Corporate orders. Our clients and objects

Cash, card, with a promotional code or from a corporate account - we tell you how users pay for trips and what you need to consider in each case.


The advantage of this method is obvious: you receive money immediately after the trip.

The downside is that you often have to deal with change. This means that before entering the line it is better to exchange money in advance.

If you are not sure that you will have enough cash, before picking up the car, check with the passenger which banknote you need change for - you can do this by writing in chat or calling.

By law, at the end of a trip for cash, you must issue a BSO form strict reporting. In fact, passengers rarely ask for them, only on business trips. But for traveling without forms you may be fined by the traffic police.

Form of strict accountability

Bank card

To pay with a card, the passenger links its number in their Yandex.Taxi application.

At the end of the trip, you click on the “End trip” button - and in front of you is the exact amount of the order and a reminder that the payment is non-cash, that is, you do not need to take money from the passenger.

Money for non-cash orders will not be credited to your Taximeter immediately, but within three to five days - please take this into account when planning your expenses. This happens because we transfer money to the parks, and they transfer money to you.

Money on the Taximeter balance can be used to pay fleet fees, rent a car, or refuel (at some gas stations). You can monitor your balance in the “Earnings” section: you can view detailed information for each order.

How to pay for fuel from Taximeter balance
Already during the trip, the passenger can change the payment method. If he chose non-cash payment, our system will check whether there is enough money on the card to pay for the order. If it turns out that there is no money, the payment method will change to cash. Whenever you change your payment method, you will receive a notification in Taximeter.

From a corporate account

You arrived to order, pressed the “On the spot” button. The inscription on the screen: "Corporate order". This means that the company in which the passenger works will pay for the trip, and the payment will be non-cash. Such an order may be more profitable than a regular one, and here’s why:

  • Average check is higher
    On average, a corporate client's trip costs 50% more.
  • Guaranteed payment
    The company pays for this trip, not the passenger - there is always enough money in the corporate account.
  • Waiting = money
    Passengers on such orders may sometimes be delayed, but don’t worry - your waiting time will definitely be paid for.
Please note several features when executing corporate orders:
  • Cashless payments only
    The company will be able to pay for the trip only by bank transfer, and the passenger cannot change the payment method.
  • Sometimes the passenger cannot change the order details
    A taxi can be called for a passenger by the secretary of his company. And then the user will know which car will come to him, but will not be able to change the order details or cancel it. Therefore, we ask you to wait for the passenger exactly at the indicated place. And please strictly adhere to service standards.
  • Corporate rate is not lower than usual
    For corporate orders you will receive no less than for ordinary ones - the rates for drivers are no different. Even if the trip is a little cheaper for the client, don’t worry - the order will cost you as usual.

Promo code or discount coupon

To increase the number of orders in the service, Yandex.Taxi organizes promotions - offering potential passengers discounts on orders. If the trip goes well, “newbies” usually order another taxi, but at full price.

On orders with a promotional code, you usually do not lose anything - the user will pay less, but the discount will be refunded to your Taximeter balance. You will see the amount when you arrive at your final address and click “End Trip.” You can pay for an order with a promotional code either in cash or by card - it all depends on the terms of the promotion.

Many drivers I am ndex.Taxi Those who have recently started cooperation do not know what types of orders exist. One of the options is called corporate. As you might guess, we are talking about applications received on behalf of a company, not a private individual - a passenger. Since Yandex.Taxi strives to provide customers and partners highest level service, we hope that you will cope with this task.

What are the differences between corporate clients?

During work as a driver in Yandex.Taxi It is necessary to gradually understand the nuances of orders. This also applies to corporate clients. They differ from other passengers in the following features:

  • Do not pay for the trip yourself. This is what their company does.
  • Do not contact directly driver I am ndex.Taxi, since in most cases the car is ordered in their name by other people on behalf of the company’s management.
  • They cannot pay in cash or change payment options.

When you arrive to pick up a passenger, a special mark appears in the Taximeter application interface notifying you that the payment will be made by bank transfer from a corporate account.

Benefits of traveling on corporate orders

There are many advantages for the contractor, and the main one is the responsibility of the customers. They always pay the bill even if they did not use the service for personal reasons. The same goes for paid waiting. If to the driver I am ndex.Taxi I had to wait more than ten minutes, this time will be fully compensated. The average check amount for such an application can be twice the standard amount. Another obvious plus is a 100% guarantee of funds transfer. Cashless payments are much safer than transferring from card to card. Your clients are serious and respected people. They will not risk their reputation and will behave in a relevant and polite manner during the trip.

Who receives such orders first? Everyone who works at Yandex.Taxi and has a high rating, serving corporate clients. We are committed to creating a fair and equitable environment in which every employee has the chance to improve their well-being. Generally, working in a taxi in Moscow, you will often have to serve entrepreneurs of different levels.

Serving corporate customers through the Yandexa service

As mentioned above, Yandex does everything possible to ensure that representatives of large companies and organizations receive excellent service. This means that you should be punctual, polite, and follow all established rules.

Since 2012, the company has been operating in the market of corporate and tender orders. A special division has been organized, which brings together specialists who are able to clearly and quickly organize work on large objects that require professional approach, more complex planning for installation and finishing work.

The main objectives of the company are deeper implementation lean systems, which will naturally reduce the final cost of products while improving quality, as well as expanding the product range and developing energy-efficient technologies in the field of translucent structures.


The Window Continent company produces its products at one of the most modern factories in the Moscow region. The basic principle of our production - “Every window already has its own customer” - does not allow us to make faceless products. The technical excellence of our windows is ensured by strict European technologies and the understanding of our manufacturers for whom these windows are made.

The company is constantly developing - to date, the first stage of introducing lean systems in production and the finished product warehouse has been completed. This allows us to achieve a reduction in the cost of finished products for the customer by reducing losses, while simultaneously improving consumer qualities.

For each of the company's clients, this means that they receive high-quality windows at a lower price.

Delivery in any batches

Delivery of windows in small batches - up to 50 square meters per delivery.

Convenient when you need fractional deliveries for installation, when there is no possibility of storing products, or the area for storage is limited.

Delivery of windows in medium batches - up to 100 square meters per delivery.

A convenient delivery method when several teams are working, but there is limited storage space and there are difficulties for a long delivery vehicle to pass.

Delivery of windows in large quantities - up to 200 square meters per delivery.

Delivery method when work needs to be completed in a short time and it works a large number of brigades Space is needed for unloading and storing more than 100 windows at the same time per delivery.

The presence of more than 50 delivery vehicles with different carrying capacities allows us to ensure the delivery of any required batches of windows in a schedule convenient for the execution of work.

For convenience, we have two shipping areas. One is located in Moscow, the second in the south of the Moscow Region - in the city of Obolensk.

The presence of two well-located sites allows you to conveniently work throughout the Central Federal District.

Technology and timing of installation work

We have verified technical solutions for installation of windows for all types of buildings and structures.

Window installation is carried out in compliance with all building codes and regulations. To carry out the work, only professional components are used that have passed mandatory certification in the relevant institutions of the Russian Federation.

Warranties and certificates

All our products have passed certification tests, according to the results of which we have Certificates of Conformity. Moreover, we received a certificate from the Institute of Thermal Engineering as the company that created the “Warmest window in Russia”! All used components have passed mandatory certification in the relevant institutions of the Russian Federation.

The company's quality guarantee applies to all products and the entire range of services.

Payment schemes

We are ready to meet the customer halfway, understanding your needs and objectives. To do this, we have different payment schemes for placed orders:

  • Work on prepayment.
  • Payment with deferred payment.
  • Staged payment.

We benefit from stable work. In this regard, we are ready to consider different variants cooperation. The main thing for us is mutual benefit.

Our production

We offer big choice modern windows and doors, varying in cost and capabilities, and therefore applicable for a wide range of tasks. Each window will retain heat, provide silence, comfort and will last for many years.

Window Continent is constantly improving the quality of its windows by introducing the latest achievements of the global industry. Conducts research and innovative activity in the field of energy saving.

By doing our job carefully, meticulously and without unjustified expenses, we provide customers with high-quality windows at affordable prices. We are constantly improving, reducing customer costs and our own losses, considering it important to protect the Russian consumer from extra costs to create coziness and a comfortable microclimate.

Energy saving

Modern technologies, while remaining invisible at first glance, make it possible to increase the heat-saving properties of windows several times. This not only has a beneficial effect on the comfort and microclimate in the room, but also allows you to save significant amounts on heating and air conditioning.

Heat preservation

The company does not stop there - in 2014 we began producing thermal windows - windows with heated double-glazed windows!

Our clients and objects

Our clients are like state organizations, services and ministries, as well as commercial construction companies.

or corporate procurement is a large market for meeting the needs of large companies and their subsidiaries. In the vast majority of cases, these purchases take place electronically on websites trading platforms, owned by a corporation, in whose interests this information portal was put into operation.

Usage electronic form placement and procurement is very advisable, because only with the use of a specialized portal there is a number of opportunities and services for the customer, allowing you to organize a healthy competitive environment and carry out a legally sound procurement process. Let us list the most significant functions inherent in corporate trading platforms:

  • significant reduction in time spent on order preparation
  • clarification of budget limits by items and nomenclature of purchases directly from the financial authority in real time
  • coordination and control of the order by the procurement supervisory authority
  • the ability to quickly analyze the progress of the procurement and the profitability of the transaction
  • free registration of participants on the trading platform
  • availability of a database with data on suppliers who have proven themselves in the performance of previously concluded contracts, to organize the possibility of cooperation by inviting them to participate in new procurements, taking into account their specific activities
  • Availability of regulatory and reference information on methods of organizing a corporate order

Corporate order and its features

With entry into force Federal Law No. 223, regulating trade relations of state corporations with suppliers, the organization process corporate order reached a new level. Starting from January 2013, state corporations, those companies whose controlling stake is owned by the state, must place an order on the Official All-Russian Order Placement Website, in addition to publishing procurement procedures on their corporate trading platform. In addition, companies also need to draw up their procurement regulations, which describe all possible ways of placing an order and the procedure for their implementation. It is also necessary to prepare and post for review a quarterly plan for placing a corporate order, and provide quarterly and semi-annual reporting in an approved standard form.

Corporate order: a look into the future

In connection with the above-mentioned tasks, state corporations will have to modernize their corporate trading platforms for placing orders for integration and interaction with the All-Russian official website and implement, in accordance with their regulations on procurement, the possibility of carrying out all the placement methods listed therein corporate order. Of course, you can publish procurement procedures and conclude contracts directly through the functionality of the All-Russian website, but this method for order management, those unique functions of the corporate portal that were developed exclusively for the needs of a specific customer will no longer be available.

Promote your brand in style!

Corporate gifts and business souvenirs are effective tool to establish lasting friendships and business relations. Business gifts help strengthen existing relationships with partners and win new clients. Receiving business gifts is equally pleasant for everyone, regardless of status!

Leather corporate gifts exude elegance and style.

When you give gifts made of genuine leather, the recipient of the gift gets the impression of your company as a reliable and stable partner, and no matter what goods or services you offer, they will be the most High Quality. This is what every company strives for, and you can be sure that with our leather business accessories you will achieve this.

If you are considering leather accessories as corporate gifts, you should choose only high quality products, made from quality materials, comfortable and practical, as well as stylish, in which everything is thought out to the smallest detail. Therefore, the Kazhan company uses genuine leather for its products. good quality, from trusted suppliers, confirmed by quality certificates.

Kazhan company specialists have extensive experience and will help you figure out which ones corporate gifts will certainly be appreciated by your partners, colleagues and potential clients. The catalog presents current, solid and at the same time practical leather products of the highest quality.Ordering leather goods from us is an opportunity to inexpensively obtain individual leather products of decent quality and impeccable appearance.

Folders and accessories for restaurants, bars and hotels.

In any reputable restaurant or cafe, everything should be thought out, from the interior design, clothing of the staff, to serving and menu folders. Not only deliciously prepared food by the chef, but also the presence of a solid and original menu folder, wine list and bill folder, which are pleasant to hold in your hands and feel the warmth of natural leather, can attract many visitors to the restaurant. Each restaurant has its own style, its own design concept. We produce accessories for restaurants, bars, cafes, hotels: menu folders, wine lists, invoice folders, room folders, guest books, bonfires (stands for glasses and mugs)