Obtaining motor gasoline. What is gasoline? Production technology, composition and properties of gasoline. How does the machine for producing free methanol work?

The financial crisis shows an unpleasant situation: oil prices are falling, but the cost of gasoline is increasing. Creation does not require your own plant with complex mechanisms and special knowledge - the process of producing gasoline is quite simple.

How gasoline is made in industry

Fuel for cars is produced from oil, which, in turn, consists of two components:

  • Carbon - content about 85%;
  • Hydrogen - content about 15%.

The two necessary components are closely related. They combine at the molecular level to form a hydrocarbon. The category of liquid depends on the amount of one of the two components, as well as the complexity of the composition.

Gasoline is extracted from oil in two ways - direct distillation or cracking. The second process is more popular, as well as technologically advanced, and therefore is used in industry.

How much fuel can you get from a barrel of crude oil?

One barrel contains 159 liters. When processing this volume, the amount of oil increases to 168 liters, from which you can produce:

  • 102 liters of gasoline mixture;
  • 30 l diesel;
  • 25 liters of aviation fuel;
  • 11 liters of refinery gas obtained after distillation;
  • 10 liters of petroleum coke - secondary product;
  • 5.6 liters of fuel oil, which is used to heat a home or power ships, locomotives and generators;
  • 4.5 l of liquefied gas;
  • One and a half kilograms of charcoal;
  • 12 propane gas cylinders;
  • A liter of motor oil.

Direct distillation process to create gasoline

This method is the simplest and was discovered earlier than others. This process is characterized by low efficiency of distillation of oil into fuel, but can be reproduced independently.

The essence of distillation is to heat the oil. At high temperatures, the required elements evaporate in turn, ultimately leaving gasoline. The process takes place in a closed container, which has a special atmospheric pressure. Gases are removed through a special tube. The composition of the resulting mixture depends on the temperature:

  • Gasoline is produced at temperatures of 35–200°C;
  • At 150–305°C - kerosene;
  • At 150–360°C - .

Disadvantages of direct oil distillation:

  1. Small volume of fuel received. From one barrel of prepared oil, approximately 25 liters of gasoline can be produced - about 15% of the original volume.
  2. The resulting fuel has low octane number(an indicator that indicates the ability of the fuel to resist ignition during compression. The higher the coefficient, the more resistant to detonation the fuel) - about 50–60 units. To increase it to the usual 92–95, you will need to add many additives and alcohols.

The distillation process has long been outdated - this method is unprofitable for mass production. However, this process can be repeated independently, because it does not require expensive equipment or special skills.


A high-tech process used to produce high-quality gasoline and other fuels, as well as aromatic hydrocarbons. It is very complex, but the principle is this: oil is divided into its component parts using chemical reactions, reducing the amount of water in it and getting rid of certain compounds, making the mixture simpler, which forms fuel.

Advantages of reforming:

  1. High efficiency - the output of gasoline is up to 40–50% of the original volume of oil. This is on average three times more efficient than distillation. Thus, about 80 liters of fuel are obtained from a barrel, which allows for more rational use of the limited quantity of oil.
  2. Higher octane number, reaching 80 units. Of course, such gasoline cannot be used immediately, but it requires fewer additives, which makes it possible to reduce production costs and make the gasoline itself higher quality and “natural.”

Modern specialists in the field of oil processing are striving to completely abandon the use of additives. For this purpose, technologies such as cracking, platforming and others are being developed.

There is only one drawback of this method in terms of producing gasoline yourself. This process is very complex, requiring precise control and serious preparation - equipment and knowledge.

Fuel octane number

The higher the octane rating, the safer the gasoline is for the fuel system. Very flammable poor quality creates a risk of engine explosion. Additional components are used to increase the octane number:

  • Alcohols;
  • Esters;
  • Alkyls;
  • Additives that increase resistance to freezing.

Increases octane number in different ways

Previously, tetraethyl lead was also used. It did an excellent job, but had a negative impact on the health of drivers and nature in general, settling in the lungs and causing cancer. Approved additives allow you to create fuel that is both safe and environmentally friendly, both in the laboratory and independently.

Quality control. Checking the fuel

There is a laboratory on the territory of each production facility. It monitors the quality of oil and products obtained from it. Each stage of fuel creation from the delivery of raw materials to the final mixture is subject to control.

The final testing of gasoline in the laboratory takes three hours. Experts focus on color, as well as composition - the fuel should not contain water and impurities in quantities exceeding the norm. In appearance, gasoline should be clear and without sediment. Diesel fuel may have a yellowish color.

Kerosene undergoes the most serious testing. This type of fuel is used in aviation, so it must have . The production is visited by a military representative who monitors the analysis of kerosene.

After laboratory tests, the fuel is tested in a special engine. The fuel being tested is compared with a reference fuel, which has an octane number of 100. Depending on how well the test engine performs relative to the reference, the RP of the produced batch of fuel is obtained.

Self-production of gasoline

Having studied the process of oil distillation, you can understand that it is not necessary to have a plant and laboratory to create fuel. It can be done at the dacha or in any other place using a simple unit and minimal knowledge. Of course, the initial quality of such fuel will leave much to be desired - it will have to be brought to condition with various additives.

What you will need:

  • A sealed container with a gas outlet tube. Any iron barrel with a tight lid and a welded outlet will do;
  • An industrial thermometer that will monitor the temperature inside this vessel;
  • Condenser - any container into which gas will flow from the first during distillation;
  • Distiller (an ordinary moonshine still will do);
  • Heating element - even a kitchen electric stove will do;
  • The third container, which serves as a water seal;
  • Oil or refinery waste (including old tires or used oil).

Installation assembly

Having prepared all three containers, you can begin assembly. The first vessel (retort) is connected to the second (condenser) via a gas exhaust tube. This design is fundamental in the distillation process. The condenser tank must have a hose that connects to the water seal tube (one of two) - both of them are located below the water level. The second water seal tube is connected to the furnace, on which the retort is placed. This design is closed and allows for the distillation of petroleum products. The process must take place outdoors or indoors with a powerful hood - gasoline vapors are explosive!

If regular oil cannot be found, secondary products will do. This could be fuel oil, used motor oil, old tires and other waste. Of course, using such materials, the final amount of fuel will be even less than 15% of the original volume.

How to use the distillation machine

Oil or its secondary products are placed in the retort. The container is placed on heat (if a kitchen stove is used, it must have electric burners - gas burners create a risk of igniting gasoline vapors). The capacitor must be placed in a cool room (about +5°C). If this is not possible, then you need to at least cover the tube connecting the retort and cover the condenser with ice.

You can get quite suitable fuel

The first container must be heated in the temperature range of 35–200°C. If you exceed two hundred degrees, you will get not gasoline, but another type of fuel - diesel or kerosene. Gas will flow through the tube into the cooled second container, which, upon condensation, turns into liquid - the basis of gasoline. Its vapors rise above petroleum products as a result of heating, since they are lighter than other substances. High-boiling compounds will remain in the retort: ​​kerosene, petroleum oil, etc.

During the operation of the device, not only gas is formed, which is the basis of gasoline, but also methane (as well as propane and butane in smaller quantities). This is why a tube is needed that either removes the hydrocarbon gases or directs them into the furnace if a combustion system is used.

In order to get more liquid, the remains from the first process should be placed in a thick-walled airtight container and heated to 450 degrees. The heavy components of petroleum products will decompose, and the resulting substance can be distilled again. This process is a simplified version of cracking, which is used in industry.

Increase in octane number

Formally, the liquid obtained in the condenser is gasoline. It has an insufficient octane number, so it is not suitable as a fuel. Thus, straight-run gasoline should be enriched with additives (even tetraethyl lead is suitable - in small quantities required for the operation of one car, it does not pose a danger). The resulting gasoline can be used for its intended purpose, but it is most likely not suitable for cars with a sensitive fuel system - a low octane content, coupled with impurities, will simply ruin an expensive vehicle.

As for use in simple ones and those that have a picky fuel system, homemade gasoline is perfect for them. Increasing the octane number to the desired level occurs by trial and error, so you should not experiment on sensitive machines.

The production of diesel fuel and kerosene independently occurs in exactly the same way, with the exception of the heating temperature in the retort. These types of fuel require 300 and 350 degrees Celsius, respectively.


Modern fuel producing enterprises set huge markups on their products. To save money, you can create gasoline and other fuels yourself using an old but simple system - the process of direct distillation. When distilling from secondary petroleum products, you can expect an efficiency of about 10% by volume.

Work must be carried out in a ventilated area with a powerful exhaust hood or fresh air. For safety reasons, the use of open fire sources is highly discouraged - the process of heating containers should take place on a stove with an electric burner or on a stove.

Gasoline is becoming more expensive - although oil is falling! It’s so strange how everything works in our country. Well, okay, many of us are wondering - is it possible to make gasoline at home? And how is it made in general? What kind of complex technical process is this, after which gasoline now costs just like “gold”. Today I decided to write a short article where we will look at the manufacturing process of this fuel. You will see that everything is not as complicated as it really seems...

As you know, gasoline is made from oil; if you like, it is a “preparation” for future fuel. By the way, from the residues after distillation, many other things are obtained, for example, kerosene, fuel oil, etc. So a liter of this “fossil” is broken down into many components.

In turn, oil can be decomposed into two main components, these are carbon (approximately 85%) and hydrogen (approximately 15%). They are connected to each other by hundreds of bonds, which we then call hydrocarbons - in turn, they can also be divided into complex and light compounds - but all these compounds, in fact, are oil.

Gasoline is extracted from it in two main ways - this is the process of “direct distillation”, and a more advanced one, which goes by a lot of names - platforming, reforming, hydro-reforming, but the most popular now are thermal and catalytic cracking. Now in more detail.

Direct distillation process

This is a very ancient method, it was invented at the dawn of gasoline engines. If you like, it is not distinguished by super technologies, and it can easily be repeated in every home, more on that a little later.

The physical process itself consists of heating oil and evaporating from it the necessary compositions in turn . The process occurs at atmospheric pressure and in a closed container in which a gas exhaust tube is installed. When heated, volatile compounds begin to evaporate from oil:

  • Temperature from 35 to 200 °C – we get gasoline
  • Temperature from 150 to 305 °C – kerosene
  • From 150 to 360 °C – diesel fuel.

After which they are simply condensed into another container.

But there are a lot of disadvantages with this method:

  • We get very little fuel - so from one liter we get only 150 ml. gasoline.
  • The resulting gasoline has a very low octane number, approximately 50 - 60 units. As you understand, to catch it up to 92 - 95, you need a lot of additives.

In general, this process is hopelessly outdated, in modern conditions it is simply not commercially viable. Therefore, many processing enterprises have now switched to a more profitable, advanced manufacturing method.

Thermal and catalytic cracking

This process of obtaining gasoline is very complicated; you can’t get it at home this way - that’s for sure! I don’t want to get into the weeds and burden you with complex chemical and physical terms. Therefore, I will try to tell you what is said “on the fingers”.

The essence of cracking is simple . Oil is chemically and physically decomposed into its components - that is, from large, complex hydrocarbon molecules, smaller and simpler ones are made, which form gasoline.

What does this give us, what are the advantages:

  • The gasoline yield increases several times, up to 40–50%. That is, compared to distillation, we already have almost half a liter of fuel.
  • The octane number is much increased - usually it is about 70 - 80 units. Of course, you can’t drive it either, but you need a minimum of additives to get the finished product.

In general, this process is definitely the future. That's why there are so many of them today - platforming, reforming, hydro-reforming, cracking. Each process tries to increase the amount of fuel produced + improve the octane number, ideally to do without additives altogether.

Octane number and dilution

I still want to talk a little about diluting the original gasoline. That is, how do we get the octane number equal to 92, 95 and 98, which are used now.

The octane number characterizes the resistance of gasoline fuel to detonation, in simple words you can describe it this way - in the fuel mixture (gasoline + air), which is compressed in the combustion chamber, the flame spreads at a speed of 1500 - 2500 m/s. If the pressure when the mixture ignites is too high, then additional peroxides begin to form, the force of the explosion increases - this is a simple detonation process that is in no way beneficial for the engine pistons.

It is the fuel's resistance to detonation that is measured by its octane number. Now there are installations that contain a reference liquid - usually a mixture of isooctane (its number is “100”) and heptane (its number is exactly “0”).

Then, at the stand, two fuels are compared, one obtained from oil (gasoline mixture), the second from isooctane. They are compared, if the engines operate the same, they look at the second mixture and the number of isooctane in it - thus obtaining the octane number. Of course, this is all ideal, laboratory tests.

In practice, detonation can be caused by many other engine malfunctions, such as incorrect throttle position, lean fuel mixture, improper ignition, engine overheating, carbon deposits in the fuel system, etc.

To summarize, now alcohols, ethers, alkyls are used as additives to increase the octane number; they are very environmentally friendly, as well as additives for. The ratio in the composition is approximately the following: the composition of Catholic cracking (73 - 75%), alkyls (25 - 30%), butylene fractions (5 - 7%). For comparison, tetraethyl lead was previously used to increase the octane number; it perfectly improves fuel, but it causes severe harm to the environment (to all living things), and also settles in the lungs and can cause cancer. Therefore, they have now abandoned it.

How to produce gasoline at home - instructions

You know, my grandfather would have easily and easily made gasoline fuel at home! This is because the moonshine still is perfect for this event. All that remains is to find crude oil somewhere!

SO, the process is point by point:

  • We are looking for a sealed container; there must be a gas outlet tube on top that will go into another container. A high-temperature thermometer should also be installed to monitor the temperature inside.
  • Now we pour oil into the first container, set it to heat (you can even use gas, but this is explosive, because we get gasoline), it is better to use the electric option. We place the second container in a cold room, about + 5 degrees; if this is not possible, then we place the tube that goes to the container in the cold, or even line it with ice from the refrigerator.
  • In the first container we begin to heat up, and as we have already seen from above, a temperature of 35 - 200 degrees is enough for the light fractions (gasoline) to begin to evaporate. Usually 100 - 120 degrees is enough. We heat it up and since the vapors enter a cold container or tube through a tube, they condense - they fall into a liquid state, into a second container.

Vladimir Khomutko

Reading time: 4 minutes


How is the process of obtaining gasoline from oil?

Oil is a complex mixture of hydrocarbon compounds. In its raw form, it is practically not used, and in order to obtain petroleum products suitable for use, it must be processed. The essence is to decompose it into fractions and further process them.

Oil is processed to produce high-quality fuel in large oil refineries called refineries. Many would be interested to know whether it is possible to reproduce the process of producing gasoline from oil at home and, in general, how this fuel is obtained in modern conditions. We will talk about this in this article.

It is worth immediately noting that in addition to gasoline, many practically necessary products are obtained from oil. These include diesel motor fuels, kerosene, fuel oils, lubricants and other oils and much, much more. We can say that this mineral is used in the modern world with the highest possible efficiency.

Chemically, oil consists of 80-85 percent carbon and 12-14 percent hydrogen. The rest is sulfur and nitrogen compounds, a little oxygen and metal impurities.

Petroleum hydrocarbon compounds are divided into light and heavy, naphthenic, paraffinic and aromatic, and so on.

Oil is distilled into gasoline through a series of chemical temperature processes. The so-called straight-run gasoline is obtained by direct distillation of petroleum feedstock, and subsequently obtained as a result of this technological process fractions are sent for secondary processing, of which there are quite a few types (catalytic reforming, hydrocracking, catalytic and thermal cracking, and so on). But – first things first.

Using this technique, gasoline began to be produced at the dawn of the development of the automotive industry. The process itself takes place in so-called distillation columns, but direct distillation can also be carried out at home, which we will talk about a little later.

The essence of this process is that crude oil is heated, and with a gradual increase in temperature it is divided into fractions having different boiling points.

The process can occur both at atmospheric pressure and in a vacuum of varying depths.

During the rectification process, volatile fractions evaporate from oil at different temperatures, such as:

  • gasoline fraction (evaporates first at temperatures up to 180 degrees);
  • kerosene (evaporation occurs in the temperature range from 150 to 305 degrees);
  • diesel fuel (boiling temperatures - from 180 to 360 degrees and above).

The resulting gasoline and other vapors are cooled and condensed back into a liquid state.

Let’s immediately say that this method has a lot of significant disadvantages. These include:

  • the amount of fuel produced is small (from one liter of raw gasoline, only about 150 milliliters comes out in this way);
  • the quality of straight-run gasoline is very low, with an octane number ranging from 50 to 60 units;
  • To bring straight-run gasoline to acceptable quality characteristics (up to an octane number above 90 units), a large number of various types of additives are needed.

Nowadays to get gasoline high quality other, more advanced techniques are used. The most popular of them are catalytic and thermal cracking.

Catalytic and thermal cracking

Let’s make a reservation right away: these processes cannot be reproduced at home, since they are quite complex and require special technological equipment. In order not to burden you with complex physical and chemical terminology, we will try to describe these processes by which oil is processed into petroleum products in as simple and understandable a language as possible.

The essence of any cracking process is the decomposition of petroleum components into components under the influence of high temperatures and the use of catalysts. In other words, complex hydrocarbon compounds decompose into simpler ones with a lower molecular weight (for example, gasoline).

The undoubted advantages of such technologies are:

Often cracking processes in production lines are used with other modern technologies– catalytic reforming, hydrocracking, isomerization and so on. All these technologies pursue one goal - to obtain the highest quality fuel and increase the depth of processing of petroleum raw materials.

Main quality characteristics of gasolines

The main indicator characterizing the quality of gasoline fuel is its octane number, which shows the detonation resistance of gasoline.

In other words, detonation processes can be described in this way: a fuel-air mixture is formed in the combustion chamber of the engine, the flame in which spreads at enormous speed - from one and a half to two and a half thousand meters per second; if the pressure value during this ignition is too high, then additional peroxides are formed, increasing the explosive force (detonation), which has an extremely negative effect on the condition of the piston group.

Currently, the most widely used gasolines are those with an octane rating of 92, 95 and 98 units.

It is worth saying that during operation, detonation processes in the engine can be triggered not only by low-quality fuel, but also by malfunctions of the engine itself. Incorrect throttle valve position, incorrectly configured ignition, lean fuel mixture, overheating, carbon deposits in the fuel system and other malfunctions can all cause detonation.

Numerous additives are used to increase the octane number.

These can be alkyls, ethers, alcohols, as well as additives that increase the fuel’s resistance to freezing. Previously, the most popular additive was tetraethyl lead, which increased the octane number well, but was harmful to the ecology of our environment. When it settles in a person’s lungs, it significantly increases the risk of cancer. Currently, its use has been practically abandoned, using environmentally friendly types of additives.

A moonshine still is ideal for producing homemade gasoline. The problem remains - where to get crude oil? We will leave this question unanswered, but the essence of the oil distillation process is as follows:

  • take a sealed container equipped on top with a gas outlet tube and a high-temperature thermometer to measure the internal temperature of the medium in the container;
  • crude oil is poured into a container, which is hermetically sealed with a lid (the gas outlet tube must be lowered into another container);
  • the container with the raw materials begins to heat up (it is best to use electric heating devices, since the use of gas risks igniting the flammable oil mixture and causing an explosion);
  • the second container is placed in a cold room, the temperature in which should be approximately + 5 degrees Celsius (if there is no such room, then the gas outlet tube must be cooled (for example, with ice);
  • after the temperature in the first heated container reaches 150-180 degrees (sometimes lower values ​​are sufficient), light gasoline fractions will begin to evaporate (most often evaporation begins within 100-120 degrees);
  • since either the second container or the tube is much colder than the oil vapors passing through it, they condense, and liquid gasoline flows into the second container.

That's the whole process of producing straight-run gasoline.

We remind you that its quality will be very low, and without adding additives it cannot be used for its intended purpose.

Along with making homemade biodiesel from vegetable and animal fats, craftsmen also obtain gasoline or a substance similar to it at home. Chainsaws, motorcycles and even cars are fueled with this fuel. True, no one has thoroughly studied the operation of engines using such fuel and no one has studied the resource capabilities of the units. But the fact is clear - the engines function as if they were running on regular gasoline.

There are quite a lot of technologies for making cheap gasoline with your own hands. The most famous is the pyrolysis method of producing gasoline in your garage or workshop.

How to make gasoline with your own hands?

The highest yield is obtained by using waste rubber tires, as well as any other rubber products. They need any by appropriate means grind to a size that will allow the pieces to be pushed through the loading hole into the reactor - a metal boiler with a hermetically sealed lid with a gas outlet tube welded into it. A fire is lit under the reactor. The process uses technology to decompose rubber into complex gas components. Rubber sublimes, bypassing the liquid stage, directly into gas.

The outlet tube is connected to the condenser (refrigerator) through a water seal (to prevent oxygen from entering the reactor). This is a simple coil placed in cold water or a jacket cooled by running water. In it, the gas is partially condensed into a liquid, which, after additional distillation, will become home-grown gasoline. It is periodically drained through a valve installed at the far end of the refrigerator. That part of the gas that has not condensed is directed further into a tube with holes - the burner. It is set on fire and used to additionally heat the reactor.

The resulting liquid is a kind of oil that needs to be distilled in the second cycle. It is loaded into a device similar to the first one, which operates as a distiller with a liquid heating temperature of no more than 200 ºС. If you divide the liquid obtained as a result of distillation into fractions (according to the order of distillate portions), then when testing them for combustion intensity, you will notice that the first ones burn like gasoline, the subsequent ones - like diesel fuel or kerosene. A liquid similar to gasoline is used in gasoline engines.

Homemade gasoline options

Using a similar method, self-made gasoline is obtained from garbage. As the latter, any plastic parts, scraps of polyethylene, polypropylene, polyethylene terephthalate bottles (regular plastic containers), rubber of all types are used.

Today, handicraft technologies for making gasoline with your own hands are known (correctly, fuel similar to gasoline) from peat, reeds, straw, seed husks, corn cobs, leaves, weeds, reeds and other organic and inorganic substances.

Few people risk using gasoline made by themselves for expensive cars, since the technical parameters of this fuel and its effect on fuel equipment. Homemade gasoline remains the result of interesting experiments by competent self-taught technicians.

Users have a completely different attitude towards biodiesel or other biofuels produced industrial technologies, which has certificates of compliance with the standards in force in the country.

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Today, gasoline prices are constantly rising, even despite the fact that the cost of oil is falling all the time. This makes local craftsmen think about finding an alternative to an increasingly expensive product. But is it possible to make gasoline at home, and how can this be done? We are all confident that gasoline can only be produced at large industrial enterprises. However, is this really so?

Look around: what can be made from oil

Many of the objects around us consist of oil to a greater or lesser extent. Clothing, a toothbrush, a TV, an electric kettle, a lamp, dishes, toys, and many other items that we use in everyday life are made of plastic and, therefore, are the result of the chemical industry using oil.

Oil is one of the most valuable and widely used types of raw materials. The states that own its vast deposits can be said to control the world economy and processes.

For thousands of years, people have studied natural resources and tried to extract beneficial qualities from them. Having studied the structure of oil, chemists found that many useful products can be made from it, and now human life is surrounded by many objects, things and means that are made precisely from black gold. Under certain pressure and temperature, various unnecessary impurities are removed from oil and pure petroleum products are created.

Oil objects that surround us:

  • Fuel;
  • Plastic;
  • Polyethylene and plastic;
  • Synthetics;
  • Cosmetics;
  • Medicines;
  • Household and household items.

It is almost impossible to list all the products that are made from petroleum. The total quantity can be determined by a figure within 6000 of such products.

What is made from coal: making gasoline at home

Experts say that in order to make gasoline from coal simply at home, there are two very interesting and proven methods. They were developed by German scientists in the early years of the last century. During the great period Patriotic War all German equipment ran on coal-based diesel fuel. After all, there were no oil deposits in Germany and the Federal Republic of Germany, but the extraction and processing of coal worked well. The Germans made liquid diesel fuel and excellent synthetic gasoline from brown coal.

In terms of chemical compounds, coal is not very different from oil. They have one base - hydrogen and the flammable element carbon. True, there is less hydrogen in coal, however, a combustible mixture can be obtained if the hydrogen indicators are equalized.

One ton of coal can produce up to 80 kg of gasoline. However, our coal should contain about 35% volatile substances. At the beginning of processing, the coal is crushed to a powder state. After which coal dust dry well, mix with fuel oil or oil to obtain a paste-like mass. After adding the missing hydrogen, the raw material is placed in a specialized autoclave and heated to a temperature of 500 degrees, while pumping a pressure of 200 bar.

Gasoline from garbage at home: expert opinion

After doing some research, scientists from the Tomsk Research Institute came to the conclusion that gasoline can be made from a lot of waste that we throw away in the trash, without even thinking about its possible further use.

Scientists' experiments have proven that from one kilogram of crushed plastic bottles, about one liter of fuel - gasoline is obtained.

These scientists in Tomsk have developed a special installation that processes carbon-containing waste into synthetic fuel. Its effect is that under the influence of high temperature, carbon-containing substances in plastic are destroyed, and as a result of the synthesis of hydrogen and carbons, the necessary gasoline molecules are obtained. And during production large quantity Gasoline can be obtained from fuel oil, gasoline of any brand, and diesel fuel.

Scientists say that today you can get gasoline yourself not only from plastic bottles, suitable for this:

  • Rubber tires;
  • Garbage;
  • Firewood;
  • Pallets;
  • Leaves;
  • Nut shells;
  • Husk from seeds;
  • Waste sawdust and rubber;
  • Corn cobs;
  • Peat;
  • Straw;
  • Reed;
  • Weeds;
  • Cane;
  • Old sleepers;
  • Dry bird and animal manure;
  • Medical waste.

And this is not a complete list of objects that are suitable for extracting from them substances so necessary to ensure life.

Making gasoline from rubber tires with your own hands

Oil is a flammable liquid of natural origin. It consists of all kinds of hydrocarbons, as well as a certain amount of other organic substances. The production of gasoline from oil extracted in the ground is the province of oil refineries, but as an interesting experiment, it is possible to obtain it in small quantities at home.

For this you will need:

  • 3 fireproof containers;
  • Rubber waste;
  • Distiller;
  • Bake.

Keep children away. Having prepared a container with a tight-fitting lid, you need to attach a heat-resistant tube. This will be our retort. Any container will suit us for the condenser, but in order to make a water seal, we need to find a durable vessel with two tubes. It is necessary to assemble this device for liquid hydrocarbons, connect the pipe from the retort lid to the condenser, and insert the hose. Connect its second end to the water seal tube. We connect the second valve tube to the furnace and place the retort on it. We get a closed system for the production of high-temperature pyrolysis. All we have to do is load the rubber tires and wait for gasoline at the exit.

How to make gasoline at home (video)

Oil is today the main source of energy and synthetic materials on Earth. It is difficult to imagine our world without cars, electricity, airplanes and other things. A lot depends on oil, and it seems that we ourselves depend on it. But isn't it time for us to find others, alternative ways extracting fuel from the funds that lie under our feet? It’s so simple – take and recycle garbage. Much easier than depleting natural resources and depending on those who extract them.