Semi-stationary social services and social services at home. Semi-stationary and urgent social services for people with disabilities Organizations providing semi-stationary social services include

Currently in Russia the number of elderly citizens is 30.5 million people or 20.7 percent of the total population. Observed steady growth the share of people of retirement age, which will remain in the near future. Over the past forty years, the number of elderly people has increased by 2.2 times (with an increase of the entire population by 1.25 times). Kiselev S.G. Social services - a contribution to the social well-being of elderly citizens // Social service worker, 2004, No. 1 - 2. - p. 17.

Population aging occurs simultaneously with the process of a general decline in living standards. For the majority of older people, retirement means a decrease in income by one and a half, two or more times. The inability of older people to satisfy their needs independently or with the help of relatives should not always be the basis for placement in inpatient social service institutions.

Therefore, the predominant development of a network of institutions of non-stationary and semi-stationary types remains indisputable. Thanks to this, many older people who have retained full or partial ability for self-care have gained access to basic social services, as well as the opportunity to live independently in their usual living environment.

Institutions with non-stationary and semi-stationary forms of social services include social service centers, which are leading in providing social assistance at the municipal level.

Social services for elderly and elderly people are provided through the department of centers:

Social assistance at home;

Specialized home care department;

Emergency department;

Branch day stay;

Helpline service;

Department of Natural Aid and Services;

Social services can be permanent or temporary, depending on the wishes of the ward. It can be completely free, partially paid or paid, depending on the income of pensioners.

Right to social services have women over 55 years of age and men over 60 years of age who need permanent or temporary assistance due to partial or complete loss of the ability to independently satisfy their life needs.

Semi-permanent institutions of a new type are gerontological centers, where, with a homogeneous age composition, similar needs and interests of service persons, it is easier to create a comfortable living environment, maintain a favorable psychological atmosphere, and provide older people with medical care and care.

Currently, 10 gerontological and gerontopsychological centers (departments) serve 2.1 thousand people. The number of social service centers in the country is 1,744; more than a third of the centers are comprehensive, providing a variety of services to various categories of the population. In the forecast period, it is expected that the network of social service centers will increase annually by at least 50 units.

An analysis of the work of social service institutions shows that 931 centers have semi-permanent day care institutions. Each such department serves on average about 570 people per year. Concept social policy in relation to older people//Social Security, 2006, No. 1.-p. 26.

Analysis of the work of social service institutions

shows that 931 centers have semi-inpatient day care units. Each such department serves on average about 570 people per year.

Social support for older people in difficult life situations is provided through 1,954 emergency social assistance departments.

The most widespread remains social services for elderly citizens at home, which are used by more than 1.2 million people through 12,654 branches. Overall, for every 10,000 pensioners, approximately 291 people are covered by home-based services. The concept of social policy in relation to older people // Social Security, 2006, No. 1.-p. 26.

About 60 thousand seriously ill elderly and disabled people annually receive social and medical care at home through 1009 specialized departments, while its share in the total mass of home services exceeded 9% and is increasing from year to year.

It is obvious that it is necessary to continue developing the network non-stationary institutions as more economical and closer to the real needs of the elderly, when everyone has the opportunity to choose for themselves best option social services.

Let us take a closer look at the activities of individual social service centers.

The Home Social Assistance Department was first established in 1987 and immediately received wide recognition from older people. Currently, this is one of the main types of social services, the main goal of which is to maximally prolong the stay of old people in their usual habitat, support their personal and social status, and protect their rights and legitimate interests.

Basic social services provided at home:

Catering and home delivery of food;

Assistance in purchasing medicines and industrial essential goods;

Assistance in obtaining medical care, accompaniment to a medical facility, clinic, hospital;

Maintaining living conditions in accordance with hygienic requirements;

Organization of various social services depending on living conditions in a city or village (payment utilities, electricity, communication services; assistance in providing fuel, etc.);

Assistance in the preparation of documents, including for the establishment of guardianship and trusteeship;

Placement in inpatient social service institutions;

Assistance in organizing funeral services and burial of lonely deceased;

In addition to home-based social services, provided for by the federal and territorial lists of state-guaranteed social services, old people can be provided with additional services on the basis of full or partial payment.

The department is created to serve at least 120 elderly citizens living in urban areas and at least 60 citizens living in rural areas or the urban sector that does not have public amenities. Uskova N.I. They will feed you, treat you, and restore order.// Sociology, 2001. No. 5. -p.14

A specialized department of social assistance at home is intended for permanent or temporary (up to 6 months) social services and provision of pre-medical care, in home conditions, to elderly citizens and disabled people who have lost the ability to self-care and suffer from diseases that are a contraindication to admission to service department of social assistance at home.

Socially - domestic services older people are provided by social workers, and medical services are provided by nurses.

The position of a social worker is based on the calculation that one employee serves 3 pensioners and disabled people living in rural areas or the urban private sector that does not have public amenities, and 10 citizens living in the city.

The departments perform the following tasks:

Identification and registration, together with health authorities and institutions, of citizens in need of specialized care at home;

Providing pensioners with qualified care, social welfare and pre-medical care at home;

Systematic monitoring of health status and implementation of measures aimed at preventing exacerbations of chronic diseases;

Providing psychological assistance to persons served and members of their families;

Training relatives in practical skills of general patient care;

Social and domestic assistance provided by a special home care department is basically the same as the assistance provided by a home care department. Additional services include:

Feeding weakened pensioners;

Providing sanitary and hygienic assistance to persons served;

Change of underwear and bed linen;

Carrying out medical procedures, etc. Pyatnitsky B.P., Nesterova N.M. and others. Fundamentals of social work with older people: To help the social worker. - Novosibirsk Regional Gerontological Center, 2003. - p.53.

The emergency social assistance service is designed to provide citizens in dire need of social support, emergency assistance of a one-time nature, aimed at maintaining their vital functions.

The positions of a social work specialist, social workers, as well as a psychologist and lawyer are being introduced into the emergency social assistance headquarters.

The Social Emergency Assistance Service provides the following social services:

One-time provision of free hot meals or food packages to those in dire need;

Providing clothing, shoes and other essentials;

One-time provision of financial assistance;

Assistance in obtaining temporary housing;

Organization of legal assistance in order to protect the rights of persons served;

Organization of emergency medical and psychological assistance;

Referring citizens to the relevant authorities and services for a qualified and complete resolution of their issues;

Other urgent social services. Pyatnitsky B.P., Nesterova N.M. and others. Fundamentals of social work with older people: To help the social worker. - Novosibirsk Regional Gerontological Center, 2003. - p. 59.

The day care department is intended for social, everyday, medical, cultural services for citizens who have retained the ability for self-care and active movement, organizing their meals and recreation, and attracting them to feasible labor activity, maintaining an active lifestyle.

The day care department is semi-stationary, structural unit social service center and is created to serve at least 15 people.

The duration of service by the day care department is determined based on the priority of citizens for service, but not less than 2 weeks.

The day care department, in accordance with the list of state-guaranteed social services, provides social, medical, legal, catering, everyday life and leisure services, as well as assistance in obtaining an education or profession for disabled people in accordance with their physical abilities and mental abilities. Pyatnitsky B.P., Nesterova N.M. and others. Fundamentals of social work with older people: To help the social worker. - Novosibirsk Regional Gerontological Center, 2003. - p. 64.

The day care department is a kind of leisure center for older people, regardless of whether they live in families or are alone.

The main goal of the activity is to help older people overcome loneliness, a secluded lifestyle, fill existence with new meaning, and create an active lifestyle, partially lost due to retirement.

Recently, many day care departments have been actively practicing new methods of social work and rehabilitation of older people.

The department of natural assistance and services is intended for the sale of goods and household services at socially low prices.

Its structure usually includes:

A store selling food and consumer goods;


Sewing factory;

Services for the elderly and disabled are provided using a pension certificate. The department also participates in the distribution of humanitarian aid through the Red Cross and other types charitable assistance.

In the structure of the social service center, in addition to those listed, there may be other divisions. The decision to create a particular unit is made by the director of the center in agreement with the department of social protection of the population.

Currently, the need for social services in inpatient settings remains quite high.

In the regions of Russia there are 674 state-owned general boarding houses for the elderly and disabled with 92.8 thousand places and about 528 municipal veterans' houses with about 1.7 thousand places. Elderly citizens suffering from various mental illnesses receive help in 542 psychoneurological boarding schools and 17 nursing homes. The concept of social policy in relation to older people // Social Security, 2006, No. 1.- p. 28.

In stationary social service institutions for elderly citizens, living conditions appropriate for age, state of mental and physical health are created, social, social, labor and medical rehabilitation, leisure and recreation activities are carried out.

Inpatient social service institutions for elderly and elderly people include:

General boarding houses (homes for the elderly);

Boarding house for labor veterans and disabled people, WWII veterans, elderly people of certain professional categories (artists, etc.);

Special houses for single and childless couples with a range of social services;

Specialized homes - boarding schools for former prisoners who have reached old age;

Houses (departments) of mercy;

Temporary residential hospitals;

Homes - boarding schools for psychochronic patients;

Let us consider in more detail the most common type of stationary social service institution - a general boarding house.

Boarding houses are intended for permanent residence elderly and disabled people, single married couples who, for health reasons, need everyday social services and periodic or permanent care.

For elderly citizens and disabled people to live in boarding houses, there are usually two sections. This is a department for people capable of partial self-care and movement around the boarding house and the area adjacent to it, and a department for those in need of constant care. Each department must have a set of premises for carrying out social, household, hygienic and therapeutic and preventive measures.

In addition to departments for living in boarding houses, there are public premises: a cinema hall, a library, an assembly hall, a club, a recreation room with a set of required technical means, musical instruments, board games, a dining room with a catering unit, medical offices, occupational therapy workshops, service and utility rooms necessary for the normal functioning of the boarding house.

In accordance with the list of state-guaranteed social services, the following types of services are provided in boarding homes:

Catering services, including dietary, household services;

Providing care based on health status;

Qualified medical care, rehabilitation, timely diagnosis of complications and exacerbations of chronic diseases;

Providing psychological assistance;

Organization of the provision of dental, denture and prosthetic and orthopedic care;

Organization of advisory assistance to medical institutions and transfer of elderly residents, if necessary, to the appropriate medical institution;

Organization of cultural and mass work with residents, taking into account their age and health status;

Legal services;

Involving members of public and religious organizations, charities and associations;

Other social services. Pyatnitsky B.P., Nesterova N.M. and others. Fundamentals of social work with older people: To help the social worker. - Novosibirsk Regional Gerontological Center. 2003. - With. 72.

If elderly citizens systematically violate the rules of living in general boarding homes, they may be transferred to specialized homes for the elderly.

Specialized homes - boarding schools for the elderly are intended for permanent residence of citizens who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-care and need constant care, from among those released from prison, especially dangerous repeat offenders. Elderly people who have previously been convicted or have been repeatedly brought to administrative responsibility for violating public order and who are engaged in vagrancy and begging are also sent here.

Social services in inpatient settings successfully fulfill its mission if it does not itself contribute to the disruption of habitual social ties and the deepening of social alienation of the individual. The currently predominant multi-occupancy single-type boarding houses should be gradually replaced by hospitals with low capacity.

One of the promising forms of improving the social and living conditions of lonely elderly people, organizing their medical care, recreation and leisure is the creation of special residential buildings for this category of citizens.

In accordance with the example “Regulations on a special home for single elderly people”, approved by the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population on April 7, 1994, these houses are intended for permanent residence of single citizens, as well as married couples who have retained full or partial ability for self-care in everyday life and need to create conditions for self-realization of their basic life needs.

The main goal of creating such houses is to provide favorable living conditions and self-service; Providing social, household and medical assistance to living elderly citizens; creating conditions for an active lifestyle, including feasible work activity.

Special houses can be built either according to a standard design or located in converted separate buildings or parts of a multi-storey building. Special houses consist of one- and two-room apartments and include a complex of social services, a medical office, a library, a canteen, and ordering points for foodstuffs, handing over laundry to a laundry or dry cleaner, premises for cultural leisure and work activities. They should be equipped with small-scale mechanization to facilitate self-service for elderly residents. At such houses, 24-hour control centers equipped with internal communications are organized.

Medical care for citizens living in special boarding houses is provided medical personnel territorial medical and preventive institutions, and the organization of social, everyday, trade and cultural services - by the relevant territorial bodies and services.

The priority right to provide housing in a special house is enjoyed by single disabled people and participants of the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War and persons equated to them.

Special houses are usually classified as social housing stock, are state property and are located in operational management fund for social support of the population.

The main sources of financing for special houses are budgetary allocations, as well as income from the sale of housing transferred to the fund by the residents of the special house, and the fund’s income from business activities.

When single citizens move into a special house, the safety of the living space, transferred to the social support fund for the population, is ensured for 6 months from the date of check-in. Size compensation payments is 10% of the cost of housing according to BTI estimates.

The possibility of privatizing residential premises in a special house is excluded. In the event of the departure of one of the family members living in a two-room apartment, the fund has the right, with the consent of the remaining family member, to replace the space they occupy with a smaller one, or to move into the vacant space, in compliance with the relevant rules and regulations.

Thus, various social service institutions occupy an important place in the system of social protection of elderly and old people.

In the field of social services for elderly and old people, the fundamental documents regulating social labor rights people are the federal laws “On the fundamentals of social services for the population in Russian Federation", "On social services for elderly and disabled citizens", "On veterans", which came into force in 1995.

Moreover, we can say that the activities of these institutions actively shape not only the attitude towards older people in society, but also the position of older people: their views on themselves, their place and role in social organization.

According to these laws, the basic principles of activity in the field of social services for old people are as follows:

Respect for human and civil rights;

Providing state guarantees;

Ensuring equal opportunities in receiving social services and their accessibility for older people;

Continuity of all types of social services;

Orientation of social services to individual needs;

Priority of measures for social adaptation of older citizens.

2.1 Stationary and semi-stationary social services

Inpatient social services are provided in inpatient institutions (boarding homes for the elderly and disabled, boarding homes for the disabled, psychoneurological boarding schools, etc.)

Elderly citizens and disabled people who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-care and who, for health reasons, require constant outside care and supervision are sent to these institutions. In addition, a network of specialized institutions for disabled children has been created.

IN last years Homes for the elderly have become widespread, the maintenance of which is paid for at the expense of the elderly themselves or the enterprises where they worked.

Citizens of retirement age (women over 55 years old, men over 60 years old), as well as disabled people of groups I and II over 18 years old, are accepted into boarding homes, provided that they do not have able-bodied children or parents obligated by law to support them.

Only disabled people of groups I and II aged 18 to 40 who do not have able-bodied children and parents obligated by law to support them are accepted into boarding homes for the disabled.

The psychoneurological boarding house accepts people suffering from chronic mental illnesses who need care, household services and medical assistance, regardless of whether they have relatives who are legally obligated to support them or not.

Inpatient facilities provide not only care and necessary health care, but also rehabilitation measures of a medical, social and medical-labor nature.

Elderly citizens and disabled people living in inpatient social service institutions are provided with:

1. material and household services (provision of living space, organization of rehabilitation activities, medical and labor activities, cultural and community services);

2. catering, everyday life, and leisure services (hot meals, including dietary, provision of clothing, shoes, bedding, creation of conditions for religious ceremonies, etc.);

3. socio-medical and sanitary-hygienic services (free medical care, provision of care, assistance in conducting medical and social examinations, rehabilitation activities, assistance in hospitalization, assistance in prosthetics, ensuring sanitary and hygienic conditions in the premises);

4. organization of education for disabled people, taking into account their physical capabilities and mental abilities;

5. services related to social and labor rehabilitation (creating conditions for the use of residual labor opportunities);

6. legal services;

7. assistance in organizing funeral services.

Citizens living in inpatient social service institutions also have the right to be exempt from punishment. Any punishment of elderly citizens and people with disabilities or the creation of amenities for the staff of these institutions, the use of medicines, means of physical restraint, as well as isolation of elderly and disabled citizens. The law provides for disciplinary administrative or criminal liability for persons guilty of violating this norm.

An application for admission to a boarding home, along with a medical card, is submitted to a higher-level organization social security, which issues a ticket to a boarding house. If a person is legally incompetent, he or she is placed in an inpatient facility on the basis of a written application from his legal representative.

If necessary, with the permission of the director of the boarding home, a pensioner or disabled person may temporarily leave the social service institution for a period of up to one month. A permit for temporary departure is issued taking into account a doctor’s opinion, as well as a written commitment from relatives or other persons to provide care for an elderly or disabled person.

The law provides for the right of citizens staying in inpatient social service institutions to refuse the services of these institutions, but provided that they have relatives who can support them and provide the necessary care.

Persons staying in boarding homes for the elderly and general disabled people who systematically and grossly violate the rules internal regulations, may, by a court decision made on the basis of a proposal from the administration of these institutions, be transferred to special boarding houses (special departments). They are created mainly for the elderly and disabled people who have previously been convicted or have been repeatedly brought to administrative responsibility for violations public order vagrancy and begging, sent from internal affairs agencies. In addition, citizens in need of constant care, particularly dangerous repeat offenders released from prison, and other persons subject to administrative supervision are also sent to them.

For persons without a fixed place of residence among the elderly and disabled, specialized institutions are created (social shelters, social hotels, social adaptation centers, etc.), which provide a temporary place of stay (including medical care, food, overnight accommodation) and carry out social adaptation activities persons who have lost socially useful connections (primarily persons released from prison) to living conditions in society.

Social service institutions provide assistance not only to elderly citizens and the disabled, but also to orphans, and are also actively working to solve the problems of child neglect, the prevention of crime among teenagers, “social orphans,” and social assistance to persons without a fixed place of residence.

The children's boarding home accepts children from 4 to 18 years old with mental or mental anomalies. physical development. At the same time, it is not allowed to place disabled children with physical disabilities in inpatient institutions intended for the residence of children with mental disorders.

One of the types of social services for disabled people and the elderly are semi-inpatient facilities created in municipal social service centers or under social protection authorities.

In the day (night) departments, social, medical and cultural services are provided to elderly citizens and the disabled.

Semi-stationary social services are provided for elderly and disabled people who have retained the ability for self-care and active movement and do not have medical contraindications to enrollment in such social services, as well as children who find themselves in difficult life situations.

The following types of services are provided in these institutions:

1 organization of catering, everyday life and leisure (providing hot meals, providing bedding, providing books, magazines, newspapers);

2 social and medical services (assistance in obtaining medical and psychological assistance, provision of sanitary and hygienic services, organization of medical and recreational activities, assistance in conducting rehabilitation programs for the disabled, assistance in obtaining vouchers for sanatorium treatment, assistance in prosthetics, etc.) d.);

3 assistance in obtaining education and vocational training;

4 assistance in employment;

5 assistance in organizing legal services;

6 assistance in organizing funeral services.

For persons without a fixed place of residence and occupation, the system of social protection authorities creates special institutions of a semi-permanent type - night houses, social shelters, social hotels, social adaptation centers. These institutions provide:

2 coupons for one-time (once a day) free food;

3 first first aid;

4 personal hygiene items, sanitary treatment;

6 assistance in providing prosthetics;

7 registration in a boarding house;

8 assistance in registration and recalculation of pensions;

9 assistance in employment, in the preparation of identity documents;

10 assistance in obtaining a medical insurance policy;

11 provision of various assistance (consultations on legal matters, household services, etc.).

social services disabled opportunity Social services at home are provided by providing social services to citizens in need of permanent or temporary non-stationary social services...

Types of social services

In social service institutions in daytime social amenities are provided...

Types of social services

Social services in stationary social service institutions are carried out by providing social services to citizens...

Types of social services

5) social advisory assistance. Let us consider in more detail each of the listed types of social services. 1...

Types of social services

Organization of social work for the protection of family, motherhood and childhood

Family social services - the activities of social services for social support, provision of social, social, medical, psychological, pedagogical, legal services for social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens...

Stationary social service institutions are institutions intended for permanent, temporary (from 2 to 6 months), weekly, day-time accommodation (stay) for elderly and disabled people who need outside social assistance...

Work of a social worker with a dysfunctional family

Family social services - activities of social services for social support, provision of social, social, medical, psychological, pedagogical, legal services for social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens...

System social management

Social services are the activities of social services for social support, provision of social, social, medical, psychological, pedagogical, social and legal services and material assistance...

Social services for disabled people

Social services for people with disabilities are activities to meet their needs for social services. It includes a set of social services...

Social services for the population

the federal law“On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” determines state policy in the field of social protection of disabled people...

Technologies of social work with people of retirement age

Inpatient care provided to older citizens in the social protection system is carried out in various institutions. These include general boarding houses, gerontological centers, psychoneurological boarding schools...

So, social services. Let's figure out what this concept includes. As a rule, mutually beneficial relationships arise when the existing demand for certain goods or services meets a supply that fully satisfies with its qualities those who have somehow realized and formulated a certain need. This is how relationships are built in all spheres, including social ones. Note that the demand for social services arises from the most vulnerable people: elderly people, disabled people and children from disadvantaged families. Let us consider in detail one of the types of social relationships - semi-stationary social services.

Parties of the relationship

Any contractual relationship involves at least two parties who agree on the rights and obligations in relation to each other.

In the Russian Federation, the right to social services, including semi-stationary social services, can be used by both citizens of the Russian Federation and foreigners, as well as persons who do not have citizenship, but are registered with permanent residence in Russia. And this is one side.

On the other side are those bodies and organizations whose scope of activity is the provision of necessary services. Let's present them in descending order of authority:

  • federal executive body: its function is legislative;
  • state bodies of regional importance: their function is executive and control of the social sphere of the region;
  • social service institutions reporting to federal executive authorities;
  • social service institutions accountable to government agencies regional significance;
  • institutions providing social services on a non-state basis: both commercial and non-profit;
  • private entrepreneurs providing social services to the population.

Basic principles

All bodies and institutions related to social sphere, including the provision of stationary and semi-stationary social services, are guided in their work by certain principles.

Let's list the main ones:

1. Humane treatment of persons receiving inpatient care, including:

  • a ban on the use of any medicinal influence on them for the purpose of influencing behavior;
  • inadmissibility of the use of force or coercive isolation.

Identification of the listed actions on the part of institutional staff entails administrative and criminal liability.

2. Social services are provided to persons in need solely on a voluntary basis. If desired, a person receiving social services may refuse them at any time.

3. All details of a confidential nature, as well as the personal data of the person who applied for the provision of social services, which became known to specialists in the social sphere, are not subject to disclosure. Liability for violation of this principle is also provided for by law.

4. Any citizen in need of social services should have the opportunity to receive it. The entire range of established social services must be available to anyone who needs them.

5. Social protection authorities carry out systematic work aimed at creating and updating a database of people who, due to life circumstances, need social support. Lists of such people are also provided educational institutions, Department of Internal Affairs, medical institutions.

Payment for services

Social services are provided by organizations whose functions include stationary and semi-stationary social services to the population, both free of charge and on a paid basis. The amount of partial or full payment is established by executive authorities at the federal level of the Russian Federation. The list of services provided is compiled on the basis of the demand of those categories of the population to whom these services are provided. Services provided free of charge are financed from the regional budget.

The quality of social services, as well as their regularity, are determined state standard.

The state is interested both in maintaining the usual quality of life and in increasing it for those categories of the population that are recognized as in need of social services.

Definition of social service

The concept of social service refers exclusively to the social sphere. This is an activity carried out constantly, periodically or once with the aim of improving the quality of life of the person seeking help.

There are three types of social assistance, we list them:

1. Stationary, i.e. on a permanent basis: provides for accommodation of elderly citizens and disabled people in boarding homes, as well as accommodation together with the educational process for children in boarding homes.

2. Semi-stationary, i.e. with limited duration of stay:

  • stay in day and night institutions - for the elderly and disabled;
  • for minors who have lost their parents or removed from dysfunctional families - accommodation in children's centers.

3. Home service: both on a regular basis and one-time.

Thus, semi-stationary social service institutions are considered to be those institutions in which stay for needy categories of the population is limited to a certain period established by law.

List of social services

Social services can be provided to certain categories of the population on a long-term and regular basis or on a one-time basis.

It should be noted that the provision of social services for a long period is provided mainly for stationary and semi-stationary forms of social services. A citizen, being in social institution, receives the following services on a regular basis:

  • Social and domestic, providing a standard level of everyday comfort.
  • Social and medical, providing medical checkup, carrying out therapeutic measures, including physical therapy, and, if necessary, carrying out medical procedures.
  • Socio-psychological, aimed at stabilizing the psychological state of the recipient of social services, his socialization. If necessary, anonymous psychological work is carried out through a helpline.
  • Social and pedagogical - provided both taking into account existing behavioral deviations among recipients of social services, and for preventive purposes, which requires a revision of the value system and, as a consequence, the formation of interests that contribute to development. Pedagogical assistance is also provided to parents in raising children.
  • Social and labor - are provided to a citizen who is experiencing difficulties with employment, as well as with the arrangement of life associated with the inclusion of a work schedule.
  • Socio-legal - provided in order to improve legal literacy for certain categories of the population who need to defend their rights and interests. The provision of legal advice may be free, but this does not apply to representing the interests of a citizen in court.
  • Services aimed at developing the communication skills of a person with a disability due to the loss of limbs, vision and other organs intended for full communication.

This also applies to disabled children.

Urgent services

Let's consider a situation where you, being a single or disabled pensioner or disabled person, are faced with a problem for which you need outside help. Your financial resources are not great, so you are not able to pay for the necessary services at commercial prices. In this case, information about urgent social assistance may be useful to you. It is provided by emergency social assistance departments at state budgetary institutions social services for the population. Such institutions exist in all regions of the Russian Federation.

So, how can they be useful to you?

Let's start with the fact that such institutions operate warehouses for free clothing and shoes. These clothes are brought as charity by people who, for some reason, do not use them. Clothes, both winter and summer, are accepted only in good condition, clean and ironed. Sometimes entrepreneurs bring new clothes and shoes as charity. The warehouse also contains children's toys, children's furniture, strollers and walkers. However, these items do not stay in stock. Before the new school year for storage in large quantities School supplies, uniforms and briefcases are arriving.

  1. You can receive the necessary clothing in the form of free urgent social assistance at the warehouse, pick up shoes and other items that you need from the above list.
  2. If for any reason you need temporary housing, then by contacting the social security department, you can get the opportunity to live in a semi-permanent social service institution.
  3. U you have legal difficulties, but you do not have the funds to pay for a lawyer. In the form of urgent social assistance, you may be provided with free legal advice.
  4. If a situation has occurred in your life related to high level stress, and you were unable to overcome it on your own, then you can seek psychological help from the emergency social services department. This assistance will be provided to you free of charge by a psychologist of the institution, and, if necessary, by a clergyman who interacts with this institution.
  5. If it is difficult for you to carry out minor cosmetic repairs on your own, then social workers from emergency social service departments will help you solve this problem. But these services will be paid. However, prices for similar works quite budget friendly.
  6. If you are disabled and it is difficult for you to use public transport services, but there is a need to travel, for example, to a place of treatment, then social service institutions have urgent transport service. It is also paid: you pay the cost of gasoline and the driver’s work.
  7. Nice appearance should be at any age. But if it is not possible to get to the nearest hairdresser, or its services are expensive, then you can make a request to call a hairdresser from an emergency social service department. This service is also paid, however, its price is an order of magnitude lower than the commercial one.

Note: To receive urgent services, you only need to fill out an application at the emergency social services department. The provision of semi-stationary social services, just like stationary ones, is associated with the procedure for obtaining the appropriate package of documents.

Who is eligible?

Not every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to the existing range of social services, but only those who have been recognized special commission those in need of social services. It is this citizen of the Russian Federation who will be considered a recipient of social services.

In each region of the country there is a Ministry of Labor and social development, and it is at its level that decisions are made about a citizen’s need for social services.

This occurs under the following circumstances:

  • a citizen cannot or is unable to properly continue to care for himself independently due to illness, age-related changes, injury or recognition as disabled;
  • a citizen cannot provide adequate permanent care for a disabled child or an adult recognized as disabled due to the fact that he is forced to work;
  • the family includes children or one child who need socialization; minors may also be wards;
  • family members do not have the opportunity to provide both permanent and temporary care for minors, disabled people, disabled children, including due to the lack of care for these family members;
  • the family includes antisocial persons with established alcohol, drug or gaming addictions, as well as those with mental disabilities or signs of domestic violence;
  • a citizen under 23 years of age was left without permanent residence upon leaving an institution for minors left without parents due to the death of the latter or due to the deprivation of parental rights;
  • the citizen is unemployed and deprived of a means of subsistence;
  • other circumstances provided for by regional legislation or federal laws.

Main document

So, if a citizen belongs to one of the categories listed above, he has the right to social services, both on a permanent and short-term basis. However, this does not mean that a social service institution can begin to provide social services to a citizen.

The registration procedure begins with a citizen’s application submitted to the territorial institution of social services for the population. After which, representatives of this institution go to the citizen’s place of residence to draw up an inspection report on material and living conditions, as well as an examination of his physical and mental conditions, which are also reflected in the corresponding act.

These documents are the starting point for the formation of an “Individual program for the provision of social services.” This package of documents will reflect the types of semi-stationary social services and other clauses of the contract.

It should be remembered that only certain categories of persons can apply for the provision of social services. We have listed them above.

Where does this happen?

Those who apply for the provision of social services on a regular basis should know what their receipt will actually involve.

Semi-stationary social services are provided by specialists and special employees of territorial integrated social service centers, which organize day and (or) night departments for those in need. These departments are supervised by social protection authorities.

You will, of course, remember that there is a specific time period during which you can be a “resident” of a semi-inpatient social care unit. There is no talk of lifelong residence there.

The provision of semi-stationary social services can be either free for you (for certain types of services) or paid. The amount of payment for social services is related to per capita financing established in each region of the Russian Federation. Per capita financing depends on the cost of living established in the region of your residence.

How will they help you?

As part of semi-stationary social services for senior citizens and disabled people, you can count on the following services:

  1. You will be provided with hot meals; bedding was offered, a bed was allocated in a room with sanitary and hygienic conditions that meet the standards for these institutions; You will have free access to a variety of printed materials, as well as board games appropriate for your age group.
  2. Social and medical services: you will be provided with both medical and psychological assistance within the limits of your needs; including you can count on sanitary and hygiene services, different kinds health and rehabilitation procedures.
  3. Semi-stationary social services for disabled people include, in particular, medical rehabilitation procedures in accordance with the “Individual Rehabilitation Program for a Disabled Person”. This assistance is difficult to overestimate, since not every citizen with a disability can afford daily rehabilitation activities at the base medical institutions, especially considering their remoteness.
  4. Within the framework of semi-stationary social services for the elderly and disabled, it is provided not only to increase your educational level, but also to receive new profession. You will be able to gain practical skills in your chosen profession, and with the help of psychological support it will be easier for you to gain confidence in new circumstances and in a new status for you.
  5. Recipients of social services, as a rule, need legal assistance. And legal advice is provided to them free of charge.

As you can see, the organization of semi-stationary social services provides all types of necessary assistance, both for elderly citizens and people with disabilities. disabilities to constructively change the quality of your life. And the time frame provided for staying in this institution is quite enough for the effect of your stay to be maximum. The main thing is to understand why you are here.

Rights and obligations

So, in order for a citizen to become a recipient of social services for a certain period, fill out " Individual program provision of social services", which sets out the procedure for providing semi-stationary social services.

You have read the list of services above. From them you can select those that are necessary, their quantity per week, clarify the conditions and terms of their provision. In this document you can see a list of all social service providers available in your area of ​​residence.

After the final review of this document, the person puts his signature, which will confirm agreement with the conditions specified in the Program.

However, you need to know that if you want to change the quantity or terms of provision of the social services you have chosen, you can always do this.

However, the social service provider does not have the right to change the procedure for semi-stationary social services and the types of services.

Home delivery

Branches of comprehensive social service centers can provide social services to citizens in need “with home delivery.”

Semi-stationary social services at home are provided to recipients of social services either for a certain period of time (up to six months) or indefinitely.


  1. This type of service can be chosen by those pensioners or disabled people who need outside help only in some areas, but in general they can cope with household chores quite well. Such recipients of social services may have certain difficulties with self-care, so they, needing the help of social workers and social work specialists, choose a set of general services (comprehensive).
  2. Also, social and medical services can be provided at home, provided that there is a social and medical department as part of a comprehensive center for social services for the population. This is due to the fact that elderly and disabled people who need this type of service may have diseases for which it is necessary Social worker with medical education. These are diseases such as: mental disorders, but in remission; tuberculosis in closed form; oncology in the last stage.
  3. The legislation provides for circumstances and diseases in which the provision of social and medical services is impossible. A document confirming the presence of this disease is signed by a representative of the social protection department and the VKK of the medical institution.

As for other social services provided at home, they are listed above, in the chapter “How they can help you.” However, one should take into account the presence or absence of specialists competent in these areas in the staffing table of a comprehensive social service center.

Inpatient social services are provided in inpatient institutions (boarding homes for the elderly and disabled, boarding homes for the disabled, psychoneurological boarding schools, etc.)

Elderly citizens and disabled people who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-care and who, for health reasons, require constant outside care and supervision are sent to these institutions. In addition, a network of specialized institutions for disabled children has been created.

In recent years, homes for the elderly have become widespread, the maintenance of which is paid for at the expense of the elderly themselves or the enterprises where they worked.

Citizens of retirement age (women over 55 years old, men over 60 years old), as well as disabled people of groups I and II over 18 years old, are accepted into boarding homes, provided that they do not have able-bodied children or parents obligated by law to support them.

Only disabled people of groups I and II aged 18 to 40 who do not have able-bodied children and parents obligated by law to support them are accepted into boarding homes for the disabled.

The psychoneurological boarding house accepts people suffering from chronic mental illnesses who need care, household services and medical assistance, regardless of whether they have relatives who are legally obligated to support them or not.

Inpatient institutions provide not only care and necessary medical assistance, but also rehabilitation measures of a medical, social and therapeutic-labor nature.

Elderly citizens and disabled people living in inpatient social service institutions are provided with:

1. material and household services (provision of living space, organization of rehabilitation activities, medical and labor activities, cultural and community services);

2. catering, everyday life, and leisure services (hot meals, including dietary, provision of clothing, shoes, bedding, creation of conditions for religious ceremonies, etc.);

3. socio-medical and sanitary-hygienic services (free medical care, provision of care, assistance in conducting medical and social examinations, rehabilitation activities, assistance in hospitalization, assistance in prosthetics, ensuring sanitary and hygienic conditions in the premises);

4. organization of education for disabled people, taking into account their physical capabilities and mental abilities;

5. services related to social and labor rehabilitation (creating conditions for the use of residual labor opportunities);

6. legal services;

7. assistance in organizing funeral services.

Citizens living in inpatient social service institutions also have the right to be exempt from punishment. Any punishment of elderly citizens and people with disabilities or the creation of amenities for the staff of these institutions, the use of medicines, means of physical restraint, as well as the isolation of elderly citizens and people with disabilities are not allowed. The law provides for disciplinary administrative or criminal liability for persons guilty of violating this norm.

An application for admission to a boarding home, along with a medical card, is submitted to a higher-level social security organization, which issues a voucher to the boarding home. If a person is legally incompetent, he or she is placed in an inpatient facility on the basis of a written application from his legal representative.

If necessary, with the permission of the director of the boarding home, a pensioner or disabled person may temporarily leave the social service institution for a period of up to one month. A permit for temporary departure is issued taking into account a doctor’s opinion, as well as a written commitment from relatives or other persons to provide care for an elderly or disabled person.

The law provides for the right of citizens staying in inpatient social service institutions to refuse the services of these institutions, but provided that they have relatives who can support them and provide the necessary care.

Persons staying in boarding homes for the elderly and general disabled who systematically and grossly violate internal regulations may be transferred to special boarding homes (special departments) by a court decision made on the basis of a proposal from the administration of these institutions. They are created mainly for the elderly and disabled, previously convicted or repeatedly brought to administrative responsibility for violating public order, engaged in vagrancy and begging, sent from institutions of internal affairs bodies. In addition, citizens in need of constant care, particularly dangerous repeat offenders released from prison, and other persons subject to administrative supervision are also sent to them.

For persons without a fixed place of residence among the elderly and disabled, specialized institutions are created (social shelters, social hotels, social adaptation centers, etc.), which provide a temporary place of stay (including medical care, food, overnight accommodation) and carry out social adaptation activities persons who have lost socially useful connections (primarily persons released from prison) to living conditions in society.

Social service institutions provide assistance not only to elderly citizens and the disabled, but also to orphans, and are also actively working to solve the problems of child neglect, the prevention of crime among teenagers, “social orphans,” and social assistance to persons without a fixed place of residence.

The children's boarding home accepts children from 4 to 18 years old with mental or physical development abnormalities. At the same time, it is not allowed to place disabled children with physical disabilities in inpatient institutions intended for the residence of children with mental disorders.

One of the types of social services for disabled people and the elderly are semi-inpatient facilities created in municipal social service centers or under social protection authorities.

In the day (night) departments, social, medical and cultural services are provided to elderly citizens and the disabled.

Semi-stationary social services are provided for elderly and disabled people who have retained the ability for self-care and active movement and do not have medical contraindications to enrollment in such social services, as well as children who find themselves in difficult life situations.

The following types of services are provided in these institutions:

1 organization of catering, everyday life and leisure (providing hot meals, providing bedding, providing books, magazines, newspapers);

2 social and medical services (assistance in obtaining medical and psychological assistance, provision of sanitary and hygienic services, organization of medical and recreational activities, assistance in conducting rehabilitation programs for the disabled, assistance in obtaining vouchers for sanatorium treatment, assistance in prosthetics, etc.) d.);

3 assistance in obtaining education and vocational training;

4 assistance in employment;

5 assistance in organizing legal services;

6 assistance in organizing funeral services.

For persons without a fixed place of residence and occupation, the system of social protection authorities creates special institutions of a semi-permanent type - night houses, social shelters, social hotels, social adaptation centers. These institutions provide:

2 coupons for one-time (once a day) free food;

3 first aid;

4 personal hygiene items, sanitary treatment;

6 assistance in providing prosthetics;

7 registration in a boarding house;

8 assistance in registration and recalculation of pensions;

9 assistance in employment, in the preparation of identity documents;

10 assistance in obtaining a medical insurance policy;

11 provision of various assistance (consultations on legal matters, household services, etc.).

Semi-stationary social services are accepted for elderly and disabled citizens in need who have retained the ability for self-care and active movement and who do not have medical contraindications for enrollment in social services provided for in part four of Article 15 of this Federal Law.
The decision to enroll in semi-stationary social services is made by the head of a social service institution on the basis of a personal written application from an elderly or disabled citizen and a certificate from a health care institution about his state of health.
Semi-stationary social services are provided by day (night) departments created in municipal social service centers or under social protection authorities.
Order of the Ministry of Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated January 25, 1994 N 10 approved the Temporary Regulations on the Night Stay Home. Article 20. Inpatient social services
Inpatient social services are aimed at providing comprehensive social and everyday assistance to elderly citizens and disabled people who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-care and who, for health reasons, need constant care and supervision.
Inpatient social services include measures to create living conditions for elderly citizens and people with disabilities that are most adequate to their age and health status, rehabilitation measures of a medical, social and medical-labor nature, provision of care and medical assistance, organization of their rest and leisure.
Inpatient social services for elderly and disabled citizens are provided in inpatient social service institutions (departments) profiled in accordance with their age, health and social status.
It is not permitted to place disabled children with physical disabilities in inpatient social service institutions intended for the residence of children with mental disorders.
Elderly citizens and disabled people who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-care and need constant outside care, from among particularly dangerous repeat offenders released from prison and other persons for whom administrative supervision has been established in accordance with current legislation, as well as elderly citizens and disabled people who have previously been convicted or have been repeatedly brought to administrative responsibility for violating public order, engaged in vagrancy and begging, who are sent from institutions of the internal affairs bodies, in the absence of medical contraindications and at their personal request, are accepted for social services in special inpatient social service institutions on the basis decisions of local governments.
Elderly citizens and disabled people living in stationary social service institutions and constantly violating the procedure for living in them established by the Regulations on the social service institution may, at their request or by a court decision adopted on the basis of a submission from the administration of these institutions, be transferred to special stationary social service institutions. service.