Retraining of adults. Review of useful courses for adults. Coworking "Workstation"

Free courses or open lessons- a great way to establish yourself commercially or public organization. And despite the fact that such a gift is both attractive and alarming, events of this kind are always a success among those who are able to believe that not everything in this world has to be paid for.

Naturally, the professional secrets of cooks, hairdressers or florists are not revealed in such classes; you can still learn something useful, as well as make new acquaintances and like-minded people. All that remains is to choose a suitable free course or open lesson.

Free culinary master classes and courses

The most common sources of culinary training programs are a variety of restaurants.

Cooking classes for children at Jamie Oliver's restaurant

Every Sunday at 13:00 at the JAMIE'S ITALIAN restaurant, free culinary and creative lessons await children. The restaurant is easy to find, because it is located in the very heart of Moscow in mall"Fashion Season" at Okhotny Ryad, 2. The lesson program is updated every month. For the current schedule, see the corresponding page of the restaurant's website. Don't forget to make an appointment by phone in advance.

Cooking pizza at the Italian restaurant Da Pino

The Da Pino restaurant on the Novoslobodskaya metro station offers free cooking lessons for children from 4 to 13 years old every Saturday. Adults are also not left out of attention and can join the appropriate groups of novice cooks.

Participation in the master class requires prior registration. Details can be found on the official website of the restaurant.

In Moscow, a lot of restaurants offer free master classes for children on weekends. Please also pay attention to the following events:

  • Family weekend at Tarantino restaurant,
  • culinary master classes at the Papricolli restaurant,
  • classes Young cook at the Scottish Cell restaurant, etc.

Seminars on manicure and nail extensions in Moscow are held in MASURA training center. Participation in the seminar is by appointment. The schedule of seminars can be seen on the website.

Free creative master classes: knitting, sewing, embroidery

Free courses and master classes related to applied creativity are rather a seasonal phenomenon. However, you can inquire about the availability of these at the nearest House of Culture or creativity center and it is likely that you will find a suitable option.

If we talk about specially held master classes, then you can attend them by going to the annually organized exhibition "Handicraft Formula". The 25 master classes announced as part of the exhibition are mostly free, only some may require prior registration. Entrance to the exhibition - 200-250 rubles. Details are on the website.

Regardless of which free course or master class you like, don’t forget that it’s never too late to gain new knowledge. Therefore, make the most of this opportunity!

It is known to many that students live cheerfully from session to session. As well as the fact that it is more difficult to prepare for the summer session: the weather outside is more conducive to going out into nature with friends than studying textbooks and lecture notes. And it can be difficult to get ready for exams at home. Students like to name noisy neighbors, including dorm roommates, or overly caring parents among the reasons that distract them from studying.

Park of Culture and Leisure named after. M. Gorky

Rebranding of the Gorky Central Park of Culture and Culture in the summer of 2012 made the park a favorite vacation spot for the capital's fashionistas. Fortunately, the abundance of cafes and “hipsters” does not affect the overall advantages of the city park area, so it is pleasant to study among fountains, green lawns and bright flower beds. The official opening hours of the Central Park of Culture and Culture are daily from 10.00 to 22.00, although the park is open around the clock.

Pros: walking distance from the metro station (Oktyabrskaya), free Wi-Fi, the opportunity to take a break for a game of ping-pong or beach volleyball.

Minuses: V good weather there are always a lot of people here, which means there is a high probability of meeting friends who will definitely invite you to have fun.

Alternative: Sokolniki Park (Sokolniki metro station). The park is officially open from 8.00 to 23.00, there is Wi-Fi and plenty of opportunities to exercise - from traditional cycling and skateboarding to go-karting and a climbing wall. IN Last year The city authorities have done a good job on the park; now it is positioning itself as a family vacation spot, hence the feeling of calm and comfort in it.

Alexander Garden

Red Square is a favorite place for tourists. But also young people from different educational institutions In the warm season, they willingly settle down under the walls of the Kremlin (or rather, under the trees on neatly trimmed lawns) for a picnic or just to bask in the sun. You can also read a textbook here, if only your concentration allows you to ignore your talkative neighbors.

Pros: a view of the Kremlin and many foreigners with whom you can chat in their language, which will undoubtedly be useful in any case.

Minuses: In the late afternoon, young people gather on Manezhnaya Square, determined to do anything but study.

Alternative: the courtyard of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, which is on Mokhovaya, 9. The same picturesque view of the Kremlin, but from the comfortable benches near the Lomonosov monument. True, chatty neighbors here will be replaced by equally talkative future journalists.

Free space "Dial"

Once upon a time, “Tsiferblat” was the only establishment in Moscow that operated in the format that is now commonly called an anti-cafe or “time cafe.” Now, it will not be possible to count the number of such points in the capital, even with a strong desire. Essentially, from traditional cafe there is nothing there: payment by the minute, the opportunity to do anything and how you want (board or video games, reading, handicrafts, Internet surfing, etc.), and you are allowed to bring food and drinks with you. The establishment is open to the public from 11.00 to 0.00, and on weekends - until seven in the morning.

Pros: new acquaintances, Wi-Fi, as well as free coffee and tea are provided to you, as well as the opportunity to be distracted by an exciting game if you suddenly get tired of poring over textbooks.

Minuses: The pleasure, although relatively inexpensive (2 rubles/min.), is paid. “Tsiferblat” also often holds exhibitions, cinema events and mafia-type games, so it’s better to check in advance to see if you’ll be attending something big on your scheduled school day.

Alternative:“Green Door” - anti-cafe and color therapy in one bottle (2 rubles/min. for the first hour, 1 rub./min. for all subsequent hours). On weekdays, except Monday (this is a day off), you can come here from 11.00 to 1.00, and on Friday and Saturday the “Green Door” is open around the clock. Pleasant surprises include a large patio and free hookah.

Lenin's Library

To prepare for exams, and if you believe one of the heroines of the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears,” then there is no better place to find a worthy man than the reading room of the Lenin Library. There really is everything you need to immerse yourself in the learning process: complete silence, computers and a lot of books. And in the absence of accessible Internet (Wi-Fi points are not available in all halls and you first need to log in using your library card number), any work is completed many times faster.

Pros: the atmosphere puts you in the right mood, you don’t have to worry about the necessary literature.

Minuses: To enter the main library of Russia you will need a special pass with a photo (cost - 100 rubles), and for a while you will have to forget about the birds singing on the street.

Alternative: library-reading room named after. I.S. Turgenev. Noticeably more democratic, with its own view of the world and readers: just look at the concerts periodically organized in the reading room, or individual acting courses at French costing 250 rubles/hour! There is a media library with free internet access, but it is recommended to reserve a computer in advance, as there are only eight of them.

Coworking "Workstation"

This strange name comes from the English co-working, that is, “working together,” and is a space in which people work together, but do not depend on each other, since everyone does their own thing. The phenomenon has not yet acquired a Russian name, but coworking spaces in Moscow are doing great and are serious competitors to the once very popular anti-cafes.

Pros: stylish interior, a fun garden outside the window, as well as sockets, internet, printer, scanner and other little things for perfect job or study. And everyone around is busy, which motivates.

Minuses: someone will probably be upset by the price of the issue - 500 rubles/hour or 2500 rubles/week. at a special rate.

Alternative: no longer an anti-cafe, but not yet a coworking space - TimeTerria was created specifically for poor students. The tariff here is 1.8 rubles/min. (the first ten minutes are 5 rubles each), and in addition to standard offers such as computers, Wi-Fi, a magnetic board and stationery, much attention is paid to ensuring that the visitor is well-fed. Hence, not only refreshing non-alcoholic cocktails and desserts, but also a special menu with food and drinks.

Museum-Reserve "Kolomenskoye"

Fresh air, blooming apple trees and architectural structures of the former royal residence attract people to the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve every day. great amount to the people. There are also students among them who study (or try to study) sitting on lawns, brick walls or benches near fountains. It makes sense to try to combine business with pleasure, especially since the reserve is open every day from seven in the morning until midnight.

Pros: Kolomenskoye Square allows you to both find a deserted corner for intensive training, and also go out into people when you suddenly get bored.

Minuses: There are almost no food outlets on the territory, so you should take care of food in advance and take it with you.

Alternative: Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve is the former residence of Catherine the Great near Moscow, and now a palace and park ensemble in the south of Moscow. Here, just like in Kolomenskoye, it is beautiful, spacious and very patriotic. But the operating hours are more difficult to remember: weekdays - from 11.00 to 18.00, Saturday - from 11.00 to 20.00, Sunday - from 11.00 to 19.00.

Patriarch's Ponds

Psychologists say that contemplating water not only relieves stress, but also increases performance. Thus, studying for exams by the water is the best thing you can think of. And if the option of going to the sea for these purposes does not suit you, Moscow ponds, for example mystical and literary ones - the Patriarchal Ponds - will save you.

Pros: convenient location in the center of Moscow with the opportunity to relax a little after brainstorming in a nearby coffee shop.

Minuses: with the onset of dusk, lovers of loud conversations and strong drinks gather here. Do you remember Bulgakov’s advice that it’s better not to talk to strangers at Patriarch’s Day?

Alternative: Chistye Prudy. In fact, this is only one pond, like at the Patriarch’s, and plural the name refers not so much to the reservoir as to the park area on Chistoprudny Boulevard. Previously, the townspeople called this place the Filthy Swamps, which in our time is completely unfair, because here you can enjoy unity with nature in every sense or read a textbook under those very willows, the shyness of which was glorified by rock musician Igor Talkov.

Moscow Zoo

Is it possible to study for exams if a giraffe or a baby panda smiles at you? The question is controversial. If you are a veterinarian or biologist, then, of course, you can. And perhaps it is possible if your goal is not to sit over a textbook, but to refresh your memory of already memorized concepts. The rules are simple: stop at each enclosure with an animal and mentally answer one question from the ticket. You can practice this training system from Tuesday to Sunday and from 10.00 to 20.00.

Pros: admiring animals without repetitions bouncing off your teeth is a pleasure, but here there are two pleasures at once. A nice bonus is that admission with student tickets is free (the exotarium and snake exhibition are paid separately).

Minuses: children, of whom there are always a lot of people in zoos, by definition cannot be quiet and calm, and you will have to come to terms with this or choose another place for training.

Alternative: Dolphinarium of the Moscow Zoo, where for an adult the cost of one show is 150 rubles. The Dolphinarium website warns that you won’t be able to swim with dolphins, but you can take a photo or just touch the animals, which is often enough to take your mind off sad thoughts about the upcoming session.

Five more parks with free Wi-Fi:. PKiO "Izmailovsky". Hermitage Garden. PKiO "Krasnaya Presnya". Garden named after N.E. Bauman. PKiO "Tagansky"

": over the course of five days we will tell you how to spend as little money as possible and still feel comfortable in the metropolis.

There are many shortcomings in Moscow life, but what cannot be taken away from Moscow is the high concentration of smart and educated people who are not averse to sharing their knowledge with each other. The choice of free education in Russia is huge: let’s start with the fact that those who managed to obtain a “certified specialist” qualification still have the right to a free master’s degree in any specialty.

University graduates are now issued permanent certificates, which give them the right to use the library, media resources and go to their home university, which means to attend any lectures and seminars. Departments of Moscow universities regularly hold round tables and conferences, they have laboratories and seminars that can be wildly interesting (for example, the Laboratory of Urban Field Research at the Higher School of Economics or seminars on the culture of childhood at the Russian State University for the Humanities). They can be visited by anyone who comes forward in time and asks the laboratory assistant to issue a pass.

If that's not enough for you, The Village has collected a variety of educational initiatives for all occasions, for which you won't have to pay a penny. And in some cases, in addition, they will even give you a scholarship or pour you coffee.

From september

Living English

While the American Cultural Center (AMC) is still operating in Moscow, it would be a shame not to take advantage of it. Creative Writing Club meetings, Public Speaking Club discussions are regularly held here, classic and modern literature is discussed in the Literature Club, and interesting people are invited to meetings. In addition, they will always help you prepare for TOEFL, GRE and GMAT, tell you about the specifics of these exams and give you textbooks for preparation. At AMC you can find the latest American press, including latest magazines Time and New Yorker. To enter the library you need a one-time pass or library card.

From september


At a time when many are again interested in the possibility of obtaining Israeli citizenship, the offer to learn Hebrew for free is more relevant than ever. At the Israel Cultural Center, you can now sign up for ulpan (free Hebrew courses) taught by teachers certified by the Israeli Ministry of Education. While studying the language, students will be introduced to the cultural traditions of the Jewish people, history and modern life Israel. Suitable for those who are still afraid to emigrate.

Open University
Look At Me

The “Open University”, which is organized by our colleagues from the Look At Me publication together with the Moscow City Park and the Muzeon art park, has just begun. So far there have been only two lectures - art groups AES+F about contemporary art and the creator of Mediascet Dmitry Solovyov about digital detox. Designers, architects, scientists, philosophers and contemporary artists will talk about the ideas of the future.

Lectures are held on Wednesdays and Saturdays in the School pavilion in Muzeon Park; everyone is asked to register in advance on Facebook or on the website.


School for expectant mothers

School of expectant mothers at " Children's store No. 1" in September opens enrollment for a new series of lectures on raising and caring for a child. Here they talk about preparing for childbirth, breastfeeding and caring for a newborn. The classes are taught by a pediatrician of the highest category and invited experts. Classes are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 13:00 to 15:00; you must register in advance for the seminar that interests you.

From september

English language

Every first Friday of the month at 17:00, the Oxbridge English Club meets at the Biblio-Globus bookstore and the Medvedkovo House of Books, which will help maintain your language skills. The level of preparation is not important, pre-registration is not required.

once a month on Fridays

Creative Mornings

Friday “breakfasts” with interesting people, which were invented in New York, are now organized once a month by volunteers in 88 cities around the world, including Moscow and St. Petersburg. The idea is simple - a lot of interesting things are happening around us, but everyone, as always, has no time. So why not meet on Friday at 08:30 before work and discuss with Linor Goralik clothes for people with structural features or see how Marat Gelman pours a bucket of water on himself and talks about contemporary art. True, Creative Mornings in Moscow have turned from intimate breakfasts into TED lectures, but they serve coffee there.

Seminars on Japanese literature

Japanese Culture Department of the Library foreign languages on Fridays and Saturdays he conducts open seminars on Japanese literature: on Friday - on classical literature, on Saturday - on modern literature. The classes are taught by an orientalist Tatyana Lvovna Sokolova-Delyusina. The seminar requires students to have knowledge of the Japanese language, but participants with a beginner level are also welcome here. Admission to the seminars is free, pre-registration is not required, but to enter the library you will have to issue a one-time pass or library card.

Master class on first aid rules

“University Saturdays” is an educational project that unites Moscow universities and museums, and was conceived primarily for schoolchildren and students, but anyone can come. There are lectures about Shukhov, and the history of the internal combustion engine, and a lecture on oral hygiene. But the most relevant, in our opinion, is the master class “Injuries. Accidents. General principles and rules of first aid", which will be conducted by a professor at the Department of Disaster Medicine at the Medical University. N.I. Pirogova September 13. They will talk about various types household injuries and will show what and how to do with a person using training mannequins.

Japanese song course

The Department of Japanese Culture in the Library of Foreign Literature is an attraction of unparalleled generosity. Among half a dozen master classes for all occasions, there are classes in Japanese song, which will be taught by Hitomi Somata, a graduate of Musashino Music Academy. Classes are held on Saturdays from 16:00, the first is on September 13. The course will end, as expected, with a reporting concert. The number of places in the group is limited; only 15 people will be accepted. To enter the library you will have to get a one-time pass or a library pass.

Theater workshop

A theater director's workshop opens at the Greek Cultural Center Giorgos Panagopoulos. Her students will study the history of theater, acting, stage management for children and adults. Classes will be held on weekends, the first one on September 14th.

Playing Korean drums

Korean language school Won Gwan and the MEK group teaches everyone how to play the janggu - a Korean drum. Master Han Sang Dong will teach not only the basics of playing janggu, but also teach karaka (rhythm) called “Yeonnam”, and also introduce the history of samulnori (Korean drum music). Classes will be held from September to December with a final performance. Anyone interested will be able to register at the first lesson on September 14th.

Evening courses at Dmitry Pozharsky University

Dmitry Pozharsky University - non-profit educational project. Evening courses are the most unimaginable: biblical Hebrew (1 year), ancient Greek, Latin, Akkadian, classical Chinese and Old English, Church Slavonic writing, Egyptology (2 years), history of antiquity and Ancient Rus', the Middle Ages, but perhaps the most intriguing is mathematics for humanists. Tuition is free, but donations and assistance in transcribing lectures and editing videos are welcome.

Calligraphy courses

The Japanese Culture Department at the Foreign Literature Library is once again enrolling in calligraphy courses. The classes will be taught by professional calligrapher Kaori Ishijima. The only negative is that classes are held on Wednesday afternoons, which

uncomfortable for people working in the office. The course includes ten lessons, the first one on September 17th. The number of participants is limited. To enter the library you need a one-time pass or a library pass.

Academy of Journalism "Kommersant"

Unable to engage in journalism, the Kommersant publishing house began teaching it. If last year education at the Academy cost 70 thousand rubles, then this year three-month courses are provided for free. Training is on weekdays five times a week from 11 to 17, that is, suitable for those who have already received an education and who lack practical skills to start working. The Academy has three areas: politics, society and economics. The application must be submitted by September 5, the autumn course will begin on September 22. They only hire those who already have some publications in the media.

Ruslan Abdrakhmanov

I mastered the profession of electric and gas welder well thanks to teacher Innokenty Smogunov. Very friendly and demanding specialist. Explains in detail everything that is not clear. As a result, I work on the recommendation of CenterConsult in construction company"MontazhService". I perform all types of work related to electric and gas welding. We weld fences, pipes, and fittings at construction sites. Thank you for giving me a good and profitable profession!

Anastasia Maksimova

Received a specialty as a pastry chef. Now I work in a large confectionery shop. I want to express a huge thank you to our teacher of confectionery art, Lidia Mikhailovna. Thanks to her, I learned a lot of things that can be useful in this difficult task. I would also like to say that thanks to my concern for the well-being of my wards, I quickly found a job and joined the company’s staff. Thanks to HR officer Elena for this. I now recommend you to all my friends who want to get the same profession!

Sergey Vorobiev

I graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry, but never found a direct job in my specialty. Thanks to the CenterConsult training center, the situation has changed radically. Completed specialized training courses. Now I work at the institute as a chemical analysis laboratory assistant. Unlike general education, here I was shown specifically how to work with various devices used in practice today. I would like to express my special gratitude to the manager Svetlana for the quick arrangement!

Dmitry Mironov

I work as a turner at an electro-mechanical plant at Russian Railways. I would like to express my gratitude to CenterConsult for the training and quick search for a job. You have an excellent Teaching Staff! All the masters are polite, but persistent. They always get their students to complete learning tasks. Thanks to this, I personally acquired good skills that today allow me to earn good money and provide for my family. Thank you!

Ilya Osipov

Working as an electrician requires a lot of responsibility. IN training center I was well instilled with a sense of duty, responsibility and diligence in front of such an important position. I would like to thank Viktor Stepanovich, the teacher of our group, who clearly explains how to work as an electrician and what dangers this work entails and what consequences may arise if duties are performed in bad faith. Also thanks to manager Denis for finding me a job at Elektromontazhservis!

Victor Fomin

I work as a boiler room operator at a thermal power plant. I received my profession and position thanks to the CenterConsult training center. Although the work may not be dusty, I have a huge responsibility. However, I cope well thanks to the skills that were instilled in me during my studies. Special thanks to Fyodor Kuzmich for this, for his approach to teaching and his efforts to instill in each student a love and high responsibility for his position. I will recommend your school to everyone!

Grigory Nazarov

I work as a slinger at a lumberyard. I received my profession at CenterConsult. They teach well both in practice and theory. The most interesting thing is that passing the theory is immediately accompanied by practical exercises. I would like to thank you for my quick accommodation immediately after completing the course. Thanks to manager Lyudmila.

Victor Martynov

Although I have driven dump trucks before, being a bulldozer operator requires a slightly different approach. Without the practical skills and theoretical knowledge that I received from the senior master in Nikolai Sergeevich’s training group, I would have been mastering this specialty for a long time, and I would hardly have mastered it well on my own. Special thanks for finding me a job immediately after completing my studies!

Nikita Voronin

I work as a welder and earn very good money thanks to the fact that I received my profession at CenterConsult. I have long wanted to become a welder, but I had no idea what knowledge and skills this job entails. Only at first glance it seems that there is nothing complicated or serious about it. How to select electrodes, what method to apply a suture and other practical features were explained and shown in the training group, very clearly. Especially thanks to master Mikhail Vyacheslavovich.

Alexey Grachev

My specialty is an electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment. I received it from CenterConsult. I would like to express my gratitude to the team of teachers and masters of the group in which I studied. This is a really difficult specialty. This requires skills in working with electrical networks, knowledge of the basics of electrical safety, and how simple and complex electrical equipment is connected, and much more. I would like to thank Viktor Petrovich, my master, for the fact that with his help I was able to master this difficult specialty. I'm currently working at a local energy company and I’m very glad that I ended up in a good team and that they pay well. Therefore, I also express my gratitude to the manager Tatyana for finding a job and quickly settling in.

Pavel Malyshev

The profession of a crane operator requires skill and endurance. And of course professional knowledge. I would like to note that without the CenterConsult company, I would never have mastered such a specialty! I called the training center and they immediately offered me to master this unusual profession for me. I have never been afraid of heights and so I decided to try it, especially since we have a lot of construction projects and crane operators are always needed. The training went quickly. It is interesting that all theoretical classes were always accompanied by practical training on a special simulator. Now I work on a large construction site. They have already built an entire section of the residential complex, not without my help. I thank the company for interesting and profitable work!

Semyon Skvortsov

A tractor driver is almost like a tank driver. It's also challenging and interesting. My grandfather worked as a combine operator and sometimes took me to the fields. Therefore, since childhood, it was ingrained in my subconscious that when I grow up I will start working as someone like that. Dreams come true with CenterConsult. I already had a driver's license, but working on a tractor and driving a car are two big differences. Only in your training center did they really teach me how to treat a “steel horse”, and in general what types of them there are and for what tasks they are used, I learned here. I would like to express my special gratitude to the job search manager Oksana. She assigned me to a company. Now I work and earn a good income. I recommend everyone to study here!

Artem Kuznetsov

I want to express my gratitude for new job specializing in computer-controlled machine operator. I completed the courses well and received 3rd grade. Special thanks to our teacher Sergei Vladimirovich. With his help, I gained new knowledge necessary in my work and extensive experience in practice. I would especially like to thank Svetlana Vladimirovna for her help in finding employment. Thanks to her, I work as a third-class CNC operator at Valcom. Thank you very much for helping people learn and get jobs. I wish you prosperity and that your enterprise will always remain as in demand as it is now.

Mikhail Nikitin

At CenterConsult he studied as an electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment. I was pleased with the responsible approach - they answered all my questions, gave me a schedule and always sent information about changes. The convenience of the classes is that they took place near the metro station pl. Courage and always in close proximity to each other. Theoretical and practical classes always took place in turns. In addition to theory, time was allocated to prepare for practice. I was glad that the teachers were always willing to meet us and explored more the topics that interested us. I would especially like to mention the teacher Yuri Borisovich. He always spoke in detail about the subject and worked out this or that question in detail with everyone.

Igor Mitrofanov

The specialty of an oil and gas production operator is perhaps one of the most difficult, responsible and dangerous. I only learned how to approach things when I got to CenterConsult. The training is conducted by real professionals with experience in drilling equipment and experience in the extraction of these minerals. Immediately after training we moved on to practice. We trained a lot on special simulators and went to real sites. After completing an internship at Neftegazsintez, I stayed to work there in the position for which I studied. The boss, seeing my work and approach to business, immediately noted that I work like a professional. However, I want to convey all these words of gratitude to my teacher, who taught me how to really work on such objects. Thank you Bogdana Kirillovich!