The procedure for certification of workplaces based on working conditions. New realities of workplace certification. What are similar jobs?

Assessment of workplaces- this is a set of measures to assess working conditions at the workplace of the employer organization in order to identify harmful and dangerous production factors and implementation of measures to bring working conditions into compliance with the norms of legislative acts establishing relevant state regulatory requirements.

All workplaces of the employing organization are subject to workplace certification.

In this case, the employing organization must be registered as an individual entrepreneur or in accordance with the requirements of current legislation.

Certification of workplaces is carried out by the head of the company together with the certifying organization hired to work under a civil contract.

The certifying organization can only be one accredited in accordance with the established procedure. entity, which has the right to provide assessment services

jobs according to working conditions.

In this case, the certifying organization must be independent organization in relation to the employer organization, which evaluates workplaces based on working conditions.

Why is workplace certification needed?

Certification of workplaces is carried out to divide all production factors into classes and subclasses according to the degree of negative impact on human health.

This division is of great importance.

Thus, employees engaged in the labor process with negative working conditions can count on a reduction in their length of service in order to receive a pension and receive benefits.

Goals of workplace certification

Certification of workplaces allows you to give a full assessment of each workplace.

The objectives of workplace certification are the following:

    assessment of the degree and level of how factors of the working environment influence the employee;

    identifying the severity and intensity of individual production cycles on the employee’s health;

    determining the level of injury and workplace safety;

    determining the provision of special clothing for each hired employee in life-threatening areas of work.

The result of such an assessment is the completion of a certification card, which is taken as the basis for the development of measures to reduce injuries at the enterprise.

Who is subject to working conditions assessment?

Special certification of workplaces applies to all categories of employers.

These include:

    legal entities regardless of type of ownership;

    commercial firms;

    budgetary institutions;

    individual entrepreneurs with at least one employee.

Only individual entrepreneurs who do not have employees are not subject to this procedure.

Procedure for certification of workplaces

The process of determining the level of occupational hazards can be carried out in several ways:

1. Conducted at the expense of the employer. This procedure is used by large enterprises.

2. The entire range of work is carried out by a third-party company, whose competence is the certification of workplaces. It must be certified and have the appropriate license.

3. Conducted jointly. Financial and preparatory work is carried out by specialists of the audited organization, and measurements are carried out by a third-party company.

The entire process of special assessment of workplaces can be represented in the form of several stages:

1. Preparatory stage, which consists of preparing for work.

2. The main stage, which consists of the verification itself.

3. The final stage, development of final documents with records of the results of all research.

4. Evaluation of the results obtained during the procedure.

5. Preparation for certification of the organization based on the results of the audit.

Let's look at each stage in more detail.


The head of the organization that is subject to a special assessment of workers appoints the chairman of the commission.

The chairman of the commission, in turn, forms the commission.

Basically, a person responsible for occupational safety and health at work is appointed to the position of chairman; this may be an occupational safety engineer (OHS).

In any company or organization, the certification commission includes:

    OT engineer;

    HR employee;

  • electrician or power engineer;

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From January 1, 2014, in accordance with Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 426-FZ of December 28, 2013, workplace certification was replaced. Due to lack of experience and lack of necessary equipment, many enterprises do not have the opportunity to carry out certification of workplaces for working conditions on their own, so they turn to specially created services, which include the SOTARM company.

By contacting the SOTARM company for certification of workplaces according to working conditions, you can count on the following advantages:

  • Exact match of test results government regulations and standards;
  • Revealing everyone harmful factors affecting the health and safety of personnel working at their workplaces;
  • Drawing up the most optimal and effective plan to improve working conditions;
  • Free consultation on possible measures aimed at reducing production risks.

The importance of conducting certification work

Certification of workplaces according to working conditions in an organization is aimed at ensuring compliance of working conditions of working personnel with state requirements. Timely identification of unsafe and harmful factors allows you to reduce the risk of injury to employees, and if hazardous production is identified, compensate the employee for the harm caused to health by providing additional holidays, departure to the sanatorium, cash bonuses and other ways. An employer who has certified workplaces reduces the risks of criminal and administrative penalties in the event of industrial accidents that cause injury or death to an employee.

With the tightening of laws and increasing fines for violating the working conditions of employees, certification of working conditions is becoming increasingly relevant. By using the services of SOTARM, you will not only be able to assess the compliance of the working conditions of your employees with the required standards and norms, but also quickly develop a set of measures to improve these conditions. Also, certification of workplaces will allow you to avoid possible fines and sanctions from government agencies supervision.

Cost of workplace certification

The price of certification of workplaces for working conditions depends on the following factors:

· The total number of jobs in the enterprise, as well as the number of jobs that are exactly the same in terms of the functions performed;

· Features and specifics of the enterprise;

· The number of equipment used at the enterprise and their characteristics;

· Number of measured parameters during the certification process;

· The need to create a plan to modernize workplaces to ensure they comply with government regulations.

The cost of workplace certification at SOTARM is one of the most affordable, this is due to the use of highly efficient equipment and extensive experience of employees, which allows us to carry out the entire range of certification work in as soon as possible. All specialists of our company have the appropriate education and work experience of more than 3 years in their positions, and also regularly undergo advanced training courses and knowledge testing.

Our company carries out certification of workplaces in Moscow and throughout Russia of organizations in various fields of activity - household, industrial, educational, etc. The certification process takes into account all the features of the organization’s activities, as well as the specifics of the staff’s work, which allows us to determine the compliance of the conditions with the greatest accuracy labor to the required standards. Our main task is to find solutions and their implementation aimed at reducing the price of automated workplaces, as well as drawing up an action plan to improve working conditions with minimal time and material costs.

Frequency of workplace certification

Certification of workplaces according to working conditions (AWC) must be carried out at least once every five years. During the five-year period, the employer himself has the right to choose at what time it is more convenient for him to conduct the next inspection. The starting point for the new period will be the end date of the previous inspection, which is specified in the order “On completion of certification of workplaces for working conditions.” The date of the next inspection will be the date of issuance of the order “On the formation of a new commission and approval of the certification schedule.”

There is also an unscheduled certification of workplaces, which is carried out in cases where the enterprise has new workplaces, new equipment, or collective protective equipment has changed. Then, within at least 60 working days, the employer must begin certifying new jobs. Unscheduled workstation can be carried out either compulsorily or at the initiative of the employer.

The task of any enterprise is to ensure safe conditions labor of its employees, it is precisely for the organization’s compliance with these conditions that the set of labor protection documents serves. provides labor safety certification services, which allows management to avoid the consequences of non-compliance with safety standards at the enterprise. All employees, as well as management, must undergo the labor safety certification procedure. Additional certification activities are provided when employees are hired, change the type of activity, or go on a business trip.

Before undergoing certification, all company employees must study the code regulatory documents on labor protection, which includes requirements for the condition of workplaces, special clothing, hygiene standards, conditions for granting leave, rules for passing a medical examination and other regulatory forms. Knowledge in these areas will help the worker perform his or her job safely. job responsibilities, avoid accidents, reduce harm to health in the event of working in hazardous conditions, know and use your rights to provide benefits, time off and vacations, and also successfully pass certification. Our company not only carries out certification of employees and management personnel, but is also ready to provide training on labor protection.

Advantages of working with SOTARM

Object Types

Arm in the office

Arm at school

Arm in a medical facility

Arm in production

Arm in the store

AWS in private security company

our clients

Reviews from our clients

A. A. Minaev

Cooperation with your company has shown the high professional level of your employees. I would like to note the competent work of the experts, the well-coordinated work of specialists and the high professional level of the company as a whole.

We look forward to a long and fruitful relationship with your company.

General Director A.N. Pischurov

Minaev A.A.
During the Special Assessment of Working Conditions (SOUT) in our company ASTREA LLC, I would like to note the competent work of the experts, high level specialists. The employees of SOTARM LLC are polite, pleasant in communication, and always ready to give additional clarifications.

Director of ASTREA LLC D.P. Safronov

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

In accordance with the terms of the Agreement, in 2016, SOTARM LLC carried out work on special assessment working conditions at the workplaces of MUE "AiG".
The work was carried out at a high level in accordance with Federal Law No. 426 “On special assessment of working conditions” dated December 28, 2013. Based on the results, reporting documentation was received, prepared based on the results of the work and carried out in accordance with current legislation.
We express our gratitude to SOTARM LLC for the professional solution of issues that arose during our joint work.
We are pleased with the work performed by the specialists of SOTARM LLC and are ready to recommend this company as a reliable and responsible partner.

And about. director E.M. Gorokhova

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

Dear Andrey Anatolyevich!

In December 2016, SOTARM LLC conducted a special assessment of working conditions in the private institution Atomstandart.

The specialists of SOTARM LLC showed high professionalism and efficiency in solving the assigned tasks. The employees' willingness to respond quickly to circumstances made a favorable impression. This confirms that the company SOTARM LLC has extensive practice in conducting SOUT and uses an individual approach when working with clients.

The work was carried out in accordance with current legislation. Noted good design results of the work performed.

We are satisfied with the work of SOTARM LLC and are ready to recommend this company as a reliable and responsible partner.


Director V.V. Morozov

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

During the Special Assessment of Working Conditions (SOUT) in our company (JSC MKB "DOM-BANK"), the competent work of experts and the high level of specialists were noted.
All work was completed on time, and necessary materials presented according to requirements Federal Law dated October 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ “On special assessment of working conditions.”
We hope for long-term fruitful work in the future.


Executive Director of JSC MCB "DOM-BANK" S.B. Rygin


Federal Autonomous Institution "Center for Development and Support of Space Activities" of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation expresses gratitude to SOTARM LLC for the high-quality conduct of a special assessment of working conditions

Head of the Federal autonomous institution"Center for Development and Support of Space Activities" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

M. Surikov

Letter of thanks

Limited Liability Company "Usinsk Road Repair and Construction Department" expresses deep gratitude and sincere gratitude to the team of the Limited Liability Company "Labor Safety and Workplace Certification Service" for mutually beneficial cooperation, conscientious attitude and professionalism during the work on special assessment of working conditions at our enterprise.
We express special gratitude to experts Maria Vitalievna Komarova and Andrey Gennadievich Titor, who were directly involved in the research and analysis of harmful, dangerous factors in the production environment and the labor process for their serious and thoughtful attitude to work.
We highly appreciated working together with your company,
We wish you and your company success and prosperity,
economic and financial well-being.
We express confidence in maintaining the existing friendly relations
relationship and hope for further
mutually beneficial and fruitful cooperation.
Director of Usinsk DRSU LLC Slastyon I.A.

General Director of SOTARM LLC

Dear Andrey Anatolyevich!

Non-governmental institution The editors of the newspaper of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia “Union Veche” expresses gratitude to the employees of the company SOTARM LLC for the prompt and high-quality work in conducting a special assessment of working conditions, the high level of the organization’s experts.
All work was completed on time. Reporting materials are presented in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of October 28, 2013. No. 426-FZ “On special assessment of working conditions”.
We are ready to recommend SOTARM LLC as a reliable and committed partner working at a high professional level.
We hope for long-term fruitful work in the future.


Editor-in-Chief L.P. Rakovskaya

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A


During the Special Assessment of Working Conditions (SOUT) in our company Center “Second Birth” LLC, the competent work of experts and the high level of specialists were noted. We hope for long-term fruitful work in the future.

General Director Romanyuk E.V.

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

Dear Andrey Anatolyevich!

The management of RB Logistics LLC expresses gratitude to the employees of SOTARM LLC for their prompt and high-quality work in conducting a special assessment of working conditions. I would like to note the competent work and high level of the organization’s experts.

We are ready to recommend SOTARM LLC as a reliable and committed partner working at a high professional level.
We hope for long-term fruitful work in the future.


General Director A.A. Budkin

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

Dear Andrey Anatolyevich!

The management of OPTIKOM Region LLC expresses gratitude to the employees of SOTARM LLC, the head of the laboratory Maksemenyuk E.V. for the prompt and high-quality work in conducting a special assessment of working conditions. The employees' willingness to respond quickly to circumstances made a favorable impression.
All work was completed on time, and the necessary materials were presented in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of October 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ “On Special Assessment of Working Conditions.”
We are ready to recommend SOTARM LLC as a reliable and committed partner working at a high professional level.
We hope for long-term fruitful work in the future.

With wishes of success to you and your organization
Art. shifts S.N. Sirotkin

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

Dear Andrey Anatolyevich!

We thank the team of SOTARM LLC for the service of conducting a special assessment of working conditions in our organization. It was very pleasant to feel the efficiency and technically competent attitude to work on the part of your company’s employees during the entire period of our cooperation.
I would like to especially mention the head of the testing laboratory, Elena Valerievna Maksemenyuk, and specialist Victoria Biryukova. We thank them for their professionalism and sensitive attitude in resolving all issues that arose.

We look forward to further cooperation with you and your company.

Mosexpert LLC A.L. Voronin

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

Dear Andrey Anatolyevich!

The management of the Central branch of Metal Profile Company LLC expresses gratitude to the employees of SOTARM LLC for their prompt and high-quality work in conducting a special assessment of working conditions. I would like to note the competent work and high level of the organization’s experts.
All work was completed on time, and the necessary materials were presented in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of October 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ “On Special Assessment of Working Conditions.”
We are ready to recommend SOTARM LLC as a reliable and committed partner working at a high professional level.

We hope for long-term fruitful work in the future.


Branch Director L.A. Mikhailov

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

Dear Andrey Anatolyevich!

The management of Brunel Rus LLC expresses gratitude to the employees of SOTARM LLC for their prompt and high-quality work in conducting a special assessment of working conditions. During the work, the specialists of SOTARM LLC were attentive to all the needs of our company and quickly found best solutions for any questions that arise. I would like to note the competent work and high level of the organization’s experts, as well as their conscientious attitude to the matter.
All work was completed on time, and the necessary materials were presented in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of October 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ “On Special Assessment of Working Conditions.”
We are ready to recommend SOTARM LLC as a reliable and committed partner working at a high professional level.

We hope for long-term fruitful work in the future.

General Director of Brunel Rus LLC Andrea Lukkin

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

Dear Andrey Anatolyevich!

The management of Leogon Trading LLC expresses gratitude to the employees of SOTARM LLC for their timely and high-quality work in conducting a special assessment of the pile conditions. I would like to note the competence and literacy of the organization’s experts.
All work was completed on time, and the materials were presented in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of October 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ “On Special Assessment of Working Conditions.”
We are ready to recommend SOTARM LLC as a reliable and obligatory partner working at a high professional level.

We hope for further successful fruitful work.


Director S.V. Lyulikova

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

Dear Andrey Anatolyevich!

The management of GH Project LLC expresses gratitude to the employees of SOTARM LLC for their prompt and high-quality work in conducting a special assessment of working conditions. I would like to note the competent work and high level of the organization’s experts.
All work was completed on time, and the necessary materials were presented in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of October 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ “On Special Assessment of Working Conditions.”
We are ready to recommend SOTARM LLC as a reliable and committed partner working at a high professional level.
We hope for long-term fruitful work in the future.

Head of GH Project LLC A.A. Zuikin

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

Dear Andrey Anatolyevich!

The management of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Moscow Region "Roshalsky Technical School" expresses gratitude to the employees of the company "SOTARM" LLC for the prompt and high-quality work in conducting a special assessment of working conditions. I would like to note the competent work and high level of the organization’s experts.
All work was completed on time, and the necessary materials were presented in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of October 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ “On Special Assessment of Working Conditions.”
We are ready to recommend SOTARM LLC as a reliable and committed partner working at a high professional level.
We hope for long-term fruitful work in the future.


Director of the technical school V.Yu.Kashlev

General Director of SOTARM LLC
A.A. Minaev

Dear Andrey Anatolyevich!

The management of VDNKh Economic Management JSC expresses gratitude to the employees of SOTARM LLC for the prompt and high-quality work in conducting a special assessment of working conditions and the high level of the organization’s experts.
All work was completed on time, materials were presented in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of October 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ “On Special Assessment of Working Conditions.”
We are ready to recommend SOTARM LLC as a reliable and committed partner working at a high professional level.
We hope for long-term and fruitful work in the future.

Director A.V. Korolev

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

Dear Andrey Anatolyevich!

The management of Ramenskaya Heating Network JSC expresses gratitude to the employees of SOTARM LLC for their prompt and high-quality work in conducting a special assessment of working conditions. I would like to note the competent work and high level of the organization’s experts.
All work was completed on time, and the necessary materials were presented in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of October 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ “On Special Assessment of Working Conditions.”
We are ready to recommend SOTARM LLC as a reliable and committed partner working at a high professional level.
We hope for long-term fruitful work in the future.

General Director A.M. Sinitsky

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

Dear Andrey Anatolyevich!

The management of OptiCom JSC expresses gratitude to the employees of SOTARM LLC for their prompt and high-quality work in conducting a special assessment of working conditions.
We note that the results of the work of SOTARM LLC on SOUT provided to us correspond to high standards quality in this area.
Separately, I would like to thank the head of the laboratory Maksemenyuk E.V. and employees who completed the work under the contract with high quality and on time, promptly and competently resolved all issues that arose, both at the stage of carrying out the SOUT and after its completion, and also noted their high level of culture of communication with customer representatives, sociability and professionalism.
We wish you and your company new achievements and financial well-being.

Head of the warehouse complex M.Yu. Chistov

Assessment of workplaces

In accordance with Article 212 Labor Code Russian Federation " Responsibilities for ensuring safe working conditions and labor protection rest with the employer. The employer is obliged to ensure certification of workplaces for working conditions with subsequent certification of the organization of work on labor protection."

Certification of workplaces (AWC) according to working conditions- labor involves conducting an assessment of working conditions at workplaces in order to identify harmful and (or) dangerous production factors and implement measures to bring working conditions into compliance with state regulatory requirements for labor protection.

Assessment of workplaces on working conditions includes a hygienic assessment of working conditions, an assessment of injury safety and the provision of workers with personal protective equipment (hereinafter referred to as PPE) (clause 2 of Order No. 569 of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of August 31, 2007).

The set of factors in the production environment and the labor process that influence the performance and health of an employee (Article 209 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) is called working conditions.

Industrial environment factors: physical, chemical, biological.

Factors of the labor process: severity and intensity of work, injury safety.

Harmful factor in the working environment- an environmental and labor process factor, the impact of which on an employee can cause an occupational disease or other health disorder, or damage to the health of offspring.

Hazardous working environment- an environmental and labor process factor that can cause an acute illness or a sudden sharp deterioration in health or death. Depending on the quantitative characteristics and duration of action, certain harmful factors in the working environment can become dangerous.

Main factors of the labor process

To the main factors of the labor process, i.e. factors constantly present in any workplace include the severity and (or) intensity of work, as well as injury safety. From production factors or factors environment at workplaces there will be: illumination of the workplace (working surface), usually indoors, and microclimate parameters both indoors and outdoors.

Basic documents on the basis of which workplace certification is carried out

1 Decree of the Russian Federation of November 20, 2008 No. 870 “On the establishment of reduced working hours, annual additional paid leave, increased wages for workers engaged in heavy work, work with harmful and (or) dangerous and other special conditions labor."

2 Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated August 31, 2007 No. 569 “On approval of the Procedure for carrying out workplace certification according to working conditions."

3 R 2.2.1766-03 Guidelines for assessing occupational health risks for workers. Organizational and methodological foundations, principles and evaluation criteria.

4 P 2.2.2006-05 Guide to the hygienic assessment of factors in the working environment and the labor process.

5 Guidelines. Assessment of injury safety of workplaces for the purposes of their certification according to working conditions.

Other documents used for measuring and assessing production factors, injury safety and the provision of PPE and workwear: POT, GOST, SanPiN, SP, RD, SN, TI, TON, etc.

What are the consequences of carried out or not carried out automated work?

Conducted automated workplace. If, as a result of the work carried out according to labor safety, workplaces with harmful and dangerous conditions were identified, then the employer must take measures to improve working conditions in these workplaces. Why is an action plan being developed to improve working conditions?

For the employer, the certification of workplaces has several positive aspects:

    Possibility of reducing costs for payments and milk dispensing.

    Guarantees in case of claims from employees.

Not holding workplace certification faces fines established by the Code of Administrative Offences. An official is fined in the amount of 1 to 5 thousand rubles, a legal entity - from 30 to 50 thousand. It should be noted here that it is not so much the amount of the fine that is important, but part 2 of Article 5.27 of the same code, which says that if you violated labor laws, you will be fined, but if within a year you are caught again doing the same thing, then the inspector is obliged to send the materials to court. And already in court the question of disqualification of the manager for a period of one to three years will be raised.

Certifying organizations.

An organization hired to carry out certification of workplaces for working conditions must have the following package of documents:

1) a valid accreditation certificate for measuring, testing or analytical laboratory in the scope of accreditation which specifies the types of measurements and assessments for which the laboratory is accredited (issued by the accrediting body for a period of no more than 5 years). There may be several systems in which a laboratory is accredited (GOST R; SSOT; GSEN; SAAL);

2) unexpired certificates, certificates, certificates of training and confirming the knowledge of laboratory personnel to measure factors of the working environment and the labor process in specialized institutions.

Equally important when choosing an organization for workplace certification is experience in conducting workplace certification in the field (industry) to which the organization being certified belongs.

In addition, I would like to note that when carrying out an automated workplace on technical safety by a specialized organization engaged for this purpose, the number of specialists carrying out the measurement and assessment of harmful and dangerous production factors, as well as injury safety and the provision of personal protective equipment cannot be carried out by one person. As a rule, a group includes at least three people.

2. Agreement with the certifying organization.

Non-stationary or non-permanent jobs

Certification of non-stationary workplaces, that is, places with geographically changing working areas, where the working area is considered to be a part of the workplace equipped with necessary means production in which one or more workers perform work or operation of a similar nature (plumbers, electricians, construction workers, etc.) is carried out by preliminary determination of typical technological operations with a relatively stable set and value of harmful and (or) dangerous production factors and subsequent evaluation of these operations. The time for completing each operation is determined by expert opinion (based on local regulations) clause 14 of order No. 569.

Impermanent workplace - The place where the worker spends a smaller part (less than 50% or less than 2 hours continuously) of his working time.

What factors are subject to assessment in the workplace and how to determine them?

In accordance with paragraph 15 of Order No. 569, when certifying workplaces for working conditions, all harmful and (or) hazardous production factors (physical, chemical and biological factors), severity and (or) tension present in the workplace are subject to assessment.

Compiles a complete list of the organization’s workplaces in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to the Procedure, highlighting similar workplaces and indicating the assessed working conditions, based on the characteristics technological process, composition production equipment, raw materials and materials used, the results of previously carried out measurements of indicators of harmful and (or) dangerous production factors, complaints from workers about working conditions (clause 11, subclause 3 of Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 569 of 08/31/2007)

All harmful and harmful substances characteristic of the workplace are subject to control. hazardous factors regulated by sanitary norms and rules, hygienic standards, as well as the severity and intensity of labor. To compile a list of factors to be measured and assessed, technical, organizational and administrative documentation, certificates of conformity for raw materials, materials, equipment, etc. are used. (R 2.2.2006-05 "Guide to the hygienic assessment of factors in the working environment and the labor process. Criteria and classification of working conditions", Appendix 6, paragraph 6.4).

Application of workplace certification results for working conditions.

The results of certification of workplaces for working conditions, carried out in accordance with the Procedure, are used for the purposes of:

1) monitoring the state of working conditions in the workplace and the correct provision of workers with certified personal and collective protective equipment;

2) assessment of occupational risk as the probability of damage (loss) to the health or death of an employee associated with the performance of his duties under an employment contract and other established by law cases, control and management of occupational risk, which involve analyzing and assessing the health status of the employee in a cause-and-effect relationship with working conditions, informing subjects about the risk labor law, monitoring the dynamics of risk indicators, as well as taking measures to reduce the likelihood of damage to the health of workers;

3) providing employees hired with reliable information about working conditions in the workplace, about the existing risk of damage to health, about measures to protect against the effects of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors and relying on employees engaged in heavy work and work with hazardous and (or) hazardous working conditions, guarantees and compensation;

4) providing employees engaged in work with hazardous working conditions, work performed in special temperature conditions or associated with pollution, free certified special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment, as well as flushing and neutralizing agents in accordance with established standards;

5) preparation statistical reporting about working conditions;

6) subsequent confirmation of compliance of the organization of work on labor protection with state regulatory requirements for labor protection;

7) preparation of contingents and a list of names of persons subject to mandatory preliminary (upon entry to work) and periodic (during labor activity) medical examinations (examinations) of employees, as well as extraordinary medical examinations(surveys);

8) calculation of discounts and allowances to the insurance tariff in the system of compulsory social insurance of workers against industrial accidents and occupational diseases;

9) resolving the issue of the connection of the disease with the profession if an occupational disease is suspected, on the diagnosis of an occupational disease;

10) justification for decisions made in the prescribed manner on the application of administrative punishment in the form of administrative suspension of the activities of organizations, their branches, representative offices, structural divisions, production equipment, areas;

11) consideration of the issue of suspending the operation of buildings or structures, machinery and equipment, implementation individual species activities (works), provision of services due to an immediate threat to the life or health of workers;

12) consideration of issues and disagreements related to ensuring safe working conditions for workers and the investigation of industrial accidents and occupational diseases that have occurred to them;

13) taking measures for proper sanitary and preventive provision of employees of the organization;

14) justification for labor restrictions for certain categories of workers;

15) inclusions in employment contract characteristics of working conditions and compensation to workers for work in difficult, harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions;

16) justification for planning and financing measures to improve working conditions and safety in organizations, including through funds for compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases;

17) creating a data bank of existing working conditions at the organization level, municipality, executive authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and at the federal level;

18) carrying out activities to implement federal body executive power, authorized to carry out state supervision and control over compliance labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms;

19) application of liability measures provided for by law to persons guilty of violations of labor protection legislation.

After certification of workplaces for working conditions ( paragraph 46 of the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 569 of August 31, 2007), the employer sends: a list of workplaces (Appendix No. 1), statements of workplaces of the organization’s divisions and the results of their certification for working conditions (Appendix No. 6) and summary statement workplaces of the organization and the results of their certification for working conditions (Appendix No. 7), including information in accordance with Appendix No. 10 to this Procedure, to the State Labor Inspectorate in Moscow at the address: 115582, Moscow, st. Domodedovskaya, 24, bldg. 3, central box, 7th floor, room. No. 9

Article 27 of this Federal Law enshrines very important transitional provisions, which we briefly outline below:

1. Organizations accredited in accordance with the procedure in force before the entry into force of this Federal Law, as organizations providing services for certification of workplaces for working conditions, have the right to conduct a special assessment of working conditions before the expiration of the certificates available on the day of entry into force of this Federal Law accreditation testing laboratories(centers) of these organizations, but no later than December 31, 2018 inclusive.

2. If, before the entry into force of this Federal Law, certification of workplaces for working conditions was carried out in relation to workplaces, a special assessment of working conditions in relation to such workplaces may not be carried out within five years from the date of completion of this certification, except in cases occurrence of the circumstances specified in Part 1 of Article 17 of this Federal Law(this refers to the circumstances that are the basis for conducting an unscheduled special assessment of working conditions). Moreover, for the purposes defined in Article 7 of this Federal Law(these are all purposes for which the results of a special assessment of working conditions are used, such as development measures aimed at improving working conditions of workers, establishing guarantees and compensations for employees provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federationand many others), the results of this certification, carried out in accordance with the procedure in force before the entry into force of this Federal Law, are used.

The employer has the right to conduct a special assessment of working conditions in the manner established by this Federal Law before the expiration of the existing results of certification of workplaces for working conditions.

For occupational safety specialists: an overview of the differences between a special assessment of working conditions and certification of workplaces based on working conditions.


According to the Procedure for certification of workplaces for working conditions, in force until January 1, 2014, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 26, 2011 No. 342n:

The purpose of workplace certification.

The certification was carried out in order to assess working conditions in the workplace and identify harmful and (or) dangerous production factors.

How were the results of the certification used?

The certification results were used for the following purposes:

  • development and implementation of measures to bring working conditions into compliance with state regulatory requirements for labor protection;

  • establishing for employees engaged in heavy work, work with harmful and (or) dangerous and other special working conditions, reduced working hours, annual additional paid leave, and increased wages;

    informing employees about working conditions in the workplace, about the existing risk of damage to health, about measures to protect against the effects of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors and those required by employees engaged in heavy work, work with harmful and (or) dangerous and other special conditions labor, compensation;

    monitoring the state of working conditions in the workplace;

    professional risk assessments;

    providing workers with personal protective equipment that has passed mandatory certification or declaration of conformity, as well as collective protective equipment;

    preparation of statistical reports on working conditions and compensation for work in harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions;

    calculation of discounts (surcharges) to the insurance tariff in the system of compulsory social insurance of workers against industrial accidents and occupational diseases;

    resolving the issue of the connection of the disease with the profession in case of suspected occupational disease, as well as when establishing a diagnosis of an occupational disease;

    consideration of issues and disagreements related to ensuring safe working conditions for workers;

    sanitary, household and medical support for workers in accordance with labor protection requirements;

    justifications for labor restrictions for certain categories of workers (light workers, women, teenagers, etc.);

    bringing the names of positions (professions) in line with the names specified in All-Russian classifier professions of workers, positions of employees and tariff categories;

    justification for planning and financing measures to improve the employer’s working conditions and safety, including through funds for compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases;

    collecting and processing information about the state of labor conditions and safety from employers.

What jobs were subject to certification?

The current certification procedure and Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation required each employer to conduct certification at all workplaces in which workers are employed. labor function which provides:

  • work with equipment, machines, mechanisms, installations, devices, devices, vehicles;

  • operation, maintenance, testing, adjustment and repair of equipment, machines, mechanisms, installations, devices, apparatus, vehicles;

    work with sources of hazards that can have a harmful effect on the employee, determined certification commission based on the criteria for assessing working conditions;

    use of electrified, mechanized or other hand tools;

    storage, movement and (or) use of raw materials and materials.

Since February 2013, disputes between labor specialists about the need to certify workplaces have not subsided. office workers. And although changes to the certification procedure that came into force in February 2013 identified this significant group of workers as an exception, many experts consider this provision to be contrary to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the procedure for conducting mandatory medical examinations of workers, as well as a violation of the legal rights of workers for the benefit of employers.

Deadlines for certification and recertification of workplaces.

Certification of newly organized workplaces in accordance with projects of construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment of production facilities, production and implementation new technology, the introduction of new technologies should be carried out after achieving the indicators and characteristics provided for by these projects, but no later than one year from the moment of creation of new jobs.
The timing of re-certification is set by the employer based on the following:

  • in workplaces where, based on the results of the previous certification, harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions have been established, as well as in workplaces with the presence of production factors and work, the performance of which requires preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations), certification is carried out at least once once every five years;

  • at workplaces where, based on the results of the previous certification, working conditions are recognized as safe (optimal or acceptable), certification is not carried out, except in cases of unscheduled certification.

Who conducts the certification?

Responsibilities for ensuring the certification are assigned to the employer (all organizations, enterprises, private entrepreneurs).
Certification is carried out jointly by the employer and the certifying organization, attracted by the employer to perform certification work, on the basis of a civil law agreement.
Certifying organization is a legal entity accredited in the prescribed manner as an organization that provides certification services and carries out measurements and assessments, as well as assessment of the compliance of working conditions with state regulatory requirements for labor protection, on the basis of a civil law agreement with the employer, execution and preparation of a report on certifications.
The certifying organization must be an independent person in relation to the employer at whose workplaces this certifying organization conducts certification.

How to conduct workplace certification correctly? Where to begin?

From the choice of a certifying organization from among duly accredited organizations included in the relevant Register by the Ministry of Labor of Russia or the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia. Practice shows that it is more convenient to work with certifying organizations in your own or at least a neighboring region. Thus, the NP “Scientific and Practical Center for Occupational Safety and Health and Ecology” performs 95% of its work in the city of Moscow and the Moscow region.
Further, the procedure for certification of workplaces provides for the creation of a commission, which includes employees of both the certified and certifying organizations, the determination of deadlines and a schedule of work. Further work including:

  • compiling a list of workplaces: determining the boundaries of work areas, harmful factors present in the working environment and the labor process;

  • instrumental measurements and assessments of the levels of all harmful production factors present at certified workplaces (hygienic assessment of working conditions);

    assessment of workplace injury safety;

    assessment of the provision of workers with personal protective equipment;

    preparation of certification cards, measurement and assessment protocols, final documents and a report on the conducted automated work

As a rule, it is carried out by employees of the certifying organization with minimal involvement of representatives of the certified object.

How to carry out certification, saving the nerves and resources of the enterprise, and not run into a fine or suspension of the enterprise’s activities State Inspectorate Labor or the Prosecutor's Office?

The answer to this question is very simple: it is important not to make a mistake in choosing a certifying organization. Remember, you are choosing a partner, on whose actions and decisions a lot will depend in the future life of your company:

  • the amount of benefits and compensation to employees for harmful working conditions;

  • the number of employees sent for medical examination and the frequency of their medical examination;

    work and rest schedule for employees;

    preferential pension provision;

    much more.

Choosing such a partner, guided only by the cheap price offered for workplace certification, is imprudent! The consequences of a hasty choice can cost you dearly– We at the NP “Scientific and Practical Center of Occupational Safety and Health and Ecology” are periodically approached for re-certification by companies that have just carried out automated work and are dissatisfied with the bias and irrationality of the results. Pay attention to the thoroughness of the approach to estimating the volume and cost of workat the first stage of communication, this will reveal a lot to you about the attitude of the certifying organization to its work.

Cost of services.

The cost of certification of workplaces, carried out by the RESEARCH AND PRODUCTION CENTER FOR OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND ECOLOGY, is calculated according to the estimate, based on the price of each element of work and the planned volume of work (we try to plan at the stage of pre-contractual work what measurements and assessments will be carried out at each workplace, depending on its type: the nature of the work performed, the equipment used, materials, etc.).
Taking into account discounts, the size of which increases with the volume of work up to 40%, the average cost of certification of one workplace at the Scientific and Production Center for Occupational Safety and Health and Ecology costs from 700 to 1200 rubles. The size of the discount also depends on the location of the certified object: for example, in the city of Moscow and the Moscow region, the discounts will be maximum, but as you move away from the Moscow region, the discount size may be reduced, and we will be forced to add travel expenses to the cost of certification of workplaces.
We do not use any consolidated, simplified prices, such as “the cost of certification of one workplace,” etc. Therefore, we are not able to answer the question “what is the price of certification of a worker’s place” or “how much will the automated workplace cost” over the phone. Certification of workplaces is a complex job and consists of large quantity measurements and estimates of different prices, its cost must be calculated.

Until 2013 inclusive, certification of workplaces at an enterprise was regulated by Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the new Federal Law No. 426-FZ of December 28, 2013 “On special assessment of working conditions,” the concept of “job certification” is no longer used in the domestic legal framework. It was replaced by the term “special assessment”. Corresponding changes were made to the Labor Code. However, in fact, the special assessment procedure inherently retained all the basic functions of certification.

Formally, a special assessment of working conditions is understood as a list of clearly defined activities carried out in an established sequence in order to identify harmful or dangerous factors affecting employees of the enterprise in the process of their implementation. professional activity. The result of such a special assessment of workplaces at the enterprise should be the determination of classes and subclasses of existing working conditions at the enterprise in accordance with the existing staffing table and the actual staff employed at the enterprise.

Who is covered by mandatory workplace certification?

Mandatory workplace certification must now be carried out by all employers without exception. This responsibility is imposed on employers by Article 212 of the Labor Code. Also, since 2014, workplace certification must be carried out by individual entrepreneurs who have hired employees. Penalties imposed for ignoring the special assessment procedure have been significantly tightened, which is reflected in Federal Law No. 421-FZ of December 28, 2013. At the same time, both administrative fines (in case of failure to pass a special assessment) and the degree of criminal liability for persons responsible for accidents occurring at work were increased.

Entrepreneurs who do not use hired labor and, accordingly, do not organize workplaces subject to certification, are not required to organize an assessment. Also, the special assessment does not affect individuals without status individual entrepreneur. This provision is defined in Article 3 of Federal Law No. 426-FZ.

Which jobs should be assessed?

The list of workplaces that were previously subject to the procedure for certification of workplaces is not identical to the list of workplaces in relation to which a special assessment must be carried out in accordance with the new legislative norms.

The management of the enterprise should pay attention to the fact that previously certification of workplaces was carried out only in relation to those positions where it was used manual labor, vehicles, machines, mechanisms, devices and devices that pose a danger to the life and health of employees. That is, formally, some jobs may not be subject to certification. Currently, the special workplace assessment covers all workplaces without any exceptions. This point should be especially taken into account when specially assessing workplaces. office employees. Previously, these positions were most often excluded from the certification process.

In addition, if previously the jobs of home-based employees and employees working remotely were certified on a general basis, now the existing normative base makes it possible not to carry out a special assessment in these cases.

Frequency of special assessment of workplaces

According to existing legislation, a special assessment of workplaces must be carried out at least once every five years. Despite changes in the relevant legislation, the previously completed certification is recognized as valid, and there is no need to organize a special assessment before its expiration.

At the same time, the law stipulates a number of cases in which an unscheduled special assessment is required. First of all, this applies to situations in which previously non-existent jobs appear at the enterprise. In addition, a special assessment is needed in situations of significant changes in working conditions: transformation of the technological process, starting to work with previously unused materials, working in new conditions.

A special assessment should be carried out if an accident occurs at the enterprise or employees are found to have occupational diseases resulting from harmful working conditions.

A special assessment may also be initiated by the safety manager or trade union organization.

Initiation of a special assessment procedure

To conduct a special assessment, the employer must organize special commission and enter into an agreement to conduct an assessment with an organization specializing in this type of activity. The cost of certification of workplaces ranges from 1,500 rubles to 6,000 rubles per workplace. The specific price depends on the complexity of the work to be done and how unified the workplaces in the enterprise are.

This commission should include representatives of the employer, the manager responsible for labor protection at the enterprise and representatives of the trade union. In relation to small businesses, it is mandatory to include the head of the enterprise in the commission.

A specific example of workplace certification can be recognized as complying with legal standards only if the person involved outside organization meets a number of requirements. Firstly, in the organization’s statutory documents, conducting a special assessment of working conditions must be designated as the main activity. Secondly, the organization must have a laboratory that has passed a special accreditation procedure. Thirdly, the organization’s employees must be represented by at least five expert specialists who have special certificates for carrying out work to assess workplaces. Among these specialists, there must be a doctor specializing in occupational hygiene.

The specified organizations and specialists must be included in a special register and be independent parties in relation to the enterprise where workplace certification is planned.

Mechanism for conducting a special assessment of workplaces at the enterprise

During the special assessment process, workplaces are examined for the presence of dangerous and harmful factors that may threaten the employees of the enterprise. In the process of this work, a special declaration is filled out, which includes all workplaces where no threats have been identified. This declaration is later submitted to labor inspection. At the moment, the declaration form has not yet been developed, but its approval is expected in the near future.

Workplaces where hazardous factors have been discovered are subject to additional research, accompanied by the necessary tests. After this work, such workplaces are assigned a certain class of working conditions: “optimal”, “acceptable”, “harmful” or “dangerous”. Harmful working conditions are also classified into four subclasses. This information is reflected in special report commission (the report form has also not yet been approved). The employer must be familiar with the report against signature.

What does special job assessment affect?

The results of the special assessment are reflected when filling out Form 4-FSS. The information received serves as the basis for the social insurance fund in relation to the policyholder to determine the amount of the discount or premium on contributions “for injuries”.

In addition, the results of the special assessment are used to determine additional tariffs applied to contributions to the Pension Fund. Article 58.3 of Federal Law No. 212-FZ dated July 24, 2009 states that depending on the class and subclass assigned to a workplace, the tariff level can vary from 0 to 8 percent.

The results of the special assessment are used when organizing medical examination procedures at the enterprise or to carry out work aimed at improving working conditions. This is regulated by the seventh article of Federal Law No. 426-FZ of December 28, 2013 “On special assessment of working conditions.”