Product Promotion Manager. Job Description for Promotion Manager. How to get a profession

A promotion manager is a specialist who has studied the features of products, analyzed consumer requirements and developed a strategy for introducing and marketing the product. An employee in this area usually carries out: developing a pricing policy, determining market conditions and approving product sales schemes.

About the document

Job description A promotion manager is an effective personnel management tool that does not depend on the size of the organization. It is recommended that the document display the knowledge, skills and responsibilities that the manager wants to see in his subordinate, as well as a list of rights entitled to the employee.

The main point of the job description is to ensure transparency of the work process. That is, it should talk about the direct responsibilities of the specialist, the level of his qualifications, the degree of responsibility, the criteria that determine the effectiveness of his work, etc.

Essence and purpose

A correctly drawn up job description that corresponds to reality is an excellent tool that greatly facilitates the adaptation and motivation of personnel.

Among the main tasks of the internal local act are:

  • determination of the qualification list: level of education, work experience, additional courses etc.;
  • establishment job functions specialist: terms of reference, area of ​​responsibility, volume of work.

Objectives of the job description:

  • providing a reasoned response in case of refusal to hire due to the fact that the applicant does not meet the level qualification requirements requirements for a vacant position;
  • distribution labor functions between specialists;
  • assessment of the quality of work of a subordinate hired on a probationary period;
  • determining the effectiveness of duties performed;
  • establishment of a specialist’s inadequacy for the position held due to an insufficient level of qualifications confirmed by the certification commission.

Provisions of the job description of a promotion manager

The job description of a promotion manager includes certain sections.

Are common

The promotion manager belongs to the management team. Only the director of the organization, who is usually directly subordinate to a specialist, can appoint or dismiss a person from a position. If the promotion manager is absent from the workplace due to some reason (vacation, etc.), management can temporarily transfer his rights and responsibilities to another employee.

Borrow vacant position You can become a promotion manager if you have a higher economic education, additional training in management and marketing, as well as 2 or more years of work experience in this area.

The promotion manager should be familiar with:

  • With legislative framework regulating entrepreneurial and commercial activities;
  • with market economics and business fundamentals;
  • with methods of drawing up and conducting advertising campaigns;
  • with market conditions;
  • with business administration;
  • with trade and patent laws;
  • with the rules for establishing and maintaining business contacts;
  • with methods, tactics and pricing strategies;
  • with the pattern of market development and the formation of demand for a particular category of goods;
  • etc.

The activities of every manager should be based on:

  • legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
  • , approved labor regulations and other internal local acts of the enterprise;
  • current job description.

Functional responsibilities

The Promotion Manager must be prepared to perform the following functions:

  • studying the features of the promoted product and the basic requirements of consumers;
  • marketing activities;
  • market analysis to identify target consumer segments;
  • organizing product presentations or thematic seminars aimed at attracting potential buyers;
  • drawing up sales forecasts;
  • development of product pricing policy in accordance with sales conditions (application of a system of discounts and benefits for certain categories of goods);
  • drawing up a budget for a product, calculating expected income, determining profitability, etc.;
  • coordination of activities;
  • identification of unsatisfactory product parameters and the main requirements of buyers for further transfer to design, production and technological departments in order to eliminate deficiencies;
  • monitoring pricing policy and demand for similar products;
  • coordination and control of the work of subordinates;
  • preparation of necessary reports for immediate superiors;
  • performance of other related duties specified in the job description.


The manager is granted the following rights:

  1. Independent determination of options for promoting a product and establishing a business relationship with a potential consumer.
  2. Signing and endorsing official documents within the scope of their competence.
  3. Submission of proposals regarding the modernization of its activities for consideration by the manager.
  4. Ability to review documentation regarding the rights and responsibilities of the function performed.
  5. Sending requests on your own behalf or on behalf of your immediate superiors in order to obtain information necessary to perform the duties set out in the job description.

The video below will tell you about the difference between a product manager, a merchandiser, and a promotion manager:


The product promotion manager may be subject to disciplinary, civil, administrative or criminal penalties, depending on the severity of the offense committed. The job description is internal local act organization and should not reduce the rights of employees enshrined in the current legislative framework.


Types of labor Service / Production / Control

Prof. focus person - person / person - sign

Areas of activity Industry / Economy / Services

Spheres of work Person / Information / Technology / Products


The manager for the promotion of goods and services forms a promotion strategy, develops and uses various means of promotion and evaluates its results, introduces everything new and advanced. The share of the company’s product in the market depends on it, sustainable development companies. The promotion manager pays special attention to the use human resources, quality of labor, its cost in terms of market standards. Constantly shapes the market, knows its nuances and trends.

Must know

Market economy, entrepreneurship and the basics of doing business, the market, its conditions, features and specifics, pricing methods, pricing strategy and tactics. Fundamentals of marketing (the concept of marketing, the fundamentals of marketing management, methods and directions of market research). Theory of management, macro- and microeconomics, business administration.

Professionally important qualities

  • initiative;
  • determination;
  • energy;
  • responsibility;
  • communication skills;
  • diplomacy;
  • high level concentration, distribution and switching of attention.

Medical contraindications

  • cardiovascular and nervous systems;
  • having speech defects;
  • physical disabilities.

Paths to obtaining a profession

Related professions

Manager, sales manager.

Promotion Manager- a specialist who studies the features of the promoted product, analyzes consumer requirements for the product based on the results marketing research and develops a strategy for promoting the product to the market. Our job description for a promotion manager spells out the responsibilities of this specialist, including: developing a pricing policy for a product, determining the terms of sale of goods and developing a sales plan for products.

Job Description for Promotion Manager

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1. General Provisions

1.1. The promotion manager belongs to the category of managers.
1.2. Appointment to the position of promotion manager and dismissal from it is made by order general director organization on the recommendation of the HR manager.
1.3. The promotion manager reports directly to the general director of the organization.
1.4. During the absence of the promotion manager, his duties are performed by another specialist appointed by order of the general director of the organization, who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.
1.5. A person with a higher professional (economic) education, additional training in management and marketing, as well as work experience in a similar position for at least two years is appointed to the position of promotion manager.
1.6. A promotion manager should know:
- laws and regulations legal documents regulating the implementation of entrepreneurial and commercial activities;
- market economy, entrepreneurship and the basics of doing business;
- market conditions;
- assortment, classification, characteristics and purpose of goods;
- pricing methods, pricing strategy and tactics;
- basics of marketing (marketing concept, basics of marketing management, methods and directions of market research);
- patterns of market development and formation of demand for goods;
- theory of management, macro- and microeconomics, business administration;
- basics of advertising, forms and methods of conducting advertising campaigns;
- basics and principles of PR technologies;
- psychology and principles of sales;
- brand features, production technology;
- the procedure for developing business plans and commercial terms of agreements and contracts;

- trade and patent legislation;
- rules for establishing business contacts;
- fundamentals of sociology and psychology;
- foreign language;
- enterprise management structure;
- methods of information processing using modern technical means of communication and communications, computers.
1.7. The promotion manager is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts RF;
- the organization’s charter, internal rules labor regulations, others regulations organizations;
- orders and instructions from management;
- this job description.

2. Functional responsibilities promotion manager

The Promotion Manager performs the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Studies the features of the promoted product, analyzes consumer requirements for the product based on the results of marketing research.
2.2. Carries out market analysis, determines target consumer market segments for product offerings.
2.3. Develops a strategy for promoting a product on the market, taking into account proposals from marketing and advertising departments for advertising campaigns, exhibitions, presentations, and other PR campaigns.
2.4. Organizes product presentations potential buyers and consumers, thematic seminars (professional consulting on consumer properties and qualities of the product).
2.5. Develops pricing policy by product, determines the conditions for the sale of goods (systems of discounts and benefits for certain groups of buyers).
2.6. Forecasts sales volumes.
2.7. Draws up a budget for the product, calculates the expected profit and profitability from the moment the product is introduced to the market, determines the possibility of losses for the enterprise in the first stages of product promotion and develops proposals to minimize them.
2.8. Develops product sales schemes (from the creation of new sales divisions to the reconstruction of existing sales channels).
2.9. Organizes contractual work in the product department, keeps records of payment transactions, analyzes operational data on sales results.
2.10. Coordinates product merchandising.
2.11. Monitors the position of the product on the market (progress of sales of the product, demand for it), determines and analyzes the attitude of consumers towards the product.
2.12. Identifies unsatisfactory product parameters, customer requirements for the product (not taken into account in the product) and reports them to design, technological and production units to adjust the product, giving it new consumer properties.
2.13. Monitors the pricing policy and demand for competitors' brands, determines the position of the product relative to similar or similar competitors' products.
2.14. Coordinates and controls the work of subordinate employees.
2.15. Prepares reports to the management of the enterprise on the work done.
2.16. Performs other related duties to promote and sell the product.

3. Rights of the promotion manager

The promotion manager has the right:

3.1. Independently determine the forms and methods of promoting the brand and establishing business connections with consumers.
3.2. Sign and endorse documents within your competence.
3.3. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from heads of departments of the enterprise and specialists information and documents necessary to perform his job duties.
3.4. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.
3.5. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by management.
3.6. Require the management of the enterprise to provide organizational and technical conditions and prepare the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility of the promotion manager

The Tourism Manager is responsible for:

4.1. Poor quality and untimely fulfillment of the duties assigned to him by the job description within the limits determined by the current labor legislation Russian Federation.
4.2. Causing material damage within the limits determined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.3. Offenses committed in the course of their activities, within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.