Write a commercial proposal for the provision of services. Sample commercial proposal for the provision of services - rules for execution. Ready-made commercial proposal samples

commercial activity Most companies consist of selling goods or providing services. The essence of transactions of this kind is the receipt of profit as a result of the activity.

Each of them (organizations) needs a constant increase in counterparties. To do this, you need to regularly send commercial offers to potential clients.

This article will tell you how to properly design a sample. commercial offer for the provision of services. After reading the publication, you will be able to download examples and samples of such proposals for free. And if you have any questions, consult our specialists.

The essence and purpose of a commercial proposal for the provision of services

This measure is aimed at informing the consumer market about the capabilities of your company. The first thing I would like to note is that a commercial proposal is a document.

It should contain a list of possible services provided that your company is ready to offer to the market. In addition, the text must indicate the cost of these services.

The peculiarity of the service sector is that they cannot be calculated formally (unlike goods). Therefore, the cost can only be expressed in monetary terms per unit.

If an enterprise has the opportunity to offer the market several services (no matter whether they are of the same type or not), it is allowed to provide information in the form of a table. The main thing is that this proposal meets certain requirements and rules.

Filling out a sample commercial proposal for the provision of services

This type of document can be regarded as part business correspondence. This means that it must have the necessary attributes. The first of these is to indicate the name of the company providing the services and its details.

To do this, it would be a good idea to write a document on the organization’s letterhead. In this case, the footer will already contain a mention of the company name, its address and other registration data. Mention of the addressee is desirable, but not required.

Formally, commercial offers can be divided into two categories. Some of them are sent to certain potential counterparties. Others are part of distributed documents (distribution).

If the proposal is aimed at a specific organization, then a “header” is included in its text. It must contain the name of the recipient company. It would be a good idea to indicate the position and name of the manager who will consider this proposal.

Under the “header” in the middle of the sheet is written the name of the document (Commercial proposal). Start the text with a mention of what type of activity your company performs.

After this, you need to provide a list of services provided. Each item must be defined in terms of cost and pricing. The text must end with a signature with a transcript. The transcript contains the full title of the position, full name, and contact information.

Below is a standard form and a sample commercial proposal for the provision of services, a version of which can be downloaded for free.

This term has a fairly extensive description, but most often it is interpreted as a kind of mechanism or tool in the hands of the entire organization as a whole (if viewed through a detailed prism, in the hands of the company’s marketer).

Each company has completely different commercial offers, however, several areas can be identified that are encouraged by such proposals.

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One of the fundamental factors is the full purchase of a particular product, but it is often difficult to convert the entire flow into just one action, so in such cases the essence of the commercial offer is blurred into some important motivating actions, from talking on the phone to visiting the official website of the enterprise.

From all of the above, we can sum up that Commercial offer is a document that pushes a person to take some action. It is worth noting that it is this aspect that shows all the skill of an organization’s marketer in terms of increasing sales or capital turnover of the entire production as a whole, a significant part of all sales of a product or service depends on it. Most often, a commercial offer is of the form print advertising, discount on this or that product, and so on.

How many commercial offers is normal?

Now you have an idea about this type of proposal, but a small question remains: “How many commercial proposals should there be?” The answer to the question posed can be easily obtained from a kind of dependence, the more, the better, however, you need to do it in such a way that it does not come at a loss to the company, otherwise you can fly into the “bankruptcy” column.

Also, it is worth noting that proposals must be inspired in order to grow and change into a more preferable form along with the organization and its product line or service.

But at the same time, it should be different for each person, in order to look for the best approach (blurring, a good property in order to take control of the entire range of incoming faces), a little help here the financial analysis, which will show almost all hidden approaches to potential clients (with the hard work of a marketer on a commercial offer, everyone becomes a potential client).


  1. One of the first and most popular types is typical gearbox. It is designed for a huge mass of people who best fit the template of the organization’s target audience, so an individual approach is impossible here. Most often, this type of commercial proposal is a banal mailing with a price list and related services. It is worth noting that large-scale corporations perform this operation quite often, and even make different offers for certain areas of goods in order to conveniently maneuver among competitors’ price tags and customer preferences.
  2. The most suitable type for mailing to each person is individual commercial offer, most often carried out on the Internet and written by an experienced copywriter to order, so that the CP is unique and brings subsequent profit to the company. As the name implies, an individual CP is written specifically for that segment of the target audience that is capable of generating the most income. The content is an extensive menu where you can easily find out all the questions you may have about a particular product.
  3. The next commercial offer is thermal or as it is also called, hot CP. Its meaning is to instantly send this document, but only after certain action, most often the role of such an event is played by the desire to buy a product, namely a call to the organization, negotiations with consultants, and so on.
  4. However, there are also proposals that are completely different from the previous one, namely cold gearbox Its principle is quite elementary, you don’t need to think through anything thoroughly, you just need to send a document containing important features (price list, product description, etc.) to a person who doesn’t mean anything. On the Internet, this action is called quite an ordinary word - spam.
  5. The latest commercial offer is combined gearbox. It collects all the most suitable features of cold and warm CP, thereby obtaining the type that is used when the client hesitates (i.e., being on the verge of choosing or rejecting a particular product).

Personalized commercial offers

Personalized CP is exactly the offer that carried out exclusively according to the strict individual criteria of each potential buyer. This type can only be used by those people who have communicated with the future for a sufficient amount of time. potential buyer. All this is done to ensure that the client leaves with a 100% probability of making a purchase, otherwise all efforts will go to waste.

Non-personalized commercial offers

Non-personalized CPs are a huge mailing to the entire target audience, which is divided into general groups to make it as comfortable as possible to analyze these actions. The main goal pursued by such a CP is to interest how possible large quantity customers, after which other types of offers come into play.

Writing rules

As in all areas of activity, this one also has its own small root algorithm, which can be used as writing instructions.

  1. The fundamental action in all endeavors is the collection of necessary information. This is where you should start, collecting as much useful information as possible about products and various services.
  2. Vivid and somewhat telling headlines should encourage the potential client to read further information.
  3. Completely remove the description of the company from the text, except for the main heading, so as not to clutter the text with any information necessary for the user.
  4. Use words such as “you”, “your” and so on as often as possible. Thus, you are praising a person to some extent, and people are susceptible to flattery.
  5. The last point is such an aspect as writing in a language understandable to others. You don’t need a lot of professional terms; they will only worsen the mental relationship with the client.

How to write a commercial proposal online

Creating a commercial offer on the World Wide Web is not as difficult as it seems. It is written using an absolutely identical algorithm to the writing of CP in reality. In the online sphere, more opportunities appear, namely, you can insert a video or picture, or you can make the entire letter to Vivaldi’s notes. It is sent the same way as a letter or as a whole file to a person’s mailbox in order to present everything written individually.


Now the most elementary examples will be given for a complete picture and consolidation of the material. It is worth noting that for each service sector something new should be done, suitable specifically for this type.

Example of a commercial contract for the provision of transport services

Have you had an unplanned move or urgently need to transport things to a completely different part of the city? You don't know what to do in this situation? There is no opportunity in the form of your own large-sized car?

It doesn’t matter, the transport organization “WHITE WIND”, which specializes in cargo transportation, will help you for a small fee. You will receive high-quality “teleportation” of items to another location, as well as a pleasant conversation with our guys, as well as a full refund of the price of any item if it breaks or fails.

Number: _________

Call us, everyone is welcome.

Example of a commercial proposal for the provision of construction services

The construction company “Build with Mind” offers you this list of its services:

  • Drawing up a complete architectural plan for the future building.
  • Delivery of high-quality construction products from time-tested suppliers.
  • And finally, the careful construction of a particular building.

During this time period there is a discount of 5 percent of the total price, hurry up!

Telephone: ___________

P example of a commercial contract for the provision of legal services

Do you have any legislative problems? We will help you solve them, however, now you have a question, why should you choose us? Everything is quite simple; a full answer is based on three arguments:

  1. Low price tag compared to many other companies.
  2. High-quality services, which you can verify by looking at the reviews.
  3. Full return Money, if our work does not suit you.

Sincerely, Alfred Yakov Yakovich, CEO LLC "Lawyer and Co."

Welcome to the magazine about business and finance “Rabota-Tam”.

The popularity of business commercial proposals (CP) is not unfounded, if we take into account the effectiveness indicators of such documents. In addition, today search services are simply bursting with requests from users of the format: “How to make a commercial proposal correctly?” In fact, no way.

Yes, because the commercial offer is a kind of Olivier salad, which has various variations of preparation: from sausage with peas to hazel grouse with capers. And it’s hard to call each of these recipes “wrong”.

However, now we will still dot the i’s so that you can write an impeccable business proposal in accordance with high standards modern marketing art!

Types of commercial offers

So, a commercial offer is one of the many types advertising text, which is in the form business letter or official appeal. Due to its simplicity and effectiveness, it is certainly the most popular way to attract a target audience of potential consumers. And also an equally common tool for interacting with regular customers.

There are several types of business proposals:

  • "cold";
  • "hot";
  • standardized.

It is worth understanding that each of these CP options must be written taking into account the form and structure of the template letterhead, as well as circumstances and goals that can be set not only by the writer of the letter, but also by the receiving party.

Cold offer

“Cold” commercial offers are sent impromptu. Therefore, the recipients of such letters are unprepared clients who perceive the CP as spam. But even it can have a response, although the likelihood of reflection on the part of the recipient is quite small.

Let's simulate the situation. For example, the organizers of the regional sports competition did not bother to purchase sports uniforms for the participants. There are only a few hours left before the start of the event. And then, out of nowhere, a letter arrives with the title: “Express delivery of sports uniforms at prices from the manufacturer.” This is where the potential client will probably carefully study the life-saving CP, and then place an order.

But this is just an exception to the rule. Everywhere, the fundamental functions of “cold” advertising come down to the distribution of interactive advertising. In view of this, you have to arouse the consumer’s interest in reading this document. How to do it:

  1. Come up with a catchy and catchy title.
  2. Emphasize the attractiveness of the commercial proposal by correctly composing the offer.
  3. Motivate the recipient to take action towards mutually beneficial cooperation using marketing techniques.

We will examine each of these elements a little later.

Important! An ideal example of a cold-type commercial proposal should not exceed 1 A4 page of printed text only and 2 pages of an illustrated template.

If you have additional information, it is best to include it in a cover letter. And under no circumstances write “novels” in the style of Leo Tolstoy; business people simply do not have enough time to read them.

“Hot” – personal commercial offer

A personalized commercial offer differs from a “cold” one in that the client receives such a document only after an official request or preliminary verbal contact. Those. the guarantee of reading a personal letter is prohibitively high, so the main semantic load should fall on the offer and motivational component, and the title may be of secondary importance.

In turn, the complexity of drawing up “hot” commercial proposals is burdened by the need to adjust the text to the individual needs of each customer.

For example, if during a conversation the client was interested in the advantages of your organization over competitor firms, write about the advantages, allocating the lion's share of the CP form to this structural element.

Standardized commercial offer

In fact, a standardized business proposal is one of the types of “hot” proposals. However, due to its strictly regulated structure and methods of influencing the customer, it falls under separate species business letter.

The thing is that the client can attach to the official request standard form, which limits the compiler in terms of describing goods and services, principles of cooperation, advantages over competitors, etc.

In standardized CPs, dry numbers play a decisive role: price-quality ratio, warranty service and contractor experience.

It will not be possible to write something on your own initiative, because the attached sample form is designed to filter out marketing information that is unnecessary for market monitoring.

In such cases, the only thing you can do is offer the lowest price. It is enough to even make a 1-5% discount in order to have a significant chance of winning the competitive selection.

Covering letter

We have already touched on the topic of the cover letter above. It serves as a complement to the business proposal, pursuing the following goals:

  • familiarization with the main document;
  • proportional distribution of large amounts of information.

Moreover, the cover letter may contain attachments: price lists, descriptions of terms of cooperation, invitations to trade shows or any other marketing events.

Secondly, with the help of an accompanying notice, you can also remind yourself and indirectly encourage the recipient to study the template of the original document.

Commercial proposal samples and templates

Better to see once than hear a hundred times. You can't argue with that. Therefore, you can’t do without samples and templates. However, never repeat the classic mistakes of irresponsible authors of commercial proposals - 100% copying of information or 50% compilation from two sources. After all, if stolen content is exposed, who will then want to cooperate with a company that has proven itself in this way?

Recently, a commercial proposal has increasingly become a tool in working with potential and existing partners. Samples of commercial proposals for the provision of services - transport, medical, construction, accounting and others will be considered in this article. Some tips for creating this type of advertising will also be presented here.

What it is

As a type of selling text that motivates a call to managers or a trip to the office, samples of commercial proposals for the provision of services of any kind are a very common phenomenon today. If a person, having read this list, performs one of these actions, this will mean that the compiler has achieved his goal. Since this matter is quite subtle and tricky, despite the fact that it looks very simple, not every manager will be able to master it, and therefore there are numerous examples of commercial proposals for the provision of services (although they are not all and do not always work, since it is necessary to take into account specific circumstances).

But the main purpose of drawing up this document is always to stimulate the client to complete the transaction. Ordinary communication with potential or current partners is very different from the specifics of a written request. And therefore, samples of commercial proposals for the provision of services will be in demand for a long time. This is extremely succinct and at the same time as brief information as possible, emphasizing the main aspects.

How it's done

When working with partners, there are two types of commercial offers. With potential clients - non-personalized ones, that is, “cold” ones, which can be offered to absolutely everyone. For example, a commercial proposal for the provision of transport services.

A very small number of people never feel the need for transport; most likely, such people never exist. A “cold” version of a commercial proposal cannot exceed the text size of one page, since it simply will not be read.


Another option is a personalized appeal to a specific business owner, company director or top manager. It is unlikely that at least one commercial proposal template for the provision of services will be suitable here, since you will have to pay attention first of all to the content, and then to the structure and design of the appeal. There shouldn't be a lot of text! The ideal option is two or three pages (however, there are industries where ten is not enough, and this again indicates the impossibility of using samples in some cases).

If you plan to work with new and fairly large clients, you need to carefully study their purchasing regulations, and then, based on this information, build your own commercial offer. It will certainly turn out exactly the way the future customer wants it to be, that is, effective.

Attempt at writing

If a manager is making a commercial proposal for the first time, he cannot do without studying samples; he definitely needs examples to understand the form and understand the essence. This will take a lot of time, and you will have to put in a lot of effort. First of all, after studying it will become more clear how to develop the content itself, what is required to be included there and what is not, and also to identify what needs to be brought to the fore. Only someone else's experience can quickly explain how to draw up a commercial proposal for the provision of services. Examples of such work are presented below.

Commercial offer for the provision legal services you can find anything - related to civil law, and specifically to real estate, and to inheritance. Some of them can serve as almost ready-made proposals: fill in the required lines with your own data on the type of services provided, change the “header” with the name of the company, that’s all.


The commercial proposal determines the success of the entire business; it is one of the most important documents for the activities of any company. And it’s not at all important whether the manager will use ready-made template commercial proposal for the provision of services or draw it up with his own work in accordance with his understanding of the sales problem, in any case, first of all, he will need to determine to whom this proposal will be sent. Hence the inevitable changes in the structure of the document itself. That is, the composition of the target audience is most important.

These can be completely different people, so the appeal should be drawn up accordingly. For example, a commercial proposal for the provision of construction services may be intended for young families to provide budget housing or for established people who need a place to relax, that is, the construction of country houses and cottages. Or, for example, children's park services are offered differently from small business lending services, where in the first case the target audience is parents, and in the second - aspiring entrepreneurs.

Goals and objectives

The main, and sometimes the only purpose of any commercial offer is the sale of this service. That is why every letter, every stroke of the document should be aimed at precisely this: to interest a potential client so much that he makes a purchase. Already with the first line to be read, you need to hook the client’s interest, like a hook, forcing you to read the sentence to the end. If this first step is successful, then the possibility of attracting a new partner is quite real.

The entire structure of the document should work to achieve this goal, all its components. Whatever the form of the commercial proposal for the provision of services, there will always be three main parts. The beginning is a short and necessarily attention-grabbing phrase. Below is the whole essence of this commercial offer, presented clearly, briefly and succinctly, using images, using different fonts and colors. And the conclusion of the document is such that the client is simply forced to continue communication.

Structure details

There are a number of mandatory provisions regarding the form of commercial proposal. Firstly, a header containing the tax identification number and checkpoint data, the company logo, its contacts - telephone, postal and email addresses. Next is an indication of the addressee to whom the letter is intended. The name, that is, an indication that this letter is a commercial offer. Date of preparation and number of this document.

Very important point- indication of the number of the outgoing document. A self-respecting company always maintains internal document flow, and, for example, a commercial proposal for the provision of accounting services with an outgoing number will inspire confidence in the company’s integrity and business qualities.

Further in the document it is necessary to indicate the terms and possibilities of payment, as well as installments, and the terms of delivery of services. If the commercial proposal is intended for the regions, then it is recommended to attach the entire list of services and terms of their delivery to it.

Document appearance

All items must be numbered and provided with a short name of the service with the cost of each unit. It is not in vain that they say that it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times, so we need pictures - photographs or diagrams depicting this type services. Technical characteristics are also relevant in this case.

At the very end, the document must be certified with the seal of the organization and the signature of the responsible person. And nearby - specified period of this commercial offer, that is, its relevance, as well as the relevance of the prices indicated above, and the reserves for the provision of this service. The document ends with the contact details of the responsible manager.


  1. Commercial offers can be basic, that is, sent to large quantities and compiled in a single unique form. In this way, attention is drawn to a hitherto unknown company and the target audience is expanded. Among the advantages of basic proposals is that a significant territory is covered, saving time for managers, and among the disadvantages is that it does not personal offer, and there is a huge probability that the letter will be read by a person who does not make any decisions. And it depends only on him whether this document will go further up the career ladder. A basic newsletter is good if it offers one service that is interesting to the widest range of people: water delivery, website development, and the like.
  2. There are also “warm” commercial offers. They are personal because they are sent after a cold call, for example. The advantage of this type of offer is that at least they are already waiting a little. Here important nuance is that preliminary identification of the client's needs is simply mandatory. And, for example, a commercial proposal is drawn up for the provision of security services if there is information that this potential client has either weak or no security. It is recommended to start the letter with the phrase “At your request, I am sending you...” or “Continuing our conversation, I am sending the following...”, but the main thing is that after a few days you can make a second call and specifically discuss the terms of interaction.

The most common mistakes

A commercial proposal will not be effective if it is not competitive, if it is sent to people who are clearly not interested in it, that is, it is compiled without taking into account the needs of this target audience.

Sometimes managers do not prepare a commercial proposal very well; there are even cases when it is impossible not only to analyze it, but also to simply read it. Or they make another very common mistake: they only consider their own product, but there is no specific proposal in the document, and the benefits for the buyer are not indicated. It also happens that a commercial proposal is written in a heavy style that is difficult to read.

It is not the quantity, but the quality of the text that is important. The volume should be very, very moderate, there is no need to indicate everything at once, the most relevant data should be put at the forefront, and it is better to remove all unnecessary words, since they distract the reader from the motivating information for which the document was compiled.

Offer - “catchy section” - this is what is offered potential client, the most important element of the document on which success depends. Here, when drawing up, you need to take into account the following: efficiency, favorable prices, additional services, deferred payment, discounts, guarantees, prestige of the company, availability of versions of the service and high results. Experienced craftsmen manage to combine several such starting points in one sentence.

I share the secrets of drawing up effective commercial proposals using my own example. The director of an accounting firm approached me. Task: sell accounting outsourcing services.

First, let’s look at the initial sample of a commercial proposal made by the customer:

Main mistakes:
1) Hat with details. This is an extra element in the commercial proposal. Details are needed to draw up an agreement and pay bills. And the task of a commercial proposal is to “pull” the client into contact. Interest. Turn it from “cold” to “warm”.

2) No title. The phrase commercial offer, alas, is not such a thing. The purpose of the headline is to encourage the recipient to read the text.

3) There is no clear offer (proposal). The CP reader does not understand what is being offered to him. The text contains information about what accounting outsourcing, why it is beneficial, etc. But there is no obvious proposition: do this and get that.

4) “Empty” adjectives. For example: highly qualified services. What does it mean? By what criteria is high qualification determined? Instead of such nonsense, facts should be given. For example: services are provided by accountants who have worked for at least 5 years as a chief accountant. Together, they helped organize accounting and save money for 110 companies. Now the amorphous highly qualified has found flesh. It became clear.

5) “We will be glad to cooperate with your company” is clearly an unnecessary phrase. Remove it, and absolutely nothing will change. You must mercilessly weed out the verbal weeds in commercial texts. Especially when your target audience is business people, leaders.

Now let’s look at a sample commercial proposal developed in the sales text studio.

Customer feedback on the new commercial offer:

Roman, thanks KP it works. Here is a client review: “Good evening. Short and sweet. Call me on Monday morning and we'll discuss everything. I like your proposal"
(Sergey Stolyarov, General Director of Element of Business LLC, website: www.buhmoscow.ru)

Let's go through the differences:

1) The first thing that catches your eye is the design. Agree, such text is more pleasant to read than a “footcloth” on a white background. Visual blocks seem to reduce the volume of text. We put information into “teaspoons”. And the reader “eats” them more willingly.

2) A headline with benefits appeared. Now in 10 seconds you can understand what the company offers.

3) A “problematic” paragraph has appeared. It focuses the reader's attention on the problem. KP is designed for new companies. And often the newly-minted manager neglects accounting until the tax authorities grab him by the balls. This paragraph says: accounting is important, and here's why...

4) We give a short offer (the essence of the CP) and strengthen it with benefits.

5) We increase the value of the commercial offer. We split the service into its component parts. Thus, we show how much the client gets for little money.

6) Add a block with social proof (reviews).

7) Eliminate the client’s “pain”. What is the risk for a client who decides to use the service offered? He risks wasting money on a low-quality service. Yes, everything is beautifully described in the commercial offer, but is this really so? To overcome this objection, we give a guarantee: if you do not like our service within a month, we will return your money.

8) We make a time limit in P.S. so that the client does not postpone the decision.