Folder-moving for working with parents prevention of colds in the family “against illness - the whole family! Folder “How to protect your child from colds or how to strengthen the immune system”

Administration municipality Noyabrsk city

Department of Education

Municipal preschool educational institution- combined type kindergarten “Baby”


Developed by:

PHYS instructor

Prokofieva N.V.



Target: Educational work with parents in the field of health conservation, attracting parents to a healthy lifestyle.

Ideally, everyone knows that a person should be harmoniously developed and conscious of his health, but we only have general ideas about how to find the right inner course. We “cling”, not knowing what exactly suits us, our loved ones. But it was proven a long time ago: in order not to be afraid of either heat or cold, It’s not at all necessary to become a “walrus” or sit in a sauna for hours. The main thing is to systematically carry out hardening procedures. They have a positive effect on the child’s well-being and behavior. This is what the most prominent Soviet pediatrician G.N. said. Speransky: “... with the most careful care it is unthinkable to protect a child from all unexpected changes in temperature, sudden drafts, open windows,dampness. But for a pampered body accustomed to constant warmth, such accidental cooling becomes especially dangerous. The more diligently a child is wrapped up, the more vulnerable he is to colds, the more often he gets sick. There is no doubt that the only reliable remedy is hardening. We must train, improve, develop innate protective forces, and achieve their best impact.”

Let's start with morning exercises. Morning exercise should be firmly established in the life of every family. Such collective activities are always more emotional and attractive. They unite! the whole family with common concerns and interests. This is also the way to the child’s heart, the key to good relationships in the family.

A child’s body differs from an adult in rapid growth: development, formation and formation of the structure of many organs and systems. All this requires the body to receive a sufficient amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins.

Therefore, from proper organization Nutrition in childhood largely depends on the health status of an adult.

Importance in providinghigh stability; Good resistance to infectious diseases of the body is a proper, balanced diet.

Also, strict adherence to the diet is of no little importance in organizing children's nutrition - this determines the development of a conditioned food reflex. The diet provides for compliance with the physiological norms of daily and one-time amounts of food, ensuring clear continuity in the nutrition of children between preschool and family.

Having received tasty and nutritious food, walks in the fresh air will be interesting and useful. In winter, they can be skiing, with outdoor games, sledding and skating, etc. In the summer - by showing ingenuity and ingenuity, any item can serve and make a walk more varied and interesting. For example: you can test the sense of balance of family members by walking over a fallen tree, a strong branch on a tree can serve as a crossbar for pulling, etc.

An excellent means of prevention colds are country hikes that do not require lengthy preparations and special equipment. Bring a ball, rackets, jump ropes and arrange family competitions - it will bring pleasure to both you and your children.

Since ancient times, it was believed that it was impossible to be healthy without physical exercise, swimming, and hardening with the natural forces of nature. Water procedures have long been used by many peoples to improve health and treatment.

History knows many cases when people who had naturally poor health acquired excellent health with the help of hardening with water, cold and physical training. This is what the commander’s valet A.V. wrote in his memoirs.Suvorov: “... by dousing himself with cold water, he, one might say, hardened his body from the influence of bad weather, he seemed like a supernatural being...” Few people know that Suvorov punished both officers and the sick themselves for colds for their careless attitude towards their health.

When sending children to different climatic regions for recreation and treatment, doctors also try to take into account individual characteristics the child, the state of his nervous system, the degree of fitness of the body, the phase of the disease. Particular caution is required in relation to children with increased nervous excitability, who usually do not feel well in the south during the hot summer months and spend their holidays there with effect in the spring and autumn.

The younger the children are, the more difficult it is for them to endure long journeys and the worse they acclimatize to new conditions. That is why, when the climate changes in the first 7-10 days, children need to be provided with a gentle regime so that they adapt to the new climate.

You should also keep in mind: the beneficial effect of rest and treatment can be significant and more sustainable if it lasts at least 1.5 -2 months.


1. The child’s health is in your hands S.M. Martynov. Moscow "Enlightenment" 1991 4 Book about children's health M.Ya. Studenikin Moscow “Medicine” 1986

2. Family: 500 questions and answers Moscow “Thought” 1992

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To develop a healthy lifestyle, it is necessary to tell your child about disease prevention and provide basic information about medications and diseases. Once a child has been ill, he will learn to compare the state of a healthy and a sick person. A child should know what health is and what illness is. It is useful to give children the opportunity to exchange experiences, tell each other what they know about diseases, how they felt when they had a sore throat, stomach, or headache. You need to tell your child about the many reasons that lead to illness and how to avoid illness. It can be difficult to convince a child to wash his hands before eating, not to put icicles in his mouth, not to eat snow, not to sit for a long time before computer games or in front of the TV, etc. It is difficult for a child to understand the connection between the disease and its causes; teaching him to take care of his body and not harming it is extremely important.

It is useful to introduce the child to the profession of a doctor and talk about how a doctor helps people become healthy.

What to tell your child

You've probably heard adults say: "Doctors are our friends." Explain this expression.

Tell your child about Dr. Neboleyko. He heals people and knows a lot about diseases. Using a microscope, he studies tiny organisms that are invisible to the human eye - microbes. Using a microscope, you can see many microbes in a drop of dirty water. If you drink this water, you can get sick. Microbes are dangerous because they are found everywhere and, when entering the human body, can cause illness. But, fortunately, our body is able to protect itself from this.

Firstly, our entire body is covered with skin. The skin protects the body from external influences. A lot of germs accumulate on our hands, because we touch objects with them on the street, in places. Where there are a lot of people, we pet our pet animals.

Doctor Nebolyko's rules:

  • do not rub your eyes with dirty hands;
  • do not put your fingers in your mouth;
  • when coming home from the street, wash your hands;
  • wash your hands before eating.

Secondly, the human body has a protective mechanism - immunity. But a weak body also has a weak immune system.

To strengthen your immune system, follow Dr. Neboleyko’s rules:

  • keep a daily routine;
  • maintain hygiene, keep things and your room clean and tidy;
  • harden yourself: take air and sun baths, swim in the river, lake, sea in the summer; do gymnastics, etc.

Thirdly, a person himself must take care of his health. Dr. Neboleyko warns: when coughing and sneezing, tiny particles of saliva fly out of a person’s mouth. A person with the flu releases a virus (the source of the disease) through their coughs and sneezes, which is transmitted through the air. That is why, when in contact with a sick person, you need to wear a hygienic mask so as not to become infected.

Hygiene rules:

  • Be sure to wash your hands before eating.
  • Wash your face and brush your teeth in the morning and evening.
  • Keep your body clean, harden yourself.
  • Never eat snow or icicles - take care of your throat.
  • Don't eat from someone else's plate.
  • Don’t finish eating or drinking someone else’s food.
  • After handling animals, be sure to wash your hands.
  • Keep your things clean.
  • If you are sick, do not be afraid to call a doctor - he will quickly cure you.
  • If there is a sick person at home, wear a mask.
  • Don't pick anything up from the ground.

Read to your child K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit.” Play the game “Heal Your Favorite Toy.” Read poems and solve riddles together.

Poems, riddles about health:

Doctor, doctor, what should we do:
To wash your ears or not to wash them?
If you wash, then what should we do:
Wash often or less often?..
The doctor answers: - HEDGEHOG!
The doctor answers angrily:
- EVERY-EVERY-DAY! (E. Moshkovskaya)

He will cure measles, and bronchitis, and sore throat,
Prescribe pills and vitamins. (Doctor)

Questions and tasks

Have you ever had to see a doctor? Tell me about it. Where does the doctor work? What does the doctor look like and what does he wear? How did he examine you and treat you? What medical instruments did you use?

Think and answer the questions.

Why can't you eat with dirty hands?
- Why should you use a tissue or turn away from those who are nearby when coughing or sneezing?
- Why are flies called disease carriers?
- Is it possible to drink water from a pond?

Each doctor has his own specialization. Continue the sentences:

– A doctor who treats colds, heart disease and others internal organs, called... (therapist).

– A doctor who treats bruises, fractures, and performs operations is called... (surgeon).

– A doctor who treats eye diseases is called... (ophthalmologist).

– A doctor who treats diseases of the ears, nose and throat is called... (ENT).

- A doctor who treats teeth is called... (dentist).

- The doctor is helped by... (nurse).

– A doctor who treats animals is called... (veterinarian).

Administration of the municipal formation of the city of Noyabrsk
Department of Education
Municipal preschool educational institution - combined kindergarten "Baby"



Developed by:
PHYS instructor
Prokofieva N.V.


Goal: Educational work with parents in the field of health conservation, attracting parents to a healthy lifestyle.
Ideally, everyone knows that a person should be harmoniously developed and conscious of his health, but we only have general ideas about how to find the right inner course. We “cling”, not knowing what exactly suits us, our loved ones. But it was proven a long time ago: in order not to be afraid of either heat or cold, it is not at all necessary to become a “walrus” or sit for hours in a sauna. The main thing is to systematically carry out hardening procedures. They have a positive effect on the child’s well-being and behavior. This is what the most prominent Soviet pediatrician G.N. said. Speransky: “... with the most careful care it is unthinkable to protect a child from all unexpected changes in temperature, sudden drafts, open windows, dampness. But for a pampered body accustomed to constant warmth, such accidental cooling becomes especially dangerous. The more diligently a child is wrapped up, the more vulnerable he is to colds, the more often he gets sick. There is no doubt that the only reliable remedy is hardening. We must train, improve, develop innate protective forces, and achieve their best impact.”
Let's start with morning exercises. Morning exercise should be firmly established in the life of every family. Such collective activities are always more emotional and attractive. They unite! the whole family with common concerns and interests. This is also the way to the child’s heart, the key to good relationships in the family.
A child’s body differs from an adult in rapid growth: development, formation and formation of the structure of many organs and systems. All this requires the body to receive a sufficient amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins.
Consequently, the health status of an adult largely depends on the proper organization of nutrition in childhood.
Important in ensuring high sustainability; Good resistance to infectious diseases of the body is a proper, balanced diet.
Also, strict adherence to the diet is of no little importance in organizing children's nutrition - this determines the development of a conditioned food reflex. The diet provides for compliance with the physiological norms of daily and one-time amounts of food, ensuring clear continuity in the nutrition of children between the preschool institution and the family.
Having received tasty and nutritious food, walks in the fresh air will be interesting and useful. In winter, they can be skiing, with outdoor games, sledding and skating, etc. In the summer - by showing ingenuity and ingenuity, any item can serve and make a walk more varied and interesting. For example: you can test the sense of balance of family members by walking over a fallen tree, a strong branch on a tree can serve as a crossbar for pulling, etc.
A wonderful way to prevent colds are country hikes, which do not require lengthy preparations or special equipment. Bring a ball, rackets, jump ropes and arrange family competitions - it will bring pleasure to both you and your children.

Since ancient times, it was believed that it was impossible to be healthy without physical exercise, swimming, and hardening with the natural forces of nature. Water procedures have long been used by many peoples to improve health and treatment.
History knows many cases when people who had naturally poor health acquired excellent health with the help of hardening with water, cold and physical training. This is what the commander’s valet A.V. wrote in his memoirs. Suvorov: “... by dousing himself with cold water, he, one might say, hardened his body from the influence of bad weather, he seemed like a supernatural being...” Few people know that Suvorov punished both officers and the sick themselves for colds for their careless attitude towards their health.
When sending children to various climatic regions for recreation and treatment, doctors also try to take into account the individual characteristics of the child, the state of his nervous system, the degree of fitness of the body, and the phase of the disease. Particular caution is required in relation to children with increased nervous excitability, who usually do not feel well in the south during the hot summer months and spend their holidays there with effect in the spring and autumn.
The younger the children are, the more difficult it is for them to endure long journeys and the worse they acclimatize to new conditions. That is why, when the climate changes in the first 7-10 days, children need to be provided with a gentle regime so that they adapt to the new climate.
You should also keep in mind: the beneficial effect of rest and treatment can be significant and more sustainable if it lasts at least 1.5 -2 months.

1. The child’s health is in your hands S.M. Martynov. Moscow "Enlightenment" 1991 4 Book about children's health M.Ya. Studenikin Moscow “Medicine” 1986
2. Family: 500 questions and answers Moscow “Thought” 1992

Boy pours himself Heading 115

Berezovsky municipal autonomous preschool educational
institution " Kindergarten No. 5 “Pearl”
Sliding folder
Instructor physical culture Dimitrova Tatyana Olegovna
How to protect your child from colds or how to strengthen the immune system
Sports for children - activity
Physical development in children is unfortunately rare these days. Meanwhile, sports and physical activity directly affect the child’s immunity in a positive sense. Therefore, take care of your child so that he spends as much time as possible outdoors! And don't try to calm your child down! If your baby rollerblades, bikes, runs, jumps, exploring everything around him, this will have an extremely positive impact on his health.
Nutrition for children that strengthens the immune system
Make sure that the food you give your child is rich in minerals and vitamins. You can also purchase special vitamin complexes that are designed specifically for the child. Of course, it is better if you give all these vitamins to your child not in the form of medications, but in their natural form. Fruits, vegetables, especially foods containing vitamin C:

You can list many more useful products with vitamin C, which are especially important for strengthening the immune system. In addition to vitamin C, vitamins A and E have a positive effect on immunity. So when buying products, pay attention to the content of the above vitamins. Avoid processed foods and try to keep all products natural.
Contrasting temperatures to strengthen the child’s immunity
Hardening! A child’s body, if accustomed to sudden temperature changes, will just as naturally resist temperature changes in real conditions, which means that the child’s likelihood of catching a cold will be noticeably reduced. Do not think that visiting a bathhouse or sauna is a pastime exclusively for adults. It is also beneficial for your baby. At the same time, you should not accustom your child to temperature changes too sharply. First, slowly changing the temperature and limiting your time in the sauna or bathhouse itself to a couple of minutes.

How to protect your child from colds
To avoid colds in your child and increase resistance to all sorts of illnesses, it is recommended to follow a few simple rules. And then the chances that your child will suddenly get sick when changing from hot to cold or being in the rain are significantly reduced. Of course, even if a child gets sick, there is nothing terrible about it and it is important not to go into overprotective mode, but still, if you can protect your child from a cold, then why not do it?
Simple tips on how to protect your child from colds!!!
Teach your baby to breathe through his nose
This simple recommendation is very important. The fact is that it is the nasal mucosa that becomes the very first barrier that stands in the way of microbes. When breathing through the nose, a significant part of the microbes are neutralized before they enter the body. This means breathing through your nose is the first way to avoid illness.

The child should always have a clean handkerchief
It is best to use disposable paper tissues - this will prevent the spread of infection. In addition, a useful habit is to sneeze not into your palm, but into the crook of your arm: after all, germs easily migrate from all surfaces in the house to the baby’s palms, and from there straight into the respiratory tract.

Don't forget the onions and garlic
Natural phytoncides of onions and garlic have the excellent ability to kill microbes - and therefore it is very useful to leave a saucer with chopped onions or garlic cloves in the room where the child sleeps. In addition, you can put finely chopped garlic in a Kinder Surprise container.

Ventilate the room
Even if there is bad weather outside, take fifteen minutes to ventilate the rooms. Fresh air- an effective antimicrobial agent. Stop smoking indoors once and for all - tobacco smoke tends to seep into any cracks, and it does not have the best effect on the child’s health: in particular, it significantly reduces immunity.

Cold prevention
The last piece of advice that many parents probably won’t like is preventing colds in children using medications. Consult with your pediatrician which drug will have a beneficial effect on the body. At the same time, you should not constantly take preventive medications, firstly, because the body gets used to the action and no longer reacts the same way, and secondly, everyone understands that medicine is a poison that is beneficial only in certain doses. A winter sledding trip will serve as an excellent preventive measure.

Like these ones simple tips will help your child not catch a cold. Of course, there is no magic or guarantees, plus each child has his own heredity and his own hereditary immunity, but still such simple actions will protect and increase the chances of healthy leisure time, and not of lying in bed.
Be healthy!