Homemade soap. How to make soap at home: the best and simplest cooking recipes. Soap making for beginners: homemade soap based on children's soap

Soap recipes from soap base with photos remain in demand, despite the abundance of washing products. After all, such soap has a gentle composition: particularly aggressive surfactants, preservatives and fragrances are replaced with base and essential oils, herbs, clays and other natural ingredients. Once you have mastered homemade soap recipes, you will be able to make it according to your preferences and needs.

Soap making. Start

To cook at home, all you need is a table in the kitchen next to the stove. And get acquainted with basic principles You can see this process in the article “Soap from Soap Base”. The entire work process is described in three words:

  1. melt;
  2. enrich;
  3. pour.

Soap ingredients

You need the following materials:

  • Soap base, white and/or transparent.
  • Dyes, food or pigment. Food grades can also be used in the preparation of sweets. But pigment ones are brighter, more resistant to fading and, unlike the first ones, do not color all adjacent layers. This is true for multi-layer soap. There are dyes for a transparent base that do not cloud it.
  • Mother of pearls, glitters. Mother of pearl (mica) colors and adds shimmer, glitter gives shine.
  • Base oils, extracts, infusions to enrich the base.
  • Essential oils or fragrances to add scent. Ethers also transmit their beneficial features basis. And they remain even when the smell becomes weak. It is advisable to use fragrances with a fragrance fixative.
  • Medical alcohol in a spray bottle. Use alcohol to remove bubbles. They spray it on base layers, soap figures, and water-soluble paper for better adhesion to the new layer. Other alcohol-containing liquids will leave a whitish residue in the finished soap.
  • Pictures on water-soluble paper.
  • Loofah, wax, dried flowers, clays, scrubbing particles and other additives.

You shouldn't buy everything at once. First of all, you need a base, dyes, base oil and flavor. If soap making becomes a serious hobby, you can gradually expand the range of materials.

You can buy these components in craft stores, specialized soap stores, or order them online. Oils, dry herbs, clays can be found in the pharmacy.

Soap maker's tools

Many tools can be found in the kitchen:

  • A plastic board (it is easier to clean) and a knife for cutting the base.
  • A heat-resistant glass (you will melt the base in it) and dishes for a water bath.
  • Stove or microwave. A microwave oven will melt the base faster, but skill is required: if the mode is incorrectly selected, the base will boil and you will have to clean the internal surfaces of the oven for a long time. A water bath is placed on the stove (essentially a pan of water into which a heat-resistant container with the base is placed).
  • Wooden stirring stick. A metal spoon may oxidize the base or added ingredients.
  • A set of measuring spoons to measure out the right amount of oils and other additives.
  • Pasteur pipette.
  • Scissors to cut some materials (like loofahs) and cut out designs on water-soluble paper.
  • Molds. They are made of plastic (they are cheaper) and silicone (it is more convenient to remove even soap that has not completely cooled down, and the relief is amazing). Molds for baking and ice are suitable, but they cannot be used for their intended purpose - only for soap making.
  • A cheat sheet that says what, in what order, and in what proportion is added to the base. Over time, you can easily create your own recipes.

Your first recipe


  • 60 g clear soap base;
  • green mother of pearl on the tip of the knife;
  • ¼ teaspoon of olive oil, many people have it in their kitchen;
  • 5 drops of mint essential oil, the fresh aroma of which will complement the summer color of mother-of-pearl.


Step No. 1. Prepare everything you need for work, lay it out in a convenient order so that you don’t have to look for anything.

Step No. 2. Cut the base into pieces of equal size. This will ensure even melting. The smaller the pieces, the faster they will melt.

Step No. 3. Place the chopped base in a microwave oven or in a water bath, where it will melt, but the base cannot be brought to a boil - this will cause it to become unusable.

Step No. 4. Add mother of pearl and stir, breaking up lumps.

Attention: mother of pearl must be protected from moisture; always keep the container closed. Even steam from a water bath will lead to the formation of lumps that are difficult to stir into the base.

Step No. 5. Pour in olive oil. Mix.

Step No. 6. Wait a little, drop mint essential oil into the cooled base - essential oils do not like very hot temperatures and quickly evaporate. Stir.

Step No. 7. Pour the base into the mold.

Step No. 8. If air bubbles appear on top, spray alcohol on them to make them disappear.

Step No. 9. Since the mold is plastic, you need to let the soap harden and cool completely. This will take at least half an hour.

Step #10: Extract ready-made soap. To do this, gradually press on the sides and bottom of the mold so that air gets between the plastic and the soap. You can put it in the freezer for a while, but do not freeze it.

The soap is now ready for use. To store, wrap it in cling film, otherwise it will dry out, and put it in a dry, dark place.

Blue clay soap recipe

Blue clay contains mineral salts and trace elements that are beneficial for the skin, in particular cobalt and cadmium. That's why they called it blue, although its color is gray. In soap, this component acquires the properties of a delicate clay scrub:

  • gently exfoliates dead cells;
  • absorbs sebum and impurities;
  • saturates the skin with iron, zinc, silver, magnesium, calcium, etc.

To create soap with clay you will need:

  • Mold in the shape of an airplane. Blue clay will give the base a gray color that is best suited for military aircraft.
  • 20 g white soap base.
  • 1/8 teaspoon grape seed oil. Nourishing and emollient, it treats inflammation and rejuvenates. At the same time, the oil is very light.
  • 4 drops peppermint essential oil. It has bactericidal properties, soothes, softens and refreshes irritated skin, and treats inflammation. The aroma of mint promotes concentration and attentiveness.
  • a little less than a quarter teaspoon of blue clay.
  • medical alcohol.

Scent the soap gray Offered as an essential oil with a fresh, invigorating scent.


Step No. 1. Prepare everything you need for work.

Step No. 2. Cut the soap base into equal pieces.

Step No. 3. In a water bath or in a microwave, bring the pieces of the base into a liquid state.

Step No. 4. Pour in the kernel oil.

Step No. 5. While stirring, add peppermint essential oil.

Step No. 6. After aromatization, add clay. Stir the lumps thoroughly. Remove any air bubbles that appear by sprinkling with alcohol. You can first dilute the clay with water and pour the solution into the base.

Dry clay will settle a lot. The solution will paint the base, and little clay will settle. In order for the dry clay to be evenly distributed, you need to take a base for the swirls.

Step No. 7. Pour the colored and enriched base into the mold.

Step No. 8. Remove bubbles with alcohol.

Step #9: Leave for half an hour to cool and harden.

Step No. 10. Remove the finished soap from the mold. You can wash yourself with it right away.

The figurine can be used for its intended purpose, or it can be placed in a simple mold without relief and filled with a transparent soap base. Then she will delight you much longer.

Herbal Soap Recipe

Using plant raw materials, you can make, for example, soap based on soap root with your own hands. Plants are also added to soap base. Fresh flowers and leaves look impressive, but soon they become moldy or even rot. Therefore, herbs are added to the soap base dried or in the form of a decoction, oil or alcohol infusion, or extract.

Decoctions impart their beneficial properties to the soap base, but you must be careful: excess water prevents the soap from fully hardening. The base takes up to three teaspoons of liquid per 100 g.

Liquid is an excellent means of resuscitation for a dried base.

If the decoction is added in the right amount and the soap hardens, then after a certain time it will dry out and bend. But it will not lose its qualities from this.

Infusions are more preferable; they can act as natural dyes.

If you pour dry plants with a hot soap base, the same processes occur as when brewing them with water, that is, it is enriched with the beneficial substances of dried flowers.

It is convenient when dry herbs are used in the form of scrubbing particles.

To prepare scrub soap, dry herbs must be thoroughly ground, preferably in a coffee grinder. This way, homemade scrubbing particles will not injure the skin.

Ingredients for herbal soap:

  • 70 g clear soap base.
  • ½ teaspoon nettle oil extract. It contains many vitamins and nutrients and is suitable for all skin types. Nourishes, tightens, increases its elasticity.
  • 5 drops of chamomile essential oil. It relieves irritation and inflammation, accelerates healing, and smoothes out. The aroma calms, relieves stress, eliminates anxiety.
  • 1 teaspoon finely crushed chamomile flowers. A decoction of them, hypoallergenic, is used in the treatment of skin diseases and irritations.


Step No. 1. Arrange the ingredients and molds in the desired order.

Step No. 2. Cut the soap base into small pieces of equal size.

Step No. 3. Melt them in a water bath or in the microwave.

Step No. 4. Pour in nettle oil extract. Mix. It will slightly color the base.

Step No. 5. Wait a little and add chamomile essential oil. Mix.

Step No. 6. Add crushed chamomile flowers. Stir thoroughly, as the chamomile will try to float, and after stirring it will be distributed throughout the base. The base will color even more.

Step No. 7. Pour the base into the mold.

Step No. 8. If air bubbles appear, spray with alcohol to remove them.

Step No. 9. Leave for half an hour to harden. After removing the soap, you can see that it was beautifully and quite intensely colored even without dye.

Step No. 10. You can and should use this soap right away. If stored for a long time, dried flowers will deteriorate, and the oil extract will change its properties.

Soap recipe for dry skin

Dry skin is unpleasant: peeling, pulling sensations. Homemade soap will be a lifesaver. The composition of the base is more gentle compared to regular soap. The main irritant of soap is the surfactant sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). Typically, the base of SLS is replaced by sodium laureth sulfate (SLES), a mild foaming agent. Soap without soap base - made from scratch, made from oils and alkali, does not contain foaming agent.

If you make soap from a base for dry skin, you should not introduce absorbent substances (for example, clay) or scrubbing particles (granules, ground herbs). You also need to be careful with oils, basic and essential: their excess dries out the skin.

For gentle soap you need:

  • 80 g transparent base;
  • 3 drops of gel pigment “Scarlet”;
  • ¼ teaspoon shea butter. It penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, triggers elastin synthesis and tissue regeneration processes;
  • 3 drops of orange essential oil. Some of its properties are to maintain the moisture balance of the epidermis and eliminate the feeling of tightness;
  • medical alcohol.


Step No. 1. prepare materials and tools;

Step No. 2. cut the base;

Step No. 3. Melt shea butter in a water bath;

Step No. 4. Melt the base without overheating it;

Step No. 5. Color with pigment, mixing well;

Step No. 6. Add shea butter;

Step No. 7. Pour in orange essential oil;

Step No. 8. Pour the base into a mold.

Step No. 9. Spray alcohol if there are bubbles;

Step No. 10. Remove the frozen soap and use it with pleasure!

Soap, even the best one, will not moisturize the skin. Only a moisturizer will do this.

Shea butter soap recipe

The advantage of home soap making is the ability to add any exotic ingredient you like. Shea butter (karite) is native to West and Central Africa. But it was loved by women outside

Black Continent for its properties:

  • softening;
  • protective;
  • restorative;
  • calming.

This oil will restore dry and rough feet, elbows and hands. It will delay skin aging and make it firmer and more elastic. Shea butter is used to prevent stretch marks and treat them. They also treat insect bites and irritations.

It protects against aggressive natural factors:

  • cold;
  • wind;
  • ultraviolet rays;
  • heat.

Shea butter is classified as a solid butter - butter. When warm, its consistency is similar to ghee. Before use, it is heated in a water bath - high temperatures are not needed, since this batter melts from the heat of the human body.

For soap you need:

  • 80 g white soap base.
  • 8 drops of Blue Crystal gel pigment. It will color the white base a pastel blue.
  • ½ teaspoon shea butter.
  • 3 drops eucalyptus essential oil. Inhalations with it help as part of complex therapy in the treatment of runny nose and colds; its vapors disinfect the room. The frosty aroma drives away drowsiness, sadness and fatigue.
  • Medical alcohol.


Step No. 1. Prepare the ingredients, dishes and mold.

Step #2: Cut the soap base.

Step #3: Melt the shea butter.

Step No. 4. Melt the base in a water bath or in the microwave.

Step No. 5. Pour in 7 drops of pigment. Stir thoroughly so that the base is evenly colored.

Step #6: Add melted shea butter. Mix.

Step No. 7. Pour in 3 drops of eucalyptus essential oil. Mix. The smell is quite strong, you shouldn't pour a lot of oil.

Step No. 8. Pour the base into the mold.

Step No. 9. Remove air bubbles with alcohol.

Step #10: Leave to harden.

Soap with an exotic aroma, because it is not suitable for everyone, is ready.

Lavender Soap Recipe

You can turn your bathroom into a corner of Provence if you make pastel-colored soap, fragrant with lavender, and with a transparent relief in the form of a bouquet of this plant.

For lavender soap you need:

  • 5 g transparent base.
  • 80 g white base.
  • 7 drops of Blueberry Jam gel pigment.
  • ¼ teaspoon jojoba oil. Thick oil contains fatty acids, proteins, and vitamins. It treats inflammation, promotes healing and restoration, has antioxidant properties, and protects the skin from the effects of external environment.
  • 4 drops of lavender essential oil. It heals wounds and disinfects and softens the skin. Its aroma defeats aggression, awakens sensuality, relieves anxiety and normalizes sleep.
  • medical alcohol.


Zero step. We prepare everything you need.

Step No. 1. Cut the transparent base.

Step No. 2. Melt it.

Step No. 3. Color with two small drops of pigment. Enriching such a small amount of base is difficult and impractical.

Step No. 4. Pour into the corner of the mold where the bouquet is embossed.

Step No. 5. Distribute the base by shaking the mold.

Step No. 6. Allow to cool.

Step No. 7. Wash off the base protruding beyond the edges of the bouquet wet wipe.

Step #8: Cut the white base.

Step No. 9. Melt it.

Step No. 10. Color with pigment, mix thoroughly. In a white base, the dye will become a soft purple, pastel color.

Step No. 11. Add base oil.

Step No. 12. Pour in lavender essential oil. The aroma is strong, don't overdo it.

Step No. 13. Sprinkle alcohol on a bouquet of transparent base.

Step No. 14. Pour in the “lavender” base.

Step No. 15. Remove bubbles, if any, with alcohol.

Step No. 16. Leave to cool.

Making soap at home is not just a fashion trend. This skill helps to produce a useful and safe personal care product, and quite simply. All you need to do is heat the finished base, add coloring and aromatic additives and pour into the mold. After mastering this process, you can move on to advanced technologies. For example, to the production of soap with swirls.

What is soap base?

The first step to making soap is choosing a base. There are many options for foundations. Some of them include synthetic ingredients. Others contain natural ingredients. Foundations are also divided into white and transparent. The clear base will produce more vibrant colors in the final product. And white will help produce pastel colors.

The best option for those who want to produce soap with a complex composition, this means purchasing a ready-made soap base. In this case, it is not always possible to use all the ingredients that you would like to see in the finished product. But you can buy wonderful soap bases: with olive and coconut oil, with goat's milk and other ingredients.

Glycerin is a by-product of the soap making process. This substance is not thrown away, but is usually retained by most soap manufacturers for sale in order to increase profits. This ingredient is good for the skin, because it moisturizes it very well and has some healing properties.

Natural soap base should have 100% organic. If the manufacturer does not indicate the full composition of the ingredients, then you should not buy its products.

If you want a beautiful skin color, it is very important that synthetic and chemical harmful substances didn't hit her.

Most soap bases, with the exception of goat's milk varieties, do not contain animal products such as fat. If this is a concern for you, be sure to check the ingredient list for the specific soap base you plan to use.

Basics for making soap are also:

  • with shea butter;
  • honey;
  • oatmeal;
  • with olive oil;
  • with aloe vera;
  • with coconut milk.

Proportions and manufacturing rules

The recipe for making homemade soap is very simple, but the process itself self made take a lot of time. The good thing is that homemade soap will only contain the ingredients you choose. This is perfect for allergy sufferers and people who value natural cosmetics without preservatives. Soap is usually made from vegetable oils. And the detergent contained in it is a solution of sodium hydroxide.

Let's look at the process of making soap at home using a specific example.

To make soap we will need:

  • 1 kg of cake or 1 liter of olive oil;
  • 127 g sodium hydroxide;
  • 380 ml cold distilled water.

The manufacturing process consists of several main phases.


First phase.

  1. Pour 127 g of hydroxide into a bowl. Then measure 380 ml of water in another container.
  2. Slowly pour the hydroxide into the water, remembering to stir. During this operation, a lot of heat is generated and the water becomes hot.
  3. Carefully place the thermometer into the solution. If you are confident in the strength of your dishes, you can place them in a sink with cool water, the mixture will cool faster.

It must be remembered that when choosing accessories for making soap, you should not use aluminum. Anything that comes into contact with alkalis should be made of glass, wood or stainless steel. While the lye solution cools (up to 40 degrees), we measure out exactly 1 liter of olive oil and heat it to about 40 degrees.


Next phase.

  1. Slowly pour the lye into the oil in a thin stream, stirring with a wooden spoon.
  2. Next, you need to beat the mixture in a blender. Gradually the yellow liquid turns into a homogeneous creamy mass.
  3. Once the soap base has warmed up, you can add fragrances and other ingredients. Then pour the resulting mass into molds.


The last stage is to pour the mass into molds.

  1. Pour the finished mixture into the prepared form. Then close it tightly plastic film or wrap in a towel.
  2. To keep the mold warm, place it next to a radiator or other heating device.
  3. Let the solution sit for about an hour to allow it to cool and set.

If you don’t have molds, you can cut the soap with a regular knife.

Let's look at some additional features of the process.

Heating the base

No matter what soap base you choose, the first step to making soap is to grind the base into small pieces. This helps the soap melt evenly and quickly. To do this, divide the soap base into small pieces, about 1 cm each.

It is very important that the base melts over low heat. It may be tempting to just throw the soap base into a pan on the stove or pop it in the microwave for 5 minutes, but don't give in to the temptation. This quick way spoil the soap.

Soap bases melt at about 120 degrees. Therefore, their melting does not take much time. If using a microwave, melt the soap base for 30 seconds and stir between uses.


The amount of dye added depends on its type. Use dyes designed specifically for soap. They are safe for the skin and will not cause irritation or damage. Avoid using food or other dyes that you think might work for the job.

Soap dyes come in two main types:

  • dry powdery;
  • liquid soap, safe for skin.

Both are pretty cheap. So you really shouldn't try to save money and use food coloring.

In addition to dyes, you can add other additives to soap.

  • You can add your favorite spices or ingredients with medicinal properties at the appropriate point in the recipe. Thanks to this, the soap will not only look attractive, but also smell pleasant.
  • To get a beautiful cosmetic product, add sweet pepper or turmeric to the mixture before pouring into the mold.
  • To flavor the soap, add a few drops of vanilla, two pinches of cinnamon or aromatic tea to the mixture. You can also use flower petals.

Soap recipes with beneficial additives

Before you start looking at different recipes, you need to consider some general rules.

  • Try adding gentle essential oils that are safe to apply to the skin in low concentrations. These include, for example, lavender, orange or sesame oil.
  • Adding oil to the base also helps create a nourishing soap that cleanses your skin well. The secret is to add enough oil to achieve a softening effect, but not to overdo it. Otherwise, the product will turn out too soft or greasy.
  • Add oil in an amount of no more than 1-3% of the total weight of the soap.

Additives such as oatmeal, lavender and poppy seeds can be great additions to soap. They add a bit of subtle scent and color, helping to make the bar of soap unique and attractive. Coffee additives give a characteristic smell and a subtle scrub effect.

With herbs and flowers

Dried herbs lavender, chamomile, and rose petals are excellent choices. You will need 6 to 12 grams of herbs per 450 grams of soap. Before pouring the soap into the mold, add herbs or flowers. This way they won't lose much of their color. Herbal soap works great as hand soap. But it may be too scratchy as a bath or shower soap.

For aroma, texture and color

Just 1 tablespoon (15 grams) of ground spices allows you to bring the product to perfection. new level. Stir the spice into the soap after you remove it from the heat. Available big choice spices including cinnamon, pumpkin and ground turmeric.

Experts have also identified several ingredients to achieve the moisturizing effect.

  • Don't use regular cow's milk butter or it will go rancid. Instead, try one of the following butters: cocoa, shea, mango or vegetable. You will need 1 to 2 tablespoons (15 to 30 grams) per 450 grams of soap.
  • Cocoa and shea butter are great for creating lather when lathering.
  • Mango butter is used to soothe irritated skin, treat sunburn and reduce dryness.

With extracts

Extracts are not the same as essential or fragrance oils. Although some of them can add fragrance to soap, they are mainly used for their individual properties. Typically use 1-2 tablespoons (15 to 30 ml) of extract per 450 g of soap - add them along with dyes and fragrances. Common features and benefits are listed below.

  • Chamomile extract is a good stress reliever. It is also an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. Can be used in making baby soap.
  • Grapefruit seed extract is a natural disinfectant. It contains vitamins A, C and E.
  • Green tea extract Can help with sunburn, irritation and acne.
  • Guava fruit extract contains vitamins A, B and C. It is especially good for aging skin.

With exfoliating additives

How to make soap with swirls?

Swirls translated from English means “whirlwinds” or “curls”. Special soap bases for swirls retain their viscosity when heated. This property is used to produce multi-colored bars of soap, with various beautiful and unusual designs (stars, hearts and others).

Let's look at this method of soap making using a specific example.


  • 150 g of white soap based on shea butter;
  • 5 drops of eucalyptus essential oil;
  • 5 drops of turquoise dye;
  • seashell shape;
  • alcohol spray bottle.

Making soap at home can seem like a daunting task for beginners. However, there are many recipes on how to make soap yourself. In addition, it is possible to purchase all the necessary ingredients for the production of such hygiene products. This simplifies the process and allows you to create unusual versions of such products using natural ingredients and aromatic oils.

What do you need to make soap at home?

Homemade soap making involves using a commercial soap base or preparing the composition from scratch. To get the base, you can melt soap remnants or use natural baby soaps that do not include fragrances. At the same time, making soap from a ready-made base is much easier. There are many types of foundations on the market, incl. organic. The list of excipients depends on the soap recipe and its composition.

Ingredients for ready-made soap

The soap base facilitates the process of creating an original product, but auxiliary components will also be needed. Important ingredients include:

  • dyes;
  • medical alcohol;
  • base vegetable oils;
  • essential oils;
  • flavorings.

When choosing a base, you should take into account that they differ not only in price and manufacturer, but also in composition, hardening speed, hardness and other important characteristics.

Base oils, as well as additional ingredients such as cream and body milk, are added to the composition so that it does not crack and nourishes the skin. At the same time, an excess of such components is undesirable. Homemade soap that contains fatty substances may not lather well.

When preparing this product at home, you can use both fragrant essential oils and cosmetic and confectionery flavorings. If desired, ground coffee, petals, herbs and many other components can be added to the composition. Dyes are available in both dry and liquid form.

What ingredients are used to make soap from scratch?

To make soap from scratch, you first need to purchase the components necessary to make the base. These include:

  • saponification oils;
  • alkali;
  • liquid.

Additional components required to prepare the product include:

  • organic acids;
  • plasticizers;
  • glycerol;
  • lanolin;
  • flavorings;
  • dyes, etc.

The acids most commonly used to make handmade soap at home include succinic acid, lactic acid, etc. These substances will make the product hard and give it bactericidal properties. Glycerin and lanolin soften the skin. The plasticizer can be honey, sorbitol, fructose or sugar. These components are necessary to increase foam formation.

Tools and devices

Making soap at home is not difficult, but it will require a number of tools and equipment. These include:

  • measuring spoon;
  • enamel pan;
  • beaker;
  • whisk;
  • kitchen scales;
  • molds;
  • alcohol spray;
  • container for working with alkali;
  • glass rod.

Tools that will be used to make the product cannot be used in the future when preparing food.

Making solid soap at home

Solid soap can be made either from a base or from scratch. Each option has its own characteristics and subtleties.

From soap base

Before starting work on creating soap, you should prepare the necessary equipment and ingredients. The next stage is cutting the base. They are transferred to a suitable container and melted in a water bath. All necessary additional components should be added to the hot mass and mixed thoroughly. After this, the molds are filled with the composition. They need to be sprayed with alcohol to remove air. The composition should be left for a day to harden.

It is important to choose the right number of additional components. For 100 g of base, it is enough to add 1/3 tsp. base oil. It is recommended to add no more than ½ tsp of flavorings to this amount of base. Essential oils can be administered in an amount of 3-7 drops. The amount of liquid dye introduced should be no more than 1-7 drops.

Cold and hot production from scratch

These methods of making soap are not the safest, so they are recommended for use by people with experience in soap making. When using the cold method, you first need to measure the required amount of alkali and pour ice water into a separate container. The lye should be slowly poured into the water and then stirred quickly. After this, solid oils are heated in a water bath.

They are heated to a temperature of +37 °C. The alkaline solution is filtered through a sieve into the oil. After this, the composition must be carefully blended with a blender. When the composition acquires a viscous consistency, additional ingredients are added to it. All components are mixed and poured into molds. You need to give the composition a day to harden. However, in the future it needs to be wrapped in film and left to mature for a month.

When cooking using the hot method, after mixing the components and preparing the base, it is placed in a water bath and simmered under the lid for at least 3-4 hours. This reduces the maturation period of the soap. Stir the mixture every 30 minutes. After this, all the necessary components are introduced into it and packed into molds.

Safety rules when working with alkali

Skin contact with alkali can cause severe burns, so special care is required when working with this substance. You need to wear gloves, a respirator and goggles. It is advisable to wear closed clothing made from natural fabrics.

It is imperative to provide additional air flow into the room. Water should be used as cool as possible, since when it comes into contact with alkali, a lot of heat is released. Containers that will come into contact with alkali must be glass.

Soap recipes

The dosage of ingredients must be observed. Using soap recipes, you can get better results.


To make craft soap for children, you will need 250 g of organic base. In addition, you will need components such as;

  • tangerine oil - 1-2 drops;
  • string decoction - 1 tsp;
  • carrot juice - ½ tsp;
  • almond oil - 2 tsp.

These components are added to the base, and then the mass is poured into molds. You can make animals, birds and flowers from soap.


To make tar soap per 100 g of base you will need 1.5 tsp. birch tar, as well as 1/3 tsp. calendula extract. It is also recommended to add 6 drops of mint essential oil to the composition. These components are introduced into the hot base.

Two-layer colored soap with honey

To create a two-layer soap, the same compositions are mixed in different containers, but the dye and flavors are changed. In this case, no more than 1 tsp is added to the composition. natural honey. After this, pour into one mold at the same time different types compositions and left to harden. There are many options for arranging colors in soap. You can use a honeycomb shape.

Using remnants

You can make an original product from remnants. You will need approximately 200 g of soap. They should be grated, add 5 tbsp to them. water, 2 tbsp. calendula tincture and the same amount of glycerin. All components are mixed and heated in a water bath. When the mass becomes homogeneous, you need to fill the prepared molds with it.

How to make liquid soap?

There are several manufacturing methods liquid soap at home.

From remnants

To prepare liquid soap, approximately 50 g of soap remnants should be grated. The shavings are mixed with distilled water and calendula tincture. After this, essential oil and glycerin are added to the composition. All components are heated in a water bath. The finished composition should be filtered and poured into a container with a dispenser.

Liquid laundry soap

To prepare this composition, you should rub the soap remnants laundry soap grate and add 1 liter of water and essential oils to it. All ingredients are placed in a saucepan and heated over low heat until the chips are dissolved. After this, the composition is poured into a suitable container and used for household needs.

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Theoretically, making soap is easy: one - melt, two - color and scent, three - pour into a mold and you're done! In practice, many nuances are revealed that can not only harm appearance soap, but also completely ruin it. We reveal some of them in ours, describing in detail all the intricacies of the process, but there are things that are better shown visually. For those who find it easier to see once, we have prepared recipes with photos.

Our collection contains the best recipes for making soap at home for both beginners and experienced soap makers. You will find simple soap making recipes in the “soap from base” section, and if you are looking for something more complicated, look at the next section and choose your favorite soap making recipe from scratch.

In addition, from the components on sale you can make not only soap, but also cosmetics, candles and even cookies, cakes and candies. And the “packaging” section will help you present your masterpiece beautifully.

Our collection is constantly growing, and if you find something unusual on the Internet and don’t know how to do it, leave a request for our forum, and we will be happy to prepare a photo recipe.

We carefully check and repeatedly test every product we offer you. All soap making recipes for beginners are the result of many years of experience of our masters, just like you, who are in love with homemade soap boiling Recipes contain not only cooking technology, but also a complete list necessary materials and tools, so all you have to do is prepare everything you need and enjoy creativity!

Now we are close to making cold process whipped soap.

For decorating our prepared bases, as well as for independent holiday (and not only New Year's) cupcakes, whipped soap is perfect.

Whipped soap is loved with tender love for a number of advantages:

  • It is definitely more gentle than regular classic toilet soap.
  • Its airy texture melts into the skin, leaving only pleasant sensations after washing.
  • It doesn't sink in water. And for children it can become another toy in the bathroom.
  • It looks very attractive compared to the smooth and even classic soap from scratch.

But at the same time, whipped soap has several inconveniences:

  • It washes off somewhat faster than regular toilet soap.
  • Longer maturation compared to regular classic sodium soap.
  • You want to come back to it again and again, thereby forcing yourself to make new batches of soap!

Making your own soap- the process is endlessly fascinating. There are a huge number of recipes and the same number can be invented by you yourself. However, before you begin bold experiments, you need to master the basic technology, which you will later use in your work.
If you want to learn how to make soap at home, our website is ready to provide you with all the necessary information.

Basic components

  • Soap base
  • Basic, cosmetic and essential oils
  • Flavors
  • Dyes
  • Dried flowers, loofah
  • Forms
  • Hydrolates
  • Auxiliary tools: kitchen scale (preferably electronic), thermometer, soap syringe, whisk or wooden stirring stick.

You can purchase everything you need to make your own soap in our online store.

Basic soap maker steps

Step one

Measure required amount soap base, strictly following the dosage indicated in the recipe. In our online store you will find many types of soap base, each of which has its own undoubted advantages.
There are some nuances that should be taken into account. For example, if the recipe involves the simultaneous use of transparent and white bases, they must be from the same manufacturer, this will ensure the necessary consistency in the density and uniformity of the bases. Liquid ingredients are usually ready to use. Some bases are creamy and are great for making soufflé soaps.

Step two

Cut the soap base into cubes and melt. This can be done in a microwave oven or in a water bath. In both cases, the base cannot be brought to a boil. Her optimal temperature - 60-65 º C. You need to brew soap correctly, strictly following temperature regime. To monitor it, you should use an electronic thermometer.

Step three

Add carrier oils as well as fragrances or essential oils or fragrances. Follow the dosage recommended in the recipe exactly. But remember that a large number of oils make the soap too soft and prevent it from hardening. We recommend using no more than 1/3 teaspoon for every 100 grams of base. As for flavors or fragrances, they are usually added in the amount of 6-10 drops per 100 grams of base.

Step four

Adding color. Typically soap makers use food coloring. Although they discolor over time in soap, they are completely harmless and safe. It is better to add this component gradually, stirring the base and achieving a suitable shade. On at this stage Moderation is very important, otherwise the soap will “color” in the future.

Step five

Mix the soap thoroughly. A small whisk for whipping milk, as well as wooden sticks, are suitable for these purposes.

Step six

Pour the mixture into molds, sprinkle with alcohol to prevent bubbles from appearing on the surface. Leave to harden at room temperature for about a day.

Step seven

Remove the finished soap from the molds. If you can't do it easily, you don't need to put in the effort. Just place the molds under warm running water and everything will work out. After the soap is prepared, it still needs to dry for several days. After two to three days you will be able to use it for its intended purpose. But, if desired, you can use it on the same day.

That's all ;)

So, as we see, making soap is not difficult at all. The process of making soap with your own hands is simple and accessible. It only involves seven simple steps.
Although, of course, there are other, more complex recipes that require certain skills and abilities. Our site will help you get them. We will tell you everything about how to cook natural soap, let's reveal the main secrets of mastery. In addition, here you will find not only ideas, but also the means to implement them. the site offers a wide range of products necessary for making natural soap.