the qualities and character traits required in these professions, and expand knowledge about the world around them.

Often, riddles for children about the army mention military attributes and details of military uniforms. This is how children distinguish between a cap, a cap, a helmet, a helmet, a cap, and a beret. They learn to pay attention to insignia and stripes.

About kindergarten

Kids happily solve riddles about their favorite kindergarten. In a fun playful way, they get acquainted with the complex operating system of their favorite kindergarten. A tour of the garden for children can be supplemented with riddles about the professions of those people who create comfort, educate and care. Riddles about the doctor, about the cook, about the janitor, about the teacher will come in handy. And then you can invite the children to come up with riddles about the professions that surround them.

In many groups kindergarten There are profession corners: a hairdresser's corner, a shop, a doctor's corner, a tailor's corner and others. Thematic activities and games in such corners are perfectly complemented by riddles about the profession and objects related to the profession.

Riddles will help you choose the participants in the game among large quantity willing. It will be a fair and entertaining choice. Children will try to remember riddles and answers, and will be more attentive to the teachers’ assignments.

Riddles about professions - an important section children's creativity. By expanding their understanding of the world, they develop imagination, speech, increase vocabulary, and develop observation and resourcefulness. Children learn about different professions, gain initial ideas about the type of activity, the final product, and the qualities required in each profession. Riddles about professions are appropriate during play, relaxation and in class.