The largest enterprises in the oil and gas industry. Oil and gas companies. Oil production in Russia

Increasingly, in the strategic development plans of our country, the government places emphasis on the need to move away from the status of a “raw materials power.” At the same time, the main emphasis is on developing its own processing of raw materials and establishing production, and large industrial centers are attracting increasingly close attention.

We offer Top 10 largest industrial centers in Russia, compiled according to the Institute territorial planning"Urbanica".

10. Novokuznetsk

Volume industrial production 264 billion rubles.

The city has ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy and coal industry enterprises. Among the owners of leading industrial facilities Evraz Group, UMMC, Sibuglemet, Rusal.

9. Chelyabinsk

277.3 billion rubles.

The city is a recognized leader in Russia in the field of ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering and the food industry at a high level. In Chelyabinsk there are enterprises of Mechel OJSC, the Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant, Cheboksary Electromechanical Plant, Coca-Cola, and the Russian Technologies State Corporation groups.

8. Norilsk

312 billion rubles.

The life of this polar city is built around the activities of the leader in the field of non-ferrous metallurgy, MMC Norilsk Nickel.

7. Ufa

313.6 billion rubles.

The city received the status of a major industrial center thanks to the development of oil and gas processing, mechanical engineering, food and pharmaceutical industries. The owners of the leading enterprises are JSOC Bashneft, State Corporation Russian Technologies, Wimm-Bill-Dann, Pharmstandard.

6. Perm

331.3 billion rubles.

The city can boast of significant successes in the field of oil and gas refining, mechanical engineering, food and chemical industries. The owners of leading industrial facilities are OJSC Lukoil, State Corporation Russian Technologies and Roscosmos, Nestle, Henkel and others.

5. Omsk

348.4 billion rubles.

The city has large enterprises operating in such industries as oil and gas refining, chemical and food industries, and mechanical engineering. The main industrial facilities are owned by OJSC Gazprom Neft, Unilever, Wimm-Bill-Dann, State Corporation Russian Technologies and Roscosmos.

4. Nizhnevartovsk

481.6 billion rubles.

This is one of the leading Russian centers for oil and gas production and processing. The city has industrial facilities of TNK-BP, Gazprom Neft, Russneft, Slavneft, and SIBUR.

3. Surgut

800.3 billion rubles.

A leader in the field of oil and gas production and processing, the city also has large enterprises operating in the electric power industry, Food Industry and R&D. The main industrial facilities are owned by Surgutneftegaz OJSC, OGK-2, OGK-4, SIBUR.

2. St. Petersburg

1282.7 billion rubles.

The northern capital has industrial facilities in the food and chemical industries, mechanical engineering, ferrous metallurgy, construction materials production, and R&D. The city has production facilities of Philip Morris International Inc., JTI, BAT, Kraft Foods, Procter&Gamble, United shipbuilding corporation, Russian Technologies, Toyota, Nissan, GM, HP, Rosatom State Corporation, Intel and many others.

1. Moscow

1895.2 billion rubles.

The capital's largest enterprises operate in such industries as mechanical engineering, food and pharmaceutical industries, oil and gas refining, and R&D. The main industrial facilities are owned by Roscosmos, Rosatom, Russian Technologies, Sukhoi Design Bureau, Renault, United Technologies, Volvo, Wimm-Bill-Dann, United Confectioners, Kraft Foods, Coca-Cola, RusHydro, GlaxoSmithKline.

The “Gas Industry” section presents the largest energy and oil and gas companies specializing in gas production, transportation and processing.

The gas industry is the most important budget-forming sector of the Russian economy. The youngest and most dynamically developing branch of the fuel and energy complex provides production, transportation, storage and distribution of natural gas, processing of associated gas from oil fields, providing more than 50% of domestic energy consumption.
The great economic importance of the gas industry is determined by the fact that gas production is more than two times cheaper than oil production and fifteen times cheaper than the production of other hydrocarbons. Gas is an ideal source of energy for public utilities and some sectors of the economy and production.

The gas industry provides not only production, but also gas transportation and delivery to consumers. More than a third of the world's proven natural gas reserves are located on Russian territory, but almost all of them are concentrated in regions of Western Siberia remote from industrial centers. The construction and operation of the world's largest gas transportation network, the Unified Gas Supply System of Russia, is also the subject of the gas industry.

Due to the strategic importance of this raw material, there is no place for small and random firms in the gas industry market. Only global companies of a global scale, large vertically oriented petrochemical production facilities have the right to operate in the field of production, distribution and processing of natural and associated gas. As a rule, such companies have an extensive management structure and a complex network of subsidiaries.

At the same time, the production of liquefied gas (LNG), translation Vehicle from gasoline to liquefied gas require coordinated interaction between gas producing giants and companies for the supply of equipment, construction and arrangement of LNG production plants and sales of products. This is where comprehensive, up-to-date and annually updated information, published in the “Gas Industry” section of the Oil and Gas industry directory, plays a primary role.

Information published in the section about the functions, composition and management of global holdings and companies operating in the Russian and world markets, telephone numbers and addresses of natural monopolies and their subsidiaries will be interesting and useful to industrialists and consumers of gas products, merchants and ordinary workers in the gas industry. Employees of government agencies and administrations will gain an understanding of the structure and leaders of the largest companies in the gas industry.

Leading company in the gas industry

Objectives: To introduce the features of the coal industry, to show the problems of the industry. Study the location of the coal industry. Complete practical work “Characteristics of a coal basin.”

Equipment: Map of the fuel industry, collection of coal: anthracite, brown coal, hard coal, painting “Coal Mining Methods”.

I. Checking homework

1) Mutual survey and mutual assessment:

I option. Explain the features of the oil industry.

Option II. Describe the gas industry.

2) After mutual questioning (2 minutes for each option), the teacher can check the quality of the answer by calling one or two students to the board to repeat their oral answer.

If the students' grade corresponds to the teacher's grade for the oral response, then grades (mutual grades) can be left for all students. You can test your knowledge by asking each student a test question. If the student answered the teacher’s question correctly, then the mark assigned by the neighbor remains; if the answer is incorrect, the mark is reduced or cancelled.

3) Check the work on the contour map.

4) Geographical dictation.

1. 70% of the country's oil is produced in. (West Siberian base or in the Middle Ob region).

2. The cheapest way to produce oil. (fountain).

3. Russia ranks in terms of oil reserves. (second place in the world).

4. Oil production in the 90s. (decreased/increased).

5. The second largest oil base in Russia. (Volgo-Ural).

6. The main oil flows are directed to. (West East North South).

I. Are refineries located in areas where refined products are consumed or in areas where oil is produced? (In areas where processed products are consumed. This is more convenient and economical.)

8. 91% of gas is produced in. (Western Siberia, or in the Ob region).

9. Russia ranks in gas production. (1 place).

10. Leading enterprise gas industry. (JSC Gazprom).

II. The largest gas pipelines come from. (Urengoy and Orenburg).

– Coal was the main fuel in the first half of the 20th century because coal reserves are greater than oil and gas reserves. Currently, it has lost leadership to oil and gas. Coal production is more expensive, so the share of coal in the country's fuel balance has decreased from 59% (in the 50s) to 8% (early 21st century).

Coal is used as fuel in thermal power plants and in industry (75%). And coking coal ( High Quality) - for example, anthracite (the teacher demonstrates a sample of coal) is used as a raw material in the iron and steel and chemical industries.

1. Coal mining methods

The depth of occurrence determines the method of coal mining: underground (in mines) or open (in quarries).

The share of open-pit coal mining is about 60%. However, this method degrades the quality environment, because when coal is mined in quarries, huge “holes on the face of the Earth” are formed, waste rock dumps are formed, and excavations destroy the top fertile layer (soil).

During underground coal mining, waste heaps (waste rock dumps) accumulate on the surface. The wind blows from the waste heaps coal dust, and the rain carries away streams of dirt.

2. Main coal mining areas

There are more than 200 coal deposits in Russia, but not all of them are developed. For example, the Tunguska basin (Eastern Siberia) has the largest coal reserves, but no mining is carried out here, since the basin area is not developed: there are no railways, settlements, or consumers. In addition, there is permafrost here, which will complicate production.

Working with the map:

– Find and show on the map other coal deposits in Russia. (1. Kuznetsk basin (Kuzbass) – 40% of Russian coal production; 2. Kansk-Achinsk brown coal basin; 3. Pechora basin.)

1. Problems of the coal industry

Coal regions are regions with very acute environmental problems. When burned, it pollutes the atmosphere greatly. In addition to environmental problems, there are also difficulties with coal mining in the basins located in northern Russia, beyond the Arctic Circle - coal mining here is expensive.

– Describe one of the coal basins in Russia. Give its economic assessment according to the following plan:

1. Geographical position basin (region of Russia, etc.).

2. Mining method (underground, open).

3. Depth of production.

4. Thickness of layers.

5. Coal quality.

6. Cost of production.

7. Amount of production, coal reserves.

9. Problems of the basin (environmental, social, etc.).

10. Prospects for the development of the basin.

To complete the work, the teacher suggests familiarizing yourself with the table (Table 27, lesson D.) and using its data, or other statistical material, as well as the text of the textbook, maps (Fig. 31, p. 124, lesson A. and Fig. 42, pp. 122-123, study D.).

Example of practical work:

Pechora coal basin

1. The basin is located in the northeast of the European part of Russia, in the northeast of the Komi Republic. The center of the basin is the city of Vorkuta, located beyond the Arctic Circle. Another city in the basin is Inta. Paved to Vorkuta Railway– Pechora (Konosha – Vorkuta).

2. All coal is mined using expensive underground methods.

3. The production depth is 298 m - this is deeper than in Kuzbass.

4. Layers with an average thickness of 1.53 m (in Kuzbass - 1.85 m).

5. High-quality coals (0.8 thousand kcal/kg).

6. Coals are expensive (costs are high), because miners have “northern bonuses” to their wages.

7. Coal production is 4 times lower than in Kuzbass.

1. Coal reserves are 3 times less than in Kuzbass.

2. Coal consumers are enterprises of the European North.

3. The basin has little prospects for development due to the high cost of coal.

4. The problems of the basin are associated with the difficulties of selling expensive coal in a market economy. Environmental problems are associated with the use of waste heaps. Social problems aggravated due to late payment of wages and inflation. People are leaving Vorkuta for regions that are more favorable for life.

1. According to the account. D.: §22, p. 120-124.

2. Mark coal basins (of Russian and local significance) on the contour map.

3. “My point of view” academic. A. No. 1-2 (optional).

4. The problem is waiting for your solution.

5. Sociocultural workshop (study A., p. 127).

6. Orally describe the three coal basins (according to D.).

Objectives: To define the concepts of “electric power industry” and “energy system”. Introduce the features of different types of power plants and their location. Explain the importance of the electric power industry for the country's economy.

Equipment: Map “Electric power industry of Russia”.

Leading company in the gas industry

A leading enterprise in the gas industry Objectives: To introduce the features of the coal industry and show the problems of the industry. Study the location of the coal industry. Execute

Oil and gas industry

Gas industry

Gas industry- the youngest and fastest growing branch of the fuel industry. It is engaged in the production, transportation, storage and distribution of natural gas. Gas production is 2 times cheaper than oil production and 10-15 times cheaper than coal production.

On the territory of Russia there are concentrated about 1/3 proven world reserves of natural gas, the potential reserves of which are estimated at 160 trillion. m3, of which the European part accounts for 11.6%, the eastern regions - 84.4%, and the shelf of inland seas - 0.5%.

Over 90% of natural gas is produced in Western Siberia, including 87% in the Yamalo-Nenets and 4% in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. The largest fields are located here: Urengoyskoye, Yamburgskoye, Zapolyarnoye, Medvezhye, etc. The industrial reserves of natural gas in this region account for more than 60% of the country’s total resources. Among other gas producing territories, the Urals (Orenburg gas condensate field - more than 3% of production) and the Northern region (Vuktylskoye field) stand out. There are natural gas resources in the Lower Volga region (Astrakhan gas condensate field), in the North Caucasus (North Stavropol, Kubano-Priazovskoye fields), Far East(Ust-Vilyuiskoye, Tungor on Sakhalin Island).

The shelf waters of the Arctic and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk are considered promising areas for gas production. Gas supergiants have been discovered in the Barents and Kara Seas - the Leningradskoye, Rusanovskoye, Shtokmanskoye fields.

For gas transportation in Russia, a one system gas supply, including developed fields, a network of gas pipelines (143 thousand km), compressor stations, underground storage facilities and other installations. There are large gas supply systems: Central, Volga, Ural, multi-line system Siberia-Center.

RAO Gazprom reigns supreme in the Russian gas industry.- the world's largest gas production structure, one of the country's most important natural monopolies, providing 94% of all Russian gas production.

Oil industry

Oil industry engages in oil production and transportation, as well as associated gas production. Russia has quite large proven oil reserves (about 8% of the world's total - sixth largest in the world).

The resources of the Volga-Ural oil and gas province have been studied and developed most of all. There are large deposits here: Romashkinskoye - in Tataria, Shkapovskoye and Tuymazinskoye - in Bashkiria, Mukhanovskoye - in the Samara region. and etc.

Main oil resources concentrated in the West Siberian oil and gas province. Since 1960, the Shaimsky, Surgutsky and Nizhnevartovsky oil regions have been delineated here, where such large fields as Samotlorskoye, Ust-Balykskoye, Megionskoye, Yuganskoye, Kholmogorskoye, Varyegonskoye and others are located.

The formation of the Timan-Pechora oil base continues, the largest field being Usinskoye. Heavy oil is extracted here (by the mine method) - the most valuable raw material for the production of low-temperature oils necessary for the operation of mechanisms in harsh climatic conditions.

Oil was also found in other regions of Russia: in the North Caucasus, in the Caspian lowland, on the island. Sakhalin, in the shelf zones of the Barents, Kara, Okhotsk, and Caspian seas.

Oil production is concentrated in the three most important oil and gas provinces, which together provide over 9/10 of the total Russian oil, including the West Siberian province accounting for more than 2/3, and the Volga-Ural province accounting for about 1/4 of total production.

The privatization of oil and gas complex facilities fragmented the previously unified centrally managed state system. Private oil companies took over production facilities and the country's national wealth - oil fields and their reserves. There are 17 companies in the Russian oil complex. Among them, the largest are LUKOIL (18.7% of Russian oil production), TNK (18.5%), Rosneft (15.6%), Surgutneftegaz (13.6%) and Sibneft ( 9.7%).

The promotion of production to the eastern regions and to the north of the European part poses an acute problem of oil transportation. The most effective means for this in Russia are pipelines (see the chapter “Transport complex”). The development of a network of oil pipelines contributes to further bringing oil refining closer to the places where oil products are consumed.

Gas processing industry is engaged in the primary processing of associated gas from oil fields and is located in large oil production centers - Surgut, Nezhnevartovsk, Almetyevsk, Ukhta. However, the most powerful gas processing centers in Russia are the centers of gas condensate fields - Orenburg and Astrakhan.

The location of oil refining industry enterprises depends on the size of consumption of petroleum products in different areas, technology for refining and transporting oil, territorial relationships between resources and places of consumption of liquid fuel.

There are currently 28 oil refineries(refinery) with a total capacity of 300 million tons per year. Almost 90% of the oil refining industry capacity is located in the European part of Russia, which is explained by its predominant attraction to the consumer: transporting crude oil through pipelines is cheaper than transporting petroleum products, and technological process oil refining is water-intensive, so most of the country's refineries are located on the Volga and its tributaries (Volgograd, Saratov, Nizhny Novgorod, Yaroslavl), along highways and at the ends of oil pipelines (Tuapse, Ryazan, Moscow, Kirishi, Omsk, Achinsk, Angarsk, Komsomolsk-on- Amur), as well as in points with an advantageous transport and geographical location (Khabarovsk). A significant amount of oil is also processed in the places where it is produced: Ufa, Salavat, Samara, Perm, Ukhta, Krasnodar.

Gas equipment factories and gas equipment manufacturers

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Gas plants are enterprises of the machine-building complex that produce wide range gas equipment and gas equipment used in the field of gas processing and gas consumption.

According to the scope of application, gas equipment is divided into:

Household equipment includes different kinds gas apparatus designed for the efficient and safe use of flammable gases by the population. Household products produced by Russian gas plants are represented by:

  • cooking appliances: gas stoves, frying devices, autonomous ovens, single-burner gas stoves;
  • devices for hot water supply: instantaneous and capacitive water heaters;
  • devices for individual heating: capacitive water heaters, gas fireplaces, special gas burners, heating and cooking devices and heating devices with a water circuit, heating installations for radiant and convective heating.

Industrial gas equipment is an extensive group of gas processing and gas-using devices, represented by:

  • transportable boiler units (TCU);
  • gas reduction points;
  • gas pressure regulators;
  • shut-off and safety equipment;
  • equipment for the use of liquefied gases;
  • measuring equipment (devices measuring gas flows, gas meters).

The division of gas meters into industrial and household is very arbitrary: household meters are usually classified as meters of small standard sizes.

Since the 2nd half of the 20th century, gas has become the main energy carrier in the industrial and domestic spheres. In the energy sector for the production of glass and ceramic products, cement, and building materials, the share of natural gas is more than 60%, in mechanical engineering and metallurgy – about 50%. The demand for products from gas plants in Russia is constantly increasing. Particularly noticeable is the increase in demand for measuring equipment, equipment designed for the use of liquefied gases, and devices for converting vehicles to use liquefied gas as fuel.

The main problems of the gas equipment and equipment production industry:

  • lack of domestically produced automation and electronics, which is why products that compare favorably in price with foreign analogues are inferior to them in ease of use and quality;
  • low effective demand for individual gas-using systems, which leads to the retention of affordable but obsolete devices in the plant range (for example, traditional AGV systems with low efficiency (less than 60%) and insufficiently complete gas combustion);
  • lack of a developed and streamlined repair system and service both Russian and imported gas equipment for domestic use.

Gas equipment factories and gas equipment manufacturers

Gas equipment factories and gas equipment manufacturers More than 3,000 industrial enterprises are registered on WikiProm. Join us so that you

Russian economy, figures and facts. Part 6 Oil and gas industry

General provisions

Oil and gas sector of the economy Russian Federation is the basis for the formation of the country's budget. At the end of 2014, revenues from the oil and gas industry amounted to 6,813 billion rubles. This is 48% of all federal budget revenues. The value of the Russian currency largely depends on world oil prices. The Russian oil and gas industry consists of three main sectors: production, transportation and refining of oil and gas.

According to data for 2014, proven oil reserves in Russia amount to about 103.2 billion barrels. This is the sixth highest figure in the world. The concept of “proven reserves” refers to the amount of minerals that can be extracted using modern technologies. Venezuela leads in terms of oil reserves - 298.35 billion barrels. But many experts are inclined to think that since oil is a strategic raw material, some countries may deliberately underestimate or overestimate their own reserves.

As for oil production in the Russian Federation, at the end of 2014, 526 million tons were extracted. Of these, 221 million tons were exported, which is 42% of all oil production. Compared to 2013, oil production increased by 0.5%, and exports decreased by 6%.

The Russian Federation ranks first in the world in terms of proven natural gas reserves. Russia has 47.6 trillion. cubic meters of gas. This represents 32% of all world reserves. After the Russian Federation, the most important suppliers of “blue fuel” are the countries of the Middle East.

At the end of 2014, 640 billion cubic meters were produced in Russia. meters of natural gas. Compared to 2013, the decline in production was 4.2%. 27.1% of all production was exported, which is equivalent to 174 billion cubic meters. m. fuel.

The total value of crude oil exports from the Russian Federation in 2014 amounted to 153.88 billion US dollars, the value of exported natural gas was 55.24 billion US dollars.

To transport oil and gas in Russia, a network of trunk pipelines was built, which in 2014 totaled about 260 thousand km. Of these, oil pipelines account for about 80 thousand km, gas pipelines account for 165 thousand km, and oil product pipelines account for about 15 thousand km. In terms of pipeline length, Russia is in second place in the world, trailing the leader, the United States, by almost 10 times. Canada ranks third, with a total pipeline length of about 100 thousand km.

At the beginning of 2014, oil production in Russia was carried out by 294 companies with relevant permits. 111 of them are vertically integrated companies (VIOC), that is, they carry out several business processes in this industry (production, transportation, refining, sales of oil and petroleum products). 180 independent companies not included in the structure of vertically integrated oil companies and 3 companies operating under a production sharing agreement (PSA). A PSA is a specific agreement concluded between the mining company (contractor) and the state. Under this agreement, the contractor is given the rights to carry out prospecting and geological exploration work, as well as to exploit mineral deposits in a certain territory.

There were 258 companies operating in the gas industry in 2014. Of these, 97 companies were part of the oil vertically integrated oil companies, 16 were part of the Gazprom structure, 2 were part of the NOVATEK structure, and 140 were independent companies. There are 3 companies operating under the PSA agreement.

Oil and gas industry workers in the Russian Federation receive the highest wages in the country. Calculating the average salary in the industry is quite problematic, since the difference between the salaries of different employees is very large. The lowest qualified workers receive on average 60–80 thousand rubles per month, qualified personnel about 150–180 thousand rubles, and managers’ salaries can reach 300–400 thousand rubles and higher.

Oil and gas fields of the Russian Federation

The largest oil and gas region of the Russian Federation is Western Siberia. Here, in the Yamalo-Nenets and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrugs, a significant portion of natural gas and oil is produced. Oil production by regions of the Russian Federation is as follows:

  • Western Siberia – 60%
  • Ural and Volga region – 22%
  • Eastern Siberia – 12%
  • North – 5%
  • Northern Caucasus – 1%

As for natural gas production, the share of Western Siberia is even higher than in oil production:

  • Western Siberia – 87.3%
  • Far East – 4.3%
  • Ural and Volga region – 3.5%
  • Eastern Siberia and Yakutia – 2.8%
  • Northern Caucasus – 2.1%

In total, 2,352 oil fields are being developed in Russia. Of these, 12 are unique and 83 are large. Of the 12 unique deposits, 5 are located in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, 3 in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, 3 in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and 1 in the Republic of Tatarstan.

The largest field in Russia is Samotlor, with estimated oil reserves of 7.1 billion tons. Average daily production is about 65 thousand tons. The field is located in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. The development is carried out by the oil company Rosneft.

The largest oil field in terms of average daily production in Russia is Priobskoye. The field is also located in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and about 110 thousand tons of oil are produced here daily. Explored reserves amount to about 5 billion tons of oil; production is carried out by Rosneft, Gazprom Neft, and Sibneft-Yugra.

Prirazlomnoye, Krasnoleninskoye and Salymskoye are 3 more fields of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, which belong to the unique oil fields of Russia. Proven oil reserves are 0.4, 1.1 and 0.5 billion tons. Average oil production per day at the Prirazlomnoye field is 20.5 thousand tons, at Krasnoleninskoye - 21.7 thousand tons, at Salymskoye - 2.2 thousand tons. Six oil companies are producing at the Krasnoleninskoye field, while Prirazlomnoye and Salymskoye are being developed by Rosneft.

In addition to 5 unique oil fields in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug there are 2 fields that are among the five largest in Russia in terms of total oil reserves - Lyantorskoye and Fedorovskoye. The initial reserves of raw materials here were 2 and 1.8 billion tons, respectively. But since the fields have been developed since the 70s of the last century, the remaining oil reserves at the Lyantorskoye field are about 320 million tons, and at the Fedorovskoye field - about 150 million tons. The average daily productivity of the Lyaontorskoye deposit is 26 thousand tons, the Fedorovskoye field is 23 thousand tons.

Romashkinskoye is the largest oil field in the Urals and Volga region and the European part of Russia as a whole. It is located in the Republic of Tatarstan, and the total geological oil reserves here are about 5 billion tons. Over the years of operation, about 3 billion oil was extracted from the field. Now the average daily production is about 41 thousand tons. The field is being developed by the Tatneft company.

2 unique fields of the Yamalo-Nenets District are classified as being developed; one, Urengoyskoye, is the largest gas-bearing field in the country. The level of oil production at the Urengoy field is about 1 thousand tons per day. The Russkoye and Vostochno-Messoyakhskoye deposits are among the most promising in the Russian Federation; the total geological reserves of these deposits are about 2 billion tons. Development is due to begin in 2015-16.

The Vankor oil field is the largest in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. About 50.5 thousand tons of oil are produced here per day, and reserves amount to about 450 million tons of oil. The remaining 2 fields of the Krasnoyarsk Territory - Yurubcheno-Takhomskoye and Kuyumbinskoye are small, their reserves amount to about 250 million tons of oil.

The structure of oil production in Russia is such that the 8 largest fields provide about 25% of the oil produced.

Russian gas production is concentrated mainly in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. About 81% of Russian natural gas is produced here. This autonomous region contains 8 of the 10 largest Russian gas fields in terms of the amount of recoverable fuel.

The largest in Russia and the second in the world in terms of total natural gas reserves is the Urengoyskoye field. The total reserves of blue fuel here are about 10 trillion. cube m. Average annual production is 95.1 billion cubic meters. m.

The Zapolyarnoye field is the leader in the amount of extracted natural gas in the Russian Federation. Here, the average annual production is 112.6 billion cubic meters. m. The amount of total reserves is about 3.5 trillion. cube m.

The second largest gas reserves in the Russian Federation is the Yamburgskoye field. The total geological reserves here are estimated at 5.2 trillion. cube m. In terms of average annual production, this field ranks 3rd in Russia - 83.6 billion cubic meters. m.

In addition to the above, 5 more fields in the Russian top ten represent the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

  • Yuzhno-Russkoye – average annual production 25.3 billion cubic meters. m.
  • Yurkharovskoye – average annual production 23.9 billion cubic meters. m.
  • Bear – average annual production 12.2 billion cubic meters. m.
  • Severo-Urengoyskoye – average annual production 10 billion cubic meters. m.
  • Beregovoe – average annual production 9.5 billion cubic meters. m.

In other regions of the country there are the Orenburg field, which represents the Volga-Ural oil and gas basin, and the Astrakhan field (Caspian oil and gas basin). The average annual production of natural gas in the Orenburg field is 16.4 billion cubic meters. m., in Astrakhan - 12.8 billion cubic meters. m.

Unlike oil production, the 10 largest gas fields account for a significant share of the extracted “blue fuel” - more than 61%. Moreover, about 45% falls on the top three.

Oil and gas processing

The production of petroleum products and gas processing products is one of the most important components of the oil and gas industry. At the end of 2014, 288.7 million tons of oil and more than 70 billion cubic meters were sent for processing in the Russian Federation. meters of natural gas. At the same time, the amount of oil sent for oil refining increases every year compared to oil sent for export. In 2012, the difference between oil refining and oil exports amounted to 26 million tons, in 2013 this figure increased to 37 million tons, and in 2014 reached 67 million tons.

At the end of 2014, oil refineries of the Russian Federation produced:

  • Motor gasoline – 35.1 million tons;
  • Diesel fuel – 70.5 million tons;
  • Fuel oil – 73.2 million tons;
  • Aviation kerosene – 9.8 million tons.

About 60% of petroleum products produced in 2014 were exported. In quantitative terms, the volume of exported petroleum products amounted to 165.3 million tons per total amount 115.8 billion US dollars. The total cost of exporting petroleum products is 72% of the amount received for exporting crude oil. For comparison, this figure in 2000 was 44%, in 2005 – 40.7%, in 2010 – 51%, in 2013 – 62.5%. It should also be noted that more than 94% of petroleum products in 2014 were exported to non-CIS countries. Thus, we can state the fact that every year Russian petroleum products become more and more interesting for foreign consumers and every year Russia’s position as the world’s main exporter of petroleum products is strengthened.

The amount of liquefied gas exported by the Russian Federation in 2014 is 20.5 million cubic meters. meters. This is 22% less than the same figure in 2013, when a record amount of liquefied gas was exported - 26.3 million cubic meters. m. Compared to natural gas exports, the total cost of liquefied gas exports is 11 times less. In 2014, liquefied gas was exported in the amount of $5.2 billion.

In addition to transporting and processing natural gas, it is necessary to ensure storage of this type of fuel. Special underground storage facilities are used for its storage. There are 26 underground gas storage facilities in the Russian Federation, of which the largest is Kasimovskoye, which is located in Ryazan region. It can accommodate 11 billion cubic meters. meters of natural gas. Storage facilities are usually located in the main areas of gas consumption. In the Russian Federation, underground storage facilities are created in depleted deposits (the most popular technology), in aquifers and in rock salt deposits.

Underground gas storage facilities are located mainly in the European part of Russia. There are especially many storage facilities near Samara - 4 (Dmitrievskoye, Amanakskoye, Mikhailovskoye, Kiryushinskoye), Saratov - 3 pieces (Peschano-Umetskoye, Elshano-Kurdyumskoye, Stepnovskoye), Orenburg - 3 pieces (Kanchurinskoye, Musinskoye, Sovkhoznoye).

Today, there are 26 gas processing plants in the Russian Federation. According to this indicator, Russia lags significantly behind the United States, where more than 520 such enterprises operate. But it should be noted that in Russia gas processing is carried out at large plants, while in the USA the lion's share of gas processing plants is made up of installations located directly at the fields, main function which is preparation for gas transportation to large plants.

The largest gas processing plant in Russia and the world is the Orenburg Gas Processing Plant. Its production capacity allows it to process 15 billion cubic meters. m. per year. Other large factories in the country are Astrakhan and Sosnogorsk. These three plants account for more than 95% of the processing of all associated gas that is formed in oil reservoirs.

There are about 100 enterprises in the oil refining industry of the Russian Federation. 38% of them are oil refineries that are part of vertically integrated companies; they produce about 85% of all petroleum products. 14% of the total are independent refineries, which produce 11% of production. Mini-refineries account for 48% of the total number of enterprises, and they produce 4% of Russian petroleum products.

The largest number of oil refineries is included in the structure of the Rosneft company - 9 units, total productive capacity of which 77.5 million tons. And the largest Russian oil refinery, Kirishi, with a production capacity of 22 million tons, belongs to the Surgutneftegaz company. Other large plants in the country are the Omsk Oil Refinery (production capacity 21.3 million tons/year), Lukoil-Nizhegorodnefteorgsintez (production capacity 19 million tons/year), Yaroslavnefteorgsintez (production capacity 14 million tons/year).

The bulk of the country's oil refining enterprises are located in the European part of Russia. This is explained by the fact that transporting crude oil is much cheaper than petroleum products. As a rule, refineries are located in cities where there are river ports in order to save on transportation costs, since delivery by water transport is the cheapest. The distribution of oil refinery capacities across the Federal Districts of the Russian Federation is as follows:

  • Central Federal District– 40.7 million tons;
  • Northwestern Federal District - 25.2 million tons;
  • Ural Federal District - 6.75 million tons;
  • Volga Federal District - 122.6 million tons;
  • Far Eastern Federal District - 11.7 million tons;
  • Siberian Federal District - 42.3 million tons;
  • Southern Federal District – 27.9 million tons.

The largest oil and gas companies in Russia

OJSC Gazprom and NOVATEK are the largest Russian companies engaged in the production and processing of natural gas. In addition to them, natural gas production is also carried out by enterprises that are part of the structure of vertically integrated oil companies. Concerning oil industry, then the leader here is the Rosneft company, and besides it, the leading positions in the market are occupied by Lukoil, Surgutneftegaz and Gazprom Neft.

OJSC Gazprom is the flagship Russian economy, the company whose annual turnover exceeds the budget of some European countries. Gazprom controls more than 150 thousand km of gas pipelines and 22 underground gas storage facilities. OJSC Gazprom is developing all the largest fields in the Russian Federation (except Yurkharovskoye). This is the only one Russian company having the right to export natural gas.

Gazprom's turnover in 2014 amounted to 5.661 trillion. rubles, while the company's profit amounted to 1.31 trillion. rubles The number of employees of OJSC Gazprom is about 430 thousand people.

NOVATEK is the second largest natural gas producer in Russia. The company's headquarters is located in the city of Tarko-Sale (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug). NOVATEK is developing the Yurkharovskoye, East-Tarkosalinskoye, Khancheyskoye and other fields located in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

In terms of total revenue, NOVATEK is significantly inferior to Gazprom. At the end of 2014, the company's turnover amounted to 357.6 billion rubles. Operating profit amounted to 125.1 billion rubles. NOVATEK controls 7.9% of the Russian gas market and employs about 4 thousand people.

The largest Russian oil company is OJSC Rosneft. The company produces oil at the largest oil fields in Russia - Priobskoye, Samotlorskoye and Vankorskoye. The company's oil refining industry includes 9 large oil refineries and 3 mini-refineries.

At the end of 2014, Rosneft's turnover amounted to 5.1 trillion. rubles, total profit equals 593 billion rubles. The number of company employees exceeds 170 thousand people.

Lukoil is the second Russian oil company in terms of production volumes. For more than 10 years, Lukoil occupied a leading position in the market, but in 2007 it lost its leadership to Rosneft after its takeover by Yukos. Lukoil produces oil in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, the number of operating drilling rigs of the company is more than 27,000. The oil refining industry is represented by 4 large refineries with a refining capacity of 45.6 million tons.

The company's total turnover at the end of 2014 amounted to 144 billion US dollars, operating profit was 7.2 billion US dollars. The number of company employees exceeds 150,000 people.

Surgutneftegaz is the largest oil company in the Russian Federation, whose main office is not in Moscow. The company's structure includes the largest Russian oil refinery, Kirishi. The largest fields developed by Surgutgutneftegaz are Lyantorskoye and Fedorovskoye.

At the end of 2014, the turnover of Surgutneftegaz amounted to 862.6 billion rubles, the gross profit was 241 billion rubles. The company has about 110 thousand employees.

Gazprom Neft is an oil company, 95.68% of whose shares are owned by OJSC Gazprom. Gazprom Neft, together with Rosneft, is developing the Priobskoye oil field. Over the past year, the company's oil refining industry produced 43 million tons of petroleum products.

The company's turnover for 2014 is 1.7 trillion. rubles Net profit amounted to about 122 billion rubles. The company's staff exceeds 57 thousand people.

Industry development prospects

The pace of development of the oil and gas industry of the Russian Federation largely depends on world oil prices and on the behavior of the main competitors in oil production - Saudi Arabia and the United States - on the world market. These three countries constantly replace each other as leaders in oil production. At the beginning of 2014, the leader was Saudi Arabia with production of 11.72 million barrels of oil per day. At the end of 2014, the first place went to the United States - 11.6 million barrels per day, Saudi Arabia ended the year with an average of 11.5 million barrels per day, Russia was third - 10.8 million barrels. Based on the results of 5 months of 2015, the Russian Federation maintained production volumes at approximately the same level and became a leader. As of the end of May current year, in the Russian Federation on average 10.75 million barrels are produced per day, in Saudi Arabia - 10.25 million barrels, in the USA - 9.6 million barrels.

But the amount of oil produced in a particular country is not the determining indicator. World prices are influenced by the percentage of oil produced in the leading oil powers. This is due to the fact that the cost of producing 1 barrel of oil in different regions differs significantly. The lowest in Saudi Arabia and Iran, and the most expensive in the USA.

Thus, with a decrease in the level of production of cheap oil in the Middle East, expensive oil from offshore fields begins to be produced in large volumes to meet world needs, which leads to an increase in the cost of a barrel at stock exchange trading.

It is not difficult to guess that a large increase in oil production by Saudi Arabia and other OPEC members with low production costs will collapse world oil prices. And if the cost of a barrel of oil reaches $30–35 and remains at this level for a long time, then the US oil industry will face financial collapse.

Of course, the use of strict dumping by OPEC countries on the world oil market is unlikely, since this could lead to a deep financial crisis, which will largely affect the oil exporters themselves, whose government income depends on the price of " black gold" As for the Russian Federation, the price of 25-30 dollars per barrel is not critical for the oil and gas industry, since the cost of export oil, including transportation, averages 23 dollars per barrel. But although a price of $30 per barrel will allow the leading oil producing companies of the Russian Federation to stay afloat, the Federal Budget will be short of several trillion rubles, which could lead to catastrophic consequences for the country.

In order to protect themselves as much as possible from fluctuations in oil prices, Russian oil and gas companies are increasingly paying attention to the development of energy exports to the countries of Southeast Asia, Japan, China and India. The countries of this region have great economic potential and to realize it they are forced to export oil and gas to huge quantities. In addition, very important factor, is the fact that most oil and gas fields are located in Siberia, from where transporting fuel to the Pacific region is cheaper than to Europe. The only problem that work has already begun is the weak capacity of the eastern oil and gas transportation system. To solve transportation problems, the Eastern Oil Pipeline has already been put into operation and the construction of the Power of Siberia gas pipeline is underway.

According to expert forecasts, China's natural gas consumption in 2030 could reach 600 billion cubic meters. meters, which will exceed the gas consumption of all European countries combined. Now China's consumption is 186 billion cubic meters. m., and European countries - about 540 billion cubic meters. meters. The dependence of Europeans on Russian natural gas and oil is very high, because even the package of sanctions directed against the Russian economy did not affect energy exports.

If the development of the economies of Southeast Asia, China and India continues at the same pace as now, then the European gas and oil market for Russia will become secondary, and the bulk of energy resources will be directed to the east. In this case, European countries risk becoming more dependent on Russian gas than they are now. Indeed, at the moment, the Russian economy depends on the export of gas and oil to Europe, just as much as the European economy depends on the import of these minerals. And if the Russian oil and gas industry is reoriented to the “eastern vector,” the dependence of the Russian Federation will decrease, and Europe’s need will not go away. And as the head of Gazprom, Alexey Miller, noted at the International Business Congress, held in May 2015 in Belgrade, “for Gazprom there are no competitors when supplying gas over a distance of 10,000 km. to the European market."

Industry is an important component of the country's economic complex. Its leading role is determined by the fact that it supplies new materials and tools to all sectors of the economy. It stands out among other industries due to its regional and complex-forming functions.

Briefly about Russian industry

Today, the number of enterprises in Russia is approaching 460 thousand, they provide jobs for almost 15 million people, and the volume of their products has exceeded 21 billion rubles. The industry of our country is characterized by a complex, diversified and diversified structure, reflecting changes in the improvement of productive forces and in the development of the territorial division of labor. It is directly related to scientific and technological progress.


Modern industrial enterprises Russia is characterized by quite high level specializations. As a result of the deepening division of labor, various industries, sub-sectors and types of production arose. Together they form an industry structure. The current current classification identifies eleven complex industries, such as electric power, fuel, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, metalworking and mechanical engineering, petrochemical and chemical, pulp and paper, forestry, woodworking, food, and light industry. This division is determined by many economic and social factors, the main of which are: technical progress, level of development, social and historical conditions, natural resources, production skills of the local population.

Industry is usually divided into: Extractive. This includes industries related not only to the extraction of minerals, but also to their enrichment. In addition, it includes fishing for sea animals, fish and seafood. Processing. This includes Russian industrial enterprises engaged in processing products from the mining industry. In addition, it also includes the processing of forest and agricultural raw materials. This industry forms the basis of the entire heavy industry of the country.

The largest enterprises in Russia.


Let's look at the seven leaders in the ranking of the largest companies in our country. When compiling this list, their assets, revenue and profits were taken into account. Mostly the list of giants includes chemical enterprises in Russia, or rather, one of the branches of this industry is oil production. But first things first.

So, the undisputed leader is OJSC Gazprom. This Russian gas company was founded in 1989. She works in the gas production and gas distribution industry. Gazprom ranks fifteenth in the world in terms of its assets, and in terms of revenue it ranks 24th in the ranking of world companies. The gas transportation system of the enterprise is 160 thousand kilometers and is the longest on our planet. 51 percent of the company's shares are owned by the state. Market price Gazprom is worth more than $156 billion, its turnover is $150 billion, and its assets are more than $303 billion. This enterprise provides jobs for more than four hundred thousand people.

OJSC "Lukoil"

Considering large enterprises in Russia, one cannot fail to mention this company. She takes second place in our ranking. This enterprise was organized in 1991. The main activity of the OJSC is exploration, production, processing and sale of oil and natural gas. Until 2007, it was the largest black gold mining company; in terms of revenue, it ranks second after Gazprom. At the beginning of 2011, Lukoil was considered the third company in the global ranking of private enterprises in terms of hydrocarbon reserves, and the first in the world in terms of oil reserves. Thus, its market value is more than $55 billion; assets – $90.6 billion; turnover – 105 billion dollars; annual revenue – $111.4 billion; profit – $10.4 billion. This enterprise provides jobs for more than one hundred and fifty thousand people.

OJSC Rosneft

This company was also included in the list of Russian enterprises whose assets can compete with global giants. The OJSC was created in 1993. Its main activity is exploration operations, oil and gas production, as well as the production of petroleum products and petrochemicals. Interesting fact is that the company has surpassed its competitor Lukoil in terms of oil production since 2007 thanks to the purchase of Yukos assets. The cost of this enterprise is about 80 billion dollars; turnover – 63 billion dollars; revenue – about 60 billion dollars; assets – $106 billion; profit reaches $11.3 billion. The Rosneft company provides jobs for about 170 thousand people.

OJSC "Sberbank of Russia"

This organization confirms that large state enterprises Russia works not only in the extractive industries; fourth place in our ranking is occupied by finance company. OJSC is a universal banking structure, as it provides a fairly wide range of services. Thus, according to 2009 data, its share in the Russian deposit market was more than 50 percent, and the loan portfolio amounted to more than thirty percent of the loans that were issued throughout the country. The market value of Sberbank is about $75 billion; share of assets – $282.4 billion; profit – $31.8 billion. The company provides jobs to more than 240 thousand people.


This enterprise was organized relatively recently - in 2003. Its specialization is oil production and refining. The basis for its creation was the parity of TNK and British BP. The market value of the holding is $51.6 billion; revenue – $60.2 billion; profits reach $9 billion. The enterprise provides jobs for more than 50 thousand people.

OJSC "Surgutneftegas"

Large enterprises in Russia have been replenished with another “oil pump”; it took sixth place in our ranking. The OJSC was founded in 1990 and is one of the largest oil and gas producing companies in the country. The company is registered in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, in the city of Surgut, and its headquarters is located there. The estimated cost is about $40 billion; assets – $46.6 billion; revenue – $20.3 billion; profit - $4.3 billion. Surgutneftegas provides jobs for more than 110 thousand people.


Our list ends with another financial organization. Its activities began in 1990; before that, the company was called Vneshtorgbank. This commercial organization was able to get around in size authorized capital Sberbank of Russia, and in terms of assets it took a strong second place. The head office of the company is located in Moscow, but the place of registration is the cultural capital of Russia - St. Petersburg. The company's market value, according to preliminary estimates, is $26.4 billion; equity capital – $19.7 billion; assets – $139.3 billion; revenue - $12.6 billion. The enterprise provides jobs for almost 70 thousand people. As you can see, only oil and gas producing companies and financial organizations. However, large Russian enterprises are not limited only to the mining sector, even if they do not have so many assets and such cosmic profits, they also have something to brag about. For example, some of them even got into the Guinness Book of Records. However, more on this later.

Manufacturing enterprises in Russia.

"Izhora plant"

Although this company cannot compete with the leaders of our rating, it is known and respected all over the world. This plant is one of the largest on the planet, capable of producing almost any part. Moreover, some of them are not produced anywhere else. The company belongs to the heavy engineering sub-sector. It is located in Kolpino (St. Petersburg). The product range of this plant includes powerful excavators, rolling and power equipment, sheet and long products and much more. The enterprise in Kolpino is the only manufacturer of nuclear reactor vessels in the Russian Federation.


Defense enterprises Russia includes more than 1,200 factories of various profiles. Many of them are widely known, and their products often have no analogues in the world. However, in this article we consider enterprises from the perspective of their size, in this regard we should focus on Uralvagonzavod. Thanks to its size, it was included in the Guinness Book of Records and is considered the largest enterprise on the planet, its area is 827 thousand square meters. Located in the Sverdlovsk region, in the city of Nizhny Tagil. In fact, it is a research and production corporation that is engaged in both the development and production of new models military equipment, road construction machines, railway cars. The corporation includes manufacturing enterprises, design bureau and research institutes. The state owns the entire stake in this enterprise.


Despite the almost continuous global economic crises, Russia continues to remain an industrial world power. Quite recently (on a historical scale), our country has sharply changed its course of development, and today no one will blame Russians for the lack of desire to work and build their future in the conditions of capitalist realities. Let skeptics say that the share of industrial production in Russia is inexorably declining and only extractive industries remain in demand, that almost all raw materials are exported. Of course, there is some truth in these words, but it should be understood that, as in the wild, the fittest survive here. During recent years building complex and industrial enterprises in Russia are rapidly developing towards major re-equipment and re-equipment of factories to operate according to new standards and technologies. Now the focus is on economically feasible production volumes with a minimum number of workers. This is achieved thanks to high-tech equipment and the growing share of automation production process. This trend has led to a significant increase in the number of factories over the past ten years. As a result, for the convenience of navigating this mass of companies, a directory was developed from which you can find out how many enterprises there are in Russia, their contact information, what they produce and a lot of other information that will be useful to both entrepreneurs and ordinary people. This idea was implemented within the framework of the “All Industry of Russia” project.

Gas industry- the youngest and fastest growing industry. It is engaged in the production, transportation, storage and distribution of natural gas. Gas production is 2 times cheaper than oil production and 10-15 times cheaper than coal production.

On the territory of Russia there are concentrated about 1/3 proven world reserves of natural gas, the potential reserves of which are estimated at 160 trillion. m3, of which the European part accounts for 11.6%, the eastern regions - 84.4%, and the shelf of inland seas - 0.5%.

Over 90% of natural gas is produced in Western Siberia, including 87% in the Yamalo-Nenets and 4% in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. The largest fields are located here: Urengoyskoye, Yamburgskoye, Zapolyarnoye, Medvezhye, etc. The industrial reserves of natural gas in this region account for more than 60% of the country’s total resources. Among other gas-producing territories, the Urals (Orenburg gas condensate field - more than 3% of production) and the Northern region (Vuktylskoye field) stand out. There are natural gas resources in the Lower Volga region (Astrakhan gas condensate field), in the North Caucasus (North Stavropol, Kubano-Priazovskoye fields), in the Far East (Ust-Vilyuiskoye, Tungor on Sakhalin Island).

The shelf waters of the Arctic and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk are considered promising areas for gas production. Gas supergiants have been discovered in the Barents and Kara Seas - the Leningradskoye, Rusanovskoye, Shtokmanskoye fields.

To transport gas in Russia, a Unified Gas Supply System has been created, which includes developed fields, a network of gas pipelines (143 thousand km), compressor stations, underground storage facilities and other installations. There are large gas supply systems: Central, Volga, Ural, multi-line system Siberia-Center.

RAO Gazprom reigns supreme in the Russian gas industry. is the world's largest gas production structure, one of the country's most important natural monopolies, providing 94% of all Russian gas production.

Oil industry

Oil industry engages in oil production and transportation, as well as associated gas production. Russia has quite large proven oil reserves (about 8% of the world's total - sixth largest in the world).

The resources of the Volga-Ural oil and gas province have been studied and developed most of all. There are large deposits here: Romashkinskoye - in Tataria, Shkapovskoye and Tuymazinskoye - in Bashkiria, Mukhanovskoye - in the Samara region. and etc.

Main oil resources concentrated in the West Siberian oil and gas province. Since 1960, the Shaimsky, Surgutsky and Nizhnevartovsky oil regions have been delineated here, where such large fields as Samotlorskoye, Ust-Balykskoye, Megionskoye, Yuganskoye, Kholmogorskoye, Varyegonskoye and others are located.

The formation of the Timan-Pechora oil base continues, the largest field being Usinskoye. Heavy oil is extracted here (by the mine method) - the most valuable raw material for the production of low-temperature oils necessary for the operation of mechanisms in harsh climatic conditions.

Oil was also found in other regions of Russia: in the North Caucasus, in the Caspian lowland, on the island. Sakhalin, in the shelf zones of the Barents, Kara, Okhotsk, and Caspian seas.

Oil production is concentrated in three most important oil and gas provinces, which together produce over 9/10 of all Russian oil, including the West Siberian province accounting for more than 2/3, and the Volga-Ural province for about 1/4 of total production.

The privatization of oil and gas complex facilities fragmented the previously unified centrally controlled state system. Private oil companies have taken over production facilities and the country's national wealth - oil fields and their reserves. There are 17 companies in the Russian oil complex. Among them, the largest are LUKOIL (18.7% of Russian oil production), TNK (18.5%), Rosneft (15.6%), Surgutneftegaz (13.6%) and Sibneft ( 9.7%).

The promotion of production to the eastern regions and to the north of the European part poses an acute problem of oil transportation. The most effective means for this in Russia are pipelines (see the chapter “Transport complex”). The development of a network of oil pipelines contributes to further bringing oil refining closer to the places where oil products are consumed.

Gas processing industry is engaged in the primary processing of associated gas from oil fields and is located in large oil production centers - Surgut, Nezhnevartovsk, Almetyevsk, Ukhta. However, the most powerful gas processing centers in Russia are the centers of gas condensate fields - Orenburg and Astrakhan.

The location of oil refining industry enterprises depends on the size of consumption of petroleum products in different areas, technology for refining and transporting oil, territorial relationships between resources and places of consumption of liquid fuel.

There are currently 28 oil refineries(refinery) with a total capacity of 300 million tons per year. Almost 90% of the oil refining industry capacity is located in the European part of Russia, which is explained by its predominant attraction to the consumer: transporting crude oil through pipelines is cheaper than transporting petroleum products, and the technological process of oil refining is water-intensive, so most of the country’s refineries are located on the Volga and its tributaries (Volgograd , Saratov, Nizhny Novgorod, Yaroslavl), along routes and at the ends of oil pipelines (Tuapse, Ryazan, Moscow, Kirishi, Omsk, Achinsk, Angarsk, Komsomolsk-on-Amur), as well as in points with an advantageous transport and geographical location (Khabarovsk) . A significant amount of oil is also processed in the places where it is produced: Ufa, Salavat, Samara, Perm, Ukhta, Krasnodar.

Industry is an important component of the country's economic complex. Its leading role is determined by the fact that it supplies all new materials and tools. It stands out among other industries due to its regional and complex-forming functions.

Briefly about Russian industry

Today, the number of enterprises in Russia is approaching 460 thousand, they provide jobs for almost 15 million people, and the volume of their products has exceeded 21 billion rubles. The industry of our country is characterized by a complex, diversified and multi-sectoral structure, reflecting changes in improvements in the development of the territorial division of labor. It is directly related to scientific and technological progress.


Modern Russia is characterized by a fairly high level of specialization. As a result of the deepening division of labor, various industries, sub-sectors and types of production arose. Together they form an industry structure. The current current classification identifies eleven complex industries, such as electric power, fuel, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, metalworking and mechanical engineering, petrochemical and chemical, pulp and paper, forestry, woodworking, food, and light industry. This division is determined by many economic and social factors, the main of which are: technical progress, level of development, social and historical conditions, and natural skills of the local population.

Industry is usually divided into:

  • Mining. This includes industries related not only to the extraction of minerals, but also to their enrichment. In addition, it includes fishing for sea animals, fish and seafood.
  • Processing. This includes Russian industrial enterprises engaged in processing products from the mining industry. In addition, it also includes the processing of forest and agricultural raw materials. This industry forms the basis of the entire heavy industry of the country.

The largest enterprises in Russia. Gazprom"

Let's look at the seven leaders in the ranking of the largest companies in our country. When compiling this list, their assets, revenue and profits were taken into account. Russia, or rather, one of the branches of this industry - oil production, is predominantly included in the list of giants. But first things first.

So, the undisputed leader is OJSC Gazprom. This Russian gas company was founded in 1989. She works in the gas production and gas distribution industry. Gazprom ranks fifteenth in the world in terms of its assets, and in terms of revenue it ranks 24th in the ranking of world companies. The gas transportation system of the enterprise is 160 thousand kilometers and is the longest on our planet. 51 percent of the company's shares are owned by the state. Gazprom's market value exceeds $156 billion, its turnover is $150 billion, and its assets amount to more than $303 billion. This enterprise provides jobs for more than four hundred thousand people.

OJSC "Lukoil"

When considering, one cannot help but mention this company. She takes second place in our ranking. This enterprise was organized in 1991. The main activity of the OJSC is exploration, production, processing and sale of oil and natural gas. Until 2007, it was the largest black gold mining company; in terms of revenue, it ranks second after Gazprom. At the beginning of 2011, Lukoil was considered the third company in the global ranking of private enterprises in terms of hydrocarbon reserves, and the first in the world in terms of oil reserves. Thus, its market value is more than $55 billion; assets - $90.6 billion; turnover - 105 billion dollars; annual revenue - $111.4 billion; profit - $10.4 billion. This enterprise provides jobs for more than one hundred and fifty thousand people.

OJSC Rosneft

This company was also included in the list of Russian enterprises whose assets can compete with global giants. The OJSC was created in 1993. Its main activity is exploration and gas operations, as well as the production of petroleum products and petrochemical products. An interesting fact is that since 2007 the company has surpassed its competitor Lukoil in terms of oil production thanks to the purchase of Yukos assets. The cost of this enterprise is about 80 billion dollars; turnover - 63 billion dollars; revenue - about 60 billion dollars; assets - $106 billion; profit reaches $11.3 billion. The Rosneft company provides jobs for about 170 thousand people.

OJSC "Sberbank of Russia"

This organization confirms that large Russian companies operate not only in the extractive industries; fourth place in our ranking is occupied by a financial company. OJSC is a universal banking structure, as it provides a fairly wide range of services. Thus, according to 2009 data, its share in the Russian deposit market was more than 50 percent, and the loan portfolio amounted to more than thirty percent of the loans that were issued throughout the country. The market value of Sberbank is about $75 billion; share of assets - $282.4 billion; profit - $31.8 billion. The company provides jobs to more than 240 thousand people.


This company was organized relatively recently - in 2003. Its specialization is oil production and refining. The basis for its creation was the parity of TNK and British BP. The market value of the holding is $51.6 billion; revenue - $60.2 billion; profits reach $9 billion. The enterprise provides jobs for more than 50 thousand people.

OJSC "Surgutneftegas"

Large enterprises in Russia have been replenished with another “oil pump”; it took sixth place in our ranking. The OJSC was founded in 1990 and is one of the largest oil and gas producing companies in the country. The company is registered in the city of Surgut, where its headquarters is located. The estimated cost is about $40 billion; assets - $46.6 billion; revenue - $20.3 billion; profit - $4.3 billion. Surgutneftegas provides jobs for more than 110 thousand people.


Our list ends with another financial organization. Its activities began in 1990; before that, the company was called Vneshtorgbank. This commercial organization was able to surpass Sberbank of Russia in terms of authorized capital, and took a strong second place in terms of assets. The head office of the company is located in Moscow, but the place of registration is the cultural capital of Russia - St. Petersburg. The company's market value, according to preliminary estimates, is $26.4 billion; net worth - $19.7 billion; assets - $139.3 billion; revenue - $12.6 billion. The enterprise provides jobs for almost 70 thousand people.

As you can see, only oil and gas producing companies and financial organizations were included in the rating. However, large Russian enterprises are not limited only to the mining sector, even if they do not have so many assets and such cosmic profits, they also have something to brag about. For example, some of them even got into the Guinness Book of Records. However, more on this later.

Manufacturing enterprises in Russia. "Izhora plant"

Although this company cannot compete with the leaders of our rating, it is known and respected all over the world. This plant is one of the largest on the planet, capable of producing almost any part. Moreover, some of them are not produced anywhere else. The company belongs to the heavy engineering sub-sector. It is located in Kolpino (St. Petersburg). The product range of this plant includes powerful excavators, rolling and power equipment, sheet and long products and much more. The enterprise in Kolpino is the only manufacturer of nuclear reactor vessels in the Russian Federation.


Russian defense enterprises include more than 1,200 factories of various profiles. Many of them are widely known, and their products often have no analogues in the world. However, in this article we consider enterprises from the perspective of their size, in this regard we should focus on Uralvagonzavod. Thanks to its size, it was included in the Guinness Book of Records and is considered the largest enterprise on the planet, its area is 827 thousand square meters. Located in the Sverdlovsk region, in the city of Nizhny Tagil. In fact, it is a research and production corporation that is engaged in both the development and production of new models of military equipment, road construction machines, and railway cars. The corporation includes manufacturing enterprises, a design bureau and research institutes. The state owns the entire stake in this enterprise.


Despite the almost continuous global economic crises, Russia continues to remain an industrial world power. Quite recently (on a historical scale), our country has sharply changed its course of development, and today no one will blame Russians for the lack of desire to work and build their future in the conditions of capitalist realities. Let skeptics say that the share of industrial production in Russia is inexorably declining and only extractive industries remain in demand, that almost all raw materials are exported. Of course, there is some truth in these words, but it should be understood that, as in the wild, the fittest survive here. Over the past years, the construction complex and industrial enterprises of Russia have been rapidly developing towards major re-equipment and re-equipment of factories to operate according to new standards and technologies. Now the focus is on economically feasible production volumes with a minimum number of workers. This is achieved thanks to high-tech equipment and the growing share of automation in the production process.

This trend has led to a significant increase in the number of factories over the past ten years. As a result, for the convenience of navigating this mass of companies, a directory was developed from which you can find out how many enterprises there are in Russia, their contact information, what they produce and a lot of other information that will be useful to both entrepreneurs and ordinary people. This idea was implemented within the framework of the “All Industry of Russia” project.