Catching them is a big success, but... Four scientifically proven ways to catch luck by the tail. The ability to listen to your inner voice

Hello, Pavel Yamb is here!

“Don’t whistle in the house, there won’t be any money!” - I think everyone or almost everyone heard this. And also about garbage, which under no circumstances should be taken out in the evening. Apparently this is the secret to success: never, EVER whistle indoors or touch the trash can in the evenings. Yes, here is convincing proof!

Just kidding, of course. I think the main thing in these superstitions is, on the one hand, the natural desire of every person to improve their financial situation, and on the other, the fear of somehow disturbing the precarious material balance. Alas, fear outweighs in most cases, so dreams remain dreams. But this is not about us, is it?

I buy the recipe for success. Inexpensive

There is no ready-made universal recipe for luck, even if tons of books have been written on this topic, videos have been recorded that you can watch for years, and seminars are held that you can go to every day like work and still not attend. Simply because some advice will suit one person, while others will suit another. Yes, and they need to be used wisely.

Stop, just a minute: intelligence in our question is just the key word. It is the mind that is ventilated at seminars from stagnant patterns in order to let thoughts about new possibilities enter into it. Because the mind tends to perceive reality in patterns. If there are so many poor and unhappy people nearby, the mind automatically adopts their condition as the norm: it means there is no way out, this awaits everyone.

Imagine this thought as a reel on which the mind begins to reel in the thread of events. Did your sandwich fall butter side down? Didn't catch the bus? Did you get fired? This is how everyone lives. The main thing is not to whistle in the house and not to take out the trash.

Funny, is not it? And when we allow our minds to think with approximately the same level of logic about risk, changes in life, success - isn’t it funny?

Under the hypnosis of your own mind

You have no idea what our mind is capable of. He can make it so that we don’t see the obvious, say something we don’t know, and hear something completely different!

Psychologist Richard Wiseman undertook to test in his experiments the objectivity of ideas about one’s own luck and showed that success or failure depends only on a person’s beliefs.

He selected 400 people from different social strata, the main selection criterion of which was only their attitude to happiness. One group considered themselves very lucky, and the second - losers. One of the tasks was to count the photographs printed in the newspaper. The losers counted for 2 minutes, while the lucky ones reported the result after a few seconds. And not at all because they counted so quickly. It was just written on the second page in huge letters: “Stop counting! There are 43 photos in the newspaper!”

Alas, the losers did not notice this inscription or did not believe it - to see and get rid of a labor-intensive task would be luck, and the beliefs of their minds closed their path to successfully solving the problem.

Do you still not believe that our mind can play such a trick on us? Well, then take this very short test that will introduce you to your own mind:

The real secret of success

You know, I think - no, I'm sure Steve Jobs and Bill Gates whistled in any room if they wanted to. And they took out the trash when they thought it was necessary. We also talked while eating and did a lot of things that our loved ones do not welcome. And yet, they achieved dizzying success. Because the secret of luck is not in these stupid beliefs.

Most main secret, how to catch luck by the tail is to find opportunities, grab onto them like a bulldog and not let go until they bring success. Success is jumping out of bed every morning with the joyful thought of how much you can accomplish that day.

A dollar will never fly between your ass and the sofa.

Bill Gates

This is believing in yourself, your ideas and capabilities. The kind of faith that will overcome any fear - be it the fear of whistling in the house or the fear of changing the established order.

We are not given much time to spend it trying to live someone else's life. Don't trust dogma: you can't live based only on what others have come up with. Under no circumstances should other people's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your own heart and your intuition.

Steve Jobs

Tell your mind that it is too much of an overreactor and its fears have nothing to do with reality. And from now on, only you will determine what and when to do. And then...

No, I won't promise mountains of gold. And such a life certainly cannot be called easy. But it will definitely be more interesting than the life of someone who is afraid to whistle in the house and take out the trash in the evening.

See you in touch!

I wonder what is more difficult: catching luck by the tail or a wild crocodile?

In psychology, there is such a thing as “loser syndrome,” when a person tries to achieve something, but to no avail. Envy of successful people, aggression, baggage of grievances - these are the main signs of losers. If a person is always offended by life, constantly says: “I’m so unlucky! Everything is bad,” he energetically conveys this feeling to others.

“Loser syndrome” is not a stigma for life, but the result of wrong thoughts. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the following: potential failures are those who do not try to do something to attract success. It’s easier to look through the “keyhole” all your life and be angry with those for whom everything works out easily and quickly. But it’s easy and fast, just an illusion of a loser. In order to achieve success, you must, first of all, be an optimist and strive to fulfill your desires and goals.

There is an expression: “desire is a thousand realizations of a plan, reluctance is a thousand excuses for doing nothing.” In fact, success and luck are not “candy” for a select few, but a delicacy for all people on Earth. And in order to try this delicacy, you just need to know how to get it.

First of all, on the path to success, you need to change yourself and your attitude towards people and life in general. Luck and chance go together in life. To catch luck by the tail, you need to learn not to miss your chance to achieve, accomplish, overcome something. And in order to do this correctly, it is necessary to get rid of complexes and develop correct self-esteem. Self-pity is the first threshold on the path to success. Pity is weakness, the lot of a loser. At first, try to notice only the positive in every day and situation, because everything negative will pull you into the pool of failure.

In order to succeed, you must do something that you like, where you can realize yourself and achieve what you dream of. The main thing is your desire, attitudes, dreams, and not the dogma of your family, friends, acquaintances. Luck includes such concepts as prosperity, karmic and genetic code, as well as help from Higher Powers. However, to a greater extent, whether we are lucky or unlucky depends on ourselves, because we can attract luck into our lives by the power of our thoughts and feelings. It’s not for nothing that there is a saying: “If you want to be lucky, be it.”

Lady Luck has her own schedule for visiting this or that person. To ensure you have a copy of this chart, keep a notebook. Take three months of the year for an experiment and observe which days and weeks you are luckier, pay attention to the phase of the moon. In the chart, write the date, month, phase of the moon and specific achievements of a spiritual or material nature.

If you have a cherished desire, then before going to bed, create the desired mental image or thought form, inhale the “picture” into yourself at the solar plexus (under the ribs) and exhale into space with the words: “Luck accompanies me in everything.” It is advisable to do this exercise every day before falling asleep, until your plan is accomplished. Monitor how much time it took you to achieve this. This number will be your lucky number, a symbol of Good Luck.

Getting into a streak of failures, a person becomes irritable, aggressive, and pessimistic. He constantly repeats: “When? Well, when will this end.” First of all, a streak of failures does not end only because we feed it with the uncertainty that all bad things will end sooner or later, and they will be replaced by everything bright and good that you “think up” and imagine. Raise your eyes from the Earth to the sky and say affirmatively: “I am returning my luck and good fortune. I am entering a period of favorable situations for me.” With a strong-willed decision, you close the door to all your failures. It depends only on you whether your next days will be as gloomy and dreary or joyful and cheerful. You and only you are the wizard of your life.

In order for something to come true in your life, you need to learn to cheer yourself up, that is, tune yourself to the wave of good luck: “Just a little more and I will find this (the desire of my plan). Very soon I will become lucky. This streak of failures is only a small one interval on the path to luck." When you learn to reduce the time of your failures in your thoughts, they will stop appearing in your life or will be partially reduced. Why partly, because there are “karmic failures”, i.e., those that we must work off. In order to become lucky, you need to study your “luck numerology”, i.e., those numbers that bring you luck throughout your life. These numbers are purely individual, you must find them yourself.

To attract luck into your life, you need an impulse - a life attitude. Our vocabulary should contain phrases that would stimulate our imagination for a positive outcome of events, situations, and the fulfillment of our plans. I will give as an example those that are considered effective and time-tested. Here they are: “Truly so”, “So be it!”, “And so it is!”

How do these magical affirmations work? You declare your desire, request and affirm its (her) obligatory fulfillment by repeating any of the above affirmations three times. Anyone who uses the practice of affirmations in everyday life has probably noticed that each affirmation ends with strong statements: “And so - this is how it is!” “And all this became true!”

When you make a wish, be sure to write it down in the “Book of Wishes.” This should be a phrase in the present tense in the affirmative form. You cannot write down your desire in this form: “I want”, “I will have”, “I will have!”. A more acceptable option is a request like: “Give me the opportunity to have this and that,” “I am getting healthier every day,” “I get new job“, “I’m getting married,” “I have this and that.” At the end, add the magic phrase: “Let it be so!” This phrase is a code for accomplishment. It turns a desire into a goal.

This year, when the first snow fell, my daughter Vika came from school and said: “Mom, we have forgotten how to enjoy the first snow.” And this made me think that this is indeed the case. I remembered how we rejoiced at the first snow, and I just wanted to touch this miracle with my hand, falling in small flakes from the sky. If we find a reason for small miracles every day, our life will turn into a holiday. Therefore, on the path to success you need to create in your soul good mood. To do this, look around and you will definitely see what brings you inspiration, joy, stability, peace, interest, passion, satisfaction.

I never tire of repeating to people in my psychological consultations that any problem, a difficult situation given to us from above as a lesson from fate. Treat this manifestation in your life correctly. If an event has already happened and it cannot be changed, draw the right conclusions, analyze and most importantly, take your reaction to the wrong attitude of other people towards you, to a loss instead of a victory, to your mistake, rashness, thoughtlessness, haste, pressure from another person, envy, malice.

At this point in time, the event itself, which is already in the past, is still influenced by your feelings and negative emotions. They, “living” in the past, take away your energy in the present, which you so lack in order to regain peace, joy in the present and the luck that you deserve, because you strive for it and try to improve your situation.

Sit down. Relax. Find moments in your life when you are truly lucky. After each pleasant memory, affirm the thought: “How happy I am. How lucky I am that I was (born, educated, achieved (indicate your achievements), have (this and that). You will notice that the baggage from I have accumulated a lot of luck over the past period.

The two chakras of the heart, Anahata and the solar plexus, Manipura, are responsible for luck and good fortune; material stability is supervised by Svadhisthana (navel). To cleanse and restore these energy centers, use the following method. Melt beeswax in a water bath (candles and paraffin are not suitable for these purposes). Pour the wax into small nylon lids to create round discs. Place each disk (flat side) on a chakra, i.e., on the navel area, if you are experiencing financial difficulties, the solar plexus area, two fingers above the navel, at the level of the heart or in the center of the spine, between the shoulder blades.

Keep the wax disc at a certain energy center 7 minutes, after which rinse each disc under cold running water, dry on the windowsill and put in a dark, dry place until the next procedure. Do this procedure for 7-9 days and you will soon notice the results. Moreover, they are noticeable after the first procedure. Your mood improves, your energy increases, new ideas and plans come to mind, you want to live, create, and most importantly, you begin to enjoy literally everything you see and do. If the heart chakra is closed, a person loses his premonition, which means he commits wrong actions and actions. If the Manipura chakra (solar plexus) is closed, then a person does not experience peace or satisfaction in what he does.

An example from life. When I made a diagnosis for one young man, I saw that the Ajna chakra (the area of ​​the 3rd eye, between the eyebrows) was closed. For an ordinary person who does not have paranormal abilities, this chakra is responsible for intuition and the correct vision of the world. In order to really test the functioning of the chakra, I advised Ilya to light a candle and sit opposite it. Look at the candle flame for 5-7 minutes and close your eyes. If the chakra is not blocked or closed, you will see the outline of a candle. If the chakra is blocked or closed, you will not see the outline of the candle, there will be complete darkness. For this energy pathology, you can also use treatment with a “wax disk”. Do not forget after treatment for 9 days, check the functioning of the chakra with a lit candle.

There is an answer to every question in the Universe. Listen to your inner voice or, looking into the heavens, simply ask a question. The first thought that is born in your mind is brilliant and one hundred percent correct. Try to trust your intuition or the “whispers” of the Universe and you will definitely learn to derive great benefits from this communication. There is a lot of meaning hidden in the saying: “He who has ears, let him hear.”


Svetlana LOGINOVA, Orekhovo-Zuevo, Moscow region.


At first glance, this may sound unrealistic: how can you take it and become luckier? But it turns out that luck is not an accident or magic. There's science behind it too

At first glance, this may sound unrealistic: how can you take it and become luckier?

But it turns out that luck is not an accident or magic. There is science behind it too.

Richard Weissman spent a long time studying the stories of highly successful people to understand what they had in common.

In his book The Luck Factor, he talks about four principles that you can use to attract luck into your life.

1. Maximize opportunities

This point is clear without explanation: if you constantly stay at home, how many happy accidents do you think can happen to you? Perhaps a little.

From the book “The Luck Factor”:

Lucky people themselves create, notice and take advantage of all kinds of chances in life.

Some people are luckier than others because they tend to create situations in their lives that increase opportunities and therefore attract good luck.

So which people are luckier?

Extroverts: More time spent with different people means more interesting opportunities.

Balanced: Tense, anxious people are less likely to notice and take advantage of interesting opportunities.

Open to new things: If you deny new things, then, most likely, interesting things will rarely happen to you.

By continuing to do what you've always done, you will get what you've always gotten.

2. Listen to your intuition

Successful people act intuitively in many situations.

From the book “The Luck Factor”:

The minions of fate often make the right decisions with the help of their intuition. Almost 90 percent of the lucky ones said that they completely trust their intuition in personal relationships, and almost 80 percent admitted that intuition played a huge role in the development of their careers. About 20 percent of people who consider themselves more likely to be lucky trust their intuition in deciding important financial issues, and almost the same number listen to their intuition in career matters.

Lucky people make more efforts to develop their intuition.

They tend to deal with problems through meditation, and may return to the problem later or find a quiet, secluded place to think about it.

And again: this is not something innate and cannot be changed. Do you want to attract luck into your life? Turn to your intuition more often.

3. Wait for luck

It's as simple as that - be optimistic.

You'll be more willing to try new things, seize opportunities, and succeed if you believe it will actually work out.

From the book “The Luck Factor”:

On average, successful people almost always believe that their upcoming vacation will be memorable and that they have every chance of achieving at least one of their life goals.

Lucky people are persistent people.

From the book “The Luck Factor”:

Successful people try to achieve a goal, even if the chances of success seem slim. They fight hard and are not afraid of failure.

What should be done? Be optimistic. Cultivate perseverance. As funny as it may sound, believe that you are lucky and you will become so.

4. Turn failure into success

Lucky people are not always lucky either, but they treat failure differently than others.

From the book “The Luck Factor”:

The minions of fate find advantages in their failures.

Successful people are convinced that any failure will later turn into something positive.

Happy people do not dwell on failures, but take measures to prevent this from happening again in the future.

How do you react to disappointment?

The easiest thing to do is to give up, become gloomy and stop going out, but this will not help the world give you another opportunity.

Imagine yourself being happy when everything goes wrong.

Many people think that successful people were simply lucky in life and were able to catch luck. Lady luck does sometimes interfere in our lives, but she never comes just like that. In order to catch luck, you definitely need to work hard, study and try to do at least something to achieve your goal.

The concept of “getting lucky”

There is no need to consider luck as something uncontrollable and completely random. The more efforts and actions on your part are aimed at achieving the desired result, the higher the likelihood that luck will smile on you. However, many are waiting for a sign of fate, although you just need to change the very concept in your head "Good luck" and then you are likely to attract her to your side.

Don't forget to be grateful

We so often forget to thank the people around us for what they do for us, taking it for granted. If you learn to notice such things and be grateful for them, your life will certainly change.

Hard work and perseverance

If you don't succeed at something the first time, don't give up without trying at least once more. Past mistakes and failures will allow you to learn from them and move on. Lady luck will follow you on your heels.

Cause and investigation

Every action has consequences, no matter how small they may seem to you. Think about the causes and consequences of what is happening to you, and then you will be able to rebuild your life. Many people unknowingly limit themselves and live on autopilot.

Crazy ideas

Experiment and implement your ideas, even if they seem impossible and a little crazy to you. Don't dismiss your ideas right away. Say - Yes! your ideas before you start listing the reasons why they don't seem realistic to you.

You can’t even get a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

Don't be afraid to do something for the first time, to try something new. You will never achieve anything if you don't try. And may lady luck never leave you!

How to influence luck and why now to do it best time? Today, psychic Alexey Kravtsov will talk about why luck comes into our lives, how to properly catch luck by the tail, and what rituals will help with this.

The most frequently asked question is: why does fortune come to some and not to others? I always answer that at the moment, you are not ready to meet her. If we were ready, we would look for her everywhere. And we saw signs of how this is happening, for example, with the winners of one of the most famous Russian lotteries -. This state lottery with a twenty-year history, the draws of which are held every week on NTV, is a vivid example of how people who know how to distinguish signs attract good luck.

Valery Rusanov from Izhevsk experienced fortune on December 31, which is his birthday. Realizing that a double holiday could bring double luck, he made a wish: to solve the housing problem in the new year. The victory was not long in coming. Valery was lucky enough to win a country house in the lottery.

Sergey Marchenko from Saratov decided to bet on the number 13, which means a lot in his life. The thirteenth is his parents' anniversary and his wife's brother's birthday. So he won 250 thousand rubles.

And Irma Kochieva from Vladikavkaz won a million rubles, thanks to a Greek superstition she saw in a movie. You need to wrap the lottery ticket along with the garlic in a white handkerchief and wait for the draw.

The victories of these people were not accidental. They waited for their victory and carefully followed the signs that fate sent them. The lottery is a chance to change your life. Success comes to those who are not afraid to try something new. And our heroes are among them.

But how to prepare for success if everyday life does not feed us with positivity at all? I recommend two rituals:

"Settings". To do this, repeat to yourself or out loud the words “happiness”, “luck”, “prosperity”, “luck”, “success” throughout the day. Choose a few words that evoke the greatest inner response in you. Say them several times a day, especially in the morning and before bed. In our sleep, we undergo a reconfiguration, the body prepares for a new day. And in the morning you remind him: today luck awaits me.

"Liberation". It is known that the more you give, the more you get from life. This does not mean that you have to give away everything that is dear to you left and right. Buy simple food at the store - bread, apples, milk - and give it to those who need it. If another option for help comes to mind, use it. Keep in mind that you are not only helping others, but also opening your inner doors through which you both give and receive.

I recommend my recipe for success to everyone: internal adjustment with the help of rituals, attention to the signs that the universe sends plus pre-holiday energy - and you are a winner. What you win depends on what you really need. The same “Russian Lotto”, which I already mentioned, gives away cars, apartments, country houses and a Jackpot of 100 million rubles. And which of these will become yours depends only on your luck!