Sample motivation letter for application for training. "Motivation letter for a student." Examples of application of the methodology in practice. How to write a motivational essay on society

In the fight for a good internship, the brave one wins - the one who specifically contacts the company and says: “Here I am, a promising specialist who can do this, and this, and this. I want to work for you, I can do this and that. For me this is a valuable experience, for you - a fresh look at things, ideas, knowledge and a responsible, inquisitive employee for an agreed period of time.”

To contact your employer you need motivation letter.

Example of a motivation letter for an intern

Specialty: translator. The desired internship is in a translation agency. The letter is addressed to the director.

“Good afternoon, dear Elena Vasilievna!

My name is Stas Narizhny, I am a student of Tverskoy state university, specialty "Philology", 5th year (full-time department).

I would like to offer myself as an intern. Languages: English, German.

Translation is my calling. I enthusiastically studied for 4.5 years and am going for a “honorable” diploma. I have always dreamed of becoming a good translator in order to help representatives of different countries and cultures communicate effectively, exchange experiences, and find compromises in solving important issues.

One of my strengths is simultaneous translation. Five months ago, as an intern, I worked as a translator in international conference « Financial aspects entrepreneurial activity" I consider this experience successful: I translated the speeches of two speakers and took part in the round table (12 participants). I am attaching the conference organizer's review of my work (attachment).

I am aiming for an internship at the translation agency “From A to Z” for 2 reasons:

  1. In the professional community of translators, your agency is considered the best - according to personnel, quality of work.
  2. It will be a great advantage and honor for me to work side by side with experts - to learn from practical experience, to see difficulties and solutions.

In exchange for experience I offer:

  • Your knowledge of two languages,
  • Knowledge of translation theory,
  • The experience gained at the university, during practice, and outside universities is minimal, but allows you to successfully perform typical tasks: promptly, competently, responsibly,
  • Personal qualities that I use in my work: the ability to easily find a common language with colleagues, build team relationships with mutual responsibility and mutual assistance, respect for the client as an individual, the ability to constructively communicate with management in terms of “you need a result - this is the result.”

I am ready to work remotely for a month (from 02/01/18 to 04/01/18), devoting at least 4 hours a day to work. If necessary, I will be happy to come to the office once a week, at a time convenient for the internship supervisor. I promise the level of responsibility is the same as if I were a full-time employee.

I will be glad to receive a reward for the work done if you consider it necessary to entrust me with real tasks. On the other hand, I am ready to work in exchange for experience and your recommendations based on the results of my work.

I will be glad if you find the opportunity to answer me by email [email protected] or by phone [telephone].

Considering the importance of this issue, I will take the liberty and call your secretary on Monday, March 3. 18, after 14.00, to learn about the results of consideration of my proposal.

Thank you in advance for your time.

Sincerely, Stanislav Narizhny.”

Structure of a motivation letter

  1. Who am I. What is my name, where do I study: university, specialty, form of study, course.
  2. “I want to get an internship.”
  3. Why do I want to get a job here?
  4. What can I give to the company/project (what can I do, what problems can I solve, what benefits can I bring).
  5. When I plan an internship, how long it could be. How I imagine this organizationally (relevant for a full-time student who cannot sit in the office for a day in a row, because at some point he needs to study).
  6. Recommendations, if any.
  7. Expressing gratitude for your attention.
  8. Please respond by email or call (contact number is attached).
  9. Remark: “I’ll call you on Monday afternoon, if you don’t mind. If you are busy on Monday afternoon, please let me know when I can learn about the outcome of my review.”
  10. A polite farewell.
  11. Signature (last name, first name).

The internship search process step by step

1) Compile a list of companies

First, we think about where it would be nice to work as an intern. Someone needs a prestigious company so that a line mentioning it on a resume will shine like a star in the night and attract the attention of employers. For some, a narrow specialization is more useful (for example, accounting in a business selling spare parts and tires).

We determine what skills are needed and compile a list of companies. It is better to immediately format the data in the form of a table: company name, website, general e-mail (which is listed on the website in the “Contacts” section, e-mail of the HR department, e-mail of the head of the department of interest). And several more columns to mark where and when letters were sent - to track the results.

By the way, you can search for coordinates not only of the company as a whole or of a separate division. What if you got creative and searched for the department head you're interested in on LinkedIn? The manager will be impressed when he receives, “in person,” a message from a competent young specialist who knows how to search for information and is able to communicate constructively to achieve goals.

2) Writing a motivation letter template

This will be an example text. It will contain a general part - which can be copied from the template into letters, changing minimally or not changing at all. And there will be a variable part - which you need to write taking into account the specifics of the company and your goals.

3) Create a high-quality resume

High-quality means that it fully corresponds to the status of a professional. No experience? This does not mean that the text should be uninformative, careless, or template. You will have to do the work manually and carefully write in the resume:

  • skills,
  • any practical experience: professional, volunteer, public,
  • achievements - everything that exists, achieved in the professional and public fields (olympiads, grants, certificates, diplomas, etc.),
  • personal qualities that may be of interest to the employer.

4) We send employers a resume and motivation letter

The text of the letter can be written in the “body” of the e-mail, and a resume can be attached.

5) Mark the sent letters in the table

This is useful so as not to contact the same company twice (three times), in the same section. Perseverance is a useful quality until it becomes obsessive.

6) We ask whether the letter was received

If there is a contact phone number, we use it: don’t be shy, call and politely clarify whether the addressee has received the letter. This only needs to be done once.

A separate question: is it worth looking for an unpaid internship or counting on payment? Of course, if there is an opportunity to receive a reward for the work done, you should not refuse it. On the other hand, it is easier to get an unpaid internship. Think about the time and effort you put in as an investment in the future. Professional Development, career. If you are offered an internship at a large, prestigious company without pay, it makes sense to agree, because just mentioning this company in your resume can significantly increase the number of offers from employers when you really enter the labor market.

To study at a foreign university, there are some requirements for the package of documents. It must include a resume, recommendation and motivation letter for the applicant. If the first two documents are familiar to a Russian person, then what is the third accompanying notice? It turns out that the selection committee attaches great importance to his role. And how well it is written determines whether its author will be chosen as a candidate worthy of studying at a particular university.

What does it contain?

The incentive to action is nothing more than motivation. An increase in wages is an incentive for an employee to perform his or her duties better. job responsibilities. When entering a foreign university, an applicant submits documents for consideration without being present there. Therefore, a motivation letter, an example of which will be given below, should have a motivating effect on the commission in order to accept educational institution its author.

In this letter, the writer describes his education, professional skills, his position in social activities. A correctly composed letter can cover failures in academic life and create a positive portrait of a student applicant.

Where to begin?

This question arises for everyone who needs to write something about themselves. It would seem, what could be simpler? Who else but the author knows his weaknesses and strengths. But practice shows the opposite: nine out of 10 people, when planning to write a self-presentation, are faced with the problem: what to present and where to start?

Experts who help students write a motivation letter for graduate school offer several tricks that help start the process:

  1. Ask questions: “Why do I need to study abroad for a master’s degree?”; “Why do I want to become a student at a particular university?”; “Why do I need the chosen specialty?” and “What will completing a master’s degree give me?”
  2. The listed questions should be spoken out loud and answered orally, while trying to record the entire speech on a voice recorder. For best result it is advisable to imagine that communication occurs with best friend, who is told all the delights of studying abroad.
  3. After listening to the recording, it will become clear what theses will form the basis of the essay.

Correct text structure

A motivation letter, like all statements, should consist of three blocks: an introductory, main and final description. The first part of the essay provides specific information about the author's academic life. The place of study, practice, name is indicated here master's program, the purpose of studying in this specialty and why this profile is attractive to you.

The main block is motivational. Description of a university program that can provide the necessary skills in a specific field of activity, thanks to which the applicant will be able to achieve the goals described in the introductory part. The conclusion is the planned place of work and the country in which the author of the presentation wants to apply the acquired skills.

So, a motivation letter, a sample structure: what to study, why the specialty is relevant for the author and what results to expect.

Language of presentation

If the program for which you are applying for training is English-language, then filling out the documents must be in English. When writing a self-presentation to German universities, the national language of the specified country is used.

Experts recommend writing the text immediately in English, otherwise it will be difficult to avoid translation later. If the vocabulary is not enough to draw up documents for foreign language, then you will have to be careful about the translation. It is necessary not just to translate words with a dictionary, but to convey the meaning of the message.

A motivation letter in Russian is appropriate for Russian organizations. It can serve as an accompanying document to your resume. And an employer who did not impose requirements for its presence will most likely single out the employee from the total number of applicants.

Universal motivation letter. Exists or not?

Each institution and the programs it puts forward are unique. When applying to several master's programs at once, you should know that you should not use the same cover letter. The personal information of the author can remain constant in it: place of work and practice. The specifics of the university program dictate the rules for preparing the presentation.

Therefore, a motivation letter, a sample of which is not a problem to find, is not a skeleton for writing your own essay. It can help the author visualize the structure of the text to compose his own, unique document.


Motivation letter for admission to foreign university must be done correctly. Every error in the text is perceived by the commission as a dishonest attitude of the applicant. Therefore, it is advisable to spend several days checking the text, proofreading it and correcting errors. Basic editing steps:

  1. Document integrity. There should be a logical connection between the blocks of presentation.
  2. Minimizing emotional adjectives.
  3. Text length. It is advisable to fit the letter on two A4 pages.
  4. Following one style throughout the entire presentation. It is desirable that it be of an official nature.
  5. Contact a professional (an English teacher will do).

After such editing, a motivation letter for a master's degree can form a positive portrait of the author.


The cover letter should not contain the information provided in the applicant's application form. A catchy beginning is the likelihood that the commission members will get to the main part of the text, and not immediately write a refusal to accept.

Externally, the document should look beautiful: no marks, clear structure, presence of signatures, high-quality printing, error-free filling of the address of the recipient and sender.

The motivation letter should describe the personal and unique qualities of the person. It cannot be universal for everyone. After reading the presentation, you need to make sure whether the text fully reveals the identity of the author. There should be no humor or sayings in it.

Motivation letter: example of an introductory part

As an example, here is an excerpt from an essay by a student who wants to go to university:

“The saying of the Greek mathematician Archimedes says: “Give me a support and a lever, and I will move the Earth.” Basic principle The action of the lever is that as its length increases, the effort to perform the task decreases. This fundamental law is also applicable in life, in which experience and opportunity act as levers. The totality of these life components is the individual’s motivation to achieve the goal.

However, lever alone is not enough; correctly placed and stable supports are also needed. Their role in life is given to the desire to learn. The absence of a dream to achieve anything in life leads to the fading of the desire to gain experience and opportunities. The thirst for knowledge, the desire for success, and the acquisition of experience must always be in balance. And I am one of those who have been looking for these opportunities all my life to build a successful lever that can help me achieve my goal in the field of life sciences.”

To study at a foreign university, there are some requirements for the package of documents. It must include a resume, recommendation and motivation letter for the applicant. If the first two documents are familiar to a Russian person, then what is the third accompanying notice? It turns out that the selection committee attaches great importance to his role. And how well it is written determines whether its author will be chosen as a candidate worthy of studying at a particular university.

What does it contain?

The incentive to action is nothing more than motivation. An increase in wages is an incentive for an employee to perform his or her job duties better. When entering a foreign university, an applicant submits documents for consideration without being present there. Therefore, a motivation letter, an example of which will be given below, should have a motivating effect on the commission in order to admit its author to the educational institution.

In this letter, the writer describes his education, professional skills, and his position in public activities. A correctly composed letter can cover failures in academic life and create a positive portrait of a student applicant.

Where to begin?

This question arises for everyone who needs to write something about themselves. It would seem, what could be simpler? Who, if not the author, knows their strengths and weaknesses. But practice shows the opposite: nine out of 10 people, when planning to write a self-presentation, are faced with the problem: what to present and where to start?

Experts who help students write a motivation letter for graduate school offer several tricks that help start the process:

  1. Ask questions: “Why do I need to study abroad for a master’s degree?”; “Why do I want to become a student at a particular university?”; “Why do I need the chosen specialty?” and “What will completing a master’s degree give me?”
  2. The listed questions should be spoken out loud and answered orally, while trying to record the entire speech on a voice recorder. For the best result, it is advisable to imagine that communication is taking place with your best friend, who is told all the delights of studying abroad.
  3. After listening to the recording, it will become clear what theses will form the basis of the essay.

Correct text structure

A motivation letter, like all statements, should consist of three blocks: an introductory, main and final description. The first part of the essay provides specific information about the author's academic life. Here you indicate the place of study, practice, the name of the master's program, the purpose of studying in this specialty and why the specified profile is attractive to you.

The main block is motivational. Description of a university program that can provide the necessary skills in a specific field of activity, thanks to which the applicant will be able to achieve the goals described in the introductory part. The conclusion is the planned place of work and the country in which the author of the presentation wants to apply the acquired skills.

So, a motivation letter, a sample structure: what to study, why the specialty is relevant for the author and what results to expect.

Language of presentation

If the program for which you are applying for training is English-language, then filling out the documents must be in English. When writing a self-presentation to German universities, the national language of the specified country is used.

Experts recommend writing the text immediately in English, otherwise it will be difficult to avoid translation later. If the vocabulary is not enough to draw up documents in a foreign language, then you will have to be careful about translation. It is necessary not just to translate words with a dictionary, but to convey the meaning of the message.

A motivation letter in Russian is appropriate for Russian organizations. It can serve as an accompanying document to your resume. And an employer who did not impose requirements for its presence will most likely single out the employee from the total number of applicants.

Universal motivation letter. Exists or not?

Each institution and the programs it puts forward are unique. When applying to several master's programs at once, you should know that you should not use the same cover letter. The personal information of the author can remain constant in it: place of work and practice. The specifics of the university program dictate the rules for preparing the presentation.

Therefore, a motivation letter, a sample of which is not a problem to find, is not a skeleton for writing your own essay. It can help the author visualize the structure of the text to compose his own, unique document.


A motivation letter for admission to a foreign university must be completed correctly. Every error in the text is perceived by the commission as a dishonest attitude of the applicant. Therefore, it is advisable to spend several days checking the text, proofreading it and correcting errors. Basic editing steps:

  1. Document integrity. There should be a logical connection between the blocks of presentation.
  2. Minimizing emotional adjectives.
  3. Text length. It is advisable to fit the letter on two A4 pages.
  4. Following one style throughout the entire presentation. It is desirable that it be of an official nature.
  5. Contact a professional (an English teacher will do).

After such editing, a motivation letter for a master's degree can form a positive portrait of the author.


The cover letter should not contain the information provided in the applicant's application form. A catchy beginning is the likelihood that the commission members will get to the main part of the text, and not immediately write a refusal to accept.

Externally, the document should look beautiful: no marks, clear structure, presence of signatures, high-quality printing, error-free filling of the address of the recipient and sender.

The motivation letter should describe the personal and unique qualities of the person. It cannot be universal for everyone. After reading the presentation, you need to make sure whether the text fully reveals the identity of the author. There should be no humor or sayings in it.

Motivation letter: example of an introductory part

As an example, here is an excerpt from an essay by a student who wants to go to university:

“The saying of the Greek mathematician Archimedes says: “Give me a support and a lever, and I will move the Earth.” The basic principle of a lever is that as its length increases, the force required to perform a task decreases. This fundamental law is also applicable in life, in which experience and opportunity act as levers. The totality of these life components is the individual’s motivation to achieve the goal.

However, lever alone is not enough; correctly placed and stable supports are also needed. Their role in life is given to the desire to learn. The absence of a dream to achieve anything in life leads to the fading of the desire to gain experience and opportunities. The thirst for knowledge, the desire for success, and the acquisition of experience must always be in balance. And I am one of those who have been looking for these opportunities all my life to build a successful lever that can help me achieve my goal in the field of life sciences.”


I provide the following information about myself: in 1997 I graduated from Kazan State Pedagogical University with a degree in History and History of Religions and became a teacher. All this time I have been working in my specialty.

I consider the main professional goal to be achieving high results in various types pedagogical activity. This requires the development and improvement of competencies through self-education, self-development, an active life position, and achieving consistency.

Thanks to hard work, I achieved significant professional success, gained experience, knowledge of pedagogical technologies, and expanded my professional horizons. This was largely due to the desire to learn myself and teach others. IN last years I am the head of the regional methodological association of history and social studies teachers of the Kaybitsky municipal district, a municipal tutor for subject teachers on the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard LLC, and a certifying expert.

I consider mentoring the most important means increasing the effectiveness of the educational process.

A tutor can satisfy the special educational request of a teacher, student, or parent, providing support in learning new things.

He himself must possess and develop professional and personal competencies. Do I have them? What tasks do I set myself for their development?

I cultivate in myself what is necessary for the successful implementation of teaching activities.personal qualities, such as a common culture, a friendly attitude towards people, self-organization. I take a humanistic position towards students and pay attention to the student’s personality. I try to be a model of ethics and general culture for those around me, I am learning the ability to perceive the inner world of students. I think it is very important for the effectiveness of learning that in the lessons there is a low level of anxiety among students and a stable psychological environment, the ability of the teacher to remain calm in the most unforeseen situations, and to show resistance to stress.

IN areas of setting goals and objectivesIn pedagogical activity, it is important to be able to formulate and justify the goals and objectives of one’s own pedagogical activity. The goals and objectives of the classes are formulated on the basis of both regulatory requirements and age and individual characteristics students. I strive to methodically correctly and competently set the goals and objectives of the lesson, consistently distribute the educational material, and solve all the pedagogical tasks stated during the lesson. I use developmental learning technologies that allow me to achieve the required level of acceptance of students’ goals.

I have a good level of training in the implementation of competencesensuring students' motivation to implement educational activities . I have motivation skills, I have necessary knowledge for this. I stimulate interest in the subject at the level of vivid examples from the content of the subject, using interdisciplinary connections. I include elements practical significance material for students, transforming normative tasks into personally significant ones. I use positive motivation (approval, praise). I am able to create situations of success for students with different levels of proficiency. educational material. I use comparison with past personal results to motivate students. The main concern for me is active creative cognitive and Practical activities students. A good level of motivation of students is indirectly proven by performance indicators.

In the field of provisioninformation basis for activitiesI have the knowledge and skills that meet the requirements educational standards. On high level I know the basic content of the subject being taught. In December 2015, I completed 98% of the Unified State Exam assignments in history. I present the material being studied logically, in an easy-to-learn form that is understandable to students of varying abilities. I actively use opportunities interactive learning via the Internet, I administer the virtual elective “History for everyone”, the community of teachers “History and social studies teachers, unite!” in the “Electronic education in the Republic of Tatarstan” system. This expands the educational space and allows you to solve educational problems through inclusion in new types of activities. To help students, a collection of presentations, video materials, audio materials, creative works students.

Students actively participate in extracurricular activities in the subject, attend a historical club, and the military-patriotic club “Podvig”, which I lead.

In the field of implementationprograms and pedagogical decision makingI consider myself quite competent. I purposefully update methodological and didactic materials and actively engage in self-education.

I pay great attention to methodological work. I regularly participate in teacher councils, seminars, and conferences at the district and republican levels.

Competence in the fieldorganization of educational activitiesis expressed in the ability to organize creative educational activities of students; to form ways of joint professional activity and cooperation; implement control and correction of educational activities. I accompany pedagogical assessment with argumentation, showing students their successes and shortcomings, and use the method of mutual assessment.

I believe, that modern teacher must have a creative attitude towards organizing interaction with students, a desire to demonstrate methodological mastery in their activities, a responsible attitude towards their responsibilities, and the ability to show a creative approach to solving various pedagogical problems.

Only a teacher who works to develop his own competencies can become a mentor for students and teachers.

Motivation letter (Statement of Purpose, Personal Statement) is an essay of 1-1.5 pages. It needs to explain the choice of university and academic program, talk about your academic interests, experience, achievements and goals.

There are two common motivation letter formats:

  • Unstructured essay. The candidate is given the opportunity to present himself in free form. They usually use a standard structure: introduction, conclusion, and the main part is devoted to justifying the choice of program and describing relevant skills and career goals.
  • An essay in the form of an answer to a question. The candidate is required to write several short essays, each of which is an answer to a question. Most often, this essay option is required for admission to an MBA or undergraduate program in the USA.

2. Why is a motivation letter important?

Without a motivation letter for the admissions committee, you simply present numbers and facts: average score, language test result, dates of study, citizenship, etc. Since most foreign universities accept students without exams, a motivation letter is an opportunity to find out about your goals and why you chose this particular university or program.

The purpose of any motivation letter is to convince members of the admissions committee of a foreign university that you are the candidate who should be given preference. Therefore it is important to show the following:

  • You know why the chosen university and program is right for you.
  • You have a genuine interest in your intended field of study.
  • You know why you need this, i.e. you have a career goal.
  • If there are controversial points in your biography, then there is a reasonable explanation for this.

3. Where to start

Here's the order in which you should start.

  • Research information about the university and program. You can learn a lot on the university website, as well as from other sources on the Internet - university pages on social networks, Wikipedia, ratings, etc.
  • Find out the requirements for a motivation letter. This information can only be found on the university website. You need to know the maximum amount allowed, whether certain questions need to be answered, etc.
  • Sketch the structure. You must imagine the information blocks that it will consist of.
  • Brainstorm. It's always difficult to write about yourself. The groups of questions in the next section should help generate enough material for a first draft.

3. What to write

Short and long term goals

  • What attracts you to your chosen study program?
  • Are there teachers in your chosen department whose interests interest you?
  • What exactly do you expect to get from the teacher? e would on the chosen training program?
  • What are your career plans , and how will your chosen training program enable you to achieve them?
  • What do you imagine your dream job to be? What would you ideally like to be doing in 10 years?

Skills and personal qualities

  • What skills do you have? (e.g. analytical, managerial, communication)?
  • How can you be of interest to the faculty: for teachers and other students?
  • Why do you think you will be one of the best students on the selected program?
  • Why do you think you will have a successful career? in the selected area?

Personal achievements and experience

  • What is distinctive about your life? Here you can talk about events, impressions from own life or members of your family, victories that are valuable to you, individuals who contributed to the development of your goals.
  • Have you ever had to overcome unusual life obstacles? (economic, political, family, physical) and how did you overcome them? Try not to make it seem like you are trying to justify your failures with difficulties.
  • If you had to work while receiving higher education what have you learned (e.g. leadership or management skills) and how did your work experience as a student influence your development?

Study and academic achievements

  • When did you first become interested in your chosen field of study?
  • What have you learned since then about the field and about yourself that sparked your interest?
  • How did you become interested in your chosen field of knowledge? – classes at school or university, reading books, conferences, communication with people working in this field?
  • Are there any gaps or inconsistencies in your training? e be , requiring explanation?
  • Can you remember an event that reinforced your confidence in the right career path?

After such a brainstorming session, several main topics should be formed that can be used in the motivation letter. It is recommended to choose from 1 to 2 main topics. You should choose topics that: directly integrate with your area of ​​knowledge; best characterize your personality; help create the most complete picture of you; original or related to your experience, conclusions; able to hold the reader's interest; contain facts.

4. How to write

Methods of presentation

There are two general approaches to writing:

  • Chronological approach. Sequential presentation of events from past to present. At the same time, there is a possibility that the motivation letter will turn into a monotonous autobiography “I was born, I studied, I got married.”
  • Thematic approach. Concentration on 1-2 key topics, which can be presented either sequentially or inconsistently. The advantage of the thematic approach is that it allows you to combine two events separated in time and related in meaning.

Structure of a motivation letter

We give an example of a possible structure.


Its goal is to attract attention and interest the reader. The introduction can also indicate the direction of the rest of the story.

There are several ways to start a motivation letter:

  • Interesting quote. At the same time, many candidates resort to this technique, so you run the risk of not being original.
  • Description of interesting things impression from your life. The context of this impression becomes clear to the reader from the subsequent narrative.
  • Remarkable fact from your biography. It is important that this fact fits organically into the overall context of the story.
  • Statement of the problem. The problem may be personal or social. In the further narration, it is necessary to show the process of internal or external overcoming this problem, or how you came to its deeper awareness and understanding.

Main part

Here you describe what you came up with as a result of your brainstorming. The order doesn't matter. The main thing is that one logically follows from the other.

  • Your career goal.
  • Why did you choose this program/university.
  • How did your education/experience prepare you for this program?


Its goal is to leave a lasting impression on what you read. There are several recommendations for writing the final part:

  • Topics should be synthesized rather than facts and experiences summarized. There is no need to summarize paragraph by paragraph or remind the reader again of what was previously discussed. Instead, it is better to once again touch on key topics, but not just restate them in different words, but present them from a different angle.
  • Can be "linked" your story to a wider context . This could be your life or an area of ​​interest to you or some problem. Just don't make it sound like you're going to change the world or derive a deep philosophical truth from your personal experience.
  • Narrating your long-term goals – another way to effectively end a motivation letter. Your goals should flow logically from the experience and skills outlined earlier. Then describing your goals will naturally integrate themes about your past, present, and future.

To make it easier, you can study.

  • WITH the most Interesting Facts and experience indicate at first or, if appropriate, in the introduction.
  • Organize the facts So so that your development becomes obvious to the reader . For example, how your initial curiosity turned into a passion for a subject, or how the abilities you discovered in early childhood in a certain area were brought to the level of mastery.
  • If you are using a thematic approach, you can combine two related topics, but separated from each other by time. In this case, you won’t have to “dilute” the time gap with unnecessary details.
  • Use transition phrases from one paragraph to another. Firstly, their use allows you to inform the reader about the information that will be presented below. Secondly, transition phrases provide a semantic connection with the previous paragraph.
  • Each paragraph is a mini story , therefore, at the end of each paragraph a semantic resolution is necessary. Try to formulate it in such a way that it logically follows from the content of the paragraph.

5. How to edit

It may require repeated editing of the text at all levels, from words and sentences to entire chunks of content. This is fine.

To make the editing process less tedious and efficient, use the following recommendations:

  • Write the first option , without particularly worrying about the beauty of the syllable and volume. This will give more scope to your creativity.
  • H Rate it in a couple of days text with a fresh look - problem areas will become more obvious to you. Remove sentences without meaning, get rid of platitudes and common phrases, rewrite boring paragraphs.
  • Check for typos and grammatical errors. If you don’t fit into the volume, see what can be shortened without losing the meaning, replace the lengths of the structure with shorter ones.

6. What should a motivation letter be like?

An ideal letter of motivation is one that allows members of the selection committee to best evaluate the applicant. It usually has the following characteristics:

  • A analysis of personal qualities. Typically, personal qualities are given more importance in a motivation letter for a bachelor's degree or scholarship. That is why it is often called Personal Statement.
  • Sincerity. Don't become overly (key word overly) focused on what you think the admissions committee wants to hear. Instead, try to open up and tell your own story. No one is interested in reading fake motivation letters.
  • Preparation and motivation. First, it should be clear from the narrative that you have a realistic idea of ​​the specialty you are interested in. Secondly, you should explain why you are interested in it. Second, you should explain how your previous education and experience prepare you for your chosen program.
  • Availability of intact And . It is important to skillfully justify your choice, namely: how studying in the chosen program can help you achieve your professional goals. If there is no clear goal, then at least indicate the area in which you would like to develop.
  • Validity of program choice /universities . You should back up your statements with facts about the program. For example, you can point out specific aspects curriculum, scientific interests of faculty teachers that particularly attract you.
  • Ability to express thoughts. To enroll in any program, it is important to demonstrate good written language skills. This concerns not only the ability to compose sentences grammatically correctly, but also to logically structure the text.

7. What a motivation letter should not be

The following points should be avoided when writing any motivation letter, namely:

  • Negligence. Typos, grammatical errors, frequent repetitions, etc. the motivation letter gives reason to think that the candidate is not organized or is not serious about applying.
  • Clichés and common phrases. You should avoid using clichés and general phrases that do not add anything interesting to your portrait. This makes your cover letter predictable and therefore boring.
  • Retelling the resume /application form . There is no need to retell what can already be learned from your questionnaire. It is better to synthesize information from it in a motivation letter, supplement and explain the most important events or achievements.
  • Controversial topics. It's okay to express your point of view and values ​​in a motivation letter. However, it is best to avoid touching on issues on which there are conflicting opinions in society, such as politics and religion.
  • Excessive volume. The large volume of a motivation letter does not determine its quality. Typically, excess volume occurs due to excessive detail or repetition. If a sentence does not make sense, it should be deleted. This rule is good writing. Those who argue with this are simply illiterate.
  • Book style. Avoid long, complex sentences. They make it difficult to understand the text. It is better to break a long sentence into two separate sentences.
  • Copy-paste from the Internet. Motivation letters copied in whole or in part are easily detected by anti-plagiarism programs.

Check list


  • Research information about the university and program.
  • Find out the requirements for a motivation letter.
  • Lay out the preliminary structure.
  • Brainstorm.

What to write about

  • Short and long term goals.
  • Skills and personal qualities.
  • Personal achievements and experience.
  • Study and academic achievements.

How to write

  • The most interesting facts and experiences come first.
  • Arrange the facts so that your development can be seen.
  • Use transition phrases between paragraphs.
  • At the end of paragraphs, make a semantic ending.

How to edit

  • Write the first draft.
  • Rewrite it in a couple of minutes.
  • Check for typos and grammatical errors.

What not to do

  • Copy from the Internet.
  • Write in bookish language.
  • Retell the questionnaire.
  • There is no point in writing general phrases about anything.
  • Don't check for errors.