Certificate of commendation for good work. Congratulations on gratitude for work are not in verse. Information about the compiler

The successful development of a company largely depends not only on the actions of management, but also on how productive the work of employees is. When there are incentives, people will definitely try. The company can stimulate not only financially, but also morally - to express gratitude for the work.

What is this document and why is it important?

A so-called thank you letter is a non-commercial business letter that expresses gratitude to an employee for certain achievements. For example:

  • execution of an order;
  • plan overfulfilment;
  • successful implementation of the project;
  • initiative, etc.

At first glance, it may seem that gratitude for Good work, many years of work or cooperation are not needed by anyone. But this is a misconception.

Firstly, the employee will be pleased that management appreciated all the efforts. Recognition and respect will appear among others and colleagues. As a result, you will want to do even better.

Secondly, this type of encouragement encourages colleagues to comply labor discipline and successfully perform your duties.

Thirdly, the fact of reward has a positive effect on the employee’s career.

Article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation lists different types incentives. Among them is a declaration of gratitude. If you don’t have the opportunity to give a bonus or buy a valuable gift, please your employees with at least a letter of gratitude.

When they make a decision

A prerequisite for the execution of the document in question is the conscientious performance of duties in accordance with:

  • with job description;
  • labor protection requirements;
  • internal regulations;
  • qualification characteristics of the work;
  • other documents.

The main reason for declaring gratitude for an employee’s work may be:

  • improvement of labor indicators;
  • participation in a significant event;
  • proposals for improving the organization's work;
  • significant overfulfillment of the work plan;
  • implementation of a serious project;
  • improvement of enterprise technologies, etc.

Specific merits must be recorded in internal regulatory documents companies.

How to write gratitude: a general approach

Many employers are interested in the question of where to get a sample and how to write a thank you letter for good work. There are no strict rules, but when composing the text, try to adhere to the official business style and use letterhead. General structure document is something like this:

How to write a thank you letter for cooperation

A sample text of gratitude for cooperation is presented below. This paper contains the same details as when writing business letters: Full name. person, position. They also put the employer’s signature, his position, initials and surname.

The peculiarity lies in the fact that they express words of gratitude and hope for continuation business relations further.

The practice of writing thank you letters came to us from Western countries. Europeans and Americans everywhere send words of admiration and joy for the event, the assistance provided, and thank you for your cooperation and joint work.

The text of writing such documents will be discussed in detail in this article.

The importance of letters of gratitude is undeservedly downplayed in Russia. As a rule, they are used to reward employees in management positions.

Nevertheless, well-written thank-you letters will help improve relationships between boss and subordinates or maintain friendly relations between business partners for many years.

Writing rules

A thank you note, like any other official document, must be drawn up according to the rules.

When designing, you should adhere to the plan, present your thoughts logically and consistently.

By following simple rules when composing a letter, the author’s success among partners and employees is guaranteed.

Take into account: thank you letter– a type of business document whose purpose is to emotionally reward a person for work done or services provided. This is an effective motivation tool professional growth and long-term cooperation based on joy and inspiration.

Despite the fact that this document is based on emotions, there are still rules for its preparation:

  1. The document should be created and sent as quickly as possible after the action that deserves gratitude has been completed.
  2. The ideal size is 1 A4 page.
  3. The text is written in a business style. Spelling, stylistic and other types of errors are not allowed.
  4. The document describes positive sides person, it is indicated for which gratitude is expressed to him. The text should end with words of hope for further cooperation.
  5. Before sending, double-check the correctness of the addressee's personal and contact information.

Please note: If the thank you letter is addressed to several recipients, you need to take care of an individual text for each person. This will create a feeling of attentiveness and care for the client, employee or partner, especially if they know each other.

Writing plan

Plan for writing a thank you letter:

  1. Address to the recipient. It is often customary to begin a document with the words dear, respected. The words dear or mister do not correspond to the business style of presenting information, so they should be abandoned if gratitude is not expressed to a close friend. You should express gratitude to the partner organization to its leader, and in the text of the document you should thank the team of the enterprise.
  2. Initiator information. This part of the document indicates who is thanking whom and for what.
  3. Description of the situation that prompted you to write a thank you letter. The more detailed the story, the better. The business style of presentation has not been canceled.
  4. Words of praise to the addressee.
  5. A wish for a person or company for the future.
  6. Expressing hope for further cooperation.
  7. Signature of the manager, contact details of the sending organization.

Good to know: When preparing the text of a document, it is necessary to avoid outright flattery and ingratiation with the addressee. The words should be pleasant, but not repel the author.

How to draw up a document

The document is drawn up on a beautiful sheet intended specifically for gratitude. It is allowed to write a letter on the organization's letterhead. The main thing is that it is neat and beautiful. Perhaps the recipient will want to hang it on the wall or show it when meeting with other clients.

The title of the document “Letter of Thanks” is indicated in the center of the sheet. The last name, first name and patronymic of the addressee are written under it. Next is the text of the letter, which consists of three parts: introduction, main part and conclusion.

At the end of the document, the title of the position of the person sending the gratitude is written, signed and sealed.

This is interesting: The thank you note can be handwritten. To do this, take a simple and beautiful card of not large size. Ideally, the front side will have the inscription “Thank you” or “Thank you.” When choosing a card, do not forget that this is a business document.

How to formalize gratitude

The formatting requirements for all thank you letters are the same. The documents differ from each other only in the form of address to the addressee.

This is interesting!

Organizations for cooperation

In order to thank the organization for its cooperation, you should write a letter on the letterhead of the company that initiated the letter. Gratitude begins not with standard words of greeting, but with a direct appeal to the company.

Example of a letter of gratitude to an organization:

To the head

If a subordinate writes a letter to the head of the company where he works, the document can begin with welcoming words. Before sending, you should carefully double-check the exact spelling of the boss’s last name, first name, and patronymic. You should not rely on memory. Next, gratitude is written according to the standard scheme.

Sample letter to manager:

Employee for professional achievements

The most common type of thank you letter. It is written according to a standard plan. It is drawn up both on company letterhead and on a special sheet for such documents.

Example of a thank you letter to an employee:

Company personnel

Gratitude to the company's staff is expressed through an appeal to the director. The name of the manager is indicated at the beginning of the document. About the team is written closer to the middle of the text. Registration requirements are standard.

Example of gratitude to staff:

A thank you letter is good tool establishing positive communication between colleagues in your organization and others.

An incorrectly executed document with errors can have the opposite effect. All the efforts of the author to thank his partner or employees will be worthless.

A document written in living language can be called successful. It should contain a direct address to the addressee by name. The unusual, stylish design of the form will add positive emotions to the recipient of the document. You can add a small gift to your thank you note.

Watch this video that explains how to write a thank you note:

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Every person enjoys being thanked. Especially if there is a reason for this. That is why now I would like to talk about how management can express gratitude for their work.

A little about people and incentives

No one will argue with the fact that encouragement always has a positive effect on a person. So, if management praises an employee, then this is an incentive to work even better and reach new heights. That is why the management of the organization should not forget that they need to thank their employees. However, it is important to take into account all workers, even in the simplest professions. Thus, gratitude for the work should be expressed not only to heads of departments or leading managers, but also to ordinary employees, right down to those people who make offices or offices clean.

Company Features

How can you express gratitude for your work? So, it could be something special that is specific to the organization. An example is Hewlett-Packard, where the best employees are awarded a golden banana. By the way, this award was chosen completely by chance. So, once upon a time, management wanted to encourage an employee, but only a banana was at hand. This is where this interesting and unusual award tradition arose - presenting a golden banana.


You can also express gratitude for your work in the form of a certificate. It would be good, of course, if it came with a material gift. However, even such simple encouragement is perceived very positively by many. To do this you just need to have it in stock ready-made form certificate, which is signed by the director or head of the company.

Text thanks

Gratitude for work can be expressed in poetry. To do this, you can gather all the employees in one office or assembly hall of the enterprise, where this small enterprise will be held. By the way, the promotion can be timed to coincide with some holiday. The verse can be read out by either the head of the department or the director of the enterprise. The poem itself can be both very serious and humorous.

Option 1

Today is such a beautiful day

And even if the calendar is not red,

We want you from the bottom of our hearts

Give thanks.

Thank you for your hard work,

Thank you for your exemplary disposition,

Option 2. When looking for gratitude for work in poetry, you can thank the employee with a very perky and cheerful poem.

Who works like a horse? Who works day after day?

Who hardly ever goes home? Ivan Ivanovich Kovalev!

We thank you earnestly for your work and your deeds

However, remember, my dear, the horse never led!

Financial incentives

You can express gratitude for your work in monetary terms. This can be either the most ordinary bonus or a precious gift presented by the manager. If everything is clear with money, then you can engrave a thank you note on the gift (if it is, for example, a watch, pen or figurine). This way, the employee will have a memory of this event for a long time.

So that everyone knows

In many companies, especially in establishments fast food, the best employees are thanked for their work by posting their photos in a prominent place. This way visitors know who is doing a good job. And the employee himself is pleased that his work is appreciated.

Delicious gratitude

Appreciation for good work can also be tasty. To do this, the manager can prepare special chocolates or candies, the covers of which will be made to order and will contain the company logo and words of gratitude. The chocolate may be intended for an individual employee; there may be a photo of the employee on the cover. This is a very original and unusual thank you gift that many will love. If you want to thank all the employees of the department for their good work, you can simply set the table for them or present them with a basket of fruit.

On a business trip as a thank you

As a thank you, the employee can be sent on a business trip abroad. So, in addition to work, a person will be able to see a new country and visit beautiful places. If this is not possible, the employee can order a tourist trip around the homeland as a thank you.


And, of course, you can write a thank you letter best employee. This practice is often used today. How can you write a thank you note for work? Sample:

Dear Ivan Ivanovich!

Let me thank you for your work, your contribution to the development of the enterprise, for your dedication to the Romashka company for 25 years. We admire your professionalism, your level of culture, your knowledge and skills. It is thanks to you that our company is developing so actively and moving forward.

We highly appreciate your work and your contribution to the development of the Romashka company, your responsibility and high-quality implementation of assigned tasks, your understanding of the company’s strategic priorities and the peculiarities of the enterprise’s work. We sincerely thank you for your work! We wish you good luck in your work, as well as happiness and health in your personal life!

Thank you very much for a job well done. We are very pleased with the result and are happy that we turned to you. you are very good professionals and specialists, thank you very much for the quality and creative approach to our order.

I want to express my deep gratitude for the work done. It is very nice to know that there are such responsible and efficient people. It gives me great pleasure to say “thank you.” I hope that in the future we will maintain this tradition. Let the will and desire to work lead us to victories and goals. Thank you!

We would like to thank you for your work! For the part of yourself invested in work. For dedication and understanding, scrupulousness and coherence. For a complete understanding of the significance and importance of our business! We thank you and wish you prosperity, endurance, incentive and financial well-being!

Thank you very much for your honest and good work, thank you for your enthusiasm, diligence, diligence, desire for success and complete dedication. Be happy and successful, may you continue to achieve unprecedented heights and delight us all with excellent results.

I express my deep gratitude for your conscientious and honest work, for your excellent and excellent work. Thanks a lot. May your enthusiasm and determination only grow, may your health be strong and lasting, may more and more new ideas come to your mind, may luck accompany you in everything.

Thank you for your excellent work, for your complete responsibility and absolute confidence, for your constant punctuality and good ideas. I wish you to continue to work with the same fervor and enthusiasm, achieving more and more victories. Health, strong strength, perseverance, patience and high material wealth in life!

Many heartfelt thanks for the fast and high-quality work. You provided enormous assistance, worked conscientiously, putting not only your hands, but also your soul into the matter. You are not only an excellent specialist in your field and a first-class worker, but also simply good man. Thank you!

I express my sincere gratitude for your conscientious, excellent work. Thank you for your determination, for your efforts, for your perseverance, for your responsibility, for your potential and tireless enthusiasm. I wish you to always achieve your goals, boldly fight for your success and never be afraid of sudden obstacles. Confidence, good luck and a stable position!

I want to say thank you very much for your hard work and good work, for your great enthusiasm and true goals, for your excellent success and endless optimism. I wish that in the future your work will continue to go with a bang, that any business will be crowned with success, that your health will never fail, and that luck will always be nearby.

I express my sincere gratitude for the excellent work. I sincerely wish to never stop at the victories achieved and always confidently pave the way to new successes. A strong, responsible, strong-willed, intelligent, talented, fair person and your work is worthy and excellent. Thank you, I wish you health, good luck and love from loved ones!


Any employee can receive a letter of gratitude from the organization; such gratitude is expressed in case of good work. This is a business document containing words of gratitude, and the reason can be different: high-quality provision of services, well-done work, successful cooperation, assistance or assistance. A non-commercial business letter is addressed to one person or an entire team.

What is a thank you letter

An individual or a group can receive a letter of gratitude. This emphasizes the importance of people and their merits. Such a letter can be a response to a congratulation or an invitation. The letter of gratitude meets all the requirements of a business style; it contains the main parts: the header of the document, the address, the main text, the paper is accompanied by the signature of the manager, and a seal is affixed. The letter is written on company letterhead, has a clear form, and is one of the types business communication between people.


A thank you letter is considered a business document, but some deviations from the rules are allowed here. The header is indicated if necessary; it is an optional element. It gives information about the person (or people) to whom gratitude is expressed. Below is the appeal. Then words of gratitude are placed, which consist of template phrases. And at the bottom left there should be a signature with the basic information of the person expressing gratitude: full name and position title. All this is often formalized on letterhead on behalf of the manager.

You can download sample thank you letters on the Internet:

  • for cooperation;
  • employee;
  • organizations;
  • to the teacher;
  • doctor;
  • to the student;
  • for help;
  • for charity;
  • gratitude to parents, veterans, volunteers, etc.

Writing samples may be as follows:

  • Option 1:
    • The company (name) provides heartfelt expressions of gratitude and sincere gratitude to the company (name) and company managers for the high-quality and timely delivery of furniture (other goods).
    • We express confidence in maintaining the existing friendly relations, we would like to express hope for further mutually beneficial, fruitful cooperation.
    • Position, signature, full name.
  • Option 2:
    • Dear (name, patronymic)!
    • We express our gratitude to you for your many years of work; you make a huge contribution to the development and prosperity of the company!
    • On your 50th birthday, we wish you inexhaustible creative energy, the accomplishment of all your endeavors, further success, good health, joy, and happiness!
    • Sincerely, (position) signature, full name

What do you express gratitude for in a letter?

A thank you message is written for a job well done, assistance provided, and support. If people financially sponsored or were suppliers of equipment, furniture, and other necessary things, they can be sent thanks by e-mail for your help with an expression of deep gratitude and warm words that will lift the mood of the recipient and encourage him to do new good deeds.

For conscientious work

Some people devote many years to their work, they put in all their strength, they work conscientiously. They thank an employee of the organization with such a letter; it must indicate the name and patronymic of the person, how long he worked in the organization, and what merits he had during this time. Compose a text that mentions personal and professional quality the person, the projects the person worked on. The purpose of a thank you message is to please a person, to increase his strength. new level, so it is important to write it correctly.

Sample letter thanking an employee:

  1. Dear (name, patronymic)!
  2. We express our gratitude to you, sincere appreciation for the fact that you have been working with us for 15 years and making a huge contribution to the development of the company!
  3. On your anniversary, we wish you inexhaustible creative energy, success, good health, happiness, creative achievements, and material wealth!
  4. Job title, signature, full name.

Gratitude for the work

The employee's immediate superior should write a thank-you note to the employee and then sign it. The text contains an appeal to both one person and the entire team of the company. Expressed if the project was completed on time or even earlier. If the team worked harmoniously and successfully, after which the company received a large profit, then the letter will also be in good form. Approximate structure:

  • Dear (name, patronymic or team so-and-so)!
  • I would like to take this opportunity to thank the employees of the company (name) for the service provided, high quality work, efficiency and timely assistance in resolving pressing issues.
  • I hope for further long-term, fruitful cooperation.
  • Sincerely, (last name, first name).

For the assistance provided

Expression of gratitude in business letters often follows how some assistance has been provided to a company or individual by another organization or individual. Help is expressed in moral support and the organization of an event. Often help comes in the form of sponsorship from a company or person in his new project.

  • Dear (io)!
  • The administration of [name] expresses gratitude for the services provided sponsorship in organizing the anniversary of a humanitarian university. The musicians performed at top level, and the light show is extremely beautiful! We express our special gratitude to you, because the successful implementation of this project would not have been possible without your participation.
  • We wish you and the entire team of (company name) health, interesting ideas, their successful implementation, good clients, and growth in professionalism.
  • Sincerely, (name, surname).

Gratitude for cooperation

This type of letter is very common; it is sent to people both within the company itself and to various business partners, and can be given at an official presentation. Approximate structure:

  • Dear (name, patronymic)!
  • We highly appreciate working together with your company. We are well aware that we owe our success, first of all, to the companies offering our services and to successful cooperation with you. We wish you and your company success and prosperity!
  • Sincerely (name, surname of the boss).

For sponsorship

Very often, companies express gratitude to their sponsors for their help, support, and writing a letter is similar to all previous options:

  • Dear (name, patronymic)!
  • The administration of [institution name] expresses gratitude for the sponsorship provided in organizing the regional children's creativity competition. Successful implementation of this social significant project would not have been possible without your participation.
  • We wish you health, interesting ideas and their successful implementation, and further prosperity of the company.
  • Sincerely, (name, surname).

Rules for writing a thank you letter

A letter of thanks is an official document, so it has clear standards and rules for filling it out:

  1. The header is located at the top right, but options without it are allowed.
  2. There must be an appeal either to one person or to a group of people.
  3. The main part consists of template, standard phrases that are based on compliments and kind words.
  4. At the end of the letter there must be a signature of the person who compiled this paper. In this case, the first and last name is indicated, there may be a mention of the position, and a personal signature is placed.


This is a mandatory element that is present in any official paper. Since a letter of gratitude is a document, the address is always there, often accompanied by the word “dear.” A person is called by his first name and patronymic; rarely a surname can be added. If gratitude is sent to the entire team, then write “dear colleagues (name of organization).”

Letter details

Details can be presented in a letter at a minimum: only the name of the organization, the position of the person who draws up the document. But there is an option when the details are specified in great detail:

  • name of company;
  • position of expressing gratitude;
  • organization address;
  • phone number, fax number of the organization;
  • TIN/KPP, other important details;
  • date of;
  • thank you number.

Information about the compiler

This paragraph of the letter does not take up much space. At the end, the position of the person expressing gratitude and his full name are simply indicated. There may also be a signature. In some cases, they write in detail: the name of the organization, the position held by the person thanking, his full name and abbreviated signature. If the letter is intended for parents, then there is no need to indicate the position, just the name is enough.

Thank you letter text

How to write a thank you note correctly? Due to the fact that written gratitude is an official document, its content is always formulaic. It necessarily includes standard phrases about expressing gratitude. The personal qualities of the people to whom this letter is sent are emphasized. Standard phrases are perceived as mandatory, but people are still pleased to receive such a paper.

How to properly express gratitude

You can thank a person using simple but effective phrases. At the same time, you should not wait for a more convenient opportunity; it is better to do this whenever possible:

  1. Let me express my gratitude for...
  2. Our company would like to express our sincere gratitude for...
  3. Thank you for your congratulations on the occasion of the company's anniversary...
  4. I would like to thank you for...
  5. Thank you very much for...

How to avoid cliched phrases

It is clear that a letter of gratitude is an official document that consists of generally accepted phrases and figures of speech, but you can try to avoid cliched expressions or reduce their number a little. You shouldn’t speak in general terms; it’s better to specify this case: mention real people, their merits, actions, professional qualities, etc. The letter does not indicate the mistakes of colleagues, the shortcomings of their work, they try to emphasize only the positive aspects. It is better to use more sincere words and phrases “on your own behalf.”

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