Municipal tour Municipal stage

School stage All-Russian Olympiad has already started. All interested students in grades 5-11 can participate in it. We decided to tell you in more detail about each of the Olympiad levels and the conditions for climbing it, so that you know exactly what to prepare for.

I School stage

The school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad is the first stage that absolutely all interested students from grades 5 to 11 can try to climb, since there is no quota for the number of participants in this case. If desired, the participant even has the right to complete tasks for a higher class than the one in which he is studying. It is possible to participate in Olympiads in all 24 disciplines, since the dates do not overlap.

On at this stage, on each of the days established for a specific subject, assignment options become available to schools. Their complexity, as a rule, allows all students who have mastered the school course to successfully cope with them.

II Municipal stage

In the case of the municipal stage, the organizer of the Olympiad is the body local government in the field of education. And here he already sets limits on the number of participants, forms their lists and sets the number of points for each subject and class that needed to be obtained at the school stage in order to move on to this one. There is also one more restriction: only those who have completed tasks at least at the 7th grade level can take part in it - the class of actual training does not play a role.

Tasks at this level, of course, vary greatly in complexity and require knowledge beyond school curriculum. But still, in this case, they can be mastered by a student who has successfully completed a school course and studied additional literature.

III Regional stage

The regional stage plays a very important role in the All-Russian Olympiad: it is designed to select the best among the winners of the municipal stage, who will be able to compete with each other in the final one. But more on that later. First of all, it is worth noting that at this stage only students who have completed assignments for grades 9-11 can participate. Unlike previous levels, this one requires really serious preparation from students. His assignments are not limited to the school curriculum, even if it is an in-depth one, but they go significantly beyond them. Moreover, their successful implementation requires not only a good academic base and general erudition, but also the ability to think critically and carefully analyze the material. Therefore, the sooner a student begins preparing for the All-Russian Olympiad, the more chances he will have to successfully pass this stage.

IV Final stage

As the song says: “The last battle is the hardest.” To become the winner or prize-winner of the final stage of the All-Russian Secondary School, you will have to beat the guys from all over Russia who have proven their right to compete for victory at the regional. Pupils of grades 9-11 can participate in it, but schoolchildren of grades 5-8 are also allowed to participate if at the previous stage they competed for grade 9 and scored required amount points. If in a certain region not a single student has scored the number of points established by the Ministry of Education, then the student who has scored greatest number points. However, it must be at least 50% of the established value.

Speaking about the complexity of tasks and the required level of preparation, one cannot help but notice the obvious - they, of course, increase even more. It is also extremely important to understand what techniques are used to solve certain problems. To do this, it is useful to solve options from previous years and discuss them with experienced participants. Olympiad visiting schools and Olympiad preparation courses can help with this, where teachers will understand the formats of tasks, know all the requirements for their implementation and pay attention only olympiad preparation. No one promises that this path will be easy, but that is why it is the final stage, so that only those who have put maximum effort and time into becoming the best can win it.

The municipal stage of the Olympics is held by the organizer of the specified stage of the Olympics annually in November - December. Specific dates for the municipal stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject are established by the organizer of the regional stage of the Olympiad.
To conduct the municipal stage of the Olympiad, the organizer of the specified stage of the Olympiad creates an organizing committee, subject and methodological commissions and a jury of the municipal stage of the Olympiad.
The Organizing Committee of the municipal stage of the Olympiad approves the requirements for holding this stage of the Olympiad, developed by the subject-methodological commissions of the regional stage of the Olympiad, taking into account methodological recommendations central subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad.
The municipal stage of the Olympiad is held in accordance with the requirements for conducting the specified stage of the Olympiad and according to the Olympiad tasks developed by the subject-methodological commissions of the regional stage of the Olympiad, taking into account the methodological recommendations of the central subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad.

Official documents 2018-2019 academic year

Analysis of the results of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in Bryansk for the 2018-2019 academic year

Appendix 1 NGOs of the city of Bryansk, on the basis of which the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren (citywide team) was held in the 2018-2019 academic year

Appendix 2 Number of participants in the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren (citywide team)in 2017-18 and 2018-2019 academic years

Appendix 3 Number of participants in the municipal stage of the Schoolchildren Olympiad (citywide team)in the 2018-2019 academic year.

Appendix 4 Analysis of quantitative indicators of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren (citywide team)

Appendix 5 NGOs of the city of Bryansk, having participants in the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the 2018-19 academic year, who scored the minimum percentage of the maximum possible number of points (from 0% to 10%)

Appendix 6 Common mistakes when completing tasks at the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the 2018-2019 academic year

Appendix 7 Number of winners and prize-winners of the municipal stage of the Olympics in the Bryansk NGO

Order No. 773 dated December 24, 2018 “On the results of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the 2018-2019 academic year in Bryansk. Appendix to the order Results of the Olympiads

Order No. 649 dated November 12, 2018 “On holding the municipal stage of the All-Russian subject Olympiad for schoolchildren in the 2018-2019 academic year in Bryansk”

  • Appendix 1. Schedule of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in Bryansk
  • Appendix 2. The jury of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in Bryansk in the 2018-2019 academic year
  • Appendix 3. The jury of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren of Bryansk in the 2018-2019 academic year (MBOU "Bryansk City Lyceum No. 1 named after A.S. Pushkin", MBOU "Bryansk City Lyceum No. 2 named after M.V. Lomonosov", MBOU "Lyceum No. 27 named after Hero Soviet Union I.E. Kustova", MAOU "Gymnasium No. 1" of Bryansk)
  • Appendix 4. Number of points for participation in the municipal stage of the Olympics.
  • Appendix 7. Regulations on the appeal commission of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in Bryansk
  • Appendix 8. Composition of the appeal commission of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the city of Bryansk (2018-2019 academic year)
  • Appendix 10. Lists of winners and prize-winners of the municipal stage of the Olympics (report form)

Order No. 615 dated October 29, 2018 “On preparations for the municipal stage of the All-Russian Subject Olympiad for schoolchildren in the 2018-2019 academic year in Bryansk”

  • Appendix 1 to order dated October 29, 2018 No. 615 (regulations)
  • Appendix 1 to order dated October 29, 2018 No. 615 (application)
  • Appendix 2 to the order dated October 29, 2018 No. 615 9organizing committee)

Methodological recommendations for equipping the practical tour of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in technology for the 2018-2019 academic year (nomination “Culture at Home”) download

Methodological recommendations for equipping the practical round of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in technology 2018 (nomination “Technology and Technical Creativity”) download

Documents are available in 22 subjects:

13.02.2019 In the section stages of the Olympiad, regional stage, information about the winners of the regional stage of the Olympiad in history and Russian language is posted.

09.01.2019 In the section stages of the Olympiad, regional stage, information is posted on the places and dates of the regional stage of the Olympiad on spiritual local history of the Moscow region and the fundamentals entrepreneurial activity and consumer knowledge.

28.12.2018 In the section stages of the Olympiad, regional stage, information about the venues of the regional stage is posted. The documents section contains the Regulations on holding the regional stage of the Olympiad.

27.12.2018 In the section stages of the Olympiad, regional stage, the number of points required to participate in the regional stage of the Olympiad in Physics is posted.

24.12.2018 In the section stages of the Olympiad, regional stage, the number of points required to participate in the regional stage of the Olympiad in mathematics, ecology, law, social studies, life safety, Chinese language, computer science, as well as lists of participants in the regional stage in these subjects are posted. In the section stages of the Olympiad, municipal stage, the final protocol of the municipal stage in computer science is posted.

19.12.2018 In the section of the Olympiad stages, municipal stage, the final protocol of the municipal stage in physics is posted.

17.12.2018 In the section of the Olympiad stages, the municipal stage, the protocol of the municipal stage in physics is posted. The display of works on physics will take place on December 19, 2018 from 15.00. until 16.00. in the methodological office of the Education Department. Appeals, in case of disagreement with the assigned points, are accepted from 16.00. until 17.00. December 19th.

13.12.2018 In the section stages of the Olympiad, regional stage, the number of points required to participate in the regional stage of the Olympiad in Chemistry is posted, English language, technology, Russian language, French, biology, geography, as well as lists of participants in the regional stage in these subjects.

In the section stages of the Olympiad, municipal stage, the final protocols of the municipal stage on law, social studies, life safety, and electoral legislation are posted.

11.12.2018 In the section stages of the Olympiad, municipal stage, the protocols of the municipal stage in social studies and life safety are posted. The display of works on social studies and life safety will take place on December 12, 2018 from 15.00. until 16.00. in the methodological office of the Education Department. Appeals, in case of disagreement with the assigned points, are accepted from 16.00. until 17.00. 12 December.

10.12.2018 In the section stages of the Olympiad, the municipal stage, the final protocols of the municipal stage in mathematics and ecology, and the protocol of the municipal stage in law are posted. The display of works will take place on December 12, 2018 from 15.00. until 16.00. in the methodological office of the Education Department. Appeals, in case of disagreement with the assigned points, are accepted from 16.00. until 17.00. 12 December.

05.12.2018 In the section stages of the Olympiad, municipal stage, the final protocols of the municipal stage in biology and geography, protocols of the municipal stage in mathematics and ecology are posted. The show of works on mathematics and ecology will take place on December 7, 2018 from 15.00. until 16.00. in the methodological office of the Education Department. Appeals, in case of disagreement with the assigned points, are accepted from 16.00. until 17.00. December 7th.

04.12.2018 In the section of the Olympiad stages, municipal stage, the protocol of the municipal stage in biology has been updated (results for 7 classes have been added) and the final protocol of the municipal stage in French has been posted.

03.12.2018 In the section of the Olympiad stages, the municipal stage, the protocols of the municipal stage in biology and geography are posted. The display of works on biology and geography will take place on December 5, 2018 from 15.00. until 16.00. in the methodological office of the Education Department. Appeals, in case of disagreement with the assigned points, are accepted from 16.00. until 17.00. 5th of December.

In the section stages of the Olympiad, regional stage, the number of points required to participate in the regional stage of the Olympiad in German language, MHC, physical culture, stories and lists of participants on these subjects.

30.11.2018 In the section stages of the Olympiad, municipal stage, the final protocols of the municipal stage in technology and Russian language, the protocol of the municipal stage in French are posted. The show of works in French will take place on December 3, 2018 from 15.00. until 16.00. in the methodological office of the Education Department. Appeals, in case of disagreement with the assigned points, are accepted from 16.00. until 17.00. December 3.

26.11.2018 In the section of the Olympiad stages, municipal stage, protocols of the municipal stage on technology and Russian language are posted. The show of works on technology and the Russian language will take place on November 28, 2018 from 15.30. until 16.30. in the methodological office of the Education Department. Appeals, in case of disagreement with the assigned points, are accepted from 16.30. until 17.30. November 28.

23.11.2018 In the section stages of the Olympiad, municipal stage, the final protocol of the municipal stage in English is posted.

21.11.2018 In the section stages of the Olympiad, regional stage, there is a schedule for the regional stage of the Olympiad, the number of points required to participate in the regional stage of the Olympiad in spiritual local history of the Moscow region, the basics of entrepreneurship and consumer knowledge, economics, astronomy, literature, as well as lists of participants in the regional stage in these subjects . In the documents section there are rules for obtaining information about the results of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in electronic form.

19.11.2018 In the section stages of the Olympiad, municipal stage, the protocol of the municipal stage in English and the final protocol in chemistry are posted. The show of works in English will take place on November 21, 2018 from 14.30. until 15.30. in the methodological office of the Education Department. Appeals, in case of disagreement with the assigned points, are accepted from 15.30. until 16.30. November 21.

16.11.2018 In the section of the stages of the Olympiad, the municipal stage, the protocols of the municipal stage in chemistry and the final protocols in the German language, MHC, physical culture, and history are posted. The show of works on chemistry will take place on November 19, 2018 from 14.30. until 15.30. in the methodological office of the Education Department. Appeals, in case of disagreement with the assigned points, are accepted from 15.30. until 16.30. November 19.

14.11.2018 In the section of the Olympiad stages, municipal stage, the protocols of the municipal stage on MHC, physical culture, and history are posted. The display of works on MHC, history, physical culture (theoretical task) will take place on November 16, 2018 from 15.00. until 16.00. in the methodological office of the Education Department. Appeals, in case of disagreement with the assigned points, are accepted from 16.00. until 17.00. November 16.

12.11.2018 In the section stages of the Olympiad, the municipal stage, the final protocols on astronomy and literature, the protocol of the municipal stage on the German language are posted. The display of works on the German language will take place on November 14, 2018 from 15.00. until 16.00. in the methodological office of the Education Department. Appeals, in case of disagreement with the assigned points, are accepted from 16.00. until 17.00. November 14.

07.11.2018 In the section stages of the Olympiad, the municipal stage, the final protocols on economics and the protocol of the municipal stage on literature are posted. The show of works on literature will take place on November 9, 2018 from 15.00. until 16.00. in the methodological office of the Education Department. Appeals, in case of disagreement with the assigned points, are accepted from 16.00. until 17.00. November 9.

02.11.2018 In the section stages of the Olympiad, the municipal stage, the final protocols on spiritual local history of the Moscow region and the basics of entrepreneurial activity and consumer knowledge are posted, as well as the protocol of the municipal stage on astronomy. The display of works on astronomy will take place on November 7, 2018 from 11.00. until 12.00. in the methodological office of the Education Department. Appeals, in case of disagreement with the assigned points, are accepted from 12.00. until 13.00. November 7.

31.10.2018 In the section stages of the Olympiad, school stage, the number of points required to participate in the municipal stage of the Olympiad in physical education is posted, as well as lists of participants in the municipal stage in the specified subject.

In the section of the Olympiad stages, the municipal stage, the protocol of the municipal stage in economics is posted. The show of works on economics will take place on November 2, 2018 from 14.30. until 15.30. in the methodological office of the Education Department. Appeals, in case of disagreement with the assigned points, are accepted from 15.30. until 16.30. November 2.

29.10.2018 In the section stages of the Olympiad, municipal stage, protocols of the municipal stage on the basics of entrepreneurial activity and consumer knowledge, spiritual local history of the Moscow region are posted. The demonstration of works on OPDiPZ and PrEP will take place on October 31, 2018 from 15.00. until 16.00. in the methodological office of the Education Department. Appeals, in case of disagreement with the assigned points, are accepted from 16.00. until 17.00. October 31.

In the section stages of the Olympiad, school stage, the number of points required to participate in the municipal stage of the Olympiad in life safety and the German language is posted, as well as lists of participants in the municipal stage in these subjects.

24.10.2018 In the section stages of the Olympiad, school stage, the number of points required to participate in the municipal stage of the Olympiad in technology, fundamentals of entrepreneurship and consumer knowledge, English is posted, as well as lists of participants in the municipal stage in these subjects.

23.10.2018 In the section stages of the Olympiad, school stage, the number of points required to participate in the municipal stage of the Olympiad in spiritual local history of the Moscow region and geography is posted, as well as lists of participants in the municipal stage in these subjects.

22.10.2018 In the documents section there is an order to hold the municipal stage of the Olympiad in the 2018 - 2019 academic year. In the section of the Olympiad stages, the municipal stage, the schedule for the municipal stage is posted.

18.10.2018 In the section stages of the Olympiad, school stage, the number of points required to participate in the municipal stage of the Olympiad in French, MCC, literature, computer science, social studies, chemistry, as well as lists of participants in the municipal stage in these subjects are posted.

08.10.2018 In the section stages of the Olympiad, school stage, the number of points required to participate in the municipal stage of the Olympiad in ecology, history, physics, Russian language is posted, as well as lists of participants in the municipal stage in these subjects.

03.10.2018 In the section stages of the Olympiad, school stage, the number of points required to participate in the municipal stage of the Olympiad in biology, law, economics, astronomy and mathematics is posted, as well as lists of participants in the municipal stage in these subjects.

10.09.2018 In the documents section there is an order on holding the school stage in the 2018 - 2019 academic year. In the section stages of the Olympiad, school stage, there is a schedule for the school stage and a list of subjects for the school stage of the Olympiad.


Yaremenko Alexandra, 11th grade student of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2 - winner of the regional stage of the Olympiad on the basics of entrepreneurship and consumer knowledge

Krasnitsky Andrey, 9th grade student of MBOU Secondary School No. 5 - winner of the regional stage of the Olympiad in History

Pushchin Alexander, 11th grade student of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2 - winner of the regional stage of the Olympiad in Life Safety


Popova Maria, 9th grade student at the Lyceum, winner of the regional stage of the Olympiad in Ecology

Pankratova Polina, 11th grade student at the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Lyceum - winner of the regional stage of the Olympiad in Ecology

Urazbaev Amir, 9th grade student at the Lyceum, winner of the regional stage of the English Language Olympiad

Anna Kuzmenko, 11th grade student at the Lyceum, winner of the regional stage of the German Language Olympiad


Manasypov Arthur, 9th grade student of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2 - winner of the regional stage of the Olympiad in Geography

Papshev Dmitry, 10th grade student of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2 - winner of the regional stage of the Olympiad in Geography

Semenov Anton, 11th grade student of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 3 - winner of the regional stage of the Olympiad in Geography


Maria Zhulanova, 11th grade student at the Lyceum, winner of the regional stage of the Literature Olympiad

Andrey Maleev, 11th grade student of MBOO Secondary School No. 10 - winner of the regional stage of the Law Olympiad

Sofia Reunova, 10th grade student of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 9 - winner of the regional stage in MHC

Maria Zhulanova, 11th grade student at the Lyceum, winner of the regional stage in the Russian language

Anna Kuzmenko, 11th grade student at the Lyceum, winner of the regional stage of the Russian Language Olympiad


05.02.2018 In the documents section there is an order on the results of the municipal stage of the 2017-2018 academic year

27.12.2017 In the section stages of the Olympiad, regional stage, the number of points required for participation in the regional stage of the Olympiad in all subjects, and the list of participants in the regional stage are posted.

25.12.2017 In the section stages of the Olympiad, municipal stage, protocols for the distribution of places in the MHC, economics, physics, computer science, German language, and law are posted. The updated minutes of the municipal stage by right have been posted. In the section stages of the Olympiad, regional stage, there is a schedule for the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the 2017 - 2018 academic year.

19.12.2017 In the section of the stages of the Olympiad, the municipal stage, there is a protocol for the distribution of places in mathematics, life safety and French. In the section stages of the Olympiad, the municipal stage, the protocols of the municipal stage in MHC, economics, physics, computer science, and German are posted. The display of works on MHC, economics, physics and German will take place on December 21 from 14.00. until 15.00. in the methodological office of the Education Department. Appeals, in case of disagreement with the assigned points, are accepted from 15.00. until 16.00. 21 December.

11.12.2017 In the section of the stages of the Olympiad, the municipal stage, there is a protocol for the distribution of places in physical education. In the section stages of the Olympiad, municipal stage, protocols of the municipal stage in law, life safety, and French are posted. The display of works on law, life safety and French will take place on December 13 from 14.00. until 15.00. in the methodological office of the Education Department. Appeals, in case of disagreement with the assigned points, are accepted from 15.00. until 16.00. December 13th.

06.12.2017 In the section stages of the Olympiad, municipal stage, protocols for the distribution of places in social studies are posted. In the section stages of the Olympiad, municipal stage, the protocols of the municipal stage in mathematics are posted. The demonstration of works on mathematics will take place on December 8 from 14.00. until 15.00. in the methodological office of the Education Department. Appeals, in case of disagreement with the assigned points, are accepted from 15.00. until 16.00. December 8th.

05.12.2017 In the section stages of the Olympiad, regional stage, the number of points for participation in the regional stage in 9 subjects and the list of participants in the regional stage are posted.

04.12.2017 In the section stages of the Olympiad, municipal stage, protocols for the distribution of places by geography and technology are posted.In the section of the Olympiad stages, municipal stage, the protocols of the municipal stage in physical culture are posted. The presentation of works from the theoretical part in physical culture will take place on December 6 from 14.00. until 15.00. in the methodological office of the Education Department. Appeals, in case of disagreement with the assigned points, are accepted from 15.00. until 16.00. December 6.

29.11.2017 In the section stages of the Olympiad, municipal stage, the protocols of the municipal stage in social studies are posted. The display of works on social studies will take place on December 1 from 14.00. until 15.00. in the methodological office of the Education Department. Appeals, in case of disagreement with the assigned points, are accepted from 15.00. until 16.00. December 1.

27.11.2017 In the section stages of the Olympiad, municipal stage, protocols for the distribution of places in English, Russian and chemistry are posted. The protocol for allocating places in biology has been updated. In the section of the Olympiad stages, municipal stage, protocols of the municipal stage on technology and geography are posted. The display of works on technology and geography will take place on November 30 from 14.30. until 15.30. in the methodological office of the Education Department. Appeals, in case of disagreement with the assigned points, are accepted from 15.30. until 16.30. November 30th.

22.11.2017 In the section of the Olympiad stages, municipal stage, the protocols of the municipal stage in the Russian language are posted. The show of works on the Russian language will take place on November 24 from 14.00. until 15.00. in the methodological office of the Education Department. Appeals, in case of disagreement with the assigned points, are accepted from 15.00. until 16.00. November 24.

20.11.2017 In the section stages of the Olympiad, municipal stage, the protocols of the municipal stage in chemistry and English are posted. The show of works in chemistry and English will take place on November 22 from 14.00. until 15.00. in the methodological office of the Education Department. Appeals, in case of disagreement with the assigned points, are accepted from 15.00. until 16.00. November 22. In the section stages of the Olympiad, municipal stage, protocols for the distribution of places in biology and history are posted.

15.11.2017 In the section stages of the Olympiad, municipal stage, the protocols of the municipal stage in biology and history are posted. The display of works on biology and history will take place on November 17 from 14.00. until 15.00. in the methodological office of the Education Department. Appeals, in case of disagreement with the assigned points, are accepted from 15.00. until 16.00. November 17. In the section of the Olympiad stages, the municipal stage, there is a protocol for the distribution of places on ecology.

13.11.2017 In the section of the Olympiad stages, municipal stage, the protocols of the municipal stage on ecology are posted. The show of works on ecology will take place on November 15 from 14.00. until 15.00. in the methodological office of the Education Department. Appeals, in case of disagreement with the assigned points, are accepted from 15.00. until 16.00. 15th of November.

10.11.2017 In the section of the stages of the Olympiad, the municipal stage, the protocol for the distribution of places in astronomy is posted.

08.11.2017 In the section stages of the Olympiad, municipal stage, protocols for the distribution of places according to DCP, OPDiPZ, and literature are posted

03.11.2017 In the section of the Olympiad stages, municipal stage, the protocols of the municipal stage in astronomy are posted. The show of works on astronomy will take place on November 8 from 14.00. until 15.00. in the methodological office of the Education Department. Appeals, in case of disagreement with the assigned points, are accepted from 15.00. until 16.00. November 8.

03.11.2017 In the section stages of the Olympiad, school stage, there are lists of participants and the number of points required to participate in the municipal stage of the Olympiad in computer science, physics, mathematics, life safety, and physical education.

01.11.2017 In the section stages of the Olympiad, municipal stage, the protocols of the municipal stage on literature, OPDiPZ and spiritual local history of the Moscow region are posted. The display of works on literature, OPDiPZ, PrEP will take place on November 3 from 14.00. until 15.00. in the methodological office of the Education Department. Appeals, in case of disagreement with the assigned points, are accepted from 15.00. until 16.00. the 3rd of November.

25.10.2017 In the section of the Olympiad stages, the municipal stage, the schedule for the municipal stage is posted.

25.10.2017 In the section stages of the Olympiad, school stage, there are lists of participants and the number of points required to participate in the municipal stage of the Olympiad in law, geography, German, social studies, Russian, economics, technology, ecology, English, French, MHC

10.10.2017 In the section stages of the Olympiad, school stage, there are lists of participants and the number of points required to participate in the municipal stage of the Olympiad in spiritual local history of the Moscow region, biology, basics of entrepreneurship and consumer knowledge, literature, astronomy, chemistry, history.

09/11/2017 In the section stages of the Olympiad, the school stage, there is a schedule for the school stage of the Olympiad in the 2017 - 2018 academic year

Information for participants in the municipal stage of the Olympiad on Ecology.

The municipal stage of the Olympiad in Ecology takes place in two stages: a theoretical round and a project round.

Participants in the municipal stage who have not prepared a project will not be able to qualify for participation in the regional stage of the Olympiad.