Mars first. Human colony on Mars. A detailed study of the Mars One project. Lack of latest developments

An interesting project called Mars One plans to populate the planet with people.
It is planned to send a crew of four people on a trip for 7 months, then send new team and so every two years new people will join the settlement.
The first settlement is planned to be created in April 2023, and by 2033, more than 20 people will live and work on Mars.

The Mars One project team has been working on this plan since early 2011. In that first year, extensive and exhaustive research was carried out into the feasibility of the idea, all details were studied with numerous specialists and expert organizations. This analysis included not only technical elements, but also financial, psychological and ethical aspects are fully discussed.
Mars One has an impressive list of people who support the mission to Mars. One of them is Professor Dr. Gerard Hooft, physicist and Nobel Prize winner in 1999.

In 2011, members of the Mars One project worked on the mission privately. Once the mission was planned, Mars One contacted suppliers of the necessary components. All potential suppliers were excited about the apolitical, commercial, manned mission to Mars and confirmed their ability to produce components as needed.

This will be the year in which the selection of astronauts begins. Who will be one of the first four people on Mars and of those who will follow them every two years after that? Anyone who feels they can handle this task can apply for this position. There will be a total of 40 astronauts there. From those wishing to fly, the strongest physically and mentally will be selected.
Mars One will build a replica of a Martian desert settlement on Earth to train astronauts and provide a realistic environment to test equipment. The selection of astronauts and their training at the simulated Mars base will be broadcast on television and online for public viewing.

This will be the year in which preparations for the support mission begin. And it will last until the launch in 2016. Production of the first Martian communications satellites will also begin. (Photo: Surrey Satellite Technology)

The support mission will be launched to Mars in January 2016. The module will land on the Red Planet in October 2016 with a cargo of 2,500 kg of food or other materials. The landing will be made not far from the place where the outpost is supposed to be located.

A rover will land on Mars in 2018. While general location base will be known, the rover's task will be to find the best place in this area.

In 2021, all components of the settlement will reach their destination. In general, these will be two residential modules, two life support modules, a second support module, and a second rover. Two rovers will transport all the components to the found base location and prepare them for the arrival of the astronauts.

All the water and oxygen to create the atmosphere will be ready in early 2022, when the Earth crew gets the go-ahead to launch the first team. Each component of the transport ship will be launched into low Earth orbit, where they will be assembled together. September 14, 2022 will go down in history as the start of the flight of the first four astronauts after the last check. Each stage of this flight will be available for viewing on the project website 24/7.

The astronauts will land in 2023 and become the first people in history to set foot on Mars. They will connect all the settlement modules together using rovers. They will then install solar panels and begin their great exploration of Mars, their new planet.

The second group will land in June 2025. By the time they arrive, the construction of the Martian base will already be completed. The second group will also bring new equipment. For example, these could be several more rovers that will help them explore their new planet.

Is it possible for astronauts to have children on Mars?
In the early years, a settlement on Mars will not be a good place for children to live. Choice medical institutions will be limited and the group will be too small. In addition, the human ability to reproduce in low gravity conditions is unknown, and there is not enough research on whether a fetus can grow and develop normally in such conditions. Therefore, Mars One strongly recommends that residents of the settlement not try to have children.
In order to create a real Martian colony, having children is very important. It will be important point in research on Mars.

An interesting project called Mars One plans to populate the planet with people.

The plan is to send a crew of four people on a journey for 7 months, then send a new team, and so every two years new people will join the settlement.

The first settlement is planned to be created in April 2023, and by 2033, more than 20 people will live and work on Mars.

The Mars One project team has been working on this plan since early 2011. In that first year, extensive and exhaustive research was carried out into the feasibility of the idea, all details were studied with numerous specialists and expert organizations. This analysis not only included technical elements, but also comprehensively discussed financial, psychological and ethical aspects.

Mars One has an impressive list of people who support the mission to Mars. One of them is Professor Dr. Gerard Hooft, physicist and Nobel Prize winner in 1999.


In 2011, members of the Mars One project worked on the mission privately. Once the mission was planned, Mars One contacted suppliers of the necessary components. All potential suppliers were excited about the apolitical, commercial, manned mission to Mars and confirmed their ability to produce components as needed.


This will be the year in which the selection of astronauts begins. Who will be one of the first four people on Mars and of those who will follow them every two years after that? Anyone who feels they can handle this task can apply for this position. There will be a total of 40 astronauts there. From those wishing to fly, the strongest physically and mentally will be selected.

Mars One will build a replica of a Martian desert settlement on Earth to train astronauts and provide a realistic environment to test equipment. The selection of astronauts and their training at the simulated Mars base will be broadcast on television and online for public viewing.


This will be the year in which preparations for the support mission begin. And it will last until the launch in 2016. Production of the first Martian communications satellites will also begin. (Photo: Surrey Satellite Technology)


The support mission will be launched to Mars in January 2016. The module will land on the Red Planet in October 2016 with a cargo of 2,500 kg of food or other materials. The landing will be made not far from the place where the outpost is supposed to be located.


A rover will land on Mars in 2018. While the general location of the base will be known, the rover's task will be to find the best location in that area.


In 2021, all components of the settlement will reach their destination. In general, these will be two residential modules, two life support modules, a second support module, and a second rover. Two rovers will transport all the components to the found base location and prepare them for the arrival of the astronauts.


All the water and oxygen to create the atmosphere will be ready in early 2022, when the Earth crew gets the go-ahead to launch the first team. Each component of the transport ship will be launched into low Earth orbit, where they will be assembled together. September 14, 2022 will go down in history as the start of the flight of the first four astronauts after the last check. Each stage of this flight will be available for viewing on the project website 24/7.


The astronauts will land in 2023 and become the first people in history to set foot on Mars. They will connect all the settlement modules together using rovers. They will then install solar panels and begin their great exploration of Mars, their new planet.


The second group will land in June 2025. By the time they arrive, the construction of the Martian base will already be completed. The second group will also bring new equipment. For example, these could be several more rovers that will help them explore their new planet.

Is it possible for astronauts to have children on Mars?

In the early years, a settlement on Mars will not be a good place for children to live. The choice of medical facilities will be limited and the group will be too small. In addition, the human ability to reproduce in low gravity conditions is unknown, and there is not enough research on whether a fetus can grow and develop normally in such conditions. Therefore, Mars One strongly recommends that residents of the settlement not try to have children.

In order to create a real Martian colony, having children is very important. This will be an important moment in exploration on Mars.

Objective of the project

Mars One - private project Under the leadership of Bas Lansdorp, his goal is to fly to Mars and establish a colony on its surface. A feature of the project should be the broadcast of the entire mission on television.

According to project organizers, Mars One is not an aerospace company, so the development, production and launch of spacecraft will be carried out by subcontractors. The company employs only 8 people.

Project plan

Official website of the Mars 1 project contains a description of the stages that must be implemented during 2011 - 2029. Each of the planned stages, starting from the fourth, was postponed twice by two years.

Implemented stages

  • 2011 - start of the project, searching for potential suppliers of aerospace components in the USA, Canada, Italy and the UK;
  • 2013 - the start of the international selection of applicants for the flight.
  • 2015 - the beginning of training among the selected 24 applicants, practicing life skills in isolation and in conditions similar to those on Mars.

Current and upcoming stages

  • 2020 (previously 2016/2018) - start of a demonstration mission, including sending a lander to test solar panels and methods for extracting water from Martian soil. A communications satellite should also be launched, the task of which will be the constant transmission of data from the surface of Mars. It is also planned to conduct an experiment on growing on Martian surface, in special protective containers, Tal's rhizomes;
  • 2022 (previously 2018/2020) - a second communications satellite should be launched into orbit around the Sun (to point L5 to ensure uninterrupted data flow), equipment for the construction of a colony and an unmanned rover with a trailer should arrive on Mars, which will determine the most suitable place for colony and prepare the surface area for the arrival of cargo and the placement of solar panels;
  • 2024 (previously 2020/2022) - the launch of 6 cargoes is planned: two residential blocks, two blocks with life support systems, two cargo/storage blocks;
  • 2025 (previously 2021/2023) - cargo should be landed on Mars next to the rover, after which it will begin to prepare the base for the arrival of people: it will deliver blocks to a predetermined location, launch energy supply and life support systems to create 3000 liters of water and 120 kg of oxygen ;
  • 2026 (previously 2022/2024) – it is planned to send a transit module, a MarsLander spacecraft (landing module) with a crew of four people, into earth orbit. whose task will be to assemble the complex and two booster stages. Then they will be replaced by the first four of the mission, who will go to Mars in a manned spacecraft. At the same time, life support cargo for the second crew will be sent;
  • 2027 (previously 2023/2025) - a lander with the first crew lands on Mars (the transit module will remain in heliocentric orbit). After recovery and acclimatization, the colonists will have to install additional solar panels and assemble all the modules, including two residential blocks and two life support systems for the second crew, into a single complex;
  • 2028 (previously 2024/2026) = planned launch of the second crew of 4 people;
  • 2029 (previously 2025/2027) - landing on Mars of the second crew of 4 people, new modules, all-terrain vehicles and equipment. This cycle must be repeated every two years.
  • 2035 (previously 2031/2033) – by this year the number of colonists should reach 20 people.

Flight to Mars

The launch windows are determined by the relative positions of the Earth and Mars; the flight will be carried out according to the so-called Gomanovsky trajectory(Homan-Vetchinkin orbit). The starting window will open every 2 years. The flight time to Mars will be about 7 months, this will reduce the effect of cosmic radiation on crew members. To save fuel, cargo missions may last longer.


Preparations for the landing module to be sent to Mars as part of the first stage of the mission began in 2014. The first prototype of the lander, which will be sent to Mars in 2020, is being developed with the participation of Lockheed Martin. The basis for the development will be the Phoenix lander, which landed on the red planet in 2008. The Mars One module will require more energy, for this reason the solar panels of the module will have a larger area and a slightly different shape than the batteries of the Phoenix module.


Communication must be provided by satellites located in orbit around the Sun, Mars and Earth. If the communication signal speed is equal to the speed of light, the minimum signal arrival time will be three minutes, the maximum - 22 minutes. When the Sun hides Mars from the Earth, communication becomes impossible without the use of intermediate relay satellites. The ability to use the Internet is limited due to significant signal delay, but the colonists should be assisted by a server with pre-loaded data available at any time, which will periodically synchronize with Earth. The broadcast of the life of the colonists will be shown on Earth around the clock.

Radiation and exposure of colonists

Data obtained during the flight of the transit capsule with the Curiosity rover showed that the amount of radioactive exposure for a mission with a permanent settlement will not exceed the limits accepted by space agencies.

Radiation on the way to Mars

Data published in the journal Science in May 2013 show that the radiation exposure for a 360-day round trip flight is 662 ± 108 millisieverts (mSv). 95% of the radiation detected by the RAD instrument is cosmic rays from the depths of the galaxy, from which protection is difficult without the use of too much shielding mass. During the 210-day journey, the Mars One crew will receive a radiation dose of 386 ± 63 milliSieverts. The amount of exposure will not exceed the upper limit of accepted standards:

The European, Russian and Canadian space agencies take the limit to be 1000 mSv, NASA the range is from 600 to 1200 mSv, depending on gender and age.

Radiation shelter in the Mars transit capsule

On the way to the red planet, the team will be protected from the solar wind by the structure of the ship; the total shielding protection throughout the flight will be 10-15 g/cm². During solar flares or bursts of solar radiation, such shielding will be insufficient, and the astronauts will move to a special radiation shelter surrounded by a reservoir of water, which will raise the level of protection to 40 g/cm². Bursts of solar radiation occur on average once every two months, only 3 or 4 times during the flight, and each burst does not last more than a couple of days.

Radiation on Mars

Although the surface of Mars receives more radiation than the surface of Earth, a significant part of the radiation is blocked there. The level of radioactive exposure on the surface of Mars is 30 microsieverts per hour during solar minimum; during solar maximum, the equivalent radiation dose is reduced by a factor of two. Provided that the colonists spend about three hours out of 3 days on the surface of the planet, the level of their own radiation exposure will be 11 mSv per year. Residential modules of Mars One will receive reliable protection from radiation, since they will be covered by several meters of soil; 5 meters of soil provide protection similar to the earth’s atmosphere and shielding of 1000 g/cm².

Total exposure

During the 210-day flight, the crew will receive a radiation dose of 386 ± 63 mSv; on the surface of the planet, the colonists will receive a radiation dose of 11 mSv per year. This means that the safe period of stay for colonists on Mars will be about 60 years.


Technical feasibility of the project and its financial institution is subject to many doubts.

One of the 100 finalists, Irish physicist Joseph Roche, was interviewed in mid-March 2015, exposing the financial and organizational failure of the project. According to him, funding for the project, according to the organizers, should be provided by the candidates for future colonists themselves: “When you go through the selection procedure, you receive points, but you can only score them by buying goods under the Mars One brand or donating money to the fund... In February, the finalists were given a list of tips and recommendations for contacts with the press. It says: “If you are offered a reward for an interview, please donate 75 percent of it to the Mars One project.” But the scientist was much more worried about the superficial procedure for selecting and testing colonists. A multi-hour personal interview and psychological and psychometric tests were turned into a ten-minute Skype conversation by the project's chief medical specialist.

An interesting project called Mars One plans to populate the planet with people.

The plan is to send a crew of four people on a journey for 7 months, then send a new team, and so every two years new people will join the settlement.

The first settlement is planned to be created in April 2023, and by 2033, more than 20 people will live and work on Mars.

The Mars One project team has been working on this plan since early 2011. In that first year, extensive and exhaustive research was carried out into the feasibility of the idea, all details were studied with numerous specialists and expert organizations. This analysis not only included technical elements, but also comprehensively discussed financial, psychological and ethical aspects.

Mars One has an impressive list of people who support the mission to Mars. One of them is Professor Dr. Gerard Hooft, physicist and Nobel Prize winner in 1999.


In 2011, members of the Mars One project worked on the mission privately. Once the mission was planned, Mars One contacted suppliers of the necessary components. All potential suppliers were excited about the apolitical, commercial, manned mission to Mars and confirmed their ability to produce components as needed.


This will be the year in which the selection of astronauts begins. Who will be one of the first four people on Mars and of those who will follow them every two years after that? Anyone who feels they can handle this task can apply for this position. There will be a total of 40 astronauts there. From those wishing to fly, the strongest physically and mentally will be selected.

Mars One will build a replica of a Martian desert settlement on Earth to train astronauts and provide a realistic environment to test equipment. The selection of astronauts and their training at the simulated Mars base will be broadcast on television and online for public viewing.


This will be the year in which preparations for the support mission begin. And it will last until the launch in 2016. Production of the first Martian communications satellites will also begin. (Photo: Surrey Satellite Technology)


The support mission will be launched to Mars in January 2016. The module will land on the Red Planet in October 2016 with a cargo of 2,500 kg of food or other materials. The landing will be made not far from the place where the outpost is supposed to be located.


A rover will land on Mars in 2018. While the general location of the base will be known, the rover's task will be to find the best location in that area.


In 2021, all components of the settlement will reach their destination. In general, these will be two residential modules, two life support modules, a second support module, and a second rover. Two rovers will transport all the components to the found base location and prepare them for the arrival of the astronauts.


All the water and oxygen to create the atmosphere will be ready in early 2022, when the Earth crew gets the go-ahead to launch the first team. Each component of the transport ship will be launched into low Earth orbit, where they will be assembled together. September 14, 2022 will go down in history as the start of the flight of the first four astronauts after the last check. Each stage of this flight will be available for viewing on the project website 24/7.


The astronauts will land in 2023 and become the first people in history to set foot on Mars. They will connect all the settlement modules together using rovers. They will then install solar panels and begin their great exploration of Mars, their new planet.


The second group will land in June 2025. By the time they arrive, the construction of the Martian base will already be completed. The second group will also bring new equipment. For example, these could be several more rovers that will help them explore their new planet.

Is it possible for astronauts to have children on Mars?

In the early years, a settlement on Mars will not be a good place for children to live. The choice of medical facilities will be limited and the group will be too small. In addition, the human ability to reproduce in low gravity conditions is unknown, and there is not enough research on whether a fetus can grow and develop normally in such conditions. Therefore, Mars One strongly recommends that residents of the settlement not try to have children.

In order to create a real Martian colony, having children is very important. This will be an important moment in exploration on Mars.

Project will create a human settlement on the red planet in 2023. It is this year that the first group, consisting of 4 people, will land on Mars. Subsequently, such groups will join the settlement every two years. Of course, a mission like Mars 1 has both opponents and supporters. Some people consider this idea an extraordinary project, created by people with great imagination and a broad outlook. Some people think that this is quite achievable and this project can become the brightest media event in the history of all mankind. The people of planet Earth will follow the progress of this journey.

A little about the red planet

We've already been to the moon. Mars is so far from us; no human has ever set foot on this planet. The Red Planet and Planet Earth move around the Sun in their own orbit with at different speeds. Therefore, the distance from Earth to Mars changes all the time, that is, it is not fixed. Thus, the minimum distance is about 58 million km, the maximum approaches 400 million km. For comparison, the average distance from Earth to the Sun is about 150 million km, and from Mars to the Sun -228 million km.

Project Mars One developed a mission that is much simpler than previous programs for the study and development of the red planet. One of the main conditions is that the crew will settle on the planet forever, that is, there will be no way back home.

Of course, this will allow the organizers of this mission to reduce project costs and reduce technical difficulties. Perhaps the return trip home would have cost the project organizers much more. But there is another side to the coin. Returns will not be possible due to the physical condition of the participants. A long flight (about 8 months) will cause muscle and bone loss. The gravitational field of the red planet is much stronger than the gravitational field of the Earth, so astronauts will no longer be able to get used to their previous terrestrial living conditions.

Anyone can apply to participate in the project.

Candidate requirements for the Mars One project

  • These must be persons at least 18 years of age.
  • They must pursue their goals with firm determination.
  • Learn to build and maintain friendly relationships with people.
  • Be curious, have a creative approach to business.
  • The official language in which the settlers will communicate will be English. Although the organizers do not place any restrictions on the nationality and citizenship of participants.
  • The project organizers also note that the selection will not take into account whether the candidate is already a ready-made specialist, for example, a doctor, geologist or pilot; anyone who has passed the selection and subsequent eight-year training course can become a participant. The final stage of selecting the four astronauts who will be the first to land on Mars will be broadcast live on television. Organizers of Mars 1 say they have no shortage of candidates. Even before the official announcement of the project, they received thousands of letters from those wishing to travel to the red planet.

By the way, the Dutch company Mars One has already begun selecting candidates to participate in the reality show. Currently, 10,000 applications have been registered from those interested. To apply, you must send a 30-second video with a story about why you want to leave planet Earth and settle on Mars.

All selected astronauts will be divided into three camps. They will undergo training in conditions close to those on Mars.

How the Mars One project is developing

Mars One employees have already visited leading aerospace companies. During the meetings, these companies confirmed their readiness to produce everything necessary equipment. At least one potential supplier was identified for each equipment component.

Funding for the Mars One project

This project is entirely a private enterprise, that is, only private companies will participate in financing.

Plan to conquer Mars

  • 2016 A communications satellite and resupply mission will be launched to Mars.
  • In 2018, a rover will be delivered to the red planet, which will determine optimal place for settlement.
  • In 2020, living quarters, life support systems, rovers and additional supplies will also be sent to Mars.
  • Mars rovers will prepare the settlement for the arrival of people. They will install inflatable sections of living quarters.
  • The first crew will go to Mars in September 2022, when all components of the settlement will be operational and will be able to provide human habitation.
  • In 7 months, in April 2023, humans will land on the red planet.

Undoubtedly, this will be a new giant leap for humanity and will make people's dream of exploring and conquering outer space come true. It will be an exciting experiment.