Why do young people choose to become doctors? Profession: young doctor. Doctor's profession: resume

When people ask me what I want to be, I always proudly answer: a doctor. It seems to me that this profession is the most humane on earth. After all, a doctor helps people, relieves them of pain and even saves their lives. Representatives of this profession must be kind, strong-willed and able to feel the pain of others. It is important to have self-control when seeing other people's suffering. After all, if the doctor is worried and hysterical, then he will hardly be able to help the patient.

The profession of a doctor is the most important for a person. Is there really anything more valuable than health?

In order to be a doctor, you need to have special abilities in biology and chemistry in school. In the future - patience to study at the highest level educational institution for at least six years. Many of my friends say that studying to become a doctor is very difficult. Under no circumstances should you miss lectures and practical classes, because perhaps your mistake will cost the patient’s life. Each of academic disciplines very difficult, but I intend to study them properly in order to become a real professional in the future.

The main characteristic of a doctor is responsibility. When working with patients, you cannot relax for a second.

The profession of a doctor is very complex and interesting. Many people get the impression about this work solely based on TV series, however, in life everything may be completely different. Patients are not always friendly and polite, but the doctor must remain calm and patient. The doctor is required to make various decisions every day, prescribe treatment or perform surgery. It seems to me that this profession is very difficult, but I am ready for any difficulties.

Every doctor takes the Hippocratic oath at the beginning of his career. This means that the doctor is obliged to adhere to the principle of confidentiality; you can talk about the patient’s illness only with him and no one else. Representatives of this profession must take care of everyone and respect every patient. It is important not to harm anyone. If a patient comes to the hospital, then he has compelling circumstances. “Don't make things worse” is one of the most important postulates.

In my opinion, it is impossible to become a doctor, they need to be born. You need to have a sincere desire to help other people, empathize with them and simply be able to work. It seems to me that this is typical for me, and I can become a doctor with capital letters.

The doctor does not have the slightest right to make a mistake. An incorrect diagnosis, indifference to a patient, a doctor’s hysteria or a trembling hand can end someone’s life. My dream in the future is to tell the relatives of my patients: “Your child is fine, the operation was successful.”

 Essay “Why I choose medicine” There is no art more useful than medicine. Pliny the Elder exists in the world huge amount professions. When asked which profession is the most important, everyone will answer differently. And if you ask which is the most difficult and stressful, perhaps the first to be named are the heavy male professions; they will remember firefighters, rescuers, and police officers. Scientists and all workers will be called the most knowledgeable mental work . But, in my opinion, there are people whose work combines all these characteristics. The work of their life is the most necessary, the most difficult, the most responsible, requiring constant improvement. These are people who are faced with the most important tasks - to recognize, treat, prevent diseases, ensure the preservation and strengthening of people's health and ability to work. And these people are doctors. For a long time, doctors have been credited with extending life. At a time when devastating epidemics and wars claimed the lives of millions of people, doctors persistently searched for ways to get rid of and protect against dangerous diseases, and tried to reduce complications after injuries and surgical interventions. They created new drugs and vaccines, often testing them on themselves so as not to endanger other people. Thanks to doctors, it became possible to prevent and treat a huge number of diseases that were previously considered deadly. A doctor is one of the noblest professions on earth. But not everyone can become a doctor. For this profession it is necessary to have a special character, attentiveness, patience, calmness, kindness; and at the same time - firmness, the ability to quickly make decisions, and a huge sense of responsibility. This must certainly be a person who is wholeheartedly devoted to his work; a person who understands the importance and seriousness of this profession; one who is not afraid of dangers, difficulties, who agrees to devote his entire life to people and, while working, continue to constantly learn and improve. Even though studying to become a doctor is not easy, I still decided to become a doctor. It all started in childhood. In the winter of 2009, I was scheduled for surgery. With fear in my eyes and cold feet, I entered the office. But, looking at the kind expression on the doctor’s face, I thought that not everything was as bad as it seemed at first glance. During the operation, the doctor supported me all the time, and his caring, attentive eyes seemed to say: “Don’t worry, everything will be fine.” And indeed the operation went without complications. “He is an amazing and extraordinary doctor,” all the nurses said about him. And this was indeed the case. To be honest, I didn’t think there were people who would treat their work with such love. After being discharged from the hospital, I firmly decided: I would be a good doctor who would consider helping patients as my duty, a duty of conscience, and would put this help first. After all, a person who has chosen the medical profession must be prepared for self-sacrifice, for incredible physical and psychological difficulties and risks. The words “while shining for others, I burn myself”, by the way, are perfectly suited to this profession. Only I decided that I would not be an ENT surgeon, like Vitaly Igorevich, but a pediatric dentist. This profession has existed as long as doctors in general. Back in Ancient Greece, about 2,500 years ago, there were “dentists” who removed teeth. The dentist profession is one of the most in demand in our time. Little children love sweets very much: chocolate, candy, fruit. And they eat them large quantities. And excessive consumption of sweets is harmful not only to teeth. This is why a child’s teeth begin to hurt at such a young age. And, as far as I know, not every child will be able to fearlessly walk into the office and sit in the dentist’s chair. For many children, going to the dentist is a chore. They are terribly afraid that the “aunt in the white coat” will bring them pain. And only with the help of the parents’ persuasion the child barely agrees to go to the appointment. And the future fate of the child’s health will largely depend on how everything goes. Each of us remembers our childhood fears about visiting the dentist, because this visit was certainly associated with pain. Therefore, I want to radically change the concept of “dentist” for children. So that they would walk and not be afraid of me in a white coat, or of the instruments with which they have to do the examination. Moreover, I love children very much and quickly find a common language with them. A modern science and the technology does everything to make people feel comfortable and cozy in the dentist’s office. So that we can forget our children's "horror stories" about the evil uncle-doctor, whom mom will take you to if you don't listen to her and eat a lot of sweets, while forgetting to brush your teeth. I hope that I will successfully pass all the exams and be able to enter the medical academy, after which I will be able to benefit not only adults, but also children. Because the future generation is the main thing. And we need to do everything to keep it healthy.

Choice future profession is one of the most important decisions on our life path. But it’s quite difficult to choose a business that you really like and that brings pleasure that matches the person’s character and aspirations. Some, after studying at a university for five or six years, eventually realize that they have not chosen the business that would make them happy and financially secure. Therefore, the choice of a future profession should be taken very, very seriously.

For example, after thinking for a long time, I have already made my choice and decided to become a doctor in the future. Probably, most girls from childhood wanted to become a doctor or a teacher, but these were childhood dreams, and over time their views on life changed and dreams of becoming a doctor disappeared. But I decided to become a doctor finally and irrevocably.

The profession of a doctor is a very noble and responsible business, since the health and sometimes lives of people depend on the doctor. People believe that the doctor will definitely help them in any case and that after receiving an injection or other help, they will definitely get better. But in order to be a truly real doctor, you need to study well, because the result of my help will depend on how well I know what I have to do as a doctor. One pill or one wrong injection can destroy not only my future, but also people’s faith in the help of doctors.

The medical profession is a very human one, because helping others is the work of a person with good intentions and a kind soul. When I choose my future profession, I will try to be just such a person.

To become a good doctor, you need not only to have a sincere and open soul, but also to have a good knowledge of anatomy and biology - the basis of medicine. The foundation of this knowledge must be laid already at school, because in biology and anatomy lessons we take the first steps in getting to know the structure and characteristics of living organisms, their functions and the significance of certain organs. This is what connects school subjects with real medical science.

The medical profession will serve not only others, but myself. If my family, friends, neighbors or friends get sick, I can always help them.

Medicine has always been a popular field human activity, therefore, it is no coincidence that competition for admission to medical universities is traditionally high. This is the incentive that makes me want to study well.

What attracts people so much to this profession? In my opinion, most doctors chose their profession not out of any selfish motives, but, first of all, out of a desire to do good to people. It is this motive that corresponds to the main essence of medicine - humanity, and a true doctor must provide assistance to sick people at any time. But helping people is not so simple and easy. And I am ready to overcome difficulties for the sake of a high goal and am not afraid that the routine of everyday work awaits me in the future. I plan to become a true professional and be sure to enjoy my work.

Another reason why I chose the profession of a doctor as my future profession is the opportunity to reveal my talents and realize all my aspirations in my work. Each of us is endowed with some kind of talent by nature. Medicine is a craft, a science, and an art. But if science can be learned, and a craft can be acquired through experience, then only a talented person can make medicine an art. In addition, I have a desire to try my hand and contribute to the fight against deadly diseases. After all, you can name many talented doctors who were able to defeat diseases and invent cures for diseases that were previously considered incurable.

The medical profession is one of the most important and respected in the world. The desire to be a doctor, a Doctor with a capital D, to be significant in the eyes and eyes of patients is a powerful motivation for me.

I'm leaving medicine. The realization of this fact three months ago struck me more than my family and friends. There was something to be surprised about. Young promising doctor, academic degree, foreign publications, good job, excellent career opportunities. Is life successful? Then why was the realization that this was not my place gaining momentum? What then is mine? I didn't have an answer to this question yet. But the understanding that the road that I had followed for so many years, proudly carrying the banner of confidence in the correctness of the chosen path and loyalty to my dream, suddenly led to a dead end.

– Our daughter will be a doctor! – this phrase, pronounced with constant pride, has accompanied me throughout my entire adult life. I don’t even remember wanting to be someone else as a child. Well, at least a teacher, if not an astronaut. Where this child’s dream came from is unknown. This is despite the fact that I did not see a single close living example before my eyes. But skillfully picked up and approved by relatives, the timid desire to be a doctor, for now expressed in games of hospital with hares and bears, quickly grew stronger and took shape in an adult intention to enter a medical school.

This was also helped by an unquenchable thirst for reading. It just so happened that the rich home collection of classics by Bulgakov, Chekhov, Veresaev, Conan Doyle also contributed to the creation of the image of a wise, kind, attentive and always ready to help doctor.

Well, the romantic image of a hero in a white coat has been formed, which means you can conquer the cherished peak. Moving from the province, entering the medical academy, realizing my adulthood and importance among my peers who had chosen simpler, as it seemed to me, specialties. This inspired me and created the illusion of success. I'm in a white coat, what else is needed for happiness?

I would like to write that 10 years of medical school flew by in a flash, but I won’t. This is wrong. Each year was challenging and interesting at the same time. Understanding the inner world of a person turned out to be not so poetic and easy. Endless cramming of new material, impenetrable jungle of Latin, names of cranial nerves that seem to be used to summon the devil. But the most constant bonus was best friends, the most fun parties. And oh, this black humor that shocked us ordinary people from other universities. Yes, yes, a touch of exclusivity was always present. It’s not for nothing that every medical student considers it his duty to parade down the street in a white coat. And opening an anatomy atlas on the most interesting pictures in public transport is generally a student classic.

Another gift of fate during my studies was the surprisingly easy and quick choice of specialty. Have you noticed how a person who is in love with his business illuminates everything around him with light? I'm lucky. In the 3rd year I met two cardiologists from God, deeply devoted to their work and rooting for every patient. The choice was clear. In subsequent years, step by step, I studied the difficult, but inspiring prospects of the profession of a cardiologist. After all, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world, and I will be involved in their study and treatment. What was there about the touch of exclusivity? I immersed myself in science. I didn’t miss a single new book or conference. Then I understood the meaning of the phrase - the happiness of knowledge. This was it.

The final eighth year of study was coming to an end. But I couldn’t stop learning new things. An innumerable number of white spots on the sky medical science beckoned, as the next mystery of a good detective beckons. Inner overcoming, challenging yourself, exploring still unknown depths are the next steps in personal growth. My next piece of luck is an inspiring, wise leader. As a result, this is an interesting topic that opens up the possibility of early detection of the most deadly diseases in the world. A great desire to get to know her more deeply, remarkable willpower and perseverance - and now, after 2 years, an early ceremonial award scientific degree Ph.D.

An advanced degree opens many doors. However, in medicine the name is deserved not only by theoretical works. Years of practice in a variety of conditions. Round-the-clock duty in emergency cardiology departments taught me to make instant decisions, to perceive sleepless nights as normal, and to overcome despair and inhuman fatigue with a cup of coffee. Cardiological consultations for the most severe cancer patients taught them not to look away when a dying person asks the question: “Doctor, can my heart withstand this?” Should I say that I'm used to it? No, I can't. The story of each patient was lived and often mourned as if it were our own. And I was never able to cope with this medical challenge. If you continue to work, cynicism, like a second skin, does not take long to appear. But my intuition told me that this was not my path. Refusing career growth and an attractive position, I left in search of other places and new experience, while still in medicine.

Did I enjoy being a doctor? Yes, very much! Seeing the results of your work in improving the well-being of your patients, gratitude on their faces - isn’t this the main thing? But I also felt an urgent need for knowledge and new experience. Science continued to attract and create new landmarks ahead.

In search of these beacons, I came to a regular cardiology department of a regular city hospital. A wonderful team, interesting clinical cases, the glory of Dr. House looms on the horizon. Attention to each patient, a detailed history, thorough differential diagnosis, the most correct and necessary treatment - and here they are, the fruits of success. This is what I was looking for in my work. And no, lupus is not as common as people say.

A sudden discovery was an illusion that burst like a balloon: the main thing that the hospital lives on is the life and health of the patients. Before this, everything else recedes into the second, third and tenth plane. That's what I thought and imagined. Perhaps now I’ll debunk someone’s myths, but such series have nothing in common with our reality. Being disappointed is always painful and unpleasant. Understand that your idea of ​​helping patients does not coincide with accepted standards and procedures. A hospital is a huge, indifferent mechanism, in the bureaucratic millstones of which a sincere desire to help, save, and improve is ground into dust. Priorities are in the correctness of documentation, which is not always logical and beyond common sense. Staying within budget, prescribing drugs that are about to expire, fulfilling the plan for the number of hospitalizations - these are the daily labor feats of heroes in white coats. When should we do science? For some time I tried desperately to resist this. But such a struggle turned out to be not physiological. The result is psychosomatics and wasted time and nerve cells. Trying to fit into the system, having first broken my beliefs and become convenient for someone, but for myself - no, I can’t do that either.

I am in no way generalizing the principle of the structure of all hospitals. My experience is only the experience of an individual person, although he has tried on the gowns of several hospitals in one city.

As a result, I chose the third, simplest and at the same time difficult path - to leave a system that does not coincide with my beliefs. Stop being a cog in a complex mechanism assembled from inhuman rules, standards and ideas. Leave, leaving behind people who were pleasant to me, but who had chosen a different path.

Achieving the dream has borne fruit. I knew both the joy of scientific discoveries and the bitter taste of disappointment. The most invaluable experience taught me the most important thing - to listen to myself and trust my inner beacon.

What about dreams? Dreaming is useful and necessary. Their implementation is the engine of our development. Just having achieved the goal, don’t forget to ask yourself, is this what I was striving for? Does it bring me happiness and satisfaction? If not, perhaps you should - no, not change your dream, but adjust it in accordance with your internal compass.

My dream - to help people - has remained with me. But I decided to set off on an independent voyage to the only true beacon in medicine for me - the development of science. So it’s too early to say goodbye to the white coat. Maybe I didn’t dream about this as a child. And the timing and methods of achieving the goal are not yet entirely clear. But I swam there and I know that I won’t drown. Perhaps I'm old-fashioned, but I believe that even the small achievements of one person will sooner or later be useful to the world and people. The main thing is to remain intact. Be in harmony with yourself. And if those around you do not share your views and principles, this is not a reason to betray yourself. This is a reason to change your environment.

A long time ago, somewhere at the turn of the century, my time was approaching to graduate from school. Yes, everyone’s favorite school time was confidently moving towards its logical conclusion - it was necessary to decide on the choice of a future profession. I was not an excellent student. He wasn't even always good. Mathematics, physics and geometry weren’t even limping for me; rather, they fell endlessly, breaking their legs and hypotenuses, I didn’t understand them so much (which, by the way, incredibly infuriated my father, a very seasoned engineer-physicist). Humanitarian direction did not attract me in principle, although I had a solid A in the Russian language. But history, social studies and literature are also there... I did not see any prospects for further application of this knowledge.

But I always excelled in chemistry and biology. They didn’t just go well, I liked them, causing a desire to learn. And I taught. Well, by the middle of the 10th grade, a list of faculties for further study had been determined based on the totality of subjects: agricultural, environmental-biological and medical. Therefore, after weighing all the pros and cons, I began to prepare for admission to the medical faculty. No one persuaded or dissuaded me. There were no doctors or others in my family medical workers. I didn't act through connections. In fact, I am one of those doctors who achieved everything in this difficult profession on their own. But! Did I want to be, that is, work as a doctor then? I have asked myself this question more than once, and, you know, I cannot help but answer it. Even to myself. So, let's reason.

I would like to build this monologue on a phrase that can now be heard so often from any person. With this phrase, people seem to be trying to explain the position of doctors (and health workers in general) in society: “You knew where you were going!” Excessive workload, lack of proper equipment, low wages, often unbearable working conditions - everything is included in this statement.

You see, for example, I didn’t know where I was going. And few people know. The reason is simple: healing is working with people. And according to the current education system, students are allowed to see patients in their third year. Until this time, fundamental sciences about the structure and functioning of man are studied, the first difficult exams are passed, and all the time is spent trying not to drop out of the faculty. There is no time to think about the future; I wish I could get some sleep.

Three years pass, and, hop, in front of the future doctors, as the teachers say, is their first patient. And then how lucky! Much depends on this first contact. I don't remember the first one. But I remember one of the first! A huge, sweaty man with an enormous belly and a very nasty (I later found out) character. Do you know what he answered me to “Hello, is that you - Takayatovich?”? “Fuck you, bespectacled!” “Takoyetovich said to me in a deep voice, taking his eyes off the magazine and lowering them back. I didn't find anything to answer. But vague seeds of doubt had already been sown. Can you imagine how many people like this are around? Who are alive only because Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation exists. Nobody has any idea! I didn’t know that an innocent question could lead to an erotic journey. And these are just little things! Regular attacks on ambulance crews, drunken behavior in the emergency room and other manifestations of patient aggression periodically agitate society. But there is nothing to oppose! Because from our student days we have been drilled into our heads about ethical and deontological attitude towards patients. But apparently there is no one to tell people about respect for the doctor. He “knew where he was going.”

During our medical development, we were regularly told that “when you graduate, everything will be fine and different.” Well, it has become different - uncontrolled modernization and optimization, reductions and layoffs, liquidation and merger medical organizations. A disproportionate increase in workload, sleepless nights, multiple jobs - this is an incomplete list of how doctors work now. And that's not good! And the patient, you see, doesn’t like that the doctor came out to him in the middle of the night, sleepy, in a crumpled robe, with red eyes! Drunk, probably. Come on, everything will go away on its own, I’d rather file a complaint against him, like he’s drinking at work. And the fact that the doctor “from day to night and back to day” because he has a wife, children and a mortgage does not bother anyone. He knew where he was going.

Many believe that doctors should work according to duty and heart. This is the noblest medical calling. But enough pathos, now an obvious fact. Most doctors work because they want to eat. And to eat, you have to work. He doesn't know how to grow or process grain, doesn't know how to lift and land a passenger airliner, and doesn't understand accounting one bit. He is a doctor, he knows how to treat people. And for this, quite naturally, he receives a salary. Not for duty and calling, but for the actual product - human health. The factory produces machines and tractors, the bakery provides fresh bread, and the doctor also preserves and restores the most valuable things for a person. It’s just a pity that this “most valuable thing” is very modestly paid for by the state. But the doctor endures, he knew where he was going.

We are often given the example of USSR medicine, saying that it was better - faster, better quality and free. To be honest, maybe that was the case. And there were those doctors who worked for the idea, who were respected and loved. But there is no Union for a long time. And many of those doctors are no longer there. There is a harsh modern Russian reality in which the sphere of “medical services” flourishes and develops. In which the patient has long become a client who is always right (but in most cases it turns out to be the other way around). In which, thanks to imposed standards and schemes, the disease is treated, not the person. But there will always be good doctors! And, despite all the orders and decrees, they will help, treat and nurse. Because they knew where they were going.