Print hd from pdf417 msi installation package. Why are tax returns not being printed? The main qualities of the template

Printing ND with PDF417 - software, which is a library module designed for applying a two-dimensional barcode. This is an official solution from GNIVC, most often used in conjunction with software designed for preparing tax returns and other electronic documentation. The program cannot be used as a “stand-alone” solution.

Installation and use

During the installation process of Printing ND with PDF417, not only the main printing module will be installed on your computer, but also a package of templates. The latter, as its own and the main program, is “subject to” updating via the network. Templates can be found in official sources of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

By using COM technology, this software can work with programs such as, and so on. Actually, in the case of the first two, this two-dimensional barcode printing module will be installed “automatically”. Related documentation for Printing ND from PDF417 will not be added to the PC. You can get acquainted with it on the official website of the State Scientific Research Center.

The installation process occurs automatically and does not require user intervention. The program is compatible with all current versions of the Windows operating system.


The software serves to add legal significance to electronic versions of registration certificates, tax returns and other accounting reports that are submitted to the Federal Tax Service and other government agencies via the Internet. A two-dimensional barcode, as indicated in the name, is applied to a document in PDF417 format. It contains all the information necessary for the tax authority. You can download and use Printing ND from PDF417 completely free of charge.

Key Features

  • intended for applying a two-dimensional barcode of PDF417 symbols;
  • works in tandem with third-party software used to generate tax reporting;
  • is an official decision from GNIVC;
  • installs a package with stamp templates;
  • distributed completely free of charge.

Installing a two-dimensional barcode printing module, setting up reporting template folders

We suggest downloading the installation file for this module on the website of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise GNIVTS Federal Tax Service of Russia.

To do this, go to the website, click on the “Software” window. (Fig. 1)

Rice. 1. GNIVC website

Then select the line “Library module for printing two-dimensional barcode” (Fig. 2)

Rice.3 Download mblewIprinting a two-dimensional barcode on the GNIVC website

This will download the module installation file archive. Run the downloaded file, the following window will appear (Fig. 4)

Rice.4 . Archived installermoduleI

Double-click with the left mouse button on the inscription “Print ND from PDF (3.2.4).msi”.

The module installer will launch directly (Fig. 5)

Rice.5 . UinstallermoduleI2D barcode printing

After this, the required reporting forms will be generated with two-dimensional barcodes.

Also, to print declarations with a two-dimensional barcode from our program, it is important to correctly define the folders for accounting and tax reporting templates.

Template folders are specified in the menu item “МН” - “Uploading reports” (Fig. 6)

Fig.6. Card "MN: Uploading reports"

By default, reporting templates are located in the “Doc\Otch\” directory, which is located in the root of the program folder. Specifically, in the “ShablBuh” catalog there are templates for printing financial statements, and in the “ShablNal” folder - templates for tax reporting.

In order for the reporting folders to be filled in independently, you need to clear the values ​​of the template folders, and then click the “OK” button. The template folders will be filled in correctly automatically (see example in Fig. 7).

Rice.7 . Card"MN: Uploading reports"with correctly selected template folders

If you wish, you have the opportunity to independently determine in which directories to store the reporting templates and make the appropriate settings in the “MN: Reporting Upload” card, however, we recommend leaving the location of these templates in the folders that are provided for them by default, because in the latter case, you will not have to change the template files manually after the update.

Now the required reporting forms will be generated with two-dimensional barcodes.


Font name - EanGnivc(True Type)
Font file - Eang000.ttf

The Eang000.ttf font (barcode) is needed for printing barcodes in the upper left corner of 1C reporting and other programs.

Installing the EanGnivc font.

Tax returns introduced for reporting purposes since 2004 contain a unique sheet barcode on each sheet. In regulated reporting forms distributed by 1C, a special font EanGnivc is used to display the barcode, which must be installed in the operating system.

If this font is not installed, barcodes will not appear on tax returns. However, if you have already installed this font once, you do not need to perform this installation again.

The font file EANG000.ttf is located in the ExtForms\RP11Q1.GRP subdirectory of the infobase directory.

To install the font you need to do the following:

  • On your PC, click the "Start" button, select "Control Panel";
  • In the Control Panel, find and click the "Fonts" icon;
  • In the window that opens, in the top “File” menu, select the “Install font” command;
  • In the "Disks" combo box, select the desired disk;
  • In the "Folders" field, select the directory in which the EANG000.ttf file is located (For example: ExtForms\RP11Q1.GRP);
  • The line "EanGnivc (True Type)" appears in the "Font List" list. Select this line and click OK.
If you did not find the font Eang000.ttf, then the archive file with the font can be

Bar code- graphic information applied to the surface, marking or packaging of products, making it readable by technical means - a sequence of black and white stripes or other geometric shapes.

EanGnivc barcode

EanGnivc is a barcode developed by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise GNIVTS Federal Tax Service of Russia (for tax reporting forms) based on the standard EAN-8 barcode. EAN, European Article Number is a European barcode standard designed to encode product and manufacturer identifiers.
This standard is universal for all countries. Types of code:

  • EAN-8 (short) - 8 digits are encoded.
  • EAN-13 (full) - 13 digits are encoded.
  • EAN-128 - any number of letters and numbers combined into regulated groups are encoded.
Each digit in EAN-8 is encoded using four strokes: two white and two black. Strokes can have relative widths of one, two, three, or four units. The total stroke width of one digit is seven units. The direction in which the stroke combination is read does not matter. EAN code is a linear barcode readable in one direction (horizontally).

type of code:

2. PDF417 2D barcode printing module

A two-dimensional barcode is required for submitting paper reports to the Federal Tax Service (Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated June 10, 2008 No. BE-3-6/275@).

A two-dimensional barcode is a symbolic barcode

To manually install a single module for printing machine-readable forms, you must first download the archive file containing the installation package of the print module from the website of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise GNIVC.

After executing the program, the TAXDOCPrt.dll application will be installed on the system disk (C:\Program Files\gnivc\print-nd-pdf417\)

Barcode PDF417

PDF417 (Portable Data File) is a two-dimensional barcode that supports encoding up to 2710 characters. PDF417 was developed and introduced in 1991 by Symbol Technologies. PDF417 is widely used in personal identification, accounting of goods, when submitting reports to regulatory authorities and other areas. The PDF417 format is open for general use. PDF417 can contain up to 90 lines. Each line consists of:

  • start and stop pattern. They characterize the barcode as PDF417.
  • set of keywords (KS):
    • left and right indicators - contain information about the line number, number of rows and columns, error correction level;
    • up to 30 KS of data containing both direct data and information for restoring damaged KS.
Each KS consists of 17 modules, each of which contains 4 bars and 4 spaces (hence the number 417). PDF417 supports three data types: text (ASCII), bytes and numbers. One character in a PDF code carries up to 1.1 kilobytes of machine-readable data in an area comparable to the size of a regular barcode. Unlike a linear barcode, which requires linking to a large database, the PDF417 symbol is itself a database.
PDF417 meets the need for a low-cost way to capture, store and transmit large amounts of data. It can transfer entire data files (text, numeric, binary), encode graphics, fingerprints, waybills, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) messages, hardware setup instructions, etc.

Submission of reports to tax and other inspection authorities is increasingly taking place electronically. For those of their clients who have not yet switched to using a modern data transfer service, 1C developers have created an opportunity that provides printing from 1C with a two-dimensional PDF417 barcode. One such code can encrypt several pages of text, which is why it has become widely used by regulatory authorities.

PDF417: two-dimensional barcode in 1C

Two-dimensional codes are not displayed in the interface of report screens. To view the PDF417 form, you must either print the report or preview the report before printing. Without a special scanner, you won't be able to parse the encrypted information, but you can at least make sure that PDF417 is in place. Otherwise, the inspection authorities will not allow your data to be verified.

Among 1C clients there are many companies that prefer not to update their own configurations and platform. In this regard, they may encounter problems when they start printing from 1C with a PDF417 two-dimensional barcode. The Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation periodically makes changes to the template of this barcode and requires that all counterparties take this into account. If the user has the current version of the 1C program, it will automatically update the PDF417 print template. Otherwise, the user will need to do this.

You can download the latest current PDF417 template on the GNIIVTs website in the Information Support section in the list of form templates. The downloaded archive must be unpacked and prepared to install the new template. To do this, you need to close all regulated reporting interfaces, and then run the “PDF417.msi” file for execution.

If you properly update the platform and configuration, then problems with PDF417 printing can occur only if a special module is not installed or removed. This can be easily fixed in two ways:

  1. Firstly, when you try to print a declaration or report from PDF417, 1C will offer to install the component. By answering the request affirmatively, you will start the installation process of the print module;
  2. Secondly, in the regulatory and financial reporting settings form there is an item “To reinstall the machine-readable form printing component, click here.” When pressed, the PDF417 print module registration process will start.

By following simple instructions, you will quickly and easily install the two-dimensional barcode printing module in 1C. Please note the low system requirements for this component. If you do not check that your workplace fully meets the stated requirements, then there may be problems during installation.

The PDF417 format is most often used when sending reports to inspection authorities. In such situations, remember the limitations:

  1. Printing on both sides of a sheet of paper is not allowed;
  2. High print quality is required, since a special scanner, not a person, will recognize the ND print from PDF417. Any spots, streaks, defects or blurs can be fatal when checking data;
  3. The dimensions of the barcode must be unchangeable;
  4. Reporting must not be stapled or bound.

When sending reports, many companies print two versions so that inspectors can mark one of them as acceptance of the documents. For “your” version, it is not necessary to use PDF417, since it will not be checked by a scanner. It simply guarantees that your data will not be lost at the tax office.

In addition to encrypting data when sent to inspection authorities, PDF417 is also used as an elegant way to encrypt a large amount of information in a small code. Up to 2,710 characters can be encoded into a 2D barcode. You can encode text, numeric, binary, graphic data, prints, EDI, and even transfer configuration files for certain equipment. This began to be used when printing medical records, batches and product articles, various tickets and in other areas.

To date, GNIIVTs has released only a 32-bit version of the barcode printing module. It is for this reason that many 1C users do not switch to the 64-bit version of the platform. Although, using third-party software, you can successfully print a two-dimensional barcode in 1C and on a 64-bit application.

Error description:
1C: Enterprise Accounting 3.0. When printing a tax return for corporate property tax and transport tax. The entry is displayed: To print this document, you must install the package "Print ND With PDF417" version 3.0.32 or higher.

Found solutions:

In this situation, the program quite clearly informs that it is necessary to install a newer version of “Print ND with PDF417”

Therefore, all that remains is to complete the installation. The installation is provided in the database itself in the section with regulated reports on the “Settings” tab. It is worth noting here that in the case of 1C: Enterprise Accounting ed. 2.0 actions are quite similar.

In the settings we find the item "Printing templates for machine printed forms"

All that remains is to click the “Reinstall component” button. The installation window for the package "Print ND With PDF417" will open, using version 3.1.15 as an example, i.e. more than enough to make printing regulated reports with barcodes possible again. Now all you have to do is click "Next" and follow the instructions of the print package installer. Just before you click "Next" you need to close your session 1C: Enterprise Accounting 8th ed. 3.0 or 2.0, and only then continue working. The print package requires that there are no active sessions open to install, otherwise the installation process may fail.

If, after all, you forgot to close the 1C: Accounting session during the installation of the package “Print ND With PDF417”. That. You can try by downloading the installation file for the package “Print ND With PDF417” version 3.2.4 and install it separately. After running the installation file, a window similar to the one above will open. All you have to do is follow the installer's instructions.

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