The order of relationships between organizations supplying industrial energy. On the procedure for the relationship between the energy supply organization and consumers. VI. Energy regulation

Appendix No. _____

to Agreement No. _______ with “….” (energy sales company) for electricity supply from _____________


Chief Engineer


Grigoriev A.S.

"___"________2010 "_____" ________ 2010

On the relationship between the operating personnel of SGES LLC

and operational (electrical) personnel ______________________.
I. General part.
1.1. The instructions are drawn up on the basis of PTEESiS of the Russian Federation, PEEP, inter-industry rules on labor protection (safety rules) during the operation of electrical installations, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and is an integral part of contract No. _________ for electricity supply dated __________ between “____________” (energy sales company) and ____________________________ .

1.2. This instruction is the main guide on the relationship between the operating personnel of SGES LLC and the electrical technical personnel of _________________________. (hereinafter referred to as the “Consumer”) in terms of joint operational management of the operation of electrical installations at the interface of __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ and connected to 10 -0.4 kV buses in the transformer substation (RP, substation) owned by SGES LLC.

1.3.Border Maintenance of the specified electrical installations is determined by the act of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility. (Appendix No. 1).

1.4.Annually until January 15, the “Consumer” provides LLC "SGES" the following documentation:

  • lists of operational and repair personnel (or an order appointing a person responsible for electrical equipment) who have the right to conduct operational negotiations and switching.
- lists of personnel who have the right to carry out work at the interface, indicating the persons who have the right to be: issuers of work orders, responsible work managers, work producers, team members (sample in Appendix No. 2);

- communication channels with operational and management personnel during working and non-working hours;

- network diagram (electrical installation). The actual state of the circuit must be maintained by the “Consumer” personnel in accordance with the operational one;

If changes are made to the documentation, information is immediately transmitted by telephone message with subsequent notification official letter. All documentation is prepared on letterhead signed by the chief engineer (manager or person responsible for electrical facilities) and certified by the company seal.

1.5. If it is necessary to make changes to these instructions, they are approved by the chief engineer of SGES LLC in agreement with the chief engineer of the Consumer and come into force from the date of such approval.

II. Operational management, negotiations and switching.
2.1. The operational (electrical) personnel of the “Consumer” are operationally subordinate to the dispatcher of SGES LLC in terms of switching and organizing work on equipment under the control of the dispatcher of SGES LLC,

as well as when eliminating damage in the networks of SGES LLC.

2.2. All operational negotiations are conducted directly between the operational personnel of SGES LLC and the operational (electrical) personnel of the Consumer.

2.3. All operational negotiations are recorded in the operational log of the duty dispatcher of SGES LLC, indicating the date, time, object of information and the name of the person,

with whom negotiations are ongoing. Negotiations are conducted only with persons indicated in the lists.

2.4. Operational negotiations are conducted in a concise and clear manner.

Before the start of operational negotiations, the “Consumer” personnel are obliged to name company, contract number, surname. The operating personnel of the “Consumer” must repeat each order of the dispatcher of SGES LLC and receive confirmation from the dispatcher of SGES LLC that it is correct.

Power engineer Ivanov. Shop "Marianna", contract number, 791.

Transfer the magazine load to input No. 1, because in TP 451 is urgently taken out for repairs

2nd section of RU busbars 0.4 kV.

Understood. Transfer the magazine load to input No. 1.

Right. Do it.

After executing the order of the dispatcher of SGES LLC, the electrical technical personnel of the Consumer informs the dispatcher of SGES LLC about the execution of the order.

Upon completion of work to eliminate the emergency or planned work at the transformer substation and commissioning of the equipment, the dispatcher of SGES LLC informs the electrical technical personnel of the Consumer about this and gives an order to restore the operational circuit on the Consumer’s equipment. The “Consumer” informs the dispatcher of SGES LLC about the restoration of the scheme.

For example:

Dispatcher of SGES LLC Smirnov.

Power engineer Ivanov. Shop "Marianna".

Work on the second section of the busbars of RU 0.4 kV TP 451 has been completed. Equipment under voltage. Distribute the magazine load across two inputs.

Understood. Work on the second section of the busbars of RU 0.4 kV TP 451 has been completed. Equipment under voltage. Distribute the magazine load across two inputs.

Right. Do it.


Dispatcher of SGES LLC Smirnov.

Power engineer Ivanov. Shop "Marianna". The magazine load is distributed over two inputs.

Understood. The Marianna store is included in two inputs.

2.5. If necessary, the personnel of SGES LLC or the Consumer must provide unhindered access to electricity metering devices, current load and voltage measuring devices for representatives of the Consumer or SGES LLC upon prior application.

2.6. Electrical network diagrams of SGES LLC and the Consumer are maintained in accordance with approved normal operating diagrams. The operating personnel are required to report to each other about all deviations from the normal operating mode of the equipment and all outages that affect the reliability of the supply networks and voltage levels along the networks of SGES LLC and the Consumer. Every year, the “Consumer” submits a set of its 0.4 kV network diagrams to the dispatch service of SGES LLC.

LLC "SGES", at the request of the "Consumer", provides a TP (DP) diagram, from which the 10-0.4 kV feeders of the "Consumer" are connected.

2.7. Monitoring of the voltage level on the 0.4 kV buses of the transformer substations (RP) is carried out by the operating personnel of SGES LLC during their inspections of the transformer substation (RP) according to the schedule approved by the chief engineer or after the request of the “Consumer”. If necessary, voltage regulation is carried out. The voltage level at the interfaces is maintained by U n network +10%, -5%.

2.8. Admission to the "Consumer's" repair personnel to carry out work on cable terminations and cable terminations, metering units, switching devices located in

RU 10-0.4 kV LLC "SGES" is produced by the operating personnel of LLC "SGES" according to orders issued by the personnel of LLC "SGES" in accordance with section No. 12-POTRM-016-2001 (Interindustry rules for labor protection (safety rules) when operation of electrical installations) - organization of work of seconded personnel, and if there are lists of operational and repair personnel.

2.9. Switching on equipment located in operational management“Consumer” are carried out by the operational personnel of the “Consumer” independently, with prior approval from the operational personnel of SGES LLC.

2.10. Transferring the load from input to input and back on the “Consumer” equipment is carried out only with the voltage removed, that is, it is necessary to first turn off the input switching device and only then turn on the sectional one. TO strictly prohibited switch on transformers TP and RP for parallel operation (the circuit provides for different power sources: PS “Pionernaya”, PS “Severnaya”, etc.), as this can lead to equipment failure or de-energization of the “Consumer”.

To avoid equipment failure, it is prohibited to keep the load on one input from the “Consumer” side without agreement with the dispatcher of SGES LLC. After eliminating emergency situations (completion of scheduled maintenance), both inputs are placed under load. SGES LLC personnel have the right of access to the reactor plant to inspect the equipment.

2.11. Operational negotiations on the repair and commissioning of 10-0.4 kV feeders, transfer of loads in the “Consumer” networks are carried out by the operational personnel (dispatcher) of SGES LLC with the operational personnel (dispatcher) of the “Consumer” via communication channels, specified in clause 1.4.

2.12. The operating mode of the “Consumer” ATS must be agreed upon with SGES LLC. The operation scheme of the automatic transfer switch must exclude parallel operation of the equipment of SGES LLC.

2.13. The connection diagram of the “Consumer” diesel power station and its operating mode must be agreed upon with SGES LLC.

2.14. It is prohibited to make scheduled switches during a thunderstorm or hurricane, at an outside air temperature of 25 C degrees and below, as well as during sharp fluctuations in ambient air temperature (more than 15 degrees) with a transition through zero degrees Celsius.

2.15. All orders of the dispatcher of SGES LLC on issues within his competence must be carried out immediately by the “Consumer” personnel. For non-compliance or delay in executing the order of the dispatcher of SGES LLC, the persons who did not comply with the order and the persons who authorized this non-compliance are responsible.
Sh. Equipment repair.
3.1. Repair of the “Consumer’s” equipment, which is under the operational management of the “Consumer”, but under the jurisdiction of the operating personnel of SGES LLC, is formalized by a written application from the “Consumer” three days prior to the repair. Applications will be responded to before

16-00 hours of the day preceding the start of repairs.

Note: equipment shutdown is carried out at the request of the interested party immediately before switching.
3.2. The removal of equipment for repair, despite an authorized application, is carried out only with the verbal permission of the dispatcher of SGES LLC (except for urgent cases - accidents, natural disasters, fire, breakdown). If there is no connection, repairs are prohibited.

3.3. The latter is notified by fax or telephone message about the work carried out by SGES LLC and the related outages (outages) of electrical installations of the “Consumer” three days before the outage, and those related to changes in power supply schemes -

per day. During this period, the “Consumer” is obliged to prepare for disconnection. If necessary, the “Consumer” during the shutdown period can combine the repair of its equipment by filing an application with the CDS of SGES LLC.

3.4. Emergency (urgent) requests for equipment repairs are accepted by the “Consumer” and the dispatcher of SGES LLC at any time of the day and are considered immediately.

In the future, interested parties will clarify the downtime period for repairing emergency shutdown equipment.

3.5.The application indicates:

Exited equipment;

Time to turn off and turn on equipment;

Purpose of removal for repair;

Emergency preparedness;

Last name of the person who signed the application;

Last name of the person submitting the application;

Last name of the person accepting the application.

3.6. If approval of the application is refused, the “Consumer” (dispatcher of SGES LLC) indicates in writing the reason for the refusal and the deadline for the possible implementation of the application. In accordance with clause 16.1 of PTEEP

dated 01/13/03 “The Consumer” must ensure the possibility of carrying out maintenance, scheduled maintenance, modernization and reconstruction of electrical installation equipment. In case of repeated failure, the risk of adverse consequences lies with the “Consumer”.

3.7. If work was not carried out during the time allowed by the application, then, regardless of the reasons, a postponement of the application or a new application is issued to carry out the work.

3.8. If it is impossible to complete the work within the time specified by the application, a notification application for an extension of repairs is submitted no less than 2 hours before the end of the permitted period, indicating the reasons for this extension.
IV. Power consumption mode.
4.1. The use of electricity is permitted on the basis of an agreement with “__________________________” (energy sales company) for the supply and consumption of electricity. An integral part of the contract and instructions on the relationship are the act of emergency technological armor and schedules for limiting consumption and temporary shutdown electrical energy(power). The consumer is obliged, in the prescribed manner, to draw up and agree with the “Grid Company”: an act of emergency technological reservation of power supply, schedules for limiting consumption and temporary shutdown of electrical energy (power) in the event of an emergency or threat of an emergency in the operation of power supply systems.

4.2. Electricity consumption is determined by the permitted power stipulated by the contract.

4.3. An increase in power consumption above the established limits, an increase in the power of electrical installations, the inclusion of new electrical installations is allowed only with the permission of the energy supervision and LLC "SGES", after the approval of the project, the provision of diagrams, switching programs, parameters of equipment, cables, overhead lines and an application for switching on.

4.4. The “consumer” who has critical electrical receivers must ensure protection of his equipment from open-phase modes, voltage surges, and changes in phase rotation (Article 543 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

4.5. The introduction of restrictions on electricity consumption by power and kilowatt hours is carried out by the operational staff of the “Consumer” by order of the dispatcher of SGES LLC with a mandatory notification of implementation.

4.6. Disconnection of the “Consumer’s” load by emergency reset is carried out by the “Consumer’s” personnel or the personnel of SGES LLC by order of the dispatcher of SGES LLC in accordance with the schedule agreed with the “Grid Company”, with prior warning to the “Consumer” (if there are existing channels connections specified in clause 1.4.)

The “Consumer” is responsible for the speed and accuracy of fulfilling the order of the dispatcher of SGES LLC.
V. Switching on new equipment.

5.1. The inclusion of new equipment with power supply from the networks of SGES LLC is carried out according to applications submitted to SGES LLC 5 working days in advance.

5.2.Before submitting an application, the following issues must be resolved:

Newly introduced equipment must carry dispatch designations;

Labels with the designation (address) of electrical installations are hung on the cable lines;

Locks are posted on switching devices;

Inscriptions on the ownership of the equipment are made on the switching devices;

Recalculation of relay protection settings of relay protection and automation (if necessary);

Algorithm and settings for ATS operation;

Connection diagram of the diesel power plant and its operating mode;

Coordination of the electricity metering point;

Delivered executive documentation in ONZKL and VL, changes were made to single-line diagrams of electrical installations (VL passports);

The CDS presents a single-line diagram of the switched-on installation;

differentiation of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility (act of delimitation);

Issue of operational maintenance (addition or modification of this instruction);

Changes have been made to the contract for the supply and consumption of electricity between “_________” (energy sales company) and the “Consumer”.

5.3. The application for connecting new equipment indicates:

Name of the “Consumer”;

Location of the object;

Specifications No.;

Main power supply;

Connection point;

Connected object (parameters of the connected equipment);

Energonadzor Permit No.;

The act of delimitation, the nature of the load;

Electricity consumption contract No.;

Number and date of the letter for approval of relay protection and automation settings;

Number and date of the letter for release of power from SurES;

Agreement with SGES LLC for operational services.

5.4. The application to enable a newly introduced installation is agreed upon by the “Consumer” with the services:

Sales service;

Head of the district;

Department of supervision over cable lines and overhead lines.

Permission or refusal to enable is given by Chief Engineer LLC "SGES" After receiving permission for inclusion, the application is submitted to the CDS.

  1. VI. Elimination of accidents and outages from normal operation.
6.1. The distribution of responsibilities during emergency response is carried out by the distribution of equipment according to operational responsibility.

The emergency response is managed by the personnel who are in operational control of the damaged equipment.

6.2. Operating personnel of SGES LLC in case of an accident in distribution networks 10-0.4 kV has the right to disconnect consumer electrical installations (TP, KTPN, overhead lines, cable lines) without warning, followed by notification to the “Consumer” about the reason and duration of the disconnection.

If the voltage disappears, the operating personnel of the “Consumer” must consider the electrical installations to be energized, since it can be supplied at any time, inspect the disconnected equipment and report the results to the dispatcher of SGES LLC.

6.3. In case of emergency disconnection of 0.4 kV feeders from protection (including non-selective operation of the “Consumer” switching devices, i.e., activation of the switching device of SGES LLC during short circuit in the distribution network of the “Consumer” behind its input switching device), the operating personnel of SGES LLC gives the command to the personnel of the “Consumer” to inspect the disconnected equipment. The result of the inspection is reported to the operating personnel of SGES LLC with a corresponding entry in the operational log. Without conducting an inspection, identifying and eliminating the causes of protection activation, providing high-voltage test reports and an application for switching on, turn on the 0.4 kV “Consumer” equipment prohibited.

6.4. In the event of an emergency shutdown of 0.4 kV feeders with non-selective operation of the “Consumer” switching devices (i.e., the switching device of SGES LLC triggers in the event of a short circuit in the “Consumer’s” distribution network behind its input switching device), the operating personnel of the OVB LLC "SGES" together with the electrical technical personnel of the "Consumer" inspect the electrical installation of the "Consumer", identify the reason for the non-selective operation of the protection and draw up an "Inspection Report". Without inspecting, identifying and eliminating the causes of shutdown, supply voltage to the “Consumer” prohibited.

6.5. When a short to ground occurs on the buses of the substation (RP) and it is detected on the “Consumer” feeder, the dispatcher of SGES LLC warns the operating personnel of the “Consumer” about a short-term shutdown and in case of confirmation of the “ground” on the “Consumer” feeder gives him orders to inspect the equipment, find and eliminate damage.

When finding “ground”, a short-term disconnection of connections for 1-2 minutes is allowed, after warning the “Consumer”.

6.6. The duration of operation of the equipment with the “ground” is allowed no more than 2 hours or, with the permission of the chief engineer of SGES LLC, another period may be set.

6.7. The operating personnel of the “Consumer” are obliged to inform the dispatcher of LLC “SGES” about the following violations of normal operation: automatic and erroneous shutdowns, switching on of the ZN and PZ under voltage, accidents on the “Consumer’s” equipment.

6.8. Restrictions (disconnections) of the “Consumer” for failure to fulfill obligations under the electricity supply contract in terms of payment for consumed electricity are made in accordance with the current legislation and the agreement between ________________________ (energy sales company) and the “Consumer”.

6.9. The Grid Company carries out restrictions on the consumption of electrical energy to the “Consumer” in accordance with the agreed schedules for limiting consumption and temporary shutdown of electrical energy (power) and the act of emergency technological armor.

In the absence of the specified schedules, SGES LLC has the right to stop supplying electricity if an accident occurs or threatens to occur in the operation of power supply systems.

6.10. If equipment of SGES LLC fails (including blown fuses) during emergency shutdowns specified in paragraphs 6.3, 6.4, voltage is supplied to the “Consumer” after compensation for material losses caused by SGES LLC.
VII. Connection.
7.1. Communication channels of SGES LLC

Surgut: code 3462

Reception: tel.: 52-46-00, fax: 34-63-13

Chief engineer of SGES LLC: tel. 52-46-02

Head of the CDS: 34-78-81

Dispatcher: 32-35-35

Application coordination department: tel./fax 34-73-70
Head of the CDS Romanko S.M.
7.2..Consumer communication channels
Surgut: code 3462

Reception: tel/fax:

Rep. for email farm: tel:

TypicalPOSITION“On the relationship between operational personnelelectric grid enterprises with operational personnel of subscribers"


1.1. These Regulations have been adopted for the purpose of regulating in the manner established by law RF, relations related to operational dispatch control in relation to delivery points on the retail market of buyers of electrical energy served (by the Guarantee Supplier) (hereinafter referred to as Consumers), as well as relations related to the transfer of electrical energy under energy supply contracts (purchase and sale (supply) of electrical energy) with Consumers.

1.2. This Regulation defines the relationship between the operational personnel of grid organizations, to whose electrical networks the corresponding power receiving devices are connected (hereinafter referred to as the Grid Organization), and the operational personnel of Consumers.

1.3. Within the framework of these regulations, the Customer and the Contractor are network organizations.



2.1. The consumer is obliged to ensure the maintenance of his own electrical installations in working order and their operation in accordance with the requirements of the Rules technical operation consumer electrical installations (hereinafter referred to as PTEEP), safety rules and other regulatory and technical documents (hereinafter referred to as NTD).

2.2. Operation of Consumers' electrical installations must be carried out by trained electrical personnel.

2.3. Depending on the volume and complexity of work on the operation of electrical installations, Consumers create an energy service staffed with appropriately qualified electrical personnel. It is allowed to operate electrical installations under an agreement with a specialized organization.

2.4. To directly fulfill the responsibilities for organizing the operation of electrical installations, the Consumer, by means of an appropriate document, appoints the person responsible for the electrical facilities of the organization (hereinafter referred to as the person responsible for the electrical facilities) and his deputy.

2.5. For Consumers whose installed capacity of electrical installations does not exceed 10 kVA, a replacement employee for electrical equipment may not be appointed.

2.6. The person responsible for electrical equipment and his deputy are appointed from among the Consumer's managers and specialists.

2.7. For consumers who are not involved production activities, the electrical equipment of which includes only an input (input-distribution) device, lighting installations, portable electrical equipment with a rated voltage of no higher than 380 V, the person responsible for the electrical equipment may not be appointed.

2.8. In this case, the Consumer's manager may assume responsibility for the safe operation of electrical installations. written agreement with the West Siberian Department of Rostechnadzor by drawing up the appropriate statement of obligation.

2.9. The appointment of persons responsible for electrical equipment and operational personnel at each enterprise (organization, institution) must be made in accordance with PTEEP, Interindustry Rules for Occupational Health and Safety during the Operation of Electrical Installations (hereinafter referred to as MPOT).

2.10. The Consumer is responsible for the qualifications of persons responsible for electrical equipment and for the availability of operational personnel.

Without the presence of appropriate electrical personnel operation of electrical installations is prohibited.

2.11. Consumers are obliged to provide the Grid Organization with the opportunity to carry out the necessary technical measures in relation to the Consumers' electrical installations technologically connected to its networks, ensuring the introduction of emergency restrictions and/or the operation of emergency and regime automatic equipment, or to independently carry out these measures in accordance with the requirements of the Grid Organization and current legislation.

2.12. Consumers are obliged to prevent the occurrence of a regime leading to the supply of electricity to the electrical networks of the network organization.

2.13. The network organization is responsible for:

· For the qualifications of our own operational personnel;

· For compliance with requirements regulatory documents in relation to the Consumer's electrical installations to the extent of the functions performed by the network organization.

2.14. Responsibility for the implementation of these Regulations and compliance with dispatch discipline by operational personnel lies with the Network Organization and the Consumer in accordance with current legislation.


3.1. All power lines, conductors, equipment and devices of the Consumer's power supply system must be distributed among operational management levels.

3.2. Lists of power lines, conductors, equipment and devices that are under the operational management or operational supervision of a senior employee from among the Consumer’s operational personnel must be compiled taking into account decisions on the operational management of the Grid organization, agreed with it and approved by the technical manager of the Consumer.

3.3. For Electric Energy Consumers, the higher level of operational management is the dispatch services of the relevant Grid organizations.

3.4. For each operational level, two categories of equipment and facilities management should be established - operational management and operational management.

3.5. The operational management of a senior employee from among the operational personnel of the Consumer or the dispatcher of the Grid organization must include equipment, power lines, conductors, relay protection devices, equipment of the emergency and regime automation system, dispatch and process control facilities, operations with which require coordination of the actions of subordinate operational personnel and coordinated changes in regimes at several sites.

Operations with the specified equipment and devices must be carried out under the supervision of a senior employee from among the operational personnel of the Consumer or a dispatcher of the Network organization.

3.6. The operational control of a senior employee from among the operational personnel of the Consumer or the dispatcher of the Grid organization should include equipment, power lines, conductors, relay protection devices, equipment of the emergency and regime automation system, dispatch and process control facilities, operations with which do not require coordination of the actions of personnel from different energy departments. objects, but the condition and operating mode of which affect the operating mode and reliability electrical networks, as well as for setting up emergency automatic devices.

Operations with the specified equipment and devices must be carried out with the permission of a senior employee from among the operational personnel of the Consumer or the dispatcher of the Network organization.

3.7. Operational management of equipment consists of issuing specific tasks for the production of operational switching, preparing workplaces and issuing permits for access to work in existing electrical installations.

3.8. Operational maintenance consists of the direct implementation of operational switching, preparation of workplaces, permission to work, supervision of the operation of electrical equipment and conducting operational negotiations on existing electrical installations.

3.9. The operational management system for the subscriber's electrical equipment, the organizational structure and form of operational management, as well as the type of operational maintenance of electrical installations, and the number of operational personnel per shift are determined by the Consumer's manager.

3.10. All operational switching in electrical installations of Consumers must be carried out by employees from among the operational personnel directly servicing electrical installations.

3.11. To organize operational maintenance of electrical installations, it is allowed to conclude an appropriate agreement with a specialized organization.

3.12. Consumers are obliged annually on January 1 to provide to the Network organization, in the operational management or jurisdiction of which their equipment is located, lists of persons responsible for electrical equipment and persons of operational personnel indicating the last name, first name, patronymic, position held, qualification group on safety precautions and a list of serviced equipment, as well as telephone numbers that ensure constant communication with the operational staff of the power supply organization. Consumers must promptly report to the Network Organization about changes in the personnel lists during the year.

3.13. Lists of operational personnel of the Network organization are provided to the Consumer upon request.

3.14. In cases where the Consumer fails to provide lists, the Grid Organization officially warns this Consumer of the need to resolve the issue of appointing operational personnel within 10 days, otherwise the Consumer's electrical installation will be removed from operational service. A copy of the warning is submitted to the West Siberian Department of Rostechnadzor and to.

3.15. In the event of an emergency shutdown of the Consumer's electrical installation within a 10-day period, voltage will be supplied only after the appointment of operational personnel and submission of the list to the appropriate Grid organization.

3.16. The operational personnel of the Consumer are operationally subordinate to the relevant operational personnel of the Grid organization and are obliged to carry out all orders of the latter regarding switching in normal and emergency modes for connections that are under the operational control of the operational personnel of the Grid organization.

3.17. All orders of the operational personnel of the Network organization are recorded by the operational personnel of the Consumer in the operational log, indicating the time and a brief statement of the order.

3.18. All operational orders of the operational personnel of the Network organization to the operational personnel of the Consumer are subject to immediate and unconditional execution.

3.19. If the person who received the order considers it to be clearly unfounded or erroneous, threatening an accident to people or destruction of equipment, he is obliged to immediately make a reasonable refusal to comply with this order and inform the person responsible for the Consumer’s electrical equipment about this.

3.20. For an unreasonable delay or refusal to carry out an order from the operational personnel of the Network Organization, the operational personnel of the Consumer are liable equally with the person who authorized the delay or failure to comply with the order.

3.21. The Consumer's operational personnel immediately reports the execution of orders to the operational personnel of the Network Organization with a note about the message in their operational log.

3.22. Dispatchers of Grid organizations are given the right to remove the Consumer's operational personnel from operational switching and negotiations for gross violations of dispatch discipline and these Regulations, with subsequent notification of the management personnel of the Consumer, the UES Branch, Novosibirsk RDU, etc.

3.23. Restoration of the operational rights of the Consumer's personnel who committed violations is carried out after a comprehensive investigation of the violation with the participation of the inspection of the West Siberian Department of Rostechnadzor and the provision by the Consumer of a new list of operational personnel with a visa from the inspection of the West Siberian Department of Rostechnadzor.

3.24. Disagreements that arise between the operational personnel of the Consumer and the operational personnel of the Grid organization are resolved by the management personnel of the Consumer, the management personnel of the Grid organization and the West Siberian Department of Rostechnadzor.

3.25. The operational staff of the Network Organization is responsible for:

· The correctness of issuing orders for operations to disconnect (turn on) and ground the equipment of electrical installations of Consumers under the operational control of the dispatcher of the Grid organization, ensuring the impossibility of supplying voltage to the place of work, their sufficiency and compliance with the nature and place of work.

· Reliability, adherence to order and timeliness of informing Consumers about the occurrence of emergency situations and the removal of electrical installations for repair.

3.26. The consumer is responsible for:

· Correct execution of the dispatcher’s orders to prepare the workplace on equipment under the operational control of the Network Organization dispatcher.

· Proper preparation of the workplace and admission of teams to equipment that is under the operational control of the dispatcher of the Network organization.

· Correct Actions in case of emergency shutdowns on equipment under the operational control or supervision of the dispatcher of the Network organization.


4.1. Consumers whose electrical equipment is under the operational management or control of dispatch services of Grid organizations must once every 2 years, and with each reconstruction or replacement of equipment, submit fundamental single-line statements to the Grid organization electrical circuits power supply in normal mode, indicating the following parameters and information:

Boundaries of operational responsibility between the Consumer and the Network Organization;

All electrical lines supplying the Consumer, indicating permissible loads;

Connections between substations and distribution devices to which power lines are connected, connections with other Consumers or sources of power supply, indicating permissible loads;

Positions of switching devices in normal operating mode (on, off);

Availability of bus partitioning and automatic transfer switching devices (indicating its one-way or two-way action);

Availability of manual switching equipment;

Sections of power supply lines;

Unified dispatch numbers and names of equipment;

Connecting electrical receivers of technological and emergency power supply armor to power lines (if any);

Places of installation of metering devices for electrical energy consumed by electrical receivers of technological and emergency power supply armor (if available).

4.2. On the connection diagram of the Consumer's electrical installation, the dispatch service of the Grid organization establishes the boundaries of operational management and maintenance. The diagram is signed by the person responsible for the electrical equipment.

4.3. The unified dispatch numbering of the Consumer's equipment is established by the Grid Organization. Dispatch services of Grid organizations determine the position of the switching equipment of the Consumer's electrical installation for normal operation, based on the goals of ensuring the reliability of power supply, permissible voltage levels, operation of relay protection and automation devices and compliance with short-circuit currents.



5.1. An active electrical installation is considered to be an electrical installation or a section thereof that is energized or to which voltage can be applied by turning on switching devices.

5.2. Entry of Consumers' equipment into the category of existing electrical installations and removal from the category of existing ones is carried out by the efforts and means of the Consumer.

5.3. Applications for decommissioning of existing equipment for connecting or disconnecting other electrical installations are submitted by the owner of the existing equipment in accordance with Section 6 of these Regulations.

5.4. The Consumer's newly installed electrical installation can be put into operation only in compliance with the procedure established by current legislation technological connection to the networks of the Network organization.

Newly installed electrical installations of Consumers with voltages above 1000V, transferred to the operational management or supervision of the Network Organization, must have clear, indelible inscriptions of uniform dispatch numbers and names both on the doors of the electrical installation and on the drive of each switching device and inputs, as well as on the internal walls of the chambers, Closed switchgear, front and internal parts of outdoor package transformer substations.

5.5. The owner of an electrical installation transferred to the operational management or jurisdiction of the Grid Organization is obliged to provide the latter with a power supply diagram drawn up in accordance with clause 4 of these Regulations, and lists of operational personnel drawn up in accordance with clause 3.12 of these Regulations.

5.6. To remove electrical installations from the category of operating ones into inactive ones, the Consumer - owner of the electrical installation sends a corresponding request to the Network Organization to agree on a set of necessary measures for removing the equipment.

5.7. The Consumer is obliged to take measures to preserve transit power to electrical installations of the Grid Organization and/or other Consumers, as well as to ensure compliance of the remaining operating equipment with the requirements of the law, the Rules for the Construction of Electrical Installations (hereinafter referred to as PUE), PTEEP and MPOT during the operation of electrical installations.

5.8. After the Consumer has completed the necessary set of measures to deactivate the equipment, agreed with the Grid Organization, the Consumer is obliged to send a message about this to make appropriate changes to the contract for the supply of electrical energy.


6.1. The equipment of existing electrical installations of Consumers may be in the following operational states:

· In operation (under voltage and under load)

· In reserve (automatic and non-automatic)

· Under repair:

Major renovation


Unscheduled repairs

Post-accident repair


Testing (if it is related to the removal of equipment from operation or reserve).

6.2. The transfer of equipment under the operational control or jurisdiction of the Network Organization from one operational state to another is carried out at the command or permission of the operational personnel of the Network Organization in a planned manner. The frequency of scheduled repairs and tests is established by the PTE of the Consumers' electrical installations.

6.3. To coordinate work on the consumer network and across the network of the Grid Organization, annual and monthly plans for repairs and testing of the Consumer’s equipment, which is under the operational control or supervision of the dispatcher of the Grid Organization, are submitted by the Consumer to the appropriate dispatch services of the Grid Organizations within the following deadlines:

Annual - 1 month before the start of the planned year;

Menstruation - 15 days before the start of the planned month.

In this case, the network organization is obliged to plan for the maximum combination of work with disconnecting the Consumer’s equipment. The transfer of equipment from one operational state to another, regardless of the provision of plans, must be formalized by a prompt application submitted by the Consumer to the appropriate dispatch service, under the operational management or jurisdiction of which the Consumer’s equipment is located.

6.4. Equipment taken out for repairs must have emergency readiness to be put back into operation. The concept of “Emergency preparedness” includes the time required to wind down work, restore the equipment to working condition and put it back into operation.

6.5. Applications submitted to dispatch services are divided into:

· planned (submitted in accordance with the provided plan);

· urgent (submitted for work not provided for in the plan);

6.6. Scheduled applications are accepted within the following deadlines:

· up to 12 hours on the eve of the day of work, if the removal of equipment for repair is not associated with disconnecting Consumers and preparing a network diagram;

· up to 12 hours three days before the work is carried out, if the removal of equipment is associated with the preparation of a network diagram and disconnection of Consumers of categories II and III.

· 10 days before the work is carried out, if the removal of equipment for repair is associated with the disconnection of Category I Consumers.

Moreover, weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and holidays not included in specified deadlines submission of applications.

An urgent application can be submitted at any time of the day to the duty personnel of the dispatch services of the Network organization.

An urgent application requires an urgent shutdown of equipment due to its emergency condition or defects that have arisen that prevent normal further operation of the equipment.

Equipment damaged and disabled by relay protection and automation during emergency shutdowns is also subject to subsequent registration of an urgent application.

6.7. Applications must be submitted to dispatch services using the following form:

Dispatch number and name of electrical equipment;

Date and time of turning off and turning on the equipment;

Emergency preparedness.

The application is signed by the person responsible for the Consumer's electrical equipment. The time spent on operations related to the removal of equipment for repair and commissioning of equipment is included in the time allowed under the application. Applications not submitted in accordance with the form and on time will not be considered by the dispatch services of the Network Organization.

Regardless of the presence of an authorized switching request for the removal for repair and commissioning of equipment under the operational control or supervision of the dispatcher of the network organization, it is carried out only upon the command or permission of the dispatcher of the Network organization.

6.8. Applications related to the reconstruction and replacement of electrical equipment are submitted to the dispatch services under whose management or jurisdiction they are, accompanied by diagrams in accordance with Section 4 of these Regulations.



7.1. If the Consumer's power supply scheme does not allow the Grid Organization to carry out scheduled or emergency repair work without limiting the Consumer's consumption mode, as well as in the event of emergencies (emergency restrictions) in electrical networks, the Contractor notifies the Consumers, the Customer, (the Guarantee Supplier) of the work carried out, related to limiting the consumption mode of Consumers, in the following order:

7.1.1. Legal entities(including providers of public services) and individuals, in respect of which (the Supplier of last resort) acts as a contractor utilities– by any of the following methods: sending a telephone message, fax, delivering a notice against receipt, other accessible ways, allowing to establish the fact of notification to the Consumer.

7.1.2. Customer, (Supplier of last resort) - by sending a telephone message

7.2. If there are justified objections regarding the upcoming shutdown for scheduled repair work, the Consumer has the right to submit them to the Contractor in the form of a written request and/or telephone message addressed to the Contractor no later than two business days before the start of work. The time for repair work is considered agreed with the Consumer in the absence of justified objections filed by the Consumer.

7.3. In order to further inform Consumers, the Contractor posts information about scheduled and emergency repairs, as well as emergency restrictions, on its official website.

The grid organization posts summary data on emergency outages per month along the boundaries of the organization’s territorial zones of activity caused by accidents or unscheduled outages of electric grid facilities in the manner and within the time frames determined by the Standards for Disclosure of Information by Wholesale and Wholesale Entities. retail markets electrical energy (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 21, 2004 N 24).

7.4. Information about the occurrence of emergency situations (emergency restrictions) is posted on the website of the Grid organization in whose electrical networks an emergency situation occurred, within 5 working days from the moment the emergency limitation occurred.



I. Construction of electrical substations, electrical and heating networks

1. a) Construction high voltage lines transmissions and substations with a voltage of 35 kW and above, connected to district stations of the Main Directorate of Energy Industry (Glavenergo) of the People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry and their networks, as well as main heat transmission of district thermal power plants are produced by Glavenergo of the People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry according to its funds and limits.

Note. People's Commissariats and economic bodies are allowed, in agreement with the Glavenergo People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry, at the expense of their funds and limits, to independently construct transmission lines and substations with a voltage of 35 kW and higher, as well as main heat transmission lines connected to district networks.

b) Power lines for powering the draft substations of the People's Commissariat of Railways Messages from the regional networks of Glavenergo of the People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry are being constructed at the expense of funds and funds of Glavenergo Narkomtyazhprom.

c) The expansion and construction of urban distribution networks administered by Glavenergo of the People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry is carried out at the expense of its funds and funds. The laying of feeders for individual consumers from the nearest possible points of connection to existing and under construction networks, as well as the construction of inputs and transformer substations for energy consumers is carried out at the expense of appropriations and funds of these consumers, and in this case these structures are the property of consumers.

d) Construction of all kinds (except for those specified in paragraphs “a”, “b” and “c”) of power lines, transformer substations and distribution points for connecting energy consumers (industrial and other enterprises, settlements, peat mining, agricultural areas, etc.) to regional and municipal power plants and networks is carried out at the expense of appropriations and funds of interested organizations - energy consumers.

2. The construction of transmission lines and substations (regardless of voltage), as well as heat transmission lines connected to factory stations and intended to power consumers of electricity and heat, is carried out at the expense of appropriations and funds of interested energy consumers, and these transmission lines , substations and heat transfers are the property of consumers.

3. Traction substations of the People's Commissariat of Communications, regardless of voltage, are constructed at the expense of the People's Commissariat of Communications, and in the case of installing special devices or expanding traction substations for power supply to other energy consumers (except for the People's Commissariat of Communications) from the networks of Glavenergo of the People's Commissariat of Heavy Transport Industry in this area is carried out according to the funds and limits of the Glavenergo People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry.

Regarding the operation of traction substations of the People's Commissariat of Communications, the resolution of the Council of Labor and Defense of March 4, 1934 No. 239 is temporarily applied.

4. Energy installations (substations, feeder premises, block stations, etc.) built at the expense of consumers and connected to the networks of regional, industrial and other stations can, by agreement between energy consumers and energy supply enterprises, be transferred to the jurisdiction of the latter.

If it is necessary to use the energy system or power plant for purposes common use transmission lines and substations built by consumers (for connecting other consumers, ringing, etc.) - the specified transmission lines and substations are transferred free of charge, according to decisions of the councils of people's commissars of union republics that do not have regional divisions, councils of people's commissars of autonomous republics, regional and regional executive committees, in charge of the energy system or power plant.

With regard to transmission lines and substations belonging to enterprises of the People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry, the issue of transferring them to the citywide network is decided by the councils of people's commissars of union republics that do not have regional divisions, councils of people's commissars of autonomous republics, regional and regional executive committees. The issue of transferring the above transmission lines and substations to the Glavenergo network is being decided by the People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry.

5. Projects of substations and transmission lines constructed by energy consumers and connected to energy supply enterprises, regardless of the procedure for their approval, must be agreed with the relevant energy supply enterprise in relation to: power supply scheme, choice of transformer power, expected power factor, establishment of appropriate protection, choice of location installation of metering devices, heating main connection diagram and consumption mode parameters.

6. The selection of sites for the construction of new enterprises is coordinated with Glavenergo of the People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry, in accordance with the resolution of the STO of September 20, 1932 (P. 3. USSR 1932 No. 70, Art. 430).

IV. Energy release conditions

18. Relationships energy systems and power plants managed by Glavenergo with energy consumers are, as a rule, regulated by an agreement, which is concluded in accordance with a standard agreement approved by the People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry on the basis of this resolution. The standard agreement must first be communicated to all interested people's commissariats for recall.

With combined energy supply from networks of regional stations and own installations consumer relationships are regulated by a special agreement between the consumer and the energy supply company.

19. Relationships between power plants of republican and local subordination with energy consumers are regulated on the basis standard contract, approved by the Council of People's Commissars of a union republic that does not have a regional division, the Council of People's Commissars of an autonomous republic or the regional (regional) executive committee.

20. The liability of the power plant for an interruption in the supply of electrical energy is established in the amount of 2 times the cost of unsupplied energy in case of interruptions caused by short supply of fuel, and 8 times the cost of unsupplied energy in all other cases.

Note 1. Power plants and energy systems are not liable to consumers for interruptions in energy supply caused by natural phenomena (thunderstorm, flood, storm, fire, etc.), as well as due to the fault of consumers and third parties (surges, damage to underground cables not due to the fault of power plant personnel and so on.).

Note 2. In some cases, if obvious negligence of the plant or network personnel is established, which caused an interruption in the power supply, the amount of liability may be increased by arbitration.

21. Energy systems and power plants are obliged, in contracts concluded with consumers, to provide for the responsibility of energy supply organizations for deviations in the supply of consumers from the normal frequency, voltage and heat parameters stipulated by the contract.

22. In case of non-payment of bills for electrical and thermal energy within five days beyond the deadlines established by rules or contracts, energy systems and power plants are given the right to stop supplying energy to faulty consumers (with prior notification to them), with the exception of institutions and enterprises whose operating conditions do not allow even temporary shutdown (barracks, hospitals, telegraph, telephone, radio stations, etc.); lists of these institutions and enterprises are approved by the councils of people's commissars of union republics that do not have regional divisions and autonomous republics, and by regional and regional executive committees.

A penalty for late payment of bills for electrical and thermal energy in the amount established by the legislation of the Union republics is collected from the sixth day from the date of presentation of the invoice to the day the debt is actually covered.

Note. Consumers who have settlement or current accounts in banks are charged for the supplied electrical and thermal energy by direct debit from these accounts.

VI. Energy regulation

26. Energy consumers are obliged, guided by the instructions of power plants and energy systems, to regulate and record their load.

In the event of a violation of the duly established energy consumption regime, the violators, at the request of the energy supply system or power plant, are subject to first shutdowns according to the approved emergency schedule. In case of systematic violations, shutdown is carried out immediately, and the perpetrators are brought to criminal responsibility.

VII. Supervision of energy installations

27. Responsibility for the rational operation and technical condition of energy installations located at consumers lies with the energy consumers themselves. Energy systems and power plants are required to monitor consumers, in particular, check transformer loads and power factor. If excess installed capacity of transformers is identified, energy systems and power plants are given the right, subject to maintaining normal power supply, to remove excess transformers or replace them with transformers of lower capacity. The timing of replacement and the amount of payment for power until the replacement of transformers are established by mutual agreement.

Energy systems and power plants, when removing excess transformer capacity from an enterprise, are obliged to provide in contracts for the installation, by the time demand grows, of additional transformer capacity (within the limits of the removed) in the event that during the year the enterprise increases its production capacity and, accordingly, the need for electricity.

28. If deficiencies or damage are detected in consumer installations that threaten normal operation, the management of the energy system or power plant has the right to turn them off in whole or in part until the detected defects are eliminated.

29. If it is detected: a) intentional damage to heat and electricity metering devices, b) use of energy in addition to these devices and other cases of illegal use of energy - the consumer’s installation is immediately turned off, and the perpetrators are brought to criminal liability.

Document as of January 2016

Attention! The document has become invalid.

For the stable operation of the regional power system in the autumn-winter period of 1996/1997, with the introduction of modes of limitation and shutdown of electrical energy and power and ensuring coordinated actions of the energy supply organization Nizhnovenergo JSC with consumers of electrical energy:

1. Introduce the Procedure for the relationship between the energy supply organization and electricity consumers, approved by the Vice-Governor of the region and agreed with the regional energy commission (attached).

2. The press service of the Regional Administration will ensure that this order is communicated to consumers through mass media and periodicals.

3. Control over the implementation of this order is entrusted to the department of the fuel and energy complex of the Regional Administration.

Governor of the region B.E. NEMTSOV

Appendix to the order of the Governor of the region dated November 12, 1996 N 1474-r


1. General part.

1.1. This Procedure defines the system of relations existing in the region between the energy supplying organization Nizhnovenergo JSC and consumers of electrical energy when introducing regimes of restrictions and shutdowns of electricity and power, as well as in connection with non-payments.

1.2. The procedure for the relationship between the energy supply organization and consumers is determined by the energy supply agreement.

When concluding and executing an energy supply agreement, the energy supplying organization Energonadzor JSC Nizhnovenergo and the consumer must be guided by the following regulatory documents:

Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Part 1, Articles 393, 395, 422; Part 2, paragraph 6 “Energy supply”, Article 523);

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04/08/1994 N 307;

Current rules for the use of electrical and thermal energy;

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated August 1, 1996 N 1129;

By Decree of the Regional Governor dated December 27, 1995 N 177;

By Decree of the Regional Governor dated October 30, 1996 N 285;

Instructions on the procedure for drawing up and applying schedules for limiting consumption and shutting off electrical energy in the event of a lack of electrical energy and power in energy supply organizations of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia.

2. The procedure for the relationship between the energy supply organization and consumers when limiting consumption and shutting off electrical energy in the event of a shortage of electrical energy and power in the energy system.

2.1. Limitations and shutdowns of electrical energy and power from consumers are carried out by the energy supply organization in accordance with the schedules for limiting and shutting off consumers of electricity in case of shortage of electricity approved by the Governor of the region No. 285 dated October 30, 1996. Schedules are introduced from October 1 current year until October 1 of the following year.

2.1.1. The basis for introducing restriction schedules are:

Violation or change in the power balance of the Unified Energy System (UES) of Russia, its individual parts or isolated operating integrated energy systems (IES) for the upcoming maximum load (morning or evening), day or longer period with a deficit leading to a decrease in frequency below 49, 9 Hz;

Repair and emergency modes that cause shortages in certain parts of the UES, a lack of fuel and water resources, as well as the energy system exceeding the contractual values ​​of electrical energy and power.

2.1.2. The decision to introduce restrictions on electric power consumption, magnitude and duration is made by the management of the power system, the Joint Dispatch Office (UDD) or the Central Dispatch Office (CDC) of the UES of Russia, depending on the scale and causes of the current power shortage or other conditions that require their use.

2.1.3. A schedule for limiting the consumption of electrical energy in the event of a lack of fuel or hydro resources is introduced by the management of the energy system in agreement with the regional energy commission.

2.1.4. The basis for introducing a power outage schedule is:

The occurrence of emergency conditions leading to a decrease in frequency in the UES of Russia, isolated operating UES or power systems below 49.8 Hz, or power shortages in certain parts of the UES, leading to emergency overload of power lines, as well as failure to comply with orders to introduce limitation schedules or their low efficiency .

2.1.5. If it is necessary to reduce electrical energy consumption for a long period, a schedule for limiting electrical power by the same amount is put into effect.

2.2. To generate schedules, the energy supplying organization and the consumer draw up bilateral acts of emergency and technological reservation of energy supply in order to determine the magnitude and priority of limiting consumption and shutting off electrical energy.

Acts of emergency and technological reservation are drawn up with all enterprises that have a technological production process, and are valid constantly.

2.3. If the consumer refuses to draw up an act of emergency and technological reservation for power supply, the power system may enter the power receivers of this consumer into schedules for disconnecting and limiting electrical energy at its discretion, with subsequent notification of the consumer. In this case, the consumer is responsible for the consequences.

2.4. For consumers with several power supply lines and transformers, it is prohibited operational switching loads on the current collectors remaining outside the schedule.

2.5. The magnitude of the load, supply lines included in the schedules of restrictions and shutdowns of electrical energy are included in the contract for the use of electrical energy.

2.6. Actions of the energy supply organization when limiting electrical energy and power.

2.6.1. The energy supply organization notifies consumers about the introduction of schedules for limiting the consumption of electrical energy and power for the next day, but no later than 14:00 of the current day (local time), indicating the start and end times of the limitation, by telephone order addressed to the heads of enterprises, associations, organizations and institutions.

2.6.2. In an emergency situation, schedules may be urgently put into effect. Notification of this is given to consumers no later than 1 hour before the restriction comes into effect.

2.7. Actions of the energy supply organization in the event of a power outage.

2.7.1. The person giving the order to introduce the schedule indicates the total load to be disconnected.

2.7.2. The order to introduce a shutdown schedule is carried out by power systems and consumers immediately with an entry in the operational log.

2.7.3. In the UES of Russia, the shutdown schedule is put into effect by order of the duty dispatcher of the UES Central Control District.

In the energy system of Nizhnovenergo JSC, which is part of the Centrenergo UES, the schedule is put into effect by order of the duty dispatcher of the power system and the ODU of the Centrenergo UES.

2.7.4. Scheduled power supply lines and consumer transformers are switched off without warning directly from the power supply centers of the power system or consumer receiving substations.

2.7.5. When introducing schedules for limiting consumption and turning off electrical energy, power systems are required to supply the unsupplied amount of electrical energy in subsequent periods in agreement with the consumer.

2.8. Actions of enterprises when limiting and shutting down electrical energy and power.

2.8.1. Heads of enterprises, associations, organizations and institutions, regardless of their form of ownership, including enterprises with continuous technological processes, are responsible for the unconditional fulfillment of the specified values ​​of consumption restrictions, power outages, as well as for the consequences associated with consumption restrictions and power outages.

2.8.2. The operational and other personnel of the enterprise are responsible for the timely fulfillment of their duties in connection with the introduction by the power system of schedules for limiting consumption and shutting off electrical energy.

2.8.3. The consumer is prohibited from switching disconnected current collectors to power supply sources that remain in operation.

3. The procedure for consuming and disconnecting electrical energy and power in case of late payment by the consumer for energy resources in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04/08/1994 N 307.

3.1. After three days after the bill payment deadline established by the contract, the consumer is warned by the energy supply organization that in case of non-payment of the debt in the next seven days, the energy supply may be limited.

3.2. If payments are delayed for ten days, the consumer is limited to the level of emergency reservation.

3.3. If the debt is not paid within the next five days, after warning the executive authorities, the supply of electrical and thermal energy to the consumer is completely stopped.

3.4. The energy supply organization to debtor enterprises (more than 30 days) establishes contractual values ​​of power and electricity consumption at the level of emergency reservation. If this value is exceeded, the payment for consumed electrical energy is set at 10 times the amount current tariff, for thermal energy - in the amount of 5 times the current tariff.

3.5. In accordance with the Civil Code (Articles 546 and 523), an energy supply organization, if the debt for consumed electrical and thermal energy is more than 2 months, has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract unilaterally. The contract is considered terminated from the moment the consumer receives notice of termination of the contract by letter of notification at least 2 days before termination of the contract.

3.6. When limiting defaulting enterprises to the level of emergency reservation and reducing contractual values ​​to the level of emergency reservation, the management of the defaulting enterprise is obliged to ensure energy supply to social and cultural facilities and the population in full, with clarification of energy supply schemes. In the contract, the load on social and cultural facilities and the population is highlighted as an “uninterruptible load”.

3.7. Control over the regime of electricity consumption and payments is carried out by the central operational headquarters under the chairmanship of the technical director of Nizhnovenergo JSC Nuzhonkov A.E. The central operational headquarters includes a representative of the department of fuel and energy complex of the regional Administration.

3.8. The decision on partial or complete shutdown of defaulting enterprises for the period of debt repayment is made by the central operational headquarters - for large consumers, and by the district headquarters at the network enterprises of Nizhnovenergo JSC - for small consumers in agreement with the Regional Administration.

3.9. Permission to turn on disconnected consumers is issued after full repayment of the debt.

Headquarters decisions are binding locally.

The place of work of the central headquarters is Nizhnovenergo JSC.

3.10. When the restrictions to emergency reservation are met and the debt increases, the central operational headquarters may decide to completely repay the enterprise from the supply centers (6, 10, 110 kV). When making a decision to fully repay a debtor enterprise, the headquarters warns the first managers of defaulting enterprises about personal responsibility for the consequences caused by the disconnection of social and cultural facilities and the population, the head of the local administration where the debtor is located, the prosecutor's office and the director of the department of the fuel and energy complex of the Regional Administration are informed .

3.11. The operational headquarters warns the enterprise and the dispatch service of Nizhnovenergo JSC at least 2 days in advance by teletype or telephone message about the upcoming shutdown.

The operational headquarters gives orders to enterprises to transfer the load social sphere to separate feeders from the production, which makes it possible to seal production feeders. Electrical network enterprises are considering the possibility of feeders stalling with the load of social and cultural services from their distribution centers and transformer substations.

3.12. Changing the consumption mode (restoring contractual relations) with full or partial repayment of debt by the consumer.

3.12.1. When Energonadzor receives confirming payment documents from enterprise managers regarding full repayment of debt, the following procedure applies:

If the contract has been terminated, supply of electricity to the consumer is possible only after concluding a new contract within 1 - 2 days, depending on the efficiency of the consumer enterprise;

If the contract has not been terminated, then the restoration of the consumption regime provided for in the contract is carried out within 1 - 2 hours by prompt communication by the Energonadzor services to the Nizhnovenergo dispatch group.

3.12.2. When the consumer partially repays the debt, the consumer is removed from the emergency reservation level and transferred to the limitation schedules depending on the current power shortage in the power system by prompt message to the dispatch group.

3.13. Benefits and regime measures for paying enterprises.

3.13.1. In case of emergency repayments of consumers network enterprises JSC "Nizhnovenergo" is given the right to establish the order of inclusion of consumers depending on the level of payment for consumed energy.

3.13.2. Repair work to prepare the energy sector for the autumn-winter period is carried out primarily at facilities that supply payer consumers.

3.13.3. The energy supplying organization has the right to increase the setting of the special queue of automatic frequency unloading (AFD) from 49.2 to 49.7 Hz for the period until the debt is repaid.

Depending on the level of payment for consumed energy resources, Energonadzor of Nizhnovenergo JSC promptly adjusts the lists and rebuilds AChR installations.

The relationship between consumers of electrical energy and energy supplying organizations is regulated and governed by legislative, legal and by-laws, as well as departmental norms and rules that do not conflict with legislative and legal acts.

Ignorance of these legislative and legal documents or inability to use them leads to disagreements between consumers and energy supply organizations, an increase in the number of disputes in arbitration courts, illegal penalties on the part of energy supply organizations, up to restrictions in the supply of electricity, and other undesirable consequences for the electricity consumer.

One of the main legal acts that defines the relationship between consumers of electrical energy and its sellers (suppliers) is the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Part 2, § 6 “Energy Saving”, which defines the basic document in the relationship between both parties - the energy supply agreement.

We cannot agree with those energy supply organizations that, when concluding an energy supply agreement, give it arbitrary names that do not correspond to the name specified in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, such as, for example, “Agreement for the supply and consumption of electrical energy,” “Electricity supply agreement,” “Agreement for vacation and use of electrical energy”, etc.

The basis of the content of the energy supply agreement, the so-called “Subject of the agreement”, is, on the one hand, the obligation of the energy supply organization to supply energy to the subscriber (consumer) through the connected network and, on the other hand, the obligation of the subscriber to pay for the received energy, as well as to comply with the regime of its consumption provided for in the agreement , ensure the safe operation of the energy networks under its control and the serviceability of the instruments and equipment used by it related to energy consumption.

It follows from this that the relationship between the subscriber (consumer) of energy and its supplier (energy supplying organization) can only be maintained by ensuring energy metering and the technical condition of energy receivers connected to the network of the energy supplying organization required by the rules and regulations.

According to Art. 428 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an energy supply contract refers to public contracts, and according to Art. 454 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, he is a separate species a purchase and sale agreement, under which one party (the seller) undertakes to transfer the goods, and the buyer – to accept this goods and pay the price for it.

An agreement concluded by a commercial (in our example, an energy supplying) organization and establishing its obligations to sell goods (in our example, electrical energy), perform work or provide services that such an organization, by the nature of its activities, must carry out in relation to everyone who will contact it (communication services, energy supply, etc.).

Important for the consumer of electrical energy in this article. 426 (clause 3) is that the refusal of the energy supply organization to conclude a public contract if there is an opportunity to provide electric energy to the consumer is not allowed.

Unfortunately, there is still no unified form of a standard energy supply contract. However, you should know that according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (clause 1 of Article 422), the contract must comply with the rules established by law that are binding on the parties, or legal acts(imperative norms) in force at the time of its conclusion.

Each region, and sometimes even a separate energy supply organization, develops and uses its own forms of such contracts, often imposing unfavorable commercial conditions on subscribers (electricity consumers).

According to Methodological recommendations to regulate the relationship between the energy supply organization and consumers, approved by the Ministry of Energy of Russia and agreed upon with the Federal Energy Commission of the Russian Federation, in the energy supply agreement, in addition to the “Subject of the agreement”, it is advisable to include the following important conditions:

volume of electrical energy consumption and value of connected power;

modes of electricity consumption, power values ​​during peak load hours of the power system;

values ​​of electrical energy quality indicators in accordance with the requirements of GOST 13109-97;

applicable tariffs;

the procedure for accounting for the consumption of electrical energy and connected power, the conditions for the consumption and generation of reactive power and (or) energy and responsibility for the quality of electrical energy;

the procedure for ensuring and revising contractual values ​​of electricity;

measures to maintain stable operation of the energy system, the procedure for introducing restrictions and shutdowns in the event of a shortage of electrical energy and power in the energy system;

the procedure for payments for electrical energy, which, in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (clause 2 of Article 544), is determined by law, other legal acts or agreement of the parties. The procedure for payments for electric, thermal energy and natural gas was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 4, 2000 No. 294.

The contract must necessarily indicate generally accepted data when concluding contracts, including:

full name of both parties (electricity consumer and energy supply organization);

place and date of conclusion of the contract;

values ​​of permitted and installed (connected) consumer capacities;

name and numbers of the subscriber's power sources (RP, TP, etc.) and numbers of supply inputs;

details (postal and bank) of both parties;

the duration of the contract and the procedure for its extension;

signatures of responsible persons (usually managers), certified by seals.

The following materials must be attached to the energy supply agreement, which are its integral part:

an act of delimitation of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility of electrical installations and structures;

volume of supply of electrical energy and demand for it monthly and for the billing period (usually a year);

information about calculated electricity metering devices, their installation locations and applicable tariffs for electrical energy;

information about compensating devices;

data on subsubscribers connected (only with the consent of the energy supply organization) to the subscriber’s network;

act of emergency and technological protection of power supply;

a list of electrical installations that use electrical energy for heating and hot water supply;

calculation of electricity losses in the supply transformer.

The amount of electricity transmitted to the consumer, which the energy supplying organization is obliged to provide, is determined on the basis of the subscriber’s justified requests for its needs and is attached to the contract. This amount must correspond to the actual electricity consumption according to the calculated metering devices.

However, the contract may provide for the right of the consumer to change the amount of energy he receives specified in the energy supply contract, subject to reimbursement to consumers of expenses incurred by the energy supply organization when supplying energy in an amount not specified in the contract.

The energy supplying organization is responsible for the quality of transmitted electricity in accordance with the indicators of GOST 13109-97, and in case of violation of this requirement provided for in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the subscriber has the right to refuse to pay for such electricity.

At the same time, on the basis of clause 2 of Art. 1105 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the energy supplying organization has the right to demand from the consumer compensation for the cost of what the consumer has saved without reason due to the use of energy of inadequate quality.

It is the subscriber’s responsibility (and in his interests) to ensure the proper technical condition and safety of the operated electrical networks, instruments and equipment, as well as compliance with electricity consumption regimes.

In the event of emergencies and fires in electrical networks, malfunctions and failures in the operation of calculated electricity metering devices and other violations in the use of electricity, the subscriber is obliged to immediately inform the energy supplying organization about this.

Electricity is a commodity, the energy supplying organization is the seller, and the subscriber is its buyer, therefore, none of the energy supply contracts can be drawn up without specifying the procedure for payment for electricity and its tariffs.

Both parties to the contract must decide on one of the most important points, reflecting the entire subsequent procedure and calculation system, namely: at what tariff (single-rate - for consumed kilowatt-hours of electricity or two-rate, consisting of a basic rate for each 1 kW of connected power and an additional rate - for the same consumed kilowatt-hours of electricity) will determine the payment for electricity and the settlement relationship between both parties - parties to the agreement.

It was mentioned above that the procedure for paying for electricity is determined by law, legal and by-laws (for example,) or an agreement of both parties, which has become a legally binding contract.

At the same time, it is important to know in what cases one or another party can unilaterally refuse to fulfill the contract.

The energy supplying party has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract unilaterally, except in cases established by law or other legal acts, in the following significant cases (see paragraph 3 of Article 523 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation):

repeated violation of payment terms for electricity;

repeated shortfall by the subscriber of the contractual volume of electricity.

The consumer (subscriber) has the same right (clause 2 of Article 523 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) in the following cases:

supply of electricity of inadequate quality with deficiencies that cannot be eliminated within a timeframe acceptable to the consumer;

repeated violation of delivery deadlines, in this case due to disruption of uninterrupted power supply.

The consumer often has to deal with an undesirable situation when an inspector from Rostekhnadzor or a representative of the energy supply organization (Energosbyt) threatens to cut off the supply of electrical energy in their instructions. In many cases, such a threat is contrary to the law, in particular the Civil Code (paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 546).

It is necessary to know that interruption in supply, cessation or limitation of energy supply is permitted by agreement of the parties, except for cases where the unsatisfactory condition of the subscriber's energy facilities, certified by the Rostekhnadzor body, threatens an accident or poses a threat to the life and safety of citizens. The energy supplying organization must warn the subscriber about a break in the supply, termination or limitation of energy supply.

Power interruption, interruption or limitation of power supply without agreement with the subscriber and without appropriate warning are allowed only if it is necessary to take urgent measures to prevent or eliminate an accident in the system of the energy supply organization, subject to immediate notification of the subscriber about this.

There are many examples when, in the event of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under an energy supply contract (for example, a clause of the contract on compliance with the established value of connected power during peak load hours of the power system) is violated, the party that violated the obligation, i.e. the subscriber, the energy supply organization, instead of obliging to compensate for the real damage caused by this (Clause 2 of Article 15 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), imposes penalties on the subscriber, which is an illegal action.

If the energy supplying organization allows a break in the supply of energy to the subscriber, then it is responsible for failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of contractual obligations if it is at fault (Clause 2 of Article 547 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Let's consider a specific example from the practice of resolving disputes related to an energy supply agreement (Information letter dated February 17, 1998 No. 30 of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation).

The joint stock company appealed to Arbitration court with a claim against the energy supplying organization for recovery of damage caused to the plaintiff as a result of an interruption in the supply of electricity without appropriate warning.

The arbitration court refused to satisfy the claims, citing the fact that the interruption in the supply of electricity was associated with the consumer’s failure to comply with the order of Gosenergonadzor to eliminate deficiencies in electrical installations.

The cassation instance overturned the decision of the first instance court and satisfied the claims on the following grounds.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 546 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a break in the energy supply is allowed by agreement of the parties.

The energy supplying organization has the right to unilaterally interrupt the supply of energy in the event that the condition certified by the Rostekhnadzor body is unsatisfactory. power plants subscriber threatens an accident or poses a threat to the life and safety of citizens.

The implementation of these actions by the energy supply organization is possible after warning the subscriber about this.

Without warning to the consumer, an interruption in the energy supply is allowed only if it is necessary to take urgent measures to prevent or eliminate an accident in the system of the energy supply organization (clause 3 of Article 546 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Since the interruption in power supply was not associated with the adoption of measures to prevent or eliminate the accident, the energy supply organization had no right to interrupt the power supply without warning the subscriber.

In such cases, the actions of the energy supplying organization are considered as improper fulfillment of its obligations under the energy supply agreement and entail liability established by Art. 547 Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Many disputes between both sides are related to tariffs for electricity and heat.

We'll show you on specific example one of these typical cases from the practice of resolving disputes in Arbitration Courts related to an energy supply agreement.

The municipal enterprise filed a claim with the Arbitration Court against the consumer to recover the cost of the thermal energy supplied in accordance with the energy supply agreement (complete analogy with electrical energy). The fact of consumption of thermal energy is confirmed by a statement of reconciliation of calculations, signed by representatives of the plaintiff and defendant.

The arbitration court satisfied the claims in full.

The defendant indicated in the appeal that the court unreasonably applied tariffs for thermal energy established by the authorities local government. In his opinion, the tariff set by the regional energy commission should have been applied.

The appellate instance upheld the decision of the first instance court and left the complaint unsatisfied for the following reasons.

Federal Law “On State Regulation of Tariffs for Electrical and Heat Energy in Russian Federation» to the authorities government regulation tariffs include executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - regional energy commissions.

According to Art. 5 of this Law, the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation determine issues of state regulation of tariffs for electrical and thermal energy supplied by all energy supply organizations to consumers located on the territory of the relevant constituent entities of the Russian Federation, except for organizations located in municipal property, for which tariffs are set by local governments.

Since the energy supplying organization is municipally owned, the Arbitration Court rightfully satisfied the claims for tariffs approved by the local government body.

Many ambiguities when concluding energy supply contracts are associated with the issues of payments for the consumption and generation of reactive power and (or) energy. Even among energy specialists working in this field, there is no consensus on this problem, as evidenced, for example, by contradictory discussions on the pages of specialized technical publications.

Briefly this problem can be explained as follows.

The power system produces active and reactive energy, between which there is a significant difference.

Active electrical energy is converted into other types of energy (mechanical, thermal, light, etc.) necessary to perform useful work.

Reactive energy does not transform into other types of energy, but is associated only with its flows from electric fields to magnetic fields and vice versa, creating conditions under which active energy does work, for example, creates torques in asynchronous motors, provides the required reactance in short circuits (for example, during electric welding), etc.

The absence or insufficiency of compensating devices, for example, capacitor units (CU) to increase the power factor, causes increased consumption of PM, which, first of all, leads to technical and economic losses in consumer distribution networks, namely:

the current increases and, accordingly, the loss of active power and electricity, which causes additional costs to pay for it;

Voltage losses increase, which negatively affects operation, service life and causes failures of electrical receivers;

getting worse throughput electrical networks and their operation becomes more expensive, etc.

In Fig. Figure 5 shows a diagram of the formation of damage using the example of the most massive consumer of PM in industry - drive asynchronous motors.

Rice. 5. Scheme of damage from increased consumption of PM by asynchronous


In Fig. 5 the following notations are adopted:

P – active power used for useful operation of the IM, kW;

Q – reactive power associated with loading the electrical network by its flows, kvar;

/ – length of the power line, m;

? – conductor resistivity, Ohm-mm 2 /m;

R and X – active and reactive resistance of the power line, Ohm.

In addition, the consumer of electrical energy must comply with the operating modes of the HRSG, especially if there are no automatic control devices for their PM. An extremely unfavorable regime is the round-the-clock operation of unregulated heat exchangers, which leads to significant damage to the consumer.

In Fig. Figure 6 schematically shows the components of damage from the round-the-clock operation of unregulated heat exchangers. This mode has a negative impact on the nature of production, reduces its efficiency, reduces equipment productivity, deteriorates the quality of electrical energy and leads to losses of active power in all network elements.

Rice. 6. Components of damage from round-the-clock operation of unregulated CPs

The damage components shown in Fig. 6, you can add damage to electrical equipment, for example, if the voltage level increases excessively, overheating of the electrolysis baths occurs and the electrolysis process deteriorates; defects occur in the operation of electrothermal installations, up to the collapse of the charge into the smelting zone, etc.

In Fig. 6 is indicated:

Q min – reactive power during hours of minimum load, kvar;

Q Ky – reactive power of unregulated HRSGs, kvar;

Qmin – Q Ky[with complete absence of load (-Q Ky)] – that part of the RM that is transmitted by the consumer’s electrical receivers to the network, kvar;

P tr, ?р K , ?r s – respectively, the total specific losses of active power in transformers, capacitors, in the network, kW/kvar;

Q c reactive power transmitted (generated) to the network, kvar;

R o – relative wear of the IM insulation;

T nom – service life of the insulation of the IM winding at rated voltage and load, h;

T Ua – service life of the insulation of the IM winding when the voltage deviates from the rated value and the motor load factor a? 1, part.

Meaning R o can be calculated with sufficient accuracy using the following formula:

In table Table 2 shows calculation formulas for determining active power losses depending on PM flows.

table 2

Calculation formulas for determining active power losses depending on PM flows

Note. Coefficient Kip = 0.7 – coefficient of change in active power losses; ? – transformer current load factor.

Thus, the need for automatic regulation of the PM is caused by the desire not only to reduce unnecessary active power losses that occur in the overcompensation mode, but also by the fact that during round-the-clock operation of unregulated HRSGs, the voltage level increases excessively during the hours of minimum load. Such an increase in voltage is dangerous both for current collectors (especially for incandescent lamps and electrical appliances with filaments), and for the capacitors themselves, which fail when the voltage increases by more than 10%.

When there is an unacceptable increase in voltage at network nodes, the dispatch service in power systems is forced to switch generators to PM consumption mode in order to reduce voltage during low load hours (for example, at night).

A successful solution to this problem will allow for comprehensive energy savings by reducing active power losses and regulating voltage in the distribution networks of enterprises and local power systems.

In addition to this problem, it is also necessary to solve issues related to the right choice and calculation of compensating devices (taking into account their static characteristics and static load characteristics), their most advantageous placement in the electrical networks of enterprises, their rational and safe operation, protection during emergency operating conditions and the influence of other external factors.

In adj. 2 shows formulas for determining the PM consumed by electrical receivers and generated by sources.

The problem of consumption and generation of reactive power and (or) energy is common to both contractual entities, therefore, payments for consumption and generation of RM must be made by mutual agreement in accordance with the current normative and technical documentation to the extent that does not contradict the law.

The subscriber, at the request of the energy supplying organization, can turn off or turn on compensating devices and thus change the consumption or generation of reactive power and (or) energy. The energy supplying organization, in our opinion, should stimulate the subscriber who applies such measures, for example, in the form of a discount on the electricity tariff.

The schedules and terms for turning off (on) the heat exchanger, the payment procedure and the amount of discounts must be stipulated in the energy supply contract.

With a two-rate tariff, the energy supply contract usually specifies the permissible value of connected active power during peak hours of the power system load. If this value turns out to be lower than the contractual value, then the subscriber pays for the contractual volume of connected capacity.

If, with a single-rate tariff, subsubscribers are connected to the subscriber’s networks, then the value of the consumed electricity must be correspondingly reduced taking into account the electricity consumed by the subsubscribers, which is not always taken into account and therefore leads to an unnecessary overpayment for the electricity consumed by the subscriber.

During the autumn-winter maximum load of the power system, the energy supply organization introduces in the established order planned schedules of restrictions (in some cases, shutdowns) of the subscriber’s power. In this case, the contractual capacity reduced in accordance with the restrictions introduced during the given period should be subject to payment.

You should also know that the power involved in regulating the loads of the power system, when the subscriber, in agreement with the energy supply organization, transfers part or all of the load to the subscriber-regulator mode, is paid at a preferential tariff, which is established by the regional energy commission. Sometimes the energy supply contract provides for a fixed power value, paid at a preferential tariff.

As a result of such a brief review and analysis of contractual relationships between electricity consumers and energy supply organizations, we can conclude that rational payment for consumed electricity depends not only on its economical use and on knowledge and ability to use legislative, legal and by-laws, as well as on competent relationships with energy supply organizations, which is ultimately determined by the energy supply agreement.

Neglecting at least one of these factors leads to significant overpayments for consumed electricity.

For example, enterprises often do not exercise the right to reduce the paid capacity stipulated by the energy supply agreement and do not notify energy supply organizations about this in a timely manner. It is advisable to include such a clause in the energy supply contract, for example, on the condition that the reduction in paid power declared by the consumer will be taken into account when calculating the main payment if this reduction lasts, for example, at least 3 months.

If the consumer's load is limited during the hours of maximum load of the power system, then the contractual paid power of the consumer, for which the main payment of the two-rate tariff is charged, must be reduced to the established level for the entire period of limiting the consumer's power.

In some cases, overpayment for consumed electricity is formalized in an energy supply agreement and is partly due to the fault of the consumer, for example, when he exceeds the amount of electricity consumed agreed upon by the parties to the energy supply agreement.

For example, in the system of Mosenergo OJSC, such an excess is taken into account when determining the cost of consumed electricity by the coefficient To es> 1 for excess electricity consumed according to the following formula, rub.:

S e= (?E b T uh) + (?E with T uh to es),

Where WITH uh cost of electrical energy consumed by the subscriber in billing period, rub.;

E b – the amount of electrical energy consumed by the subscriber in the billing period within the contractual values, kWh;

E s – the amount of electrical energy consumed by the subscriber in the billing period in excess of the contractual values, kWh;

T uh– current tariff(s) for electric energy in the billing period;

k es -coefficient equal to 1.5 for exceeding the subscriber's electricity consumption agreed upon by the parties in the billing period. Many enterprises, paying the energy supply organization at a two-rate tariff and distributing part of the electricity through their transformers to other consumers (sub-subscribers) at a single-rate tariff, pay for the entire power without reducing it by the load of these sub-subscribers, which participates in the maximum load of the power system. In the absence of electricity meters that record the maximum load of subsubscribers (which they do not require, since they are not calculated for the connected power), their actual load should be determined on the basis of daily load schedules for characteristic periods of the year and recorded in the subscriber’s energy supply contract with the energy supply organization.

Many enterprises (organizations) take into account the consumed electricity on the low voltage side of the main subscriber transformers. In this case, overpayments occur not only due to the increased rate of the two-part tariff, but often also due to incorrect determination of electricity losses from the boundary of the electrical network to the installation site of the metering devices. Sometimes the value of such losses is set arbitrarily by the energy supply organization, for example, at the level of 5%. However, these losses must be determined by calculation by the energy supply organization together with the consumer and indicated in the energy supply contract. And yet, practice shows that even a correctly calculated value of these losses will be higher compared to its fixed value when switching electricity metering devices from the low to the high voltage side of the main subscriber transformers.

Losses of active and reactive electricity in the main subscriber transformers (in supply lines, these losses, as a rule, can be neglected due to the relatively small lengths of such lines) are determined by the following formulas.

Losses of active electricity in the transformer, kWh:

W a = ?P x T o + ? 2 ?R k Tp, (1)

where?P x – losses of active power XX in the transformer, kW;

R k – short-circuit active power losses in the transformer, kW;

T o annual number of hours the transformer is connected to the network;

Tp– number of hours of operation of the transformer under load;

?* – load factor of the transformer, equal to the ratio of the average load current I av to its rated current I nom, i.e.

I avg / I nom, (2)

* Coefficient V can be determined using another formula:

where is cos? – load power factor.

where S nom – rated power of the transformer, kVA;

W a and W p – respectively, the consumption of active, kWh, and reactive, kvar-h, electricity;

T – operating time of the transformer for the corresponding period, hours.

Active power losses AP T, kW, in the transformer are determined by the following formula:

P T = (?P x + k e?Q x) + B 2 (? R k + k e?Q j), (5)

Where To uh coefficient of change of losses in the transformer;

Q x – reactive power losses in the transformer at XX, kvar;

Q k – reactive power losses in the transformer during a short circuit, kvar.

The values ​​of ?P x , ?Q x , ?P k and ?Q k are tabulated (indicated in the passport data for transformers).

The annual electricity losses? W a , kWh, with a transformer constantly connected to the network (i.e. at T o = 8760 h) can be determined by the following formula:

where Smax is the recorded maximum load of the transformer,

Reactive energy losses? W p , kvar-h, in a transformer are determined by the following formula:

where kf is the load curve shape factor, usually taken equal to 0.8.

Reactive power losses AQ t, kvar, in a transformer are determined by the following formula:

If a consumer of electricity has n transformers of the same type installed, then in order to save electricity (and, accordingly, its losses), it is advisable to turn off one of the transformers, which is possible under the following condition:

Where k – economic equivalent of reactive power, approximately equal to:

0.12 – when fed through three stages of transformation;

0.08 – when fed through two stages of transformation;

0.05 – when feeding through one transformation stage;

0.02 – when powered from generator voltage buses.

Losses of active electricity AW a, kWh, can also be reduced by compensating for reactive power, based on the following formula:

W = kW a (tg ? 1 – tg ? 2), (10)

where is tg? 1 and tg? 2 – tangents of the angle av before and after PM compensation.

If disagreements arise between the consumer and the energy supplying organization on technical issues of the energy supply agreement, they can be considered by territorial (local) or regional bodies (departments) of Rostechnadzor up to Federal service on environmental, technological and nuclear supervision, which is done by choice (agreement) of both parties.

All of the above indicates that managers and specialists of energy services of enterprises (organizations) need to be trained not only in the norms and rules of work, but also in issues of improving relationships with energy supply organizations, and to include these issues in learning programs educational professional institutions, conduct thematic seminars and consultations on them.

Technical and economic problems in the electrical sector of enterprises (organizations) have closely merged with commercial (financial) relationships with energy supply organizations, and only their comprehensive solution will ensure the proper and stable functioning of the electrical sector, reliable, economical operation and safe maintenance of electrical installations.