Fundamentals of effective hotel technology. Report on the concept and types of hotel technologies. Hotel technologies

Government Russian Federation decides:

1. Form an Expert Council under the Government of the Russian Federation.

2. Approve the attached Regulations on the Expert Council under the Government of the Russian Federation.

3. The Minister of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the established procedure, shall submit to the Government of the Russian Federation proposals on the composition Expert Council under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Government of the Russian Federation
D. Medvedev

Note ed: the text of the resolution was published in the "Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation", 06.08.2012, No. 32, art. 4560.

Regulations on the Expert Council under the Government of the Russian Federation

I. General provisions

1. The Expert Council under the Government of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Expert Council) is an advisory body and is created for the purpose of organizing an examination of economic and socially significant decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation, federal bodies executive power, government, interdepartmental commissions and councils, as well as for the purpose of formulating issues on the part of civil society institutions for discussion with the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation and, on his instructions, with federal executive authorities.

2. The Expert Council in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation, as well as these Regulations.

3. When carrying out the tasks assigned to it, the Expert Council interacts with government bodies of the Russian Federation, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, bodies local government, the Minister of the Russian Federation, the Government Commission for the Coordination of Open Government Activities (hereinafter referred to as the Government Commission), other government and interdepartmental commissions, councils, public associations, expert communities and other organizations.

II. Tasks of the Expert Council

5. The main tasks of the Expert Council are:

A) ensuring the participation of the expert community in the process of preparing and implementing decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation and federal executive authorities by:

Involving members of the Expert Council in the development and implementation of the principles and mechanisms of the Open Government system in the activities of the Government of the Russian Federation and federal executive authorities;

Participation of representatives of the Expert Council in meetings of the Government of the Russian Federation at the direction of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, government and interdepartmental commissions and councils by decision of their chairmen;

Expert assessment of draft decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation and federal executive authorities, the results of their implementation, as well as expert opinion on issues within the competence of the Expert Council;

B) provision public control over the activities of federal executive authorities in the form of:

Participation in the development of key performance indicators of the activities of federal executive authorities and provision of opinions on the results of their implementation;

Monitoring the effectiveness of federal budget expenditures;

Participation in the discussion of lists of consulting and research work carried out in the interests of federal executive authorities, government agencies, as well as in generalizing and analyzing the results of these works;

Review and evaluation of public initiatives;

Participation in the development and implementation of procedures for assessing the implementation of the principles and mechanisms of the Open Government system.

III. Powers of the Expert Council

6. The Expert Council exercises the following powers:

A) creates working groups to prepare materials for the meeting of the Expert Council;

B) requests from government authorities of the Russian Federation and other organizations materials and documents necessary for conducting the examination;

C) exercises, within its competence, other powers provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and necessary for the implementation of expert and information and advisory activities.

7. Members of the Expert Council have the right:

A) participate in events held by the Expert Council, in the preparation of materials on the issues under consideration;

B) make proposals, comments and amendments to the draft work plans of the Expert Council, the agenda and procedure for its meetings;

C) get acquainted with the documents submitted to the Expert Council regarding the issues under consideration, express your opinion on the substance of the issues discussed, comments and suggestions on the draft decisions made and minutes of the meetings of the Expert Council;

D) use in your work information, analytical and other materials obtained as a result of expert activities.

8. Members of the Expert Council have equal rights when discussing issues and voting. In case of disagreement with the decision made, they have the right to express their opinion, which is attached to the minutes of the Expert Council.

9. On the issues considered, the Expert Council, its board and working groups make decisions, which are documented in the minutes of the meetings of the Expert Council. Copies of these protocols are sent to the Government of the Russian Federation.

10. Decisions of the Expert Council, its board and working groups are made, as a rule, by general consensus. Based on the proposal of a member of the Expert Council, a vote may be taken by the decision of the presiding officer. In this case, the decision is made by a majority vote of those participating in the meeting of the Expert Council, its board and working groups, including online.

IV. Composition of the Expert Council

11. The Expert Council includes the chairman of the Expert Council, deputy chairmen of the Expert Council and members of the Expert Council.

A collegium is formed from the members of the Expert Council, which consists of 20 people and is a permanent body of the Expert Council.

12. The selection of candidates for members of the Expert Council is carried out on the basis of transparency and voluntary participation in the work of the Expert Council.

13. When carrying out the procedure for selecting (rating) candidates for members of the Expert Council, factors such as the presence of an academic degree and (or) title, honorary degree and (or) title, the number of publications in scientific journals and other means mass media, presence of a representative office in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" (hereinafter referred to as the "Internet"), including social media, participation in activities public organizations, higher educational institutions and scientific institutions, as well as recognized authority in the professional community and reputation as a responsible expert.

14. Members of the Expert Council cannot be persons replacing government positions of the Russian Federation, government positions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipal positions, positions of state and municipal service.

15. Members of the Expert Council carry out their activities on a voluntary basis.

16. The procedure for forming the Expert Council includes 3 stages.

At the first stage, the Minister of the Russian Federation sends for consideration to the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation from 200 to 220 candidates for inclusion in the Expert Council. Of these, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation approves the candidacies of 200 members of the Expert Council, including the coordinator of the Expert Council and his deputy.

The coordinator of the Expert Council and his deputy organize the activities of the Expert Council until its formation is completed.

At the second stage, information about the second stage of selecting experts for the Expert Council and a candidate questionnaire (to be filled out in in electronic format). At the same time, the relevant information is sent to federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and local government authorities municipalities with a population of over 500 thousand people, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, public councils under federal executive authorities, political parties, Russian Academy of Sciences and branch academies of sciences, into the 20 leading Russian higher educational institutions, determined by a combination of state and public ratings, public associations entrepreneurs and trade unions, public associations with a network of regional offices, as well as leading federal and regional media.

Each of these bodies, associations, institutions and organizations has the right to nominate up to 10 candidates to the Expert Council.

From the total number of submitted candidates, the coordinator of the Expert Council organizes the selection of candidates nominated the largest number specified bodies, associations, institutions and organizations. In case of equality of votes received, the number of factors based on which the candidates were declared is taken into account.

The number of candidates selected at the second stage should not exceed 2000 people.

In the third stage, 2000 candidates selected in the second stage conduct voting (rating) online. Each candidate can vote for no more than 220 candidates from the list.

The coordinator of the Expert Council submits 220 candidates for consideration by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, of which the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation approves 200 members of the Expert Council.

17. The formation of the bodies of the Expert Council is carried out in the following order:

A) members of the Expert Council, using the voting (rating) mechanism specified in paragraph 16 of these Regulations, elect from among themselves 30 candidates for membership in the board of the Expert Council;

B) The Minister of the Russian Federation nominates 10 candidates for membership in the board of the Expert Council from among the approved members of the Expert Council, but not included in the number of candidates for membership in the board of the Expert Council;

C) The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, from the provided list of candidates for members of the board of the Expert Council, approves 20 members of the board of the Expert Council, the chairman of the Expert Council and 2 deputy chairmen of the Expert Council from among them.

18. The Expert Council and the panel of the Expert Council are formed on the principles of annual rotation. The composition of the Expert Council is updated by 20 percent once a year in the following order:

Based on the results of the calendar year, members of the Expert Council determine by voting (rating) the effectiveness of each other’s work within the framework of the Expert Council. Each member of the Expert Council can vote for no more than 200 members of the Expert Council;

Members of the Expert Council who receive the least number of votes are removed from its composition;

The term of office of the Expert Council is 3 years from the date of formation of the full composition of the Expert Council.

V. Procedure for holding meetings and making decisions by the Expert Council

19. The Board of the Expert Council organizes the work and determines priority areas of activity of the Expert Council, including approving work plans, forming working groups and conducting examinations on behalf of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

A meeting of the board of the Expert Council is considered valid if more than half of all members of the board of the Expert Council take part in it.

20. Chairman of the Expert Council:

Provides general management of the work of the Expert Council, conducts meetings of the Expert Council, board and, if necessary, working groups, as well as general control for the implementation of work plans and execution of decisions of the Expert Council;

Creates conditions for collective discussion and resolution of issues submitted for consideration by the Expert Council.

21. In the absence of the Chairman of the Expert Council, responsibilities for its decision are assigned to one of the deputies.

22. The work of the Expert Council is carried out on a regular basis in the format of working group meetings, as well as discussions on the Internet. Meetings of the Expert Council are held by the Chairman of the Expert Council at least once every six months.

23. Experts selected based on the results of the first stage of formation of the Expert Council, but not included in its composition, as well as other experts, subject to appropriate decisions of the chairman of the Expert Council and managers, can be involved in the work of the Expert Council, including on the Internet. working groups.

24. Meetings of the Board of Experts are held at least once a month.

25. The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation has the right to extraordinary convene the Expert Council and the board of the Expert Council.

26. The work plan of the Expert Council is public and is posted on the website “Bolshoygovernment.rf” on the Internet.

27. Organizational and technical support for meetings of the Expert Council, its board and working groups is carried out by the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation.

28. The expert council has a form with its name.


on the Expert Council of the Ministry of the Russian Federation

for civil defense and emergency situations

and disaster relief


1.1. The Expert Council of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief (hereinafter - the Expert Council) is an advisory body for the activities of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief (hereinafter EMERCOM of Russia) in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies, ensuring fire safety and safety of people on water bodies.

1.2. In its activities, the Expert Council is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, as well as these Regulations.

1.3. In carrying out its tasks, the Expert Council interacts on issues within the competence of the Expert Council with the leadership of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, structural divisions of the central apparatus of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, including territorial and subordinate institutions, including research institutions (hereinafter referred to as the organizations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia), federal executive authorities and organizations subordinate to them.

1.4. The Expert Council provides scientific, legal, expert and information and consulting support to the activities of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations in preparing and making decisions on the prevention and response to natural and man-made emergencies, ensuring fire safety and the safety of people on water bodies.

Support for the activities of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations is carried out only at the request of the Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief (hereinafter referred to as the Minister) or a person temporarily performing his duties.

1.5. The activities of the Expert Council are carried out on the basis of:

compliance with the law;

free access to information necessary for conducting expert and information and advisory work;

equality when raising questions and making proposals in the process of expert and information and advisory work;

independence of the position from private opinions that interfere with the objectivity of the analysis;

independence in making specific decisions within the limits of the powers granted.

1.6. Expert advice is not legal entity and acts within the framework of the rights and powers granted to him by this provision.

1.7. The Expert Council operates on a voluntary basis.

1.8. Decisions made at meetings of the Expert Council are advisory in nature.

The Expert Council is not responsible for the consequences of using expert opinions.


2.1. The main tasks of the Expert Council are:

providing expert support to management in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from emergency situations, ensuring fire safety, safety of people on water bodies in the event of extreme difficulty in preparing and making decisions to carry out work to prevent emergency situations or rescue people and protect territories, when The staff resources of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations are insufficient and additional consultations are required;

providing expert support for forecasting the development of emergency situations, as well as analyzing measures to prevent them;

conducting an independent examination of documents defining state policy in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from emergency situations, ensuring fire safety, as well as the safety of people on water bodies;

additional examination of draft regulatory legal acts in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from emergency situations, ensuring fire safety and safety of people on water bodies in the event of a conflict of interest;

consultations on issues strategic planning safe life.


3.1. The Expert Council includes:

Chairman of the Expert Council;

deputy chairmen of the Expert Council;

members of the Expert Council.

Quantitative and personnel members of the Expert Council are approved by the Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief (hereinafter referred to as the Minister) on the proposal of the Chairman of the Expert Council.

3.2. The expert council is formed from representatives of public and scientific organizations, as well as scientists and specialists in the areas of their professional and scientific activity, determined by the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The selection of candidates for members of the Expert Council is carried out on the basis of universal recognition of their professionalism, competence and high special knowledge in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies, ensuring fire safety and safety of people on water bodies.

Selection of candidates for members of the Expert Council through public selection and consent to voluntary participation in the work of the Expert Council.

The Expert Council may include employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and its organizations, but not more than 10% of its quantitative composition.

4. Operating modes EXPERT COUNCIL

4.1. In its work, the Expert Council assumes two main modes of operation:

daily activities;

mode of request for expert assessment;

4.2. In daily activities Expert advice:

conducts meetings of the Expert Council;

conducts analysis of materials received as part of forecasting and emergency response work;

4.3. In request mode for expert assessment Expert advice:

collects the Expert Council;

hears or studies materials submitted for expert evaluation;

conducts an expert assessment of the situation, forecasts the possible development of emergency situations and prepares recommendations or expert opinions for carrying out a set of organizational, engineering and other measures to prevent and eliminate emergency situations or reduce their impact on the population and economic facilities;

if necessary, together with the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, sends experts to the zone of a predicted emergency situation (with their voluntary consent) to identify on the spot the reasons for the deterioration of the situation and develop proposals for its normalization. At the same time, all costs associated with the delivery, security and stay of experts in the zone of a predicted emergency situation are covered by the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.


5.1. In order to fulfill its tasks, the Expert Council has the right:

create Expert Groups to prepare materials for the meeting of the Expert Council;

invite, by decision of the Minister (his replacement), the leadership of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, managers and specialists to participate in meetings of the Expert Council structural divisions the central office of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations and organizations of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, as well as other interested parties;

receive from the heads of structural divisions of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and organizations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia materials and documents related to the preparation of the project (including feedback and conclusions received during its approval and discussion) necessary for the examination;

make requests to government bodies and other organizations within their competence;

take, within the limits of their powers, other actions that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation and are necessary for the implementation of expert and information and advisory work;

make proposals on the subjects of its activities to the Minister in the prescribed manner.

5.2. The Chairman of the Expert Council is appointed by the Minister.

5.3. Chairman of the Expert Council:

determines priority areas of activity of the Expert Council, manages the work of the Expert Council, approves work plans, holds meetings, distributes responsibilities and assignments among members of the Expert Council, exercises general control over the implementation of meeting plans, execution of decisions of the Expert Council;

creates the necessary conditions for collective discussion and resolution of issues submitted for consideration by the Expert Council;

makes proposals to the leadership of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations regarding the quantitative and personal composition of the Expert Council;

In the absence of the Chairman of the Expert Council, his duties are assigned to one of the deputies.

5.4.. Members of the expert council:

carry out a comprehensive, complete, objective analysis of the material submitted for examination. Ensure the completeness and validity of the conclusions of the examination;

comply with established federal legislation requirements for organizing and conducting an examination are guided in their activities by these Regulations;

ensure, if necessary, the confidentiality of information related to the examination.

5.5. Members of the Expert Council have the right:

participate in events held by the Expert Council, preparation of materials on the issues under consideration;

make proposals, comments and amendments to the draft work plans of the Expert Council, on the agenda and order of its meetings;

get acquainted with documents relating to the issues under consideration, express your opinion on the substance of the issues discussed, comments and suggestions on draft decisions made and minutes of meetings of the Expert Council;

use documented information, analytical materials and other developments obtained as a result of this expert activity in their scientific and practical work, if this does not contradict the current legislation.

5.6. The executive secretary and the secretary of the Expert Council, who are members of the Expert Council, are appointed from among the employees of the Office of Advisors of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

Executive Secretary and Secretary of the Expert Council:

organize legal, analytical, information and reference, organizational, logistical and other support for the activities of the Expert Council;

organizationally ensure the holding of meetings of the Expert Council, as well as protocol registration of decisions made at meetings of the Expert Council;

carry out the collection and preparation of analytical, reference and other documents necessary for the activities of the Expert Council.

carry out other functions in accordance with the decisions of the Expert Council and instructions of its chairman.


6.1. The Expert Council carries out its activities in accordance with the plan of main activities for the next year, approved by the Minister on the proposal of the Chairman of the Expert Council.

6.2. The main form of activity of the Expert Council is meetings, which are held as needed, but at least once every six months.

If necessary, as well as in cases of emergency situations at the federal or interregional level, the Chairman of the Expert Council may convene extraordinary meetings of the Expert Council. Members of the Expert Council are notified of an extraordinary meeting of the Expert Council National Center management in crisis situations(hereinafter referred to as NTSUKS) Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

6.3. A meeting of the Expert Council is considered valid if more than half of the Council members are present or required amount experts on the issues discussed.

6.4. Members of the Expert Council have equal rights when discussing issues and voting. In case of disagreement with the decision made, they have the right to express an opinion on a specific issue, which is attached to the minutes of the meeting of the Expert Council.

6.5. Members of the Expert Council are required to personally participate in meetings of the Expert Council and do not have the right to delegate their powers to other persons.

6.6. The Expert Council makes decisions on the issues considered. Decisions are reflected in the minutes of meetings of the Expert Council, copies of which are submitted to the Minister.

The Chairman of the Expert Council has the right to orally inform the Minister (his replacement) about the decisions made by the Expert Council.

6.7. Decisions of the Expert Council on the issues under consideration are made by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Expert Council present at the meeting. In case of equality of votes, the decisive vote is the chairman of the Expert Council or his deputy presiding at the meeting.

6.8. Decisions made at meetings of the Expert Council are advisory in nature and are documented in minutes, which are signed by the chairman of the Expert Council.

6.9. Organizational support for the activities of the Expert Council is provided by the relevant departments of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Technical support for the activities of the Expert Council is provided by the National Center for Emergency Management of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

Maintaining documentation, coordinating organizational and technical activities and preparing meetings of the Expert Council are carried out by the executive secretaries of the Expert Council.

6.10. Internal procedures that determine the procedure for applying to the Expert Council, the volume and composition of materials submitted for expert assessment, the timing and methods of its consideration, as well as the content and composition of documents drawn up by the Expert Council based on the results of the analysis of the information presented are determined by the Regulations for the work of the Expert Council, which is approved at a meeting of the Expert Council.

6.11. Reorganization or liquidation of the Expert Council, changes in its composition are carried out on the basis of a decision of the Minister.

Attention! This comment is not an official request from the applicant!

About the Expert Council
Federal agency water resources

1. General Provisions

1.1. The Expert Council of the Federal Water Resources Agency (hereinafter referred to as the Expert Council) is a permanent advisory body of the Federal Water Resources Agency and was formed to ensure effective use federal budget funds allocated by the Agency for the implementation of water protection and water management measures.

1.2. The Expert Council in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, orders and orders of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, orders of the Federal Agency for Water Resources, Regulations on Federal Water Resources Agency and these Regulations.

2. Main tasks and functions of the Expert Council

2.1. The main task of the Expert Council is to form an expert assessment of construction and reconstruction projects hydraulic structures, water protection and water management measures proposed for implementation at the expense of the federal budget and the development on its basis of optimal decisions on the possibility of budget financing, issues of water management activities, use and protection of water bodies.

2.2. The function of the Expert Council is expert assessment:

construction projects, reconstruction of objects of the federal targeted investment program;
capital repair projects for hydraulic structures;

feasibility studies and projects for carrying out water management and water protection works and ongoing activities.

3. Composition and structure of the Expert Council

3.1. The Expert Council consists of a chairman, deputy chairmen in areas, a secretary and members of the Expert Council.

The Expert Council includes ex officio members: Deputy Heads of the Federal Water Resources Agency.

3.2. The Expert Council is formed from representatives of federal government bodies, scientific and public organizations, scientists and specialists in the established field of activity of the Agency, and federal civil servants of the Agency, attracted by agreement. The total number of the Expert Council is 9 people. The personal composition of the expert council is approved by order of the Head of the Federal Water Resources Agency.

3.3. To consider individual, most technically complex or capital-intensive projects, temporary (permanent) working groups can be created from among members of the Expert Council and representatives of other expert communities.

3.4. Chairman of the Expert Council:

appointed head of the Federal Water Resources Agency;

carries out general management of the work of the Expert Council;

approves the personal composition of working groups and their work plans;

makes decisions on holding extraordinary, closed, on-site and joint meetings of the Expert Council and other advisory and expert bodies;

coordinates the recording, shorthand, video and photography of meetings of the Expert Council;

exercises other powers in accordance with this provision.

4. Organization of the work of the Expert Council

4.1 The Expert Council works according to plans approved by its chairman.

4.2. The main form of activity of the Expert Council is meetings. If necessary, by decision of the chairman of the Expert Council, extraordinary, closed, on-site and joint meetings of the Expert Council and other advisory and expert bodies may be held in agreement with them.

4.3. The procedure for holding closed meetings of the Expert Council is established by its chairman.

4.4. A meeting of the Expert Council is considered valid if at least 2/3 of the number established in clause 3.2 is present. present provision of the number of members.

5. Planning meetings of the Expert Council

5.1. Meetings of the Expert Council are held on a scheduled basis, as a rule, at least once a month. The work plans of the Expert Council are drawn up for six months and approved by the chairman.

5.2. The preparation and approval of the draft work plan of the Expert Council for six months is the responsibility of the Department of Economics, Finance and Budget Accounting.

5.3. The right to make proposals for the draft work plan of the expert council for the next six months, as well as proposals for making changes and additions to the approved plan, belongs to the chairman of the Expert Council, his deputies in areas, the Head of the Federal Water Resources Agency and his deputies.

5.4.. The work plan indicates the issues submitted for consideration by the Expert Council, the member of the Expert Council reporting the expert assessment (opinion), and the date of the meeting.

6. Procedure for preparing and holding meetings of the Expert Council

6.1. Notification of persons invited to the meeting of the Expert Council is carried out by the Department of Affairs, Civil Service and Personnel of the Agency, according to the list approved by the chairman of the Expert Council.

6.2. The preparation of reports, draft decisions, conclusions and recommendations of the Expert Council is carried out by rapporteurs - members of the Expert Council with the material and technical assistance of the Administration, civil service and personnel of the Agency.

6.3. Opening and closing meetings, informing members of the Expert Council about the composition and number of persons invited to the meeting, organizing discussion of issues (providing the floor for speech, submitting draft prepared documents, proposals on issues under consideration to a vote and announcing voting results), announcing requests, certificates, statements and proposals are made by the Chairman of the Expert Council or a person authorized by him (Deputy Chairman of the Expert Council).

6.4. Meetings of the Expert Council begin with the approval of the agenda and clarification of the procedure for its conduct. The time for reports is set at up to 15 minutes, for speeches in debates - up to 10 minutes, for messages and information - up to 5 minutes. If necessary, the Chairman of the Expert Council may change the time for speaking.

6.5. Persons invited to meetings of the Expert Council can speak in debates, make comments, and provide information on the substance of the issues discussed and draft decisions prepared.

6.6. Sound recording and shorthand recording, video and photography of meetings of the Expert Council is carried out in agreement with the chairman.

6.7. The minutes of the meeting are kept by the secretary of the Expert Council.

6.8. The minutes indicate: serial number of the minutes, date, time and place of the meeting, last name, first name, patronymic of the chairman, present members of the Expert Council, invitees and their positions, issues considered, decisions made on them, names of speakers and speakers.

6.9. The minutes are signed by the chairman of the Expert Council and the secretary.

6.10. The management of the Expert Council's records is entrusted to the Administration, Civil Service and Personnel of the Agency. Files with materials of the Expert Council are subject to formation and storage in accordance with the approved nomenclature and established procedure. Familiarization with these files is allowed only with the permission of the chairman of the Expert Council.

7. The procedure for making decisions by the Expert Council

7.1. A decision made on each issue discussed, as a rule, by open voting, is considered adopted if a majority of votes are cast for it from the number of members of the Expert Council present at the meeting. In case of equality of votes, the casting vote is the vote of the Chairman of the Expert Council.

7.2. The decision of the Expert Council is signed by the chairman.

7.3. Decisions made by the Expert Council are documented in protocols and are advisory in nature. Decisions of the expert council can be implemented by issuing appropriate orders from the Head of the Agency or by communicating them to the relevant executors.

8. Procedure for preparing and holding meetings of working groups

8.1. Meetings of working groups are planned by the deputy chairmen of the Expert Council in areas (heads of working groups).

8.2. Conducting meetings of working groups, preparing materials for them, and maintaining minutes of meetings are provided by the head of the working group.

8.3. The results of working group meetings are reported at a meeting of the Expert Council. Decisions based on the results of meetings are made in the manner prescribed by these Regulations.

8.4. Materials of meetings of working groups and minutes of meetings signed by the head of the working group are submitted to the Department of Affairs, Civil Service and Personnel of the Agency.