No life goals. There is no purpose in life, I don’t see the meaning in anything. I have decided on the future, but why do I need all this? A detailed description of each item and why you need it

The great writer and expert on human souls F.M. Dostoevsky was firmly convinced that life is suffocating without a goal. Many psychologists agree with this statement, because a new goal is a guideline, an incentive that helps to cope with difficulties, endure pain, tempers and makes you stronger. A lack of purpose in life will inevitably lead to a feeling of routine. Thinking about the uselessness of every day lived drives a person crazy, which is why a feeling of suffocation appears. How to deal with this and what to do if not, nothing interests you.

Life without a goal is a theme glorified in literature

The problem of achieving a goal is repeatedly raised in classical works. The most striking examples are Eugene Onegin and Hero of Our Time. In the first case we're talking about about a man who suffers from the fact that his life is boring without a moral purpose. Balls, acquaintances, and interests in various activities do not save you from boredom. As a result, the main character goes to live in the village in order to radically change the external environment, but this did not help him cope with his experiences and find a new goal. Confessions of feelings for Tatyana are nothing more than a confession of his own despair, a confession that he has no dreams and goals. The work shows the problem of a person without a goal in life.

Pechorin's problem is no different from Onegin's problem. As the hero himself notes: “My days pass aimlessly.” For others, his existence resembles a meaningless wandering and, what is most unacceptable, out of boredom, Pechorin begins to play with the destinies of other people. It would seem that all the roads in the world are open to a handsome, smart guy. However, Pechorin's problem is the lack of dreams and goals in life. Grigory evaluates every aspiration as insignificant, not worth attention, and because of this he rushes into all sorts of adventures, which is why he dies. The classic clearly described what the lack of purpose in life leads to.

It is important! These two works clearly demonstrate how life without purpose can become meaningless. If a person does not have enough freedom, nothing inspires him, and there is no definite direction, it is important to help him - to find a guideline, as well as the opportunities and strength to achieve it.

Why is it important to have a purpose in life?

Each person resembles a house - if mistakes were made when laying the foundation, this will inevitably affect the entire structure, that is, the formation of personality and the course of life. Let's figure out why a person needs a goal in life.

If there is no goal in life and I don’t know what I want

According to statistics, lack of purpose in life is a problem for people who were overprotected by their parents in childhood. It is important to understand that overprotection is not caring for a child. This style of parenting and restrictions do not help, but harm. If for many years you do not allow a child to exercise independence and make all decisions for him, as a result he simply will not know how and what to do in adulthood. Such confusion leads to the fact that a person feels lost and does not know what to strive for.

What should an adult, mature person do if he understands that the “foundation” of his personality is laid with errors? Undoubtedly, it is necessary and this must be done as quickly as possible. You should prepare for the fact that the process will be labor-intensive and quite lengthy. To correct the situation and “build”, it is necessary to break certain stereotypes and attitudes laid down in childhood. In most cases, you have to turn to the help of specialists, because it can be impossible to solve the problem of how to find a purpose in life on your own - over the past years, a person has become so accustomed to living aimlessly that a new life scares him. He doesn't know if achievement can make him happy.

It is important! If in childhood a child was not taught to make decisions on his own, in adulthood the need to take responsibility will cause a feeling of fear and even provoke panic.

How to help a person become purposeful

Now about how to decide on a goal in life. Read more about how to set goals correctly in If we are talking about helping a teenager achieve a goal, first of all, the participation of parents is necessary. Namely, they should not make past mistakes and control every step of a child who has already grown up. The teenager must understand for himself whether achieving a goal always makes a person happy. You cannot plan for him, take on his worries. Your own experience is important. An adult child must learn not to be afraid not only to make decisions, but also to bear responsibility for them.

People who fall into such a pattern of behavior involuntarily assign themselves certain roles - Victim, Persecutor and Rescuer. Getting out of a trap is difficult; as a rule, you need the help of a specialist. First of all, you need to figure out what the Karpman triangle is and why the life situation develops this way.

  • The victim is used to suffering and thereby attracting attention, her the main task- seek the help of the Savior.
  • The Savior, in turn, also likes his role; he does everything for the sake of the Victim.

As a result, all participants in the triangle need each other, and over time their roles turn into real life without a goal.

It is important! It should be understood that the behavior and actions of each person involve a certain self-interest and manipulation, therefore, the triangle is problematic.

Helping a person who wants to help involves fairly simple actions.

  • First of all, start trusting him with simple requests and instructions.
  • Be sure to praise any attempts to be independent.
  • Encourage any attempt by the person to gain independence.
  • Be interested in how the day went, what new happened, what events happened.
  • Forget about criticism and stop being concerned. Show your trust. Encourage - tell the man that he is strong and knows what to do in any situation, and repeat to the woman how attractive and wise she is.

It is important! As a rule, most often problems arise in families where sons grow up. Under close supervisionFrom their mothers, boys grow up not independent and do not understand at all how to live without a goal.

Experienced psychologists recommend not just praising and encouraging the boy. Start by writing down your mistakes on paper. If it is difficult for you to refuse advice to your child, modify it - present the advice in the form of information - you heard somewhere, read something. Before you say anything, say the phrase out loud and think about how you would react to it. Don’t neglect the help of psychologists; a specialist will tell you how to quickly and easily change habits formed over the years. Teach you how to set a goal correctly.

What to do if the goal is achieved

To help a person find new life, try to surround him with people with similar interests. Only in society do we harmoniously develop and form as individuals. Find a sports school or creative courses, of course, consider your preferences. It is important to always be in the process of achieving a goal. When there is no goal in life, nothing interests you, then a person succumbs to disappointment. Motivation to achieve energizes you. This is why it is important to have a purpose in life.

Is it possible to live without a goal - watch the video.

No purpose in life, problem of purpose in life- very often repeated phrases of people, in letters or comments, the meaning of which is disappointment in own life, only because its own was not found "global" goal, and therefore actions no, accordingly.

And even worse, it means “I’m worthless, and it’s generally not clear why I live. As the basis for today's post, I took 2 comments from reader Yuri on my previous posts /, /, and combined them because they are about the same thing.

Since, in these comments, I “heard” a request and a question for me, it means that I will answer as I see and understand!

"Have a nice day! I've been thinking about it for a long time purpose in life and... often came to a dead end! I swore at myself, what am I doing, how am I living without a goal. I'm not a plant!...

Sometimes I thought that I would give my son an education, earn a lot of money for him, or buy a big house and we would all live with our parents or... Well, in general, after thinking about it, I realized that all of the above has been achieved and then what????? I continue to live without a goal, having achieved my goal, or I set more small goals, achieve them and grow old!!! It's creepy, back into the plants!!! For myself, I decided that the main thing is self-improvement in comfortable conditions!!! We still have a long way to go to discover our abilities! But I am sure and feel it that we can do a lot, but somehow someone “closed” us or put us in “prison.”

“Hello, I completely agree with you that you definitely need to set goals and feel the end result for yourself, and not for someone else, to have, as it were, a pleasant benefit and enjoy the result. I can’t quite figure out the word “process” and how to visualize it. For example, I follow a chain towards my main goal (it is not material), but the links in the chain consist of goals (including projects that will bring in money for living). You wrote that there is no need to think about how the goal will be realized! What then is the process, how does it look visually. It seems to me that these are some kind of actions aimed at achieving a goal. But the actions and methods are the same in my opinion, to be honest, I’m a little confused.”

Yuri, if I also knew a minimum about you: how old you are, who and where you work, your marital status... It would be easier for me to explain to you that you are greatly mistaken and are simply engaged in intellectual masturbation.

The longer you think, the more this process will suck in and form into habit of thinking, but not act. And this, as you know, will not help you achieve and have something.

Did you reach a dead end because you couldn’t come up with an “ultimate” goal? Everyone has the same “ultimate” goal, and there is no need to invent it. All others "global" goals are called in one word - LIFE. The problem of life's purpose, only in the head of a specific person, but in reality everything is different. If you look at a new day with old ideas, then all your life you will tell yourself that you have no goal V life.

The very fact that you are alive and well today, and everything that you have today is yours. goals that you have "achieved". In 5 years, you will also be alive and healthy (if you want it), and this will also turn out to be your dream come true.

How? Very simple. You will need to feed yourself somehow during these 5 years, clothe yourself, pay monthly communal payments. I count at the minimum, not taking into account the increase in prices, but since in our country this is nonsense, therefore, you can safely double the final figure (I multiply everything by 5 years): food for a family of 3-4 people. 15,000 rubles * 12 * 5 = 900,000 rubles. , comm. payments 300,000 rubles, clothes 300,000-800,000 rubles, vacation (vacation) with family 300,000 rubles, treatment (pharmacies, hospitals) from 300,000 rubles, car maintenance from 300,000 rubles. etc. Total, minimum 2,500,000 rubles of the Russian Federation

I don’t think that this money just falls on your head; you earn it one way or another to support your existing lifestyle. Which means you and realize your goals.

If, for example, you dream about your house and car, then do not forget to dream about the contents of all this. In other words, you must always be prepared, until the end of your life, for daily work, earnings, additional income to pay for the entire standard set material benefits, which also once were goals.

And before you scold yourself (blame), you need to understand the concepts and analyze your reality. Most likely, you act within the limits of your current capabilities, but are eager to go beyond their boundaries. Entering the “red zone” (beyond your physical and mental capabilities) will only bring you stress and a serious “breakdown”, which is very long and difficult to treat. If you consider yourself against the background of someone, or in comparison, and note only the pros of these people, then do not forget to also take an interest in the cons. Are they as happy as they say? Is everything perfect for them in all areas of life? It may turn out that you are much happier than them.

"…And then?????"- everything is the same, until you understand that the thrill comes from the process, and not from achieving the goal. If you live from goal to goal, then paraphrasing, it turns out: “I enjoy life once every 3-5 years, and then not for long, a few days. And if I find my global goal and reach it when I’m 70 years old, then I’ll truly live!”

“I continue to live without a goal, having achieved my goal, or I set more small goals, achieve them and grow old!!! It's creepy, back into the plants!!! For myself, I decided that the main thing is self-improvement in comfortable conditions!!! We still have a long way to go to discover our abilities! But I am sure and feel it that we can do a lot, but somehow someone “closed” us or put us in “prison.”- Old age can be different: active and full, or weak and immobilized. All in our hands! If you follow at least the recommendations that I have been writing on my blog for many months, then you will certainly live a long, active and happy life!

I don’t know what abilities you’re talking about. Of course, people have more potential than they think about themselves, but then again, you can learn a lot about yourself by only by acting in different, unusual directions!

People “close themselves off”; this is called “avoidance.” Over the entire previous life, a person collects a huge baggage of all kinds of emotions, many of which are negative: fear, anger, aggression, indignation, resentment, guilt, anger, etc. This is a natural reaction to any situation. And, if all this is suppressed, then they are repressed into the subconscious and deposited in the body in the form of physical entities. Any emotion is associated with a situation from a past experience, regardless of whether it was remembered or not. And since these feelings themselves are unpleasant, cause mental or physical pain, discomfort, then accordingly, you don’t really want to act; past experience doesn’t allow you to do so. A person will find a lot of excuses, and will even prefer to get really sick, just not to experience these feelings again.

Emotions are not selective. When you “close yourself” from negative emotions, you need to understand that you are deprived of all feelings: you lose touch with reality, intuition fades, you cannot love, rejoice, experience happiness, etc.!

“I can’t quite figure out the word “process” and how to visualize it.”

Let's figure out what it is visualization. This is “artistic”, figurative, self-programming, i.e. picture, image, photograph, landmark, for your subconscious.

"Processes", no need visualize, they are either prescribed in the form step by step plan, instructions, procedures (at enterprises), or simply act as they know - in everyday matters.

Let's say you plan to build a house. If you are lying in bed and visualize all your steps: how you go to the administration, find out the availability of free land plots, what they will tell you there, where they will send you, what you will answer, how you will run around a lot of offices, the same administration, write an application, you will wait a year for approval, between neighboring offices in administration. And, in the meantime, you will very quickly run around other organizations, trying to find out if there is a pipeline, or cable, or mines from the war under the proposed site. Before you get to the kiosk and buy a newspaper with advertisements for the sale of building materials, you will need to go through a lot of unpleasant movements.

And if you try it all over again visualize, then you won’t get up in the morning, you simply won’t have the strength. I'm not even talking about the fact that you will easily give up your goal.

“The actions and methods are the same in my opinion, to be honest, I’m a little confused.”

Imagine that you have been allocated a plot to build a house, and you need to dig a pit for the foundation. You have a choice: a tractor with a bucket, a shovel, a scoop. What would you rather dig with? It will be your choice way digging. But no matter what you choose, you will dig anyway, i.e. act.

If you think you haveno purpose in life and in this problem...If you want to deal with your emotions, life does not “play with colors”, your soul is boring, hard and sad....If, you need to deal with your personality... If it seems to you that you have lost your life guidelines, and everything is “falling apart” out of your hands”...If you are struggling to solve some problems or tasks, but at the last moment everything breaks down...I recommend taking elective courses: . They will relatively quickly “bring you to your senses”, giving you a feeling of harmony, calm, internal balance, confidence and an active life position.

If you want to develop your charm and be a magnet for the people and situations you need. If you want to regain confidence, quickly solve problems, and achieve your goals, I recommend taking the training:

Believe me, the quality of life that my clients gain is impossible to estimate!

Sincerely, Tatyana Mamai

There is a lot of information, both on the Internet and in psychology books, about how to achieve tangible results in achieving your life goals. But it also happens that the goal in life is not defined, and this is really a problem that needs to be solved as quickly as possible.

The point is that having specific goals, you will be able to focus your thoughts and your actions on specific tasks, you will imagine how to achieve them and how to move on. So how do you start?

1. Make a general list of areas of life that matter to you.

This list will give you a general idea of ​​your interests. Try to write without going too deep into checking and correcting the list; in any case, it can be written and supplemented during the process. Here you go, for example: my health, sports, my business, my apartment, my leisure time, self-development, reading books, professional activity, play games, communicate.

2. The next step is to describe why you need this.

Ask yourself why this or that item on your newly created list is valuable and important to you, what interests are addressed in each item and why you need it. Let's go through our list as an example.

My health is important to me because a healthy person always feels in good shape, has excellent performance and simply enjoys life.

Sport is important for health, and there is a great desire to play sports, since it is a huge release for one, it helps to cope with and distract from life’s problems.

My business is what I want to do in life, where I want to achieve great results, I like it and it’s exciting.

My apartment is my comfortable corner, I want to renovate it, buy new furniture and make it even more cozy and comfortable.

Leisure is an important part of any person’s life; in addition to sports and doing business, you also need to relax, visit, for example, some good restaurant or go to a pizzeria.

Self-development and reading books, in principle, can be classified into the same category, self-development is important in life for the constant growth of personal effectiveness and personal qualities, for this, accordingly, it is necessary to read books, by the way, this has already been written about.

Professional activity is associated primarily with the growth of business, since without the constant growth of one’s knowledge and skills there will be no development. And this is quite interesting and exciting.

Playing games is fun and is also a kind of leisure activity. Computer games For example, it’s quite an exciting activity; you can also play various sports games, tennis and football.

Communication with friends and interesting people is always exciting, I want to get to know each other and communicate more.

3. We now have a general list of values ​​that can be used to set more specific goals.

Now you can decide what is really important to you in each specific area and what gives you inspiration and a passionate desire to learn and achieve something. For example, in the field of sports, we set ourselves the goal of enrolling in a karate sports section and achieving a certain level of skills.

When setting specific goals, you must also be guided by some recommendations, which we will talk about in the next article “”.

Trying to understand the secrets of success of people who have achieved significant heights and achievements in life, it turns out that the entire basic component of this secret is motivation. It is closely and directly related to competent and correct goal setting. Motivation, as a process of one’s own, internal “pushing” to solve problems and achieve any heights, cannot exist autonomously and independently, regardless of the presence and direction of a person’s goals.

But many people have significant difficulties setting goals and, accordingly, their own motivation. Problems and disturbances in the process of motivation lie in two planes: physical and psychological.

Problems physical plane may be related to:

  • Impaired human health, the presence of any diseases, weakened condition
  • A person is surrounded by people who also have neither goals nor motivation and do not strive for it

The problems lying in psychological plane broader, this may be associated with the following psychological blocks:

  • Fear of failure, dictated by previous negative experiences
  • Lack of understanding of the actual factual importance of motivation to achieve success
  • Losing the meaning of achieving any goal

Violation of primary motivation and what can this lead to?

But it happens that problems with motivation in a person come from deep childhood, when in the process of socialization certain frameworks were imposed on the child. By suppressing primary, childhood motivation by close relatives and other environment, a significant contribution was made to the formation, or rather the lack of formation, of goal setting and further strategic motivation of a person in adulthood.

It’s even worse when, in the process of improperly raising a child, such a thing as negative motivation is instilled, when the child performed some actions not out of his own need and interest, but in order to avoid being punished. In the future, it blocks all the ways for other motivations to penetrate into a person’s life - strategic ones, which can influence a person, promoting him on the path to success. The channels for acquiring strategic motivation are simply cut off.

In cases where the process of formation of primary motivation in a person has been disrupted, no training personal growth and other similar events will not help a person restore this missing link. Under these circumstances, the right and only correct decision would be for a person to work with a specialist to unblock the channel of primary motivation, by understanding the reasons for its degradation and drawing up a program of work on it. This work is carried out through the use of trance techniques, i.e. it is necessary to interact with the subconscious.

Watch the webinar “Correct goal setting” by Denis Burkhaev.

A goal is a direct path to achieving success. By choosing it wisely and systematically moving towards it, success will not be long in coming. The basic principles of correct goal setting are contained in the following points:

  • The goal should be formed as accurately as possible, broadly covering all the nuances in this area;
  • It should not contradict the basic principles by which a person lives;
  • It is advisable to set a time frame for the goal, this will help optimize all efforts aimed at achieving it;
  • And most importantly, the goal must be fully meaningful and deliberate.

Achieving success often depends on literacy and correctness of setting, and goals, in turn, directly depend on the quality and degree of motivation of a person, his interest in his own success. But all this works, unless there are deeper problems from childhood, which were mentioned above.

I talk about how to achieve goals, make dreams come true, and many people write in response that they don’t want anything at all: they have neither goals nor dreams. Why does this happen?

To even begin to dream, let alone make dreams come true, you need free resources. And if your moral and physical strength and time are only enough to go to work or sit with the children, somehow cook food and “forget yourself” on social networks, then you cannot even think about it, “you have no strength.”

What to do: work to increase energy. I already wrote about this in.

Some were brought up in such attitudes that, they say, it is bad to be an egoist, there are “objective” useful things, so do them, but there is no time to dream and have your head in the clouds, to do stupid things, and this is the lot of lazy people, good for nothing. And now such a child wants to draw, and his mother says: “There’s no need to waste time, go wash the dishes.” It’s interesting that a mother may generally not be against pursuing her dreams. And I just wanted to do hardworking man from a child, to strangle laziness at the root. But these emotional statements are absorbed into a person’s subconscious, and he begins to think that being good means working like a bee from morning to evening, and you cannot sit down and do anything for yourself, you endlessly need to please others in order to be loved.

I had this, at the beginning of my marriage I couldn’t lie down on the sofa when my husband was home, I was terribly ashamed, I broke myself for a long time to learn to relax and allow myself to lay out a puzzle in the evening, instead of doing something useful.

What to do: start allocating time for your “useless” hobbies, reading, walking just like that... Allow yourself to do all this, even if the house is a mess and the children are not excellent students.

And the same thing about money, many were scolded in childhood for spending on nonsense, now a person cannot buy anything for himself - everything for the house, everything for the house. And if you don’t spend money on yourself, then why want something? Pointless.

I tried it a hundred times and it didn’t work. The weight stays the same, the house is still the same mess, there is no more money, no self-organization, children in cartoons, she herself is always on social networks and TV series. And you give up on yourself: nothing will work out anyway. And here, too, there is no point in wishing. Well, do you want a vacation at the seaside and a new renovation, a new wardrobe or style training, your own business, but what is the point of these desires? All the same, it won’t fall from the sky. All that remains is to prohibit yourself from desires: “you want a lot, you will get little” and continue to think that nothing can be changed, that you are not able to, there is a crisis now, and life is hard for everyone, not just you.

What to do: find at least something minimal that you want and organize it yourself. As a teenager, I remember writing lists of what I wanted to buy: mascara, a ring, new earrings, deodorant. And I persistently saved my pocket money, bought according to the list, crossed it off and cultivated the feeling “I can, and I can do everything!” And so you do: put your stationery in order, sort out your wardrobe, complete your paint-by-numbers, buy new spice jars. learn to fulfill the Creator’s Cycle: wanted - made it come true, and you will begin to have more and more new desires, because now you can!

Has it ever happened to you that you have no desires? What was this associated with and how were you chosen?