Marine wreath of glory. Regulations on holding the competition of the Center of National Glory “Naval Wreath of Glory: sailors in the service of the Fatherland. City competitions in track cars


On February 8, DDT “On the 9th Line” opened in the Attic joint exhibition summer creative works additional education teacher Elena Nikolaevna Azarenkova and Dana Kemova, a student at the “Composition for Future Designers” studio.
“Paints, brushes, sketches...” is a small exhibition of summer sketches - the result of an experiment outside curriculum V summer time. The studio's program does not include teaching painting and plein air sketches, but Elena Nikolaevna and Dana decided to give it a try. Some of the exhibited works were done jointly, and some were done by the authors independently and independently of each other.
The opening of the exhibition was attended by the administration of DDT “On the 9th Line”, students of DDT studios and associations, as well as Dana’s parents and little sister.
Everyone who visited the exhibition noted the professionalism and talent of the young artist and wished her further success!

Safety training

The 21st century is the century high technology, wireless communications and enormous speeds. But this is also the age of extremism, terrorist attacks, increased violence and aggression in the world, an increase in the number of natural disasters and various extreme situations. Children are the most vulnerable category of the population, since they are least prepared to deal with emergency situations (hereinafter referred to as emergencies).
Today, the school education system provides for preparing children for emergencies and teaching rules of behavior in emergency situations as part of the subject “Fundamentals of Life Safety” (Life Safety). However, teaching of this subject begins only in grades 6-7, and younger children are left without the necessary behavioral skills. It's no secret that a small child, faced with an emergency situation, does not understand what is happening, but he could become an assistant. From the moment a child learns numbers, he can already call the rescue service and thereby save someone’s life. In the work of rescue services, there are known cases where it was possible to save people’s lives thanks to the call of a small child who was able to call “01”. It's never too early to teach children first aid. Of course, you shouldn’t tell a first-grader about the technique of performing indirect cardiac massage, but from childhood the child should be taught the basics of first aid. How older child, the more in-depth knowledge he should receive in matters of first aid. Every person should be able to provide emergency assistance at least to a minimum extent, because in a critical situation this can save someone’s life.
First aid is the urgent implementation of measures necessary in case of accidents and sudden illnesses, emergency measures for wounded or sick people taken before the arrival of a doctor or before the patient is admitted to a hospital.
The rules of first aid are simple and necessary knowledge for everyone that will help provide immediate assistance to victims right at the scene of the incident. There are situations when knowledge about the first medical care must be applied by the victim himself. According to statistics, up to 90% of those killed could have survived if timely and qualified first aid was provided in the first minutes after the incident.
Knowledge and skills in first aid are necessary for everyone, because of an accident, or an acute illness, or poisoning, drowning, etc. can happen at any time.
The main thing that prevents us from solving the problem of quick and effective training is the formalism in teaching first aid techniques, rather than practical training. In order for a potential rescuer (and everyone should become one) not to be hampered by natural doubts and fears, it is necessary to impart into his hands sufficiently solid skills, and into his consciousness - confidence in the importance and correctness of his actions. But it is precisely the skills and development of an attitude towards the indispensable provision of assistance in the context of traditional school education (informing about knowledge) that is not given enough attention. Thus, teaching first aid in life safety lessons plays a huge role. IN modern conditions increased danger It is necessary to teach teenagers how to provide first aid. To effectively provide first aid to any average person, it is important that his training begins from school. Children can and should be taught first aid in order to protect themselves by teaching them the correct behavior in case of emergency, and to give them the opportunity to help another person if they feel bad, even when there are no other adults nearby.
For this purpose, in the House of Children's Creativity "On the 9th line" of the Vasileostrovsky district based on educational program additional education “School of Safety Sciences” has developed a system of theoretical and practical classes to teach children first aid. When designing such classes, the following tasks were set: firstly, to teach children the correct behavior in the event of an emergency, in order, first of all, to protect them themselves, and secondly, as an element moral education, such classes teach children not to ignore the misfortune that has happened, showing how easy it is to help another person. Have you ever wondered why a fallen person is extremely slow for the first few seconds, as if even inhibited? In the first seconds after a fall, the body carries out the most primitive “diagnosis” of its own condition, namely: does something hurt too much somewhere? By suddenly lifting a person, you can aggravate a possible injury. It’s better to sit down next to you, quickly look at the victim (to see if there are any extra puddles of blood flowing somewhere), and after a few seconds (when the brain “switches off from diagnostics” and “turns on to reality”) ask the most primitive question: where does it hurt? And how much? If for a normal fall a sharp rise is fraught with aggravation of the injury, then for fainting a sudden assumption of a vertical position is fraught with repeated fainting. Here comes a man. Something happened and he lost consciousness, fell, and almost immediately came to his senses. They almost immediately lift him up and... the blood drains sharply from the head due to the sudden change in body position, and our victim loses consciousness again. If a person faints, firstly, leave him lying where he fell. And after bringing him to his senses, let him sit out - even if it’s on the very stairs in the subway where he fell. In case of fainting, it is better to let a person evaluate for himself whether his legs are holding him up or not.
In the event of an accident, does the victim need to be pulled out of the car? There is only one indication for pulling the victim out of the car “right now”. If you are sure that the car is about to catch fire/explode, that is, if there is a threat to the life of the victim. In all other cases, we do not touch the victim in the car. You can stand next to him and just talk, this will help the person more. In general, in all situations where there is no direct risk to life, we do not move the victim.
The ability to provide first aid and assess the situation is a basic but very important skill! In an emergency situation, a child can save someone’s life and it is very important not to get confused or scared at such a moment. Many people in panic may simply not make any decision, because they themselves are scared and do not know what to do. It is very important to find the right way out. Of course, in an emergency situation, even adults can become confused, however, when the algorithm for providing assistance is brought to automaticity, the so-called muscle memory kicks in. This is exactly what the teachers of DDT “On the 9th Line” achieve in their classes - to develop the ability to independently use the acquired knowledge in everyday life. Children learn first aid algorithms in various situations, learn to distinguish open fractures from closed ones, and immobilize fractures. These guys will give many medical school students a head start - they know how to apply almost all types of dressings. They know what bleeding is characterized by and what first aid is for it; they know how to distinguish at least one bleeding from another. Various states of human consciousness are studied: fainting, coma. Believe it or not, most of them had experience doing chest compressions. The House of Children's Creativity "On the 9th Line" has its own robot-simulator "Gosha", which is a phantom of the human body. Today, the Gosha robotic simulator is the most modern and reliable simulator that allows you to practice skills: chest compressions, artificial ventilation, applying bandages, tourniquets, splints and transportation from hard-to-reach places until the arrival of ambulance teams. The built-in computer monitors the correct implementation of resuscitation measures, reports all errors made during revival, and if the resuscitation complex is performed correctly, it imitates the reactions of a reviving person - the appearance of a pulse in the carotid artery and constriction of the pupils.
Realities require a new formulation - everyone must learn first aid techniques, know how to behave psychologically correctly in emergency situations and how, albeit minimally, to help a person in trouble. Even just knowing when you can or cannot touch the victim, and distinguishing between bleeding, can already help the person.
Advice to all parents - teach your child accessible things so that he can behave competently in emergency situations. But remember, if in an emergency you are not sure of the correctness and safety of your actions, then it is better not to do it!!!

Safety through the eyes of children. Competition results

From December 2017 to January 2018, DDT “On the 9th Line”, together with the city branch of the All-Russian Voluntary Fire Society LLC and the Fire and Rescue Squad of the Vasileostrovsky District, held the regional stage of the city competition of children’s creativity “Safety through the eyes of children” - fire-fighting theme.

A competent jury selected works in the following categories:

  • drawing;
  • poster;
  • arts and crafts;
  • computer presentation, cartoon, video film.

Schools No. 10, 12, 755, Gymnasiums No. 32, 586, 642, GBDOU 17, 29, GBU DO DDT “On the 9th line” took part in the competition.

Jury composition:

  • Basangova A.N. – State Fire Supervision Inspector of Vasileostrovsky District
  • Lukyanchikov E.V. – head of the fire department of the PSO Vasileostrovsky district
  • Ershova I.I. – Head of the Department of DPI DDT “On the 9th Line”
  • Podsevatkina Yu.N. - head. DDT department “On the 9th line”
  • Rybakova E.A. – Deputy Director of DDT “On the 9th Line”

Science Day

As part of the project “Profession from A to Z,” young journalists from the Untele studio visited the holy of holies of archaeologists, historians, cultural scientists, etc., etc. – the library of the Institute of the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
In addition to filming interviews for the video, Valeria Chistaya and Vlad Stepanov completed a real archaeological task and participated in a quest to find the old book this library.

"To the rhythm of the dance"

From January 26 to 31, the traditional shift for choreographic groups of St. Petersburg “In the Rhythm of Dance” was held at the Zerkalny country center. The dance group of the House of Children's Creativity “On the 9th Line” “Yeralash” became a participant in this shift. This year, 15 choreographic groups gathered at the session, that’s almost 400 children. A shift is not only a rest fresh air, but also a good school of skill for all members of the ensemble. Young artists perform in front of each other and learn from each other. Our guys became active participants in all events: “Hello, Mirror!” , “Goodbye, Mirror”, Gala concert and worthily presented our House of Children's Creativity. In their free time from rehearsals, the children enjoyed interesting games, a gym and a swimming pool, “Merry Starts” and “Folk festivities”.

Excursion to the exhibition “National costume of the peoples of the land of the Soviets”

As part of the career guidance project “Professions from A to Z,” students from the association “Fashion Design “Golden Thread” visited the exhibition “Tradition and Fashion. National costume of the peoples of the land of the Soviets" in the Ethnographic Museum.

The children saw the national costumes of the Soviet peoples, when and by whom the costumes were invented, which in the second half of the twentieth century became visible symbols of the ethnocultural diversity of the USSR, which features of the costume, as a result of stylization or generalization of the ethnographic authentic prototype, became indicators of its nationality. The children saw a variety of stage costumes, products from model houses, associations of artistic crafts, factories, artels and folk craftsmen.

The students realized that the national costume always reflects the influence of time in such characteristics of clothing as ornament, cut, silhouette, material and color scheme.

City competitions in track cars

On January 20 and 21, city competitions in track cars were held at the Children's and Youth Sports Center of the Vyborg District. From the Association “Track Car Modeling” DDT “On the 9th Line” five athletes took part in the competition in two classes of models. According to the results of the races, Ilya Yavorsky took first place in the Production 32U class, and Dmitry Vakhnin took 4th place in the F1-24 class. All the guys received new experience of participating in competitions, and the winner received a boost of energy for the next competitive meetings of young car modelers. Congratulations to Ilya on an excellent result and wish him new victories!

Concert dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the breaking of the blockade

On January 24, a theatrical concert dedicated to the 74th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi blockade took place at the House of Culture of the All-Russian Society of the Deaf.
During the event, they remembered how Leningraders lived and worked during these terrible days of the siege. We remembered those who withstood, persevered and survived during that terrible time. We honored the memory of those who could not live to see the happy day.
The concert took place within social project“Volunteer Plus”, the coordinator and inspirer of which is Lyubov Nikolaevna Fedorova.
We express our gratitude to Alexandra Fedorovna Yakovleva, teacher of the DDT “On the 9th Line”, for preparing the dance compositions “Light the Candles” and “Victory Waltz” with people with hearing impairments. We thank Elena Vasilievna Kremcheeva, teacher of the DDT “On the 9th Line”, and the students of the sports ballroom dance studio “Ajax” for the beautiful dance numbers.

On March 1, 2016, the republican historical and patriotic competition “Naval Wreath of Glory: Sailors in the Service of the Fatherland” was launched, dedicated to the 320th anniversary of the creation of the regular Russian fleet by Peter the Great and the 110th anniversary of the Russian Submarine Forces.
The competition is held with the aim of stimulating attention and developing respect for the history of Russian Navy, preserving in public and civil memory the glorious pages of the history of the fleet.

Students of educational organizations of the Republic of Mordovia in grades 5-11 take part in the competition.
The competition is held in two stages:
- Ι stage (municipal) - from March 1 to April 15, 2016.
- ΙΙ stage (republican) - from April 15 to April 25, 2016
Participants of the competition are offered thematic areas:
The pride of the Russian fleet.
Knights of the deep sea.
Based on the above, participants independently determine the topic of their competition work, reflecting in it their attitude towards the chosen heroes, in which they can serve as an example for them in today's life.
The competition is held in the following categories:
- historical and literary (research, abstract, story, essay, sketch, composition, poem),
- artistic and visual (drawing, poster, postcard),
- applied work (models and layouts, carving),
-electronic presentations.
Each work must have an accompanying sheet indicating:
- nomination, title of work,
- FULL NAME. (author in full), date of birth,
- educational organization, district class,
- contact numbers with locality code, address Email,
- FULL NAME. (in full) work manager, position, contact numbers.
Works in the categories: “Historical and literary” must be printed on sheets of A 4 format and stapled. The volume of work should not exceed 20 pages without attachments. Be sure to attach electronic version work on disk.
“Artistic and visual works” are presented in frames or mats ready for exhibition. Glazing work is not necessary. The accompanying sheet is securely attached to the back of the work.
“Applied works” must have packaging and appropriate stands for their transportation and display at the exhibition.
“Electronic presentations” are made on standard CDs or DVDs and are submitted to the competition in packages designed in accordance with the topic. Discs must be signed. TO electronic presentation A short text annotation of the presented work is attached.
Creative works that do not meet the stated requirements, are executed carelessly and are downloaded from the Internet are not allowed to participate in the competition.
Works are accepted only if there is a protocol on the implementation municipal tour and applications (appendix to the Regulations) until April 15, 2016 at the address: 430032 Republic of Mordovia, Saransk, st. 1st Naberezhnaya, 27, Republican Center for Continuing Education.
The results are summed up in each nomination, in two age groups: 1st group 5 - 8th grades, 2nd group 9th - 11th grades.
The winners are awarded diplomas from the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Mordovia.
The best works will be recommended for participation in the Regional Competition “Naval Wreath of Glory: Sailors in the Service of the Fatherland” in St. Petersburg.
Contact phone: tel./fax 35-13-75, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.
Responsible person: Kalinina Elena Valentinovna, tel. 89603372756.