On the requirements for vehicles intended for the transportation of perishable food products. Disinfection of transport for the transportation of food products Requirements for the transportation of food products by road

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3.11. Sanitary requirements for food transportation

3.11.1. Special transport must be allocated for transporting food products. It is prohibited to transport food products by vehicles that previously transported pesticides, gasoline, kerosene and other strong-smelling and toxic substances.

For transporting certain types of food products (dairy, sausage, cream confectionery, bread, meat, fish, semi-finished products, etc.) specialized transport must be allocated with markings in accordance with the products being transported.

3.11.2. Transport used for transporting food products must have a sanitary passport, be clean and in good condition, the body of the vehicle must have a hygienic coating that can be easily washed.

3.11.3. It is prohibited to load food products into vehicles that do not meet sanitary requirements and in the absence of a sanitary passport for it, as well as transport raw products and semi-finished products together with finished food products.

3.11.4. The delivery driver (forwarder) is required to have a personal medical book and dark-colored overalls, strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene and the rules for transporting food products.

3.11.5. Washing and processing of vehicles intended for the transportation of food products must be carried out in motor vehicles.

3.11.6. Transportation conditions (temperature, humidity) must comply with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation for each type of food product, as well as the rules for the transportation of perishable goods different types transport.

For transportation of particularly perishable food products, refrigerated or isothermal transport must be provided.

3.11.7. In transport intended for the transportation of food products, there must be allocated special places for storing sanitary clothing, tarpaulins. Forwarders are prohibited from placing on food products. Loading and unloading of food products must be carried out by loaders in sanitary clothing (white).

3.11.8. Bread and bakery products must be transported in trays, in special closed vehicles or vans equipped with shelves. It is prohibited to transport bread in bulk.

3.11.9. Cream confectionery products must be transported in refrigerated transport under conditions that prevent temperature increases above 6 °C. Products must be placed in metal containers with lids, trays with lids, cakes must be supplied in standard cardboard boxes.

3.11.10. Transportation of meat should be carried out in refrigerated trucks: cooled and chilled - at a temperature of no more than 6 °C, ice cream - at a temperature not exceeding 0 °C.

In some cases, it is allowed to use open automobile and horse-drawn transport, in which the meat is placed on a clean bedding and covered with tarpaulin, canvas or calico.

3.11.11. Live fish are transported from reservoirs in thermally insulated tank cars that have a special capacity (100 kg) for ice, as well as equipment for saturating the water in which the fish are transported with air. The water temperature in the tank should be 1 - 2 °C in winter, 4 - 6 °C in spring and autumn, 10 - 14 °C in summer.

3.11.12. When delivering particularly perishable food products in a ring, the rules for their sequential placement must be strictly observed to prevent contamination of the products.

3.11.13. Motor vehicles, enterprises or organizations that carry out sanitary treatment of rolling stock bodies, by order or regulation, appoint a person responsible for washing and processing food transport.

Sanitation of food transport must be carried out in specially equipped washing units or on special sites connected to water supply and sewerage, have a hot water supply, detergents and disinfectants, and cleaning equipment for washing bodies.

3.11.14. The washing and processing station for food transport must be equipped with:

equipment and supplies for cleaning, washing and disinfecting vehicles (washing machines, flexible hoses equipped with guns with hot and cold water, brushes, disinfection devices, equipment for drying and ventilating cars after washing and disinfection);

special clothing for washers ( rubber boots, rubber gloves, rubberized apron, cotton suit with a hood, safety glasses, respirator);

cabinets for storing cleaning and washing equipment (brushes, sponges, buckets, etc.), detergents and disinfectants, workwear;

a room for drying clothes and cleaning equipment.

3.11.15. Sanitation regime for food transport:

a) cleaning of the body and cabin is carried out using brushes, brooms or vacuum cleaners;

b) external washing of the car body - with alkaline water (temperature 35 - 40 ° C), followed by rinsing with water from a hose;

c) washing the inner surface of the car is carried out with brushes, a washing solution (solution temperature 55 - 60 ° C) or mechanically using hoses under a pressure of 1.5 atm at a temperature of 65 - 70 ° C for 2 - 3 minutes;

d) after washing with detergent solutions, the inner surface of the car body must be thoroughly rinsed until the remaining detergent solution is completely removed, then dried and ventilated, and must be free of foreign odors;

e) disinfection of the internal surface of the body must be carried out with a disinfectant solution containing active chlorine 250 mg/l, the exposure time of the disinfectant solution is 10 minutes. After disinfection is completed, the interior surface of the body is washed with water from a hose, dried and ventilated until the smell of chlorine is completely removed. Car wash hoses should be stored suspended.

Transport is disinfected as needed, but at least once every 10 days.

Note: the consumption of disinfectants is 2.5 g of substance per 1 sq.m. or 0.5 l of working solution per 1 sq.m. of the surface to be treated. Detergent consumption is 1 liter per 1 sq.m of surface.

3.11.16. Territorial centers of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision must issue a sanitary passport for each vehicle transporting food products for a period of no more than 6 months, for especially perishable food products - for a period of 3 months.

Sanitary and epidemiological service employees have the right to prohibit the transportation of food products by vehicles that do not meet sanitary requirements.

Disinfection of vehicles for transporting food products is carried out in order to reliably protect the transported cargo from the possibility of infection. This process is an excellent measure for the prevention of various diseases, because during the treatment, dangerous and harmful bacteria are destroyed, as well as other microflora that can cause harm.

Car disinfestation: why is it so necessary?

Sanitary disinfection of vehicles in Moscow is necessary not only for those vehicles that transport food, but also for vehicles used in many other areas - we will dwell on this a little later. Let's figure out why disinfection of a car for transporting food, as well as other cars, is so important:

Disinsection of a car: features of the procedure

Professional treatment involves specialized equipment for disinfecting vehicles: it will not be possible to complete the task with improvised means. Preparations for disinfecting vehicles must also be professional. It is necessary to contact specialists every month - only this frequency can guarantee the safety of cargo and people from infection. It must be remembered that bacteria and infections can spread in any environment, regardless of whether it is a regular car body or a freezer.

The treatment process can be carried out either completely or partially, for example, disinfection of the car body or interior separately. All vehicles can undergo the procedure, regardless of make, model and modification - cars, trucks, trucks and even special equipment. Dimensions do not matter to processing specialists. As a result of the procedure, the car owner is provided with a vehicle disinfection certificate.

Car disinfection: which cars should be treated?

All companies whose scope of activity lies in the transportation of goods or the transportation of people must promptly carry out such a procedure as disinfection of the car body. The car body is an ideal environment for the development of the spread of pathogenic and dangerous bacteria, contact with which can harm any cargo, and even more so a person.

Machine disinfection is a process that is necessary in the following areas of work:

  • Passenger Transportation;
  • transportation of food and drinking water;
  • transportation medicines and household chemicals;
  • transportation of sick and deceased people;
  • transportation of animals;
  • transportation of waste and garbage.

Disinfection of vehicles for transporting products, as well as any other vehicles, is an event that is carried out taking into account the standards established by the sanitary service. Any vehicle must have a specialized passport, which contains notes on the timely completion of the sanitation process.

If the driver does not have documents such as a passport, certificate and certificate of sanitary treatment of the car body disinfection in his hands, he may face various sanctions, the most common of which is a fine. For some activities, such as transporting food and water, monthly sanitation is required.

Certificate of disinfection: how to obtain it, and how is sanitization performed?

In order to receive a vehicle disinfection certificate, you will initially need to submit an application for sanitary treatment. Contact only professional companies that guarantee reliable and high-quality work. Remember: the procedure includes several mandatory stages:

  • measures for cleaning the cabin and body of the vehicle;
  • washing the internal surface of the machine, then its external surface;
  • drying;
  • internal disinfection procedures;
  • upon initial application – obtaining a passport;
  • filling out a vehicle disinfection report and putting marks in the passport.

If you are interested in a procedure such as vehicle disinfection and want to use this service, consult in advance about certain nuances. This can be done by talking with qualified specialists, such as representatives of our company. They will not only give you complete and detailed information, but will also answer all your questions and help you choose the right company.

Vladimir Shveitser

A changing Europe, despite all the similarities in the problems it faces, is not a homogeneous organism devoid of any country specificity. Here, as before, there are leading states, and there are “second-line” countries that have a certain impact on the course of European and world events. There are also those who, for various reasons, cannot yet say their weighty word in the section of decisions regarding economic, political and social problems modernity.

In this situation, which is natural for the period of transition from the old two-speed Europe to a Europe seeking to create a single market space and democratic power structures, the territorial size of states and the population size of each of them are becoming less and less important. A much more significant factor is the degree of integration of the corresponding country into the pan-European economic, political and social space, the ability to find a “national niche” in the increasingly complex system of international relations.

The concepts of “large” and “small” European countries differ; states of the European continent refer exclusively to the categories of their differentiation according to the size of the territory they occupy and the number of people living on it. True, here the question immediately arises: are there clear generally accepted criteria, clear digital indicators by which one can determine which state is “large” and which is “small”?...

Article 19, paragraph 4 Federal Law No. 29-FZ, as amended on October 21, 2011, gives the wording: “For the transportation of food products, vehicles specially designed or specially equipped for such purposes must be used.” Availability of a sanitary passport for specially designed or specially equipped vehicles for transporting food products from October 21, 2011. not registered.

If you don't need it for your car sanitary passport, then what documents are needed to transport food products?

Sanitary rules SP“Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for trade organizations and the circulation of food raw materials and food products in them” and SP“Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations Catering, production and circulation of food products and food raw materials in them” are regulated for vehicles used for the transportation of food products and food raw materials:

  • Wash the vehicle daily using detergents (you can do it yourself);
  • Treat the vehicle monthly using disinfectants.

Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities those transporting food products are required to comply with the requirements regulatory documents to the conditions of transportation and confirm their compliance with relevant documents - this is contract for the provision of transport disinfection services With sanitary organization and certificates of completed work.

If the sanitary passport is canceled, this does not mean that the carrier is relieved of responsibility for the cleanliness of vehicles.

Drivers are now responsible for disinfecting vehicles.

In accordance with legislative act No. 248-F3 dated November 21, 2011 on the territory Russian Federation the vehicle's health certificate was cancelled. This means that the carrier is obliged to control its cleanliness himself. And food products can now be transported exclusively in vehicles that are specially equipped for this. Disinfection of the car and supervision of its quality is now the concern of the driver and owner. If we do not focus on the question of how this can help Russian carriers, it is still clear that when solving the problems of sanitary and hygienic processing of the car, the freedom expected after the entry into force of the new law by each of the domestic carriers, unfortunately, will not appear.

MirDez disinfects vehicles.

The reason for this is quite simple: customers now act as a controlling authority. When the driver returns the delivered cargo, the customer will certainly ask to show him a document stating that the vehicle has been disinfected. If you order disinfection of vehicles at the Ecomir YUG Disinfection Station, you will certainly be given a corresponding certificate after processing.

Contract for disinfection of vehicles

If you are transporting food products to nurseries and educational institutions(kindergartens, schools, colleges, holiday camps, sanatoriums, etc.), this issue will be monitored more than strictly. And in government institutions They will require you to show a contract for the provision of car disinfection services. For what? This is convincing evidence that your car is regularly treated with special compounds that do not allow mold, fungi, bacteria and other harmful microorganisms to multiply. Together with the disinfection certificate, this agreement forms the basis of a package of documentation proving regular disinfection of the vehicle.

When transporting food products, the driver must have a certificate and agreement with him, the relevance and availability of which can also be checked by traffic police officers. The vehicle must be sanitized every month.

When concluding a contract for the disinfection of vehicles, it specifies the monthly frequency of vehicle sanitation. Quarterly processing is also possible.

Cost of vehicle disinfection.

Prices for disinfection of vehicles start from 500 rubles per treatment. Depending on the size of the vehicle and complexity. We can offer various options for cooperation - from one-time processing to subscription services throughout the year.

You can find out the exact cost of processing by phone. Call us, we will be happy to help you. MirDez 8 953 388 86 88

The cleanliness of vehicles is maintained by regular washing and preventive disinfection. These measures ensure the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms on transport surfaces, thereby eliminating the possibility of contamination of food products during transportation.

To carry out this you will need detergents and disinfectants. In this case, only products approved for use in the field of food production. Such disinfectants effectively destroy different kinds microorganisms, but at the same time low toxicity. In addition, preference should be given to disinfectants that do not cause metal corrosion in order to avoid damage to the car body.

These requirements are fully met by Septolite products. Thus, for processing vehicles transporting food, we recommend using the following means:

  1. Detergent "Proclean Oldday";
  2. Disinfectant with cleaning properties"Septolite Plus";
  3. Disinfectant based on HOUR "";
  4. Chlorine-based disinfectant “Septolite DHC”.

You can buy detergents and disinfectants in the online store website.

Vehicle wash

Vehicle washing is carried out daily at special sites in vehicle fleets connected to water supply and sewerage, as well as having a hot water supply.

Car cleaning begins with washing the outer surface of the body. External vehicle washing is carried out using mechanized washing units or manually using brushes and a detergent solution. After washing, the body is rinsed with water from a hose.

The interior surfaces of vehicles are washed manually using brushes and a warm detergent solution. Particular attention should be paid to washing seams and corners. After washing, the inside of the body is thoroughly rinsed with water, thereby removing any remaining detergent. Then the cabin is dried and ventilated. Removable equipment is first removed from the body and processed separately.

Car disinfection

Disinfection of vehicles is carried out as necessary, but at least once a month. You can start only after thoroughly washing the vehicle, or immediately use disinfectants with detergent properties.

The internal surfaces of the body are wiped with a rag soaked in a disinfectant solution. It is also possible to disinfect the car cabin by irrigation. Transport processing begins from the far end to the exit. Sanitary treatment of surfaces is carried out in this order - first the ceiling is treated, then the walls, floor, doors. After the disinfection holding time has ended, the cabin is washed with water from a hose to remove any remaining disinfectant, ventilated and dried.