Mobile kiosks of the company for a pancake shop. Choosing a pancake franchise. Pancake kiosk staff

Pancake business- one of the most profitable areas in the fast food industry. Pancakes, being a traditionally favorite delicacy, are in consistently high demand. Both from children and from adults. A good jump in revenue is also brought by the introduction of a “pancake” assortment to the menu of already operating cafes, restaurants and canteens. However, there is a small nuance: in order for pancakes to be actively and consistently sold and to enjoy deserved attention from customers, they must be tasty, nutritious and not very expensive.

Small amounts will help ensure compliance with these criteria. trade secrets:

  1. Pancake equipment - professional pancake maker for business and necessary accessories;
  2. Technology - rules for baking delicious pancakes;
  3. Recipes - nuances of preparatory work and requirements for the products used.

Having mastered all the “three pillars” of high-quality pancakes - having bought pancake equipment for business and mastered the recipe, it is easy to achieve success in the business of producing and selling them.

How to choose pancake equipment and accessories for professional baking

Which professional pancake maker is better?

Performance is the first factor to pay attention to. For catering outlets with low traffic, where the sale of pancakes is not on stream, the ideal solution would be pancake makers with one or more frying surfaces.

The approximate productivity of the first ones is 60 pancakes per hour. As for two-burner professional pancake equipment, if the models have independent control of frying surfaces, you can bake 60 pancakes per hour or twice as much. Professional pancake makers with two burners without autonomous control have a stable productivity of 100-120 pancakes.

The second selection factor is need for mobility. Based on this criterion, it is better to choose gas pancake equipment. Operating from a portable cylinder, it can easily provide a place for selling pancakes, even in the park, even in mall. Electrical solutions are “tied” to a current source, but are more compact.

Easy to use. Everyone knows the image of a kitchen worker baking pancakes. His main tools are a spatula and a roller, and his task is to ensure the distribution of pancakes with the desired flavors or prepare them “to order.” A simpler version of the equipment is a pancake machine. It works with minimal human intervention, but you need to take care of the dough and think through the recipe for pancakes to increase their sales.

How to bake delicious pancakes: technological recipes and secrets

It’s not enough to buy a pancake maker for business, you also need to cook delicious pancakes on it. Will help with this knowledge of technology and important nuances . Among them:

  1. The dough is not prepared ahead of time, but 20 minutes before baking the pancakes. Otherwise, the composition may separate, and you won’t get delicious pancakes “from a professional.”
  2. Flour for the dough is selected first or highest grade. It is especially important not to exclude the sifting stage, which will give the flour airiness and remove all lumps and inhomogeneities. It is best to use professional flour sifters for this.
  3. The homogeneity of the dough is not ensured manually, since all products must be mixed perfectly, providing the baking composition with optimal organoleptic and technological characteristics. Dough mixers - professional equipment for creating dough of a given thickness and consistency - will help you achieve the desired result. Small cafes and locally operating enterprises can replace dough mixers with professional hand or planetary mixers.
  4. Eggs. Must be checked for freshness and have a natural ratio of white to yolk of 61% to 39%. To evaluate eggs, it is optimal to use an ovoscope rather than rely on organoleptic or visual analysis. Second important point- use chilled eggs.
  5. Products for the dough (except eggs) should be at room temperature. 6. The finished dough temperature is approximately 20 degrees.

To ensure perfect pancakes using professional pancake equipment, there must be dough for them:

  • liquid;
  • homogeneous;
  • plastic;
  • without delamination;
  • white-cream color.

Then the baking of pancakes will take place at a professional level, and the finished product will be:

  • uniformly porous;
  • no cracks or damage;
  • with a golden surface;
  • soft and elastic.

It is convenient to prepare a variety of desserts and dishes based on such pancakes.

What kind of pancakes do clients like, or how to make money on professional pancakes

A small pancake maker for a dining room begins to pay for itself quickly enough, which is not always the case with professional pancake equipment. To eliminate the possibility of downtime and provide catering companies with a stable and high income, it is worth thinking through a menu based on pancakes in advance.

A fast food pancake maker allows you to prepare plain pancakes and with fillings. Moreover, the latter may be folded in a variety of ways:

  • Rectangles. After placing the filling into the pancake, fold the sides so that they intersect in the center. Next, the upper edge is folded again, and the lower edge is directed upward. Afterwards, the pancake is folded three times in the transverse direction and fried on both sides.
  • Triangles. With the filling placed in the center of the pancake, the baked circle is folded in half. And then cut it in half again until you get a nice triangle.
  • Envelopes. When the filling is placed in the middle of the pancake, the opposite sides of the baked delicacy are folded overlapping towards the middle. The resulting “candy” is folded over one more side until an “envelope” is obtained, after which the pancake is turned over to the other side and fried.
  • Tubes. After placing the filling on the pancake, the dessert is wrapped in a tube and fried on both sides.
  • Funtiki. After frying, the pancake is folded in half and a cone is made from the resulting half, which is filled with filling.

What's interesting is that the shape of the pancake affects the taste. However, each entrepreneur can decide for himself which filling goes with which appearance goes well. Traditionally, menu items are divided into pancakes:

  • “Slavic” - with savory, filling fillings;
  • “Russians” are sweet dessert options.

A pancake maker for a restaurant can be purchased “square” or “round”, allowing the shape of the frying surface to plan the aesthetics of the baked delicacy.

What else should you remember when choosing professional pancake equipment?

A pancake machine of any level of complexity should be chosen taking into account a number of significant factors. This:

  1. Price. Cost is an important criterion, but big choice manufacturers cooperating with Petrokhladotekhnika companies makes it easy to navigate and arrange delivery of the most suitable fast food equipment. In our online store, the price for pancake equipment does not scare you, but stimulates high sales and increased profitability.
  2. Service. The design of pancake makers a priori implies simple care and maintenance, increasing the demand for equipment for pancakes from catering companies in St. Petersburg.
  3. Functions. Pancake makers are convenient due to the uniform heating of cast-iron frying surfaces, the presence of a thermostat responsible for the accuracy of heating and an indicator indicating the readiness of the pancake.

The Petrokhladotekhnika company recommends considering the pancake equipment presented in the assortment of the online store and purchasing models that are suitable for performance and functions. The presence of a professional pancake maker at a catering enterprise will guarantee profit growth and increase the attractiveness of the establishment in the eyes of customers.

Pancake recipes

Pancakes "SIKOM"

Wheat flour 1 grade “Kudesnitsa” - 1000 g; eggs 1 cat - 6 pcs;
sugar - 190 g; “Extra” salt - 10 g; kefir 2.5% - 550 g; vanillin - 1 g;
milk 2.5% - 1100 g; sunflower oil - 110 g; baking soda - 6 g;
acetic acid 9% - 5 g

Eggs, sugar and salt are mixed in the beater tank at high speed until foam forms. Add milk and kefir to the resulting mass, add flour and vanillin and continue mixing until the dough has a homogeneous consistency. After this, add sunflower oil and, at the end of the kneading, soda slaked with vinegar. The dough is mixed and then beaten for 1-2 minutes at maximum speed of the working part of the machine. The resulting dough (humidity 53%) is filtered. Flow time through the funnel is 30-35 seconds. The finished dough is poured into jars.

This recipe makes 3 liters of dough. From the resulting amount of dough you can get 45 round pancakes, 28 square pancakes.

Pancakes “Homemade”

Premium wheat flour “Predportovaya” - 1000 g; eggs 1 cat - 6 pcs; sugar - 80 g; “Extra” salt - 10 g; kefir 2.5% - 1000 g; milk 2.5% - 1000 g; sunflower oil - 100g
Eggs, sugar and salt are mixed in the bowl of a beater at high speed until foamy. Add milk and kefir to the resulting mass, add flour and continue mixing until the dough has a homogeneous consistency. At the end of the kneading, add sunflower oil and beat for 1 minute at maximum speed of the working part of the machine. The resulting dough (humidity 56%) is filtered. Flow time through the funnel is 19-21 seconds. The finished dough is poured into jars.

This recipe makes 3.1 liters of dough. From the resulting amount of dough you can get 62 round pancakes, 44 square pancakes.

Pancakes “Classic”

Premium wheat flour “Predportovaya” - 1000 g; eggs 1 cat - 4 pcs; sugar - 116 g; “Extra” salt - 10 g; milk 2.5% - 1600 g;
sunflower oil - 120g
Eggs, sugar and salt are mixed in the bowl of a beater at high speed until foamy. Milk is added to the resulting mass, then flour is added and mixing continues until the dough has a homogeneous consistency. At the end of the kneading, add sunflower oil and beat for 1 minute at maximum speed of the working part of the machine. The resulting dough (humidity 56%) is filtered. The flow time through the funnel is 25-30 seconds. The finished dough is poured into jars.
This recipe makes 3 liters of dough. From the resulting amount of dough you can get 36 round pancakes, 26 square pancakes.

Pancakes “Lace”

Premium wheat flour “Predportovaya” - 1000 g; eggs 1 cat - 6 pcs; sugar - 50 g; “Extra” salt - 10 g; milk 2.5% - 2000 g;
sunflower oil - 76g; butter - 136 g
Eggs, sugar and salt are mixed in the bowl of a beater at high speed until foamy. Milk is added to the resulting mass, then flour is added and mixing continues until the dough has a homogeneous consistency. At the end of the kneading, add sunflower oil, mix the dough, then increase the speed and add hot butter. Beat for 1 minute at maximum speed of the working part of the machine. The resulting dough (humidity 60%) is filtered. The flow time through the funnel is 12-15 seconds. The finished dough is poured into jars.

This recipe makes 3.1 liters of dough. From the resulting amount of dough you can get 77 round pancakes, 51 square pancakes.

Delicious and appetizing pancakes have always been in consumer demand in catering establishments of various types. Thanks to such popularity among the population, Russian pancakes have become an excellent alternative to Western fast food. And today, despite a large number of outlets offering pancakes to customers, even a beginner in this business has every chance to start implementing his own project and achieve entrepreneurial success with it.

We will tell you how to open your own pancake shop in this review.

How can you make money making pancakes?

Business selling ready-made meals is one of the oldest ways to make money. Delicious food is a product that is always in demand. It can be sold from trays, in small shops (kiosks), as well as in establishments Catering.

For prepared foods to sell well, they must be fresh, tasty, appetizing and safe.

If from this point of view we consider the question of what is needed to open a pancake shop, then the answer is obvious:

  • equipment that will make it possible to prepare fresh products in front of customers;
  • thoughtful recipe and menu;
  • reliable suppliers of products and semi-finished products;
  • competent marketing designed for the average consumer;
  • qualified personnel.

And it's all. None special requirements There is no potentially successful pancake shop format. This can be either a mini-kiosk, where one or another dish based on pancakes is prepared in the presence of the buyer, or a full-fledged cafe with a special pancake menu.

Entrepreneurs who are interested in how to open a pancake shop from scratch, having a small budget at their disposal, can first try “ pancake business» on small orders and without purchasing expensive equipment.

The mini format can be implemented as follows:

  • set up the production of a small number of pancakes with different fillings (can be prepared at home);
  • package several pieces and distribute ready meals in crowded places (near office centers, train stations, markets, etc.).

Having done minimum investment, an entrepreneur will be able to raise money in a few months of active work to purchase equipment for a pancake shop. In addition, practical experience in this field will give an understanding of what product is in demand. This experience can be used as the basis for marketing promotion of your own product on the market.

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Material and technical base for a pancake shop

When cash If you have enough time to open a pancake shop, and you just have to decide where to start, we suggest you immediately start looking for a location and suppliers. The success of the future enterprise will largely depend on the successful location of the pancake house, as well as on how high-quality products are used for preparing dishes.

Suitable conditions for installing a mini pancake pan on wheels:

  • away from the roadway;
  • near crowded places in the morning and lunchtime;
  • the presence of a nearby park or alleys with benches.

Favorable places to locate a pancake house - cafe:

  • near active business centers or modern large playgrounds;
  • near educational institutions, state and municipal institutions;
  • close to public transport stations.

Room area - from 40 to 60 sq.m.

Important! Pancake shops located in residential areas are not popular with customers, since during evening hours the main visitors to catering establishments choose a completely different menu.

Equipment for mini-pancake house:

  • pancake maker (electric oven with two burners);
  • planetary mixer;
  • Desktop;
  • washing;
  • cooling counter;
  • chest freezer;
  • meat grinder
  • electric kettle and coffee machine;
  • cookware.

This basic set equipment.

After receiving the status of an entrepreneur and taxpayer, you can purchase equipment, enter into rental agreements for premises and hire staff.

When the production base is ready and the staff is fully staffed, you should contact state inspections for permits to conduct business activities in the catering sector. Requests for issuing permits must be submitted to the SES, Rospozhnadzor and Rospotrebnadzor.

In order to avoid problems with regulatory authorities at the stage of opening a pancake shop, it is necessary to request advice on the requirements for such facilities even at the stage of creating a catering facility.

Also, in every municipality there is a service to support small and medium-sized businesses, where you can get detailed information about what documents are needed to open a pancake shop.

How quickly will the costs be recouped?

The initial costs for a mini-pancake shop in the format of a cafe on wheels or a kiosk will be about 600 thousand rubles. To open a pancake cafe, at least 1.2 million rubles must be included in the implementation of the business plan.

Monthly costs for a mini-cafe are:

  • 120 thousand rubles. – staff salaries;
  • 80 thousand rubles. – equipment maintenance and mandatory payments (including taxes);
  • 80 thousand rubles. – purchase of products;
  • 10 thousand rubles. – advertising.

In total, about 290 thousand rubles will be needed per month to maintain a pancake shop.

With an average bill of 250 rubles, a pancake shop can earn up to 15 thousand rubles for an 8-hour shift. With a good turnover of goods and money, the cafe will pay for itself in 1-1.5 years.

Relatively quick payback and at the same time, the constant relevance of opening a pancake shop deserves to consider this business idea when choosing a type of activity as an entrepreneur. In addition, successful cafes have a good prospect of developing into a franchise network, and this is a completely different level of income.

The history of the development of the “pancake business” using the example of one of the largest Russian fast food brands in the following video:

Pancake kiosk as a business. What do you need to open a pancake shop? Cost of pancakes and toppings. Is it profitable to tear off a pancake bar? How to open a pancake kiosk: design, equipment, markup.

Dot street food in a good crowded place this is always beneficial; people always have and will have a need for a quick snack. If you open a small pancake shop on wheels or in an ordinary converted stall, you can make good money, because the difference between the cost of preparing a pancake and the final cost of selling it can be up to 500%.

We open a pancake kiosk.

So, let's look at the whole process of opening a pancake business in a kiosk in an ordinary small town step by step.

Pancake room.

The key to successful trading is placement point of sale in a good crowded place. You need to understand that the main consumer of street food is a person who is in a hurry and needs to eat quickly and inexpensively.

The main clients of the street pancake shop are students, office workers, visitors. Therefore, place a pancake kiosk near educational institutions, train stations, places of entertainment (attractions, embankments). Traditionally always in demand street food near the entrances to markets, but in such places you will have to compete with points selling white meat, hot dogs, shawarma and other fast foods.

If you manage to rent a stall in such places, you can count on profit from the pancake shop. You only need to enter into a rental agreement with the kiosk owner, preferably with a monthly payment.

What do you need to open a pancake shop?

We open an individual entrepreneur and immediately submit to the tax service within 5 days an application (UTII form - 1) for the transition to UTII (single tax on imputed income). In the process of doing business, you submit reports and pay taxes quarterly.

Then you need to appear at the Pension Fund and fill out the prescribed form.

Equipment for a pancake stall.

To prepare and sell pancakes in a small kiosk-type room, you will need the following equipment:

Pancake maker for two working surfaces.

To prepare pancakes for sale, a professional pancake maker with two work surfaces is used, which allows you to cook two pancakes at the same time.

It takes 2 minutes to fry one pancake, the pancake is fried for 1 minute on each side, on a pancake maker with two surfaces you can cook two pancakes at once in 2 minutes, which is much faster and very important when there is a line of customers.

Mixer for kneading liquid dough.

To prepare pancakes, you need dough of a liquid consistency; you can prepare the dough in a dough mixer or with a regular mixer.

Tabletop refrigeration showcase.

Immediately after frying the pancakes, the cook puts the filling into the pancakes with a spatula, so as not to remove the filling from the refrigerator every time, a special refrigerated display case with stainless steel containers is used. Filling for pancakes is placed in each container.


In the refrigerator, ingredients for making pancakes and fillings are stored in containers with stickers.

Coffee machine.

Quite often people order coffee or tea with pancakes, so it makes sense to immediately install a coffee machine and earn extra money by selling coffee and coffee-based drinks.

Water dispenser.

To comply SES requirements, you need to install a compact sink with water containers, this is necessary primarily so that the seller can wash his hands and equipment.

Ingredients for making pancakes.

To prepare pancakes, you will need to periodically purchase ingredients:

  • Vegetable oil.
  • Milk.
  • Flour.
  • Eggs.
  • Butter.
  • Salt.
  • Sugar.

For a variety of pancake fillings:

  • Sour cream.
  • Ham.
  • Salami.
  • Condensed milk.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Caviar.
  • Chicken fillet.
  • Minced meat.
  • Salmon, salmon.
  • Cottage cheese and dried apricots.
  • Jam.

There are quite a few options for pancake toppings, but you need to choose a few of the most popular ones and include them in your pancake shop menu.


For a small pancake stall, one employee is enough, and it is better that this person is you, or someone from your family, because finding a conscientious seller in a pancake shop is quite difficult, a sloppy or boorish seller will give a bad reputation to your establishment, and in this business a lot depends from the seller.

If the pancake shop's traffic is small, one employee will be enough, but if the influx of customers is large, then you will definitely need an assistant to take orders, take payment, and give change. As practice shows, it is most successful in street trading coming family business when husband and wife do things, when children help.

Now that we have almost everything ready for the opening of the pancake kiosk, we come to the most interesting question:

Is it profitable to open a pancake stall?

Judge for yourself how profitable or not the pancake business is.

  • One pancake in a street pancake shop costs on average 20 rubles, the cost of preparing it is no more than 5 rubles.
  • Additionally, the average cost of filling is from 20 to 60 rubles. Taking into account the markup of 20 - 30%.
  • The markup on coffee is 100%.
  • The markup on tea is up to 300%.
  • The most popular order is 2 pancakes with filling + coffee or tea.
  • Average bill 150 rub.

Cooked pancakes are served in disposable tableware, therefore, for the convenience of customers, install several counter tables near the pancake shop.

Interesting video: pancake business.

Pancakes are popular and easy to prepare in bulk, and are also a universal dish from dessert to a full breakfast (dinner). A variety of fillings and sauces allows you to create a wide range of with little effort. How to open a pancake shop so that it becomes a source of stable income?

Such establishments always have visitors, but you need to decide on the format of the pancake shop, assortment and other issues. In the article you will find a business plan with economic justification the attractiveness of a pancake shop as a business, as well as a step-by-step strategy for its organization.

Collection of documents and registration

Before opening a pancake shop, you need to find a premises and obtain approval from all authorities. For any public catering establishments, sanitary services put forward certain rules and regulations (SanPiN).

Step-by-step description of how to open a pancake shop:

  • register an individual entrepreneur;
  • register with the tax office, OKVED code 55.30;
  • choose a tax system of 6% of income or 15% of income minus expenses;
  • register with the Pension Fund;
  • conclude agreements for pest control, removal of solid waste and food waste (for SES), as well as for fire alarm maintenance (for the Ministry of Emergency Situations);
  • obtain permits from the SES and Gospozhnadzor (regulatory documentation SanPin 42-123-5777, SanPin 42-123-4117, MVT 5061, GOST 12.1.004, SNiP P-4, SNiP

It is necessary to ensure that all products have quality certificates.

Pancake room

All cost items for launching a pancake house project depend on the format of the future establishment. Pancake makers on wheels are very popular and cost-effective. This is a kind of kiosk on wheels, which, if desired, can be moved to more crowded and profitable places.


Good location options for a pancake shop:

  • Near educational institutions, office centers or administrative buildings.
  • Close to the train station, metro and transport stops.


The first step you should take in the direction of finding a room for a pancake shop is to decide whether it will be a cafe or a stall:

  • For a small-format cafe, a room on the ground floor with an area of ​​40-50 m2 is sufficient, of which 1/3 is allocated to the kitchen. Rental cost from 30 thousand rubles depending on the city.
  • For the kiosk you need to purchase a special trailer of 8 m2 (2mx4m), which is already fully equipped for a pancake shop with a price of about 150 thousand rubles.

Equipment purchase

The set of equipment for a pancake house is simple and initial stage You can get by with mixers instead of a dough mixing machine. You need to purchase the main equipment - electric pancake makers. The equipment for the stall and cafe differs in quantity and set; in addition, the stalls are equipped with refrigerators, display cases and air conditioners.

Table. Necessary equipment

Equipment name Price For cafes, pcs. For a stall, pcs.

Kitchen equipment

12 000 4 2
Fridge 25 000 1 0
Freezer cabinet 50 000 1 0
Planetary mixer 6 000 1 1
Microwave 4 000 1 1
Plate 18 000 1 1
Electric kettle 1 000 1 1
Stainless steel sink 3 000 1 1
Stainless steel tables 4 000 2 1
Stainless steel dryer 4 500 1 1
Hood 6 000 1 1
Cafe equipment and utensils 20 000 1 1
Equipment and utensils for the stall 10 000 1 1

Equipment for the hall

Air conditioner 25 000 1 0
TV 15 000 1 0
Bar counter 35 000 1 0
Refrigerated counter 45 000 1 0
Visitor tables 2 500 5 0
Chairs for visitors 1 000 15 0
Total amount 351 000 100 500

To save up to 30%, you can use used equipment.

Pancake assortment

To open a pancake shop that will satisfy the tastes of all consumers, you need to have at least 20 varieties of pancakes.

Variations of fillings:

  • with chicken meat;
  • with liver and potatoes;
  • with red fish;
  • with greens;
  • with red caviar;
  • with ham;
  • with fruits;
  • with cottage cheese;
  • with chocolate, etc.

The sauces should be sour cream, condensed milk, chocolate and other sauces.

Your pancake shop should offer one or more signature pancake recipes.

In addition to the pancake menu, there should be tea, coffee, drinks, juices and water. It is advisable to also include sandwiches, buns, ice cream, etc. in the menu. The business plan for a pancake stall involves preparing pancakes; everything else must be purchased from suppliers. The pancake cafe can afford to prepare purees, soups, cereals and other dishes.


Depending on the chosen format, the establishment depends on the hiring of workers.


To open a pancake shop from scratch you will need the following personnel:

  • manager – 1 person;
  • cook – 1 person;
  • assistant cook (in shifts) – 2 people;
  • waiters (in shifts) – 2 people;
  • bartender – 1 person;
  • cleaning lady – 1 person

Fund wages 100 thousand rubles.

The cook must have experience working in such establishments - the success of the company depends on his skill. Accounting work can be done by a manager, so you need to hire someone knowledgeable in this area. The owner of a pancake house can act as a manager, reducing labor costs.

Pancake stall on wheels

For such an establishment, the work of 2 people with a wage fund of 25 thousand rubles is quite enough.

Pancake shop business plans: cafe and stall format

Before the beginning real purchases you need to study the business plan of the pancake shop with detailed calculation formulas and select the appropriate format. The pancake cafe has a larger assortment and turnover, but its monthly costs are also high.

Table. Attachments depending on format

Let's calculate the income-expenditure part provided that the cafe's average bill is 400 rubles and the daily number of visitors is 40 people. At a pancake stall, visitors will charge a bill three times less, especially in a small town.

Table. Example

To finally decide, you need to evaluate the profitability and payback of the business.

Table. Profitability and payback

With the same payback period, the profitability of the stall is greater due to the absence of the need to pay rent.

Advertising strategy

For a cafe in a big city, it is advisable to advertise on TV, radio, and banners. For a mobile kiosk, a banner is enough.

It’s a good idea for development to create an Internet site where you can view the menu and order food for delivery.

We open a pancake shop from scratch in a small town step by step: documentation, premises, equipment, assortment, markup on pancakes, how to increase the demand for pancakes, reviews.

You can make good money on pancakes, because the markup on pancakes is up to 500%, our people love pancakes, and the range of pancakes with fillings is impressive, about 30 different fillings can be offered to customers. But, as in every business, the pancake business has its own subtleties, which we will talk about in this article.

How to open a pancake shop? Where to begin?

We start by assessing the competition in your city and searching for premises for a pancake shop. You will need premises in a busy, crowded place, preferably in the central part of the city, best option premises near the market, train station, office centers, educational institutions.

There must be running water, a toilet, and electricity in the room.

You will need to enter into a rental agreement with the owner of the premises with a monthly payment.

Register entrepreneurial activity, the optimal option for individual entrepreneurs, we decide on the taxation system, in this case the best option a single tax on imputed income.

Within 10 days you need to go to the pension fund, write an application and register.

You need to pay taxes monthly:

  • Each employee is subject to income tax and a single social contribution.
  • Fixed single tax rate.

You will need to obtain permission from the State Fire Supervision Authority.

Also obtain permission from the SES.

Basic SES requirements for catering outlets:

  • Availability of a washbasin with running water.
  • Availability of a toilet.
  • Covering the floor and walls of the room from an easy-to-clean material.
  • Existence of a hood.
  • Kitchen tables should have stainless steel work surfaces.
  • Availability of lamp shades.
  • A certificate of conformity for the equipment must be available.
  • Mandatory availability refrigeration equipment for storing food.

What do you need to open a pancake shop? Pancake shop equipment.

To prepare pancakes, coffee, tea and store food you will need the following equipment:

Refrigerator with freezer or freezer.

Production table with a stainless steel work surface.

Dough mixer for liquid dough.

Professional pancake maker.

Slicer (for cutting products for filling pancakes).

Semi-automatic or automatic coffee machine.

Tabletop display case for cooling pancake fillings.

Trade scales.

Trade counter.

Kitchen equipment (knives, cutting boards, etc.).

Tables and chairs for clients.

Signboard for a pancake shop.

Pancake house staff.

When the equipment in the pancake house is installed, you need to select staff; for a small pancake house you will need two cooks to work in shifts.

There must be another assistant on shift, whose responsibilities include accepting payments, giving portions to clients, preparing coffee in the coffee machine, and keeping order in the room. All pancake shop employees must have health certificates. It is better to do the accounting yourself; if necessary, you can outsource the accounting to a specialist.

We are creating a menu for a pancake shop.

The main menu of the pancake house consists of spring rolls. It is better to choose the most popular fillings:

  • Ham and cheese.
  • With meat.
  • Chicken.
  • Salami.
  • Smoked chicken breast.
  • Cottage cheese and dried apricots.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Condensed milk.
  • Salmon.
  • Salmon.
  • Caviar.
  • Banana and chocolate.

There are quite a few varieties of fillings, some are in good demand, others not so much; in any case, you need to select a menu based on the preferences of the pancake shop’s customers.

In addition to pancakes, the menu must include hot and cold drinks, several types of tea, coffee (espresso, Americano, latte, coffee with cream), juices, mineral water, ice cream.

Pancake shop as a business. Is it profitable to open a pancake shop?

We set a markup, in each case the markup is set individually based on various factors, such as competition, location, demand, but speaking on average, the approximate markup is:

  • Coffee – 100%.
  • Tea – 300%.
  • Ice cream – 25%.
  • Pancakes – 500%.
  • Pancake filling – 10%.

Monthly expenses:

  • Renting premises.
  • Taxes.
  • Salary.
  • Communal payments.
  • Purchase of products.

The pancake business pays off in an average year of operation. Is it profitable to open a pancake shop? It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally; there are many factors influencing the final profit. The monthly profit of a pancake shop (with the deduction of all expenses) located in a large city in a good location is $2000 - $3000; in relatively small cities you can count on a profit of about $1000.