Justification for the plan schedule for 44 Federal Laws. Justification of purchases in the column “forms of justification of purchases”. Justification for purchasing from a single supplier

Article 77. Procedure for filing an application to participate in a request for quotations

1. Any procurement participant, including a participant to whom a request for quotation was not sent,may only submit one application to participate in the request for quotations. If the customer has made changes to the notice of request for quotation, the procurement participanthas the right to change or withdraw his application to participate in the request for quotationsbefore the application deadline to participate in the request for quotations.

2. Bid for participation in the request for quotations is submitted to the customer in writing in a sealed envelope , which does not allow viewing the contents of such an application before opening the envelope, or in the form electronic document before the date and time of opening envelopes with applications for participation in the request for quotation and opening access to applications submitted in the form of electronic documents specified in the notice of the request for quotation.

(Part 2 as amended by Federal Law dated June 4, 2014 N 140-FZ)

3. Bid to participate in a request for quotation, submitted within the period specified in the notice of the request for quotation, registered by the customer . At the same time, refusal to accept and register an envelope with such an application, on which information about the person who submitted it is not indicated, and the requirement to provide this information are not allowed. At the request of a participant in the request for quotations who has submitted an application to participate in the request for quotations, the customer issues a receipt of the application to participate in the request for quotations, indicating the date and time of its receipt.

4. The customer ensures the safety of the envelopes with applications, security, integrity and confidentiality of applications submitted in the form of an electronic document for participation in a request for quotation and ensures consideration of the contents of applications for participation in a request for quotation only after opening the envelopes with such applications and opening access to applications submitted in the form of electronic documents for participation in a request quotations in accordance with this Federal Law. Persons storing envelopes with such applications do not have the right to allow damage to these envelopes until they are opened in accordance with this Federal Law and (or) to allow access to applications submitted in the form of electronic documents for participation in the request for quotation. For violation of the requirements of this article, the perpetrators bear responsibility under the legislation of the Russian Federation.

(as amended by Federal Law dated June 4, 2014 N 140-FZ)

5. Applications to participate in the request for quotations, submitted after the deadline submission of such applications specified in the notice of request for quotation are not considered on the day of their receipt are returning persons who submitted such applications. When requesting quotes in accordance with Article 76 of this Federal Law, an application for participation in a request for quotation submitted by a person with whom a claim for termination of a contract has been filed in court is also subject to return, in the case specified in paragraph 1 of part 1 of article 76 of this Federal Law.

6. If, after the deadline for submitting applications for participation in the request for quotation, only one such application is submitted or no such application is submitted, the request for quotation is recognized as failed.

IMPORTANT - Only one application can be submitted from one legal entity (individual). If two (or more) are submitted, ALL applications submitted by one person are rejected, regardless of whether they are correct or not.

So, our next steps are

We print the application on paper, sign it, and put a stamp on it. Let's read it again. Please note:
  • spelling errors
  • numbers and facts
  • details, telephone and address
  • amount in numbers and words
Take a simple white envelope (without a stamp) of A4 format. We print the auction number on this envelope using a printer. We seal our application in it.

Please note - the envelope is slightly larger in size than sheets of paper, it leaves about 2 cm of free space in length and about 1 cm in width. We will still need this space for further packaging of the application.

Having placed the application in the envelope, we bend the free edges.

We put the envelope with folded edges in another envelope, on which we already print or write the customer’s address and postal code, put stamps on it and send it by mail. It is best to send with a receipt confirmation - “Delivery of application for quotation No. 1234567890”.

The edges are folded so that the customer, upon receiving your envelope by mail and opening it, does not tear off a piece from your inner envelope with the application.

Do you remember clause 4 “The customer ensures the safety of envelopes with applications...”. We need to help him a little with this safety.

  • If you are sending to a specialized courier service, then one envelope is enough, since such a service provides its own branded envelope made of thick cardboard for free.
  • If you are bringing it yourself, draw any piece of paper with the quotation number. The main thing is that there is a note on the piece of paper “Delivery of the application according to quotation No. 1234567890”.

And then...

Then comes the most exciting time - you are waiting for the deadline for reviewing applications.

But sooner or later the wait ends.

On this special day, go to the offsite, to the page of “your” quotation and see the final protocol.

And this is the most interesting thing.

How quotation bids are considered is specified in Article 78.

Article 78. Consideration and evaluation of an application for participation in a request for quotations

1. The quotation commission opens the envelopes with applications for participation in the request for quotations and opens access to applications submitted in the form of electronic documents for participation in the request for quotations at the time and place specified in the notice about conducting a request for quotations. Opening of all received envelopes with such applications and opening access to such applications submitted in the form of electronic documents, as well as consideration and evaluation of such applications are carried out in one day.

2. The customer is obliged to provide the opportunity to all participants in the request for quotations who submitted applications to participate in the request for quotations, or representatives of these participants be present when the envelopes are opened.

3. Immediately before opening envelopes with applications for participation in the request for quotations and opening access to such applications submitted in the form of electronic documents quotation the commission is obliged to announce to the participants request for quotations, present at the opening of these envelopes and opening access to such applications submitted in the form of electronic documents, about the possibility of submitting applications for participation in the request for quotations before opening envelopes with such applications

4. In case establishing the fact submissions by one participant request for quotations two or more applications to participate in a request for quotations, provided that such applications previously submitted by this participant have not been withdrawn, all applications to participate in the request for quotations, submitted by this participant, are not considered and are returned to him.

5. The customer is obliged to ensure audio recording opening envelopes with applications for participation in the request for quotations and opening access to such applications submitted in the form of electronic documents. Any participant request for quotation, present when opening envelopes with such applications and opening access to such applications submitted in the form of electronic documents , has the right to audio and video record the opening of these envelopes and opening this access.

6. The winner request for quotations the participant is recognized which meets all the requirements established in the notice on conducting a request for quotations, and which indicates the lowest price of the product, works or services.

7. Quotation commission does not consider and rejects applications to participate in the request for quotations, if they do not meet the requirements established in the notice on conducting a request for quotations,

8. Review results and evaluation of applications for participation in the request for quotations are drawn up in a protocol,

10. Any participant request for quotation, who submitted an application to participate in the request for quotation, after placement in a single information system protocol consideration and evaluation of applications for participation in the request for quotations has the right to send to the customer in writing or in the form of an electronic document request for clarification of the results of the review

Request for quotations within the framework of public procurement is carried out on the basis federal law dated 04/05/13 No. 44-FZ. The main advantages of requesting quotes are: short terms conducting and a simple application form for participation. An additional advantage is the fact that the customer is not obliged to require application security and contract security. Our material will help you understand various issues related to quotes: when and how to submit an application, at what point you should sign a contract if you win, how to defend your rights if they are violated.

In what cases is a request for quotation carried out?

It is possible that the quotation commission will reject all applications. Then the deadline for accepting applications is extended by another four working days. The customer must report this to the EIS within one business day.

If, after the extension, the commission again does not accept a single application, the customer will refuse this purchase and carry out another one - in the same or some other way. Information that the request for quotation will not take place is immediately published in the Unified Information System and sent to each participant who submitted an application. From this moment the purchase is considered cancelled.

Please note: to work in the EIS, as well as to participate in certain types bidding requires a special electronic signature.

Requesting quotes is one of the simplest and most popular procedures among customers. The upper threshold for such a purchase is 500,000 rubles, it can be carried out quickly. The only criterion for determining the winner is price. There are also advantages for suppliers: the application is easy to prepare, the customer is not obliged to demand financial support applications and execution of the contract.

Submitting applications

1. Application preparation time

The customer places the purchase and draft contract no less than 7 days before the deadline for submitting applications. This period can be reduced to 4 days if:

  • The purchase amount does not exceed 250,000 rubles;
  • Food products, fuels and lubricants, and vital medicines are purchased.

Application deadline in electronic request quotes is 5 working days regardless of NMC.

The customer can change the notice, but a maximum of two days before the deadline for accepting applications.

2. Composition of the application

44-FZ does not regulate a sample application, but the customer must attach a form on which the supplier prepares his proposal. The document must indicate:

  • Participant information: for legal entity- name of the company, its location, bank details, Full name of the contact person; For individual— Full name, place of residence, bank details;
  • TIN of the founders, members of the collegial executive body, the person performing the functions of the sole executive body of the participant in the request for quotation;
  • Declaration of belonging of the participant in the request for quotations to small businesses, socially oriented non-profit organizations, if such a requirement is provided;
  • Information about the participant’s consent to fulfill the terms of the contract, the name and characteristics of the product, if it is being supplied;
  • If the purchase specifies certain conditions, prohibitions or restrictions, then you must provide originals or certified copies of documents that confirm compliance;
  • The proposed contract price. This is the most important thing.

The customer has no right to demand other documents (Article 73).

Application in electronic form must contain the same documents and information as the paper application. The exception is that participant declarations are provided using ETP:

  • about belonging to SMP and SONKO,
  • about receiving benefits as a Federal Penitentiary Service and organizations of disabled people,
  • on compliance with uniform requirements.

3. Shipping method

  • On paper in a sealed envelope, “which does not allow viewing the contents of such an application until the envelope is opened.”
  • IN electronic form on the ETP, signing the application with a qualified electronic signature.

In the case of a paper quotation, there is a risk of not being able to submit an application on time, due to the fact that the deadlines are limited. Therefore, keep ready a template of the application that customers have already accepted. Analyze the prices at which your competitors are winning to understand which offer is more likely to win.

If the customer is in your city, it is better to bring the application in person. You can transfer it to the commission directly during the opening of the envelopes. If this is not possible, send by registered mail or a reliable courier service.

IN electronic quotation everything is simpler: you just need to submit an application for the ETP on time.

What to do if your application is rejected

The customer's quotation commission can reject only those applications that do not meet the procurement conditions:

  • The application arrived at the wrong time
  • No required information
  • The supplier offered a price that exceeds the NMC,
  • The supplier does not belong to the SME, and the purchase is carried out only among this category of entrepreneurs,
  • The supplier has submitted two or more bids without retracting the old bids.

The customer must inform the supplier that his application has been rejected. In the notice, he indicates the specific reason and reference to the article of law for which the application does not meet the requirements.

An application cannot be rejected if it does not contain documents not provided for in Article 73 44-FZ. For example, the customer does not have the right to demand from the supplier:

  • Write down the price per unit of goods in the specification,
  • Provide in the application a declaration of conformity (Article 31 44-FZ) and an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (in a paper quotation it is provided only by the winner, and in an electronic one this document is provided to the customer trading platform),
  • Indicate on the envelope information about the person submitting the application,
  • Submit an application using a specific template (you can use any form).

If the customer is wrong, file a complaint with the FAS. If the customer's claims are justified, you will no longer be able to submit a new application. According to the FAS and the Ministry of Economy, rejected participants cannot submit a new application if the request for quotation did not take place due to the fact that all applications were rejected and the procedure was extended. Take into account the mistakes and get ready for the next purchases.

Determination of the winner

The supplier proposes the contract price in its bid. Unlike electronic auction, you cannot go into the red and pay extra to the customer for receiving the contract. We wrote about the “zero crossing” in this article.

It makes sense to participate in a request for quotations if the income from concluding a contract exceeds the costs associated with its conclusion. If you install too low price for your services and win, you will have to fulfill the contract at this price, otherwise you will end up in the RNP. You can withdraw and adjust your application only if the customer has changed something in the notice.

If several bidders offer the same low price, the winner is the one whose quotation was received first. This rule creates a dilemma when submitting a paper application:

  • On the one hand, it is better to submit your price offer as early as possible,
  • On the other hand, if the customer makes changes to the documentation, he will have to submit the application again, withdrawing the old one. If the customer is located in another region, you lose the money you spent on sending the application by mail, and most likely you will not have time to submit a new one.

On the announced day, the customer opens all envelopes at the same time. All participants in the request for quotations have the right to be present at the opening of envelopes with applications (Part 2 of Article 78 44-FZ) and to make audio and video recordings.

ETP opens access to electronic applications simultaneously within the period specified in the notice. Electronic applications are reviewed the next business day after the application deadline.

Announcement of results and conclusion of a contract

The customer places in the Unified Information System a protocol on the results of the quotation, in which he records information about all submitted applications, including rejected ones, with the justification for refusal to participate. A separate copy of the protocol is sent to the winner.

The contractor selected based on the quotation results provides an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and signs the contract. This period is limited by law: no earlier than 7 days and no later than 20 days from the date of publication of the protocol for consideration and evaluation of applications. Within the same period, contract security must be provided if the customer has made such a requirement.

If the contract is not signed on time, the contractor is recognized as having evaded, and the customer receives the right to file a claim to recover costs from the winner. The obligation to conclude a contract in this case passes to the participant who takes second place.

Any participant in a request for quotation can appeal its results within 10 days after publication of the protocol (Part 3 of Article 105 of 44-FZ). By decision of the FAS, the signing of the contract may be postponed or cancelled. Therefore, it is better to sign the contract after 10 days.

If the request for quotation under 44-FZ did not take place

If only one application is submitted or among all only one meets the requirements, the purchase is declared invalid and the contract is signed with the only applicant. If the quotation commission rejects all applications, the acceptance period is extended by another 4 working days. The customer must report this to the EIS within 1 business day. If, even after extending the acceptance of applications, there are no applications, the customer changes his schedule and conducts the purchase again: in this or another way.

The determination of a supplier may be canceled, but no later than two days before the deadline for submitting applications. If the purchase is cancelled, the customer makes changes to the schedule within 24 hours: reschedules the purchase or excludes it.

Information that the request for quotation will not take place is immediately published in the Unified Information System and sent to everyone who submitted an application. From this moment the purchase is considered cancelled.

More details about the rules for requesting quotes can be found in.