Sample development plan for the year. Enterprise development planning. Implementation of the enterprise development plan

In the context of innovative development of the economy and the education system, the development program of an educational institution is a document on the innovative development of a school that can effectively reduce the uncertainty of future development for various subjects of the educational process; management tool educational institution necessary to attract managerial, personnel, and financial resources in solving a problem that is significant for the educational process.

From the point of view of modern management, the program is the basis both for making strategic and operational management decisions in the innovative activities of an educational institution, and for its financing within the framework of a new methodology for preparing and executing the budget - results-based budgeting (RBB) 1.

The basis of the results-oriented budgeting model is the program-target planning method, which involves the formation of a program budget that combines the requirements for establishing the planned result and for the competitive allocation of resources.

Over the past five years, a whole layer of legislation 2 has been formed regulating the use of PB:

    target planning of the institution’s activities (reports on results and main activities);

    transition to medium-term budget planning (three-year budget or medium-term financial plan);

    program approach to planning the activities of an institution (target programs);

    establishing a connection between results and financing (state and municipal assignments).

In the Reform Concept budget process in the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 22, 2004 No. 249, general requirements for budget programs are defined:

    a clear formulation of the program's goals, consistent with government policy priorities, powers and areas of responsibility;

    a description of the quantifiable expected results of the program;

    the presence of a system of indicators to measure the results of the program and the target values ​​of each of these indicators;

    justification of resource requirements to achieve the goals and results of the program, assessment of external conditions and risks of program implementation;

    determination of the program implementation management system, delimitation of powers and responsibilities.

In the conditions of budgetary budgetary activities, budgetary organizations:

    will justify the feasibility of expenses according to certain criteria;

    will have to be able to formulate their strategic goals, compare significant results with the main areas of activity, distribute budgets according to main goals and functions, and evaluate the effectiveness of these expenses;

    will present the budget not in the form of an estimate, but as a program concept for the development of their educational institution, from which the goals and objectives, as well as methods for their implementation, will be clear.

Thus, in the current situation of institutional transformations in the activities of an educational institution, the development program is a target program in form, and a business plan in content.

Before starting to develop a development program for an educational institution, you need to figure it out for yourself and answer the following questions:

    What should be taken into account when developing a development program for an educational institution?

    What is a program, and how does it differ from an action plan (a much more common form of planning)?

    What are the differences between a program and a project?

    What is the concept, is it part of the program?

    What are the relationships between the concepts: program, plan, project, concept?

    What elements (blocks) should the program consist of? What is the “load” of each element (block)?

    How are these elements (blocks) organized, what is the structure of the program?

When the answers to these questions are clear to the program writer (the necessary explanations are given below), you can begin to actually compile the program (development). At this stage it is also necessary to clearly understand how this is done. Here you need to clarify the following:

    Where to start?

    In what order should I move?

    What should you pay attention to first?

    What are the criteria for the reality of the program?

    What needs to be checked and taken into account when drawing up a program?

Let's look at these questions and possible answers to them one by one.

What should be taken into account when developing a development program for an educational institution?

    main directions of implementation of the national educational initiative “Our new school» 3:

    • transition to new educational standards;

      development of a support system for talented children;

      improvement of the teaching staff;

      change in school infrastructure

      maintaining and strengthening the health of schoolchildren

      development of independence of the educational institution;

    main directions of modernization of the education system in the Khabarovsk Territory 4:

    • improvement of educational content and technologies;

      personnel policy in the field of education;

      development of the education system infrastructure;

      support for talented children and youth;

      development of a system for assessing the quality of education.

Let's agree on an understanding of the basic terms

What is a program and how does it differ from an action plan?

The plan is usually (as it happens) drawn up “from today,” forward, as far as the imagination of the compiler is sufficient. Typically, when making a plan, we answer the question: “What can be done?” And the duration (duration) of the plan depends on many conditions, usually external: “For how long is it necessary?” The program, at least at the time of its preparation, is not tied to deadlines. The question of planning in time arises at one of the last stages of work on the program.

A plan is a system (list) of activities aimed at achieving the goals and objectives of the development program of an educational institution.

The question the program answers is different: “What needs to be done to...?” Therefore, when drawing up a program, you always first need to ask the question: “What should happen?”, and then: “How exactly to achieve this?” A program, unlike an action plan, is focused on change, on a “step of development.” Therefore, the program is always drawn up not from the present moment forward, but, on the contrary, from tomorrow, from the image of the required future, to today’s present situation. This is the main difference between a plan and a program.

Let us immediately note that the program is a much more responsible document; by setting an image of the result (what will happen in the end), we take responsibility for our own actions to achieve it.

The program is a document reflecting systemic, holistic changes in an educational institution, providing a new qualitative state to the educational system.

The program, by setting the result, shows our intentions and clearly shows what exactly our actions are aimed at. And, therefore, the program is much “stricter” in its results: directly indicating what should be obtained.

What are the differences between a program and a project?

What is a project? This is a series of planned, carefully documented interrelated activities designed to achieve certain goals and solve specific problems over a strictly defined period of time. This is systematic work aimed at achieving specific goals, based on the adequate use of available resources.

What is the concept and is it part of the program?

Concept - 1) a certain way of understanding, interpreting any phenomena, the main point of view, the guiding idea for illuminating them; leading idea; 2) a relatively holistic and complete, structured system of views, ideas, and ideas.

The concept of the program is a text that sets out the desired future state of the school; it does not describe what is, but prescribes what should be, what should characterize the new school. The concept is an integral part of the program. The concept is based on the results of problem-oriented analysis.

What are the relationships between the concepts Program, Plan, Project, Concept?

The program as a whole combines a concept, projects (two or more), and an action plan.

Let's consider the content and structure of the development program of an educational institution

At the beginning of program development, it is necessary to imagine in what logic and sequence we will write the text.

Let us determine the current state of affairs ( problem-oriented analysis). First, let’s make sure what conditions, internal resources and potential exist in an educational institution that allow us to predict qualitative changes in the school. Let's figure out what will be a problem, as well as a threat to achieving the desired future. And, conversely, what external factors and situations can we count on? The main thing is not to forget about the objectivity and reliability of the information (do not rely on outdated data).

Now you can confidently imagine the image of your desired future ( concept) and develop a strategy ( expressed in the formulation of the topic, description of contradictions, problems, goals) and tactics for achieving it ( projects, event plans).

What elements (blocks) should the program consist of?

The main elements (blocks) of the program can be considered: analysis of the real situation with the formulation of current problems, formulation of goals and objectives, development of projects, planning of results, drawing up an action plan, financial plan.

Analysis of the situation

When preparing an analysis, in addition to describing the actual state of affairs of an educational institution, there must be: contradictions identified, problems identified, and the theme of the program formulated.

A contradiction is a discrepancy between the desired and actual state of the school’s educational process (for example, the contradiction between the objective need for qualitative changes in a student’s learning outcomes and insufficient conditions for improving the quality of students’ learning at school).

Question: What needs to be achieved and what is the actual state of affairs?

Requirements for the formulation of contradictions:

    reality, that is, to take to work “feasible contradictions” that can be resolved by pedagogical means and within the framework of school opportunities;

    positivity, resolution of the contradiction should contribute to a positive transformation of practice; consciously obtaining an anti-pedagogical result in the field of education is contraindicated.

Problem (Greek task, task) is a question that requires a solution. The problem is formulated and identified from the contradiction. For example, how can the quality of schoolchildren’s learning be improved in an educational institution? or What conditions are necessary to improve the quality of schoolchildren’s education?

Question:What are you unhappy about in the educational space?

You can determine if there is a problem by the following signs:

    difficulties teaching practice;

    analysis of teaching practice to identify the required knowledge;

    lack of performance in the school education system;

    lack of clarity of the reasons and ways to eliminate shortcomings (the shortcoming is manifested on the basis of a comparison of the actual state of affairs with the required - desired).

Requirements for problem formulation:

    relevance, which means: the ability to influence the results of the educational process; the presence of objective means and conditions for solving the problem;

    there can only be one problem.

The problem can be formulated as:

    problem situation - a description of the situation of a specific educational institution in which negative signs of the process were discovered that require solutions;

    a problematic question is a question posed regarding the possibility of investigating a particular subject of knowledge; expressed by an interrogative sentence in which the subject of the study is fixed;

    problem task is a designation of the expected result of the study; the problematic task is formulated as an ordinary goal - “to find ways to connect the components of the system ...”, “to determine a set of conditions ...”.

Requirements for describing a pedagogical (socio-economic) problem:

    name of the problem;

    digital and other information characterizing the problem (current state, dynamics of changes);

    assessment of the development of the situation for the future;

    a brief overview of existing practice (region, Russian Federation, abroad).

The problem determines the wording of the program's name. The topic of the development program of an educational institution is formulated at the request of the developers. The theme of the development program of an educational institution is the content of the change “collapsed” into one sentence or a local formulation expressing the main idea, motive, pathos of the transformation.

Question:What is the essence of the changes (transformations)?

Requirements for topic formulation:

    significance for an educational institution.

    specificity, accuracy; a broad topic indicates the superficiality of the program, makes it difficult to determine goals and highlight a feasible range of tasks;

    predictiveness, that is, when choosing a topic, you need to seriously think about the possibility of solving it (about the probable logic of constructing the work and diagnostics, confirmation of results).

Types of wording of topics for the development program of an educational institution:

    A change in the qualities of A in B in conditions C. For example, improving the quality of schoolchildren’s learning in the ICT-rich environment of an educational institution.

    Conditions for changing the quality of A in B (instead of “conditions” there can be “factors, fundamentals, principles, approaches”). For example, pedagogical conditions for ensuring improved quality of schoolchildren’s education using ICT.

    A as B (as A can be any pedagogical phenomenon, and as B only a function, means, method, principle, form, factor, problem, result). For example, ICT as a means of improving the quality of schoolchildren’s education.

Having decided on the problems and topic, you can safely begin to develop the main tool of the program: concept, goal, tasks, projects, results.


    Statement of vision. A vision is an ideal image of the desired future that has developed in our minds, the achievement of which is possible only under the most favorable internal and external conditions; an image of the best, most perfect state of the school.

    designing the mission of an educational institution (priority interests), goals and principles of construction;

    search, study and evaluation of innovations;

    preliminary selection of ideas;

    shaping the image of the future.

Statement of purpose

Question: What do we want to achieve, what result should we achieve by completing the program?

The goal is an element of the program that is closely related to its other element - “Result”. In fact, these are equivalent elements that organize the entire program as a whole. The purpose of the program can be formulated as “solving a problem facing the school.”

The goal is a more general formulation of what we want to get as a result of the program. The goal usually concerns a new quality that we want to achieve at the end of the program.

The goal may, for example, define:

    new quality of educational services provided by the school;

    a new range of services provided;

    new conditions for teaching schoolchildren;

    change technical equipment etc.

However, as a rule, the purpose of the program is related to the main activities of the organization that draws up and implements the program. Therefore, among the examples given, the more important goal is a new quality of education, and changing the technical equipment of the school is a less important (private) goal.

It is important that the goal formulated in the program is clear to all participants in the program, clearly formulated, simple - close to everyone who is involved in its achievement. Only in this case can we hope that the program will be supported by the entire teaching staff.

Requirements for setting goals:

    realism, feasibility, achievability;

    unambiguity, present the final product of the study in a generalized form;

    verifiability of the goal, its controllability, in some cases diagnosability;

    certainty in time (the timing of the study has been determined);

    operationality (the goal is divided into tasks);

    lack of special (professional) terms;

    absence of ambiguous expressions and concepts;

    lack of indications of other goals and objectives is a consequence of the implementation of the program;

    instructions on the ways, means, methods of program implementation;

    clear compliance with the stated problem.

So, we have determined the strategy of the institution’s development program; it consists of describing the topic, contradictions, problems, goals, concepts.

Program implementation tactics are a system of local practical actions aimed at achieving a goal. When developing tactics, we define tasks, develop projects, plan activities to achieve results, select diagnostic methods, think through resources and conditions.

Statement of objectives

Tasks are specific or more specific goals (a goal, like a fan, unfolds into a complex of interrelated tasks). Tasks in relation to the goal act as independent “goals”.

Question:What intermediate results need to be achieved to achieve the goal?

Dividing the goal into tasks is an inevitable process; this is done in order to:

    highlight operations that are simpler and more accessible to perform;

    create a sequence of operations, taking into account their connection, complexity and execution time, that is, develop tactics for achieving the goal;

The technology for forming goals consists of “splitting” the goal into components, at the same time, in their totality, they give ideas about how the goal will be achieved. That is why tasks are formulated in the form of a list (study, describe, find out, formulate, establish, etc.) and, as a rule, there are no more than 4-5 of them.

It is very important that the objectives and purpose are aligned. When compiling a list of tasks, check yourself to see if any unnecessary tasks have appeared (then the set goal should be reformulated). Or it may turn out that the assigned tasks are not enough to achieve the goal. In this case, the list of tasks must be supplemented.

Requirements for presenting program tasks:

    formulation in the form of tasks to achieve certain results by a certain date;

    results must be measurable (usually in numbers);

    a set of tasks is necessary and sufficient to achieve the goal;

    a set of measures has been assigned to the task;

    a set of measures is necessary and sufficient to solve the problem.

How to develop a project

IN last years The word “project” has become fashionable and frequently used. In essence, the terms “program” and “project” are close. They are often used as synonyms. Some authors propose to consider several interrelated projects as a program. We propose to adhere to this same understanding.

A project always has a goal (translation of the word “project” is thrown forward). Unlike the program goal, the project goal is much more specific. This could be, for example, a separate task. But it may be different depending on the structure of the entire program as a whole.

The project is necessarily limited in time. It is always clear about a project how long it will take to implement. Individual school projects within the program have their own duration, which is determined not so much by the general (external) time frame, but by the actual content of this particular project, the time to achieve its result.

When developing specific projects, special attention should be paid to answering the following questions.

First group of questions:

    What should be done? How is this related to the goals and objectives of the region, the municipality, and the development program as a whole?

    What results should be achieved? “Where” (“on what”) will we see them? What are the indicators and criteria for success?

    How will monitoring of the project progress be organized? What (what activities) need to be carried out so that the progress of the project can be adjusted in time?

    In what form and to whom will the alienated products (project implementation results) be presented?

Second group of questions:

    Who will implement this? Who should be involved in this work (both inside and outside the school)? Who needs to be involved to implement the plan?

    When will this be implemented?

    How will this be accomplished?

    What additional resources will be required to implement the project?

Requirements for submitting a short summary of the project:

    expected measurable results of the project;

    timing of the project;

    list of project actions;

    volume of expenses, incl. for each project activity;

    volume of operating costs (by year);

    requirements for the formulation of project actions - as for program activities.

Program results

As is already clear from the above, the criterion for the success of the development of the entire program is its result. When drawing up a program, it is necessary to formulate the result. It is the result (expected) that determines the goal of the program.

Question: what exactly will change at the level of this educational institution upon completion of the program?

The purpose of the program and its result are interconnected. By formulating a goal, program developers immediately determine the range of possible results. Based on the specificity of the planned results, the goal also acquires certainty. The more precisely the results are formulated, the more clear the goal of the program as a whole becomes to all participants, the easier it will be to implement.

It is the formulation of program results that can cause the greatest controversy because the results are clear and concrete. When formulating results, you need to think about how exactly they will be “measured”: where they will be visible, how much they will change the situation in learning.

Requirements for target indicators, description of expected results:

    corresponding to the indicators characterizing the problem;

    indicator values ​​for the last year;

    intermediate annual indicator values ​​(if available);

    qualitative description of the degree of solution to the problem;

    assessing the sustainability of results;

    in the absence of statistical observation, the values ​​of target indicators may be missing.


Planning is the projection of activity into the future to achieve a goal under certain conditions and means. The result of planning is a plan - management decision tasks to achieve the goal. The plan represents a system of activities that provides for the order, sequence, timing and means of their implementation.

Practice convincingly shows that a carefully developed plan is the key to its successful implementation; it allows you to comprehensively comprehend actions, foresee the amount of work in advance, avoid various flaws, and gives rhythm to the work at all stages of its implementation.

When developing a plan, the following questions should be clearly reflected.

    what the transformation will consist of, what kind of pedagogical influences, methods of solving problems, etc. will be tested and in what variants;

    what parameters (properties, characteristics, signs) of the pedagogical process will be selected for changes and their consequences;

    how the selected parameters will be tracked;

    what methods of obtaining and processing information will be used;

    how long will it take to implement the program;

    what will the results achieved during the implementation of the program be compared with?

    how the result will be compiled and evaluated.

    issues of coordinating the development program of the institution with the staff;

    selection and necessary correction (leveling) of objects;

    preparation of methodological support;

    preparation of diagnostic tools, reproduction of methodological materials.

Requirements for presenting program activities:

    one event – ​​one task;

    sources of funding are indicated for each activity;

    For each event, the amount of funding is indicated (in general, by year).

Financial plan

In accordance with Federal Law No. 83-FZ 5, state (municipal) institutions are divided into budgetary and state-owned.

Basic status changes budgetary institutions are introduced ultimately to expand the scope of their rights and greater independence:

    mechanisms change financial security– transition from budget estimate for subsidies under state (municipal) assignment;

    the income received is not budget revenue, remains at the disposal of the institution and must be used to achieve the goals for which it was created;

    institutions gain greater independence when using funds received from the budget;

    the subsidiary liability of the state for the obligations of a budgetary institution is abolished;

    rights are expanded when disposing of movable property (with the exception of particularly valuable movable property);

    civil contracts are concluded, rights and obligations are acquired on one’s own behalf.

The status of state-owned institutions, in fact, will be identical to the existing legal status of a budgetary institution, enshrined in the current legislation, with an additional restriction in the form of crediting all funds received by the institution from income-generating activities to the corresponding budget.

Thus, when developing a financial plan for the development program of an educational institution, we determine:

    targets and priority tasks for the development of an educational institution;

    the income part, which adds up:

    • from the cost educational services provided by an educational institution in accordance with its statutory activities and paid for from budgetary funds;

      from income from business and other income-generating activities;

    the structure of expenses, reflecting the priority areas for spending financial resources to ensure the achievement of set goals.

Requirements for justifying the financial plan for the implementation of the program:

    is formed in the context of individual events;

    covers direct and operating costs;

    justification methods:

    • examples of the cost of similar events, links to market offers;

      estimated cost;

      calculations based on factual information;

      other ways.

How are the elements (blocks) of the program organized, what is its structure?

The main thing in organizing a program is the consistency of its elements. The first is the interconnectedness of program elements. This has already been discussed; now we will try to formulate the requirements for the consistency of program elements more precisely. So, firstly, the goal and result of the program are interconnected and reflect each other. It may be better to formulate results first and then goals, or do it in parallel.

The next important point is the coordination of the goals and objectives of the program and its component projects. Various structure options are possible here.

For example, tasks are formulated as micro goals, each of which reflects a separate area of ​​activity (Fig. 1). The overall goal is divided into its components, which in turn become projects - independent microprograms with their own private results.

With such a program structure, it exists from the very beginning and then develops as several relatively independent subprograms. As a rule, with such an organization, a separate person (responsible) is assigned to solve each problem, who oversees its implementation throughout the entire life of the program. This structure has its advantages. It is the simplest for monitoring and operational management. However, there is also a drawback - with such an organization, the most likely is a gap between directions, competitive directions between us, loss of a common goal and the danger of not achieving a common result.

A prototype of such an organization of a program can be its element-by-element implementation, for example, as if, when renovating a room, each wall was repaired separately.

Another program structure is possible (Fig. 2).

With this structure, neither tasks nor projects are isolated. And the results do not add up, as in the previous example, but arise as a single aggregate product. If we continue the analogy with repairs, here materials are purchased sequentially, and sometimes in parallel, and certain types of work are performed, but simultaneously in all areas of program implementation. It is clear that the allocation of individual tasks to performers can occur at the stage of allocating individual projects. At the same time, the entire team works as a “united front” and becomes more united, which also contributes to success. Although managing such activities becomes more complicated.

Let us give more examples of the organizational structure of the program (Fig. 3).

Here, tasks are planned as separate steps-stages of program implementation, which at a certain stage are differentiated into separate projects.

In principle, there can be many options for program structure. The most important thing is that when composing a program, developers immediately understand its full form. Probably, we can recommend drawing up similar drawings at the development stage, immediately entering the contents of the corresponding elements into the appropriate cells. Then the entire program will appear as a single whole.

When drawing up a development program, we repeat, it is necessary to immediately design the expected results for each individual action and correlate these results with the set goals and objectives. It is the internal consistency of the program that is one of the most important conditions for its successful implementation.

It is also important to check the program whenever you change it. new version for internal consistency. Changing any element (block) of the program leads to its mismatch. Therefore, if changes have to be made, they must be done carefully.

Also, program developers should pay attention to assessing the effectiveness (the degree of compliance between the set goals and the results obtained, the possibility of changing them) and the effectiveness of the program (the degree of correspondence between the costs and the results obtained). The quality of the assessment will depend on the presence of monitoring and feedback in the program, allowing you to quickly respond to changes and make adjustments to the content.

Any change to a functioning system is a risk to its sustainable operation. Therefore, modern design theory necessarily discusses its risks (or undesirable effects). Such discussion requires certain skills. To do this kind of work, you need to imagine in advance what consequences the implementation of the program might lead to. At the same time, you need to learn to see not only the advantages, but also the possible disadvantages of the changes being made. If during the development of the program it was possible to foresee such effects, it is advisable to immediately think about minimizing them. It is impossible to give recipes for such activities in advance.

Even if the compiled program does not look as beautiful as the school’s usual action plans, a well-designed program will certainly bring results.

At some point, everyone wants to improve or change something in their life. A personal development plan can help you achieve the goals you dream of. If you want to cope with new complex tasks, increase productivity or get rid of bad habits, then creating a personal development plan is a great way to achieve success.


Become more purposeful

    Decide what you want to change. Take a blank sheet of paper or start a new journal. Make notes about areas of your life that need improvement. Some experts suggest that to stay focused, it's best to focus on one goal at a time, but if you feel empowered, you can set multiple goals at once. Identify specific areas in your life that have been weighing on you for months or years. For example, if you smoke, now may be the time to set a goal to quit smoking! What you need to pay attention to:

    • Health and Fitness
    • Relationship
    • Career
    • Finance
    • Habits and lifestyle
    • Education
  1. Write down your goals. Take a piece of paper and write down what you would like to achieve. Research shows that people who write down their goals on paper are more likely to commit to achieving them. Make four headings at the top of the page. The first heading is "Goals" and the next four headings are "One Month", "Six Months", "One Year" and "Five Years". If you want, you can add "Ten years" and so on. Under your goals, make a list of what you want to change. For example, "Career" or "Finance". Then, under the time headings, list what you would like to change in your life during that period.

    • Be sure to state your goals affirmatively. For example, “I will...” rather than “I might” or “I hope that...”. The more confident your statements are, the more they will motivate you.
    • Be specific when writing down your goals. For example, instead of writing “I will lose weight,” write “I will lose 2 kg by exercising more.” physical activity and reducing the consumption of high-calorie foods."
    • At the bottom of the page, create a section called “Ways to Implement” and write down all the steps you are going to take to get closer to your goal. For example, "I will walk 1.5 km a day" or "I will eat a fresh vegetable salad every day."
  2. Make sure your goals can be achieved. Do you have enough skills, knowledge, resources and opportunities for this? For example, you might consider taking an evening class, purchasing exercise equipment, or hiring a business coach. You'll be more inspired and closer to your goals if you prepare well in advance.

    Find a mentor. Most successful business people was a great mentor. Find a successful businessman, athlete, or public figure you admire. If you know someone personally, ask if that person can become your mentor. If you don't know anyone, then read about how they achieved their goals. Research what they did and what motivated them so you can be inspired by it. Chances are they have a blog or an article written about them sharing their success story. For example, "How I made my first million..."

Believe in yourself

    Believe in yourself and in your endeavor. The first step to setting a goal is to have the conviction and belief that you can succeed. If you don't believe that you can completely transform your life and get what you want, then it's better to forget about the goal and do something else. When in doubt, take a look around. Everything you see started with one thought! Fight the negative inner voice, asking “Will I be able to do this?” You will succeed.

    Tell a friend about your goals. If you tell your family and friends about your goal, you will have a support group that will inspire you and increase your motivation to see it through. Your friends or family may randomly ask you how things are going, which will help you stay focused on what you set out to do. By not telling anyone about your goal, it will be easier for you to give up on it and not feel any guilt about this failure.

    Keep a positive attitude. All great people who have achieved something in life have had dreams that at first seemed completely impossible, but instead of letting difficulties break their resolve, they moved on. Save positive attitude, because the biggest obstacle to success is your own thoughts. Whether in the car or at home, turn on a motivational CD to inspire and encourage you to stay on track. Try not to attach too much importance to small things.

    • Don't make mountains out of molehills.
    • Don't let vague fears stop you from doing what you want.
    • Find something positive in any negative situation.
    • Try to create a positive environment around you and work hard to improve it.
    • Help someone find meaning and live a more positive life.

Organize yourself

  1. Make a list of ways. There are many opportunities to educate yourself and learn more about the area in which you are improving. By collecting information about what you're trying to improve in, you can stay up to date with the latest developments in that area and stay inspired.

    • Check your local newspaper to see if there are training courses available.
    • Go to your local library and borrow books.
    • Learn from other people's experiences and knowledge and take an online course or workshop that inspires you.
    • Ask friends who have already achieved something in the field of interest to you to tell them what methods they used.
  2. Take notes. Note-taking is an active process that makes you an active learner. While listening to a seminar or motivational CD, take notes on what you are learning. How does this relate to your goals? Taking notes will help you refresh your memory of the information you've studied and will also help you track your progress.

  3. Review your goals weekly. If you don't think about your goals, you will stop making efforts to achieve them. If you don't do anything to achieve your goals, they become just dreams. At a certain time, such as Monday morning, evaluate your progress over the past week and create an action plan for the coming week that will help you get closer to your goal. Reviewing your goals weekly will help you remember their importance and allow you to see clearly what you really want to achieve in life.

    • Check if you are on time on time. You may need to choose several intermediate goals for yourself in order to get noticeably closer to and achieve your main goal.
    • Make sure you set yourself a difficult task. If the goal is too easy to achieve, you may need to make it more difficult by adding a new component. For example, “I will run 3 km a day,” instead of “I will run 800 m a day.”
    • See if your goals still inspire you. If not, make adjustments until you feel more enthusiastic.
  • Start with a goal that you can achieve in a short period of time so that you don't get frustrated by having to wait a long time.
  • Do not hurry. Remember the proverb: “If you hurry, you make people laugh,” and everything will work out for you.
  • When you reach your goal, celebrate your success.
  • As you gather useful information, select relevant books, CDs, and courses. For example, if you want to get out of debt, look for books on financial freedom.
  • Try to have an accountable friend so you don't give up.


  • Remember that these changes will take some time. As a result of methodically approaching your goal, you will achieve great success.

An individual development plan, an example of which we will consider below, is a tool with the help of which an employee purposefully and systematically develops the necessary qualities and skills. The IPR itself is a specific document that specifies specific development goals and certain actions with which you can achieve them.

Benefit of the company

That is why in most modern companies each employee is drawn up individual plan development. An example of such a document will be presented below. With its help you can implement several tasks at once:

  • the employee begins to engage in his development more systematically and purposefully;
  • coordination of work and development goals is ensured;
  • opportunities for control and self-control emerge;
  • specific and general ideas of self-development are translated to the level of performing specific actions;
  • an analysis of your strengths and weaknesses is carried out.

In the vast majority of cases, IPR is used by large companies as a tool for self-development of managers working in personnel reserve. But this does not mean that it is ineffective as an independent technique, since when used correctly it plays a very important role in improving the work of staff.

Benefits for employees

For an employee, the example he receives in his hands is beneficial in the following ways:

  • it allows timely preparation for any new projects, positions or upcoming changes in the organization;
  • self-organization is ensured, since if you have an IPR, it is much easier to introduce into your work or life plans any actions and events that help achieve specific goals;
  • priorities are identified and emphasis is placed that need to be paid attention to in the process of development and learning.

Through the systematic use of IPR, it is possible to determine the managerial potential of the company, as well as predict the main opportunities for its further development. Also, more experienced employees are involved in monitoring development and training processes. Knowing the individual development plan, an example of which is given to each manager, the company can engage in more accurate implementation of personnel policies.

Among other things, with the help of IPR, the direction of efforts used within the company's strategy is ensured. By participating in the development of IPRs using internal and external consultants, the company provides assistance to managers in prioritizing and placing emphasis during training and development in accordance with the chosen tactics.

How to compose it?

To ensure real effect using an individual development plan, an example of it should be drawn up by a competent specialist with experience and skills in carrying out similar works. Basically, compilation includes three main stages.


The employee studies the report on the results of the assessment (if one has been carried out), after which he receives and studies the main development-related recommendations from the manager, independently determines development priorities, and, if necessary, consults with internal or external consultants. What to do if you can’t draw up an individual development plan on your own? An example of such a document can be provided by a development and training specialist who is present on the staff of most large organizations.


The employee fills out a table, indicating the priorities of his own development, and also draws up a map of developmental actions, on which he clearly indicates when and how he will develop the necessary skills.


A consultant or manager reviews each individual employee development plan. Examples of such a document are widely available, so it will not be difficult for an employee to draw it up on their own. After this, the authorized person makes the necessary changes, if necessary.


A completed individual employee development plan, examples of which can be found in specialized publications, approved by consultants, is sent to managers or representatives of the HR department for final approval.

Areas of development

Among the main areas of development in the IPR the following are often indicated:

  • Developing skills in the workplace. The employee engages in various changes in the work process that can help improve his competence.
  • Perform special assignments or projects. After an individual employee development plan has been drawn up (example above), the employee is assigned to carry out a project that requires an increased level of competence from him.
  • Learning from other people's experiences. More competent employees are monitored, after which a new individual specialist development plan is completed. More experienced colleagues can also give you an example of how to fill it out.
  • Seeking feedback. An employee discusses his own work with subordinates and colleagues, considering it from the point of view of his competence.
  • Self-learning. An in-depth analysis of his work is carried out, after which the employee independently looks for some more effective solutions that could improve his work in the company.
  • Trainings. A person takes part in various training programs.

Thus, this tool is universal. Some people even draw up an individual plan for the development and life of the child. An example of such a document will be provided by psychologists, doctors and many other specialists.

What should the example contain?

IPR often includes a specific list of activities necessary to develop specific skills in a specialist. Depending on the field of activity of a particular organization and its scale, such a list can be extremely diverse and, in addition to other data, include the following:

  • direct training in new skills within your organization, as well as obtaining them outside of it;
  • participation in any projects where an employee can gain valuable experience;
  • staff rotation;
  • conducting an internship;
  • mentoring, mentoring and coaching;
  • performing any additional assignments, tasks and roles;
  • passing optional or mandatory certification.

In the vast majority of cases, development plans do not include any tasks that relate to the achievement of specific KPIs or specific targets.


For newcomers, in the vast majority of cases, it is customary to set plans for a period of approximately six months, and for already existing employees this time period can reach a year. For HiPOs or employees with increased potential, such a plan can be drawn up for a period of three to five years at once.

In the best case, a staff training provision or some other document should include not only the levels career ladder, but also the criteria by which the professional skills and knowledge of a specialist are assessed. Thus, employees, together with their manager, can assess their current competencies and determine what needs to be developed to achieve the next career step.

Development of civil servants

In practice, it has been repeatedly proven that the use of IPR in government agencies is an integral element of managing and improving the performance of personnel. With the help of this tool, a significant increase in the professional level of a specialist is ensured, which is important not only for the employee himself, but also for the government department in which he works.

An individual development plan for a specialist, an example of which you can see in the article, is a document that describes the main development goals and a certain list of actions required to be performed by a civil servant. At the same time, the coordination and approval of such documents differs somewhat from the above procedure.

How are they compiled?

First, an example of an individual development plan for a manager or employee is drawn up. In accordance with the official regulations, it should be developed for approximately three years.

If a person, then the individual development plan indicated by him is approved. This procedure is carried out by the organization’s management for three months after the official has been appointed to his position.

When an individual plan for a civil servant is drawn up (an example of a document is available at any enterprise), it must include the following characteristics of the person:

  • education;
  • work experience in your profession;
  • quality of knowledge, skills and abilities;
  • personal aspirations.

This is only a basic list of information that is taken into account when compiling this document. Individual development plans for civil servants, an example of one of which is given in the article, includes an indication of the duration of receipt additional education, as well as its main direction and expected effect.

How are they approved?

The approval of such documents is carried out by the heads of bodies or individual departments, depending on which category a particular civil servant belongs to.

The IPR is drawn up in two copies, with one of the forms sent to the employee’s personal file, while the second is handed over to him. That is why, when an individual development plan is drawn up, an example of filling it out must be provided so that you do not make any mistakes and the damaged document is not entered into your personal file.

In order for an employee’s dreams of any titles, scientific degrees or internships abroad to become more realistic, he must, under the strict guidance of his immediate superior, draw up own plan development for the next three years. Therefore, you can always motivate your employees with potential development within the company, constantly showing that they still have room to grow.

What does it include?

An example of an individual professional development plan for a civil servant is, first of all, a specific list of activities aimed at managerial and professional quality employee. The main types of such events are the following:

  • Educational. They are aimed at ensuring that the employee receives some new knowledge that may be useful to him in the performance of his immediate duties.
  • Developmental. They are used to improve a person in his professional field and acquire new skills. Thanks to such events, the employee covers new horizons of his work and can perform more wide range tasks.
  • Fixing. Activities designed to practice skills that an employee already has or has recently acquired.

It’s worth noting right away that examples of an individual employee development plan for competencies should be drawn up separately for each specialist, since the main objective of this document is to determine the personal differences between what level the official has at the moment and what is needed from him in higher positions .

The basis drawing up IPR a number of assessment procedures are included, which also include a personal interview between the boss and the employee himself. In each individual case, the specifics of the civil servant’s activities, as well as the position he occupies, also leave their mark.

What do you need to know?

In the standard version, the individual development plan includes three main elements that will be developed by a civil servant: abilities, knowledge and skills. The tools that will be used in the process of implementing the individual development plan can have an extremely wide range, and its list directly depends on the results of the assessment of the abilities of a particular specialist.

Quite often, individual professional development plans include attending various external or internal trainings aimed at improving skills, as well as various tasks that are mainly of a managerial nature. The main elements of internships are indicated as a separate item, as well as the level of complexity of the official tasks delegated to this official. Basically, they are much more complex compared to those they encountered while performing standard duties.

Main aspects of compilation

In the process of drawing up an individual plan, not only the employee’s education and personal goals are taken into account, but also the tasks of the relevant structural unit. In other words, the knowledge that the employee is going to acquire must be relevant to his official activities. It is worth noting that a civil servant has the opportunity to receive additional vocational education not only with a partial break for up to three working days a week, but even with a certain complete break from performing their immediate duties.

The following can be indicated as the main areas of additional professional education:

  • legal;
  • managerial;
  • planning and financial;
  • organizational and economic;
  • linguistic;
  • information and analytical.

And all this is just a basic list of areas that can be included in an official’s individual plan. For example, some specialists may indicate in their plan the need to study foreign language, and this is what most of them really need. A number of other measures are envisaged aimed at Professional Development civil servants, among whom the following can be noted:

  • postgraduate studies;
  • obtaining higher education;
  • participation in symposia, scientific and practical conferences, round tables and other events.

Among other things, today the desire for self-development is highly encouraged, which also needs to be taken into account.

The HR service of a specific department is developing an example of an individual development plan for a manager. Every year she must be involved in the formation of applications for training for civil servants within the limits of the available state order for advanced training, internship or professional retraining. At the same time, he may indicate that, for example, he has study courses scheduled for the spring in English, in the summer he will give a presentation at a specialized scientific conference on law, and in the fall he needs to go to Foggy Albion to attend training related to effective personnel management. It is worth noting that in this case the civil servant does not spend anything to receive necessary knowledge, and attendance at such events is fully paid for from the state treasury.

Many of us think about self-development at a certain stage of our lives, but at the same time we don’t know at all where is the best way to start our own change. To avoid such confusion, at the very beginning of the journey personal growth, you must first of all create a self-development plan that will help you calculate your own capabilities, as well as think through the necessary strategy for achieving results.

Where to begin? Your first steps

Before you create a plan for self-development, you first need to carefully analyze your life now: all its aspects, from work to personal life. This analysis helps to identify all the “gaps” in your life, and among other things, shows what needs to be changed in the near future. After this " medical examination" - start drawing up your plan.

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There is only one piece of advice here - a self-development plan is a purely individual thing, which the individual must draw up himself without anyone’s help. This does not mean that you cannot use individual fragments, but you should not copy it completely. Don’t forget, you adapt it to yourself, taking into account all the features of your character, as well as other traits of your personality.

When creating a self-development program for yourself, first of all, do not be afraid to experiment - decide on something new. It is not necessary to radically change everything at once, but it is necessary to build a gradual change. When creating a plan for personal self-development for the year, do not forget to also pay great attention to your creative development - this will make the abstinence period much easier for you, which will begin to appear some time after changing your behavior pattern.

Don't focus on one thing - develop comprehensively - let your knowledge deepen in different areas of activity with the same progress - this way you will have a significant advantage over other people.

Ten must-haves

Any individual self-development plan should include the following tasks that will help a person in his quest to become a better person. At first glance, these rules are simple, and their implementation does not carry any semantic meaning, but nevertheless, these ten whales will help deliver your “planet” to the desired destination, making a sphere out of its pie shape.

1. Desperate situation

Remember that the most terrible, deadly enemy for any representative of humanity is himself. Your secrets, past, previously made mistakes - all this will lie on your shoulders, creating a colossal burden on yourself. Let go of everything! Throw away everything that happened before, leaving for yourself only bright memories that will bring you nothing but joy, and then plunge headlong into the abyss of any work that interests you: it doesn’t matter whether it’s a simple hobby or another hobby, the main thing is to occupy yourself with it and soon you will you will see that all the problems that previously caused you trouble are simply forgotten;

2. Always say yes!

Of course, within reason. Remember the funny film where Jim Carrey’s character chose a similar behavior strategy for himself - he only said “yes” to all requests. By pursuing such a life policy, each of us can experience a lot of new and exciting things, because any self-development plan is aimed at this. Go to another city for a picnic - yes! Take a walk in the rain rubber boots with funny ducks - yes! You will see, your life will sparkle with new, bright colors that will help you overcome your complexes along with shyness. The only thing is, always stick to what is reasonable, not allowing yourself to be drawn into dangerous games or fraud;

3. There was a minus, but now it’s a plus

The personal self-development plan includes the ability to turn any shortcomings into the most expressive positive traits. Don't be afraid to admit to yourself that you are not perfect or perfect. Ideal people do not exist - it’s a myth, but why doesn’t each of us strive for it?

If you understand that too angry– welcome to the gym, where your anger will serve as an excellent source of additional energy during exercise. Love to gossip- write a book in which you can pour out your soul without fear for your reputation. The main thing is to try to direct yourself in the right direction, becoming a self-sufficient person;

4. Pavlov's method

Absolutely any self-development plan is based on developing habits that in the future will help you not even think about this or that action. Develop habits that will help you achieve any goals, while the automaticity of their actions will help you open your mind to everything new, because you no longer have to dwell on the old;

5. Renunciation

Forget about negativity forever. If certain situations or actions cause negative emotions in you, then eradicate them, and if this is not yet within your power, then try to avoid them.

A self-development plan is the necessary therapy that will teach you to see only positive qualities in everything. It is important not to confuse this with a worldview with rose-colored glasses - these are completely different things. A person will see the situation as it is, but at the same time, he will strive to look for positive moments or lessons in it that will be useful in his life;

6. Looking in the mirror

Imagine yourself as the person you would like to be. Let it be illusoryly ideal - it all depends on the flight of human imagination. After seeing the picture, try to start behaving like this, at least for several hours a day, gradually increasing the time. You will see how people’s attitude towards you, and your attitude towards yourself, will change. Gradually, a person himself will begin to believe in certain traits of a fictional character, bringing him closer and closer to that ideal of aspiration;

7. Imagination is your greatest weapon.

A self-development plan requires, first of all, the ability to abstract yourself from life, giving free rein to your imagination. Dream of changing yourself, strive for it - dream about how you will change, and then the result will not keep you waiting, because all your thoughts will materialize. Don’t be shy about your flight of fancy - after all, at heart, each of us remains a child who dreams of recognition, success, and praise;

8. Failures

Only a certain stage - any example of a self-development plan requires accepting your own failures as a necessary step to success. Let failures be a life lesson that will help you avoid mistakes in the future. If you are mocked, then let these barbs only strengthen you - use them as your own armor, thus you will become invulnerable to insults, as well as defeats;

9. Catch a wave

Try to tune into their thought waves while talking with other people. During a conversation, put yourself in the shoes of your interlocutor, make his thoughts your own, his beliefs - thus, a person trying on the “suit” of another, you can take a lot of useful things for yourself from the personal qualities of your interlocutor;

10. Calculate your strength

Don't take on too much, don't try to take on the whole load at once. Dose the loads on yourself - increasing them gradually, giving yourself time to rest - leave a few hours for yourself when you are not striving for self-development, but simply relax. If you do not devote enough time to rest, then severe fatigue will appear, which will bring all your efforts to a complete zero.

All these rules, or rather advice, will help any person who wants to change their life to carefully consider a self-development strategy in such a way as to avoid failures or at least minimize their damage. Thus, it will be an excellent tool to achieve your desired goal.

“Make your shortcomings your name, and then no one will ever be able to offend you.”

Tyrion Lannister

What to avoid when drawing up a development plan

When drawing up a plan for personal self-development, first of all, avoid imaginary goals, those that in fact are not specifically your goal, but just a desire to please simply others. Remember, this is just your life, you can’t pause it and then just click continue or rewind. Don’t listen to the advice of others about where you want to go - each of us knows much better what he needs, unlike others.

Listen to those who respect your choices and truly believe in you and your strengths. Surround yourself only with such people, and not with lying masks instead of faces. Give up activities that do not allow you to move forward, but on the contrary, pull you back. It could be a job you don’t like, your social circle - all this will nullify any self-development plan, any of your aspirations for the better. Avoid backbiting criticism from those who sit still all the time, not moving forward. They are extra ballast, which, apart from sadness and anger, will not bring you anything new. The main goal of such individuals is to prevent someone from becoming better than them, because then they will be behind everyone else.

Self-development plan for a year - four seasons to become better

No need to write it down detailed plans development for every month and day - you must do this yourself, but now you will be offered a layout of a personal growth plan, which is based on the four seasons of the year. Winter, spring, summer and autumn - these are the main blocks into which the individual self-development plan will be divided.

Why this particular choice of timing? Everything is very simple - the rhythm of life of each person is purely individual, which means it may differ from others - simply, he may not have time to do everything in one month, but at the same time he can easily make up for lost time in another. At the same time, you need to realize that everything indicated in this article is just a template. Everyone is free to change it for themselves as it will be convenient for them. There is no need to completely copy the work, you just need to take its idea. Take your idea, attach it to this template, add more detailed steps - the perfect development plan is ready, all you need to do is just follow it, without giving up under any circumstances.

So, your plan for the coming year, thanks to which change will begin to occur, looks like this:
  • Winter– preparing yourself, searching for like-minded people to find your destiny, summing up;
  • Spring– changing and organizing personal space, both at work and at home;
  • Summer– the goal is to change yourself, to become better;
  • Autumn– it’s time to start studying, as well as self-education.

Let's now look at each block separately.


The first - winter - includes at the same time an analysis of oneself, one’s life (successes or failures), but at the same time also summing up the results in December. Don’t be confused by the fact that this quarter has been divided for a while - your main goal now is to understand yourself: your desires, ideas and fears, so that you can then find like-minded people with whom you will begin to move up the curve. Society is also necessary so that there is no feeling of loneliness, loss, which, when felt, begins to give up and the fire in the eyes goes out.


Second quarter - spring - changes in the surrounding space. A self-development plan will bring results much faster if your usual environment is changed. Do some minor redecorating or just buy new sofa cushions. It doesn’t matter what or how, but you must change not only your inner, but also the real world around you. Throw away old things (just throw them away, don’t take them to the dacha) - with this method, a person on a subconscious level lets go of all his negativity, anger - remember, everything is in your power, the main thing is just to want it.


The third period - summer - transformation of oneself. During these three months, do what you have wanted for so long - change your hair color, haircut or clothing style. Don't be afraid of drastic changes - remember that everything can always be returned to First stage. Express yourself through your clothes - wear what you want and in the style you like. Become more confident in yourself and your abilities. The only point is that in the desire to surprise everyone, do not turn into a buffoon whose goal is simply to stand out through expressiveness. Just be yourself: do not change your aspirations and desires.


The fourth period is autumn - all training begins during this period. The self-development program involves attending various seminars and trainings - where trainers share experiences that can help others overcome difficulties. By attending such training events, each of you can discover something new: different ways and tools for achieving results.

This distribution is very convenient, because as mentioned earlier, it does not contain specific instructions - just the direction in which direction is best to move now. In this case, you choose the sequence of actions yourself, the main condition is not to go beyond the time frame this stage. Everyone independently chooses how to achieve the result and in what way, without wasting extra time on allocating the main time throughout the year.


In conclusion of the article, it is necessary to emphasize the fact that specific and effective methods for constructing a plan personal development– there are only tips on how to compile it. You should also not be afraid that you will have failures - this is normal. It will also be normal that at first you will not cope on time. Realize that such a self-development program is not a one-time stage, but a cyclical training that must be repeated regularly if you do not want to stop developing.

Don’t expect instant results - learn to enjoy even minor successes, because if not you, then who will believe in you? Free yourself from the oppression of minor problems, various mediocrities - they are not worth your attention, as well as your nerves. No technique will bring the desired success if a person constantly loses his fortitude from failures and criticism. Think about yourself, about why you started all this. . Strive for something new, study yourself, and ultimately accept yourself for who you are - all this is the key to a successful, self-confident person who has overcome internal fears and complexes.

Enterprise development plan- these are the goals chosen by the company’s management and the methods by which they are going to achieve them. Strategic planning creates the basis for all subsequent management steps.

In this regard, the majority of companies are trying to develop strategic development plans. Behind a clearly structured system of this type of planning, key management actions are hidden.

Without a strategic plan for the development of an enterprise, both companies and individuals risk being left without an understanding of the achievability of the goal and the adequacy of the chosen development path.

Such planning is essential for the management of the company's employees.

The role of plans in the development of an enterprise

In recent years, the key role of strategic behavior has become noticeable. It enables organizations to win competitive environment in the long term. Since today there are conditions for a serious struggle between competitors, and the situation in the market is actively changing, managers must monitor not only the situation within the company. They need to work on a long-term plan for the development of their enterprise that will allow them to keep up with changes observed outside the company.

The need for strategic management has become urgent due to the following factors:

  • new requests;
  • changing consumer demands;
  • increased competition for raw materials;
  • changes in the role of human resources;
  • transition of business to an international format;
  • development of additional business opportunities that make work easier and faster;
  • information networks accessible to anyone modern technologies etc.

A strategic development plan for an enterprise sets out what the company must do now in order to achieve specific goals tomorrow. This takes into account the fact that the environment and conditions in which the company exists are also evolving.

Let us note that great efforts and investments are needed for the implementation of the enterprise development plan to begin. Its creation and implementation is fundamentally different from the creation long term plans, whose execution is mandatory under any circumstances. The strategic development plan of the enterprise must adapt to all changes occurring both inside and outside the organization. Obviously, this will require even more investment. Therefore, marketing and public relations departments acquire special importance.

Strategy is recognized as one of the basic parts of this type of management. Strategic management and planning set a goal for further progress.

Let us repeat that an enterprise development plan, based on the choice of goals and ways to implement them, is necessary for managers to make subsequent decisions. In addition, it is important for the operation of the company, stimulating employees and controlling them.

  • Strategic development plan: 4 mandatory elements

Types of enterprise development plans

Strategic- This is a plan usually designed for no less than ten years. It outlines the company’s key objectives for given period, as well as specific goals with a specific time, allocated resources and an overall strategy.

Long-term– are formulated for several years and are aimed at solving specific business problems. The preparation of such plans is part of overall plan enterprise development.

Current– detailed plans that take into account all areas of the company’s activities and its departments for the current reporting year. Must cover sales, production, innovation, supply, promotion, employee training and financial results.

Operational– detailed plans for the development of the enterprise, aimed at solving certain issues regarding the organization’s work in a short time. Always narrowly focused, very detailed and distinguished by a large selection of proposed solutions.

Investment projects– long-term capital plans financial investments necessary to create additional production capacity.

Business plan- a plan for organizing a new company, its functioning and ensuring the profitability of its activities.

What tasks does the enterprise development plan fulfill?

1. Development of the mission of the enterprise. A clearly formulated company mission responds very important question: “What will the company look like in five to fifteen years?”, that is, the manager must understand:

When developing an enterprise development plan, it is extremely important to start from the purpose of the enterprise and its business goals. Thus, during the mission statement, founders and senior managers have a major decision to make. In essence, changing the mission will mean abandoning the old enterprise and opening a new one, even if the name remains the same. Mission is the ideological foundation of the company, its most stable part. This means that strategic planning is about helping an enterprise achieve its mission.

2. Presentation of the mission in the form of long-term and short-term objectives. A fairly streamlined formulation always requires certainty, that is, setting specific goals and objectives at the stage of drawing up an enterprise development plan. This must be done by senior management. Let's look at examples of goals:

Strategic goals, such as beating competitors, remain relevant all the time.

3. Developing a strategy to achieve your goals. The formulation of the mission and setting of objectives should end with the creation of a strategic plan for the development of the enterprise.

Strategy (in general) is a system of management decisions necessary to achieve the company’s objectives and a specific mission.

How to create a development plan for a blue ocean strategy

The blue ocean strategy is one of the most successful in terms of business profitability. It provides ample opportunities for innovation. Within the framework of the strategy, two approaches are possible. The first is when a company enters a highly competitive market and creates a new niche. This is a deep blue ocean that requires large investments for a full-fledged startup, which is not always within the capabilities of small and medium-sized businesses.

How to draw up a development strategy according to the philosophy of the blue ocean, the editors of the magazine " CEO» said practical experts.

What are the stages of developing an enterprise development plan?

Stage 1. Formation of goals for long-term development of the enterprise. When determining the goal when drawing up an enterprise development plan, the results of the company’s work for the long term are assumed, guidelines and a mission are created. There are a number of rules for creating a goal:

  • What is his company?
  • What specific niche areas does it serve?
  • In what directions is development possible?
  • increasing the professional level of employees;
  • increasing market share, etc.;
  1. Measurable goal – the goal is extremely clear.
  2. The goal is realistic – it can be achieved in a short time.
  3. Comparability of goals and objectives - may include a number of tasks aimed at achieving it, that is, it is possible to create a so-called “tree of goals”.
  4. The specificity of the goal - it sets the purpose of the company for a certain period.

The goal is determined by top management with the understanding that from now on efforts should be concentrated precisely on its implementation. This definition is critical because the goals:

  • form the basis for planning, management and control;
  • set the opportunity for the company’s development;
  • are a beacon during the creation of the organization's image.

The goal varies depending on external factors, systems for regulating entrepreneurship by the state, the capabilities of the company and the means of doing business used: the lifespan of the organization, subjective factors such as the qualifications of managers, pressure from other market players, etc.

They define 8 spaces within which any company sets goals when drawing up an enterprise development plan.

  1. Place in the market (share and competitiveness).
  2. The level of innovation in the processes of production and sale of products and services.
  3. Income.
  4. Resource-intensive production and the possibility of attracting additional resources.
  5. Mobility of control.
  6. Qualification of employees and the possibility of changing the composition.
  7. Social results of changes and the dependence of the company’s level of development on them.
  8. Ability to quantify the target.

Further, even before the implementation of the enterprise development plan, the goal is divided into the block of tasks necessary to achieve it, then the latter are divided into activities. Those, in turn, are specified by target standards necessary for the ideal future of the company.

Stage 2. Justification of the concept of long-term development. A concept is a proposal for a development perspective. It is based on the opportunities, risks and resource potential of the future: technologies, equipment, personnel, etc. The need to realize the chosen goal requires consideration when justifying the concept of three basic conditions in the enterprise development plan:

  • the strength of economic ties within and outside the company;
  • the effectiveness of the organization’s functioning at all stages of its development;
  • introduction of new strategic directions.

These conditions depend on 3 main approaches.

  1. Reducing the costs of creating and selling products and services, which allows you to create competitive advantages.
  2. High degree of specialization, allowing to improve the quality of the product. Definition of the main service with further diversification of related offers. They create synergy by creating an integrated system of production, promotion and sales.
  3. Focus on one of the market segments, study its needs and focus on meeting them when implementing the enterprise development plan.

Based on these conditions, it is customary to distinguish 4 types of basic conceptual strategies.

Concentrated growth strategy. It includes strengthening market positions, searching for territories for promoting goods and services; modification of a product for sale within an existing market.

Growth strategy by increasing the number of structures(integrated growth). This includes a horizontal merger of companies engaged in the same market segment, production or sales, that is, the creation of a network. And also vertical mergers, along the way, “production-distribution-sales”, carried out under different organizational and legal conditions. Conglomerate mergers of companies operating in different sectors of the economy may also be introduced, which will increase the number of possible types of work.

Diversified growth strategy through the introduction of additional goods and services.

Reduction strategy. Involves liquidation, used in the event that a company is unable to carry on this business, therefore forced to sell it completely or partially.

It is important to note that strategic plans for enterprise development come at different levels.

  1. Corporate is associated with strengthening market positions, creating common goals and a team culture in the company.
  2. Business (business strategy) is built in accordance with the areas of activity chosen by the strategy.
  3. Functional or managerial defines approaches that ensure effective management when implementing business strategies.
  4. Operational includes the strategy of logistics, commerce, production, sales and is aimed at implementing the business strategy.

Stage 3. Development of forecasts for the long-term development of the enterprise(at least 3 options). Forecasting changes in a company is based on changes outside of it, that is, it requires:

  • determining market opportunities and conditions;
  • changes in quality needs for goods;
  • increasing purchasing power and areas of its application;
  • changes in the internal environment:
  • growth in production and sales volumes;
  • qualitative and quantitative changes in resource potential;
  • competitiveness and sustainability of the company.

Forecasting can be carried out using trend models, target standards, using economic-mathematical, simulation and network modeling.

His tasks include:

  1. Analysis and forecasting of the economic situation inside and outside the company.
  2. Analysis and forecasting of markets and logistics.
  3. Development of plans for the further work of the company.

Each model makes a separate forecast. All of them are compared and analyzed, after which the reality of the enterprise development plan in possible situations is determined. Then a decision is made to the extent possible to control the forecast indicators. In general, you need at least three forecasts: minimum, maximum and close to reality. It is better to create them for periods beyond the period of implementation of the long-term plan.

Stage 4. Assessment and selection of the most effective and realistic forecast option, specification. In an enterprise development plan intended for a long term, goals are expressed in indicators and tasks.

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An example of an enterprise development plan from life

Let's consider the development plan for the enterprise of the Strobi group of companies as an example. This organization is engaged in wholesale and retail sales construction and finishing materials, as well as completing construction projects.

1. Structure strategic planning. The most convenient and accessible planning tool is a strategic map. It includes four levels.

  1. Financial goals are the amount of money a company would like to earn over a certain period of time. The target indicator can be the volume of net profit, the volume of EBITDA profit, the level of capitalization or any other financial parameter important for the company.
  2. Business and clients are the areas of activity and projects that the company expects to engage in during a given period.
  3. Internal processes are business processes that are important to begin applying for the successful operation of an organization.
  4. Personnel development and training – obtaining by company employees the knowledge and skills necessary to implement the strategic development plan of the enterprise.

During planning, it is better to move from top to bottom: at the first step, set financial goals, then highlight business areas, then decide what processes need to be established, and at the last stage, plan employee training. However, it is necessary to implement what is planned in the reverse order: from personnel to financial indicators.

2. How to choose the right financial goals.

When determining the financial goal, Stroby management chose the amount of net profit planned for the fifth year out of five - this is the first level of planning. The management associated the second level with the beginning of the sales organization, since the company sold exclusively goods on a pick-up basis. Therefore, it was important to set up the activities of representatives and administrators, as well as accepting orders and paying for them, delivery and more - the third level. The fourth level was devoted to employee training, which was necessary for the goals chosen by the company .

Marketers carried out an analysis to calculate possible financial indicators. It was decided to open branches in medium-sized cities where there are no other players operating at the country level. Each applicant was considered for the possibility of selling goods online and introducing retail, and in each of the options, sales volumes and potential profitability were studied. Only after drawing up a picture of the company’s development for the next 5 years and creating a development plan for the enterprise with the stages of the path to the goal, the Strobi management handed it over for further consideration to the finance and economics departments. They built financial model and assessed the chances of lending and refinancing profits, after which they made adjustments to the managers’ plans. Despite the fact that the initially planned income after this stage decreased by 20%, the result was a plan with fairly realistic indicators.

3. How ideology should help achieve financial goals

If you really want to achieve the volumes specified in the enterprise development plan, you need to streamline the processes within the company and create an incentive for continuous improvement of the skills of employees. Since in this case the management decided to create a network, there was a need for typing. It was decided to test business processes at the main office and only after that transfer the practice to the branches.

Since Stroby sold goods produced by other companies, it was obvious that it was impossible to influence two indicators: quality and type of product. In addition, they did not appear to be a unique seller for any supplier. That's why potential buyer it was possible to attract with an exceptionally high level of services.

Superiority in the field of service quality has become the main idea of ​​Strobi and has become a key task in the implementation of the enterprise development plan. One of his main criteria turned out to be logistics. Even if you are very polite to the client, know a lot and sell, a person will evaluate the company by the quality of delivery. When a buyer receives a product late or in the wrong quantity, it can be lost altogether. To become leaders in the delivery segment, it is important to train employees.

4. How to line up personnel policy to realize your plans

In this task, 3 subtasks were identified:

  • training a highly professional team;
  • building employee loyalty;
  • customer-oriented work.

The internal corporate university, MBA programs for senior management and training for the rest of the staff, which took place at the expense of the company.

An important matter was the creation of an incentive system. Under it, most of the income depended on the variable part of the salary. It was issued if the plan was fulfilled. Thus, purchasing managers were awarded bonuses for good performance in fulfilling orders. Thus, managers managed to raise this figure to 100% for networks and 87% for shipments to wholesale customers. During manual picking, storekeepers and selectors were given a standard of “1 error per 1000 selections.” It has been reached. The chosen credo, “What’s good for me is what’s good for the company” worked extremely effectively.

Strobi especially tried to pay attention to internal corporate communication. A website appeared for internal use, where, in addition to news, blocks with instructions, management orders, templates, etc. were displayed. The files had screenshots demonstrating the sequence of work. Thus, no one could claim that he did not hear something.

  • Company development: 5 stages to strive for

Implementation of the enterprise development plan

An enterprise development plan makes sense only when it is effectively implemented. This means that implementation management becomes part of strategic planning and management. The effectiveness of management depends on clearly communicating specific goals and objectives to all departments and employees, as well as providing them with the required resources.

Among all the methods for organizing management of the implementation of an enterprise development plan, the two most common are:

1. Budget method. Such management of the implementation of the enterprise development plan is a method of allocating resources expressed in quantitative form. Goals are also presented quantitatively.

The budget is most widely used in the formal preparation of an enterprise development plan if we're talking about about management within the company. Quantifying all resources and goals is a time-consuming but important part of planning. These quantitative indicators allow any manager to see, compare, and combine different elements to ensure the success of each division and the entire company.

The procedures for the formation and approval of budgets are carried out sequentially and consist of stages.

  1. Quantitative determination of the goals of the enterprise (as a corresponding project) and their transfer to departments in the form of specific goals and objectives. Enterprise and departmental budgets are determined based on projected sales volumes and specific departmental objectives.
  2. Prepare budgets that determine department resources needed to accomplish their missions. They are developed taking into account the time interval, including medium-term and short-term (annual, semi-annual, quarterly, etc.).
  3. Analysis of the budgets proposed by the divisions and the resources available to the enterprise, clarification of the distribution of resources between divisions based on the results of consideration of their proposals and issuing instructions to them to clarify the proposals of the divisions.
  4. Preparation of final budgets for departments and the enterprise as a whole, their approval and control of implementation.

Further management is carried out in accordance with the approved budgets and the enterprise development plan. The task is to eliminate deviations from them during the implementation of specific goals and objectives.

2. Management by goals, also called the MBO method, is recognized effective method results-based management. Its meaning is that the leader has formed plans that support the goals of the superior. The activities of each manager are assessed based on the result of his contribution towards the goals of the company and the implementation of the enterprise development plan, and not on his own characteristics and responsibilities. The basis of this principle is a clear and detailed division of goals into levels and functional areas. It is carried out from top to bottom: from top managers to lower-level managers and other employees. The method is a chain of interconnected steps. It includes:

  • highlighting goals at all levels of management;
  • planning steps to achieve the goals found;
  • verification and evaluation of each manager;
  • carrying out corrective measures.

The success of the method is associated with several circumstances that stimulate performers and their management.

Its use requires personal responsibility of everyone for the work necessary to achieve the goals.

To increase the productivity of both managers and the rest of the staff, it is important to present clear goals. This is due to the need to apply certain efforts and the ability to predict results.

Increased efficiency can be achieved by providing information about the results achieved in the process of achieving goals and objectives. When this data is accurate and provided on time, it helps in operations.

Problems may stem from the following factors.

  1. Lack of interest among other managers and employees in relation to the enterprise development plan.
  2. Incorrect perception of the essence of the method if subordinates see in it only a strengthening of the control function.
  3. Difficulties in choosing tasks caused by inaccuracy in their systematization and assessment.
  4. Resistance from subordinates due to increased volume of paperwork.
  5. The level of managers that does not allow full use of the technology, the inability to select the main ones and distribute the available time resources when implementing the enterprise development plan.
  6. Low level of personal interest in completing tasks.
  7. Poor understanding of the relationship between goals management work and other obligations directly included in the functionality of managers and the rest of the team and inaccuracies in the implementation of the MBO program.