The emergence of various professional deformations is. The concept of professional personality deformation. Reasons for the development of professional personality deformation

When we do not know how to do something properly, we have to turn to a specialist in this field. If we don’t know how to fix a car, we go to a mechanic; if we are helpless in drawing up contracts, we go straight to a lawyer. The same applies to filling out customs declarations - the manager or employees of the company do not always have necessary knowledge and experience to undertake this responsible business. In such cases, the customs declarant comes to the rescue.

Currently, the legislation does not have a detailed definition of the declarant. In the Customs Code of the Russian Federation it was described as follows: a declarant is a person moving goods, or a customs broker (intermediary), declaring, presenting and presenting goods and vehicles on his own behalf.

In the Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union, the definition is given in a simplified version: “declarant” is a person who declares goods or on whose behalf goods are declared.

In fact, any of us can become a declarant. Let's take, for example, Anna Vladimirovna, who is going to bring 4 liters of local rum from Cuba. Since no more than 3 liters of strong alcoholic beverages can be imported duty-free into the territory of the Russian Federation, she will have to declare the fourth bottle - and in this case she will turn into a real declarant.

But in our article we will talk about the declarant as a profession. This word means a specialist who interacts with customs authorities upon the arrival of the cargo. His main responsibilities are the declaration, presentation and presentation of goods to the company.

We asked declarant Konstantin about the specifics of his work.

My schedule is rotating - two to two. But not everyone is like this - it depends on the company's policy. In the morning I come to work, pour myself a cup of coffee, and check my email. Every day, clients send us invoices and scans of various documents.

During the working day I fill out electronic declarations. My responsibilities also include being present during customs inspection of my clients’ goods.

In order to properly fulfill his duties, the declarant must have a wide range of knowledge, understand customs legislation, and promptly learn about the emergence of new amendments and bills.

In addition to the legal part of the question, the declarant must have the most complete information about your product.

Of course, knowledge of legislation and monitoring changes in it is the most important part of our profession.

Main legislative act for me is the Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU TC), which during my work replaced the Customs Code of the Customs Union and the Customs Code Russian Federation.

No less important are the orders of the Federal Customs Service(FTS). We, the declarants, must master Incoterms, the basics of economics and labor legislation, understand the forms of primary documentation for cargo and commercial work and the commodity nomenclature of foreign trade activities.

Incoterms- international rules in dictionary format, providing unambiguous interpretations of the most widely used trade terms in the field foreign trade of a private nature, first of all, regarding free - the place of transfer of responsibility from the seller to the buyer.


The main responsibility of the declarant is divided into three main stages: preparatory, direct declaration, and final.

On initial stage The declarant collects various types of information. Before you start filling out the form, you need to select and assign codes to the products, study the documentation, and identify the missing ones.

I must collect as much information as possible about each product. Often you have to delve into complex technical documentation and communicate with certification authorities. I ask the clients themselves a lot of questions, sometimes tiring them.

I understand that they have little free time, they seem to have paid for my services and do not want to get into it.

But it is in their interests to help ensure that the cargo arrives at its destination faster. I ask them to answer as thoroughly and honestly as possible, so that customs officers do not have unnecessary questions. This is fine. The ones to be wary of are declarants who don’t ask questions.

At the main stage, the specialist collects all documents into a single set, checks the client’s customs payments, then fills out a declaration and sends it to the customs authority.

In progress customs clearance The customs inspector often receives requests of various types. It is in my interests to answer each question as quickly and completely as possible.

If the client has given full information before submitting the declaration to customs, then, as a rule, he will not be aware of additional questions from customs. If the client ignored my demands, I can only resolve customs requests with his help.

Ultimately, it becomes clear to every importer that it is okay to prepare information in advance.

The final stage consists of entering information into your company’s database, communicating with the client about the completed clearance and questions from customs, and analyzing the further strategy for working with similar cases.

There is one more responsibility - this is counseling. I constantly answer someone’s questions - clients, colleagues...

Sometimes even customs inspectors turn to me for help. This is a necessary part of my work - many clients do not know (and are not required to know) the intricacies of customs clearance.

It is very important to make this procedure understandable and transparent for importers - next time the process will go much faster.

Where do declarants come from?

The best option is if the applicant for the vacancy of a declarant has a higher or secondary specialized education in the field of customs. Almost every city has courses to train these specialists. Practice shows that this position is often occupied by people with an economic education.

I completed a customs clearance course, and on the day of receiving our certificates, some of us were offered employment in the company. That's how I became a declarant. Among my colleagues there are former customs officers and people with economic expertise.

So, as it turned out, the work of a customs declarant is quite multifaceted. Representatives of this profession must not only master customs law, but also have diplomatic communication skills. Moreover, the declarant must be attentive and responsible - any defect can lead to a delay in customs clearance, and, as a result, to losses for the client.

A person who is going to undergo customs clearance without the help of third parties must spend a lot of time and also be aware of the associated nuances. Therefore, we recommend using the services of customs declarants - the cost of their services will be repaid with your time and peace of mind.

Many companies source some of their products or materials for their manufacture from other countries. To do this, they definitely need to transport the cargo across the border. In this regard, such a profession as a declarant appeared. This is an employee who belongs to the category of specialists who are engaged in building relationships with customs control points in the process of transporting goods across the state border.

Its main functions are to declare the company's products, present them and present them to customs officials. The presence of such a specialist in the company allows it to save on transporting cargo through customs points control, which makes an employee of this profession very important for the company. In other words, the declarant is a valuable employee with high level wages, which has a great influence on the company's activities.

Where are you needed?

Specialists in this profession are in great demand in large companies whose activities are related to the foreign economy. This is due to the fact that companies engaged in the export and import of goods must, in any case, transport goods through customs.

Therefore, they need a competent employee who can carry out the declaration of goods to the benefit of the company. In some companies, these responsibilities can be performed by managers and logisticians. But if a lot of cargo passes through customs and there is enough work in this area, then an employee such as a declarant is an ideal solution for the company.

History of the profession

This profession appeared quite recently, just a couple of years ago. The thing is that the current level of the economy significantly affects the activities of different companies. It is very important for them to minimize costs as much as possible, including costs for customs control. Therefore, it is much more profitable for a company to hire an employee who will provide declarant services, including dispatch, transportation and customs clearance of cargo. This allows you to reduce costs compared to turning to intermediaries, customs brokers, who, in fact, perform the same type of work.

What should an employee do?

An employee holding this position is required to select and assign ETN codes for products according to a wide range of products, as well as work through the codes that were assigned earlier, completing them in a timely manner and registering them in SAP. In addition, the customs declarant must prepare a full package of documentation necessary for the full registration of goods at customs; he is responsible for processing declarations and transferring them to the relevant services.

The employee’s responsibilities include sending responses to customs requests, communicating with suppliers on confirming and agreeing on product codes. He also calculates payments and duties,, if necessary, corrects incorrectly specified data, and monitors changes in legislation and customs regulations, including in the preparation of documentation. In addition, some employers require the employee to perform additional functions, such as creating technical product lists and so on.

Requirements for the employee

When hiring an employee whose profession is a declarant, employers impose certain requirements on the applicant. Most often, he is required to have Russian citizenship, obtain a secondary technical or higher education in a legal direction or related to customs matters. Typically, employers require one to three years of work experience in customs clearance.

The employee is also required to know the rules for coding goods, customs legislation, at least its basics. The employee must be able to use a personal computer and know how to work in specialized programs such as Viola, Placeholder or Article. In addition, he must have documentation skills in in electronic format. Employers prefer applicants who are sociable and know one or more foreign languages.


This employee's services are paid based on the duties he is assigned to perform. On average, a customs declarant receives approximately 50 thousand rubles. It is worth noting that the salary of such employees in large companies can exceed 100 thousand rubles. In order for the declarant to perform his duties efficiently and wish to work for the benefit of the company, most often he is offered full social package. Many companies have developed a system of bonuses for rewarding employees for work well done.


A declarant is a company employee who deals with customs shipments of goods and has the right to get acquainted with management decisions if they directly relate to his activities. He can offer management methods and solutions that will help make his work more efficient, and can also report to his superiors about identified problems if they are within his competence.

The employee has the right to request any information and documents necessary for him to perform his duties. He also has the right to attract other employees of the company to assist in performing the functions assigned to him and to demand that his superiors provide assistance in performing the work.


The responsibility placed on the declarant is quite serious. In addition to the fact that he must perform his functions efficiently and in a timely manner, any mistake can lead to serious financial losses for the entire company. He may be held accountable for violating the current legislation of the country within the framework of the criminal, administrative and labor codes.

He is also held liable for causing damage to the company material damage. Since the employee is required to minimize the company’s costs for customs clearance, he must be well versed in all issues related to this, and be able to rationally distribute the organization’s forces and resources for the fastest and most legal customs control of transported products.


Despite the fact that the profession appeared quite recently, its popularity and demand is growing every year. Now many educational institutions and labor exchanges offer declarant courses, since there are very few employees of the required level, and more and more companies are interested in the opportunity to hire such a specialist.

The economic system of our country and customs control imply a large number of registrations, assignment of codes and checks. Therefore, reliable and talented specialists who are able to correctly fill out all the paperwork will significantly save time and money for large and medium-sized companies. In this regard, such employees are valued by management and are often rewarded with bonuses for completed transactions.

VTK-Trade – international transport company, providing wide range logistics and intermediary services. We organize reliable and profitable delivery of cargo from China to Russia, provide assistance in registration necessary documentation, certification, consolidation, storage and customs clearance of goods and other related services.

Cargo transportation from China and other countries of the Asia-Pacific region is carried out by any possible means of transport: air, sea, rail and road. Qualified specialists of the VTK-Trade company will select the optimal transportation route and the most suitable transportation options for you, calculate the full cost of imports from China, Japan, South Korea or other countries, will take on the hassle of customs clearance. Cargo is accepted at warehouses in Suifenhe, Guangzhou, and Beijing.

Thanks to many years of experience and successful cooperation with reputable foreign partners, we implement logistics tasks of any complexity. We organize express delivery if the client requires fast delivery of a consignment of goods. If the customer’s priority is the low cost of wholesale supplies from China, then we will select the most economical options. We work with a wide variety of types of goods: from oversized objects, such as machines or bulky equipment, to the smallest consignments that can be delivered to the recipient as part of groupage cargo.

The VTK-Trade company also provides its clients with a number of intermediary services. We will help you find reputable suppliers and arrange direct supplies of goods from China and other Asian countries. Our advantage is a good location in the center of transport routes on Far East, connecting border crossings The Trans-Siberian Railway with the state highway Vladivostok-Khabarovsk and all sea trade ports of Primorye. This allows us to organize the delivery of goods from China in the shortest possible time.

Our clients can take advantage of any cargo transportation services, as well as full logistics outsourcing from VTK-Trade. We will take care of the entire process of international delivery: from placing an order with the supplier, consolidation and storage of goods in our foreign warehouses, certification, insurance and declaration, route development, loading and transportation, right up to delivery and unloading directly to the client’s warehouse.

We work individually with each customer, implementing not only already proven logistics schemes, but also developing new ones - taking into account all the needs and wishes of the client. Our priorities: reliability and safety of cargo, economic expediency and delivery exactly on time.

If you have any questions, please contact us, our specialists are always open to communicate with partners and will provide you with full consultation on any details of interest!

During customs clearance, customs payments are collected based on the completed declaration. It is an official document that must be submitted in cases established by current legislation. To complete and submit it, you must have additional documents confirming the information contained in it. Declaration is a complex process that requires experience and special software. In this regard, it is better to entrust this task to professionals.

JSC Firm GTK-Service provides. We will help with organizational issues, we will do everything quickly and in full accordance with your interests.

What is a customs declaration

A customs declaration is an official document that provides information about goods transported across the border. Its presence allows you to obtain the legal status of imported or exported cargo, and to freely sell it in the territory of the country into which it was imported. The import form is filled in when goods arrive on the territory of Russia, and the export form is filled in when leaving the territory of the Russian Federation.

The responsibility for filling out the declaration falls on the declarant. He is an individual entrepreneur, individual or entity. This can also be done by a representative of a person acting on the basis of a previously signed agreement. For legal entities and individual entrepreneurs Declaration is carried out only in electronic form. To do this, you must have specialized software for document exchange with customs authorities, as well as an individual electronic digital signature.

Obtaining software is carried out on a paid basis and is possible only from accredited companies that provide these services. The process of obtaining an individual electronic digital signature is not always convenient. In this regard, the way out of the situation will be to contact the customs representative. He acts in the interests of the declarant and acts on the basis of an agreement for the provision of services. The broker has at his disposal not only many years of experience and full knowledge of the procedure for crossing the border of goods, but also software and his own electronic digital signature.

Prices for customs declarant services

Types of work (services) for which the cost “As agreed” is indicated, as well as the specific cost of all types of work (services) are determined in agreement with the customs representative and depend on the customs clearance procedure, type of delivery, place of registration, category of goods and frequency of deliveries. The cost of the work is fixed Additional agreement to the Customs Representative Agreement.

Type of work (services) Cost, including VAT
Registration of DT:
1.1.1. Registration of DT main sheet/product in DT From 200
1.1.2. Registration of the DT each additional sheet in the DT starting from the second From 600
1.1.3. Registration of the DT each additional sheet in the DT starting from the third From 600
1.1.4. Registration of DT for each additional product in DT From 200
1.2. Registration of DTS:
1.2.1. Registration of DTS main product in DTS From 200
1.2.2. Registration of DTS for each additional product in the DTS From 50
1.3. Registration of KDT:
1.3.1. Registration of KDT main sheet/product in KDT From 300
1.3.2. Registration of KDT for each additional product in KDT From 500
1.4.Registration of a transit declaration:
1.4.1. Registration of transit declaration (main goods) From 100
1.4.2. Registration of a transit declaration (each additional product) From 50
1.5. Registration of PSM, PTS From 500
1.6. Filling out shipping documents:
1.6.1.-1.6.4. Filling out shipping documents (TIR CARNET, CMR (TTN), invoice, air waybill) From 300
1.7. Registration upon application (TPO) From 500
1.8. selection of documents for sending to one functional department of customs From 500
1.9. Copying/photographing:
1.9.1.-1.9.2.Copying (1 sheet) Photographing (1 photo) From 10
2. Work (services) on customs transit procedures (including issuing a guarantee certificate) From 300
4.1. Works (services) for complex customs operations From 1650
4.2. Work (services) for carrying out customs operations related to the placement of goods under the customs procedure of release for domestic consumption, export (air):
4.2.1. air, customs value of goods up to $1000 From 11000
4.2.2. air: customs value of goods from $1000 to $10000 From 11000
4.2.3. air: customs value of goods from $10,000 to $50,000 From 16500
4.2.4. air: customs value of goods from $50,000 to $150,000 From 22000
4.2.5. air: customs value of goods from $150,000 From 0.3% of customs. cost of goods
4.3. Work (services) for carrying out customs operations related to the placement of goods under the customs procedure of release for domestic consumption, export (auto):
4.3.1. auto: from 1 to 4 Vehicle per month From 2000
auto: 5 -7 t/s (starting from the 5th t/s) From 2000
auto: 8-10 t/s (starting from the 8th t/s) From 2000
4.3.4. auto: 11-15 t/s (starting from the 11th t/s) From 2000
4.3.5. car: over 16 (starting from the 16th vehicle) From 2000
4.3.6. auto: second and subsequent declarations in one vehicle From 2000
4.3.7. second and subsequent vehicles in the declaration From 2000
4.4. Work (services) for carrying out customs operations related to the placement of goods under the customs procedure of release for domestic consumption, export (railway):
4.4.1. RAILWAY: carriage From 6000
4.4.2. RAILWAY: container From 5000
4.5. Work (services) for carrying out customs operations related to the placement of goods under the customs procedure of release for domestic consumption, export SEA: container From 5000
4.6. Works (services) for complex customs operations with goods determined by delivery points From 10000
4.7. Presentation of goods during customs clearance/inspection:
4.7.1. Presentation of goods during customs clearance/inspection of goods (per procedure) From 500-30000
4.7.2. Presentation of goods during customs clearance/inspection of goods (per hour) From 1650/hour
5.1. Customs operations related to the placement of goods under customs procedures other than release for domestic consumption and export By agreement
5.2. Consulting services:
5.2.1. Consulting services on foreign trade, customs law (per hour) From 1650/hour
5.2.2. Consulting services for obtaining a preliminary classification decision on a product From 3300
5.3. Registration of the Declarant with the customs authorities as a participant in foreign trade activities From 50
5.4. Preparation of a set of documents for the preliminary operations stage From 500
5.5. Coordination of customs operations procedures with functional customs departments From 5500
5.6. Work services when adjusting customs value:
5.6.1. Work (services) for the conditional release of goods with provision for payment of customs duties From 2000
5.6.2. Works (services) during the final adjustment of customs value without registration of security for customs payments From 1000
5.7. Operations to ensure sampling for examination From 4000
5.8. Filling out an application for air cargo booking From 220
5.9. Passing border control when exporting air cargo From 110
5.10. Organization of work to pass phytosanitary control From 1500
5.11. Organization of work on passing veterinary control From 2000
5.12. Product certification services From 500
5.13. Payment of customs duties:
5.13.1. Organization of payment of customs duties through the customs payment system (except for payment of security for customs duties) in the presence of advance payments by the Declarant From 0.6% of the payment amount
5.13.2. Organization of payment of customs duties through the customs payment system (except for payment of security for customs duties) in the absence of advance payments by the Declarant From 0.6% of the payment amount
5.14. Selection of the HS code for goods (for each code or for one invoice item) From 100
5.15. Confirmation of the actual export of goods from the Russian Federation outside the customs territory of the EAEU From 500
6. Other types of work (services): By agreement

Advantages of cooperation with a customs representative

Engaging specialists from JSC Firm GTK-Service to carry out customs declarations has many advantages:

  • no costs for purchasing a license to use the software;
  • eliminating errors in filling;
  • exclusion of additional costs arising from the delay of goods during customs clearance.

Participants foreign economic activity Those who are trying to independently export and import various products know firsthand about the difficulties that arise when filing a declaration. On the spot, it may turn out that all the documents that must be present are missing. In addition, a frequent problem is the incorrect determination of customs value. Penalties are recognized as the amounts of money established by this article that the payer customs duties, taxes must be paid in the event of non-payment or incomplete payment of customs duties and taxes within the time limits established by the customs legislation of the Customs Union and (or) the legislation of the Russian Federation on customs affairs.

Engaging a professional customs representative represented by JSC Firm GTK-Service will help avoid any difficulties. Our company’s competence includes a whole list of services that are necessary for any participant in foreign economic activity.

Responsibilities of the declarant

Customs declarant endowed with a large list of responsibilities, the failure of which is accompanied by many difficulties. First of all, he is responsible for knowing the customs legislation of the country in which registration is carried out. He is obliged to make timely advance payment of all payments such as excise taxes, fees, duties and taxes. They are transferred in the currency of the country in which the registration is carried out. Before submitting the declaration, the declarant is obliged to check its completeness and correctness, as well as the completeness of the transported goods. The characteristics of the cargo must correspond to the data. Not every cargo owner will be able to independently monitor organizational issues, so the help of a customs representative will be more than appropriate. If you entrust customs clearance to our company, you will receive professional approach and strict adherence to your interests. We will do everything quickly, correctly and prepare a report on the work done. You will receive all customs documents in any convenient way.

Our representative will be able to attend the inspection of the cargo and provide other organizational issues.

To find out more about the terms of customs clearance, as well as the cost, contact our manager. The price is calculated individually depending on the complexity of registration of each specific group of goods, the volume and urgency of the work. In any case, we offer competitive rates for impeccable work, so when you contact us, you can count on best service at affordable prices!

Declarant - the person who declares the goods or on whose behalf the goods are declared. Source: Art. 11 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Who can be a declarant?

In accordance with the customs legislation of the Russian Federation, only a Russian person can be a declarant, as well as the following persons moving goods across the customs border of the Russian Federation:

Individuals moving goods for personal, family, household or other needs not related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activity;
. Foreign persons enjoying customs benefits in accordance with Chapter. 25 Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
. Foreign organizations with representative offices registered on the territory of the Russian Federation in the prescribed manner, when declaring customs regimes for temporary import, re-export, transit, as well as customs regimes for the release for domestic consumption of goods imported for the own needs of such representative offices;
. Foreign carriers when declaring customs transit regime
. Other cases when a foreign person has the right to dispose of goods in the customs territory of the Russian Federation not within the framework of a foreign economic transaction in which a Russian person is one of the parties.

The obligation to carry out customs operations for the release of goods, unless otherwise established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is borne by the following persons, depending on the conclusion of a foreign economic transaction:

A Russian person who has entered into a foreign economic transaction or on whose behalf or on behalf of whom this transaction was concluded;
. If the movement of goods across the customs border is carried out without concluding a foreign economic transaction by a Russian person:
- a person who has the right of ownership and (or) the right to use goods in the customs territory of the Russian Federation
- other persons acting as sufficient in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation and (or) with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation to perform legally significant actions on their own behalf with goods under customs control.

Rights and obligations of the declarant.

In accordance with Art. 127 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, when declaring goods and performing other customs operations necessary for the release of goods, the declarant has the right:

Inspect and measure goods subject to declaration, including before submitting a customs declaration.
. With permission customs authority take samples and specimens of goods imported into the territory of the Russian Federation subject to declaration.
. Get acquainted with the results of studies of samples and samples of goods available at the customs authorities.
. Provide documents and information necessary for declaring goods in the form electronic documents in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
. Use other powers and rights provided for in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Also in accordance with Art. 127 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, when declaring goods and performing other customs operations, the declarant is obliged to:

Submit a customs declaration and submit it to the customs authority Required documents and information;
. At the request of the customs authority, present the declared goods;
. Pay customs duties or ensure their payment in accordance with section III Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The difference between a declarant and a customs broker.

In accordance with Art. 139 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a customs broker (representative) carries out customs operations on behalf of the declarant or other interested parties on their behalf. A customs broker can only be a Russian legal entity that has a valid Certificate of Inclusion in the Register of Customs Brokers (Representatives).